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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/19: CIA-RDP91 B00776R000500100011-4 .._ ., - DATC: 1 Dec 80 REPLY TO ATTN OF: C-0659/JSW. SUH~ECT: Warning Working Group Discussion on the SWS Role in Warning Thru: TO: J S 1. ~ At the 19 Sep 80 meeting the Warning Working Group discussed at some length the appropriate role of the SWS in warning. Specific recommendations as to the SWS role were not adopted. It was decided that a sub-,rorking group under the chairmanship of the A/NIO-W would be -- convened to further define the matter. synthesis of tnii-itary, pofitt'I"cal and econa c intel~gence and i.ts relati shi~S to strategic warning; conduct resear ~ and strategic warning; 2. ~To prepare for this eventuality, this office has studied both. the func tonal and organizational aspects of the SWS. a. Functionally there appears to be a choice between four tasks upon ~t,~i the SWS could f~-.-= fitre~e tasks are; to serve as the b. ~ Organizationally the choices as to the most appropriate o r beneficial applications of their talents point to either the continuance of their present semiautonomous mode or a more structured approach under the NIO/W. op~rocedures ~xad provide a substa _ a po nt for the national warning s~ste First the functions: a. ro Serve as the Community "Conscience" with Regard to Strategy Warnin ~ this role the primary mission of the SWS would be to develop for the NIO/W alternate hypotheses on the course of major developments. This could mean speculation and carrying analysis further than available evidence can fully sustain. It could mean aggressive skepticism in the face of too comfortable and acceptance of conventional wisdom. This approach may be necessitated because important developments or larger implications of developments can be overlooked or not given adequate consideration in various publications--analytic presentation in those publications where there is no attention given to reasonable, but less likely, alternative short-term events. (1) (a) Less p (b) Decisi (c) Closer 25X1 25X1 25X1 LJ/~ I 25X1 25X1 opular or dissenting views surface to decisionmaf:e;?s 25X1 onmakers get a complete picture coordination between analytic elements nds Regularly orl tl~~yroil Savirlgs Plan OPTIUNALF:~R:~1 No 1:~ fREV. :-JG GSA F"F'M F?'!`. _FF7: P'. `t.f-~ solo-llz Advantages: m~emoro~nc~_~~~ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/19.: CIA-RDP91 B00776R000500100011-4 .~ i _~ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/19: CIA-RDP91 B00776R000500100011-4 !! ~ ~, ~ 1 '~ ^ , (d) ~ A more structured and thought-out minority view 25X1 (2 ) ~ Di sadvantages : 25X1 (a) Possible confusion engendered among decisionmakers 25X1 (b) Could significantly detract from the majority view (c) Will slow down the intelligence production process a 25X1 a time when it can east afford it. b. (Provide Synthesis of Military, Political and Economic Intelligence and Its Relationship to Strategic Warning. There are two kinds of strategic warning: Recognition of developing situations that might lead to strategic confrontations (generally Lang term predictions ), and analysis of indications within such,a situation that help to.:measure an opponent's intentions and capabilities (considerably shorter term). (1)~ Advantages : 25X1 (a) certainly be a particular. ~ Long term analysis by a staff such as SWS would most benefit to the Community as a whole and the I&W segment in 25X1 (b This type of analysis would provide a forum/structure 25X1 for a truly to ge warning estimate to be formulated. (2) ~ Disadvantages: 25X1 (a) The SWS is not structured to deal with short term warning 25X1 problems and it ven questionable whether they have the expertise to addres s long term political and economic warning problems. (b) n As with recent attempts without proper guidance and in- 25X1 depth analytic e~'fort, the SWS may create more rather than less work and confusion. c.~duct Research on Strategic Warning. Under this mssion it is envisioned that the SWS would become a warning think tank which would only work on substantive issues but also do futuristic work. (1)u Advantages (a) Provide the intellectual viewpoint of warning (b) Provide intelligence on a problem prior to it becoming a crisis. (c) Provide an element within the Intelligence Community which would have time to o indepth warning analysis. .s Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/19: CIA-RDP91 B00776R000500100011-4 SWS impact on immediate problems would be diminished With the current analytic overload, the expenditure.of highly skilled ana cysts or altrustic problems is questignable. d. ~ Develop Procedures and Provide a Substantive Focal Point for the 25X1 National Warning System. In this role it is envision uld devote a portion of their effort in the development of the architecture o the US national I&W System. At the same time they would the subst ve focal point of the Intelligence Community for warning. (1) (Advantages: (a) ~By developing procedures the SWS would be taking the first step towar ormalizing a national I&W System. (b)~ Their being the substantive focal point for warning would certainly expedite the flow of critical intelligence judgments to the key decisionmakers. (c) nth this dual role they could provide a central guidance 25X1 mechanism for t e nu merous national level I&W products and systems. (2~isadvantages: 25X1 (a) There would have to be a redefinition of the SWS role so 25X1 as to devote would defini time to the procedural aspects of their new mission. This tely detract from their substantive inputs. present SWS for the staf (b) ~ There is a lack of I&W procedural experience on the staf nd before it could be fully effective a training program f would have to be implemented. 25X1 e. ~ Conclusion. Of the four functions outlined above, the fourth would 25X1 be the most beneficial to the entire Community. Under this function the SWS would co of their exp ntribute both procedurally and substantively, thus taking advantage ertise. 4.~ With regards to the location and chain of command, it appears beneficia125X1 to relocate them back to CIA headquarters and under the direct supervision of the NIO/W. In this position they could act as the coordinating element for the national level system. Their present semiautonomous mode appears at best confusing and detracts from their credibility. Also on the surface there seems to be very little coordination between them, DIA, and the Services. If there remains a concern to this latter point then one member of SWS can be left behind at DIA so as to coordinate directly with the DoD I&W System. Space would be provided in JSW. - . ~ , . _. V ii/i Yr,~~ac.~`I G ~~ i.s (2) Disadvantages: (a) (b) James J. O'Brien Lieutenant Colonel, USA Deputy Assistant Director for I&4J Enhancement 3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/19: CIA-RDP91 B00776R000500100011-4