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A1 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP91B00046R000200240004-0 vs? IJL.1,0111? I DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY WASHINGTON. D.C. l' TSCW- 5/DP-3 MINOR NOUM roR THE DIRECTOR FOR PLANS AND POLICY, IC STAFF ATTENTION! Mr. Krueger SUBJECT: Draft OCI's Annual Report to the Congress (U) Reference: D/ICS Memorandum, 13 February 1986, subject as above. 1. (J) The DCI's Annual Report to the Congress for 1985 has been reviewed by DIA and the Military Services. Substantive comments are forwarded as an attachment to this memorandum. 2. 40 Th' difficulty in drafting a report that has to address the many elewents of the Intelligence Community is recognized. This is particularly true in compiling information on Defense intelligence, which is broad and diverse. DIA is he prepared to work with you prior to the next report in developing the Dcfense intelligence perspective throughout the document to overcome this problem. 3. (C) The inclusion of the Support to Military Operations section in the terms of reference for this year's report was well received. Attention to this point gives dimension to the importance of the National intelligence structure to the Defense Department. It is hoped this section will be retained in future documents. 4. (U) Comments or questions on the enclosure rhould be directed to Ns. FOR THE DIRECTOR: 1 Encirure Coen s. (TSCW) I cy w ? UPON PHYSICAL REMOVAL OF CODEWORD CAVEATS AND ENCLOSURE THIS DOCUMENT BECONO-CONFIDENTIAL ga er nera USA Deputy Director for Opertions, Plans and Training CLASSIFIED BY: MULTIPLE SOUR:ES _DECLASSIFY ON: OADR 25X1 25X1 WORMS RPM HANDLE VIA TALENT-KEYHOLE-CO[41NT 000STINN. IMMO tiewelLY neclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18 CIA-RDP91B00046R000200240004-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP91B00046R000200240004-0 COMMENTS TO DRAFT OF OCI'S ANNUAL REPORT TO THE CONGRESS Page S. line 3. Recommend the following words be added following 'Marxist- Leninis1": "....and other clients...." Rationale: Accuracy. Not all clients supported in the Third World are Martxist-Leninist. Page 5, lines 13-15. Recommend the following be added after "SS-N-23 missile" in line 13: "....and will soon begin testing of an improved version of the SS-N-20,SLBM. These programs, combined with the strategic cruise missile programS (SS-NX-21 and SS-NX-24), will eventually result in a significantly improved submarine-based strategic strike force. These weapons developments are of even greater importance now that the Soviets have achieved a major technolggy breakthrough in submarine quieting. The new AKULA class SSN has achieved noise reduction levels equivalent to US submarine standards about eight years Sooner than we expected." 1 Rationale: Adds recent significant developments. 1 Page 7,1inrs 7-11. Recommend the following be substituted for last sentence. "Durinl'the mrInths prior to the US-USSR Summit in November. Moscow made considerable eff9rt to cultivate European support for its arms control policies, particularly its attempt to undermine the S01. MoScow took several steps to improve its image, including attempts to forge links with the West Europeans based on geography, by reviving detente, and through ambitious diplomatic campaign. ; Raiionale: Recommendation provides more current thinking. Information prOvided in draft text on INF was relevant for 1984. Other efforts by 1 th Soviets, especially with regard to SDI, would be more appropriate for 19 5. Page 7.,lines 22-23. Recommend the following words be substituted following "become! in line 22: "....less anti-US in his rhetoric and actions." Rationale: DIA feels this more accurately reflects the position of Papandreou vis-a-vis the US. Page 9, line 17. Recommend the words "enriched uranium fueled" be inserted before inuclear explosive de/ice." Rationale: Clarity. -nOt:be available for some time. However, the needed plutonium will 25X1 TOP, SECRET VialcY" r'l.PERS v 1.41-ENT4Thfct r-comi?:? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP91B00046R000200240004-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18 : CIA-RDP91B00046R000200240004-0 Also recbmmend last sentence be changed to read: "Moreover...India will have to respond. This introduces the prospect of a nuclear arms race in South Asia." Rationale: Accuracy. India has already produced and tested a nuclear device. Page 10, Global Issues section. Recommend that within this section there be some discussion of Communist insurgencies. Patonale: The document fails to discuss the problems associated with Comfunist insurgencies in general and more specifically in Central AmeOca. Page 11,!llnes 16-18. Recommend this information be deleted. P4t1onale: lhe infnrmation was first acquired on 17 Mar 84 and not in 1985. Page 13. lines 6-7. Recommend this sentence be moved to page 14, after paragraph two, to begin a separate paragraph with the following: "Support to military planning and operations is also a principal source of requirei;,ents. Real-time support for such incidents as the Achille Lauro is required to protect US personnel and facilities, deflect potential incidents, plan counter operations, and make informed decisions on commitments of US forces. Rationale: The issues stated on page 13, paragraph one are more fully discussed in subsequent paragraphs with the exception of the last statement on support to military planning and operations. The additional wnrds provide a more complete thought. Page 19,:line 4. Add the following after words "....interest to the US.": "Submarine and airborne reconnaissance programs have contributed significant information on advances in Soviet submarine technology, particularly the rapid advance in quieting achieved by the new AKULA class SSW.' nItIonale: 25X1 Page 21,,line 2. following "....detection.:" recommend the addition of the words: 'In addition to these efforts in ASW ? 25X1 Rationale: Need to focus on importance of submarine quieting to Soviet ASW, Page 23, line 17. Recotaend the following words be added after "Communist": ....as well as non-Communist...." Rat onale: Completeness. 2 TOP SECRET tifiA:lqsdiesu ii froN "1(4 - ? : v ihmaj Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP91B00046R000200240004-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18 : CIA-RDP91B00046R000200240004-0 I VI QL.V1?1...1 ? Page 27i lines 9-11. Recommend that sentence two read as follows: 'The demand for analysis on the Philippines was such that an ioteragency consultative group was formed to coordinate collection priorities and production goals. In addition, DIA and CIA created separate Philippine task forces to follow the subject." 1 Rationale: Accuracy. The group formed was the Philippine Consultative Group (PCG). Page 27, line 19. Recommend the following words be added after "published": "...based on timely Embassy and US Defense Attache reporting." Rationale: the US?Eibassyk 1 Page 34 lines 11-12. Recommend the following words be added after "terrorism analysi% and production:": "....develop counter-terrorism options and support material; carried out antiterrorism...." Rationale: Completeness. 1 Page 36, lines 20-22. Recommend the following words be substituted: "In 1985, the Intelligence Community delivered almost 50 briefings to foreign officials, briefed a number of foreign companies and thousands of US Government contractors and personnel, and provided....' Italonale: Completeness. Page 40: last line. The Command discussed should be US Central Command vice US European Command. Rationale: Correction. Page 42, line 2. Recommend the following be substituted for third sentence: "TACRLP reports provide the military commander with the intelligence facts derived from FLINT data and assist the inmmander in processing and effectively using vat amounts of intercept." Rationale: Clarity. Present wording is misleading and could lead to the conclusion that only the sites mentioned provide timely SIGINT reporting. Page 42, line 11. Recommend the following words be substituted for "analytic support":: "....data bases to support analysis at....": also recommend that "buildin" in line 14 be replaced with "developing." Rationale: Accuracy. Page 46, line 3. The wall-d "counterintelligence" should be replaced with "counterterrorism". Rat onale: Correction. 3 TOP SECRET 14r4rIlfrritAt ruse f4:1r:) .6 fw,:yi;i4;?,.......; a ? 6.. : narinccifipri in Part - Sanitized Com/ Approved for Release 2013/03/18 : CIA-RDP91B00046R000200240004-0 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP91B00046R000200240004-0 Page 47. ....S1 line 19. Recommend that 'and analysts" be added following the words NT collectors and processors." Rlionale: Completeness. Page 47; lines 21-22. Recommend the words "images or' be added following "....numiber of". and that "signals" be deleted in line 22 before the words "...intelligence value....'. # 1 Rationale: Imagery should be included in this paragraph. Page 49 line 6. Recommend that "processing" be added between 'collection' and "an lysis". Ra ionale: Completeness. 1 Page SO* after line 22. Recommend the following be added: "Thus the intelligence problem concerning land-based strategic systems will become nearly is hard as it has been for the submarine problem during the past quarter century." Rationale: Emphasizes the severity of 25X1 by comparing it to the still tougher SL6N problem. 25X1 Page 50, last line. Recommend the following two sentences be added after "strategic systems.": Although a small force now, its anticipated growth will add to an already difficult intellipence problem." Ra th 9 ionale: The activities of the Chinese are also worthy of mention in s regard. 4 TOP. SECRET I/MM*1 maim.. vikaj .1144,.% Declassified in in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP91B00046R000200240004-0 25X1