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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020008-5 STAT STAT STAT STAT STAT STAT STAT STAT STAT Iq Next 1 Page(s) In Document Denied STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020008-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020008-5 INCOME TAXU question of faQ Foster v. U. S., D.C.Ny, . 1963 221 F , .Supp. 291, affirmed 329 F.2d 717. United Stara Air Force Europe Child ctrl. dance Center m Germany was United State-, agency for purposes of subsec. (a)(2) of tW se ti d c on un o aye law and on record showing Center w a s esablished and operated u n _.._- control, solely b effectuate Air Force Forcetronnec:ed. so that amounts paid to tr payers in 19&9 as employees of Center w en, not excludable from taxable income; sore were amounts e . udable under taxpayers' a,. ternative ?ossencions (1) that Center wat since Center was in fact true payer, ar that Center was a.. c TV-:.-, C--. propriated fund activity, since even if Cent were not at unappropriated fund activit j ' Ji .vhich Tax Court A_ i term n lo. Question at law For purposes of this section pennittin4 .,mounts earned from sources outside vhether taxpayer successfully maintaiaerd a dispute. Caraeater v. U. S. CA.T1 01. Findings of strict court In action fir recovery of taxes, r than in Caiforxia, thus precluding luring those .ears from taxable -scoot rasis that that income was community 'rty income, was sot clearly errooeom. U. S., C.A_CaL 1973, 484 F.2d 9S. 2. Findings of Tam Court -. Tax Court's Scx findings in a can 3rned incomes from sources without 35 F.2d 231, certiorari denied 35 S.4 CH. 1 INCOME FROM OUTSIDE U. S. I NC 912 93, Scope of review In determining whether salary paid to American citizen was exempt from income to because salary was a payment for services rendered without the L-suted States, court of appeals could not make a finding as to where compensation was reaer ed even if it was ap- parent from general finozugs that salary was received in the United Sates from an Ameri- pa firm resident in New York. C. 1. R V. Fislte's Estate, CCA-1942, 128 F.2d 487, certiorari denied 63 SCt. 63, 317 U.S. 635, 87 I.Ed. 512. 94. Issues renewable Conclusion of Tax C,-ntrt as to whether party was bona fide rtsidctt of foreign coun- try for taxable year wir~-;n this section ex- empting from gross ia-o?e amounts received by such residents from scmrces without Unit- ed States is conclusion of law or at least mix- ed question of law ace: fan., and is subject to judicial review by tour; of appeals which may substitute its judgment fen that of Tax Court. Sochurek v. C. I. R-, C_4_7, 1962, 300 F.2d 34. Question whether taxpayers were bona fide too sresidents of the United States for more than six months durira the taxable year, so that their income from sources outside the N United States siwnld be exempt from tezarl n under this se==c r_ a question of lav rid the court of av,rals was not required r fol- low the decisr of the Tax Court. C . R v. Swent, C.C_&4. 1946, 155 F.2d 513. - - orari denied f- SCt. 491, 329 U.S. 8:. -1 L.Ed. 685. The conclusa of Board of Tax A-tcL's [now Tax Coat: under undisputed fans sat taxpayer was a boon fide nonresident if he United States rid that amount paid hr as compensation was exempt from inconr . was not a "fm of fact", and hen= was reviewable, sm- when ultimate findint s a conclusion of av. or at least a determirar, of a mixed o:r_s~n of law and fact. a finding is sub= z, judicial review. C.. L v. Fiske's Estrr . CC.A.1942, 128 F.2c 44'. certiorari dentin t_ S.Ct. 63, 317 U.S. 6 _ t- L.Ed. 512. 95. Reversal Where corr. of appeals thought :3.2 Court's decisir . Crary to that of the :.- missioner, lac- warrant in the record s was without remc=ahle basis in the law. of appeals was impelled to reverse the ze sion. C. I. R R. Swent, C.C.A.4, 1946 :f F.2d 513, cern-rz denied 67 S.Ct. 491 :Z- U.S. 801, 91 LT` 685. 1912. Exemption for certain allowances The following items shall not be included in ross i g ncome, and shat x aempt from taxation under this subtitle: (1) Foreign areas allowances.-In the case civilian officers zc employees of the Government of the United Sty amounts receive: allowances or otherwise (but not amounts rece:. as post different: under- (A) chapter 9 of title I of the Foreign Se .ice Act of 1980. (B) section 4 of the Central Intelligence -A_-ncy Act of 194 amended (SC U.S.C., sec. 403e), (C) title U of the Overseas Differentials a : Allowances Act. _- (D) subsection (e) or (f) of the first sect-- cT the Administra_ ?e Expenses Ac of 1946, as amended, or sec 22 of such Act. (2) Cost-of- . tmag allowances -In th - e case o . - Wan officers or e.-- ployees of the Government of the United Stag r ti d a one outside _e continental United 'States (other than Alaska's :amounts (other th- - .amounts receiv d e under title II of the Overseas Differentials and t_- baances Act) i rece ved as cost-of-living allowars in accordance w:` regulations appro% eel by the President. s=?~ (3) Peace Corps allowances.-In the case of _- individual who L, a -as' blunteec or v l o unteer leader within the meany= of the Peace Co---, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020008-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020008-5 6: Act and members of his family, amounts received as all--winces unde, section 5 or 6 of the Peace Corps Act other than amounts r-.zeived as- (A) termination payments under section 5(c) or scion 6(1) c such Act, (B) leave allowances, (C) if such individual is a volunteer leader trainii the Unit ed States, allowances to members of his family, an: (D) such portion of living allowances as the Presdent may de- termine under the Peace Corps Act as constituting bask compen- sation. (Aug. 16, 1954, c. 736, 68A Sty 290; Sept. 6, 1960, Pub.L. 86-70-_ T'=3e V, ? 52. (a), 74 Stat- 802; Sept. 22, 1961. Pub.L. 87-293, Title II, ? 201(k-. '= Stat. 6255. Oct. 17, 1980, Pub.L. 96-465. Title lI, ? 2206(eX3), 94 Stat. 2163. 1939 Internal Revenue Code. Smi1ar pro. visions to this section were contaaed in sec- tion 116(1), (k) of the 1939 Interest: Revenue Code. Derivadoa and Similar Prom see Historical Note under section 115 of this title. Refereaees in Text. The Form m Service Act of 1980. referred to in par. (I)KA), is Pub. L. 96-465, Oct. 17, 1980, 94 Seat 2071. Chapter 9 of title I of the Foreign Service Act of 1980 is classified generally to subchapter IX (sectian 4081 et seq.) of chapter 52 of Ti- tle 22, Foreign Relations and Iuer-..ourse. For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see Short Title note set out ender sec- tion 3901 of Title 22 and Tables .flume. Section 4 of the Central Intelligrtce Agen- cy Act of 1949, as amended (50 US.C-, sec. 403e), referred to in par. (1)(B), is ifi to section 40-;e of Title 50, War are National Defense. Title 11 of the Overseas Differentials and Allowance Act, referred to in puts (1)(C) and (2), was title II of Pub.L. 86-'"-. Sept. 6, 1960, 74 Star. 792, which was re ealed and reenacted as sections 5922 to 5925 of Title 5, Government Organization and Em:ioy-ees, by Pub.L. tit-554, Sept. 6, 1966, 80 Sat 378. Sectiors 1(e) and (I) and 22 of tie Admin- istrative Expenses Act of 1946, refired to in par. (1XD). were repealed and the previsions thereof reenacted as sections 572617n, 5727(b) to (e), and 5913 of Title 5, Governx ent Orga- nization and Employees, by Pub.L 89-554, Sept. 6, 1966, 80 Stat. 378. The Peace Corps Act, referred :o in par. (3), is Pub.L 87-293, Sept. 22, 19f:. 75 Stat. 612, which is classified principally c chapter 34 (section 2501 et seq.) of Title 2_, Foreign Relations and Intercourse. Sens 5 and f of that Act are classified to a 2504 ate 2505 of Title 22. For coke dassificatiot of this Act to the Code, am a Title note set out under section 2501 oTxie 22 and Ta- bles volume. 1980 Amendment Par CA). Pub.L 96-465 substituted referees:. z chapter 9 of title I of the Foreign Serve= A-- of 1980 fee reference to title IX of the F -6gn Service Act of 1946. 1961 Amendment. Pa- 3). Pub.L 87-293 added par. (3). 1960 Amendment. Pub-L 3n-'07 exempt. ed foreign areas allowance raved undo section 4 of the Central 1n=Ti-ere Agency Act of 1949. title II of the Cvc==s Diferta tials and Allowances Act, stnse-.on (e) or (f+ of the first section of the Ar>mmztrative Es- penses Act of 1946, or secum = of such Act provided that amounts re=-ec is post differ. entials shall not be exempt me in the prove sions relating to costof-leveret ak-winces ei. cluded Alaska from the rm -continenza United States" and amours rived undo title II of the Overseas Dif als and A]- lowances Act. Effective Date of 1910 Asesdaen . Amendment by Pub.L 96-b! eve I& 15, 1981, except as othervese ?rovided. = section 2403 of Pub.L 96-$1 an out as an Effective Date note under wcnm 3901 of T. tle 22, Foreign Relations act: I=--rooursn. Effective Date of 1961 tivemdaest Sav tion 201(d) of Pub.L 87-2 P--vided tent "The amendments node tv atote+cbetea 60 and (b) of this section [to tha se:,oa and w-- tion 1303 of this title] shall roil with ess,tai Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020008-5 INCO.%? TAXES of his may, amounts received as alloa-anoes under e Peat~ Corps Act other than amounts received as- tion pr gents under section 5(c) or section 6(l) of Iowans ndividia_ is a volunteer leader training in the Unit. rvancef tc m b f em ers o his family, and rtion cf loving allowances as the President may da' the Plc Cor s A t p c as constituting basic compen. k Stat Sept. 6, 1960, Pub.L. 86-707, rnie v, ? 523 2, 1%1. P.L. 87-293, Title II, ? 201(a), 75 Scat 625; 465, Tize 12, ? 2206(eX3), 94 Stat. 2163.) R1 orical Note e. Similar ;co- 'ntained a =c- ternal 1-veawe ovlslora See I S of the tc1e. =oreign 3cvsae (IXA), a Pitb. 44 Stat. X i. ign Serve Act to subs apter 5-- of Ti- d Interzurzr. his Ac; n zne out una= se-_- 'es vofune_ ?Iligenee a-tn- -0 U.S.C:. S C _ _ 1). is clmsfeel ? and Nmcn ttl :Terentias nut -t pars. : r C 1 r707, S_c repeale: am 925 of The `-. Employ= -6t? 80 Stat "8. of the Ana- referrer a a the provers -26(b), 5- rnment ergs-- ub. L. 8;-5ct,_ ed to tr mr. 1961, 7! ._1 .lly to shiers e 22, Fmk Relations and Intercourse. Sec6m= 5 and 6 of that Act are cl ifi ass ed to sections 2504 11ad 2505 of Title 27 For (I -- n?+t ropy 96-465 substituted reference to meter 9 d title I of the Fo i .- ~__ re Act .? 1146. 1%1 Amendment. Par. (3), 87-293 added par. (3). 1960 Amendment. Pub.L. 86-7t)7 ed foreign areas allowances recejed' Act of 1949, title 11 of the thu tials d All c an owances Act, subsection (e) eM _ . . . . W, of the first secti f on o th provided that amounts received as post eluded Alaska from the term -continemw title 11 or the Overseas Differehtiah and A ; lowa A nces ct. Effective Date of 1980 Amendment by Pub.L. 96-465 15, 1981, except as otherwise pepritfitd section 2401 . - f a.t, r 96 65 o tnective Date note under section 39M 41f tie 22, Foreign Relations and Inaeroo, Effective Date of 1%1 Amemim= "The amendments made by s b Lion 1303 of this title] shall apply .till to taxable years ending after J` OC6.4, Te -? %-- a. A- t. mooneyhan, C.A. Tx.1968, 404 F.2c r'. certiorari denied 89 S.Ct. 1593, 394 U .S : _t_ 1, 22 L.Ed.2d 778. 2. Cost-of-living alowt aces In action by ta.--a,=7 to recover income taxes alleged to have Seen erroneously and il- legally assessed ant: silo cted, evidence failed to establish that tE-_a wcr s basic compensa- tion as a civilian eacicwee of the Hawaii Air National Guard wat 5.xe:d by statute, or that be received cost-of-i?,mg allowances in accor- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020008-5 I INCOME FROM OUTSIDE U. S. 26 ? 912 io::ion 3401 of this title) shall apply aiti -e- to remuneration paid after the date of enactment of this Act [Sept. 22. lot --. - Section 201(d) of Pub.L. 87-293 repel rc Pub.L. 89-572, ? 5(a), Sept. 13, 19ti, to S . 765. Such repeal not deemed to of memdments contained in such provisions w- wz1on 5(b) of Pub.L. 89-572, set out is a sz under former section 2515 of Title Fertigrt Relations and Intercourse. Effective Date of 1960 Amendment Ser- a= 523(b) of Pub.L. 86-707 provided ma- ?%mgraphs (1) and (2) of section 912 Y rc b--nal Revenue Code of 1954, as amen: lw rtbsection (a) of this section [pars.(1,1 a` this section], shall apply only witi > to amounts received on or after the of ::he enactment of this Act [Sept. 6, 19ni txaSle years ending on or after such date- Repeals; Amendments and Applicatiot. of Amendments Unaffected. Section 201(= s P t.L 87-293 was repealed by Pu:.L. 1c572, ? 5(a), Sept. 13, 1966, 80 Stat_ Soc-L repeal not deemed to affect amendmens to this section contained in such prosistnns. eve continuation in full force and effect ur : modified by appropriate authority of al :L- . tionas, authorization. regulations. :r- des contracts, agreements, and other actt.-za owed undertaken, or entered into under a:- tttxny of the repealed provisions, see ser:cr 3(L, of Pub.L. 89-572, set out as a note una= farmer section 2515 of Title 22, Foreign Rca- atam and Intercourse. Note 2 Delegation of Faoeions. Function of de- termining the pe=a: of living allowances constituting bast ?-impensation for Peace Corps voluntary n volunteer leaders under par. (3) delegated zv President to Director of Peace Corps to be oe^formed in consultation with the Secretari z me Treasury, see section 1-104 of Ex.Ord-Nc. 12137, May 16, 1979, 44 F.R. 29023, se_ our under section 2501 of Title 22, Foreign L=oons and Intercourse. Delegation of Amity. Authority of the President under pir =1 delegated to the Sec- retary of Defense r->? respect to the military departments, and a secretary of the Trea- sury with respect r ::6e Coast Guard, con- cerning civilian emricu es of nonappropriated fund instrumentals of the armed forces, see section 201 of Ea.CrcNo.11137, Jan. 7, 1964, set out under serer `c21 of Title 5, Govern. ment Organizatior an? Employees. Legislative Hiss.. For a comprehensive analysis of this seen as contained in House Report No. 1337. Smi=te Report No. 1622, and Conference Racer No. 2543, which ac- companied the Ibrcnal Revenue Code of 1954, see pp. 439`_ X163, of the 1954 U.S. Code Cong. and Ai mews. See, also, Pub. L. 86-707, 1960 I.:. Code Cong. and Adm. News, p. 3338; I-L.. 87-293, 1961 U.S. Code Cong. and Aeni. ;ews, p. 2842; Pub.L. 96-465, 1980 C: t cte Cong. and Adm. News, p. 4419. Cross References Amounts paid employees of American Inrr-r of Taiwan not treat= as earned income under this section, see section 3310 of Tre -- . Foreign Relations me intercourse. Aadority of Secretary to require informa:cr on returns concerninr 11:cw-ances under this sec- tion, see section 6011 of this title Libra : References laaee-..al Revenue X3055, 4108 et seq .JS Internal Revenue ?? 432, 433. 4?t ae: t`094611 area allowances I L R+rdga area allowances Ta.'tayer who had accepted an indefinre moment as equipment specialist in 1-z^ *'"nn of Bureau of Public Roads, v6-ht= moo til==t United states agency charged w?c ittwwr ills section dealing with foreign &-a Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020008-5 26 ? 912 Note 2 dance with regulations approed by the Presi- dent, bat, evidence established that his com- pensanon was fixed by lawful regulation, and that be did not receive a ward-5sing allow- ance d=ing the period in cn=vversy, and therefore taxpayer did not ove pad his income tax on theory that a portion of the salary re- ceised by him represented a cm-of-living al- lowance excludable from taxable income un- der this section dealing wih exclusion of amoun s received by employees of the govern- ment stationed outside the Visited States re- ceived as cost-of-living allowance in accor- dance with regulations apgrosed by the President. Barnett v. U. S.. D.C.Hawaii 1959, 1-74 F.Supp. 907, affimed 289 F.2d 939. This section and Ex.Ord. No. 10000, set out nncsr section 5941 of Tire 22, providing for exclusion of costof-livinf a&,wances for certain government employees outside conti- nental United States or an Aaslra whose ba- sic compensation was fixed by statute, was meant to encompass persons such as taxpayer even though Attorney Genera: had discretion to fix specific amount of his basic salary as United States attorney withit certain defined [? 913. statutory limitations Manson v. C. 1961. 36 T.C. 953. Petitioner, employs: of governnetr American Samoa. was xcc entitled to es-? cost-of-living allowanr received in 195_ a 1953, under this secti= since in order zr excludible such alloaz= must have zsc paid in accordance wa regulations ate, by President, and dung those years, 2L were no such regula=tes authorizing y ment of such allowance a, employees of 1p, ernment of American Sa?os. Bell y_ C R., 1959, 32 T.C. 939. aL`-med 278 F.2t :It Cost-of-living allownac of United Sun, citizen employed by Te itorial Go of American Samoa was not exempt m this section since dt-~ '!Lied to show such allowance was ntrsuant to regnarn approved by Presides. Davis v. C. L 1958, 30 T.C. 462. Increase in the brim salary of a court clerk in Alaska z a set increase !or- costs is not exempt tax under this r. tion. Brunelle v. C. 1 R_ 1950, 15 T.c. affirmed 192 F.2d 4- 2: Repealed. Pub.L. 97-34, Title I, ? 112(a), Aug. 1 1981, 95 Stat. 194] Section, added Pub.L. 9`-615, ? 203(a), Nov. L 1978, 92 Stat. 310:, and amended Pub.L 96-222, Title 1, ? 1:8(axl)(B), (F), Apr. 1. 1980, 94 Stat. 2:3. _25; Pub.L. 96-60& ? 1(a), Dec. 28, 198:, 94 Stat. 3550, related to a deduction for certain expenses of living abroad. Effective Date of Fepeal Repeal with respect to taxahe years beginning Dec. 31, 1981, see maim 115 or Pwz. 97-34, set out as at Ef"stive Date of :. Amendment note unti. non 911 of t3s li tie. [Subpart C-Repealed] [?? 921, 922. Repealed. Pub.L. 94-455, Tide X, ? 10M Oct. 4, 1976, 90 Stat. 1648] Section 921, Acts Aug. :6, 1954, c. 736, 68A Scat. 290; Oct. 4, 197f_ Ptb.L. 94-455, Title- XIX, ? 1901(ax116), 9J Scat. 1784, de- fined Western Hemisphere Lade corporation. Secrizn 922, Acts Aug. :5. 1954, c. 736, 68A Scat 291; Dec. 10, 19":. Pub.L. 92-178, Title V. ? 502(c), 85 Stat. 553. Oct. 4, 1976, Pub.L 94-455, Title X, ? 1:52(a), (cXl), 90 Star. 1647, 1648; Nov. L 1978, Pub.L. W 95-600, Title III, ? 3:'i~ K 15). 92 Sr*. related to the specie cretion for F>ras Hemisphere trade - Effective Date of "e veal Repeal * beginning after Dec 31. 1979- tsnr tetra 1052(d) of Pub.L 94155. set out n s tive Date of 1976 A-MendmCilt 0000! 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