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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/01: CIA-RDP90GO0152R001102380028-5 ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET. sue1ECT: (Optional) Speech Invitation, 'National Conservative Foundation, Washington, D.C. 22 September 1987 f": William M. Bake Director, Public airs TO; (OM r d.signos.on, room number "OM build'nq} 79 M 610 USE EDI"T)O~NSS DATE Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/01: CIA-RDP90GO01 52RO01 102380028-5 STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/01: CIA-RDP9OGOO11152ROO1102380028-5 Central Intelligence Agency /' AU 00 vs- I1 JUL Mr. L. Brent Bozell III Executive Director National Conservative Foundation 1001 Prince Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Thank you for your kind invitation to speak at the National Defense Briefing sponsored by the National Conservative Foundation (NCF) in Washington, D.C. Tuesday, September 22nd. Unfortunately, I have a conflict in my schedule and will be unable to accept the honor of speaking on this most important topic. I do hope, however, that you will express my good wishes to your council members and have a successful meeting. Sincerely yours, Is/ William H. Webster William H. Webster Director of Central Intelligence STAT DCI/PAO/ mb/8 Jul 87) Distribution: STAT Orig. - Addressee 1 - ER 1 - EXDIR 1 - D/Ex Staff 1 - PAO 87-004 STAT 1 1 - FAu ron 1 - PAO Ames 1 - MED (Subject) Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/01: CIA-RDP9OGOO152ROO1102380028-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/01 : CIA-RDP90GO01 52RO01 102380028-5 . ttgo 00y_// $7 7 July 1987 Speech Invitation National Conservative Foundation Washington, D.C. 22 September 1987 Executive Director of the National Conservative Foundation (NCF) Brent Bozell has invited you to participate in an off-the-record National Defense Briefing in Washington, D.C. on Tuesday, September 22nd. You have been asked to address the group on "Who are the Terrorists? Profiles on Khaddafi, Assad, Khomeni, and Arafat." The proposed format is 15 minutes of remarks followed by 10 minutes of Questions and Answers. An audience of approximately 100 council members who are prominent businessmen from around the country including a select group of defense contractors will be present. Since the meeting is off-the-record, the media would not attend. According to the NCF staff, foreign nationals would not be in the audience. Previous speakers have been Secretary Weinberger, General James Abrahamson, and Richard Armitage. The Secretary's office confirmed his prior participation, but was unaware of an invitation to speak this year as was mentioned in the letter. (See opposite for proposed agenda and list of council members.) The NCF has a membership of 9000 and is a conservative education and research organization. The Encyclopedia of Organizations states that the foundation "promotes media fairness in an attempt to expose what the foundation calls the liberal domination of the media, and serves as a clearing house on how to run a successful campaign." According to TELEVISION DIGEST, INC., the NCF demanded that PBS broadcast a pro-contra program to balance "pro-Sandinista views". Recently, NCF called for a boycott of station WTBS describing its programming response to ABC's Amerika as "pro-communist." Executive Director Brent Bozell is also president of the National Conservative Political Action Committee (NCPAC). Both organizations are considered pro-administration. Last year the NCF and the NCPAC announced a $2 million "Presidential Support Project" that included both mass mailings and television advertisements. I believe that you should decline this invitation. According to your schedule, you will just be returning from overseas on September 21st. Also, I believe that this is too politically partisan a group for you to address in your position as DCI. A letter of regret is attached for your signature. ADMINISTRATIVE INTERNAL USE ONLY Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/01: CIA-RDP90GO01 52RO01 102380028-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/01: CIA-RDP90GO01 52RO01 102380028-5 STAT G t'_ u ? _1 * L. Brent Bozell III Executive Director NATIONAL CONSERVATIVE FOUNDATION 1001 Prince Street Alexandria, Virginia 22314 (703) 548-0900 June 16, 1987 Judge William J. Webster, Director Central Intelligence Agency Washington, D.C. 20505 Dear Judge Webster: On Tuesday, September 22, 1987 the National Conservative Foundation will sponsor a high-level, off-the-record National Defense Briefing in Washington, D. C. to focus attention on this nation's efforts to build a strong defense program, with special emphasis on terrorism and the anti-communist Freedom Fighters around the world. We will bring together top conservative business leaders and defense contractors with the top spokesmen ot~ this Administration and the Congress to discuss what steps our government needs to take in order to strengthen the defenses of this nation and the Free World. I am inviting Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger, Former U. N. Ambassador Jeane Kirkpatrick, and leaders of the Senate and House to speak at this conference, and have already requested a White House Briefing on this important topic. I now formally invite you to participate as well. One of the subjects this conference will deal with is Who are the Terrorists? Profiles on Khaddafi, Assad, Khomeni, Arafat and it would be an honor to have you address our group on this issue. NCF's Briefing Coordinator, Jane Batory will be contacting your office next week for your response and will explain the day in more detail. In the meantime, should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to have your office call Jane Batory or me at 548-0900. r Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/01 : CIA-RDP90GO01 52RO01 102380028-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/01: CIA-RDP90G00152R001102380028-5 Page two Our nations's defense practices have become a major issue for the American people, especially with the recent developments in Libya and Nicaragua. We are anticipating that this conference will help launch a grassroots counterattack on critics that demand this Administration lower defense spending and turn our backs on those fighting for Democracy while appeasing the Russians at the expense of our nation's security. I hope you agree that this issue is one the American public needs to become better informed on and will reply favorably to my request. Sincerely, L. Brent Bozell III Executive Director LBB:ljb Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/01 : CIA-RDP90G00152R001102380028-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/01: CIA-RDP90GO01 52RO01 102380028-5 SUGGESTED TOPICS/SPEAKERS FOR DEFENSE BRIEFING Sponsor: National Conservative Foundation Where: Washington, D. C. When: September 22, 1987 PROPOSED AGENDA Morning Session I. Private Pentagon Briefing a. Overview of Our Current Defense Challenges Caspar Weinberger, Secretary of Defense Fred Ikle, Under Secretary of Defense for Policy b. SDI in the '90's - Where Do We Go From Here? Lt. Gen. James A. Abrahamson, Director, SDI Organization c. Update on Middle Eastern Affairs Richard Armitage, Assistant Sec. for International Security Affairs Luncheon - Sheraton Carlton Afternoon Session - Sheraton Carlton I. The "New" U.S.S.R. - A Threatening Enigma to the Free World Arnaud deBorchgrave, Editor-in-Chief, The Washington Times II. Who are the Terrorists? Profiles on Khaddafi, Assad, Khcmeni, Arafat Judge William Webster, Director, CIA Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/01: CIA-RDP90GO01 52RO01 102380028-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/01: CIA-RDP90G00152R001102380028-5 A Faili Partnership in a Troubled III. Discussion: The U. S. and NATO - World General Jack N. Merritt, USA, U.S. Rep. to NATO David M. Abshire, Special Counsellor to the-President Senator john warner (R-VA) IV. Freedom Fighters - Third World Soldiers for Freedom Dr. Jack wheeler, president, Freedom Research Fdn. - Slide Presentation Senator Gordon Humphrey (R-NH) - Afghanistan Elliot Abrahms - Central America Rep. Bob Dornan (R-CA) V. Nicaragua: A Nation is Wing Adolfo Calero Pedro ChaiTn orro L. Brent Bozell III, Executive Director, NCF Wednesday, September 23, 1987 Private White House Briefi on Central America President Ronald W. Reagan Special Assistant to the President for Political Affairs Frank Donatelli Chief of Staff Hc, and Baker Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/01: CIA-RDP90G00152R001102380028-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/01: CIA-RDP90GO01 52RO01 102380028-5 to provide titute be- the U.S., Quiet bloc for poiit- I with in- reau. Be- itin,10/ duly; also [ainst the oblem of aonrell- 15-7501 ne. Pres. 1. Staff: ! college i an un- led gov- he spiri- lolarship science, s where student her Fel- r those et. Pub- Review. cams uublishes 1-2552 n, Chm. political vships. ,Vs for as, and ), third d noted hricans, -9336 -Treas. Theism, ds and iticians arti- ducts workshops and ldm showings; promotes rental of billboards to warn the public about what is seen as a threat to America's independence. Bestows HA-HA Award to members of the media who "vilify the heroes of America." (HA-HA is an acronym for Hate Against Heroes of America) Maintains library of 300 volumes, tapes, records, and films on political science and history. Publications: Keep America Independent, monthly; also publishes monographs on social issues. *13650* LIBERTY LOBBY (Conservative) (LL) 300 Independence Ave., S.E. Phone: (202) 546-5611 Washington, OC 20003 Sara Bebko, Exec.Sec. Founded: 1955. Members: 30,000. Staff: 50. "Nationalists and populists interested in poetical action in behalf of 99 issues which are pro-irylividual liberty ow reSupports free protective ate taxes, laws, repeal fewer conS, of the COv less s government of church and state, Seventeenth and Twerdy-Filth Arnenmdnmhermts, separation the right to keep and bear arms, states' rights, an end to forced busing and withdrawal from the United Nations. Opposes federal aid to education, foreign aid, "unfair" foreign competition, the ERA, revenue sharing, government in business, monopoly in business or labor. recognition of Red China, club rights laws. socialized medicine, peacetime drafts, tax-supported housing and world government. Publications: Spotlight, arm and Liberty Ledger. Absorbed Americans for National Convention/Meeting: irregular. *13651* MORAL MAJORITY (Conservative) (MM) 305 Sixth St Phone: (804) 528-5000 . Lynchburg, VA 24504 Or. Ronald S. Godwin, V.Pres. Founded: 1979. State Groups: 50. PokticsPmovement founded by Rev. Jer- ry Falwell dedicated to convincing morally conservative Americans that it is their duty to register and vote for candidates who agree with traditional con- servative values. Was organized in response to developments such as the le- gaezation of abortion, the spread of pornography, and support for homosexual rights - developments which the movemtent feels indicate that the U.S. Is ex- periencing a "terrible moral declne." Does not specifically endorse canddates by name, but strives through letters, leaflets, and mass rallies to make clear where candidates stand relative to issues important to the group. The orga- nization claims membership of 72,000 ministers and fourmiion by persons, with chapters in me 50 states. Publications: Report (newspaper), monthly. *13652* NATIONAL CONSERVATIVE FOUNDATION N((N(3x(~03) 548-0900 1001 Prince St. Alexandria, VA 22314 Brent Bozel, III, Exec.Dir. Founded: 1976. Members: 9000. Conservative education and research or- ganization. Serves as clearinghouse; operates campaign school for political campaign managers and financiers on how to run a successful campaign; promotes media fairness in an attempt to expose what the foundation calls the liberal domination of the media; and encourages electoral participation by, educating the public on the importance of voting. and providing the public with information necessary to vote. Issues brochures and briefs. *13653* NATIONAL CONSERVATIVE POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE (NC PAC) 1001 Prince St. Phone: . Alexandria, VA 22314 John T. Dolan, Chm. Founded: 1974. Contributors: 500,000. Staff: 25. Political conservatives seeking to replace liberal politicians with conservatives in office. Unaffiliated with either the Democratic or Republican Parties, the committee offers can- didates such services as: potting, research, campaign management training, Fpmded: 1970. Members: 1000. Conservative youth organza concerned with the political education of high school and junior students. Teachings be "of a constitutional, patriotic, cone" Conantnist, pro-free enterprise nature and moral orientation." chide seminars, receptions, letter-writing, petitioning and der Distributes literature (at large) to high sdhod and junior high sch Sponsors speech contests. Maintains speakers' bureau and Ibr awards. Publishes Private Property and state publications. 1 Meeting: semiannual - always New York City. *13656* ORDER OF THE CROSS SOCIETY (Conservative) (0 1001 Jefferson Plaza, Suite 112 Phone: (804 Wi nl gton, DE 19801 Rev. K. Clara Founded: 1975. Stall: 1. Objective is to promote "a return to ciples in the organization and exercise of cave government, a stye the far* as a basic governing molt. and the POOP" ~f activities under the Rule of God." Encourages people to manila affairs, and activities and decline from accepting laws or benefits that they consider inconsistent with C ristirnity; quest, rality of programs such as govenwrent subsidization, legalleed t social security. Encourages research, publication of books, and related issues; emphasis is on a business audience. Maintains 2 &M on Wsiness wW publishes business books. Convention/Meeting amua. *13657* PARENTS' ALLIANCE TO PROTECT OUR CHILDREN (Conservative)(PAPOC) Phone: (419 44 E. Tacoma Ave. Now Latrobe, PA 15650 Founded: 1979. Staff: 3. Provides information and opinions on issues, particularly education. Seeks to protect children from who sees as manipulation in education and politics. Conducts researct parents, and searlar and religious life in the traditional family. Sper interest include: sex education; abortion; population control; curricula in both public and private schools; religious education; t teenagers. Has testified at hearings held by the Dept c *13658* RELIGIOUS HERITAGE OF AMERICA (Conservative 7900 Jerome Ave. Phone: (314 St. Louis, MO 63143 Lisle M. Ramsey, Founded: 1951. Members: 200. Staff: 3. Interfaith group sec call. defne, and perpetuate traditional American values." Condu paign which led to insertion of the words "under God" in the Pk giance in 1954. Holds award banquet and Youth Recognition Plc sors annual pilgrimage to significant religious, historical, and c Bestows scholarships for youth and for outstanding service in t categories: Clergymman; Churchman; Churchwoman; Gold Medr Freedom. Business and Professional; Outstanding Educator, and Youth Leader. Publications: Newsbriefs, irregular. Formerly: (1 ington Pilgrimage. Convention/Meeting: annual - 1986 Oct. *13659* RELIGIOUS ROUNDTABLE (Conservative) (RR) P.O. Box 11467 phone; (90] 3295 Poplar Ave. Edward E. fmlt Memphis, TN 38111 Coalition of "dedicated national leaders who have one concern - u birth of America," which they believe is an "absolute necessit Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/01: CIA-RDP90GO01 52RO01 102 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/01: CIA-RDP90G00152R001102380028-5 Services of Mead Data Gentral LEVEL 2 - 1 OF 40 STORIES Copyright ? 1987 Television Digest, Inc., Communications Daily June 4, 1987, Thursday SECTION: NOTEBOOK; Vol. 7, No. 107; Pg. 5 LENGTH: 261 words BODY: Conservative group has demanded that PBS broadcast pro-contra program to balance "pro-Sandinista views" aired in recent Frontline series episode War In Nicaragua. In letter to Frontline Exec. Producer David Fanning, Newswatch publisher Brent Bozell, also exec. dir. of National Conservative Foundation (NCF), said that views of Frontline correspondent William Greider In program "are anti-American and ones that predominantly reflect a radical leftist agenda." Bozell claimed that "pro-Sandinis..ta/anti-contra sources outnumber . . . pro-contra ones by more than 2-to-1" in program, offered services of NCF's Media Research Center "to produce an episode that will assure the conservative/pro-contra viewpoint is ... LEVEL 2 - 2 OF 40 STORIES Copyright 0 1987 Television Digest, Inc., Communications Daily April 1, 1987, Wednesday SECTION: NOTEBOOK; Vol. 7, No. 62; Pg. 8 LENGTH: 137 words BODY: ... library acquired last year as centerpiece. "We haven't gotten into it in great detail," Turner said of his discussions about new channel with cable MSOs who are investing in TBS, but "lack of channel capacity" could be factor. Discussions won't become more serious until deal with MSOs is completed, which Turner said he expected by late April. Turner discounted trade publication ad placed by National Conservative Foundation of Alexandria, Va., calling for boycott of WTBS and describing its programming response to ABC's Amerika as "pro-Communist." Turner said: "If I'm not a capitalist, I don't know who is." LEVEL 2 - 3 OF 40 STORIES Copyright 0 1987 National Journal Inc.; National Journal March 7, 1987 SECTION: WASHINGTON UPDATE; Policy and Politics in Brief; Vol. 19, No. 10; Pg. 570 LENGTH: 842 words rEXISO NEXIS LEXIS NEX Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/01: CIA-RDP90G00152R001102380028-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/01: CIA-RDP90GO01 52RO01 102380028-5 Services of Mead Data Central 0 1986 The New York Times, December 19, 1986 BODY: ... water in the conservative's face.'' Others agree. ''The Buchanan Initiative got a lot of grassroots support,'' said Paul Weyrich, who is active in several conservative groups and the president of the Free Congress Research and Education Foundation. ''I myself got 20 to 30 letters from people saying, 'Why haven't you done what he's doing?' '' ,tu?e CoA Pr va gog" that' will include botfi smass - >I +f`fig The College Republicans plan to step up their efforts early in January when students return to campuses. Meantime, the group is circulating buttons expressing a feisty support for Lieut. Col. Oliver North, the National Security Council staff member dismissed for his role in the Iran ... LEVEL 2 - 11 OF 40 STORIES The Associated Press The materials in the AP file were compiled by The Associated Press. These materials may not be republished without the express written consent of The Associated Press. December 17, 1986, Wednesday, PM cycle SECTION: Washington Dateline LENGTH: 431 words HEADLINE: Group Calls For Rally 'Round President, Channell Denies Reports BYLINE: By RITA BEAMISH, Associated Press Writer DATELINE: WASHINGTON KEYWORD: Reagan-Conservatives BODY: ... liberal lynch mob" seeking to hang President Reagan over the Iran-Contra crisis are launching a $2 million mail and TV blitz to "raise a national uproar."The campaign announced Tuesday, similar to one launched last week by the Citizens for America, is a project of two well-known conservative groups, National Conservative Political Action Committee, known as NCPAC, and the non-profit National Conservative Foundation. A spokesman for the groups, both header b Dolan ,..Yu; d.. th sups 1d. 11A v I* mass mailings asking o0n ~exprss The spokesman, L. Brent Bozell III, also lashed out at conservative lawmakers who have been critical of Reagan since the U.S. sale of weapons to Iran was ... conservative fund-raiser Terry 'io ron 1'V ' ;3YffTrrit ru t S? NEXIS? LEXIS? NFXIS ? l Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/01: CIA-RDP90GO0152R001102380028-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/01: CIA-RDP90GO01 52RO01 102380028-5 The Associated Press, December 17, 1986 ... they're cowards," he said. 'St1 ddtd to nat a :campaign.1s int ded to *rai~te 'krt~tio t" ag tA4 i a x y took office in '98b."La#st t? uR~ :;tl18t. ba t ~ #aat ? P it l : week, Citizens for America, a conservative foundat on which supports President Reagan's views, announced that it was airing TV ads urging loyalty to Reagan and asking viewers.. to "stand with him when we need him most."The National Conservative Foundation will run commercials telling viewers to call the TV networks and complain about news coverage critical of the president, while NCPAC will mail letters to Its thousands of contributors urging them to call their congressmen and denounce "the kangaroo courts now in Congress,"Bozell said. Bozell accused the media of one-sided negative reporting in the wake of the Nov. 25 announcement by Attorney General Edwin Meese III that ... ... saying some of the diverted went to. conservative political groups. The Sun cited sources it did not name and named one group, the National Endowment For the Preservation of Liberty, which ran a pro-Contra media campaign. The head of the National Endowment, Carl Russell Channell, denies that any arms-sale money went to the National Endowment or its affiliated political action committees and lobbying group. Bozell said NCPAC and the National Conservative Foundation have received no such money and would not take any. LEVEL 2 - 12 OF 40 STORIES Copyright a 1986 The New York Times Company; The New York Times December 17, 1986, Wednesday, Late City Final Edition SECTION: Section A; Page 18, Column 6; Foreign Desk LENGTH: 615 words HEADLINE: THE WHITE HOUSE CRISIS; GOT NO IRAN FUNDS, CONSERVATIVE SAYS BYLINE: By ROBIN TONER, Special to the New York Times i DATELINE: WASHINGTON, Dec. 16 BODY: ... today announced a $2 million campaign to rally public support to Mr. Reagan. He Seeks a 'National Uproar' The conservative leader, L. Brent Bozell 3d, said the campaign would try to ''raise a national uproar against the liberal lynch mob that has tried to han President Reagan since he took office in 1980.11 The campaigns will be conduced by the National Conservative Political Action Committee and the National 1/09 RDP NcYJS ? LEX1CCopyru~ApprovedYforl_Release201? [cyiR Sanitized 1 102380028-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/01: CIA-RDP90G00152R001102380028-5 Services of Mead Data Central 0 1986 The New York Times, December 17, 1986 Conservative Foundation. At a news conference, Mr. Bozell said his project would include mass mailings and television commercials, and would urge the public to protest to the news media and members of Congress about treatment of the Iran dealings. Mr. Bozell contended that Mr. Reagan's old opponents were trying to use the issue to destroy him. 'The leftist elite, especially the Washington media and a gaggle of squawking liberals in Congress, are doing their best to get even with the greatest President in the 20th century,'' said Mr. Bozell, who is president of the National Conservative Political Action Committee and executive director of the National Conservative Foundation. '"Now, in the midst of the Iranian arms controversy,'' he said, "the liberal legislators and the media think they have,-the means to destroy him and have appointed themselves judge, jury and executioner of the President and this Administration." He Chides 'Cowards' in Congress Mr. Bozell was particularly critical of Republican Members of Congress who had criticized the White House, calling them ''cowards.'' He said his political action committee would be monitoring their behavior closely and raised the possibility the group would target these Republicans in the ... LEVEL 2 - 13 OF 40 STORIES The Associated Press The materials in the AP file were compiled by The Associated Press. These materials may not be republished without the express written consent of The Associated Press. December 16, 1986, Tuesday, AM cycle SECTION: Washington Dateline LENGTH: 1012 words HEADLINE: Group Calls For Rally 'Round President, Channell Denies Reports i BYLINE: By RITA BEAMISH, Associated Press Writer DATELINE: WASHINGTON KEYWORD: Reagan-Conservatives BODY: ... at the White House to schedule such speaking engagements. Rollins, who was formerly the White House political director, recalled seeing Channell at the White House "once in a while."Meanwhile, two conservative groups announced a $2 million national campaign Tuesday to rally support for Reagan c NOYI-C LEYI_C MPK LEX Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/01: CIA-RDP90G00152R001102380028 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/01: CIA-RDP90GO01 52RO01 102380028-5 Iq Next 28 Page(s) In Document Denied STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/01: CIA-RDP90GO01 52RO01 102380028-5