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H 8790 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/03: CIA-RDP89T00234R000300330015-3 CWT GRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE October 20, 1987 Levine (CA) Owens (UT) Smith (FL) Lewis (CA) Oxley Smith (IA) Lewis (FL) Packard Smith (NE) Lewis (GA) Panetta Smith (NJ) Lightfoot Parris Smith (TX) Lipinski Pashayan Smith, Denny Lloyd Patterson (OR) Lott Pease Smith, Robert Lowery (CA) Pelosi (OR) Lowry (WA) Penny Snowe Lujan Pepper Solari Luken, Thomas Perkins Spence Lukens, Donald Petri Spratt Lungren Pickett Staggers MacKay Pickle Stallings Madigan Porter Stangeland Manton Price (IL) Stark Markey Price (NC) Stenholm Marlenee Quillen Stokes Martin (IL) Rahall Studds Martin (NY) Rangel Sundquist Martinez Ravenel Sweeney Mavroules Ray Swift Mazzoli Regula Swindall McCloskey Rhodes Synar McCollum Richardson Tallon McCurdy Rinaldo Tauke McDade Ritter Taylor McEwen Roberts Thomas (CA) McGrath Robinson Thomas (GA) McHugh Rodino Torres McMillan (NC) Roe Torricelli McMillen (MD) Rogers Traficant Meyers Rose Traxler Mfume Rostenkowski Udall Mica Roukema Upton Michel Rowland (CT) Valentine Miller (CA) Rowland (GA) Vander Jagt Miller (OH) Roybal Vento Miller (WA) Russo Visclosky Mineta Sabo Volkmer Moakley Saiki Walgren Molinari Savage Walker Mollohan Sawyer Watkins Montgomery Saxton Waxman Moorhead Schaefer Weber Morelia Scheuer Weiss Morrison (CT) Schneider Weldon Morrison (WA) Schroeder Wheat Mrazek Schuette Whittaker Murphy Schulze Whitten Murtha Schumer Williams Myers Sensenbrenner Wilson Nagle Sharp Wise Natcher Shaw Wolf Neal Shays Wolpe Nelson Shumway Wortley Nichols Sikorski Wyden Nowak Sisisky Wylie Oakar Skaggs Yates Oberstar Skeen Yatron Obey Skelton Young (AK) Olin Slattery Young (FL) Ortiz Slaughter (NY) Owens (NY) Slaughter (VA) NAYS-18 Armey Holloway Solomon Boulter Hunter Stratton Crane McCandless Stump Daniel Nielson Vucanovich DeLay Ridge Doman (CA) Shuster Hall (TX) Smith, Robert (NH) NOT VOTING-23 Baker Dowdy Moody Bates Flake Pursell Biaggi Frost Roemer Bilirakis Gephardt Roth Bustamante Kemp St Germain Cheney Livingston Tauzin Collins Mack Towns Davis (MI) Matsui ^ 1325 So (two-thirds having voted in favor thereof) the rules were suspended and the concurrent resolution was agreed to. The result of the vote was an- nounced as above recorded. A motion to reconsider was laid on the table. REMOVAL OF NAME OF MEMBER AS COSPONSOR OF HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION 158 Mr. DORNAN of California. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that my name be removed as a cosponsor of House Concurrent Resolution 158. The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. DEFAZIO). Is there objection to the re- quest of the gentleman from Califor- nia? There was no objection. COMMUNICATION FROM THE CLERK OF THE HOUSE The SPEAKER pro tempore laid before the House the following com- munication from the clerk of the House of Representatives: WASHINGTON, DC, October 15, 1987. Hon. JIM. WRIGHT, Speaker, House of Representatives, Washington, DC. DEAR MR. SPEAKER: This is to notify you, pursuant to Rule L(50) of the Rules of the House of Representatives, that I have been served with subpoenas issued by the United States District Court for the Southern Dis- trict of New York. After consultation with my General Counsel, I will notify you of my determinations as required by the House Rule. With great respect, I am, Sincerely yours, DONNALD K. ANDERSON, Clerk, House of Representatives. APF ON H.R. 1777, FOREIGN RELA- TIONS AUTHORIZATION ACT, FISCAL YEARS 1988 AND 1989 Mr. MICA. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani- mous consent to take from the Speak- er's table the bill (H.R. 1777) to au- thorize appropriations for fiscal years 1988 and 1989 for the Department of State, the U.S. Information Agency, the Voice of America, the Board for International Broadcasting, and for other purposes, with a Senate amend- ment thereto, disagree to the Senate amendment, and agree to the confer- ence asked by the Senate. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the gentleman from Florida? There was no objection. MOTION TO INSTRUCT OFFERED BY MR. BURTON OF INDIANA Mr. BURTON of Indiana. Mr. Speaker, I offer a motion to instruct. The SPEAKER. The Clerk will report the motion. The Clerk read as follows: Mr. BURTON of Indiana moves that the managers on the part of the House at the conference on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses on the Senate amendment to the bill (H.R. 1777) to authorize appropria- tions for fiscal years 1988 and 1989 for the Department of State, the United States In- formation Agency, the Board for Interna- tional Broadcasting, and for other purposes, be instructed to agree to the provisions con- tained in title XI of the Senate amendment (entitled "Anti-Terrorism Act of 1987"). The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Indiana [Mr. BURTON] is recog- nized for 1 hour. Mr. BURTON of Indiana. Mr. Speaker, for purposes of debate only, I yield 30 minutes to the gentleman from Florida [Mr. MICA]. Mr. MICA. Mr. Speaker, let me say that we have no objection to this. We would be happy to accept the instruc- tion. Mr. BURTON of Indiana. Mr. Speaker, since the motion has been ac- cepted, I will simply submit my formal statement. Mr. Speaker, my motion would instruct House conferees to agree to an amendment that has broad bipartisan support in both Houses of Congress and passed by voice vote in the Senate. Though I am confident that this provision would be retained in conference given its broad support, I believe that it is important that the whole House be on record in support of closing the official offices of the PLO in the United States. The PLO is the world's premier terrorist or- ganization. Its terror is not only directed against our ally, Israel, but directly against American citizens. In 1974 a TWA jet was exploded in midair by the PLO; 88 people were killed, including many Americans. In 1976, an aide to Senator Jacob Javits was murdered by an affiliate of the PLO. In 1985, Navy diver Robert Stethem was murdered in cold blood by the hijackers of a TWA plane. This terrorist act was carried out by Abu Abbas, who was just a few months ago promoted by the PLO to its executive committee. The State Department, recognizing the sup- port for the Kemp-Mica-Grassley bill, closed the Washington office of the PLO with consid- erable reluctance. But the PLO "mission" at the U.N. will remain open unless the Kemp- Mica-Grassley bill is signed into law. Some Members have claimed in a "Dear Colleague" that Kemp-Mica-Grassley is "dan- gerous to civil liberties in the United States and to the search for a just and lasting peace in the Middle East." I find it hard to understand how throwing a bone to the PLO helps bring peace to the Middle East. I too would object to the provision if it denied a single American his or her constitu- tional right to free speech-it does not. The bill prohibits paid agents of the PLO from op- erating an official office on U.S. soil. It does not prohibit an American of advocating, or even actively promoting, whatever cause they wish within U.S. law. Nor would this provision conflict with the U.N. Headquarters agreement, which specifi- cally states that [quote] "nothing in the agree- ment shall be construed as in anyway dimin- ishing, abridging, or weakening the right of the United States to safeguard its own security and completely to control the entrance of aliens." The bottom line is that the United States cannot talk tough about terrorism while con- tinuing to be a safe harbor for agents of PLO terrorism and legitimating the PLO presence in official bodies and capitols around the world Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/03: CIA-RDP89T00234R000300330015-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/03: CIA-RDP89T00234R000300330015-3 October 20, 1987 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HAE H 8789 cELLI that the House suspend the rules and agree to the concurrent resolu- tion, H. Con. Res. 199, on which the yeas and nays are ordered. The vote was taken by electronic device, and there were-yeas 406, nays 0, not voting 27, as follows: [Roll No. 360] YEAS-406 Ackerman DioGuardi Jeffords Akaka Dixon Jenkins Alexander Donnelly Johnson (CT) Anderson Dorgan (ND) Johnson (SD) Andrews Dornan (CA) Jones (NC) Annunzio Dreier Jones (TN) Anthony Durbin Jontz Applegate Dwyer Kanjorski Archer Dymally Kaptur Armey Dyson Kasich Aspin Early Kastenmeier Atkins Eckart Kennedy AuCoin Edwards (CA) Kennelly Badham Edwards (OK) Kildee Ballenger Emerson Kleczka Barnard English Kolbe Bartlett Erdreich Kolter Barton Espy Konnyu Bateman Evans Kostmayer Beilenson Fascell Kyl Bennett Fawell LaFalce Bentley Fazio Lagomarsino Bereuter Feighan Lancaster Berman Fields Lantos Bevill Fish Latta Bilbray Flippo Leach (IA) Bliley Florio Leath (TX) Boehlert Foglietta Lehman (CA) Boggs Foley Lehman (FL) Boland Ford (MI) Leland Bonior Ford (TN) Lent Bonker Frank Levin (MI) Borski Frenzel Levine (CA) Bosco Gallegly Lewis (CA) Boucher Gallo Lewis (FL) Boulter Gaydos Lewis (GA) Boxer Gejdenson Lightfoot Brennan Gekas Lipinski Brooks Gibbons Lloyd Broomfield Gilman Lott Brown (CA) Gingrich Lowery (CA) Brown (CO) Glickman Lowry (WA) Bruce Gonzalez Lujan Bryant Goodling Luken, Thomas Buechner Gordon Lukens, Donald Bunning Gradison Lungren Burton Grandy MacKay Byron Grant Madigan Callahan Gray (IL) Manton Campbell Gray (PA) Markey Cardin Green Marlenee Carper Gregg Martin (IL) Carr Guarini Martin (NY) Chandler Gunderson Martinez Chapman Hall (OH) Mavroules Chappell Hall (TX) Mazzoli Clarke Hamilton McCandless Clay Hammerschmidt McCloskey Clinger Hansen McCollum Coats Harris McCurdy Coble Hastert McDade Coelho Hatcher McEwen Coleman (MO) Hawkins McGrath Coleman (TX) Hayes (IL) McHugh Combest Hayes (LA) McMillan (NC) Conte Hefley McMillen (MD) Conyers Hefner Meyers Cooper Henry Mfume Coughlin Herger Mica Courter Hertel Michel Coyne Hiler Miller (CA) Craig Hochbrueckner Miller (OH) Crane Holloway Miller (WA) Crockett Hopkins Mineta Daniel Horton Moakley Dannemeyer Houghton Molinari Darden Howard Mollohan Davis (IL) Boyer Montgomery de la Garza Hubbard Moorhead DeFazio Huckaby Morelia DeLay Hughes Morrison (CT) Dellums Hunter Morrison (WA) Derrick Hutto Mrazek DeWine Hyde Murphy Dickinson Inhofe Murtha Dicks Ireland Myers Dingell Jacobs Nagle Natcher Rowland (GA) Stokes Neal Roybal Stratton Nelson Russo Studds Nichols Sabo Stump Nielson Saiki Sundquist Nowak Savage Sweeney Oakar Sawyer Swift Oberstar Saxton Swindall Obey Schaefer Synar Olin Scheuer Tallon Ortiz Schneider Tauke Owens (NY) Schroeder Taylor Owens (UT) Schuette Thomas (CA) Oxley Schulze Thomas (GA) Packard Schumer Torres Panetta Sensenbrenner Torricelli Parris Sharp Traficant Pashayan Shaw Traxler Patterson Shays Udall Pease Shumway Upton Pelosi Shuster Valentine Penny Sikorski Vander Jagt Pepper Sisisky Vento Perkins Skaggs Visclosky Petri Skeen Volkmer Pickett Skelton Vucanovich Pickle Slattery Walgren Porter Slaughter (NY) Walker Price (IL) Slaughter (VA) Watkins Price (NC) Smith (FL) Waxman Quillen Smith (IA) Weber Rahall Smith (NE) Weiss Rangel Smith (NJ) Weldon Ravenel Smith (TX) Wheat Ray Smith, Denny Whittaker Regula (OR) Whitten Rhodes Smith, Robert Williams Richardson (NH) Wilson Ridge Smith, Robert Wise Rinaldo (OR) Wolf Ritter Snowe Wolpe Robinson Solarz Wortley Rodino Solomon Wyden Roe Spence Wylie Rogers Spratt Yates Rose Staggers Yatron Rostenkowski Stallings Young (AK) Roth Stangeland Young(FL) Roukema Stark Rowland (CT) Stenholm NAYS-0 NOT VOTING-27 Baker Dowdy Mack Bates Downey Matsui Biaggi Duncan Moody Bilirakis Flake Purse)) Bustamante Frost Roberts Cheney Garcia Roemer Collins Gephardt St Germain Daub Kemp Tauzin Davis (MI) Livingston Towns ^ 1310 So (two-thirds having voted in favor thereof) the rules were suspended and the concurrent resolution was agreed to. The result of the vote was an- nounced as above recorded. A motion to reconsider was laid on the table. ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. DEFAzIO). Pursuant to the provisions of clause 5, rule I, the Chair an- nounces that he will reduce to a mini- mum of 5 minutes the period of time within which a vote by electronic device may be taken on the additional motion to suspend the rules on which the Chair has postponed further pro- ceedings. CONGRATULATING AND COM- MENDING PRESIDENT ARIAS FOR RECEIVING PEACE PRIZE 1987 NOBEL The SPEAKER pro tempore. The unfinished business is the question of suspending the rules and agreeing to the concurrent resolution, H. Con. Res. 200. The Clerk read the title of the con- current resolution. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The question is on the motion offered by the gentleman from Florida [Mr. FAS- CELL] that the House suspend the rules and agree to the concurrent resolu- tion, H. Con. Res. 200, on which the yeas and nays are ordered. The vote was taken by electronic device, and there were-yeas 392, nays 18, not voting 23, as follows: [Roll No. 3611 YEAS-392 Ackerman Courter Gray (PA) Akaka Coyne Green Alexander Craig Gregg Anderson Crockett Guarini Andrews Dannemeyer Gunderson Annunzio Darden Hall (OH) Anthony Daub Hamilton Applegate Davis (IL) Hammerschmidt Archer de la Garza Hansen Aspin DeFazio Harris Atkins Dellums Hastert AuCoin Derrick Hatcher Badham DeWine Hawkins Ballenger Dickinson Hayes (IL) Barnard Dicks Hayes (LA) Bartlett Dingell Hefley Barton DioGuardi Hefner Bateman Dixon Henry Beilenson Donnelly Herger Bennett Dorgan (ND) Hertel Bentley Downey Hiler Bereuter Dreier Hochbrueckner Berman Duncan Hopkins Bevill Durbin Horton Bilbray Dwyer Houghton Bliley Dymally Howard Boehlert Dyson Hoyer Boggs Early Hubbard Boland Eckart Huckaby Bonior Edwards (CA) Hughes Bonker Edwards (OK) Hutto Borski Emerson Hyde Bosco English Inhofe Boucher Erdreich Ireland Boxer Espy Jacobs Brennan Evans Jeffords Brooks Fascell Jenkins Broomfield Fawell Johnson (CT) Brown (CA) Fazio Johnson (SD) Brown (CO) Feighan Jones (NC) Bruce Fields Jones (TN) Bryant Fish Jontz Buechner Flippo Kanjorski Bunning Florio Kaptur Burton Foglietta Kasich Byron Foley Kastenmeier Callahan Ford (MI) Kennedy Campbell Ford (TN) Kennelly Cardin Frank Kildee Carper Frenzel Kleczka Carr Gallegly Kolbe Chandler Gallo Kolter Chapman Garcia Konnyu Chappell Gaydos Kostmayer Clarke Gejdenson Kyl Clay Gekas LaFalce Clinger Gibbons Lagomarsino Coats Gilman Lancaster Coble Gingrich Lantos Coelho Glickman Latta Coleman (MO) Gonzalez Leach (IA) Coleman (TX) Goodling Leath (TX) Combest Gordon Lehman (CA) Conte Gradison Lehman (FL) Conyers Grandy Leland Cooper Grant Lent Coughlin Gray (IL) Levin (MI) Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/03: CIA-RDP89T00234R000300330015-3