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Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/14 :CIA-RDP89G013218000500090005-4 Q Next 18 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/14 :CIA-RDP89G013218000500090005-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/14 :CIA-RDP89G013218000500090005-4 News Highlights Shultz speaks out against lie detector tests for. employees He'says `voluntary' tests will be given under three conditions "~j MPLOYINO STRONG LANGUAGE Lon Capitol Hill, Secretary Shultz on April 28 emphasized his distaste for poly- graph examinations of State Department employees, while outlining three narrow circumstances under which lhe. tests would be permitted-"with the?voluntary consent of the individual." ~ '? Mr. Shultz spoke out in an appearance before 'the Senate Appropriations Commit- tee, at. which he also reviewed progress on several fronts in the Depattdtent's security program, and ia. addition urged funding for the projected new foreign affairs training center that into replace the'Foreign Scrvicc Institute. ' On the lie detector issue. Mr. Shultz said rcgulutions hud bccn drafted.allowing him to authorize testing of any' consenting Department employee: "1. When warranted during the course of a criminal, counterintelligence or pcrson- nol aocurity (nvoa1y, though it has prompted a number of co plaints, particularly from "Wc undcrst d why some people feel put out, and we'r ympathetic with their concerns, but the fac is.we really have no feasible alternatives if a want a system of maximum effectiveness, said the bureau's Kenneth E. Lopez, who i 'n charge of the Under the new arrangetn t, employ- ees and some contractors have en issued computer-readable building pass which, when inserted into card-roadcrs, tivate automated access control facilities.~her bui gories of persotts seeking entry into the ' ing--news media ?people~ employees of o duct State er federal agencies (unless they coa- - -- -- - others= artment retirees ate among these. ve not been issued the building at tltc buildi .issued a visitor p old retirement cards are s immediately; the recep- Reasons for restrictlta restrictions," Mr. Lope aid. "First. we need to limit building p employees because this giv ses to current tive control over the passes s more efftsc- at are out- ? lose a pass or have otie stolen fro yees who _, ? going to realiu almost immediatel that the pass is missing. They'll need it t work. So they're going to call us wi _ delay to report the loss or the theft. As so . as we get that call, we cancel that pass o on our computer, and it'll do no good to whoever is in possession of !t. When that STATE Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/14 :CIA-RDP89G013218000500090005-4 _ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/14 :CIA-RDP89G013218000500090005-4 ~, :;,~t>t_~ruit~~: 13. 1988 "Z4n.rt^, l-0 5-1-/~Cl UNCLASSIFIED MEMORANDUM TO: All DS/ST Personnel FROM: DS/ST -,Grecorie W. IIujaQ'~~~ r? SUBJECT: DOS Polygraph Policy , In May 1988, Secretary Shultz approved regulations governing polygraph examinations of DOS er~loyees and recentl}~ emphasized that the policy remains unchanced. The policy applies to all?DS/ST personnel. Simply stated, personnel assigned to joint projects (JSPO and PTPE, for example) may undergo v~~lttr:tary polygraph testing only to the extent that the scope of t: tie ~:?:amination is limited to counterintelligence (CI) areas (non-li.~estyle). The questions posed in any such examinations shall be limited to those necessary to determine whether the examinee has: 1. Ever engaged in espionage or sabotage against the Qnited States. 2. Knowledge of anyone who is engaged in espionage or sabotage against the United States. 3. Eves been approached to give or sei~any classified materials to. unauthorized p~?r~:~.~r~::. 4. Ever given or sold any classi ~ i,~c: r.:ater ials to unauthorized persons. 5. Knowledge of anyone who has. giv~:r, :~c sold classified materials to .unauthorized perso:~~. , 6. Any unauthorized contact with representatives of foreign governments. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/14 :CIA-RDP89G013218000500090005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/14 :CIA-RDP89G013218000500090005-4 DS/ST personnel, prior to the commencement of any polygraph examination, should specifically inform the tester(s) of the Department's policy, i.e., "CI only'. DSJST personnel undergoing po~.ygraph examinations should not respond to lifestyle questions, but refer to the Secretary of State's policy. ,. Also, employees are reque~~~ci r.o r.eport to me any situations in which participation in a program is precluded on the grounds that the lifestyle ~~al.~!~Zr~nh w;. ; not conducted. cc: DS/POL/PPD = Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/14 :CIA-RDP89G013218000500090005-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/14 :CIA-RDP89G013218000500090005-4 Q Next 4 Page(s) In Document Denied STAT Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/14 :CIA-RDP89G013218000500090005-4 Declassified in Part -~ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/14 :CIA-RDP89G013218000500090005-4 ER 38G5X-88 12 October 1988 MEMO~IDUM FOR THE REOO~tD ' SUa7DCT: 'Meeting with Bob Lamb and Ron Spiers "1 We met for lunch today at State. I had suggested to Ron Spiers last week that he invite Bob and me to review with him where we stand on State and Security,Evaluatiom Office cooperation. My discussion with Spiers had touched upon: Bob,~Iamb's~;increasing testiness on the.DCI/SEO and the possibi~lity~that, ~ Spiers,~might play,a~mediating role or otherwise advance State and SEO cooperatiori;`~-~' ~ . .... ' -~---.. _.._- ~~.. ..-.a -?~~~.~..~..... ...., va+v+...ruy aa.u~w v r.LC.w.7, and._occasionally_counselling-cooperation. Lamb's positions are hardening, or " The DCI:and I should understand, that the Secretary doesn't want The DCI/SEO has no authority or right to consider standards or ' compliance in any but the most narrowly defined "technical" areas. ? hear',Shultz say that.) ' say~that in the 29 July meeting. (I must confess, I didn't ~~=rurcnermore, ne doesn't Know why we didn't hear the'Secretary~ ,Neither nor Webster shows any concern for the Department's preferences in defining the~DCI/SEO operations. a ,:communication from~the DCI/SEO unless we inform him that we y have compromised our position. Lamb?told Spiers and me that he doesn't want to deal with n ?. Lamb said he expects us to "compromise" on the?DCI/SEO areas of . activity= e.g., he expects us to renounce any responsibility to look at anything other than narrowly defined "technical ?areas.". He expects us to take the initiative in renouncing any' responsibility for physical security standards, personnel security standards, or procedural security standards. . `~: ~' 3. ~"~~ Ate 'Spiers prodding, Lamb apologized for being so out of sorts and, ' in a~different tone l d d ; ,, p ea e for some evidence that we are listening to his ' concerns....:: ~ . Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/14 :CIA-RDP89G013218000500090005-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/14 :CIA-RDP89G013218000500090005-4 4. ;'~,,Lamh?walke8 out to the front entrance with me and apologized once aga~.n;'.for,:~ being;'so:?311-tempered." we parted on my statement that .I. have no` ' ., ~..LL`'~.~l~L.l .I~~.~u~.-....-~~..~~~L .C LV~ ~.} ~. -.J ~~ 1~L ~~~~L !~ LL. wL.-1L. ~_~_L ~.L _~ ..._.. ~~, .. physical:security ~ issues . of? embassy security. Not only do I lack the ? ?? -'~. ,` .. . that part of the mission, but I lack the conviction. , :_ am willinq`:to address the technical issues first, sidestepping some of .the `': personnel(largely FSN.issues) and physical (largely "core". concepts),~'until a ~. ~ later. date. .when~we;have developed some confidence in working together. 5:'~~Based"`upon~the'discussion, I elected not to give Bob Lamb the azzacnea.memo tnat z-handcarried to State. I rewrote page 3, to add more a about~hamb's`and State's. priorities and concerns and to strike a more~.:..;~ ~ e solicitous'tone.; ` The revised memo will be delivered 13 Octo)a~.;` Attachmient t As stated Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/14 :CIA-RDP89G013218000500090005-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/14 :CIA-RDP89G013218000500090005-4 Q Next 11 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/14 :CIA-RDP89G013218000500090005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/14 :CIA-RDP89G013218000500090005-4 THE DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE Security Evaluation Office NOTE FOR: DDCI Bob, I suggestta+e resume the exchange with Bob Lamb of draft non-papers as. indicated in the attachment. You may recall Bob. Lamb and I exchange a few of these in the July and August period. This may be the time to resume. What do you think? Attachment: A5 stated STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/14 :CIA-RDP89G013218000500090005-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/14 :CIA-RDP89G013218000500090005-4 Q Next 3 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/14 :CIA-RDP89G013218000500090005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/14 :CIA-RDP89G013218000500090005-4 ~/ ., THE DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE Security Evaluation Office NOTE FOR: Mr. Ronald I. Spiers Under Secretary for Management Department of State Ron, Thanks for the luncheon invitation. Despite the passion displayed on some topics of discussion, it was a useful session.. I have tried to give Bob an opening in para 6 of the attached memo- randum to sidestep the issues of procedural, technical, and personnel security concerns and to work with me in an auditing/monitoring/ inspection program this year that deals with his concerns, his priorities. Contrary to 'his protestations, I do care about his and the Department's concerns. On the other hand, I do not have the right to renounce unilaterally that part of the President's instructions that cover physical, personnel, etc., security issues. We can delay approaching these sensitive areas until we build some confidence by working together. _ Attachment: As stated Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/14 :CIA-RDP89G013218000500090005-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/14 :CIA-RDP89G013218000500090005-4 Q Next 36 Page(s) In Document Denied STAT Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/14 :CIA-RDP89G013218000500090005-4