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r A.. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDP08C01297R000700080017-1 I AwuvxJA.A.Na-m.ftkii. I (Security Classification...), el 1 ti 4 FOREIGN SERVICE DESPATCHT" FROM .AME ASSY, QUITO 749 PIRIOMTY TO REF 722 O22/3'2&52 ZR 822.,245 DESP. NO. THE DEPARTMENT OF STATE, WASHINGTON. ? March 24, DATE A Department's Instructloo No, 104, May 310. 1951 habassyls Despatch No. by July 3, 1951 For Dept. Use Only stab ACTION ARA 1952 RECD -MAR 28 DEPT. REP DM OLI E L ontica F OTHER 0 SUBJECT: TERRITORIAL WATERS: TRANSMITTING COPY OF ECUADORM NOTE OF MARCH 22, 1952 There are enclosed a copy and translation of a note from the Minister of foreign Affairs, dated March 220 1952, in reply to the Embassy's note flo0 ?355 of June 7, 19510 in which the 'overnment of Ecuador reasserts its .claim to jurisdictIon over waters adjacent to its con- tinental and insular coasts, beyond the three-mile limit recognized by the Government of the United States of America. . This controversial issue is of current importaxce in Ecuador because of the energetic efforts by the Ecuadoran Government to, protect the fisheries along the coast of Ecuador and around the Galapagos Islande. _au C. 'D Enclosure: L. Copy ofEcuador-an Note dated March 220 1952,. 2, Than thereof sk ? 'INFORMATION COPY Mato',"I ,..A ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDP08C01297R000700080017-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDP08C01297R000700080017-1 te, or, 3TI T(TT) ?5 R R End. No. 1 (Classification) Desp. NO 7119 3/24/52 -Fmm-144E*19.443-71,40140 Page 1 Desp. No. ;P ? REPUBLICA DEL ECUADOR MINIBTERIO DE RELACIWES EXTERIORES No. 31 DDP Quito, a 22 Mar 1952 ? Berior Embajador: Tengo a hOnra dar respuesta a is atenta nota ndmero 335a de 7 de junio dltimos en is ques por instrucciones del Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de Am6ricav Vuestra Excelencia se refiere al Decreto Legislativo de 6 de noviembre de 1950 quo incorpora la plataforma a zeocalo continental al territorio nacional y fija la extensi6n del mar territorial. 2, El inters del Gobierno de Vuestra Excelencia se concentra-en tres disposiciones principales del mencionado Decreto Logislativo: 1) la quo implica extender la soberania del Ecuador sabre una faja de aguas oceanic:as contiguas de 12 minas de ancho; 2) la -clue establece protecciOn y controls ? par parte del Ecuador sobre las riquezas pesqueras de las ? zonas de agua correspondientes a la plataforma continental; y 3) is quo considera al Archipinago de Col& como una masa continua de tierra para los fines de aguas territorialess con la faja marginal quo envuelve a todo el Archipielago. 30 En cuanto a is primers disposicic5n9 deploro no com- partir is opiniOn de Vuestra Excelencias pues si numerosas naciones maritimas se han adheridos krace much? tiempos al ? principio de quo la gaja de aguas territoriales se extiande a tres millas marinas desde las costas, son tambitin en buen ndmero las cfue se han opuesto a ese criterio de las tres millas? Un Organo tan importante de is opinion erudita nor- teamericana;la "Revista Ameridana de Derecho Internacional", dice al respecto: "El fracas? genera de is Conferencia de codificaci6n de La Hays on 1.930 para ponerse de acuerdo en una convenciOn de.aguas territoriales es is prueba decisiva de quo is tradicional doctrina anglo-americana (de las tree minas) no constituye derecho internacional.....Entre otros Estadoss Rusias Francias Italias Portugal y Noruegas han in- sistido'continuamente en quo la jurisdiecian de un Estado colstanero sobre sus zonas pesqueras deberia extenderse a mis ? de las tres millas de la playa". Conviene anotar quo Estados Unidos mismo se ha % RESTRICTED Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDP08C01297R000700080017-1 , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDPO8C01297R000700080017-1 ?- . Desp. No., RESTnIcTED rage or End. No 1 (C(assification) Desp. No. 74903/2)4.52 From AMEnbasSYPQ"it apartado de su doctrina tradicional de las tres minas en varias ocasiones, siendo una de ellas la ley de represi& del contrabando de 5 de agosto de 1.935, que autoriz6 al Presidente de la Unians bajo eiertas condiciones, a delimitar zonas de alta mar, ms all de las doce millas de la costa, en las cuales el control aduanero podrla actuar contra los contrabandistas. 5. Expresame tambi& Vuestra Exceleneia la preocupaci& de an Gobieno respect? del articulo 10 del mencionado Decreto Lagislativo 6 de noviembre de 1.950 en cuanto "implica un grade, ilimitado de protecel& y control por parte del Ecuador sobre las riquezas pesqueras de las zonas de agua correspon- dientes a la plataforma continental, en la forma como se define en el articulo 20. 6. Sieato no estar de acuerdo con razones que me express Vuestra Excelencia; puess si objeto primordial de la declaraci& de la plataforma o a6calo continental como parte del territorio nacional es el control y la protecciOn de las zonas pesqueras y =is riquezas que se encuentran en la mismas el ancho de la plataforma ecuatoriana se ha limitado a las zonas sumergidas que se encuentran cubiertas hasta por doscientos metros de aguas como mAximo. Esta anchura es muy inferior a la que han seidalado otros Estados americanos. Los Estados Unidos no ha fijado la extensi& del z6calo; pero ha ordenado que los recursos del subsuelo y del lecho marino del zocalo continental debajo de la alta mar, pero contiguos a las costas de los Estados Unidoss son pertenecientes a los Estados Unidos y sujetos a su jurisdiccian y control, y estLin reservados y puestos bajo la jurisdicci& y control del Secretario de lo Interior para fines ?administrativos. 7. El objeto primordial de proteger y controlar las zonas pesqueras y otras riquezas, quo persigue el Gobierno del Ecuador con la declaraci& de la plataforma continental ecuato- riana y la extensi& del mar territorial, puede verse en el Decreto-Ley de emergencia sobre pesca y caceria cuyos articulos 10 y 20 dicen: nEl Estado ejerce su soberania sobre las aguas territoriales (de los mares, insular y continental, de los lagos, lagunas y sistemas fluviales) y sus recursos. Para los efectos de la peseta y caceria maritima, en generals se con- siderarl como mar territorial de la RepSblica, el actualmente eomprendido dentro de las doce minas nauticas medidas desde la linea de is mils baja mareas en los puntoa mis salientes de las islas extremas quefotman el contorno del Archipi6lago de Col6n, y el compren , "ontro de las doce minas nAuticas medidas desde la lpade,3 ms baja mares, en las puntas m4s I 1/ ,* It% npnlassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDPO8C01297R000700080017-1 -- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDP08C01297R000700080017-1 Desp. No. ' 1 RESTRICTED End. From (Classification) Desp. No. 74993124152 From ___AmEmba.s.s-y-p1441- t ? 1 ? salientes de la costa ecuatoriana e isles adyacentes, sin p-erjuicio de quo dicha extensi& pueda ser modificada, por quiera posterior determinaei& de lo quo ha de entenderse por mar territorial de la Reptiblican. 8. La tereera disposici& quo ha merecido la observaci& del Gobierno de los Estado s Unidos es la quo cons idera el Arcii- piSlago de Col& como una masa continua de tierra pare los fines de agues territoriales* eon la faja marginal quo envuelve a todo el Arehipiglago. 9. A este respect?, debo manifestar a Vuestra Exeelencia quo la Reblica del Ecuador* pare controlar y proteger su riqueza pesquera en el Archipiftago de Col& tiene quo considerar- lo come una masa territorial vigilada por el Estado. Esto resulta imprescindible y por ell? no puedo ester de acuerdo con la objeci& de la note de Vuestra Excelencia. 10. Al formular sus reserves, el Gobierno de Vuestra Exeelencia supone quo* con Is. vigencia del Decreto Legislativo de 6 de noviembre de 1.950* pueden ser afectados los intereses del Gobierno Americano y los de sus nacionales y naves. A este respect? tango a honra expresar a Vuestra Excelencia quo en nada se erecter& Is.. navegaci6n par las agues contiguas a las costes ecuatorianas,; y si alguaa vez se produce un hecho de los que supone el Gobierno de Vuestra Excelencia, puede tenor la seguridad de quo seri tratado con el mismo espiritu alto y equitativo con quo lo Berle por el Gobierno American? un case semejante quo se produjera en sus agues territoriales en su z6calo continental. Vilgone de la oportunidad para renovar a Vuestra Excelencia las seguridades de mi mAs alta y distinguida consideraci6n0 N. L. Ponce Al Exeelentisimo Senor Paul C. Daniels, Embajador Extraordinario y Plenipotenciario de los Estados Unidos de AmArica. RESTRICTED Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDP08C01297R000700080017-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDP08C01297R000700080017-1 Desp. No 1 RESTRICTED 1 End. No Proin_ ? - (Classification) Desp. No 7) 1.9 3/24/52 Fmm_ling4WNMSFAU140 REPUBLIC OF ECUADOR MINISTRY OF FOREIGN RELATIONS No. 31 DDP Quito, March 22, 1952 Mi. Ambassador: I have the honor to reply to your note No. 335 (sic) of June 70 1951, in which, acting upon instructions of the Government of the United States of America, Your Excellency refers to the Legislative Decree of Nov, 6, 1950 which in- corporates the continental shelf In the national territory and fixes the limits of its territorial waters. 2, The interest of Your Excellencyts Government is concentrated in three principal provisions of the afore- mentioned Legislative Decree: 1) the one which involves the sovereignty, of Ecuador over a 12..mi1e belt of adjacent ocean waters; 2) the one which establishes Ecuadoran pro- tection and control with regard to fishing in the waters corresponding to the continental Shelf; and 3) the one which considers the Col& Archipelago as one continuous mass of ? earth, for territorial water purposes, with a narginal belt which encircles the entire Archipelago. 3. As to the first provision, I deplore not to be able to share the opinion of Your Excellency, for if numerous maritime nations for many years back have subscribed to the principle that the belt of territorial waters extends three nautical miles from the coast, there are also a good number that have opposed this three-mile standard. An organ as important as the "Revista Americana de Derecho Internacional" reflecting the erudite Horthmerican opinion, says in this regard: The general failure of tae Geneva Conference for codification in 1930, to agree upon a definition of territorial waters, is decisive proof that the traditional AngloAmerican doctrine (three miles) does not constitute international law.... Among other countries, Rus is, France, Italy, Portugal and Norway, have continually insisted that the jurisdiction of a coastal State over its fishing waters Should extend more than three miles from the beach." 4, It is prop*O:point out that the United States itself has on variouS- oasions'not adhered to its traditional doctrine of three mil one of them being the law of August RESTRICTED Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDP08C01297R000700080017-1 1 ? Declassified in Part-Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDPO8C01297RO00700080017-1 RESTRICTED 1 Encl. iNo ciassipcahon) Desp. No .71190/21w'52 FromAxanka4mqNrQu-i-te- 5, 1935 to fight against contraband, which authorized the President of the Union, in$certain circumstances, to delimit the zones of the high seas at more thah 12 miles from the coast, in which zones customs control might be made effective against the smugglers. 5. Your Excellency also mentions the preoccupation of your Government with respect to Article 1 of the afore- mentioned Legislative Decree of November 6,19500 as far as "it involves an unlimited degree of protection and control on the part of Ecuador over fishing in the waters corresponding to the continental shelf, as defined In Article 2." 6. I regret not to be in agreement with the reasons given by Your Excellency; for if the prime object of the declaration of the continental shelf as part of the national territory is the control and the protection of the fishing zones and other resources found there, the width of the Ecuadoran shelf has been limited to the submerged zones which are covered up to a maximum of 200 meters. This width is much less than that indicated by other American States. The United States has not fixed the extent of its shelf; but has decreed that the resources of the subsoil and the ocean bed pf the continental shelf below the high seas but continguous to, the coasts of the United States, belong to the United States and are Inbject to its jurisdiction and control, and are assigned to and put under the jurisdiction and control of the Secretary of the Interior for administrative purposes. 7,. The prime object of protecting and controlling the fishing zdhes and other resources, assumed by the Government of Ecuador in defining its continental shelf aad the extension of the territorial waters, may be seen in the emergency Decree (Deereto kit) covering fishing and hunting, Articles 1 and 2 reading as follows; The State exercises sovereignty over territorial waters (of the seas, insular and continental, of the lakes and river systems) and their resources. For fishing and maritime hunting purposes, in general the territorial sea of the Republic shall be considered that actually comprised within 12 nautical miles, measured from the point of the lowest tide on the most salient points of the outer islands which form the contours of the Col& Arthipelago and included within 12 nautical miles measured from the lowest tide line on the most salient ppints of the Ecuadoran coast and adjacent islands; without prejudice to the fact that said limits may be changed by any later definition of what shall be understood as territorial waters of the Republic." RESTR ICTED Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDP08C01297R000700080017-1 ; Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDPO8C01297R000700080017-1- End. No .2 Desp. No..7ip9x24/5 2 From! zu?itrc Desp.tNo Frorn_4__ 86 The third provision which has merited the comment of the Government of the United States is that which com6 siders the Coln Archipelago as one continuous mass of earth,. for the purpose of defining territorial waters, With A marginal belt encircling the entire Archipelago. 9. In this regard, I must inform Your Excellency that the Republic of Ecuador, in order to control and protect its fishing resources In the Coln Archipelago must consider them as one territorial-whole, watched over by the State. This cannot be prescinded and therefore I am not able to agree with the objection contained in Your Excellency's note. 10. In formulating its reservations, Your Excellency's . Government sup303e8 that in the enforcement of the Legislative DeCree of November 601950?the interests of the American Government, its nationals and ships may be affected. In this regard I have the honor to state to Your Excellency that in no respect shall navigation through waters adjacent to the coasts of Ecuador be affected; and if at any time an incident such as is supposed by Your Excellency's Government should occur, you may be assured that it will be dealt with . in the same elevated and equitable spirit with Which a similar case would be treated by the American Government, were it to take place in its territorial waters or on its continental shelf. I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to Your Excellency the assurances of my highest and most distinguidhed. consideration. TRANSLATION N. L, Ponce Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDP08C01297R000700080017-1