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October 13, 1964
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50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/27: CIA-RDP80-00247A003100230001-0 R Next 1 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/27: CIA-RDP80-00247A003100230001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/27: CIA-RDP80-00247A003100230001-0 ? .1:-. ? POLISH ArIADELT 13C.ILESICRS. ? INSTITUTE OF. G.; OGRA 7HY DEPART:MEN'T OF SPACE mom= .4.NrD RILIONAL PLANNING , REGIONAL IYLANNI .IG IN POLAND' STAT 1 STAT r ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/27: CIA-RDP80-00247A003100230001-0 ,g11 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/27: CIA-RDP80-00247A003100230001-0 'REGI0NAL ANNING IN POLAND ' Work:on regional plamaiIg started in Poland in 1930, when also the Bureau of Regional' 'Ianning, the first of its kind in Poland, was sot up in 'Warsew. By 1937 ten more regions were brought within the planning lchere. Regional Planning Commit- tees and technical departmers under them performed the work, covering some 40 per cent of Poload's territory in its pre-war frontiers, Throughout * the years 19:.0-3S ; town planners, on whose initiative the scheme was se': affoot., devoted Much thought and efforta. to shifting planning from towns and settlements onto vaster. areas. The basic obj ;ct 'rag a meSt rational land ?utili- zation.. This, then was spati2r planning in the full meaning of the word. Coordination methods yecional undertaking were agreed. upon at congresses of Region a Chairmen' s? Committees. ? ? The Congress held in 1.98 tk..us formulated the object of regionalplanning: ? ? ? ? "A regional plan covering one of the country' s districts ? Is a programme of lispcsitions seeking to determine the most economical uso of the district's land in conformity ? with national and .:.egional interests, creating the beat ? possible condition'; for the district's development in a. given period of time". The Congress came out in favour of starting work on a country plan as an indispensable. sur,3rstructure:Of regional planning. In 1945, at the time of the restoration of Poland's state- hood, the country espoused tie socialist ,system of a planned A economy, with the subsequent soc:,a1 ownership of the means of production. A new chapter td bcen opened when nearly all the. realms of economic life and 4aveetment activity were brought . within the planning scheme. ' Two planning. organs Wei 9 ca.aed into being: The Central Office of Planning, entrustelft with the task of economic planning, and the Central Office of Sratial Planning, whose task it was to draw up spatial plans on a r 94c onal , regional and local scale /the latter covering, towns E nd pott laments/. In 1946,? with the promuigaton of the Decree "On the' Plan- ned Poland s Space-economy" /effoctive April 2, 1946/, spatial Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/27: CIA-RDP80-00247A003100230001-0 _ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/27: CIA-RDP80-00247A003100230001-0 ?,..4?1. ? [JO Plonn was prc.:vicle a _ogai status. The Decree defined the oranizational met hoi of spatial planning, its object and rank within the planned: c . It also included legal regu- lations. The Central Cff cor of Spatial Planning was entrusted with the task of drawing Ap a spetial plan covering the whole country and to supervise pl anning work. Regional Departments under the Office were to 3Iab,)rat e plans for the regions with- in their radius of operation, while Local Planning-Offices were in charge of town ar se6tlement planning. .The establishment of uniorm organizational methods, along with the existing :ogal basis for activity, provided a framework within which tl c es itaates? Of the national and region-- al plans could be coordin ated and local plans could follow re- gional directives. The Decree envisag-.1 the folloWing. stages in regional planning: 1. Elaboration of ch-aft-?lan; . 2, Endorsement of d: aft7plan by ?State organs and institu- tions concerned; Getting the apprval of the opinion-issuing organ; .4.. Endorsement, of te draft-plan by the Central Office of 'Spatial Planning; . 5, Endorsement of t.e plsn by the Regional People's Council /local governmea.". The fulfilfanW of .tia, plan was secured throu3h two mea'sUres: control alf017 i:%vestments to find out their corre- spondence with the plan' objectives, and suspension of -investment activity not nvisaged in the plan, which the plan- ning organs were duly au Jhorized to carry out0 As the system and mAhods of planning made headway, it became apparent that the division of tasks between the two principal planning organl was too rigid that it failed, to provide a tie-up between spatial and economic planning,. in- vestment planning in par. icuiar. In 1949, a radical eorEanization was carried out in the ? system and management of plarning. The two. organs of planning were abolished. and subat 1-,utcd by a central planning authortty:. the State COMMIS:A.0A for Ecoromic Planning. The -latter took 114,' ' ,' /V, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/27: CIA-RDP80-00247A003100230001-0 ' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/27: CIA-RDP80-00247A003100230001-0 into its hantis. also the r,(.4 f na.ional and regional spatial planning. Local spatial planing was brought under the Admini- stration /the Ministry of BuiAine, to be later transferred to the Town-planning and Architeturc Committee/. The opinion Was? at that -Imo prevalent that in view of the absence of long-term oconmic directives, the construction Of spatial plans was a'prematre task. Subsequently, spatial planning on a national scale 'fas zuspended during the years 1950-57,. while regional planping as limited to a few selected districts, where investmant'etivty was the largest. Working groups Of speciElist, set up from time to time as need arose, mapped out th( plans. And though the plans eon- tamed valuable conclusions drawn froth a thorough survey of the region, its physical and soc.lc-,economic features, they exerted but a negligible .influence or invostment activity. This should be ascribed, on the one hand, to absence of long-term di- rectves.governing'the day Len; of the national economy, and to the frequent changes in tIc.in-xestment policy, on the other hand. Thus, underestimation spatial planning was a charectori- stic feature of the years l9!0-57,.when it was not regarded as an apt instruMent coordinati;.0 in a most rational way economic and investment activity. Meanwhile, specialist.; n spatial planning ho lal:achec.2 campaign for the full rester tion of spatial .planning. Their efforts ultimately led to th recognition of the view that if the space economy of the coultry is to be based on sound pre mises, the.investment policy Must be harmonized?with the spatial correlation of investments. And spatial plans, whether national_ cr regional; are an indisperable instrument for a correct de- termination or these relatiuls. ? In ,1961, the Seym /Par2lamelt/ passed a Law on Spatial Planning. The provisions o the Law maintain the division of .competence: spatial plannir?. on country-wide and regional ? ecale comes under the authoity of eoonomic planning /Planning Commission at the Council Ministers/., while local planning ? is subordinated .to the bui:ding authorities /Committee fOr ? Building, Town Planning and ,!..'iThitecture/. ? ?':1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/27: CIA-RDP80-00247A003100230001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/27 : CIA-RDP80-00247A003100230001-0 ? , - 4 ? Despite the diVision of ;ompctence, the Law regulates in a uniform way the mar.'..f old problems involved in spatial planning. It provides for a Ipread of regional planning to cover the entire country, def .ninE the object of, and mutual relations between, the plans, laying down the mode of? their endorsement and the procedure to be followed for the plena to become operative.. The Law on spatial plant ng is: supplemented by a Di- rective issued in May 1962 by the Thairman of the Planning Commission at the Council of .:.finisters. In the light , of legal' re .:u1 at ions enacted in the years 1960 and 1962 the situation .1" 'regional planning today is 88 follows.: I. Coordination between Regi(..naI Planning and te Plan for , the Development of the Te;ional Economy. Regional plans should in principle be constructed on the basis of the directives lid downin.the Perspective Plan of the National Economyx, Here it should be added that regions are the equivalent of Polaad's administration divi- sion units, called in this col.ptry Voivodshi psx2C. Regional plans -cover .at present the riv.le ot Poland's territory. The.next successive yer13:on of the Perspective Plan Will take into account the mclusion drawn by regional plans. In this way regional initiati6 an:.: interests will be secured. Ii tne plan for the developmet of the.national economy. It should be underscored that in the first phase of the new era in regional p/ann:ng, -7hich set in along with the enactment. of th, 1960 Law. worl: concentrates on determi- ning the basis of economic an social development. Hence, In the present stage first an formost comes the Method of statistical analysis and of oticuLltion .of indices. Though the conclusions contained in. '5gio'aa1 plans do take, into count the geographic location of p:7oposed economic activity, ? x/ present plan for the yearr. 196:.-1980 ? xx,/T'oland is divided into 11 Toivodships and 322 counties /districts/ ,6... ? ? "Ni.1 ? ? 7, " * ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Re ease 2014/02/27: CIA-RDP80-00247A003100230001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/27 : CIA-RDP80-00247A003100230001-0 5 the subject-matter of spatial plarning 1.e. the division of regions acCoring to destinat%on, has neither been fully de- veloped nor applied in practl :e, ,thich perhaps is not surpris- ing bearing in mind the snort period of time sines work on re- gional planning. has .been resu etcl: It still is in its initial phase.. . 'Coordination between reg cenal plans. and the national eco- nomic policy is secured throue;ii the application of tne,prin- ciple that regional plans are mapped out on the basis of: '1/ current /five-year/ plans .or tne development of the national n/ economy provisions and directives eontained in?tne materials col- lected in tne course of tae elaboration of .long-term plans /up to 1980/ for the develepment of the national economy . 3/ directives contained in the Decisions taken by the Council. of Ministers.; 4/ relevant directives enacte: by e'egional authorities /1gived- ship and district/:. II. .0r5anization of planninl Ooeperation of authorities and institutions concerned a74 alno of the population in the Construction of rezional nlane ----------- The' Iselv on Spatial 111anni are p:!ovides for two .kinds of re- gional plans: the general and etalled plan. The general plan covers Iminstration units /Voivodships/4. including cities within the rc glop which have the Status of a - A Voivodship. The general plan can :.ntegrato several 7eivodships if they constitute a socicl, c eononic and natural entity? Detailed. plans supplemen and elaborate the problems en- visaged in the general plan, eld they cover in particular such regions where an especially in ensteve rate of economic develop- ment is envisaged. Regional plans ?Over in vine pis the same number of years as are covered by long-term pi /i.s /up to 1980 at the present stage of planning/. But regioAal .planning may extend over a longer period of time when the hypethesis is justified that a branch of activity requires mee'e time where its perspective , ? ',J.' *Ao ).? N?tle?..40( nRclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/27: CIA-RDP80-00247A003100230001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/27 : CIA-RDP80-00247A003100230001-0 , development is concerned_ Ths may be the case. when the plan deal with-demographic estimes, prospeeting of minerals, and the development of the water 'n.d forest economies and long-range economic activity, which may .n a epecifio way .determine the ' region's development. Preliminary work on reginal, planning is in the hands of Regional Planning Offices of he Voivodship People's Council,. Regional Planning Advisory Gemissions composed of distinguished specialists and represontativls of the Administration take an. _active part in the elaboratio. of regional plans Specialized lust its and research centre lend 'a helping hand when it comes to solving particularly complAc problema,:while the advice; and endorsement is sought from atainistrativo. organs where problems of special 'importance arerinyelved. The draft?regional plans are.eonstrued in two stages. , During the first stage, the .g neral premises of the region's development are laid down and anpreliminary outline of the ,. plan's objective is drawn up. The second stage witnesses the elaboration of the draft-plan proper: It.takes into, account. the suggestions and.conclusiols drawn after consultation with, and endorsement. by, the 1n2 iutionsconcerned. The cooperation' of autheities and the population in the construction of the plan is soured through the following pro- cedure: 1/ Draft plant are agreed .u.pm wJth the .Voivodship and District organs. of the Administration; end also With the State and central economic authoritiep concerne 1; 2/ Draft plans are subjecit to endorsement by the- Praesidia ef the Voivodship People's Councils /Local Government Boards/ which. represent the interests of the ,population; 3/ After: endorsement by the I )0131 Government Board, the draft plan in reviewed by the auth.c t ios responsible for town and settlement planning, which 1..s: nue -their opinion about the draft, 4-1 The fundamental provision; of 'the draft plan are subject to.' approval by the Council of BI:1 4- ? ????"" "?=e' ?ve-?54.,Alv's ,? ? L'"`?'" ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/27: CIA-RDP80-00247A003100230001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/27 : CIA-RDP80-00247A003100230001-0 II10 Elaboration Techniauc, ........... The conStruction of region 11 plans is based on: 1/ The directives pertaining to the elaboration of five-year, . plane for the development of th national and voivodship eco- nomies; . 2/ Directives included in the materials pertaining to long-term plans /up to 1980/ for the development of the national economy; ;3/ Pertinent- directives inolUae i in the decisions taken by the Council of. Ministers and the PI leisiclia of Voivodship People's. Councils; 4/ Basic studies and ahalyses: neural-geographic and socio- economic relations; 5/ Conclusions drawn in the cov 'es? of work on local spatial . plans.. A .therough and detailed..zaearah. precedes the embodiment of - the concept envisaged in, a reg:.snal plan.. .The research comprisss: 1/ an all-round evaluation of. '''ne natural-geographic pecularities . , of the area covered by the plan; 2/ an analysis of industrial aA agricultural output in the re- gion; 3/ an analysis. of the cultural facilities existing ?or. the spot and the work of 'cultural and 0:,ononlo organisations; . 2/8 survey Of demographio dev tlOprrents? and structure of employ- merit; ? 5/ an analysis of the living 'c:Alditions and the struoture of . consumer goods'. Regional plans seek to Solve the following problems: 1/ Accurate prognosticating of demoLraphic development and esti- mation of latent .reserves in. the workforce. Proposals as to the distribution of 'the populatior with due regard to migration' .move- ments; - 2/ Determination, of oonditiom for the expansion, of industry .on the basis of local raw materit is , the potential possibilities ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/27: CIA-RDP80-00247A003100230001-0 _ Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/27: CIA-RDP80-00247A003100230001-0 of expanding existing work tablishments, including technical ' progress, reserves of ne :tfore and an improvement in la- . bour productivity; propoeal% perteining to location of industry. Material and power balance e1leets; 3/ Regional distribution of egricultural production accompanied by an appraisal of the volume, of output. An evaluation of the existing condition.s. for the eE)alization of the production pro- gramme. An outline of the alticipated structure of farms. Balance sheets of fertilizer q' economy. Directives pertaining to mechanization and techn1C91 ecuipment. Organisation of ? auxiliary services; 4/ Concept and programme of. :he forest economy and of .afforesta- tion. Estimated output of. timber industry.. 'Basle conditions for realization of proxreamme; 5/ Estimates envisaging the -.'olune and trends in commodity movements and passengers' t: effie.. Progremme for the expansion. and reconstruction of tho listing transportation network, in- cluding railway, water and t Lr transportation facilities; 6/ Laying down the prim:J.1)1c 1 go/erning the expansion' of settle- ments, envisaging the densil Y of the population, along with a definition of the function. o be performed by towns and settle- ments, .and a selection of r( gion3 destined for development, includng an outline of bas: c elements of space btrticture; 7/ Programme for the develonent of cultural facilities and social services, including'eohools, theatres; houses of cul- ture health service centre: , soeial welfare, care over child- ren, and recreational, rest and. tourist facilities; 8/ Appraisal of housing neees and programmes of house build. ing; communal services. /4a ler supply, disposal. of impure water, electric and gas/. 'lrbar. communication; 9/ .Programme for the deeloement. of the distribution system.. Conditions for the realization cf the programme; 10/ Evaluation of water surely reserves /surface and under ground/, and suggestions et to how they should be utilized. for Consumer purposes? indeetriel, agricultural and shipping purposes, for .hydropower ntatiolls and for recreational water `4P.' N.7" \ , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/27: CIA-RDP80-00247A003100230001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/27 : CIA-RDP80-00247A003100230001-0 stations.. Protection of wate: against polution. Recommendations pertaining.to investment in 'ivlro-teehnical installations. In its ultimate form a r gienal plan should constitute a cynthesis of all the problems here enumerated. The plan is sup- plemented by an investment plen, a building programme, along with a description of conditions !dterrining realization. .Regional plans are compoled c,f two parts: a descriptive and cartographic one. ? 0artographic.elaboration3 are based on the following scales: .General regional plans: 1:30') 000; 1:200 000, and 1:100 ()go. Detailed'regional'plans: 1:10 000; 1:50 000, and 1:25 000. Remark: In the present .tago, regional planning concentrates on defining the basic premisel of economic development. The me- thod,. are predominantly based on an analysis. of 'a statistical type. The findings and.contlilsiona of this stage will serve as a basis of the 'forthcoming 1.:Ietia: regional. plan stricto sensu. Under 'these circumstances, parallel to the work conducted by re- gional planning'organs,? town, planners have set out with the elabo- ration of their plans coverirg la7i:ze areas- of related groups, of settlements. Work is proceoaing primarily in densely populated regions or,.in other .words; .fca bit; cities. Local plans covering groups of related settlementt, lay down the principles whieh' mould space structure and govIrn ':erritorial division according to purpcoe .of destination. 'Au reation to regional plans proper, local plans covering groupt. se.tiements; contain conclusions stemming from the analysis slowin,-, the utilization of the natural and geographic features of tie reion and the degree of its de- velopment, 1. Lier DeDa:ement of Spaee Economy and Regional Planning Institute of Geography . Pelish Academy of Sciences ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/27: CIA-RDP80-00247A003100230001-0