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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP80-00247A002900170001-0 R 50X1 -HUM Next 1 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP80-00247A002900170001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP80-00247A002900170001-0 b STAT ,? ? gesearch In::,,;itute for 2lastics Industry Budapest, XIV. nun6ar:.a krt. ilk Director: Prof, Dr. Gyula Haiviy Therask of the Research Institute for Plastics Industry has been the realizatiot and the development of the Hungarian plastics.ind,_'-y. In principle, the Institute is concerned with the probleiqo 4* polymerization and polycondensation, that is to say, with the synthesis or plastics, with the modification of the properties of the polymers, with the investigation of ? the processing possibilities of plastics, and with the possible use of plastics in different fields of application. To provide for these tasks, the Institute carries out its activity in three locations. Chemical and physical laboratories, offices and the central library are dwelt in the central building;. the Depaitment for Processing Technology, engaged with the pro- cessins of plastics and with the testing of processed plastics articles, is located in the Gyarmat utca, and the pilot-plant of plastics production processes resides at the premises in Soroksar. Rese.,..rch is supported by our library,. comprislng about yOu0 books on technical literature,-dealing with the practical a-d theoretlical'aspect3 of the'plasties industry and related sciences. Moreover, 120 journals from all parts of the world inform regularly our scholars On deverfopment5 in 'their special. branch of research. The or ganization 'of the Institute is the scope of activitiei. carried out bg departments and sect:ions. The program of the Institute is in close correlation with the development program of the Hungarian plastics industry. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP80-00247A002900170001-0 STAT ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP80-00247A002900170001-0 - - - It is the task of our Institute to place experts of suitable training at the disposal of the plastics plants to be errected and to contribute to the development of processes to be realized. . Section Prespective Research ? The group is engaged with polymerization in the solid phase. The polymerization of various monomers in crystalline state opon irradiation is studied. Comparison is made between the crystal structure of the initial substance and that of the formed polymer. During these investigations, an exceptio- nally high rate of polymerization was found in the under- cooled liquid state, aria, it was this very research group to call first attention to this phenomenon. The co-polymerization of eutectic mixtures, thus the co-polymerization of N-vinyl- pyrrolidon with N-vinyl-succinimide has been also investigated. Section-leader: ?roe. Dr. Gyula Hardy, Director of the Insti- tute; Candidate of Chemical Sciences Section Radiation Chemistry. A 60 Cobalt isotope of >00.curie's os operated at the Institute. The effect of irradiation on plastics is inves- tigated with this source, with a smaller Cobalt-gun of about ,0 curies and with X-ray.apparatus. The radiation source was ' used also in the investigation of graft mechanism. In this' field, the influence of various factors on grafting reaction, e.g. monomer diffusion,. radical concentration,' were investi- sated primarily on a?styrene model.graftd on Teflon an poly- ethylene sheets. These experiments were recently supplemented by the measurement of. Electron Spin Resonance with an appara-' tus. built in. our Institute: ESR-research is carried out under the leadership of Candidate Dr. Peter Hedvig. Experiences STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP80-00247A002900170001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP80-00247A002900170001-6 . ' ? 40 &lined in the studying of graft mechanism are ailized in the production of grafted sheets, to be used for the preparation of ion exhange membranes. The prototype of a laboratory appa- ratus hes bLen constructed by the group for the preparation of polyethylene foils, Gross-linked by irradiation and thus shifhkable. ? .Irradiation polymerization, proceeding in an electric field:, is investigated by Canaidate Dr. Laszlo Kiss.. ? Also novel type radiation-dosimeters based on plastics have been developed. One of them changes its electrical resistance independence of the actual radiation-dosis and thus, is suitable for the. direct determination of the dosis. The other mehod involves a change in colour upon radiation. Section leader: Dr. Janos Dob6, CAndidate of. Chemical Schiences. Division for Polymer Micromor,phology This division deals with the investigation of polymer structure and the determination of the molecular weight, and chepe.. Work in the division is divided as follows: X-Ray investigations Electron microscopy IR-Spectroscopy Determination of molecular weight by ultracentrifuging, by light scattaring and by osmotic pressure measurements, respectively. ? 11 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP80-00247A002900170001-0 - 4 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/26 CIA-RDP80-00247A002900170001-0 ? The division is eFuipped with the most modern apparatus,' 'permitting a t6rough investigation of polymers. The following is a list of more important instruments Available for structural ;analytib: X-ziez,..fine structure analysator, Type Huller-Micro 111 Lou angle X-ray chamber, Type Rigaku-DAnki Zeiss eletronmicrioscop Zeiss IR spectrophotometer Ultracentrifuge for the determination of molecular' weight, Manufacture: ULU, Budapest. Zeiss Schlieren-apparatus for the determination of the 'diffusion coefficient "Sofica" light scattering meter, and other special instruments. The division participates in several' works of the Insti-. ' tute by carrying out measurements and tests. The?crystalisa- iion process of synthetic fibres, conditions of polyamide crystallisation and the change in dye uptake of polyamide fibres with the degree of crystallinity are studied thoroughly. Important results were attained primarily in the investi- gation of polyproiylene especially of fibres polypropylene. A new methoa was developed on the basis of X,--ray diagrams of polypropylene fibres, which permits the determination of deviations on the Y-rayinterferogram producted by changes in crystallinity and particle size of the crystalline phase, as. 1.1oll as the determination of the ratio of the amorphous and the crystalline part. Investigations with the elfmtronmicroscope and the ana- lysis of the IR spectra of various plastics are in connection with :this field of investigations. ' The group concerned with the determination of *molecular weight establiahed correlations between.the change in the con- - .STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP80-00247A002900170001-0 . - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP80-00247A002900170001-6 ditions of form;.ttien and the molecular weight for polycarbo- 'nutes and between:.the molecular weight for polycarbonates and between the molecular weight. and the intrinsic viscosity for PVC. Interactions for different solvents were also studied. Leader of the department: Dr. Geza Bodor, Candidate of Chemical Sciences. ? Poiyolefine'Department In accordance with the Hungarian program for industrial development, research in the polyolefine department of the Institute is concerned with the production of Polyethylene, poly- propylene and various co-polymers. The cope of these investi- gations involves 1?oth theoretical and technological problems. Among the theoretical problems, the investigation of the action mechanism. of .the Ziegler-Natta-catalysts is of primdty impor- tance. These investigations are carried out by Candidate Dr. JOzsef Vagady. Candidate Dr. Antal Dankovits is engaged in the production of various olefinic co-polymers and in the deter- mination of optimum conditions for the polymerization. In the research work pertinent to action mechaniLsm, the proportions of the different component .f the catalysts, the preparation technique of the catalyst kJmplex, anCL the relations between the crystal structure of the catalyst and the kinetics of the polymerization process are studied. In the investigation of the ?ossible.production methods of various co-polymers., a polymer of high softenin point, having at the same time thermoplastic properties, was vnthetized from ethylene and divinylbenzene. Int the fiel6 of technological research, the manufacture ,.)n pilot-plant scale of i:riethyl aluminium and dieti:y1 alumi- STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP80-00247A002900170001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP80-00247A0029001.70001-0 ?? b nium, respectivnlj, required in the production of low pressure , . 'polyethylene, ha; been realized. Productien of alkyl metal catalyst in the plant errected on the premisses in Papkeszi of Nitrokomia Ipartelepek is based on the process developed in and patented by the Institute..A continuous reactbr, also on pilot-plant scale, or the polymerization of ethylene has been,built, 'rich Proved satisfactory in every re.spect. The plan documentation of a larger continuous polymerization reactor has been handed over to the People's xepublic of Poland. Leader of the depart!aent: Dr. Arthur Simon, Candidate of Chemical Sciences. 0 Synthetic Fibre Department In this department, research is concerned with 'the production technology of synthetic fibres and with the deve- lopment of polymers suitable for synthetic fibres. The inves- tigation of the effect of various acid catalysts on the poly- merization mechanism of caprolactam is an example of this latter objective. When using phosphoric acid as catalyst, the poly- merization rate of caprolactam is three times as high as that to be attained with water or catalysts deliberating water. The process Tray be utilized in the manufacture of polyamide fibres. When hydrochloria acid is used as catalyst, different sections can be.distinguished in the rate of polymerization, Vie mecha- nism of each section hawing been interpreted individually. A polyamide type of low melting point, soluble in alcohol, has been developed, which can be used as a powder, for adhesive in tailoring, while plates formed of it may be made sensitive to. light and can be used, therefore, in the printing inaustry as stereo-plates. For the changing of the properties of,polyester fibres, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP80-00247A002900170001-0 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/26 : CIA-RDP80-00247A002900170001-0 ; polyethylene glycole therephthalate fibres were modified with . various glycide ethers and. polyglycol ethers. This procedure . * .permittad to develop a polyester fibre of improved dye ,uptake ,ana reduced rigidity. ? Research on polyPropylene fibres involved besides the development of the techpology of fibre forming on the mechani- cal properti - of the obtained fibres. To improve the stability to light br the fibre, several stabilisators were 'examined. *With the aim to improve the dye uptake of p/ypropylene fibres, the technique of grafting on the fibre wac. investigated. Besides :the irradiation of the fibres with gamma-rays, also the chemi- calY iniciated grafting was studied. With this method, several -types of fibres, easy to dye, could be produced on a labora- tory-scale. Experiments on the fibre forming properties of plastic mixtures on polypropylene basis are in course. _Leader of the departmeni: Dr. Pries Geleji,. Deputy Director,:. Candidate of Chemical Sciences Polyester Section Different polyester resin types, suitable for the various ?intended "uses, have been developed. To interpret the mechanism of polyesterification, the influence of various monomers were investigated' In the first place, the polycondensation reaction of maleic acid and fumaric acid with different drools has been studied. The thermal stability of the resins and the Po1yc9ndenr Aation reaction proper were investigated by differential thermo- .gravimetric analysis. /with a Derivatograph/. The Section works .also on the development .of novel typet.self-estinguishing poly- ester resins. On the basis of laboratory experiments, types .3uitaV4e.ror the electric industry and fpr glass-fibre reinforced . materials of construction .on polyester basis have been manufactu-. .?red on an inausnial scale. or special purposes, also optical .adhesives have been developed. This adhesive was used succes- .fully for the jetting up of lense tombinations for Microscopes, narlaccifipn in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP80-00247A002900170001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP80-00247A002900170001-0 ? - 8 - ? resistant. to t...wiaal conditions. Sectini leader: Mrs. Ibelya Vancs6- Szmercsanyi, M.S. LiRht-Seasiiive Polymers Section ? Thas 3ectioh -Is! been carrying out investigations for tne priting industry ori, the prcdtion of plastics sheets based on . acrylates and iLethal?,:rylates, which, besides polyamids,.may be made.thensitive to .light. The baA3 of the plates is athino-ethyl- -mei;hacrylat homopolyner's- 1,ethacrylic acid. salt, .to which ? liOat Iniclators and other additives are componended. The.experi- mental manufacture on industrial scala will take place in the next future. Section.;eader: Miss Gabrielle POgany, M.S. Section.: Modification of Macromolecules' This group is engaged in secondary modification .of various polymers. The most important out of this work is the produc- tion of .chlorinated polyethylene, a component in the manufacture of..3hockres1stant PVC. Candidate Dr. Pal Kriston works in the productioh of sulphOclorinated polyethylene, which is suitable for weathei.?prof' coatings. Expe'riments Qi1 the secondaiv Modifi- cation of PVC showed aluminium nitrate to be an efficient sta-. bilizer-for PVC'. S:-ctior- leader: dr. Zoltan Wolkober, Candidate of Qhemical sciences. . ? . The ta.3k of this group is the synthesis and the testing ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP80-00247A002900170001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/26 : CIA-RDP80-00247A002900170001-0 9 - ? ef iarious, eslcialJy porousoion-exhange resins and related products. Several types of ion-exchange resins have been developed and produced on indixstrial scale. Strong and weak anion and cation exchant,J resins have been synthetized. Recently, research work on bipol!," rsins have been undertaken beside the experi- ments for TI.creasing of the capacitj of the resins. /Candidate Dr. azsef Szanto wrks on the synthesis and on the testing of complex-forAing /chelating/ resins. ? Promising research work TIF. been in course with the objective to prepare different types of ion,-exchange membranes. This work involves, beside a basic research on the action mechanism of ion-exhange mtabranes, research on their practical application, primai.y in aluminium oxide .manufacture. Section leader: Janos A. Mikes Ph. D., M.S. Department for .stics Application The ask of this department is to expand the field'of.plastics applications. Experts workung in this department are specialists of the single branches, who, on the other side, disposing of a wide knowledge in the plastics industry, take the initiative o apply certain plastics in the individual fields 'of life. ? The In.:tik:ute collaborates with. the electircal industry, the buildin,r; industry, the machine building industry, with. agricultu- ral'in.stitutions, etc. In accordance with this task, enterprises . onulirig the Listitute also receive advise and active help the in realizing different plastics applications. ,.:veloped in the InstituCe, the department 3.160 rccoolmends ,.aported plastics types, should these be more suitable for the intended purpose. The department performs also aconoidic.analyes showing the savings attained by the application of plastics: Moreover, it helps i the establishing of the national, ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP80-00247A002900170001-0 STAT. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP80-00247A002900170001-0 ? ? lo economic plan, by evaluating from the economic aspect the develop-? ments of thk, wo;aati plastics inaustries and their expected influ- ence on Aungarian conditions. ? Leader of the department: Hugo Uacskisy, chem. eng. Department for Prectissibg_ Technology . The department ii equipped with machines for the pro- ceasing of plastics and with acvices for their testing. The department has be.e.uperned with the qualification, from the 'point of view of prooesAns, of the plastie..s types developed in the institute and has got the ask to become aquainted with the processing details of a wide variety of foreign types of plastics. Besiae the clarification of the rundamental principles of vacuum forming, research is carried out also on the manufacture of foamed plastics. Int' this field attention is centerea on the pro- duction of soft and hard PVC foamS, on foamed polyethylene and polyvinyl. alcohol. In connection with this work, miproporous filter accumulator plates etc. have been developed in addition to the above mentioned materials. This practical work is supplemented by fundamental re- search in the field of the compatibility of plastics. Among others, fundamental problems concerning the possibilities of the preparation of polymer mixtures, with special reference to shatterproof PVC, are dealt with. Leader of the department: Tawas Pazonyil chem.eng. Pilot plant ? ? In the Soi.oks;te Division, the production of various produots.preparrA in the laboratory is being realized, on a STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP80-00247A002900170001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP80-00247A002900170001-0 ? . . ;pilot-plant scale.' ? On the basis Of experiences gained in the operating of the pilot-plant, our processes are recommended for industrial realization. Polyvinyl alcohol, various polyvinyl acetais,' polyamiap blocks, different types of polyester 'resins, diffe- rent types of. epovires.ins, etc. have been deve3oped in the ? 1 pilot plant. On the premises.of the pilot plant, there are also a.few? .research laboratories in wich work .is carried out on the pro- duction of certain types of epoxy resins ant their cross-linking. . agents. Fundamental' research on the mechanism. on the cross- linking of epoxy resins, with the.aim' to clear also the action 'mechanism of the 'catalysts, is also in course.. ? .;At present, research on laboratory scale is carried out.. also on'the productionof polycarbonates, with the'objectives to compare different methods of condensation and simultaneous..! to 'aqvire knowledge in its polycondensation techniques. On hand of these experiences, .the construction of a pilot plant ' for the manufacture of polycarbonates is underway.. Leader of the Pilet' Plant Division: 'Laszlo' chem. eng. , Soction.for.Mechanical Engetyaering and Technology Research. This Section has a double task. In has to carry out design work neceo.v.* both for the research groups oi'the 1..s6itute .? ? and for inu.Ustrial realization. Construction is dune fur special equipmeat ana automatic devices; an,u technological experiments axe carried out with these facilities. As their own research . 'work, the.seation develops special:proCesses.and machinery. ' .EMphasis is laid oh the processing technology of glass fibre reinforced plastics. ? ? ? ? ? ? ?1???? ? ? ?? ? /sr ? STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP80-00247A002900170001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP80-00247A002900170001-0 STAT - 12 - Among others, the Section has realized the development of a continuous experimental equipment for the manufacture of low pressure polyethylene; the realization of the manufacture of metallic alkyls on industrial scale; the realization of *a con- tinuous manufacture of corrugated reinforcet polyester sheets. Section leaders Geza KeeskemOthy, mech. eng. 1 ' Plastic's Standards Section. The program of the Section comprises the preparation of Stan- dards, Tentatives and Proposals for the chemical production, for . ? the transformation and application of plastics. The Section is controlling standardization problems of products of 8 factories. The Section cooperates with the work of ISO/TC 61, '/International Standard Organization for Plastics/, in supervising the methods of material testing and by elaborating new proposals, for such. The Section has been active in. the work of Standardization for Plas- the Hungarian Bureau of Standardization and is an expert in the standardizing problems for the Ministery of Heavy Industry. Research work for finding new MethoSs of Testing, is done in the course of the .above mentioned wort, too. ? ? Problems of interest are e.g.: Standardization of polyurethane foams, investigation of the effects caused by impurities?in urea-. formaldehyde molding powders; thermal stability, - loss of plas- ticizer - content, - ageing of PVC-products, etc. Section peader.: Mrs. Martha liaczke Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP80-00247A002900170001-0 STAT