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I , grw1 Li! Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/18: CIA-RDP80-00247A002000210001-4 I' R M'ACt foV 'E'P'b RI 7 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage Laws, Title 18, U.S.C. Secs. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. 50X1?HUM S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM COUNTRY Rumania SUBJECT Miscellaneous Military Information REPORT DATE DISTR. NO. PAGES REFERENCES 8 December 1964 DATE OF INFO. PLACE & DATE ACQ. THIS IS UNEVALUATED 50X1?HUM 50X1?HUM INFORMATION. SOURCE GRADINGS ARE DEFINITIVE. APPRAISAL OF CONTENT IS TENTATIVE. 4 3 2 reports containing information on the following: a. b. three Military units in Bacau, Lugoj and Targu-Jiu. A short report giving the of three military units. location 50X1-HUM Artillery Reconnaissance Battalion at Caracal. 50X1-HUM A four-page report on the organizatic 50X1-HUM and training of this unit. 50X1-HUM c. Mechanized Engineers' Battalion mirpscu Division, Bucharest. A three-page report on the organization and equipment of the unit. 50X1-HUM of the Tudor Vladi- Distribution of attachment: Army (Retention S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM STATE I DIA I ARMY 1 NMN I AM I ws.4 14;6//////f 50X1?HUM 50X1 HUM: GROUP 1 Excluded from automatic downgrading and declassification 2 1 I 50X1?HUM (Note: Field distribution indicated by "#".) INFORMATION REPORT INFORMATION REPORT N Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/18: CIA-RDP80-00247A002000210001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/18: CIA-RDP80-00247A002000210001-4 4 COUNTRY SUBJECT Pk : Rumania : Military Units in Bacau, Lugoj and Targu-Jiu 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 1. An infantry regiment, commanded by Major Gheorghe Tutuica, was stationed in the western suburbs of Bacau from mid-1961 until early 1963. 2. The 381st Signals Battalion of the 40th Corps 1957. 3. Headquarters of an antiaircraft of the 86th Infantry Division was stationed at Lugoj from late 1955 through late artillery division with two of its artillery regimentsx and a services 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM along regiment with from late signals, radar and ordance unitsImere stationed at Targu-Jiu 1955 until late 1957. Both artillery regiments were equipped with Fri)777 tutematic 1\ [5. - . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/18: CIA-RDP80-00247A002000210001-4 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2014/02/18 : CIA-RDP80-00247A002000210001-4 A ,,. 7 - 2 - Puazo-4 fire control sets and one had 37 millimeter guns, while the other had 57 millimeter guns. Each battery comprised four guns. Lieutenant Colonel Florescu (fnu) was commanding officer of the division and Lieutenant Colonel Mihaescu (fnu) was chief of staff. SECRET IU UJLk.i P.1 lExcludfllig alutamatic dvng?::n,3 and 6:3;;Lzcifias.tian vmmasi....sonroamarammocsosweres....i Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/18: CIA-RDP80-00247A002000210001-4 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/18: CIA-RDP80-00247A002000210001-4 COUNTRY SUBJECT : Rumania : Mechanized Engineers' Battalion of the Tudor Vladimirescu Division 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 1. In mid-1959, a nuMber of units of the Tudor Vladimirescu Division were stationed at the barracks opposite the Ghencea cemetery in Bucharest, Including an armored regiment, an artillery regiment, an infantry unit and a mechanized engineers' 50X1-HUM battalion 2. The engineers' battalion comprised about 150 officers and men, who ware armed only with semiautomatic SKR carbines. Each section of the First and Second Companies was also equipped with a light machine-gun. The battalion consisted of the following three companies: a. The First Company, a sapper unit equipped with VIM-203 mine detectors fitted with earphones. Members of the company often trained for mine-laying and disposal. b. The Second Company, a bridge unit, which was equipped with four BAV amphibious vehicles, about 80 metal pontoons, wooden bridging '? Exdudzd f:'T C,;,:0 1 0:;IfW!c; decincifiWin Fr? T- 7,77r, Li " Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/18: CIA-RDP80-00247A002000210001-4 etkr.rafirvi Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/18 : CIA-RDP80-00247A002000210001-4 r P7.2?. Zan ?hJ ? . ? - 2 - 50X1 -HUM structures, metal bridging structures, a number of rubber dingies, a number of motor boats, and prefabricated wooden structures for bridging frozen rivers. c. The Third Company, a technical unit, which hdd about ten Steagul Rosu trucks primarily for routine service functions, Czepel gasoline engine vehicles fitted with spotlights and mine-laying equipment, two deep plows, four Kirov tractors, each fitted with a bulldozer and excavator, two motor graders, a pile driver, and a number of electric saws. A few dozen Zis and Zil four-by-six trucks were also kept in separate Sheds for use in emergencies. 3. New recruits arrived at the battalion once a year and underwent three months of regular infantry training before undergoing specialized training within the units to which they were posted. Once a year, the Whole battalion would participate in field maneuvers, Which included mine-laying and bridge-building exercises, with the division's other near units at the proving grounds/Draganesti on the River Olt. During the 4. eight or nine months of the dry were in the field, either training equipment was often used for road In mid-1957, the battalion participated season, most of the battalion's units or working; the battalion's heavy -building and construction operations. in joint Rumanian-Bulgarian exercises for bridge-laying on the Danube 50X1 -HUM 5. personalities in the battalion: 50X1 -HUM a. Major Gheorghe Artenescu, commanding officer. 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM b. Lieutenant Major Josif Catz, commanding officer of the Firtt company. .P7P-P7T ape% 1-? ? N rr1R AIEPA Ms "50X1-4UM ZIHI ExcP2f.:J (13rEzr:.?v, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/18 : CIA-RDP80-00247A002000210001-4 mrmr,rwriv. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/18 : CIA-RDP80-00247A002000210001-4 i11 rt.(7.:77.-7n7,1 - 3 - --7,.nrasr L V c. Captain Aron Enciu, deputy commander of the battalion. d. Lieutenant Major MUnteanu (Thu), commanding officer of the Second Company. e. Lieutenant Major Gheorghe Opiteanu, commanding officer of the Third Company. SERET 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM I...........-,.... ...,, ar;011P I f Excintl N..7iin adoviti I thscfat.T.ificatien NMI 11.......a.......,?,... Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/18: CIA-RDP80-00247A002000210001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/18: CIA-RDP80-00247A002000210001-4 COUNTRY SUBJECT ? : Rumania : Artillery Reconnaissance Battalion at Caracal 1. In 1960, an artillery reconnaissance battalion (batalionul cercetasi observatori) was stationed at a large barracks, which was to the left of the Caracal (N )01-07, E 24-21) railroad station. The battalion comprised four companies (detasament), each of which was commanded by a senior lieutenant and was assigned one medical orderly. Each company comprised four sections (grupa), each of which was equipped with one gun and had seven men commanded by a sergeant. 2. The battalion underwent the following training: a. Regular infantry training and familiarization with the F.N. 7.62- millimeter rifle. This training lasted one month and ended with an exercise using live ammunition. 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/18: CIA-RDP80-00247A002000210001-4 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2014/02/18 : CIA-RDP80-00247A002000210001-4 ZEWE. I NO 77413A ? -2- b. Three months of gun drill, carried out in a field about 30 kilometers from the barracks. Equipped with a box of work tools (cutia de unelte) containing pinchers, plyers, and small picks, three scouts from each section preceded the unit and its weapons, reconnoitered the area, and determined the most suitable positions to deploy the guns. They then dug the gun positions within a predetermined period of time, usually half an hour. The guns were drawn by Molotov trucks, which parked a short distance from the gun positions. The men then pulled the guns into position, which consisted of a semicircle with about ten meters between each position. Only the barrel of the gun pro- truded from the position. The section commander received his orders over the field telephone and then passed them on to his men. After one year of training, the battalion was to have carried out an exercise using live ammunition at Capul Midia (N )4-21, E 28-41). c. Chemical warfare (defense), in which the soldiers, wearing gas masks, passed through a gas chamber. d. Political indoctrination. 3. The battalion's barracks, which included about 50 buildings, was also occupied by six other units, including a tank regiment and an infantry regiment. An Air Force unit was stationed about 14 kilo- meters from the barracks on the north side of the highway leading to Craiova (N )1-19, E 23-48). The barracks was surrounded by a qrPrrir EHOUP 1 10:1 tem rt:rztie mn rr'? 7-7,111. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/18: CIA-RDP80-00247A002000210007:4 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2014/02/18 : CIA-RDP80-00247A00200(2i6(501'-4-11 um.unLI NO Fr6.7.,1_71.1] EiSSEM - 3 - barbed wire fence, and at one end of the area was a row of underground armories, covered by a layer of earth and vegetation. The entrance to each armory was closed by a circular metal cover, also covered with earth and vegetation, which stood on a. wooden frame. Steps led down about three meters into the armories, which were 40-50 meters long, four or five meters wide, and made of reinforced concrete. Miscel- laneous weapons were kept in boxes of various sizes arranged in rows in each armory. 4. The battalion did not have an armory, but received its weapons from the central armory. It had the following five buildings at its disposal:. a. Headquarters building, which included the offices of the battalinnIs commanding officer and about ten other officers b. Billets. A small storage room for a number of F.N. 7.62-milli- meter rifles was at the entrance to this building. c. Cultural and recreation hall, where the soldiers were given theoretical lessons. The hall was equipped with a television set. d. A large storage room in which 70-80 guns of various types made in the USSR were kept. The smallest gun had a caliber of 25 milli- meters. About 200 Molotov trucks, made in the USSR and from two-and-one-half to six tons, were kept here. The room also housed a vehicle repair shop for making routine repairs. e. A small workshop, equipped with regular mechanical equipment, FETID" NO 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM ExcL 7.? itati aird Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/18: CIA-RDP80-00247A002000210001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/18: CIA-RDP80-00247A002000210001-4 Nn r - rwrgrdnrIR r U - ? which was a few meters away from the large storage room. 5. Discipline at the barracks was very strict, and the men were forbidden to leave the station post. Any soldier roaming out of the permitted area could be quickly identified by his uniform's insignia. The shoulder board insignia of the battalion consisted of two cannons of yellow metal, which formed a cross on a black background. 6. the following personnel in the battalion: a. Major Janulescu (fnu), commanding officer of the battalion. b. Lieutenant Major Neagu (mu), a company commander. SET '0 7.172Etil 50X1-H UM 50X1-H UM 50X1-H UM IGROUP 1 Excladsd tram autninatic downgradin; anti declassification Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/18: CIA-RDP80-00247A002000210001-4