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gnvi um) Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/15: CIA-RDP80-00247A000700550001-2 1UN . CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the Esp 18, U.S.C. Secs. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L NO FOREIGN DISSEM COUNTRY Bulgaria REPORT SUBJECT 1. Svilengrad Town Plan DATE DISTR. 15 July 1964 2, Maritsa Iztok Thermoelectric Station NO. PAGES 1 REFERENCES DATE OF INFO. PLACE & DATE ACQ. THIS is UNEVALUATED 50X1-HUN 50X1-HUN INFORMATION. SOURCE GRADINGS ARE DEFINITIVE. APPRAISAL OF CONTENT IS TENTATIVE. 50X1-HUMI 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM a sketch5oxi -HUM with legend, Of the town of Svilengrad and a sketch with legend .of the Maritsa Iztok thermoelectric station. Distribution of attachment: 50X1-HUM 5 NO FOREIGN DISSEM 5 4 4 3 3, GROUP I 2 Excluded from automatic downgrading and 1 declassification STATE X I DIA X I ARMY #X I NAVY X I AIR X NSA I AID 50X1-HUM (Note: Field distribution indicated by "*".) 50X1-HUM I . : Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/15: CIA-RDP80-00247A000700550001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 261-4161/1.5 CIA-RDP80-00247A0007005500r011-12 HUM ? 4. The explanation of the sketch. showing BV/LIAGRAT and its eurrounding 1 - Military camping area : a) Barracks. b) Stable. et) Fountain . The area, isolated by barbed wire : a) The building for the civil guard. b) A building, but for what it we used, is not known. 3 - Vineyard 4 - The area, where the building? of T.M.Z.3. aro located . 5 - Transforming (electrical) center.. 6 - A building in front of which there is a sign, saying *Fired without any warning. 7 - Hospital 8 - A hut, where foods and refreshments *re sold. 9 - (Machine and tractor center) 10 - Driving prectice area ef the D.O.S.O. Organization. 11 - BAIAKA/ district 12 - Tavern 15 - Wool and cotton-wool eombe. 14 - 31:t1dings and work-shops of' FROMEOV.21.!-ItT (The union of the handicrafts experts' Organization). 15 - A Building having two-flats, belonging to PRO1r.0:1BINAT. The upper flat is used as officee, and in the lower flat thers1 a) Battery ch:rging section. b) Lath word-shop c) Tailor's shop. 16 - TN) hut where cigarettes, foode, 17 - /VAS VAZDF seoondary-echool. 18 - Tobaoco depot, constructed in - :tedium 20 - Park 21 - Flour factory 22 - Jilk faotory Chimney Child oars house Transformer 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 25 4- 24 - 25 - 26 - Gasoline seller, and benzene ppmps. 27 - Barraoks area, whore there wee * military unit till 1959. 28 4- Animal hospital; 29 - A t e , where a soldier was always on duty till 1957. 50 Residences._ There are aleo sone Soreepeelling headgear. here. and refreshments a r o sold. 1961. tiros I slog 1 _ ExtivitO fres ntratic tairograditi Ind ftetaultlutlia ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/15: CIA-RDP80-00247A000700550001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/15: CIA-RDP80-00247A000700550001-2 -417.4:111V: 50X1-HUN - 2 31 - The hut where ciyarettee, and eto. are bold. 52 - A wall restaurant. - The store, where pitchers and pots are sold. 34 - A11T.AU restaurant. )5 - Bread-seller. 55 - coffer-house 37 - 'aateh rerairlAn - The hut here cigikrettes, and *get, are sold. 39 - Thu area, where there is a airl.et on :iaturdays. There are many shops In rows here. 40 - The hop, where horseshoes are sold. 41 - Jhoe rt.pairman. 42 - Tailors' Cooprative. 43 - The otore, where clothes and food are cold. (Universelen )tarazin.) 44 - e depot of the vt1lae Oooparetives Orractsotion. 45 - Palyelinic. 46 - Center of ,:10I.R (Children's Orranization.) IOI 47 - Tha hut, where cirorettes, and etc. arc sold. 48 - Crlae.iware store. 49 Land 50 - L:tnd 51 - olteat's shop. 52 - Block ApartmeLt. 33 - House 54 - ,:rooer's shop 55 - The store where suite and etc. are sold. 56 - Chess Club. 57 - Radio repair-s:o;:. - ilarb?-r's &op. 59 - Atationer. 60 - "'hi, places, where the sittrboards are written. 61 - Tailors' Oooparative. 62 - Grover's shop. 63 - Hunters' and Ficheri,an's Association. 64 - Public) 3ervioe U:AUCI) 65 - Orptmarti and a home for the orphans. 66 - Fir-brigade. 67 - Bus-stop between the cities. 68 - 0A3TP04.1' , where seusape to sold. 69 - Hotel andllesteurent. 70 - Auto-park. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/15: CIA-RDP80-00247A000700550001-2 ? Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/15: CIA-RDP80-00247A000700550001-2 1111k ,- * , ? ? _ 50X1 -HUM 71 - Square. 72 - !And-speaker, located on the iron poet. 73 - Fbal 74 - The olosed market, called HALITS, where foods are, sold. 75 - ie store, where textile productions are sold. 76 - Shoe repair-shop. 77 - A shop, whore everything is sold for cheap prices. 78 - Baker s shop, where pies and sweats are bt-kcd. 79 - fteat'o shop. 80 - High-school building. 81 - Carden of the high-school. 82 - Communist Party. 85 - The store where textiles are sold. 84 - Kerber's shop. 85 - Cinema. 06 - Kinder garden -97 - %et Office 96 - Radio broadcasting section 99 - Fountain 100 - Militia commands:7y 101 - Dining room of the militia 102 - Fsesport office 105 - Kilitis guard 104 ? City publis counsil 105- Guard -box. There to not a permanent guard at thio point, but there are two patrols walking to MVO BELO village and coming beck. 106 - Tavern 107 - Summer cinema 108 - Barber's shop /09 - }bus. 110 - 8port Club 111 - Fair area 112 - Fodder-breaking sill 11, - Statue. 111141?1....101.10 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/15: CIA-RDP80-00247A000700550001-2 1 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2014/01/15 : CIA-RDP80-00247A000700550001-2 1 ? --,. 50X1-HUM < 4 ' 50X1 -HUM -4 - Tho explanation of the sketch, thowing 'MARITSA IMF. thirme eld?"" "atthrl A Artificial lake. - Dam. O - The canal, where the hot water, from the thermo electric station, flows. D - Tho road to CAIA OILIBOVO? E - The road to HOZOF gLAD_NETS village. F - The road to TBOYAMVOk village. . o - Double: railroad to TnOTAI1070 coal mine. H Pailroads to OAPA RAZDELNA. T.L.TS. (Thermo electric'siittion) 'MARITSA IZTOK" 1 - 3iation building. 2 - 4 chimney?. One of theae has a height of 180 m. 3 - Barbed wire. 4 - A building, having single flat, used as the ditikng-room for the labourers. 5 = SPESTOVRA AA ( Savings Bank) 6 - A garden, in which there arc some Danko for sitting. 7 - Pool , 8 - Militia station, repponsible for protecting the combine. 9 - The buildings, where the document? are controlled, at the entrance gate. 10 - The bus-stop, for the buses having toures between OARA OILIBOVO and the briket factory. 11 - Two iron pipes between the electric Station and the briket factory. Mese aro plaocs at 0 a height of 4. from the ground. These pipes stand on concrete bases. 12 - The elevator strap line to thermo electric station. .This way .the coal duet formed during the production at the briket factory, is sent to the therm electric station in order to be burned. - The machine department of the elevator installation. - Ili -.The area, where there was a construotten activity even in June, 196), conoernod with the widening process of the thermo electric station. . BRIKETNA FNMA "KARITSA MOE' (The factory, where briket to ;reduced, out of lignite coal): 1 - Administration of the briket factory. The building has 3 flats. GROUP ExClodec , from Intermit downgrading Inn declassification Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease 2014/01/15: CIA-RDP80-00247A000700550001-2 1 . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/15: CIA-RDP80-00247A000700550001-2 ?? 50X1 -HUN On the lower flat there are the offices of the off totals, and the laboratory for the electrical processes. On the third flat there is a chemietry laboratory, and the director's room is on the 2nd floor. 2 - Health check-up building, .having a single flat. 3 - A garden, in which there are some banks for sitting. - Auto-park- places, in the forms of sheds, surrounded with corrugated Metal plates. Hare there are two trucks and ore VOLGA marked sutomabtie. 5 - The gate through which the transportation 'means pest. 6 - Bridge. On thin bridge they. check-up the documents. 7 - The gate used by the labourers for coming in and going out. 8 - A building having a single flat. This building has a basement too, which ic Used as a dininr room. On thf, upper flat, some meetings aro arranged in the hall. tihen there .are meetings the basement is used as the dinning-room. 9 Kitchen. 10 - A building, having a single floor, which to used as a dinning- room, when necessary. ? 11 - A-smell Item where elothee are sold. Here they sell socks, under-garment?, shirts and etc. 12 a. Canteen where refreshmente and some kinds of pies are sold? 13 - Barber's shop for men. 14 - GPORTSV CLUB, where there are a few tables for playing chess, and one table-tennis table. 15 - Fire-brigade of the factory. 16 - A building, heving a single flat, where the battery charging departuent is. 17 - Auto garage, in front of which there is a shed. This shed is also used as i.park. 18 - A platform, near the highway, which is-used for trashing the transpertationm means. The transportat ion means in order to be walked, go pp to this platform in an incline. 29 - HLA0).:44TO 31110PANSTV01, spare parts depot. The building hen a ? single net, and there is a Wet employee in charge of the depot. 20 - fleth 21 - They call tlAs part mmul. TUNTP-or OBEKT !ULA LOD This building is used for unloading the coal, brought here. from TROYANOVO mine by wagons. The. wsgone go up to the top of this. ? building, and the coal to unloaded into ft private mouth on. the top. there are 6/6 depots in. the forme of cells here too. 22 - Jingle elebator belt installation. 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/15: CIA-RDP80-00247A000 /00550001-2 Declassified in Part - Sarazed Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/15: CIA-RDP80-00247A000700550001-2 r - 6 50X1-HUM 25 - The section, where the coal is brolion, celled EDRO TROSEEE. This part is Aldo known as IgULO DVI section. 24- The installation, where there is possibly the double elevator belts. 25 - The main building of the firet part, called DRCHED-TROWE or OMIT PULA TRI. here the coal is made into dust and sifted. 26 - The installation, where- three belto of three elevators pass. 27 ? The eection, where the Steam, from the thermo electric station, Lu collected and pumped to the faotory. They call this section either EOM= Parn or XONDEZND OTDELENIE. 28-, The section, called either NULA OETIAI or SUdILVD OTEDELEN/E, which belongs to VTORI TEM Hero the coal duet is dried. Ond it becomes very hot. 29 -- Elevator installation. The installation has two flats, and two belts pass from here. 30 - The section called either TULA PFT or OBLAVITELND OIDLLENIE, which belongs to VTORI Tatlii Here the coal is made gold. 51 - Elevator installation, with double belts Passing. 52 - The section, called NEJDIR:11 BUMER, 50X1-HUM 33 - Elevator inetellatiOn, with double belts passing. 34" --Pressing section. They call this section either PR4SOF 230 or ?BEET NULA 8E3T. Here the coal dust is pressed into the moulds (brreets) having dimensions; 10%514.. In this section there are 18 presses, 9 on the east and 9 on the west. 35 - The. 'amide, coming out of the preeses, slip through the gutters to the elevator belt. Here the coal, vhich will be loaded " to wagons, pass WO. 36 ? The coulds, coming out of the protects, slip through the gutters to the elevator belt. These brikets are sold to. the factories in retail, and are loaded to the trucks. 37 - The belt, delivering the brihets to the depot, which is- located near the retail selling place. 1 58 - The motor department of the belt, which delivers the brikets to the retail selling place. 'On tho lower flat, there is a repair-shop, belonging to this department. 39 - The depot, where the trucks load coal. The trucks can go under this depot, and through a cover, which opens by a lover, they are immediately loaded. 40 - Steelyard. 4 r ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy 'Approved for Release 2014/01/15: CIA-RDP80-00247A000700550001-2 ? Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2014/01/15 : CIA-RDP80-00247A000700550001-2 7 fib 50X1 -HUM 41.- A very slew.rittlitOelevator, made of sire, end which is OBLADITSLEIA LENTA. ? 4? The machine department , of the slow rotating elevator, made of wire. 43 !- Transforming center getting the current from the therm? electric station. The current coming from this transforming center to of 6 thousand volts. This transforming center gives a current of 6000 volts to the,briket factory and the other two. transforming centers, and also by meana of its transformer it supports VTDRI SS& (second section) with a current of 380 Volts. There are nine transformers at this center. 44 - Another transforming center, changing the 6000 volts of current, which it receives from the mail transforming center, to 580 volts, and which sends it to PIRVI THEN (first section) intallations. There are six transformers in thin sentere 45 --The transforming center, which distributee the currents of 6000, and 380 volts, it receives from the Ma transforming center, to thi press sections. There is no transformers in this center. These presses here, ?perste with the current of 6000 Welts. 46 -. The repair-ehop of the factory. Here theta are lathe., mtlltn- machine., and etc. The electric motor are repaired here, and there to also a tin section. 47 The section, where the iron surfaces of some parts arc polished.'' Here they. msooth the deformed murfaoes of the tools, used by the coal pushers, and in ttio process they use some special stones. They call thin section; SLAYIPOVALVIYA. 48 0 The building, where they are pumps, taking water from the artificial like, on the south, and dietributing it to the briket factory. 49 - The constructione.site of the department, which is concerned with mounting the machines, building of the briket factory and the theme electric station. 50 - The guard-box at the gate, through which the trucks, loading coal, come and go. 51 - The areas, where, according to the plans, concerned with widening the brihet factory, some new buildings and additional installations will be constructed. 52 - The depot for some kinds of tools, and some paall spare parts. 53 - The area, where the spars machines are kept. these will be mounted, when the factory in widened. tpt p Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/15: CIA-RDP80-00247A000700550001-2