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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP80-00809A000500230033-7 r SECRi"I SECURITY NFOPMATION COUNTRY SUBJECT CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY ATION REPORT INFORM r~o Life in Bucharest: Fed+Ai?'133`~aerti~q/lfarneterf Retoral/Gain. Enthwiaeuu of Maafea ::A*"*=mulct Leaflets/ Daartbp- Black Sea Canaj-N41r-,I ~Mr'L 113tham ANI GOCU?I[NT CONTAI.f (Atoll tON ..[ACTIN. TNO NAT( OIIA. O[[[Nff OI TN[ UNIT[. ai AT[f. .l TN[N[ANI N,: 0I TI T~( f.. f[LTi ONE lff AN. [ ?. or :Nt u. s. coo[. ? ?N[N.w. a nANfrlaf l.N oa .unists in this instance us OFFICIALS ONLY SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP80-00809A000500230033-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP80-00809A000500230033-7 is OFT IC1AIS ONLY/SEC:: Um "r,, 4, 12. `Another incident teAing place during toe Youth Festiva! wai- '-.` t?ropring of anti-Com- munist leaflets by a plane. of unknown nationality. 'Phi:. t.~,ok pi c- on 15 August 1953, exactly at 11:10 PM In the evening. The plane flew aimDst 1=vet with the tops of houses as it dropped leaflets while flying towards the Danube. It was going at a rapid. pace and it did not circle around Bucharest, flying Over the city only once. Each leaflet was approximately 25 x 15 cm in size, white, and with. writing oil only one side. The writing said: 'Tineri si tinere cars partecipati Is Festival!-Impartasit.i s:Li.bovul vostru strainilor care partecipa is Festival dela Bucuresti., spuneti-le cum a fost luata bucata de paine Bela gura muncitorilor si a copil.ului vcntru pentru a arata strainilor binatatea Comunista. Dati.?1 nfsra, spuneti?-le sa se duca e~t. n ~ ?Translati.on Youngsters who ) n.ti i.pat.e tr '?t Festival; Tell your pains to the strarigers who participate i.n the ti oath Festival.; tell them the way Corm-u^,:.sts took bread away from th_ worisers and from yowr ctiildre,,i in order `o show the stu anger ' c:Umnvm4 t n i c'retn ~rrt6. 9encl them 4Vayi tell them to .tu h?rne. 'Y,% veal At zi.un eLl be?ra-ri1 t.a.rli voeiLrc d6 eu-t l:r,gul m.,,=, rJ to 1. .]F9r r'G'it nt:$ti? &costa nose c.t'-.lor fie aunt utal apr'-Prlat.t dti vol ci rnmer,i r1. t.ri.:r'eipra.? Ihimnazeu va fit cc not 'Prtti.ar_r,a Ilcmta,Eis l.l.tera gi 'i 'analation The d.ay of r.Y.~ l l b,. rf,l i r. 1 t,r y PT'nm Soviet 4om.l nn t i cn will cr`me Hand ttrl y l maf l e? t, t.,, a I' God will, be with; % Long Ilve Free and I.ndr}er,1,t I .j'r.,._ r.. " Hatwe^n the 1H,a', tw,;, fen trnr c on I,he .1c: i I Le.t C-'r,: .1 r c , ;; :Iry .t or Sketch.. The subject was 'A'c.g3st 'Pi, 19114; The Litt:rat?lnn by (3 1,:,r .. ,r,vleit, Arno', 'Ph4 oka'.nh reprrssent,e?d a fiamac.f.en I riser'' house? Pub- d~-,. , ""I "I t. wre- of this houste were'oroken. In front of house wit:' the po.,r, r ar;,l h! wrl, ' Lt:t.1ng And Arying with nor baby wnIle other I ti.rmer'a looPr-ri i n. aat?;,i,: ,fart, -. I. i i, .~i.ei, oo'LdI r aitzrying the temcn.e i1:1 at,teamti.c. rI.t1 ? Ivtin, the It, I. . I.I.i,r, c-i., PI ture,d art n robbAr having a pig I n ilia right hand and t ltc i'tamer, 9 ?i , n,i,o. l t.Yln - c l w I :.I,?ir coat, ci Rt1 1li$f farmers). Ha wav alacT c1,:t -t;.ing other hou.oVcll t,.~,1.-? ?tl.l It'r., ;nn was cavelrod with wrist watchee. abot:t hn l t--li- ?i -r'Ix l',!.' pr +,, urutbay artier the dropping], mlliti. agents r. tthed intn hcrjnca in !,hr r"!' 19'1r.11h.reat where leaflats had been dropped and searched every nook. and craru:/ w; tit lrt,et zaal, Including g:trdand, courtyards and rvote. Their ihcavy shoos ,.a%ed scunc. roof., o-:.1 t.tles to break. They continued they e erch al.,. night, long and beli,ev,,d r.ha.t by r'oilecting all the 1,a.f1ot0, no ono would knew tyb, e-i L the inc. i d.ent; hoping er,per i t.l :ly to i:? t de thn fact froAi tha daleQatae to the Ycnith Fee tiv41 . However, nn thr> I cl.Iowi ng ds.y, , and for many d re afterwards, the leaflets were the subject of many 3f,.c.rt-t, talk`` avid wh.lepering adtaalona, and. a sourrce of groat enc..'r...ragement. to many ci.tizens of 1I .ct:art ?'t,. C1os tha Dsnuqb-~i-l^.L~ack rr Sea Canal .~rej~l!.:.t T~i' d u ' , ng d OFR1 G~i t,iie n:ae- 1ac.1t. (men Cane i Pro,Jet. t and the i lheratlon of hems of the inmates working on t.hi6 projec:t? was event whir,!': marked the bogi.nning of the Youth Pea ti va 1.. Many of the free wox?he r e and Ur : pn ci.i ere of the Lant-l pro4,4ct returned to huchk,rcet, ynd we have heart from L. trtetn friend" that Peen intitE-ten ware set free on this occ.a.aion. However, It Is a fact known by everyone in BuchArest that the project I.xe been completely abandoned, nct. as an of clemency and not as a rnau't of the imovl al on't adopted by the i:oarnruni e t au thor i t.i es U. net irate oartain categories of polittcel pr.isonere but only bec.e;:sto of a ii.nal r'eal.t.zatlon that this huge work canr.ot be ac:compli -shed? A friend of ours had seen the r-.a al works in May 1952 and maid that The c=al 172 1cm long, 40 m wide. and 30 m rier:.p. Hot,'aver, only 15 of the 72 km have been excavated and by the time the feivr Year Plan expired, it would be humanly tmposreihle to have pierced, thro-jgh e'-one mo',nteins and hills (as was envisioned by the Conununiets). A large error we m trade to 1h%- calcra1at.1ons as the canal could never have been 72 kin long; a length of It5 Ian being Mc- only obtainable goal. The Communist authorities. realizing that, the prc,le.c:t. c.o41d never bu r.?.uc.cessfully completed, seized upon a,../ ex.c. se to shut. down the work.-. 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP80-00809A000500230033-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP80-00809A000500230033-7 F US OFFICIAIS ONLY SDCRET SECURITY INFORMATION 50X1-HUM i 1 The Feativx1 was narked also by the appearance of a new Rwuanian natlonal anthem, which actually is a hymn of preise to the USSR and to the glorious Soviet troops who 11bersted Rumenla.' 50X1-HUM III Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP80-00809A000500230033-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP80-00809A000500230033-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP80-00809A000500230033-7