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Declassified - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/30: CIA-RDP80501540R001900020008-7 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT 50X1 -HUM This Document contains information affecting the Na- tional Defense of the United States, within the mean- ing of Title 18, Sections 793 and 794, of the U.S. Code, as amended. Its transmission or revelation of its contents to or receipt by an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. The reproduction of this form is prohibited. SECRET SECURITY INFORMATiON 50X1 -HUM COUNTRY Bulgaria REPORT SUBJECT 1. The Svishtov Machine Tractor Station DATE DISTR. 18 August 19531 2. Personalities in Karamanovo'Villnge, CollirbidoW:orState Grain Quotas NO. CW RAGES 8 DATE OF INFO. REQUIREMENT NO. RD 50X1 -HUM PLACE ACQUIRED REFERENCES THE SOURCE EVALUATIONS IN THIS REPORT ARE DEFINITIVE. THE APPRAISAL OF CONTENT IS TENTATIVE. (FM KEY SEE REVERSE) 50X1 -HUM The Svishtov Machine Tractor Station 1. The Machine Tractor Station in Svishtov is located approximately 1,500 meters ' east of the city on the highway leading to Polski Triimbesh. It has the following equipments a. Eighteen DT 54 horsepower Soviet tractors, from the Kharkov Tractor Plant; b. One Universal 20 horsepower tractor from the VladinkirdTaTtactOta1I4nt; c. Three 22 and 30 horsepower Fordson American tractor d. Four Lants-Boldog 12 horsepower German tractors; e. Three 25 horsepower Lants-Boldog German tractors; f. One 30 horsepower Lants-Boldog German tractor; go Twenty-five different types of pressure drills; h. Twenty-five Soviet and Bulgarian seed drills; i. Five Bulgarian plows; SECRET STATE ET ARMY NAVY AIR FBI AEC (Note: Washington Distribution Indicated By "X"; Field Distribution By "*".) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/30: CIA-RDP80501540R001900020008-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/30: CIA-RDP80501540R001900020008-7 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/30: CIA-RDP80501540R001900020008-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/30: CIA-RDP80501540R001900020008-7 SECRET -2- 50X1 -HUM o Seven cultivators; k. Thirty-five harrows; 1. Fifteen Soviet Rostelmash plows; m. One S-4 KEZ self-propelled combine (cutting head four meters long); n. Three 5-6 Rostelmash tractor-drawn combines (cutting head six meters long); o. Ten German and American reapers; and p. Five Soviet binders. 2. Aceording to the plan, the machine tractor station is supposed to have 120 workers, but it usually employs between 180 and 190 workers. Salaries Are- as -followei-(the first figure shows the salaries in new currency, and the figure in parenthesis shows the salaries in old currency): a. First year apprentice, 180 leva (4,500 leve); b. Second year apprentice, 220 leva (5,500 lava);, First year assistant, 300 lava (7,500 leva); d. Second year assistant, 340 leva (8,500 leva); A, Third year assistant, 380 leva (9,500 lova); f. Third class specialist, 11.140 leva (11,000 leva); g. Second class specialist, 4$0 leva (12,000 leva); and h. First class specialist, 540 leva (13,500 lave). Hy means of the most diligent work and by specializing, a worker or specialist ..ean-ftlfill his up to 120 percent, which means that the salary of a first' 'class specialist can be 640 leva (16,000 leva). However, an average of approxi- mately 2,500 lova (old currency) is deducted and the specialist will receive about 13,500 lava (old currency). Workers are not paid for overtime. 4. The administrative personnel force consists of about 25 workers, most of wham are Party. members. According to the law, there are 10) administrative workers for each 100 workers. Salaries are as follows: a. MTS director, 22,000 leva plus 5000-6,000 lova as a bonus for holding a command position, for a total of approximately 28,000 leva (old currency); b. Technical manager, 18,000 Lova plus command position bonus; c. Chief of the political department, 18,000 lova plus command position bonus; d. Deputy chief of the political department, 15,000 leva plus command position bonus; e. Member of the political department (agitator) in charge of liaison between the- MTS and the TEZS (Trudova Eooperativno ZeMedelsko Stopanstvo; Cooperative Farm), 13,000 leva plus command position bonus; SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/30: CIA-RDP80501540R001900020008-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/30: CIA-RDP80501540R001900020008-7 SECRET -3. 50X1-HUM f. Agronomist, 19,000 leva plus command position bonus; Chief socountant, 17,000 lova; h. Accountant, 15,000 lava; and i. Chief of the workshop, 16,000 leva. 5. From the above lists1, it can be seen that the lowest administrative workercre- ceives more salary than the highest-paid MTS laborer. 6. 8. 50X1-HUM The MTS has a political department, attached to the administrative staff, which consis of five persons: A chief, an assistant chief, and three members who are- in full authority in the station. The MTS has a party organization of approximately 15 members, In 1950, the DSNM (Dimitroveki-Sdymilia Narodnata Mladezh; Dimitrav Union of the People's Youth) organizationksit 37 members. 50X1-HUM the following administrative personnel: 50X1-HUM a. Velichko Getev. is the director of the MTS.; b. Vasil Money, Chief of the political department Co Genoho he is leader of the youth section and is in charge of the DSEM at the MTS; he is also a member of the bureau of the BM of Svishtov Okoliya; and d. Petr Rhsev Petrov, he is the technical manager of the MTS. Personalities in Karamanovo Village 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM -the following perionalititisininKatathanovbr2villiageo (N 43-33'95 OX1-HUM E 25-31), Svishtav Okoliyaa a. Atanas Stamm Atanasov, chairman of the Village People's Council; he takes an active part in the forceful collection of State grain deliveries; in 1949 he received a reward of 30.000 leva for on-time collection and fulfillment of delivery quotas b. Nikolay Filipov secretary of the 50X1-HUM Village People's Council; c. Lyuben TSvyatkov "Dulgiya," member of the Village People's Council, member of the administrative council of the TKZS, chief in- stigator of forceable collection of State grain quotas; d. Neyko Genov9 member of the administrative council of the TKZS; 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/30: CIA-RDP80501540R001900020008-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/30: CIA-RDP80501540R001900020008-7 e. f0 g0 h. io jo k. 10 m. no o. P. q, r. s SECRET 50X1 -HUM Kosta Bozhinkin, _.. member of the administrative council of the TKZS; Petrush Ivanov Eoi?chev? member of the administrative council of the TKZS; Nikola Bozhinov. chairman of the TKZS; Ivan Patev9 former chair- man or the TKZS and now vice-chairman; Dimitiir Kirovy Asen Petrushev Kopchev, _ chairman of the Dsmi in Karamanovo; Lambi Bushkov? was expelled tvcom.t'Lq&.TICZatrora tho _ TKZS; Todor Trifonov Ko osov 9 I expelled tram thm7TRZ33 .__ Litso Drumev9 triedd for failure to meat his State .grain delivery quota and sent to Helene Prison Camp;. Ancho Koosov. GIC- polled from-the Txza m .:,-7: .1;,1 0 TITS; . Ancho Taney. expelled ,,,,,cttel.rEZSg ? ' ' --' rrTZ,) ; Ivan Bozhinkin, I3,ia Nikolaeir Yankov, Member of the TKZS/t. Minchb Nikolov Yankovi =moor or the MN _ . .. Todor Danev. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/30: CIA-RDP80501540R001900020008-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/30: CIA-RDP80501540R001900020008-7 t. Daniy?Dochkina U. V. wo x. SECRET 50X1-HUM Ivan Georgiev Naydenov. Nikolay Vladimirov Stoychev, Yanko Tachsv Peshsv Angel Ganche y. Petiir and Panteley Ivanov: Panteleev: z. Strakhil Lashkov. aa. Atanas Mandzharov, formerly owned a soft drink bottling factory. which was nationalized; 50X1-HUM bb. Moni Peshev. CC. dd0 ee, expelled from-AhliuThalfrom thoTK7S; Peti Bilev Petev. Todor Mi8OV Treipchev. Angel Anchev Bilevs, member of the TKZS;. ' 50X1-H ff. PC_Ar Petkov Naydenovv gg. Blazho Spiridonov Blazh SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/30: CIA-RDP80501540R001900020008-7 UM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/30: CIA-RDP80501540R001900020008-7 SECRET -6. 50X1-HUM Collection of State Grain Quotas 9. Karamanovo village has about 900 houses and a population of approximately 4,500. It has a Village People's Council. The Party organization in the village consists of 4froximatelY 120 mebbers. The DSNM has 140 members, and the BZNS (Billgartki Nar?dL Zemedelski Sdyuz; Bulgarian National Agrarian Union) has no more than 50 Members-. All but 30 families in the village are members of the TKZS; fifteen of these families were expelled on 9-September 1951. The TKZS was founded in 1948 by 30-members, most of whom were Party members. The other villagers joined later,- after, pressure, especially with regard to payin the State grain quotas. At present the cooperative holds about 30,000 decares of land. During 1951, about 12,50n decares were sown with wheat. 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 1O. The collection of State grain qUOtas is made in a brutal and forceful way. many times a commission of men from the Village People's Council and the agricultural council of the TKZS arrived in person at a farmer!s house with a tractor-drawn trailer and took out everythiugin the house (without weighing it, and despite the protests of the owner), leaving only five or six 15-kilogram pails of food. On the following days-the commission would send the farmer money through the State grain delivery agency, without specifying how much grain had been taken Or how much he was being paid. This happened Ootta5 times during 1950 and two or-thiee tike6 durini-1951. Deliveries were 'collected in thie-fas4on from Litso Drumevs Blazho Spiridonov!..Blazhev? Dimo Boyarov, Kiri' Mirchev, Lambi Bozhkov, Ivan Bozhin)ein, Ivan Bozhanov Ivanov, and others. , 11. In other instances persons were called to the Village People's Council where they were forced to sign statements for the,. delivery of a 'certain amount of grain. If they refUsed to sign they weretridd!fer sabotage. Usually the villagers who signed these deelarations brought in the required grain at the required time. If-the amount available to them was insufficient to meet the quota, they had to buy the extra grain at the State storehouse at free market prices (45 leva per kilogram) oditOtPAT thtstempaptlAlat the State delivery price (20 'eve per kilogram). This grain whould be put back into the State warehouse where it could be sold again for 45 1Sta and bought again for 20 leva. Through this system, the Communists made a considerable profit in collecting grain quotas. 12. Those who did not make State grain deliveries on time or refUsed to sign the de- clarations-were put on trial for sabotage. This was the case with Blazho Spiridonov Blezhev? Tsvyatko Bilev Petev? and Litso Drumsv. The first two lbought Ithbho necessark grain at the last moment and thus succeeded in changing their fate. Drumev was tried in Pleven and sentenced-to six months imprisenment; for to months he WAS in the Pleven Okrug Prison and for the remaining four months he Was at the Belene Concentration Camp. 50X1-HUM -,'SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/30: CIA-RDP80501540R001900020008-7 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/30: CIA-RDP80501540R001900020008-7 R Next 1 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/30: CIA-RDP80501540R001900020008-7