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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/01 : CIA-RDP78B05167A000800090001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/01 : CIA-RDP78B05167A000800090001-7 STAT 1-����-nr Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/01 : CIA-RDP78B05167A000800090001-7 .-�-'r r " " MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD TCS-1266763/101 25 Mareh, 1963 Copd SUBJECT: Visit of Killian, Committee Representatives, General James Doolittle and Mr. J. Patrick Coyne, to NPIC on 19 March .1963 1. As arranged by Mr. Coyne and approved by Mr. Kirk- patrick, Executive Director of CIA, General Doolittle and Mr. Coyne came to NPIC at 0900 on 19 March 1963 fox' dis- cuss�on, briefing and a tour of the facilities. 2. The first hour and a half were spent in discussing a wide no of problems or observations or U.S. reoonnais- cane aria related intelligence efforts. Same of the major subjects were as follows: a. Cuba-type situation and Photo Processing Coyne repeated some of General Carroll's eressed needs for more photographic reproduction sull1;ort - not only for the public relations type of releases but for provision to various joint, unified and specified commands. In view of this and the facts of volume, speed and the practice of U.S. farming out photo reproductions to SPPL� Westover Mass.; Rochester, N. Y,; Del Rio, Texas; Mather APB; NAVPIC, Suitland, Md.; and other bases it appeared to both Coyne and Doolittle that the El3lian Committee should push for establishment of a large, multi-million dollar, first-class photographic reproduction plant in the Washington, area. It was reoalled that UPIC's photo laboratories were never intended for high volume primary processing but were intended for high quality support for the intelligence exploitation cycle and such retail basis XEYHOT,E CHANNELa ( 1\1' T. V Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/01 : CIA-RDP78B05167A000800090001-7 )ZdWl LI tj C.1"2 �Leleat trza azt.121:. dr,vg76::73 rand evt.N.,:lNi1011 50X Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/01 : CIA-RDP78B05167A000800090001-7 TCS-1266-63/KH 25 Naroh 1963 primary pmcessins as 2-lc; bez.: :aocded for bla.::k and white film or color fL. t:in an. clei4 Lasis. Coyne indi,ated that ha know yat the ZCI,a position was via a vie DIA In toms centcelized photozraphla i2ter2retation at N13IC but thLt he .:!ida,t %nog what the DCI's position misht be cn a �mtralizoJ photo- Graphic processing fat:alit-J. I inklated tit it rilig,ht be a mistake to have a1lC...1.04.1: esgs in one basket and that It mulct be nG:A useful to aavc the other named laboratorieo renti.allinz,ly capable to take on seleted primary procctikL or overTiow processIng even if a centralized photo proc;essiw oapability were established In the Washinzton arca. They both agreed to this. They then went on to over widening considerati nz or )i-Loto processing incJ.u:iins how it �haadled in r;vereas military comna; in Europep Japan or Thailand� how N2IC sharos. in this ;ake etc. It appeared to Die ithw.: they had just Cue ,.&. bof;omo aware of the scope ano iny:)ortanoe of phietcaphi,:; processing in cold war or hot war and how well c �cor'iy U.S. assets were inte- iLsrated or could be ailado 1.z.itIative In respondin to U.S. ,,lema.11.12 In the handlint: ' ono or more erises situations simultaneously. b. Bomb Damage AsaLment (BDA) General Doolittle ar;ked how HPIC would be expei.:.ted to get into the BDA.-:Jycle following SAC reonaaissance of bombe4a areas. I answered with the view that under current Cirectives NPIC would not get into this military cycle at all, that SAC would fly the !thotvgraphy) interpret tile results and forward to DOD (DIA) for additional dizsominn.tion. Coyne stated this was absolutely correct. Doolittle indicated that this miL;ht not be aaceptable in view of current differenees bet ren the SAC and USIB cutireates orepared from the same data and the doubts which had -thoreby been. engendered at hish plats. (Coyne said nothing but continued to make- notes). viA TALENT-2 HANDTI VIA TALENT- KEYHOLE CHANNELS . ,:_,_. -, ONLY KEYHOLE CHANNELS. 0 /I L .Y Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/01 : CIA-RDP78B05167A000800090001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/01 : CIA-RDP78B05167A000800090001-7 71-1 c7I,P,71 14� � TCS-1266-63/104 25 March 1963 o. Photo I1terprete14e General Doolittle weracd te know about these kinds of poodle, who're they ecmc from, ideal eharae- teristicz, training preca743, etd. I answered aa complete:1.7 aa I could aml in the subject of DIA 'photo interpretation calt: into the converzatic-n. I e:zpla.taled to General Doelittle the twofold status of military personnel in NPIC. (1) The current. .zIlitary personnel at EPIC which are bin L; trc.n.errcd az a paper excreize to DIA personnel then will be trans- ferred back to NPIC af: the DOD contribution to the national P. I. efrt. (2) The DIA De.2:ertQenti.AI P. I. effort mit;ht be tered on NPIC,s fifth 'fluor where same 65,000 sqlaare feet ,r floor epo.e were staked out for the Wlitary and wLere DIA could locate eeme 200 personnel 1 Gencrti Carroll so �flout.). 7' pointed out certain in-euse training programs end the expectation that T.;-ur P.I. training will o:..-pand az more military int,; the bui1ding4 ds Cricie Situatlo,a General Doo1itt20.1 te know about our ability to handle more tan one 'ii3 at a time, and I ac;ein erYlained that I :felt tha wo eould do this judgint from our pact re::c.rC of vcrk and also asaumin5 that the in-house DIA militezy CeArtmental photo interpreters could be dallet upon to help handle part of the orizec leads. ArtcT all, I couldnIt see how DIA could withhold its P.I. assete for its depart- mental work if we were indeed involved in a real multiple cricit situation. They agreed with mo. 3. Tae visitors were then escorted to a small briefing reem where I proceeded to show them hichlights or the last :..2azions: the everall coveraEe and Soviet miasile distribu- tion, zamplez cf Laos and N, Vietnam photography. highlightS , HANDLE VIA TALENT, KEYHOLE CHANNELS c..r.rmil IrE? .......... ,,,, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/01 : CIA-RDP78B05167A000800090001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/01 : CIA-RDP78B05167A000800090001-7 Ta-1266-63/ma 25 March 1963 in the coverage of the and tany other illustrations from cur collection efforts of the past few months. During the course of the briefing Mr. Coyne asked zany questions about hr,,Iti SAC feels about thia or that polnts were SAC'S numbers any closer to our numbers of Soviet missiles,. does SAC come to WIC to zit down and discuss their differences, etc. To the latt.tx I told him that when SAC. . nominates a new target as an ICBM site In writing, we respond to this nomination in writing a:al that as I saw it there was not a great deal to be achievc4 in meeting to discuss things generally, but it was better to have a specific subject. I Indicated that =to interpreters were uost welcome to come to visit NPIC anytime and that our personnel were always welcomed at SAC. Coyne seemed to be satisfied, generally 7dropped the SAC subject and. asked to be excused about 12:15. General Doolittle stayed to review all of the graphics selected and then proceeded have lunch with re at 1115. 4. Following lunch, General Doolittle took a complete tour of the TRIO facility guided by NPIC Training Officer, This tour lasted mull 4:uv p.m., and General Doolittle expressed real pleaeure with his experiences at NPIC and his intent to get the othermembern of the 'Annan Committee over to have a similar orientation% ARTHUR C. LUN11UL Director National Photcgraphic Interpretation Center Distribution: Cy 1 - DD/I - Ex.Dir./DCI - DD/R 4 - NPICAD 5 - NPIC/OD NPIC/OD:ACL:mt (25 Mar 63) TIANDLE VIA TALENT TOP SECRET wiliOLE CHANNELS niitY Declassified in Part-Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/01 : CIA-RDP78B05167A000800090001-7 50X 50X 50X1 '50X JL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/01 : CIA-RDP78B05167A000800090001-7 k 1 � ISZICRAND11.1 FOB Vi2 =MD 7113.,.12.05-.63ta � Ce, , garah . SITATIZT: Briefing for the KiU1 Crceittere# 8 ktroh "1 1. Following pracntatiook on the cuz-mat po1itizo.1 ,a341. ea:Li:tar: situatica proosv,..Ntlett about 1:01.i P.M. tc.11, rt.a- theiilz C,:emlittoc the recomaissanze M4a5101141 a:74=p- lished recen.7; txathe as rollowt, 10103? 1 Excluded lrom culumatIc dangtadleg and decitssIlleatIdu ........---- A,. 3rti7:.11::,t..f.lttslons 0.4r) - 27 Stkpt tfr raa Sept 196i: - 5 Now of Ala Nov 1152 oe 9050 4. 15 Dcts 1962 - 147760� of task 1.7577. Total ti1 footage Pr 3.LatosMorth Victuals losostilcuth Irletam '��� ��� Dct: 1:42 Dc 1 1;42 Dee Jan jaA. 1963 22 Jen 1963. 1 Mt 1963. E34.-.771;27"b-io'Ta1 film footazos HANDLE VIA TALENT- KEYHOLE CHANNELS ONLY � Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/01 : CIA-RDP78B05167A000800090001-7 50X1 50X 50X1 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/01 : CIA-RDP78B05167A000800096001-7 >. C. Zju.z,n 1.�.Uxl.te.;z1 � ST.301205043113 =426 it � 8 teTt 3960. GIC�la north Korea 6 Dee 19:52 WCA33 Cana 2.) 14.:1 196.2 OFC4.134 China 24 Den 1')61 GIC.0136 South China 28 red 29Cla orc.3.38 � Mina 20 Jan 1963 11111111010.01000.101,1104.0011.10 37,73.1. To*.,43. ribs rootage D. Cb rtilpsiesip lahlts.ts1j Octg,r6 X. Mistime 0. 5102i)3 Ma rootage 6 'IlT"1.11.2: OA Sigh and Lerst Xarel litasiona. e+)3,176PibiPszotaze 2. Next, I offered feu gontwal remart.$ .ahmt the age letie Oster the usa indUating the total. 1C20 .4;..into (17)0 Sites (76)/ auaber Pads (15) vith the indicated eart41.71.1t4t.bte:412c411:zatt:1,,y aifiht 4.0 cciatadttral ti.erirtiocal. at the west: tIme. I InZorfetd Dr. Rilliaa that had representative :staples or the LtdItotolsreAl in thef ora O- briarixri beard, Awing tele:Aped hiLbliebts end that I iiims lasepared to dieolw tut discuss all, sone, or woe deyandlng on his wishes. (I los nindful of the late hour rind the feet that the Ccenittee looked tired end bed not bad lunch.) .3. The Chaim= =died et4 aol;e4 the neabers it they had questicas. A., Dr. lona and others vera latertgoted la lov W.4'3413 hist altitude photovsphy oa Cuba and I wi.plalued that lov 3.eve1 photozrapby vas yew careAtily welshed berme otooutiots es the Cubans boi Ve*C413 uader their tftel contra vbieb asialatt melt la a shoat dome On the ahoy head* the Wet�attitude Vilthica0 could. probably not be shot dova vithout SO= participatioalp , - � sisr q.F.;177, 1,1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/01 : CIA-RDP78B05167A000800090001-7 I 3 I IL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/01 : CIA-RDP78B05167A000800090001-7 I. - 2:35-6311101 33.. Di'. Land suwastod t1t:'t CArrAci. a longtz foaal length .caltera to go into the hiss.LtItudl vt14..:14 oheld us atein the irvroved scale seeded 440 envie; c:17Lczt?.oas cbout itroming curzets, derarture of Soviet porsev:la r.:41ij,, etz. I agreed that a lcuar focal atlath eltIca could help /2=favyou Rreserwed or linprond Itt;Y:n4 thrz resolution Q4' the cur* re.r.ttly ascd inch focal length B cluatra. X minded the Coomattee or the -'0" camera lableb, bad AOJ.E1 ocal lensth tat '430 wirer used el-erationally basun* or us poor ref�cdutivn Z,134111it1CANALIta corer. ant?. C. Pat Coyne- askiTd if Draw Photocrap4t could. toprove cur resolution. I was doubtful but reterved juZz7,Iint es I holdn't sees rauch of this tiud of film* Geueral Doolittle /upped in hard a this point to inmte that it voted te n mistac to use drones and there*e cive the Cuban* a cheme to knook 4.;:ivn one form or car reconnaissance eti:orts aad Necibly get away with 1. The acaeral. felt that tbas wad be a bad xteedent* Leathc- cceaed to be aereelna vitt Central DoeLittle mil Ccrue dropped the D. D. land indicated tht he vou2ii be ptmhlag for an inw preyed long rocal lenistla camera for tae et high altitudes* Et indicated that this development, costing 30M-: :V.Triart703 ce thousands of dollars, was asthing compared totoho srewnt on other collection cow. E. While zzuvr engaged ii..pcias tratab;:ut improured resolu. tion� leceer focal loueths, nal tho ISte I suz'zosted to the Cottattes that thO next big "quentLvtjuse i ro1ra2onstissaace could come tron mitt-bend or spectral soul p7r1,7:teuraphy.uhereln, the eround is photeamled si=ltancous4 throu44 acvers1 sepersto windows o' the ele:"%rooctic spectrwn. I indice, sow of the intereetina bUlties olTered tattle latrq sea rictla and how targperstnre differences CA to ground as vmallae .147 were detectable in pxtos m4de by Texas Instruments. Wo noted la those IR Itiotos '4174,2:er 2.4ectILkma atonding, where 40US staadiasinfielis showed IT es hrieht epots Cattle picture*, where tiv hct water effluent from pager houses Into tbe adjacent cocl water* co.ild be trmeed eut eareAaly, 17444 burica pipes cornett= chant up in pbotos *a a neat a noir bei ne: hotteCi or cooled kr cr other flutika,peasias throlv;a them., ette., HANDLE VIA TALENT- KEYHOK-j] OiLy Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/01 : CIA-RDP78B05167A000800090001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approvedfor�Release 2014/05/61 : CIA-RDP78B051.67`A` 000800090001-7 s r 1 tr.,43'...12015.4311131 Mre Cotrittee anearol inter:a:44A so I.,rent on a hit further to luttionte torn work we eurzwttkr nuderny with ti.c U. S. Gee1ocies3. Szrvey1. Hawaii. I e.11.�1!1:102d thtt I hesl not yet teen the mconesissawe -.1imt one ot rsy tecthzu- StidZ3 he indicated to Mkt tlUtt Zawzreles end pre:41,11y dontarit v;)3.0.tmcaV1 F::! Also* aourad ormes where ve L-zie, the zcolc -t 11:144.� (..11 f-Irea cign.iee,r14 re2;i3ter ae %farmer ets on the far,. �C:r: is3ang or Oshu ue also app.'or to 1.o,:a7,143 large fruiliA kr.ntcr 5rrici.:,a in the, eta r.locx.� at a depth of sone ,LV rct. !am;termirel to dartArroujxt shapta vorr_ tte c;_at riurea,ci� CI didn't nentica to the Coetuittee tter. fir3t otrzunation in the tiold it also ap2enred possible to A::: bet:viten the or warner tra.leor subs and the warm& zleurt betide them at hn.) Note: It is our intezi% to Dr. Scoville and the LCI thca,4311 tr= the hairie as sopaq tbrs h...sre been printed up, is,terpretc-;., trt, ete....egrob. ably within thz, yeek to IQ P. �tearawai Doolittle for the date of our lett suttllite Va.zoersqbie elation. I tcad. itt we illusion 9iY:Al atted 15 Dber I96Z. Re and Dr. KILI,ien tel4e. if we tad been Ir.;trtr this vorat .in cur al.a:41..x.;,:;1.. I cr..1.C., th*.t I vat pr-anbly not �take vac to lava tali& ittoeotien yilr.lreated inatmeh ez � we hwe heen vex?, tuay with (Alban novinz to a WV b4a3.410. hendlinz a large "haetlog c raelligonee Cotamnity Nerat14 ,Tprbei:.,ly best anower the vest .11',::-A:Nr.rer, aroma cipersonal. o-A,Ilaita that t7ite Ccarewaity 1...4:,c:t hurt insanuab as cur *over et the USLiR has been .so the curve ohowinl rate of dIzzmers o now tajor i.f.43`1::-.z; &razed to be rlatteniaz te., we haven't found any na, tut we have elled eAtIli;ional -pads at previcasly repor'; -41tL L. I suggested to the ChMiltrAl2 that there sight be a periodieity of cover-J.2A ani itrorered. .resolutiono-1. 4ent to Beet a giAren tariet again esain beztnrvL it Lots ribic to see it- rezentlyi antl *leer r*-.24,,x1. it Ate.* and clear we rit not have to go %nth to it for rgatth.tra new has beer.. etnatimuoted. I,indiotted that hAl alstallite surveil- lonce.tyr.a pbutoararhy- sith groun:.1 Mila�VA40-0. a 5 to 4"). feet, 4.,CUld trilt ItZtrtnely tateriel to vas 4efroxel thief tkt' wlavel there matira the yet unsolved reale* ot getting bietegst molution 1 foot to 3 feet HAI1DLE VIA TALENT - MEO Z CHANNELS 14P -OII Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/01 : CIA-RDP78B05167A000800090001-7 1 II Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/01 : CIA-RDP78B05167A000800090001-7 A 3.1.L.)05 ..6 3titn tt-4..1411 lutollicoace type eatellito phot4;x3.Vror over a leasercar.,...,bor tact. O. It Vaa UZI fkbrittt 1130 P. II. Dr. El.3.3.1on asked. thc, Cardttee thv =toil to sea arty cf 1;;11(rro brit:Lang tOettft� 00013 ZAet for General Doolittle 1-140 said trxit he warted to Ate:e the te-t there used% tine. �morel Doolittle then a-peaking to ell I allualtan=telys, thet vaat*AL to code to lalC for hour e-cied$ .eith or tltothor Cconittee Umbers, OTA thei 17.:tta er 20th ot Ektreh (1�Ut. 105.2.1. sizttlza up en appall:4- .fcz such a biztellIZ Vitt u4). Zhe Cotedittee ofijo.tra2 for a t;e:plattl,:llt lumhood IA Cat . It. Killian uallud to can 33144 witIl frt., anei war:4d -r =Ate the CoterAtteehad cortz:-.:';:aly ,ingi.,33. for tau,. I thet Mr. ILICCAle htd. tsint4 Daiad-1-43 t:d. 1 $3'nuuo.r7 31 4uPt :le he had rrotisett, t=ve. a .riao racilitv$ ,ragaty. avya Good elwxeat. We etre recrultina SS raplAy RS VC:Zit:10 Tie and at the eade ti flit fl ia.hcada tra'-at troz progr= k4.,.::totTitraphie ItZergroterd.: Dr. Kali= rad that Wei wae tit awl that ho vented.t nee 2.1.3 vezy Ee ai4 w maJ. hie the lhotot;:mkaim tor thar.t at a mid yeaii the trczt. th4t if they stert: tra.ty sitr.41.tien3tht tb2 tLilitary rite& went.. to dad more paroodael tr,c. I rieut:',..c000d. that XLiDarectorp Gosktrea Carron sos eonsitlerisu Ivy ....o4cer Da) pera=t1 lin4.4.741 be riut into our plant. vett to put -trorde Otneral Carroll'a nth, bat i. 14 z4 it OerAtral Carroll vas ourredtly favorably *pollute to pattirz 40 M1-7 44 40 DOD, pcceoneal into ow.,rth awl' area Dor deport saauf.'a.eo.r1:4, I. The CDuirazatt tho othev Coaaittee Umbers sh00% - ttrut'i 414-,:r the brierly tid(1-73in that thcsr Ido204 all Eulld:pa 213 zoat. Ifteintid the Oatarier d j beige abriefly boots 004. 1:110 as the Camittee limbers pro. coodol vith their 3xidehada� XV= O. wawa. rireetaro Sationita, reetois.tvzi-tia DistriWtioa: Cya & 2 3 Ur. Kirkpatrick 4 Mr. C3.inAl ,011 oh:am/sae Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/01 : CIA-RDP78B05167A000800090001-7 r � �^,Tro, 1"^ ^' r, - - 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for.: Release 2014/05/01 : CIA-RDP78B05167A000800090001-7 TO2 TCS-1621-63-KH 11 June 1963 Copy f5 I:EMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Diroctor (Intelligence) SUBJECT: Semi-Annual Report to the Killian Committee TIT.OT.L; o 21,11uant to your request, the subject paper in two is forwarded herewith. ARTHUR C. LUNDAHL Director National Photographic Interpretation Center i Cy 1 - DD/I w/2 copies of report) 2 - NPIC Killian file w/1 copy of report) 3 - NPIC chrono w/1 copy of report) ,PIC/0D: TO? (11 Jun 63) 50X1 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/01 : CIA-RDP78B05167A000800090001-7 I II Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/01 : CIA-RDP78B05167A000800090001-7 � � � �Ateaehment to TC,3-7621-63-21 11 June 1963 Repert: Copy Or. rATIWAL PHOTOGRAPHIC I]:TERPRETATION CENTER 1 October 1962 tl-Ira 31 March 1963 1. oncimi=m7 AND NISS:',N Coastruction of the n : 1;1IC faellity at Building 2130 .00val apons Plant, was .:.:Icted on schedule and the Center occuied the building co_ 1 January 1963. Containing better than 4000000 c:ross souao feet of floor space this faciley is equipped with the latest andoinost up-to-date photooaphic laboratory, computer and epecial environmental technL:al work space and will parait the Center to achieve its planneC, exl'ansion in fulfillment of its national intelligence The recruitment srogram is preo;reasing according to schedale with persons on board az of 31 March 19630 incluOLlg CIA perzonnel and military personnel. Approate ypersons are planned in the building by the end of :la 63 a ver by the end of FY 64. During the past six menthe the Army, Navy and Air Force Photop:.raphic Interpretation Detachments to WIC have been consolidated under DIA which now has the responsibility for provitaing the military personnel contributions to the Center. The military photographic interpreters, have been, In turn, integrated with CIA photographic interpreters to form a single national Photographic Analysis Group. In addition, negotiations are unc7Herway with DIA to co-locate its departmental photographio interrotation activity in Building 213. 2. Pa0f'03RA2HIC ACQUISITICNS a. Cuba. During the reporting period the assets of the Coriter were directed primarily in support of the "Cuban CrieLo'. 431 miesions were flown in carrying out surveillance activit,ies; this coverage necescitated NPIC reading out apnroxielately 10040,000 linear feet of film. This step-up in phetoTraphic surveillance resulted after the initial identifica- tion of Soviet missiles and military build-up in Cuba by the rational Photographic Interpret:flan Center photo interpreters. Durir this period it beceze rlu-,77.7 for the Center to operate en a 24-,hour basis In order to tioJ the demands levied by the Lite Nouse, DOD, State ana : for readout, briefingr� naterials and substantive o-ort to U3IB Committees* Declassified in ! Part_: Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/01 : CIA-RDP78B05167A000800090001-7 50X1 50X1 50X1 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/01 : CIA-RDP78B05167A000800090001-7 TOPSECIZIL:T RUFF Attachment to TCS-1621-63-1H Report: Page 2 from the middle of Oc.Aober until the end of the eeeertine period NPIC monitored the following items of signifi- eeee: all known missile installationa (IBM, IRBM/ CRUISE, 2eLe)3 Soviet Military Camps (Remedios, Holguin, Artemesa, los Vegoe and Torreno); all major airfields with en fields whore Deaglee, Flohbeds and Farmers were e.'teeionee; major Cuban ports with emphasis on Soviet Bloc "L)ceial Intereet" ships. In addition to items listed above, Cii day' coverage was searehed for any additional unreported itoeie that would indicate Soviet build-up. b. 1325R. There were four successful KEYHOLE missions over the foviet Union that netted approxlizately 60,000 linear feet.of filet. However, radiation and static Ciecharge seriously Cee;raded the interpretability of these missions. (Subsequently tide problem has been resolved, and Mission 9053 which was flown in April 1963 is considered to be of the highest quality yet achieved.) Yajor items of intelligence significance derived from ee.eee :CIEZaeeET missions during the renortire period are as ieees: a total of eight new ICBM launch sites (two pada eee) brieeing the total to 143 launch pads; 32 new MR/IRBM L�is1tc.24 30 of which are the newly identified type IV eereeed silo launch sites; the identification of the EMBA *;eizeile Te2t Range; nuclear weapons testins at the Semipala- teee,. Proviag Grounds; continued construction activity at the 'Zzeek ant:i Verkh-Nevyinsh AE CompleX as recent activity at the ttar I.WC'e' grid; and deployment of BLINDER aircraft to :eeranovichi airfield. c. Communist China. Seven missions were flown over Ceina which acquiree approximately 53,000 linear feet of film. ALL of these missione, with the exception of GRC-128, were flown entirely within the boundaries of Communist China; C:C-123 covered Northern China as well as North Korea. Significant items of intelligence acquired from these mielons are as follows: oonfinzatiol of the Lan Chou instal- lation as a Gaseous Diffusion Plant; the discovery of a possible plutonium production facility at Pa' > Tou; identifica- tion of a static test facility at Peiping; and general confirmation of the order of battle intelligence from other sources. �OP Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/01: CIA-RDp78B05167A000800090001-7 .14 11 LIJ 1.1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/01 : CIA-RDP78B05167A000800090001-7 ' TOP � � Attachment to Ti.:S-1621-53-101 aoport: Page 3 North Korea.. Oro:, wl..isoion was flown over this arca durfor-oz, t roporVinz per1.:11 (0X-3.280 flor.o.1 on 6 December �,, al oo covered North C12in1). This mission provided the fiit ohotocrephic coverage (oz:copting KEYHOLE) of North Korea ELre the end of tile Korean coyifliot.. Valuable information'. w��47,..o obtained which enables tl:to intelligence cornunity to � u�oe.ote� tho order of battle as well as' assess the reeonstruction �ozz. damaged facilities. This coverage revealed the first indication of the. introduction. of FISIMILD (111G-21) aircraft into North .T.,..orea v.:hon two L D aircraft and ten. YISHBED ���. , ora,tes wero observed ot 2I.'::01.11'114G Airfield. A naval foc�.1--ity with two "IT" clacz zLn was identified at an island off t coast of North Korea. e. Vietir up. ri`hree missions were flown- urL t1(a tro:.�,oe niesions I7ere read-out initially in fiela at U11210--Z (YO"..:V.IIA). The rotojor items of sign.ificance ' resulted from this coverage are as follows: an 11,000 ft., ro.,o,of uir conotruction at PRIM 'ITN; continued presence of� GVD tn,),e transport aircraft at HivNOT./G14. LAM Airfield; �� co.o.:;.troaekl improvement of milioary �azpscially the. coo.otct.on of now pel�norinent barre_clo: ro-ilo,cing the older types; confirmation. of tile construction of a � 'ror.o. or ,::n2;-La China, to P14.on5 Sely, Laos; and general of order of battlo intelligence as well :as new ' on airfield constIro.c..tion. � , � � '1:-....11\11CAL DEVELOP:WW2., iv= � 14/fty -four items are under development with twenty-seven '��� difforent companies. Prime emphasis during this poric4 has been . diroctod toward the initial;ion of an on-line ohotographic moaourement system. Seconoly., eraohasis has boon on continued development activities in t.. area of image manipulation and enhancement. TOP C:I2.12:.; RUFF Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/01_ : CIA-RDP78B05167A000800090001-7 50X1 50X1