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Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2014/05/08 : CIA-RDP78B05167A000300080012-1 NF-77,7 cc4.1 MOMSS A. Requirownts B. I . IMQUITIMITTS a A FrE 106C 1. Re Secretary; also attaches Project Work Sheet See attachment 1, Requirement form and attachment 2, Project Thyek Shoot). 26 Rectu:romentrmalnationt Determine* a* Is request for work clear and proper work for the center b* Is work precisely defined a. Is work feasible d6 Cheek attachments Is ultlnote dinposal of documents stated 0. Is priority stated: if etated reasonable or proper 3. Collateral,Cheak* 04 Das a repo en previously written b. Is another requirement in work similar to this e6 Is there photographic material available for this project 4. 01..mullaWiReep, aspect of the requirement, at Apapirement Authorisatlpnt Center Production, 5. 1. 4 .501) I Clarification of any or reporting vehicle. Approve or disapprove for 2. with assigns photo research and collateral rescareh; or indicates that analyst will do co at a later date. 3. A?si an...4.2?tael zeLgr gatialk-B9.93141MOT4 Form: =trios are on project work makes etre all neeencary 5. Fix4, TypInrt Reauirezient Porms: Secretary Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/08: CIA-RDP78B05167A000300080012-1 50X1 STAT STAT STAT STAT STAT STAT STAT STAT -- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/08: CIA-RDP78B05167A000300080012-1 r\ "wy,F117,VV 0Th In a. Banat:pc. RoquiremenVPerms wil,oreald: Secretary; nunbers each copy and accounts for each (via stamp on Original itcp Perm); Copies are made per: 0, Standard: 3 copies 1 for DIWI 1 for PS 1 for COS project folder b. Plus copies for Requesting office an follows: 1) ORE 2 copies (4.) 5) Mt.. 2 copies 2) OSI - 2 copies (+) 6) PIC - 0 (no) copies 3) DDP 2 copies 4) OCI 2 copies (+) On Requirements coordinated between ORR& 0518 one extra copy is furnished the office which did not actually originate the requirement. c. Plus copies for responsible divieion as follows: 1) VSD . 3 copies 2) GID . 2 copies 3) TTBt)u.lcpr 4, Plus (in case of Joint Projects only) Army 2 copies 2 Wavy 3 copies Distribution Conies: Secretary; all copies must be signed for by the Divisions. Secretary; wee attachment 3 a, Deliver 1 copy to Mehl= Record Section each Friday afternoon b. Prepare list of new projects (in 5 copies) for briefing of Directors office. 90 I12.09cs Co9v injrcliect;Folde4: SocretarY 10, Plle,Orisinal He iremikrittFormix ReaulxerenkPlle or Repuestim Office: Secretary absence Backstops absence Backstops 1 copy to: a. b. C. d. C. f. Staff copy includes attachments STAT STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/08: CIA-RDP78B05167A000300080012-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/08 CIA-RDP78B05167A000300080012-1 PHOTOGRAPHIC INTELLIGENCE CENTER REQUIREMENT FORM CLASSIFICATION 1 ) 1 PROJECT NO. REQUIREMENT CD PR COUNTRY PROJECT DESCRIPTION CAT DIV DT ASN DT COMPL REPORT ABOVE TINS LINE TO BE FILLED IN BY PIC/CCS ONLY REQUESTER: OFFICE DIVISION BRANCH REQUIREMENT NO DATE OF REQMT ANALYST'S NAME PHONE REQUIREMENT DESCRIPTION: 1. SUBJECT: (INSTALLATION OR ACTIVITY TO BE STUDIED OR SERVICE REQUESTED) 2. ACCURATE LOCATION: COUNTRY PLACE NAME (AT OR NEAR) COORDINATES WAC TARGET NO (BOMB. ENCYCL?) ALTERNATE PLACE NAMES (I? NEEDED) ADDITIONAL LOCATION INFORMATION. MAP REFERENCES ETC REFERENCES: I. PHOTOGRAPHIC: ISSION CAMERA EXPS FROM TO OTHER PHOTO DATA IF NEEDED, PI REPORTS ETC 2. TEXTUAL: PUBLISHING AGENCY REPORT TITLE OR SUBJECT REPORT NO DATE REMARKS BACKGROUND INFORMATION: SPECIFIC PHOTOGRAPHIC INTELLIGENCE REQUESTED: DEGREE OF URGENCY: ENCLOSURES: (INCLUDE COPIES OF REFERENCED REPORTS IF PRACTICABLE) USE ADDITIONAL PAGES IF NEEDED PAGE OF PAGES COPY OF COPIES CLASSIFICATION 11PrlacsifiAci in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/08: CIA-RDP78B05167A000300080012-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/08: CIA-RDP78B05167A000300080012-1 PROJECT CHECK SHEET ' PROJECT NO. ANALYST REQUIREMENT NO PRIORITY STATUS PHASE STEP NO. INITIAL DATE COMPLETE 1 2 3 1 REQUIREMENT RECEIVED P.I.C. 2 CONSULTATION WITH REQUESTER 3 CONSULTATION WITH DIV. CHIEF, REQUIREMENT EVAL. 4 PROJECT NO. AND PRIORITY ASSIGNED 5 TARGET LOCATION SEARCH 6 COLLATERAL REQUESTED PHOTOGRAPHY REQUESTED 4 , 5 6 7 PROJECT RECEIVED BY P.I.C. DIVISIQN 8 PROJECT ASSIGNED TO ANALYST 9 PHOTOGRAPHY RECEIVED 10 COLLATERAL RECEIVED 11 ANALYST CONSULTATION A. DATA MANAGEMENT B. TECHNICAL INTELLIGENCE C. COORDINATION CONTROL STAFF 12 DIVISION CHIEF APPROVAL PRELIM. BRIEFING 13 PRELIMINARY BRIEFING A. REQUIREMENTS REPRESENTATIVE B. EDITORIAL REPRESENTATIVE C. MENSURATION REPRESENTATIVE D. GRAPHICS REPRESENTATIVE E. REPRODUCTION REPRESENTATIVE 14 RSQUEST FOR SUPPORT A. COLLATERAL B. MENSURAL C. EDITORIAL D. GRAPHICS 15 REQUESTED SUPPORT RECEIVED A. MENSURAL B. GRAPHICS C. EDITORIAL D. COLLATERAL 16 REQUESTS FOR PROOF PRINTS 17 PROOF PRINTS RECEIVED 18 DIV. CHIEF APPROVAL FINAL DRAFT 7 19 FINAL DRAFT RECEIVED BY EDITORIAL STAFF 8 \ , 20 EDIT COMP., EDITED DRAFT RETURNED TO ANALYST 21 ASSEMBLY FINAL MOCK-UP 22 DIV. CHIEF APPROVAL FINAL MOCK-UP 23 FINAL PROJECT BRIEFING A. EDITORIAL REPRESENTATIVE B. GRAPHIC REPRESENTATIVE C. REPRODUCTION REPRESENTATIVE 24 DIV. CHIEF APPROVAL MOCK-UP FOR FINAL EDIT 25 FINAL MOCK-UP RECEIVED BY EDITORIAL STAFF 26 FINAL EDIT COMP. REPORT RECEIVED BY ANALYST 27 REPORT RECEIVED BY GRAPHICS, PROD. FINAL PLATES 28 COMP. REPORT RECEIVED BY EDITORIAL STAFF 9 29 ) REPORT SUBMITTED FOR REPRODUCTION 30 REPORT RELEASED FOR DISSEMINATION BY 0/C 10 31 REPORT DISSEMINATED THE RESPONSIBLE OFFICER WILL INITIAL OR OBTAIN AN INITIAL AND DATE FOR EACH ITEM AS IT IS COMPLETED. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/08: CIA-RDP78B05167A000300080012-1 (--- \ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/08: CIA-RDP78B05167A000300080012-1 ( IIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII (Enter place-name first when CTRY PROJECT DESCRIPTION 4 applicable) /cA D ANAL c, N- ,s(v'z' N- i" ',9 c, ?S I I , 2 n'ATIJS a Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/08: CIA-RDP78B05167A000300080012-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/08: CIA-RDP78B05167A000300080012-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/08: CIA-RDP78B05167A000300080012-1 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/08: CIA-RDP78B05167A000300080012-1- 14100738CIE0 REQUIRENLITS ORIGInAT1M IN PIC Require:10MA Branch 1. Receive IfGrmation from gequeetor: 2. Evaluate ani authorize requirement: 30 Prepare Requiromont Form affixing the requirement originates in the work and a project number is rogue next Project number from Prod= b7.-pa8sing steps B2 & 3 belowS Date 22 Februarv,196C PIC requirement Bo. If division which will do the eted imedistely? take the stack and affix it, Secretary 2EWURIIII-Dralch 1. Review requirement and outline course of project: 2. Consult with Division Chiefs (Skip this step if Requireint nch has alreacly done it) 3. Assign Project No. (also skip if Requirement has done it) 44, Designate Priority: 5. Complete Requirement forms Secretary Proceed with stops 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 of 1 copy to: a. b. c. d. e. f. Staff copy ? includes attachments niltuj:?3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/08: CIA-RDP78B05167A000300080012-1 50X1 STAT STAT STAT STAT STAT 50X1 STAT Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2014/05/08 : CIA-RDP78B05167A000300080012-1 [ Uraill\NUI iln! . CCS PROJECT STATUS REPORTING Date /6 cer 51 50X1 1. 2. Project Data Sent to Machine Record Section: STAT each Friday 50X1 bq next workihg day. STAT (See by Division: Provided automatically or Tab Run of all Projects Machine Records Section on the 25th of each month responsible. 3. Prepare Tab Run for Delivery to Divisions: draw lines STAT sepOrating Project Status columns. Add all information accumulated during month (I.C. project completions etc), must be completed- within 4 hours. Maintains continuous record of all changes to projects for this purpose. ' 4. Delivers Tab Runs to Divisions: works with Divisions as needed, STAT makes every effort to have Division contributions to Status Report completed within 1 working day. ? 5. Coordinates Divisions Contributions with Publications Staff: STAT makes sure all reports completed during the month are properly listed and verifies correctness of Divisions' entries of assignments to Graphics and Editorial Section. 6. Assembles Up-dated Tab Runs and Delivers To Machine Records Section: checks all new entries for correctness of coding and STAT operator. readability for punch 7. Receives Multilith Masters of Monthly Status Report (Runs 4 and 5 STAT of instructions to Machine Records Section and deliver to DMD/T for reproduction and dissemination: 8.? Delivers Inter-PIC follows: a. Runs (Runs 2 and 3): Run no. 2 (By Division 1) Army - 4 2) Navy - 4 3) MSD -3 CCS - 1 GID - 3 CCS - 1 5) TISD - 3 CCS - 1 6) DND - 3 CCS - 1 7) CCS -4 q1D.g Egfrad distribution is as copies of Army portion copies of Navy portion copies of MSD portion copy of MSD portion copies of GID portion copy of GID portion copies of TISD portion copy of TISD portion copies of DMD portion copy of DMD portion copies of CCS portion Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/08: CIA-RDP78B05167A000300080012-1 STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/08: CIA-RDP78B05167A000300080012-1 0, Ljti, j U L,I1L1 _i b. Run No. 3 (By Project number) 1) 1 copy to Officer of Director 2) 1 copy to Publication Staff 3) 1 copy to DMD/I 4) 1 copy to CCS 9. Filing of Runs 2 and 3: in post binder 10. Preparation of Statistics from Monthly Report: Use Run no. 3 and corrected copies of run number 1 for extraction of information. 11. Preparation of Production Chart; copies to CCS. deliver 3 copies to 0/Dir, 2 12. Preparation of Report select cards from sort made by Machine Records Section f-0 run no. Deliver to for review. Return to Machine R cords Section for run. Assem e run with Code explanation and cover letter and forward to 13. Preparation of Priorities Listing: receive cards sorted by priority number on the 10th of each month. Assemble projects within each priority in order of precedence. Review with When approved return cards to Machine Records Section for run copies). Distribute by the 15th as follows: 1,copy each sent to: 0/Director Chief, MSD Chief, GID Chief, TISD Chief, CCS Chief, PS 2 copies to Chief, DMD (1 copy for Photo Lab control Unit) EAU 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/08: CIA-RDP78B05167A000300080012-1 STAT STAT STAT 50X1 STAT STAT STAT STAT STAT