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Publication Date: 
June 17, 1960
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2) ? Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2014/05/08 : CIA-RDP78-03330A004200080004-9 UUNHUtil I IAL c'\ NEGOTIATED TASK ORDER ' r' s REGISTERED-RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED ATTENTION: SUBJECT : TASK ORDER CONTRACT NO. GENTLEMEN: THIS NEGOTIATED TASK ORDER CONTRACT No. 1 IS ENTERED INTO PURSUANT TO STATUTORY .AUTHORITY AS OF, THE DATE HEREINABOVE SET FORTH, 50X1 50X1 50X1 50X1 50X1 PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF CONTRACT No. ) AND 50X1 EFFECTIVE UPON THE DATE OF YOUR ACCEPTANCE HEREOF, YOU ARE AUTHORIZED TO PRO- CEED WITH THE PERFORMANCE OF SAID TASK ORDER No. 1 . THE SCOPE OF THE WORKTO BE PERFORMED UNDER THIS TASK ORDER AND SUCH ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS AS MAY BE APPLICABLE ARE SET FORTH IN THE ATTACHED SCHEDULE THE ESTIMATED COST OF fiEREORMING THIS TASK ORDER, EXCLUSIVE OF /HE FIXED FEE, IS Nine Thousand Seven Hundred Dollars and No Cents ($9,700.00). COSTS IN EXCESS OF THIS AMOUNT SHALL NOT BE INCURRED WITHOUT THE PRIOR WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION OF THE CONTRACTING OFFICER. THE FIXED FEE FOR THE PERFORMANCE OF THIS TASK ORDER SHALL BE Seven Hundred. Twenty-Seven Dollars and No Cents ($727.00). THE WORK TO BE PERFORMED UNDER THIS TASK ORDER SHALL BE COMPLETED ON OR BEFORE Oft (6) months fram the date of accep uce. UPON EXECUTION OF ALL COPIES OF THIS DOCUMENT, PLEASE RETURN TO THE UNDERSIGNED THE ORIGINAL AND ONE COPY, RETAINING ONE COPY FOR YOUR RECORDS. ACKNOWLEDGED AND ACCEPTED THIS .121bLDAY OF June 19412 TITLE VERY TRULY YOURS, ? 50X1 50X1 SVIDATE 12 :44% sYd0T440 aim COMP (05 Opt -5-6 TYPE 0/ IMO CLASS PAGES REV CLASS inNT 41202" NEXT REV 00/0 Airftit MR WI CONFIDENTIAL NOTICE. This material contains information affecting the nconal defense of the United States within the meaning of the espionage laws, Title 13, USC Secs. 793 and.794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to en Unauthorized persan is prohibited by law. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/08: CIA-RDP78-03330A004200080004-9 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2014/05/08 : CIA-RDP78-03330A004200080004-9 (7,-\ inL. I. (SCHEDULE) CONTRACT/TASK 0 DER NO. Contract No. SCOPE OF WORK: PAGE OF 4 PAGES I rask Order No. 1 50X1 The scope of work shall be in accordance with your letters of 15 April 1960 and 16 May -1960 and Specification No. 604.-1164 dated 29 April 1960 entitled "DevelopMent-Specification for the AP-3 and P8-10 Power Supplies" - subject to the addendum noted below. A copy of the above-mentioned documents is incorporated. herein by reference and made a part hereof. One copy of each is'on file with the Contracto;ithe Contracting Officer and the Project Engineer. ADDENDUM: The proposal referred to above should be changed to read: It is proposed that the power supplies be built with two outputs, as follows: Output A: +12 volts0_7 Amps max., unregulated With no outpUt load, the Output voltage will be Approximately +17 volts. When a 7 amp. load is drawn the voltage will be approximately +12 volts. There ;rill be no regula- tion against input line voltage changes. Ripple will be approximately,10% rms at full load. when a 60 cps input voltage is uted.and-aboutl.5% rms at full load when a 400 cps input voltage is used. Output B: +-12 volts., 2 amps, max., regulated against line and load-changes. For. +10% input line voltage Changes the output will change no morethan-+2%. For load changes of no load to full 2 amp, load? the output voltage will change no more than 3%. Ripple at full load will be about I% rms. This output arrangement is proposed because of the evident re- quirement for additional regulated current for sensitive circuit ele- ments, such a tube filaments, which -could possibly be damaged by higher voltage at the instant of connection. It should be emphasized, that the Unregulated output is at +17 volts only when there is no Load at all on it. The instant ,the 7 ampere load is switched on, the voltage will drop to the 12 volt level. The second deviation is the limiting of the maximum Charging current for battery- charging to 4 amperes instead; of 8 amperes. This current is the maximum which the supply can deliver continuously. The higher currents obtain6ble in the other mode of operation are possible only because of the 50% duty cycle. The proPosed- technical approach is -very similar to that given in Contractor's proposal of 15 April 19600 except that the Zener diode is used to provide 2 amperes of regulated current instead of 1 ampere. ' NAME OF CONTRACTOR 50X1 NOTICE This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage Laws, Title 18, U.S.C. Secs. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. sEefEr...CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for.Release_2014/05/08 : CIA-RDP78-03330A004200080004-9 ) Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2014/05/08 : CIA-RDP78-03330A004200080004-9 IL/L-11 I inL (SCHEDULE) CONTRACT/TASK ORDER NO. Contract No. PAGE 2 OF PAGES I Task Order No. 1 50X1 It is felt that this amount of regulated current can be delivered within the given package sizefor the AP-3. The proposed. block diagram is the sane as given in the proposal. It is felt that this approach will satisfy all the requirements of the specification, with the deviations requested above. DELIVERABLE ITEMS: Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Item 4 Item 5 One (1) AP-3 Engineering Model Power Supply Nine. (9) AP-3 Prototype Power Supply One (1) P8-10 Engineering Model Power Supply Nine (9) PS-10 Prototype Power Supply Engineering drawings for the. AP-3 and P8-10 Power Supply consisting of a reproducible Easter set, 1 each;copies, 2 each. Item 6 Instruction Manuals, 25 copies NON-PROMOTIONAL CLAUSE: ? Although the units being designed and fabricated under this Task Order are considered Unclassified when disassociated from the purchaser, you are not at any time authorized to use the units for display or pro- motional'purposes or in any way publicly disclose the item unless you have requested and have received prior written authorization to do so from the Contracting Officer. NAME OF CONTRACTOR 50X1 NOTICE This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage Laws, Title 18, U.S.C. Secs. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. REFCONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/08 : CIA-RDP78-03330A004200080004-9 ) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/08: CIA-RDP78-03330A004200080004-9 ? SECURITY PAGE 2 OF PAGES (SCHEDULE) I " 'CONTRACT/TASK ORDER NO. Contract No. Task Order_No. 1 50X1 The A2-3 and P6-10 equipments, and reports pertaining thereto, are UNCLASSIFIED. IN THE EVENT ANY QUESTION MAY ARISE MING THE PRELIMINARY PHASES OF THE WORK ANSA* RESEARCN CONCERNING THE SECURITY OF THE TECHNICAL A5PECTS,.1 I.E. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF VARIOUS COMPONENT PARTS AND/OR RELATED RE? PORTS CONNECTED THERETO, THE TECHNICAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE CONTRACTING OFFICER IS AUTHORIZED TO FURNISH SECURITY GUIDANCE RIMING THIS INTERIM PERIOD. THIS IS ONLY TO BE CONSIDERED AN AUTHORIZED EXPEDIENT AND EFFICIENT MEANS OF RESOLVING tecRsicAL SECURITY PROBLEMS BY THE TECHNICAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE CONTRACTING OFFICER ON THE SPOT AND IS NOT TO BE CONSTRUED AS A WAIVER OF THE CONTRACTOOIS RESPONSIBILITY TO REQUEST FORMAL WRITTEN NOTIFICATION AND/OR AUTHORIZATION FROM THE CONTRACTING OFFICER PRIOR TO EFFECTING ANY CHANGES IN OVrA..:A01, SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THE CONTRACT, OR ITEM AND/OR REPORTS BEING DEVELOPER THEREUNDER OR THE CONTRACTOR'S SECURITY REQUIREMENTS, AS AGREED. THE ASSOCIATION OF TOE-SPONSOR WITH THE WORK BEING PRODUCED UNDER THIS TASK ORDER IS CLASSIFIED SECRET. THIS CLASSIFIED INFORMATION AND ANY OM* CLASSIFIED INFORMATION WHICH MAY BE SPECIFIED IN TNE.,FIRST PARAGRAPH OF THIS SECURITY ARTICLE, WILL BE DIVULGED ONLY ON A NEED.TO.KNOW BASIS AND THEN ONLY TO THOSE WHO HAVE BEEN AUTHORIZED IN WRITING BY THIS 'GOVERNMENT COMPONENT TO HAVE ACCESS TO CLASSIFIED INFORMATION. CORRESPONDENCE ORIGINATED BY THE CONTRACTOR AND/OR OTHER DATA TO BE SUB. MITTED HEREUNDER, THE OONTENTS OF WHICH CONTAIN CLASSIFIED INFORMATION OR REFER TO THE NUMBER OF THIS TASK ORDER AND/OR CONTRACT OR THE MANE AND/OR ADDRESS OF THE COOTRACTING OFFICER, SHALL BE STAMPED BY YOU WITH THE CLASSIFICATION OF SECRET, REPORTS. A FINAL REPORT, MANUALS, DRAWINGS AND SIMILAR DATA AS MAY BE REQUIRED UNDER THIS TASK ORDER, SHALL BE SUBMITTED AT SUCH TIME AND IN SVCN FORMAT AS MAY BE SPECIFIED BY THE TECHNICAL REPRESENTATIVE 00 THE CONTRACTING OFFICER OR AS MAY BE OTHERWISE SET FORTH 00 THE (SCOPE OF WORK') ARTICLE OF THIS SCHEDULE, IN ADDITION, TECHNICAL PROGRESS REPORTS SHOULD SE PREPARED IN THE MANNER NORMALLY PRACTICED BY YOU AND SUBMITTED DIRECTLY TO THE CONTRACTING 0FFICER1S PROJECT ENGINEER IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ENGINEWS INSTRUCTIONS. A COPY OF THE PROGRESS REPORT SHOULD BE MAILED DIRECTLY TO THE CONTRACTING OFFICER UNLESS YOU ARE ADVISED OTHERWISE. NAME OF CONTRACTOR 50X1 NOTICE This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage Laws, Title 18, U.S.C. Secs. 79 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited bylaw. CONFIDENTIAL FORM 1A19,. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/08: CIA-RDP78-03330A004200080004-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Appro6eOlifloirr Irjen iC:At5/08 : CIA-RDP78-03330A004200080004-9 (SCHEDULE) 1 PAGE 4 OF ii. PAGES 50X1 CONTRACT/TASK ORDER NO. Contract No. SNIPPING INSTRUCTIONS: Task Ordar No. 1 ANY ITEMS TO BE DELIVERED UNDER THIS TASK ORDER SHALL BE onlyarb: FOS .DESTINATION TO WHATEVER,LOCATIONVITNIWTHE CONTINENTAL LIMITS OF THE UNITED STATES AS MAY BE LOP STIPULATED BY THE CONTRACTING OFFICER* ALL, DELIVERABLE ITEMS, IF ANY, SHALL BE,. PACKAGED AND CRATED If APPLICAi.?' ISLE, IN ACCORDANCE WITETHE CONTRACTOOSAIEST DOMESTIC COMMERCIAL PRACTICE OR AS FURTHER AMPLIFIED By AUXILIARY SPECIFIC ImOTRucTicals Of THE CONTRACTOO OTIEER* IN THE EVENT ANY MATERIALBR ITEMS:WifiCH"MAY BE co:tog:tin HEREUNDER ARE, OR MAY LATER sEcOmg SECRET 9*:CONFIDENTIALAitV4.061-Tmg SIZE OR WEIGHT OF SUCH MATERIAL OR ITEMS CLASSIFIED SECRET OR CONFIDENTIAL mom ENIPMENT ikvagpisTERW NAIL. IMPRACTICABLE SHIPMENT SHOULD BE MADE ONLY BY THE RAILWAY EXPRESS AGENCY (009Tecii*E SIGNATURE SERVICE,* THE MATERIAL MUST BE oECURELYCRATED.AND BANDED ANDPRIOR:TO SHIPMENT THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ADVISE THE CONTRACTING OFFICER OF (1) THE DATE THE MATERIAL WILL BE SPIPPED,-(2).THE APPROXIMATE DATE OF ***IA444: AND OrTm* APPROXIMATIOWEiGHT,'SiZE, AND MUMBEM. OF CARTONS.BULK smtp***Ts OF TOP SECRET MATERIAL SHALL BE MADEONLY IN ACCORDANCE MATE THE spEctricAmsTmocTipm WHICH WILL BE FURNISHED 1m* CONTRACTOR BY THE CONTRACTING OFFICER *roe NOTIFICATION THAT THE MATERIAL 14 READY FOR SHIPMENT* INSPECTION,: INSPECTION DURING THE Comsg or THE TASK ORDER AS WELL AS THE FINAL INSPEO. TION AND ACCEPTANCE 0? DELIVERABLE PRODUCTS, If ANY, HEREUNDER SHALL BE MADE- BY: THE TECHNICAL. REPRESENTATIVE OF'TPE.CONTRACTING OFFICER* FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF ITEMS DELIVERABLE HEREUNDER, IF ANY, SHALL BE MADE AFTER mpg* INSPECTION AT THE FOB POINT DESIGNATED AN ACCORDANCE WITH THE STIPULATIONS oruSpOPPIM* IRSTROO4v. TIONS?) APOVE* NAME OF CONTRACTOR 50X1 FORM 1/201_ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/08: CIA-RDP78-03330A004200080004-9 NOTICE This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage Laws, Title 18, U.S.C. Secs. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. CONFIDENTIAL 4EGREf 111 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/08: CIA-RDP78-03330A004200080004-9 -- () 1ut-11R un- r ? INAIRMATION:, Recta. No. MSB 60-625 you. No. 60-20986 Chglg. 017 ? Refer. cry to MSB 017 Contract No. 656 ?Task $ ; - No. 1 SuPplement No. I CERTIFY MAT FUN E6 ABE, AVAILABLE: Obligfation Reference ,No. 0-17149 Charge to, Allotment No. 0179-0010-0000 Authorizing Officer ($10,427.00 Contractors Mailing Address: Ej Classified SECRET internally and externally - AGENCY STERILE "E.7 ,,,Unolassified,-..NONSTERILE? =' U. S. Government non...traceable cheek U. S. Government ?honk Cashiers cheek on the bank of 50X1 50X1 50X1 50X1 CONFIDENTIAL creari Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/08: CIA-RDP78-03330A004200080004-9