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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/20: CIA-RDP91-00280R000300350027-4 Listed below are the topics that were discussed at the D/L staff meeting on 6 May 1987. While they do not represent the totality of our discussions, they do represent the highlights. Your division or staff chief can provide you with additional details on those topics in which you are interested. 25X1 1. employees: The Office of Logistics 11 May 1987 welcomes the following new - Procurement Division - Procurement Division - Printing and Photography Division - Real Estate and Construction Division - Facilities Management Division 25X1 - Procurement Division 25X1 2. Chief, Supply Division, has 25X1 announced his intention to retire on 3 June. 2bAl will be appointed Acting Chief, Supply Division, 25X1 ettective 18 May 1987. 25X1 3. Chief, Procurement Division, was awarded an Exceptional Accomplishment Award on 7 May 1987, by Mr. R. E. Hineman, Deputy Director for Science and Technology, in recognition of his superior performance during the period April 1986 through December 1986 while servina as 25X1 Chief, Procurement Management Staff, DS&T. 25X1 S E E T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/20: CIA-RDP91-00280R000300350027-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/20: CIA-RDP91-00280R000300350027-4 SECRET OL Staff Notes - 6 May 1987 4. To highlight the recent upgrade of the Headquarters Power Plant and to emphasize that, in addition to emergency electrical power, chilled water and steam are also generated at the Plant, OL has changed the name of the power plant to the Central Plant. This name is more consistent with current commercial and industrial 25X1 terminology. 5. On 30 April, OL personnel initiated a relocation of the Headquarters Main Reception activity to the Route 123 Visitor Control Center. Also, a portion of Polygraph Division, OS was 25X1 relocated to the former Headquarters main reception area. 6. The Office of Training and Education (OTE) is now the sole occupant of the Chamber of Commerce Building. OL reports that a contract was awarded and construction began on 4 May to complete renovations of the ground, first, and second floors required to meet 25X1 Agency and OTE standards. 25X1 9. The "Office of Logistics Annual Report - May 1987" was published in time to be handed out in the Headquarters Auditorium at the kickoff to the OL Conference on 1 May. Copies of the brochure 25X1 were hand-carried for distribution at the OL Conference on 4 and 5 May. Additional copies were distributed by the OC/OL Information Services Center to OL divisions, staffs, and Logistics and Contract Officers serving in Agency external components. If any OL employee would like a copy, 25X1 please contact 25X1 25X1 25X1 10. This year's edition of the OL Conference was held on 4-5 May . Despite inclement, weather, a record 270+ attendees participated in this meeting. A conference kickoff address, by , Director of Logistics, initiated the festivities on 1 May in the Headquarters Auditorium. set the tone for conference activities by highlighting major 2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Ifielneasve 2012/08/20: CIA-RDP91-00280R000300350027-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/20: CIA-RDP91-00280R000300350027-4 SECRET OL Staff Notes - 6 May 1987 OL accomplishments during the past year and he spent considerable time in discussing OL's goals in making its career service the best in the Agency. He also discussed the future directions OL will be taking over the next year. Monday morning's first presentation illustrated our OL tenet "you can't havP A future without a past." 25X1 utilized vintage photographs and personal anecdotes to trace OL's development from its OSS predecessors to the present. Richard Ablon, President of Ogden Allied Corporation, took time from his hectic schedule to describe the myriad of activities of his billon-dollar, 50,000-employee company. The afternoon's presentations were 25X1 highlighted by an incisive briefing from 25X1 an analysis of counterterrorist efforts by Duane Clarridge, Chief of Operations for Counterterrorism; and an update 25X1 of Agency-wide issues by , Inspector General. Henry Mahoney, Associate Deputy Director for Administration, addressed the conference that evening filling in for the DDA, who could not attend due to illness. Tuesday's presentations included ?ersonnel updates 25X1 by Ted Price, Director of Personnel; and Chief, Personnel and Training Staff, OL; a training up ate by 25X1 Deputy Director of Logistics; and an update on 25X1 resources by Executive Officer of Logistics. Our guest speaker, Father Sebastian Miklas, informed and entertained the conference attendees with an en rossing presentation on "Fractional 25X1 Versus Total Personality." concluded the proceedings with a 25X1 summary of conference events an personal comments. 11. FROM THE D/L's CORNER: We are very grateful for the excellent attendance and attention by the Office of Logistics employees who participated in 25X1 the Conferenc on 4 and 5 May 1987. We again ask that OL employees who attenied the Conference brief, in detail, those individuals in their components who did not have the opportunity to attend. As discussed at the Kickoff address in the auditorium, we must work extremely hard to communicate within OL. It is, therefore, imperative that OL employees attend the functions that we have in the Headquarters Auditorium, both on an annual and quarterly basis so that they can provide the best support to the components in which they serve. As mentioned in the Kickoff address, attendance is particularly critical by the chiefs of logistics units assigned to external components throughout the Agency. Intern 25X1 communications is essential to our overall success. 25X1 12. From the Director of Logistics, "You Can't Have a Future Without a Past." See attached. Attachments A. One Individual Can Make a Difference B. Item of Interest (Come in Hilltop) C. Item of Interest (Revised Domestic Travel Regulations) D. "You Can't Have a Future Without a Past" 3 SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/20: CIA-RDP91-00280R000300350027-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/20: CIA-RDP91-00280R000300350027-4 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 ATTACHMENT A ******** ONE INDIVIDUAL CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE ******** The Director of Logistics commends the following individuals who, by their outstanding performance of duty, have received acknowledgment from OL customers: of Printing and Photography Division were recognized in a letter of appreciation, from Acting Chief, OG/OSO, dated 29 April 1987, for their support in the printina of thp TSD Equipment Catalog during March and April 1987. I stated that he was quite impressed with the professional ?uality of this catalog, and appreciated their diligent work. of Facilities Management Division was recognized in a letter of appreciation, from I Chief, Central Cover Staff, dated 22 April 1987, for her valuable assistance given to the Cover Staff. Besides making her regularly scheduled deliveries during normal hours, stated that comes back in between runs to deliver or pick up material she has ascertained needs expeditious handling. She is polite, friendly and performs her duties with ease and good humor. The Building Services Branch of Facilities Management Division was recognized in a letter of appreciation, from Chief, National Issues Group, SOVA, dated 10 April 1987, for their support during the SOVA's office move on 9 April 1987. I stated that their attitude as well as their work made a difficult experience much more bearable for us, and not only were they careful, efficient and skilled, but also a pleasure to work with. 25X1 Loi er/OTS, was recognized in a 25X1 memorandum from Chief, Technical Services Division, OTS, dated 19 March 1987 for his support and guidance in resolving problems of CMR's and the disposal of excess 25X1 equipment. stated that devoted considerable time to this endeavor, thereby making an invaluable contribution to the Division in his "can do" attitude in takin the initiative to resolve and research 25X1 problems areas. 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved For Release 2012/08/20 : CIA-RDP91-00280R000300350027-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/20: CIA-RDP91-00280R000300350027-4 ITEM OF INTEREST COME IN HILLTOP ATTACHMENT B How would you like to be assigned to Hilltop? Hilltop?? Code name for a special project? A jungle clearing for military operations? A luxurious safehouse for a VIP defector? Well, not quite. Ask any concrete truck driver in Northern Virginia and he'll tell you all about Hilltop. Hilltop is the radio call sign for the New Building Project Office Site Security trailer located at the New Headquarters Building OW 25X1 construction site. Chief. Site Security, along with staff 25X1 Security Officers see that Hilltop is manned from 0600-1800 hours every day - longer if the job calls for it. These Security Officers are responsible for carrying out the construction security program for the NHB. In addition to the 500 construction workers for the NHB, they daily process through Hilltop's gate another 170 or so contractors working in the Original Headquarters Building. The Site Security Staff has developed a system including badges and a badge reader which allows them to quickly and accurately process workers onto the NHB construction site in the morning and make sure that they all leave in the evening. 25X1 7)(1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 The Staff Security Officers are assisted by 60 security monitors (retired annuitants) who actually are in and around the NHB construction site. These monitors have diverse backgrounds. Some are retired security officers with many years of physical and technical security experience. has Bid Package 4 can be seen patrolling the checks in vehicles at the construction fence. Bill mans the new connector corridor at the North Dock. These monitors are responsible for controlling the movements of the workforce and provide a visual presence on the site. You never know when and where one of the monitors will show up. They ensure that workmen stay in their general areas of work and note any unusual activities. Why is the ceiling installer looking under the raised floor? Why is the raised floor installer on a ladder looking above the ceiling? The security monitors provide for physical and technical security inspection of the NHB. Vault walls are ins.- t-? ? - 1- a ? y really are vault walls. Air conditioning ductwork is inspected to ensure that the manbars are properly in place to prevent someone from crawling into a vaulted area. In the course of performing their security inspections and by virtue of their daily presence in the NHB, construction deficiencies' noted by the security monitors are passed on to the construction inspectors to be corrected. It is this teamwork which ensures we have a secure building which meets the requirements of the construction contract. There are even a few familiar OL faces. under control. floors. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/20: CIA-RDP91-00280R000300350027-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/20: CIA-RDP91-00280R000300350027-4 CONFIDENTIAL In addition to their main duties of providing security for the construction site, the staff contributes tremendously to the safe, smooth running of the construction site. A carpenter is looking for his foreman, and he is difficult to find in a 1.1 million square feet of space to cover. A security monitor radios and finds where he is. A truck driver with a load of raised-floor tile is at the gate looking for the installers. Should he go to the south side of the North Tower or the north side of the South Tower?. Site Security knows where to send him. As the day goes on, the radio crackles, "Hilltop, man injured on the fourth floor, send help!" "Hilltop, send the tile to the North Tower. "Hilltop, fistfight on ground floor, North Tower!" And finally, "Hilltop, building secure, time to close up for the day." 2 CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/20: CIA-RDP91-00280R000300350027-4 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/20: CIA-RDP91-00280R000300350027-4 R Next 1 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/20: CIA-RDP91-00280R000300350027-4