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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/20: CIA-RDP91-00280R000300350011-1 P T Listed below are the topics that were discussed at the D/L staff meeting on 9 Sept 1987. While they do not represent the totality of our discussions, they do represent the highlights. Your division or staff chief can provide you with additional details on those topics in which you are interested. 14 September 1987 25X1 1. as awarded the Career Intelligence Medal on 8 September 1987, in recognition of her outstanding career with the Office of Logistics for the past 36 years. Rovena joined the Agency in 1951 as a GS-02 typist; she concluded her career as a GS-12 Procurement Officer. Rovena's career has been characterized by her dedication, loyalty and hard work. Her interpersonal relations with all levels of Agency personnel were particularly superb. Rovena has been responsible for the procurement training of many OL employees, a number of whom have occupied senior management positions in the office. She is an outstanding team player who has made a major contribution to the success of OL, in general, and our procurement activities s ecifically. A well-deserved 25X1 award for a wonderful person. 2. The OL quarterly for the third quarter FY 1987 was held at the Headquarters Auditorium on 20 August 1987 with approximately 350 OL personnel in attendance. Mr. William Donnelly, DDA, presented seven OL employees with the Employee of the Quarter award in recognition of their outstanding performance. (See Attachment C). The seven employees are listed below: 25X1 Deputy Chief, Maintenance Branch, Operations Group, FMD, is the Project Officer for all special ceremonies held at Headquarters. During the past year there were 13 ceremonies including visits by the President and Vice President. Dorothy's willingness to work long hours and her knowledge of Agency procedures contributed greatly to the success of these ceremonies and numerous letters of appreciation were received for her outstanding logistical support. 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/20: CIA-RDP91-00280R000300350011-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/20: CIA-RDP91-00280R000300350011-1 SECRET OL Staff Notes - 9 September 1987 25X1 Logistics Officer assigned to the Office of Leadership Analysis (LDA), is responsible for the coordination and management of several renovation projects to provide adequate working space for the newly formed LDA office. Ella set up workstations and made priority arrangements for phone services in a timely manner. Because of her positive can-do attitude, she received high praise from all levels of management. In the short period Ella has been in LDA she has made a major contribution to their mission. 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 award for her received the Employee of the Quarter nerformanop 1.ali1e assigned as Supply Clerk, Judy was responsible for Purposes Only (SPO) requisitions and Judy's tenure, she handLeLanaverage of an exceptional manner. handling Shipping materiel. During 45 SPO's daily in 25X1 assigned to the New Building Project Office (NBPO), is responsible for two major projects; the first, Bid Package 4, includes the construction of the Visitor Control Centers and repavement of the entire compound; the second, realignment of Routes 123 and 193. Jim handled all these efforts admirably during an 25X1 extremely busy period in NBPO. 25X1 25X1 Procurement Officer, Industrial Procurement and Services Section, General Procurement Branch, PD, assumed the role of Deputy Section Chief during this past Quarter in addition to handling her own duties. She did an outstanding job in completing this total workload by quickly decidin what needed to be done 25X1 and doing so without delay. 25X1 Press Branch, Printing and Photography Division (P&PD), exhibited his outstanding willingness and devotion to duty by serving in three job specialities beyond his own during this past Quarter. These additional speciality duties included operating an 18-wheel tractor trailer, performing as an 2 SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/20: CIA-RDP91-00280R000300350011-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/20: CIA-RDP91-00280R000300350011-1 bECRET 25X1 OL Staff Notes - 9 September 1987 offset platemaker and producing traditionally exposed plates and laser plates; and performed as a quality circle facilitator. Because of Tom's determination, wealth of knowledge, and creativity, he inspired others to work with him to meet the heavy demands placed on P&PD. 3. The following New Headquarters Building (NHB) activities are listed below: (a) During the past week, the Bid Package 2 contractor has been working to improve the soil erosion control measures around the New Headquarters Building construction site. The New Building Project Office personnel are working with the GSA inspector to provide more aggressive oversight of the Bid Package 2 contractor in this area. (b)' As of 4 September, OL has accepted five of eight Uninterruptible Power Systems (UPS) for the New Headquarters Building. UPS power is currently being used for the new telephone switches recently installed by the Office of Information Technology in the first-floor computer room. The remaining three UPS systems are being tested in preparation for a planned October acceptance by OL. (c) On installation of Headquarters Building completed. The 8 September, renovations to facilitate the Cray computer system in the New first-floor computer center were Cray s scheduled for delivery the at end 25X1 of September. 25X1 4. With the establishment of the data link to the Printing and Photography Building, the Printing and Photography Division is currently processing six Foreign Broadcast Information Service Daily Reports electronically. The remaining two Daily Reports, of the daily set, were incorporated into the network on 10 September with the expected addition of Joint Publication Research Service Reports in October. This network is producing higher quality publications which contain fewer ages due to word compaction gained through typesetting. 25X1 5. The Printing and Photography Division is currently printing both a classified and unclassified version of the Studies in Intelligence Summer Edition for the Directorate of Intelligence. The classified version, which deals primarily with the Bicentennial United States Constitution, consists of 136 pages and 2,000 copies. The unclassified version consists of 5,000 copies of 108 pages and will be used as a handout for 3 SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/20: CIA-RDP91-00280R000300350011-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/20: CIA-RDP91-00280R000300350011-1 SECRET OL Staff Notes - 9 September 1987 the Agency's 40th Birthday Celebration. Production of these 25X1 publications was completed on 9 September. 25X1 25X1 10. The next phase of the FBIS relocation is scheduled for 16 September. At this time, 70 percent of FBIS 25X1 has been relocated Attachments A. One Individual Can Make a Difference B. Item of Interest from PD/OL C. Employees of the Quarter 4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/20: CIA-RDP91-00280R000300350011-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/20: CIA-RDP91-00280R000300350011-1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 SECRET ATTACHMENT A ****** ONE INDIVIDUAL CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE ****** The Director of Logistics extends a sincere "well done" to the following employees who, by their outstanding performance, have not only received acknowledgment from OL customers but have helped to enhance the "can do" image of our office: In a letter of appreciation, dated 2 September 1987, from Director, Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS), was recognized for their support in the FBIS field bureau automation efforts. The shipments received were on time and intact. Also commended were I of the Printing and Photography Division for their high level of professional skills and willingness to work six days to "get the job do e" for the transition to the Automated FBIS System completed. 25X1 of the Real Estate and Construction Diviion. was rnmmpnapa in a memorandum dated 8 September 1987, 25X1 from I Chief Audit and Certification Division, OF, for her solution to a problem in the 25X1 computerization of the accountings in OF. 2bAl Mr. Slapcinsky stated that immediately realized the problem and reacted in a positive manner and did so with 25X1 professional competence. 25X1 SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/20: CIA-RDP91-00280R000300350011-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/20: CIA-RDP91-00280R000300350011-1 ATTACHMENT B PROCUREMENT DIVISION, OL ITEM OF INTEREST 8 SEPTEMBER 1987 AUTHORITIES OF THE CONTRACTING OFFICER AND COTR "Contracting Officer" means any officer or civilian employee of any military or civilian department with the authority to enter into and administer contracts and make determinations and findings within the authority actually delegated to him/her. In general, an officer authorized to make a contract for the Agency also has the implied authority thereafter to modify the provisions of that contract. In recognition of the important role the Contracting Officer plays in the day-to-day operation of contracts, the courts have liberally interpreted the issue of contracting officers' "authority to enter into and administer contracts." Contracting officers must take special care in all instances where that authority is to be exercised, especially in those instances where apparent authority is exercised through the spoken word, because of the enormous discretionary powers the courts have traditionally granted contracting officers. It is commonplace in the daily conduct of Agency business that apparent authority to perform an act on behalf of a principal may be created by spoken word causing a contractor to believe that the contracting officer, as the Government's agent, is authorizing the contractor to perform an act for the Government. The heart of this principle is that it is considered fair, especially in a complex society, for the contractor to assume that the contracting officer had the proper authority to make commitments, and that failure to follow through on one's words because they were outside one's authority, does not relieve the Government of responsibility to that contractor for the unauthorized commitments made by the contracting officer. This problem of apparent authority is made more complex by the roles of the contracting officer's technical representatives and program managers, neither of whom have authority to order a contractor to perform in a way that will impact on the cost, schedule or deliverables of the contract. Nor can they approve of contractor actions that would impact on these key areas. Both the COTR and the program manager, who typically are in more frequent contact with the contractor than Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/20: CIA-RDP91-00280R000300350011-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/20: CIA-RDP91-00280R000300350011-1 the contracting officer, must avoid saying anything that the contractor could construe as authorization to broaden the scope of a contract or alter any of its provisions. The contractor may choose to interpret such COTR or program manager statements, written or oral, as implied authority to carry out an unauthorized action. At a minimum, the contractor at that point will have succeeded in getting the contracting officer and the COTR or program manager working against one another and may put the government in the position of having to consider changes in the contract that the contracting officer would not otherwise entertain. While it is true that the Federal Government in general stands on the strict requirements of actual authority for its agents, versus apparent authority, this Agency's quick turnaround motivation and mission orientation can result man inexperienced COTR/program manager or contracting officer making promises,he or she just cannot keep, resulting in embarrassment or, worse, litigation. In our collective effort to make the Office of Logistics an enviable place to work, it is imperative that all contracting officers remember that the exercise of discretionary authority carries with it a built-in requirement and responsibility to exercise that discretion properly. 2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/20: CIA-RDP91-00280R000300350011-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/20: CIA-RDP91-00280R000300350011-1 CON FJIOENTIAL Office of Logistics Employees of the Quarter Awards Ceremony 3rd Quarter FY 1987 CONEN