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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/24: CIA-RDP91-00280R000200160012-2 I ."..UUIJV 11Gy1311Y I 27 February 1984 MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Administration FROM: Director of Central Intelligence SUBJECT: Goals and Principles 84- 1063 1. Thank you for your thoughtful responses to my request for improvements on my draft of a statement of goals, principles and standards of excellence for our organization. 2. 1 returned on Friday, 24 February, from a trip abroad with a heavy cold. I spent Saturday and most of Sunday in bed with 34 inches of submissions received in response to my talk in the Auditorium and the material I circulated. 3. 1 got the message that the test of the value of this exercise will be in the follow-through and not in the promulgation of a positive articulation of our goals and principles. 4. The criticism I received on my draft was good for my soul. I thought I was giving you a starting point, something to shoot at to provoke discussion and criticism. If I had known it would be criticized so severely I might have spent more time on it. The unkindest cut on my draft was: "It sort of resembles a government regulation." The highest praise was that it was a respectable first try. 5. I'm pleased that it apparently did succeed in generating discussion in all corners of the Agency. I received many very good and constructive criticisms and suggestions for improvement as well as hundreds of alternative drafts. It is clear that the final product needs to be more pungent and terse, more relevant to our mission, more evocative, with emphasis on objectivity and independence, more forward-looking of what we want to be rather than what we are, etc. It will take more time than I thought to sift and work all these ideas into something brief and comprehensive. I am now inclined to go for a one-page credo supplemented by a detailed statement of operating principles and commitments. I will be getting something out to you shortly. 6. As I expected, the discussions, criticisms, expression of concerns and specific recommendations for improvement in our procedures, communications, and operations will be more important than the promulgation of positive goals and principles. I attach for your information some notes I made as I read your submissions over the weekend. 7. Again, I appreciate your efforts in leading the discussions and in preparing your submissions. Please pass along my appreciation for the participation of all your colleagues. Attachment a/s Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/24: CIA-RDP91-0028OR000200160012-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/24: CIA-RDP91-0028OR000200160012-2 ? SLURh I 27 February 1984 Notes and Ideas Extracted by DCI Personally from Hundreds of Thoughtful Statements and Recommendations--All Those Submitted - Take follow-through expectations to heart. - Satisfaction of consumers was intended as a call to meet the needs and expectations of decisionmakers as to the scope, adequacy, breadth and depth of our work and in no way to mean conforming our assessments to customers' hopes and wishes or in any other way to infringe on our independence and objectivity. - Special fund and allotment of positions for new initiative in tackling foreign intel problems. - Organize "go do it" task for rather than write staff papers to be read by other staffs. is an example for DDI action to fill a gap. Ask for suggestions suitable or DS&T, DDO--acquire a specific item of critical information. - Authorization of Quality Step Increases with less time, paperwork and high level approval. Do it to reward specific achievements on the sport. Are cash awards possible. - Authorize managers to specify grade levels rather than by PMCD evaluation. - In S&T budget review no cancellations of things going on--incentives or requirements to end marginally "profitable" operations. - Pay and other recognition of overseas work--serious attention to recommendations, training participation, etc., for officers returning from overseas. - More spouse recognition. - Congressional awareness of need for and drive for excellence. - "The truth shall make you free"--nothing wrong with that, but let's deal with the how. - More attention and professional status for secretaries and clerks-- journeyman status of GS-09, top members aspire to GS-13 and -14. -Awards at levels below SIS. - Para-professionals (IAs, etc.) at GS-09 to -12 levels. - Uniformity in standards for performance, time in grade, meetings of panels. - Can panels work more quickly? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/24: CIA-RDP91-0028OR000200160012-2 , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/24: CIA-RDP91-0028OR000200160012-2 - Move case officers and analysts and scientists along without requiring assumption of management responsibility. - Spiritual commitment to employees - Management commitment to overcome recent erosion of benefits as result of cutbacks, inflation, etc. - Consumer contact at lower levels--IBM analyst calls on customers. - Use of incentive awards and Quality Step Increases to offset promotion discrimination alleged to operate against those in ops training, language training and rotational assignment. - Frequent call for more visibility of division and office chiefs-- more wandering around (MBWA). - Highly critical comment on bureaucratic procedures in OPM and competence of computer tech personnel in ODP and IMS. Call for elimination of distinction between clinical and professional personnel. - Move away from management by memo (CYA) and acceptance of presumed restraints (ICBD--"it can't be done"). - Get Bob Magee's "what makes CIA unique" list. - Not only "can do" but "can do right." - Need for profound analytic effort on where we "are missing the boat" in proper and effective forms of motivation. - Public education on what we do, how and why in our contribution to national security, and the promotion of ethical foreign policy. - Explanation of how we work within the system. - Relocate gym away from the dust and gas fumes of the underground garage. - Our requirements and demands on our people should be recognized by a special pay scale like Foreign Service provides. - A "competitive" personnel system to replace the resource costly panel system and to release DO personnel for intel work - Greater effort to indoctrinate recruits and test them early on. - More attention to recruiting CTs from within the Agency. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/24: CIA-RDP91-0028OR000200160012-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/24: CIA-RDP91-0028OR000200160012-2 - Greater effort to show subversive hand of adversaries would make public aware of-need for and value of CIA. - Archaic promotion system--trial periods in advanced position. - Recruit all new employees with view to future potential. - Concerted effort to seek out those who disregard need for secrecy and remove them. - More training, retraining and briefings in security practices. - More training programs and opportunities for senior clericals to enable them to use their experience to greater advantage, i.e., from secretary to document analyst. Analyze tasks for which secretaries and clericals can qualify and provide training. - Upgrade calibre of clerical recruit--bring in more from out of area. - Greater effort to recruit talented minorities. - Longer versus shorter version (Tab M, DO). - Campaign to reinstill sense of pride and family in CIA. - Task forces to supplement geographic divisions--T-72, S&T, hostile presence, tech transfer. - A drive to replace and trim regulations and restrictions--Marine Corps trust and confidence program. - Two-tiered product (CPAS/DI): (1) Simple "raison d'etre," (2) Checklist of goals, aims and actions-needed. - Emphasis in credo on uniqueness and independence from political and bureaucratic demands--accuracy and objectivity. Cooperation of components in pursuit of common goals. Cohesive team operating across bureaucratic lines to get the job done. - Studies on if and how the use of IAs should be expanded.- - Standards section not needed--goals and principles enough. - IS/CA of G/1 of Dl--measures of results and checklist. - Most drafts represented an improvement--more pungent, more relevant to our mission, objectivity and independence, more forward-looking--what we want to be rather than what is. - Analysts and collectors are heart of Agency. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/24: CIA-RDP91-0028OR000200160012-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/24: CIA-RDP91-0028OR000200160012-2 - Security too negative in approach to individuals. More emphasis on education and expression of confidence rather than investigatory and "guilty until proven innocent" approach. - Personnel too cumbersome--insufficient emphasis on individual talents, styles and performance. - ECD of DI--very good draft. - Discussion in Terrorism Branch particularly interesting and meaningful, particularly on CA and DO/DI relations. - Feedback to participants in this exercise and other matters. - Review DCI special authorities and how they might be used to redress deficiencies in compensation, incentives, other areas. suggestion on measure of results. - Clair George's six points and suggestion of small volunteer task force in each office to critique existing office structure and practices. - Inadequate orientation in good security practices at the office level and of new employees on realistic prospects for mobility, on training and development opportunities and on the work of their offices, directorates, and the Agency at large. - Reduce bureaucratic layering. - George Lauder's ideas for putting philosophy into action. - Publish a newsletter--classify it (?), devote significant resources. Within security bounds, let everyone know who is doing what and how well. Get copies of NSA newsletter and find out what NSA has done with it after its acquisition under FOIA contributed to the writing of The Puzzle Palace. What balance was struck between communications and security va ues. - Make rotational assignments a reward for top performance. -push authority down, order an immediate review of all administrative practices to determine what rules, regulations, approvals and paper flows are essential and what can be eliminated. - ECI, DDCI and Executive Director should set example in eliminating required approvals, i.e., approvals of an assignment of a GS-15 to an SIS position. - - Consider having promotion boards review personnel talents as they apply to potential jobs instead of ranking one individual against the other; select best qualified person for a particular job and automatically promote individual to the level of the job if performance is satisfactory. Note: assignment to jobs is not for a board but rating candidates against a job may be. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/24: CIA-RDP91-0028OR000200160012-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/24: CIA-RDP91-0028OR000200160012-2 - Employee independence, objectivity and non-partisan character of our work product and conduct. - Refocusing on the "holy" mission of CIA--to protect and defend US from foreign malice by accurate and prompt intelligence and to achieve preeminence in the development and application of the latest and the best in technology in collecting, handling and analyzing intelligence information. - A thorough examination of the tradeoffs of security and compartmentation of information versus free flow of data. - To reduce micro-management address the next senior echelon on this issue in detail. Specify what they should not be involved in and have them tell the next level what they should leave to those further down. - Have Medical Services arrange annual health fair for employees, arrange lectures in Auditorium. - Establish task force to search for CT candidates among employees who have exhibited values and attributes wanted in that program. Hire new people in all areas with this in mind. - Toleration and support of failure as a necessary concomitant of risk taking. - A respectable first try. - Make CIA synonymous with integrity, loyalty and excellence. - Special recommendations on supply officer training from and on the Agency funding process from - Formation of a review board to scrutinize all Agency regulatory issuances with a mandate to reduce and condense, eliminate conflicts, redundancies and overlap, improve consistency, uniformity, clarity and effectiveness with ultimate purpose of speeding up and enhancing performance. - Develop a procedure to reduce the annual run on year end spending. Award managers for saving dollars as they manage their programs or apply savings to valuable new initiatives or improvements in lieu of a policy of spending all of an allocated budget. - Good checklist of recommended actions submitted bye Logistics Services. - Seven points-in paragraph 9 of submission of and f Logistics Support Staff. - Specify covert activity in purpose. recommendations and (draft (Office of Security) of goa s and objectives very good. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/24: CIA-RDP91-0028OR000200160012-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/24: CIA-RDP91-0028OR000200160012-2 - Too many people to say No--bureaucracy as formidable as the opposition. More reward for action and penalty for inaction. - Bill Donnelly draft has important points--special authorities given CIA creating imposing responsibility on all employees for honesty and integrity. Like the specificity with which it relates objectives and standards to unique character of CIA and its mission. - Good checklist material in` paper. - Loss of identity as intelligence agency--employees view themselves as personnel, communicators, logisticians rather than as intelligence officers. Need to restore identification of all with intelligence production. - Need for ongoing feedback from customers at all levels. - Promptly deal with employees who do not meet minimum standards. Downgrade employees promoted to point of incompentence--firm, but fair, as dominant style. - Reduction in middle management, more direct line from senior management to staffs to focus responsibility, ensure accountability and strengthen the feeling of belonging. - Achieve understanding and acceptance of goals and objectives at all levels by public and peer recognition of employees who exemplify spirit of Agency. - Greater readiness to recruit and bring along individuals who may have a lesser education, but have natural good judgment and intellectual flexibility. - Good checklist material in three-page memo signed by of Office of Communications. - Tap ideolo im rov self-imaae and public imaae teresting free thinking paper by - Good checklist material from - Commo goals for checklist from - Good checklist ideas in statement on CIA commitments from Test Branch, MSD/OIA. - Suggested preface for credo--each employee, upon acceptance of employment in CIA, agrees to abide by following goals, principles and standards. (Suggestion by Naval Branch,-Technical Systems, OIA.) - Primary purpose to provide independent warning of events that could affect US interests and provide President with a tool for influencing inter- national events short of using military force. (Suggested by bther good suggestions in his memo.) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/24: CIA-RDP91-0028OR000200160012-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/24: CIA-RDP91-0028OR000200160012-2 - Complaints about too many layers of editorial review. May overlook amount of review needed to establish and inculcate higher standards of quality which can be scaled down when those standards are understood and instilled. - Like recommendations and criticisms in NESA/PG/P paper. What can be done to step up recruiting of "more hard-charging-junior officers"? - Include "performance of other activities as directed by the President." - Embody concept of professionalism as articulated i memo. - Looking ahead to new capabilities and use of new technologies. - Greater attention to anticipation of events and problems and alternative outcomes. - Issuance of more independent analyses and think pieces in addition to coordinated products. - Very good statement from SOVA particularly on premonitory thrust in our purpose, flexibility in organization and measure of results. - Very good detailing of objectives and oneratina les for checklist as well as good concise statement of goals b - IRIS--Innovate, Reason, Imagine and Speculate. - Good broad list of goals from SOYA Growth and Forecasting Branch. - Good ideas on range of views, merging information from all sources and input from outside and managerial habits in Statement of Objectives and Principles following memo in SOVA submission. - Good one-pager fro~ - Advantages and disadvantages in working for CIA from OSWR. - Good checklist material in statement of goals for CIA marked ITB/STD/OSWR. - Emphasis on preservation of substantive knowledge, data banks and skills. - Good one-pager from Space Systems/OSWR. - Credo on second page of C/AVAD/OSWR. - Advantages and disadvantages of working for CIA from OSWR/NED/NWB. - CIA Goals and Beliefs from Life Science Branch/STD/OSWR. - What is CIA All About--Space Missions Branch. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/24: CIA-RDP91-0028OR000200160012-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/24: CIA-RDP91-00280R000200160012-2 - ADB suggestions for CIA Search of Excellence has good checklist material. - A CIA credo from DEB/DSD/OSWR has good ideas and language for operating checklist. - Need to "turn people on and turn them loose." - Most terrible statement about my draft--"it sort of resembles a government regulation." - What can we do to bring trainable young people in for lower-level tasks or in study or developmental programs in addition to summer internships or into reserve status in colleges or elsewhere in the outside world. - What can be done to recapture the sense of family that some believe has faded. - Good one-pager from PMS/AG. - Inadequate sharing of information a major criticism. - Helene Boatner memo has very good stuff in style, concepts and counter- poising of use and abuse of special authorities, of secrecy and standards of ethics and honesty, of aspiration to be in forefront of our disciplines and opportunities for learning. - Office of Training "Thoughts and Recommendations" and note on "Quest for Excellence" have good ideas for exploration and checklist material. - Pretty sour stuff from - Reasons stated for "demoralization" in Group Report #8 to Director of Training and Education has some concerns which are not so well articulated elsewhere and need to be addressed. - Good one-page credo from Working Group #15 of T&E/DA. - Good ideas from) lof Office of Finance for operational checklist, particularly on our public image and our performance in keeping abreast of technological advances which have been introduced in the industrial world. - Important questions to be addressed in memo fronj Chief of Audit and Certification Division. - Review the record on reasons for departure of expe rotation and promotion to a level of incompetence as called for i emo. Are we really losing more valuable employees than we are hiring? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/24: CIA-RDP91-00280R000200160012-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/24 : CIA-RDP91-0028OR000200160012-2 - Memo fro AB/AD/OF, on personnel reduction, integration of employee training and systems update, and education of other CIA elements on the scope of DA's support role. - Magee on need for more education of all CIA employees on the intelligence mission and the links between collection, both technical and human, analysis, production and support, and the telling of "war stories." - Idea of Directorate "career days" from Carefullv constructed survey of what really concerns employees suggested i memo. The 32 inches of responses in this exercise and these notes are a pretty good start on such an inquiry. - Good one-pager from PMCD together with DI Branch of OP with motto "Mindful of the past, we strive in the present to anticipate the future." - Good items for operational checklist in Statement om J. H. in OA submissions. Also in Standards of Excellence from Also in Standards of Excellence from AB/CAD/OP, especially elements relating to recapture of spirit of unified "family" organization and accomplishing each assignment with sense of urgency and highest degree of professionalism. - Good operational checklist items from - Need for career counseling service and other items for operational checklist in PAB Staff comments. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/24: CIA-RDP91-0028OR000200160012-2