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111, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/27: CIA-RDP90G00993R000100270008-9 41- . ADMINISTRATIVE - ERNAL USE ONLY 25 March 1986 MEMORANDUM FOR: OIT Deputy Directors STAT FROM: SUBJECT: IIHC Format Changes The attached memorandum was passed to me by the Agency representative to the Intelligence Information Handling Committee/Format Standards Subcommittee (IIHC/FSS). The IIHC is meeting on Friday, 28 March to discuss this draft of a policy concerning format changes to STAT Community messages. DI/OCR, the Agency IIHC representative; has asked for Agency input and I am planning to send a copy of the draft to NSG, IISG, GOG, NSEG, and DFG for comments. NPIC is being contacted by the IIHC/FSS representative directly. STAT STAT Distribution: - addressee ADMINISTRATIVE INTERNAL USE ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/27: CIA-RDP90G00993R000100270008-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/27: CIA-RDP90G00993R0001-00270008-9 DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE Intelligence Information Handling Committee WASHINGTON. DC 20505 IHC/MM 86-11 14 March 1986 .t MEMORANDUM FOR: INC Members STAT FROM: STAT Executive Secretary, Intelligence Information Handling Committee SUBJECT: Format Changes f# Th cA 1. Attached for your consideration is a later draft of the prospective DCID 2/9 on format changes that was provided to you at the last IHC meeting. The major difference between the two is that the new draft provides a vehicle for reissuing, as an attachment to the DCID, the standard message formatting procedures adopted by the IHC several years ago. 2. The thrust of the feedback received thus far is that the proposed DCID is too general, that more explicit directions and procedures should be promulgated. While the new draft moves in that direction to a limited extent, we are reluctant to go further because: (a) it does not seem appropriate for the DCl/DDCI to issue highly specific instructions and (b) such instructions could not take into account agency-to-agency organizational and operational differences, thereby risking creation of counterproductive procedures. We think it more appropriate that Community agencies, upon promulgation of the DCID, would issue the necessary amplifying instructions. Alternatively, that could be done by IHC. 3. The Chairman requests your views and recommendations on this matter at the next IHC meeting. Attachment: As stated UNCLASSIFIED Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/27: CIA-RDP90G00993R000100270008-9 J/ I4/00 air Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/27 CIA-RDP90G00993R000100270008-9 Coordination of Intelligence Reporting Format Introduction and Change (Effective Pursuant to the provisions of Section 102 of the National Security Act of 1947 and Executive Order 12333, responsibilities and procedures, for coordinating the introduction and alteration of formats for electrically disseminated intelligence reporting are herewith established. 1. PURPOSE This directive establishes responsibilities and procedures for ensuring timely coordination of new and revised formats for electrically disseminated intelligence reporting, other than military tactical intelligence. It seeks to facilitate timely consultation among Intelligence Community organizations to prevent disruption of the flow of intelligence within the Community's automated processing and dissemination systems. 2. DEFINITIONS A format is the structure into which substantive intelligence is organized for reporting purposes. It consists of a set of structural, syntactical and orthographical rules and procedures which are applied in the production of electrically disseminated intelligence reporting. A format change is an alteration of these rules and procedures. 3. RESPONSIBILITIES AND PROCEDURES A. Intelligence Community organizations which originate formatted electrically disseminated intelligence reports shall provide ninety days notice of their intent to implement new formats or to alter or replace existing formats. This requirement is applicable to both locally developed formats and those pres.cribed for general use by higher authority. The requisite notice will be sent to the appropriate information handling manager in organizations and commands that are designated recipients of the report(s) to be affected. B. Recipients of the above notice shall have thirty days to notify its originator when significant difficulties in accommodating the new or altered format in their automated information processing are anticipated. Alternative modifications may be recommended. Negative reports are not required. C. New and modified reporting formats, other than those used for reporting military tactical intelligence, shall be in compliance with the Standard for Community Intelligence Reporting Format set forth in the attachment to this Directive. D. The Intelligence Information Handling Committee will, upon request, assist in consultations among concerned organizations seeking to facilitate the introduction of new or altered formats. DRAFT 4-% Cont4 - aniti7Aci Cony Approved for Release 2014/03/27 CIA-RDP90G00993R000100270008-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/27: CIA-RDP90G00993R000100270008-9 C 0/D/OIT Routing Slip Date a. Action Info Seen zer- sz Nancy F Mimi Yol anca MOO C/CSG SA/DE A&TPS C/N8,00 CRISG C/NS3 (.?Nn.n ^ C/FFG C/MCG C/!10 , HD.c. Desl:rcv "nWACIT. ? ti 01.4 1(Cat-%a. cio Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/27: CIA-RDP90G00993R000100270008-9 UNULAJJ1rICU Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/27: CIA-RDP90G00993R000100270008-9 ? STAT STAT STAT DIRECTOROFCENTRALINTELLIGENCE Intelligence Information Handling Committee WASHINGTON, DC 20505 IHC/MM 86-J03 4 February 1986 MEMORANDUM FOR: See Distribution FROM: SUBJECT: Executive Secretary Intelligence Information Handling Committee Distribution of IHC/MM 85-148 The attached memorandum, originally intended for immediate distribution when written, is hereby forwarded for your information. It is hoped this delay has caused no inconvenience. Attachment: As stated Distribution: 1 - IHC Members 1 - D/CSPO 1 - DIA/DD/RS 1 - CIA/D/OIT 1 - COINS PMO UNCLASSIFIED Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/27: CIA-RDP90G00993R00010097nnnR_Q Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/27: CIA-RDP90G00993R000100270008-9 STAT MEMORANDUM FOR: DIRECTOROFCENTRALWELLIGENCE Intelligence Information Handling Committee WASHINGTON. DC 20505 IHC/MM 85-148 31 December 1985 Chairman, Formats Stanards Subcommittee Intelligence Information Handling Committee FROM: Chairman, Intelligence Information Handling Committee SUBJECT: Reporting Format Change Convention 1. The Intelligence Community has broadly introduced the use of automated information handling systems for processing, distribution, and selective retrieval of electrically disseminated intelligence reports and other relevant data. The effectiveness of such systems is, inter alia, dependent upon their ability to discretely recognize the many message and reporting formats encountered so that each may be processed as required. This dependency, in turn, makes such systems vulnerable to unanticipated format-changes by report originators which cause the data subsumed therein to become unprocessable. Beyond the expense of the necessary software alterations, the critical result is loss or delay of information support to Community intelligence analysts and consumers. 2. A number of such format changes in recent months have generated expressions of great concern on the part of senior Community ADP officials, most recently the Deputy Director of DIA for Resources and Systems and the Director of the Consolidated SAFE Project Office. It has been requested that IHC develop an approach to dealing with the difficulties engendered thereby. The Committee approved such an undertaking at its November meeting. 3. In response to the foregoing, please convene your subcommittee for the purpose of pursuing this initiative with all deliberate speed. It is suggested that the desired ends might be achieved through a convention, agreed to by all concerned, that would incorporate the following principles: advance notification by originators of formatted electrical reports of intent to alter their existing formats; an opportunity for recipients of the affected reports to comment on proposed format changes prior to implementation; and UNCLASSIFIED Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/27: CIA-RDP90G00993R00010027nonRA UNCLASSIFIED Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/27: CIA-RDP90G00993R000100270008-9 STAT STAT a mechanism for reconciling the requirements of originators and recipients so as to minimize the impact of format changes on the latter. Whatever approach is adopted, the IHC would be available to serve, if desired, as the medium of interaction between originators and processors of formatted reporting. 4. Inasmuch as the Department of Defense is both a major originator and processor of formatted electrical reports, active participation in this undertaking of OASD/C3I (in addition to DIA) is strongly encouraged. Should a convention be agreed upon, its promulgation could be effected by parallel DCI Directive and DoD Instruction. 5. Please be prepared to report your .rogress in this matter to the January meeting of the IHC. cc: IHC Members D/CSPO DD/DIA/RS D/OIT/CIA COINS PMO UNCLASSIFIED Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/27: CIA-RDP90G00993R000100270008-9 (ITT (17,42-R; Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/27 : CIA-RDP90G00993R000100270008-9 26 September 1985 MEMORANDUM FOR: VIA: FROM: Chief, Analytic Support Group/DDI Director Information Technology---% STAT Deputy Director for Development/OIT SUBJECT: NPIC Message Format Change REFERENCES: A. HFD/DNG/OIT Memo (S) OIT-10264-85, dtd 24 June 1985, Subject: Data Base Entry Message B. NPIC/DPG/SEID Memo (TS/TKO), dtd 24 April 85 C. Memorandum for the Record, dtd 20 May 85 1. Requirement: As a result of the referenced memorandum ASG has levied a requirement on CSPO to provide access to a new NPIC message format. OIT accepts this requirement. These format changes are due to a new collection system message traffic. This requirement impacts DATEX and SAFE. This requirement must be satisfied via electrical transmission from DATEX to SAFE and OCR beginning April 1986. These new formatted messages will replace the current OAK traffic received today. 2. Problem Definition: This new message traffic is structured in Data Base Entry Message (DBEM) formats. This new format is made up of field name/value pairs. 'Analysis of ehe DBEM specifications surfaced a problem in that certain logical records would be up to 132 characters in length. The existing software to support the message processing for SAFE is unable to handle message formats greater than 80 characters. 3. Recommended Solution: Based on the analysis of the DBEM specifications and through discussions with Jack Palm of ASG, it was agreed to have DATEX split 132 character records into two 80 character records for transmission to SAFE and OCR. The SAFE and OCR software will be responsible for the reconstruction of these records to ensure that field name/values will not be split across records. The total contractor funds required to accomplish this task is $75,000.00. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/27: CIA-RDP90G00993R000100270008-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/27: CIA-RDP90G00993R000100270008-9 4. DATEX Impact: DATA has agreed to rewrite the sottware break the 132 character records to SAFE. Approximately and will be accomplished No impact to the Message 25X1 in the main DATEX processor to into 80 character records for transmission one half a man year effort is required with Agency staff resources. 5. (OCR) Impact: Processing system IMYb) software and a four to five week effort for modifying the Interim-SAFE software that supports OCR. This effort will be accomplished with Agency staff resources and will be performed without cost. 6. Northside Center (Delivery 1 & 2) Impact: No impact to Delivery 1 SAFE software. The software being modified in the is the same software used here. 25X1 The impact to Delivery 2 SAFE into two areas. a. One half a man change the External to reconstruct software is broken down year at a cost of $75,000.00 to Message Interface (EMI) task the 80 character records. b. One man year and $150,000.00 to change the Message Resolution Processing (MRP) task to recognize the zoning requirements. This modification is part of the SAFE baseline and has been funded as part of the SAFE program. Note: The following caveat exists for this estimate. LOGICON has not been given the zoning requirements specifications. This estimate i for the new message ed on previous level of 25X1 efforts required for zoning the messages. The issue of security compartment has not been addressed. This will be pursued via a DPR generated by your organization. 7. This requirement can be accommodated and the service provided if direction can be given by 1 October 1985 and if funds can be made available in early FY1986. STAT Attachments: A. HFD/DNG/OIT Memo dtd 24 Jun 85 B. MFR dtd 20 May 85 SECRET -2- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/27: CIA-RDP90G00993R000100270008-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/27: CIA-RDP90G00993R000100270008-9 SUBJECT: NPIC Message Format Change ISG/OIL Distribution: Orig - Addressee I - D/OIT I - C/ISG I - C/MISG I - C/SDD/ISG I - C/SES/ISG I - C/HFD/DNG I - SAFE Chrono (5 Sept 85) SECRET -3- STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/27: CIA-RDP90G00993R000100270008-9 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/27: CIA-RDP90G00993R000100270008-9 R Next 5 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/27: CIA-RDP90G00993R000100270008-9