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Declassified and Approved ForRelease2013/08/05 : CIA-RDP89-00066R000700100013-3 WTI United States kt: Office of 4, Personnel Management Washington, D.C. 20415 NOV 1 2 1986 In Reply Refer To: Your Reie'rence: AGENCY PAYROLL OFFICES ? PAYROLL OFFICE LETTER NUMBER 86-12 ATTN: CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER On,Octoher,27, 1986, the President signed P.L. 99-556, the Federal Employees' Retirement System Technical Corrections Act of 1986. This law contains language which requires changes to the guidance we provided to you in. our October 8,,1986, Payroll Office Letter on the Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS). Section 505 of P.L. 99-566, "Coordination with Pay Periods", changes the ,date on Which agencies begin FERS withholdings and contributions from January 1,'' 1987, to "the first day of the first applicable pay period beginning on or after.January 1, 1987 or to the day before such first day, as appropriate.'' Please be aware that P.L. 99-556 does not revise the date of-coverage(CPDF- effective date) for those employees to be automatically transferred-to-FERS.-- The effective date of FERS for coverage purposes remains January 1, 1987. The purpose of this letter Is two-fold. First, it provides amended' instructions pertaining to certain areas discussed in our October 8th letter; and, second, it introduces the revised SF 2812 - Report of Withholdings and Contributions for Health Benefits, Group Life Insurance and Retirement., Included in this letter are complete revisions to the INDIVIDUAL RETIREMENT RECORDS and REPORTING REQUIREMENTS sections of our October 8th letter. Generally, the passage of P.L. 99-556, eliminates the need for two separate postings to the SF 2806 for 1986 and for a supplemental SF 2812 submission. With the exception of these sections, the instructions in our October 8 letter remain in effect. We suggest that both-letters be used in tandem.and that you "X-out" the superceded material pertaining to SF 2812 reporting and SF 2806 posting procedures in the October 8th letter (that is, portions of pages .5 & 6; all of page 7; the top Of page 8; and enclosures 3, 4, & 5). Reporting Requirements The implementation of FERS changes several of our benefit program reporting requirements. A description of changes that will be made for two of- our basic reporting needs is included below: I. Report of Withholdings and Contributions for Health Benefits, Group Life Insurance and Retirement (SF 2812) Accounting and budgetary requirements necessitate that FERS remittances be reported separately. Thus, withholdings, contributions, and deposits CON 114-24-3 January 1980 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP89-00066R000700100013-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP89-00066R000700100013-3 applicable to FERS employees must be reported on separate SF 2812 lines. A revised SF 2812, reflecting this requirement, is being introduced in this letter. FERS adds the following lines to the SF 2812: SF 2812 Line CPDF Name Code FERS - regular FERS - reserve technicians FERS - special L,M FERS - deposits n/a Withholdings & Contributions Pertain to: All FERS employees not identified separately Military reserve technicians Law enforcements officers, fire- fighters and air-traffic controllers Deposits for all FERS employees It should be noted that under FERS, unlike CSRS, redeposits of refunded retirement deductions will not be permitted. Also, since annuities for reemployed FERS annuitants will terminate upon reemployment, there will be no salary offsets for them. Rather, employee withholdings and agency contributions required for reemployed FERS annuitants will simply be included on the SF 2812 lines with the withholdings and contributions of non-annuitant FERS employees. All CSRS withholdings and contributions will be reported on a single line on the new SF 2812, which includes amounts for all of the applicable CPDF codes (i.e., 1, 6, C, E, R and T). The blank line under the FERS heading is in anticipation of the possible need to further refine remittances for different categories of FERS withholdings and contribution rates. We suggest that payroll offices make provisions for this extra withholdings and contributions line in revising their reporting and collection systems. In view of the revised starting date for FERS withholdings and contributions, the "straddling" pay period, described in our October 8, 1986, Payroll Office Letter will no longer exist. As a result, there will be no requirement for the supplemental SF 2812 reporting addressed in that letter. Thus, the following are our guidelines for reporting retirement withholdings/contributions and military service deductions on the SF 2812: The SF 2812 for the first pay period beginning on or after January 1, 1987, must be submitted on the new form. o The SF 2812 for pay periods prior to the first pay period beginning on or after January 1, 1987, will be submitted on the existing form. o OPM will no longer accept SF 2812's on the existing form for payroll periods with beginning dates of January 1, 1987, or later. Adjustments for pay periods prior to the first pay period beginning on or after January 1, 1987, must be submitted on the Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP89-00066R000700100013-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP89-00066R000700100013-3 -3- existing form. If an adjustment covers multiple pay periods that cross the effective date for FERS withholdings, the existing form will be required for the amounts pertaining to pay periods beginning before January 1, 1987. The corrected amounts pertaining to pay periods beginning on or after January 1, 1987, must be included in the next regularly scheduled SF 2812 on the new form. II. Semi-annual Headcount Report Headcount reporting procedures will be significantly revised. Rather than being reported on the face of the SF 2812, headcount data will be reported on a separate form. In addition, the revised headcount reporting form will incorporate the current supplemental retirement and spouse equity inform- ation. Health benefits enrollment information will still be reported on the SF 2812-A. Please note that changes to the headcount process will be effective with the March 1987 Headcount; the September 1986 Headcount, which we are currently working on, should proceed in accordance with the instructions in our September 3, 1986, payroll office letter. Revised headcount reporting requirements are based on whether data is needed on a payroll period or semi-annual basis. Thus, the SF 2812 will contain only information that is needed on a frequent basis; other data will be reported via the semi-annual headcount report. Enclosure #1 depicts the categories. Of retirement coverage that will be reported for headcount purposes. As you can see, headcount reporting Will '?continue to requite a more detailed level of retirement information, which is necessary for actuarial costing purposes. Individual Retirement Records (SF 2806) Starting in 1987, agencies must maintain two employee withholding control accounts: one for CSRS and one for FERS. It is important that agencies accurately identify FERS employees and correctly post and annotate their FERS SF 2806's. OPM will require all agencies to report the cumulative balance of retirement withholdings posted to SF 2806's and the number of records so posted as of the close of business on December 31, 1986, for employees transferred from CSRS to FERS. Instructions for this reporting requirement will be issued in the near future. New SF 2806's will not be required for FERS employees at this time; instead, the redesignated CSRS record must be annotated in the remarks column (4) as follows: "Automatically Transferred to FERS, 1/1/87". In addition, agencies must enter in the "Do Not Use" portion of the SF 2806 (under the employee's date of birth and SS number) the following: "FERS RETIREMENT RECORD". As stated above, the passage of P.L. 99-556 obviates the need for two separate postings to the SF 2806. Thus, the 1986 postings to the SF 2806 for FERS employees will be consistent with normal payroll office practice. That is, withholdings will be posted to the SF 2806 based on salary payments made in 1986. An SF 2806 initiated for a new FERS employee (e.g., an employee hired on or after January 1, 1987) must also be designated as a "FERS RETIREMENT Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP89-00066R000700100013-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP89-00066R000700100013-3 -4-- RECORD". Please note that these posting instructions are only applicable to FERS employees and not those remaining in the'CSRS. See Enclosure #2 for an example of a SF 2806 for a hypothetical FERS employee which shows the entries required by FERS. Existing military deposit SF 2806 records for FERS employees must also be redesignated as FERS military deposit records as of January 1, 1987. Military deposit payments made by FERS employees on or after January 1, 1987, are to be considered FERS deposits and must be posted to a FERS Military Deposit SF 2806. An allotment from pay for a military deposit is considered paid on the payroll paid date and should not be prorated. Please refer to.FERS Retirement Officers Bulletin No. 2 for additional information. OPM is currently evaluating changes to the current SF 2806 as well as options for the permanent FERS recordkeeping system and will provide agencies with further guidance as final decisions are made. Please note that-the sick leave balance for an employee automatically converted to FERS is not posted to the SF 2806. Further guidance will be issued concerning the posting of sick leave balances for those employees who can elect FERS coverage beginning July 1, 1987. Revised SF 2812, A copy of the revised SF 2812 is presented as Enclosure #3. Except for some minor changes, it is identical to the draft version distributed at our September 23, 1986, FERS presentation to the Interagency Advisory Group. The revised SF 2812 provides a mechanism to separately account for FERS income streams for both financial accounting and actuarial costing purposes. Thus, withholdings, contributions, and service deposits applicable to CSRS and FERS employees will be reported on separate SF 2812 lines. Enclosure #4 contains detailed instructions governing the reporting of retirement remittances on the new SF 2812 as well as a hypothetical example of the completed form. Generally, the revisions to the SF 2812 are summarized, as follows: 1. The Retirement section has been broken-down into two Parts; the Civil Service Retirement System and the Federal Employees Retirement System. 7. The detail information by age categories, previously requested for Option B ("Additional") life insurance, has been removed from the SF 2812, 3. Headcount information has been removed from the face of SF 2812 and will be reported on a separate form to be introduced at a later date. Additional information necessary to the implementation of FERS will be furnished to you as soon as it is finalized. In the near future, for instance, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP89-00066R000700100013-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP89-00066R000700100013-3 -5- we will be forwarding instructions on ourmodified reconciliation requirements. It the meantime, if you have substantive questions on the matters discussed in this letter, we may be reached on 202-632.-7450. Sincerely, John D. Webster, Assistant Director for Financial Control and Management Retirement and Insurance GroUp Enclosures (4) Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP89-00066R000700100013-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP89-00066R000700100013-3 ENCLOSURE #1 PAGE 1 CATEGORIES OF WITHHOLDINGS AND,CONTRIBUTIONS'THAT WILL : BE REPORTED ON REVISED SF 2812 AND HEADCOUNT --Headcount SF 2812 Each Pay Period Semiannually Withholdings Contributions Total Basic Life Insurance Standard Life Insurance Additional Life Insurance Family Life Insurance Post-Retirement Life Insurance Total Life Insurance Yes # Yes Yes Yes Yes' No Health Benefits (Excluding Yes Spouse Equity Withholdings) Health Benefits Spouse Equity Withholdings Additional Health Bene- fits Contributions Total Health Benefits CSRS 7% With,7% Cont CSRS 7 1/2% With, 7 1/2% Cont CSRS 1.3% With,7% Cont Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes H B spouse equity withholdings-will be combined with regular H B with- holdings in a single field of the SF 2812. In the headcount, however, these two categories of employees. pill be reported separately. . Yes Yes (1,R)* # Yes (6,T)* # Yes (C)* /,k CSRS 1.8% With,7 1/2% Cont Yes (E)* # CSRS Salary Offsets from Yes Reemployed Annuitants CSRS Military Deposits CSRS Civilian Service Credit Total CSRS Yes Yes Yes DELETED Yes Yes Yes All four categories of regular CSRS withholdings will be combined in a single field of the SF 2812. (The related agency contributions also will be combined in a single field.) In the headcount, however, these four categories of employees will be reported separately. No Yes No Withholdings for military deposits and those for civilian service credit will be combined in a single field of the SF 2812. In the headcount, however, the two categories of employees will be reported separately. No Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05 : CIA-RDP89-00066R000700100013-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP89-00066R000700100013-3 ENCLOSURE 1,,1 PAGE 2 CATEGORIES OF WITHHOLDINGS AND CONTRIBUTIONS THAT WILL BE REPORTED ON REVISED SF 2812 AND HEADCOUNT FERS - Regular 1.3% With,14.8% Cont (Ordinary employees) FERS - Technicians 1..3% With,14.8% Cont (Military Reserve Technicians) --Headcount SF 2812 Each Pay Period Semiannually Withholdings Contributions Total Yes (K), # -Yes Yes No FERS 7 Special 1.8% With,30.0% Cont (Law Enforcement and Fire- fighters) Yes (N) # Yes (M) # FERS - 1.8% With,30.0% Cont Yes (L) # (Air Traffic Controllers) Yes Yes Regular FERS withholdings from these two categories of FERS employees will be combined in one field of the SF 2812. (The related agency contributions also will be combined in one field.) In the headcount, however, these two categories of employees will be reported separately. FERS - Other (For future use) Yes (None) # (This will be a blank line on SF 2812 and headcount form) Yes FERS Military Deposits Yes Yes Total FERS Yes No Total Retirement (CSRS No Yes phis FERS) Grand Total for SF 2812 Yes Yes Yes Yes # Not Only the count of employees, but also the dollar amounts of employee withholdings and agency contributions will have to be reported on the headcount for this line item. Yes No No No Yes Yes Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP89-00066R000700100013-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP89-00066R000700100013-3 ENCLOSURE #1 PAGE 3 CATEGORIES OF WITHHOLDINGS AND CONTRIBUTIONS THAT WILL BE REPORTED ON REVISED SF 2812 AND HEADCOUNT CPDF retirement code value 1 is used if no withholdings occur for SS-OASDI and 7% is withheld for CSRS (with matching contributions). CPDF retirement code value R is used if withholdings occur for SS-OASDI and 7% is withheld for CSRS (with matching contributions). CPDF retirement code value 6 is used if no withholdings occur for SS-OASDI and 7 1/2% is withheld for CSRS (with matching contributions). CPDF retirement code value T is used if withholdings occur for SS-OASDI and 7 1/2% is withheld for CSRS (with matching contributions). CPDF retirement code value C is used if withholdings occur for SS-OASDI and 1.3% is withheld for CSRS (with 7% contributions). CPDF retirement code value E is used if withholdings occur for SS-OASDI and 1.8% is withheld for CSRS (with 7 1/2% contributions). Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP89-00066R000700100013-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP89-00066R000700100013-3 LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME DATE OF BIRTH SOC. SEC. NO AGENCY PAYROLL OFFICE LOCATION PAYROLL OFFICE NO. MO. DAY YR. Smith Smith John M. 1 1 60 220! 20 2220 ABC Central Washington. D,C, 66116600 DO NOT USE ANNOTATION TO REFLECT FERS RETIREMENT 3 FERS RETIREMENT RECORD RECORD REQUIRED FOR ALL EMPLOYEES COVERED BY FERS (RECORD EACH NAME CHANGE - STRIKE OUT PREVIOUS NAME) SERVICE HISTORY FISCAL RECORD EFFECTIVE DATE (1) ACTION (2) BASE PAY (3) DO NOT USE REMARKS (4) YEAR (5) CALENDAR YEAR SALARY DEDUCTIONS (6) ACCUMULATIVE TOTAL SALARY DEDUCTIONS (7) REMARKS VP 1-1-84 Career Cond Appt 14,000 ? GS-5 Accountant 1984 182,00 182.00 1-13-85 Executive Order 99 14.560 1985 189.28 371.28 1986 189.28 560.56 AUTOMATICALLY TRANSFERRED TO FERS 1-1-87 40 For ill strative ur oses 4% com a ability SUBTOTAL OF CSRS DEDUCTIONS THROUGH CALENDAR YEAR 1986 TO BE CERTIFIED IN THE FUTURE TO OPM. increas was used for 1985 ANNOTATION TO 1986 d uctions are sosted in the REFLECT TRANSFER usual ner i.e. throu the last TO FERS od with a said dat within 1986). , Standard Form 2806 Previous edition usable INDIVIDUAL RETIREMENT RECORD U.S. OFFICE OF PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT Rev. 2-80 2806-107 NSN 754C-00-634-4255 GPO : 198 5 0 - 464-835 (CIVII. SERVICE RETIREMENT SYSTEM) F.P.M. SUPPLEMENT 831-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP89-00066R000700100013-3 HILI1SOI3Na Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP89-00066R000700100013-3 LINIUIAMUKt. ff.5 REPORT OF WITHHOLDINGS AND CONTRIBUTIONS FOR HEALTH BENEFITS, LIFE INSURANCE AND RETIREMENT Interagency Report No. 1064-OPM-AR Address (Including Department, Bureau, Location and ZIP Code) Payroll Office Number Report Number Month Reported on Statement of Transactions Date Payroll Paid Telephone Number (Including Area Code) From PAY PERIOD To To: OFFICE OF PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT ATTN: FUNDS CONTROL BRANCH POST OFFICE BOX 582 WASHINGTON, DC 20044 Benefit Category LIFE INSURANCE Basic Life Withholdings El Check Attached I Agency Account Charged []Credit to OPM Receipt I Account (24X8135.8) I certify that the items listed herein are correct and the amount is available to be credited to the OPM receipt account. Signature of Authorized Administrative or Certifying Officer Date Contributions Total Standard?Option A Additional?Option B Family?Option C Post-Retirement Total Life insurance HEALTH BENEFITS RETIREMENT CSRS All Categories' Salary Offset? Reemployed Annuitants Military and Civilian Service Credit Regular Military Reserve Technicians Special2 Military Deposit Total Retirement Grand Total Office of Personnel Management FPM Supplement 831.1 Previous Editions Not Usable 'Employees with CPDF Retirement Codes of 1, 6, C, E, R or T. 2Emptoyees with CPDF Retirement Codes of L or M. Thls form is authorized for Meal reproductfon Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP89-00066R000700100013-3 Standard Form 2812 Rev. January 1987 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP89-00066R000700100013-3 ENCLOSURE #4 PAGE 1 GUIDELINES FOR REPORTING ON THE REVISED SF 2812 There has been some basic revisions to the top. portion of the SF 2812. For example, we have determined that the following items are no longer necessary,. and, therefore have been deleted: o Voucher Number o Check Date and Number Please make sure that the grand total amount of the SF 2812 equals the amount of the check remitted to OPM Or the amount credited to OPM Treasury receipt account as appropiate. Several new benefit categories have been added to the revised SF 2812, the following is a list of each line on the revised SF 2812 whether each is new, existing, or modified; and the data to be reported. NEW, EXISTING DATA TO BE Category OR MODIFIED- REPORTED 1. Basic Life EXISTING NO CHANGE 2. Standard -. Option A EXISTING NO CHANGE 3. Additional 7 Option B MODIFIED AGE GROUP BREAKDOWN ? DELETED (DATA WILL ? BE COLLECTED ON THE SEMI-ANNUAL HEAD- COUNT REPORTS) 4. Family - Option C EXISTING NO CHANGE 5. Post-Retirement EXISTING NO CHANGE 6. TOTAL LIFE INSURANCE NEW TOTAL OF BASIC; OPTIONS A, B, AND C; AND POST RETIREMENT 7. HEALTH BENEFITS EXISTING ? NO CHANGE 8. CSRS - All categories NEW CPDF CODES 1,6,C,E,R, & T 9. Salary Offset - EXISTING NO CHANGE Reemployed Annuitants 10. Military and Civilian MODIFIED MILITARY DEPOSITS AND Service Credit CSRS WITHHOLDINGS FROM REEMPLOYED ANNUITANTS NOW COMBINED Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP89-00066R000700100013-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP89-00066R000700100013-3 ENCLOSURE #4 PAGE 2 GUIDELINES FOR REPORTING ON THE REVISED SF 2812 Category 11. FERS- Regular 12. Military Reserve Technicians 13. FERS - Special. 14. Military Deposit 15. TOTAL RETIREMENT 16. GRAND TOTAL NEW, EXISTING OR MODIFIED NEW NEW NEW NEW MODIFIED EXISTING - DATA TO BE REPORTED CPDF. CODE K CPDF CODE N CPDF CODES ..L and M FERS MILITARY DEPOSITS-' TOTAL OF,CSRS AND FERS CATEGORIES: TOTAL LIFE INSURANCE, TOTAL HEALTH BENEFITS, AND TOTAL RETIREMENT Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP89-00066R000700100013-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP89-00066R000700100013-3 ZNULLMUKt V4 REPORT OF WITHHOLDINGS AND CONTRIBUTIONS FOR HEALTH BENEFITS, LIFE INSURANCE AND RETIREMENT PAGE 3 Interagency Report No. 1064-OPM-AR Address (hieluding Department Bureau, Loeetion and ZIP Code) AEC Agency Central Office Washington, D.C. 20001 Payroll Office Number 66 01 6600 Report Number 87,,2 MmthReponedrmStaterneMof Transactions 01-87 Date Payroll Paid 1-27,87 Telephone Number (hcluding Area Code) 202-632-0000 From 1-487 PAY PERIOD To 1-2.7-87 OFFICE OF PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT ATTN: FUNDS CONTROL BRANCH POST OFFICE BOX 582 WASHINGTON, DC 20044 Ei I23 Credit to OPM Receipt Attached Account (24X8135.8) lAgencyAcamMCMrgW I 6670100 certify that the items listed herein are correct and the amount is available to be credited to the OPM receipt account. Signature of Authorized Administrative or Certifying Officer es Benefit Category Withholdings Contributions me 1-Z3/2.7 Total.. LIFE INSURANCE Basic Life Standard?Option A Additional?Option B Family?Option C Post-Retirement Total Life Insurance 3 560.35 17 453.23 HEALTH BENEFITS RETIREMENT CSRS All Categories1 Salary Offset? Reemployed Annuitants Military and Civilian Service Credit FERS Regular Military Reserve Technicians Special2 Military Deposit Totnl Retirement 56,789.45 J50,386.32 17,008.49 230,313.14 73,797.94 380,699.46 429,778.51 4,843.38 1,300.00 1,800.00 100.00 497 821.89 542 110.43 Grand Total 704,997.66 789,432.06 Mos of Penalise aAanagannard FP ful Sopotonoon 0314 Previous Editions Not Usable lEmployees with CPDF Retirement Codes of 1, 6, C, E. R or T. 2Employees with CPDF Retirement Codes of L or M. This form is aotharized tor toctit reproduction 1.039_932.32 1,494,429.72 Standard Form 2812 ? Rev. January 1087 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP89-00066R000700100013-3