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V. an it Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP82-00457R007500200007-7 -7 CENTRAL REPORTREPORT INFORMATION RE.POPT cD NO, 50X1 COUNTRY SUBJECT PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. Obla.st V-2 ilxperimnts at Moscow/Khimki and P1ant5 Nos0 301 and 456 DATE DIM. 20 .7.1.3 ? NO. OF PAGES NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) 'SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. 46,4 5bX1-HUM k'sir'6W THIS D5CU3EHT COIITAIITS iNForrairriott AFrECTING THE CATIO3St. DEMME 17r2 UTCTED CTATI5 ET:1:75 Tr.Z L:Eft7:7115 C...r T77:7 ESP7077.= 1:7:T 0, S. C.. at AND el. 42.5 AMESDED. fl TE37151ILSSION CC THE 2EVELATIO3 07 ITS COSTEHTS 10 AST (.7ASEIP.41 TO A% 433AUTECRIZED rErO SPM> HIETP/5 ET LAV REPO CTO) CP T375 P033 19 POEIHRITEEL THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 50X1-HUM 1. hunt i.o. 301 a, Location: see nne:-..s. 1, skotci.,es .111-1d 2 b. - Y'reduction: ircrE.ft no aircraft ohcines., 1-robab1y!-aanufa.c- turo -of T----7-?76.7-"Dtarts est:Illation of prod.ucti on unkno!.m. 2. -?:lant Lo. 4:56 ta -Location: see ..nnex 1,- sketches 1 and ?ork force: 1E:0 aenorted uer:Tan orv:ineers headed by a one-urne.d chief enrineer. ...uriber of -oviots unkn c. Productlo: : nnufacture of pronollifii units for 11-2. ?nnexod to ivies an experi7lentsi stntion 2 -here the propeliLlc units were tested by 40 to 50 C,er-lan enrineers ar 0. to 40 ,)oviet enc In? ars and v)orkr.en. ..:x-nerinentra 1 tatir. n a Location and ivout : sec 4?Lnl..ex. sketciles 3 and 4 , I 1.a:it istOry cons tructi-,n of the plart vius star ur'ust 19'?,. the oy.r.,-;:i1.--tent. to-ter Lid t.:2 st...ret7 Lunlier -;cro reaay as r.), L. ickl.york Lu1ii,Th.cvo nUt in o o-orotiw,in. . ctcl, el" 1011C, c wbsertlans: the . 81 1 or 1946 n 50X1-HUM (1) -fter tot r 1D4i t'rio c7--neri-.cnts ucy'c :tartod. th ,se tA3re erneri .o.nts nreneliont -cuurreS * 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM ?-2 nroject11es0 .( )roi uctobe 3' 194.E .071- c CLASSIFICATION R1:, .....7,/nnmTRni. US 0iT1nrAT.(1 nNTY VTATE Ii NAVY 14 WAS DiSTRIBUTiON I ARMY _41-go Ito Document Ho. , Change In Massif ri Detiatzifistl Class. Changvl To: IS $ Auth.: 104 pate: ? Pr r Al vj Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP ientE; -.ode 50X1-HUM 50X1 82-00457R007500200007-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP82-00457R007500200007-7 / sl., /.;, L. ? ?1 CENTETAL?DiTEJZIGENCE AGMCY c,vcsrv Oat, PA hm)rs) plq.1 qt nic-ht 50X1 50X1-HUM (b)or the mentioned experiments five tank trucks vdth a. tet31 o: 10,000 liters of fuel wont fro-A. the railroad stotion te te exnerimental staticin on sat the fuel int.() the fuel-tank bunker. The fuel mls -96 Percent alcohol. (2)(a)..002 50X1-HUM each experiont, 2,0C? liters of alcohol were reuired day there also arrived tank trucks characterized by ccmpact tnnk, oac containinc 1,000 liters. -_,:hey-J were thpro 1^1,-. -ussian inscrition on the viz: "Caution! Liquid W(yren! 50X1-HUM 1-; y inflarmable!". (b) 1:he tank truck showed a red flar. 'Ihey onptiod their c;ont:mt into the tower.*The liquid oxycen arrived fro'l_i'lant liuid oxygen is also needed for the nronellent charves. Larce quantities of it were also carried fron :lant 4:56 to the railroad _station and put into tank calz, there. 'Illoso tank cars, two or three of the-ra 7Nere on the track at any tic, were also painted Yhite, showed a red flu' an hid the sale inscription as the tank true s. In sumler, ..!hen the trucks or cars were exposed to the rays of the sun, they wore sprinkled by ,ater hoses. 50X1-HUM (3) el (a) fillinr the/perinental P/ant aLd settinr the instrwients was part of tile operation. _gtor, the encineors withdrew to the safety l'unKer. The "charEe" waq electrically iDited. One could then see a yellowish-rod dartinrs flcAe, about ).0 rioters lonr, shootic outipf the opening of tl,c 'es lest ceo.ves obliquely upward, but soletines a .f.e horizontally and obliquely dc-vnward. -t this eject oh, , loud holdnr. sound, lower pitched, but as loud ..ts an air-r-5,1 siren, was heard. -t nirt, the I were al- Jays fakonod "oy that noise in their ot,'ap, 1, ka i'ro,1 the Placa. (b):he jet of fira lasted 11 to 20 ..iinutes with the oeie intensity and 4,o did the low-pitched haolin- sound. ,,ftor the disrAPnearance of th-=:. jet Of fire a black tail of vanour me tiuseen. (4):3 soon as one test hd been finished preparations for an-, otner trial '::ere sarted. (Jae?turf nnc the trees in a larce vicinity of the tower were scorc'ned. (6) 50X1-HUM the whale surroundins were .bri4,11tly illuninetod. In the day-tie 'also the darting flare could be seen frar. a rreat distnce, -2- SECRET . 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP82-00457R007500200007-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP82-00457R007500200007-7 AGP;TiCi 50X1-HUM 50X1 2heU,,erman chief enrineer v,2ijj fro-.1 tho 50X1-HUM on s fer as e ai-:Lo -ea he ,:!as in t- ! camp at that tile Lut did not 'co...tness the event). /-elr this, allerod17 .v.'3y accurate hot the enA.noer as c-rf.Anted a rewarJ of .3,00G thl- fact was known: to all the in.atc s of t..:.1e camp. 4. (;her observations: In t'no .Jurrime.I: of 1940- SQ 50X1-HUM 25 kul north Of ..oscou on the ror.-_d to Ilishkino-Yaroslavl) aboLt 20 north of Zoscovi and 8 ?kr' east . of the road. the arri.a phene,aena as in hinki and same howlillc sound. thpci-R Is a sinilar exper,irriental plant. 50X1-HUM bUA I -HUN! 50X1-HUM a, Plant 10Q 56 In this rlant the units for. V-2 a, e prepared fdr firing; .p:-,rt of. them arrive from other rltces; 7.)art, of them are -lade- in the ,-lant itself. It is runored that the fuel is also .lanufactured in the b. .::;xper imenta.1?DtE.i.tion 0.1.1,1?????? .01*312.,11StZMN,Itil...*M.M.??????:-4111?11M? k".11. 'iihree to five T.)ropellinp units i?-,er (.7:ay were, toted in the nlar,t (7.-oricd Thnuarylletruary 1949.) t each trial a 1..ih1tish dartinr flame several feet lona vith a lirAt var)eur left tIle tc-0,9er Le fuel used as prop ilent is hydrogen. c. The four plants arou:-.1 the airfield of Liiki are under the command of a :.:oviet colonel of the -,c.)viet x 1,orce? vuard. detail consisted of soldiers of the ;oviet ir i:bree 50X1-HUM d. The .total of (.-ernan engineers .,forkin!- in the plants was 100 to 150; six of thei held positions siiilar o that or .a contrel envir-.4er in UerAan factories. '.ZheN.7 also avet instruction to. ,j ovie t envineers ach of these ? siX(,:ihead enFineers was alvays accompanied by an officer of the ,oviset Jr .torce. 50X1-HUM .'...,'onznert 50X1-H Lim .1. The report confirms the manufnc,Aire (or partial lanufacture and assenbly) of rocket roer units for larie rockets in -plant 45e. This reper:t als.7) atatea that five tests wore made per day - day- and ni7ht work c leans maximum Troductiort o a:out 100 to 150 nieces rer month after 1948 2. '111e use. of 9. percent alcohol oxyTen as fuel has been mentioned in 7reVIOUS ra-,orts, The production of 1I.2uid oxyr_Pen in .plant 4.5C- is mentioned for the ? first ti i atd. is only concluded f:17k5 the ,traffic of -tank trucks beteen the plant an':