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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/11/08: CIA-RDP74-00297R000601240009-3
eop- olitics
'of tk
Aggressive elements in the United States
are persistently following in the ignomini-
ous footsteps of the Nazi expansionists.
' They have constituted themselves the heirs
? of Gestapo methods of violence' against the
? working people and of Nazi political and
military ."theories" ; they are enraptured
with Nazi racism and geopolitics. Just as the
I Nazis clamoured that the "German master.,
race needed more lebensraum", so today-
- the American geopoliticians are clamouring
? for more "lebensraum" for the infinite ex-
pansion of U.S. monopolies. This, of course,
;? is natural enough, for imperialist aggressors
I. can no more get along without geopolitics ?
I'and other 'misanthropic r"theories", than
they can without expansiOn, territorial con-
quests and predatory wars: They have need
of various pseudo-scientific fabrications to
justify their policy of building up aggres?
sive- blocs, of "global'? strategy, of setting
up military bases all over the world and
- especially around the countries belonging
to the camp of democracy and Socialism.
Like the fascist obscurantists who were
their predecessors, the American geopoliti-
clans cite what they claim to be the de-
cisive influence of geographical factors
upon the life of society in justification of
imperialist predatory foreign ? policy, ..
The capitalist system, the geopoliticians
insist, cannot be held responsihle for the
impoverishment of the masses in many
,countries in Europe, Asia and Africa; they
? 'explain it by geographical, "injustice" thus
; justifying the need for American "aid".
With such .geopolitical ? "arguments" they
. strive morally to. disarm ;peoples who have
fallen victim to imperialist expansion, to
? convince them that there is no preventing
their loss of liberty and independence.
Marxism-Leninism teaches. us that it is
not geographical 'environment, as the geo-
politicians claim, and not population grewth,
as the Nlalthusianists wq?uld have it, but the
HO-de of production of material values that
is the keystone of the development of the
material life of society and which in the
final analysis' determines its development,
' the character 'of its social and political sys-
tem, its -ideology.
The Marxist-Leninist postulate that the
influence of geographical environment upon
society never has been and cannot be the de-
termining one, that geographical,-envir6n-:
ment is merely one of the factos of the
material -life of society and not the motive..
force of its development, smashes the sham
theoretical arguments of the geopoliticians.
? to smithereens. ?
Like its predecessors, the U.S._ ver-
sion of. geopolitics is also inseparably bound
up with racism, costriopatitanismulthus-
ianism and other barbaric "theories" in-
tended to provide "scientific" proof of the .
"racial superiority" of the North Americans.
Briefly outlining the aims' of .American
'1 geopolitics, John Keefer, one of its best-'
1 known advocates, declared that the geo-
.4' politicians were the men who burst upon the
A internatitinal arena with a plan l'Or Wold
,-.doniination in one hand end a bomb in the
n ?^77) 1:1
I Weapon
Oa, i--,61)0:71-0S(THIS
To justify the aggressive designs of the
U.S. ruling circles, the ,geopoliticians jabber
away about their country being surrciunded
by a "hostile world" against which they
Illustrative in, this respect is an article -
circulated by the t..j.P. on February 21, 1955,
? in Which N. J. Montellier, a journalist, re-
views in detail the "geopolitical achieve-
have to "defend" themselves. Indeed, Spyk-? ments" of the United States, After World
man, Director of the Yale Institute Of War lI Montellier writes, the United States
International Research, who is o'ne of the set up a chain of alliances, military bases
chief American proponents of geopolitics, and mutual assistance pactS with forty
wrOte that across three oceansthe Pacific. I countries. American troops are now station-
Arctic and Atlantic?the Western Hemi: ed beyond the confines of North America
sphere was surrounded by a "hostile ?in Europe, the Middle East, the 'Medi-
world" ; and from this "discovery" he ; terranean area, the Far East and on Pacific
draws, the conclUsion that the United States I islands... A week ago, he continues, it was
is bound to prepare for war. reported that 1,370,000 American service-
In accordance with the "arguments" of I, men... were overseas and 1,602,000 soldiers in
the American geopolitioians, the U.S. area of training in the United States... It is known
domination must embrace the whole globe ; from well-inforrned sources, he says, that
for in view of the "threat" supposedly facing 600,000 American servicemen are in Korea
Arne-and Japan, 425,000. in Western Europe and
Ahem from across three oCeans, the Arne- ? ?
ricans 345,000 at the bases scattered about the
are impelled to invest capital, station I
? Carribean Sea, the Pacific islands, Alaska,
troops and build bases everywhere, and put
in power governments that ? suit. their own he Aleutian islands, in the Middle East,
Is. ?
I"Africa and the Mediterranean area. The
The appetites of the aggressors have
article concludes with 0 list of the prin-
grown to such an extent that the American cipal aggressive pads signed by the United
'continent no longer suffices for them. The
The variety of "geopolitical"' methods of
-.plans of the U.S. billionaires have. long
since been extended to include , world do-
"work" used by the American ,imperialists
mination. And, as was only to be expected,
is likewise attested to by the facts.cited by'
the geopoliticians have hastened to provide R. andG. Harkness in their .artictes in the
the "scientific" grounds for this, too. It is "Saturday Evening Post
not only the American continent that the
(OCtober, and ..Noveinber ,,1954). Speaking..
of the activity of the ',Central Intelligence
United States must rule, they assert ; she
must also take her place at the head of all Agency, the espionage and sabotage organ-
continents as the supreme ruler .of the isation diriected by Allen., Dulles, brother
world. ? of John Foster Dulles,'IttIe t-l'afknesses con-
Distorting the facts; trying to fabricate firm?in words that could hardly be more
az semblance of natural law, Spykman,
explicit?the fact that this organisation fi-
nanced, trained and armed the forces that
overthrew the government of Guatemala and
that it was directlY responsIble *for'
rnoval of Mossadeq in Iran.
Huntington and other American geopoliti-
cians aver that if the United States receives
raw material from any distant country, it
is.her "geopolitical duty" to keep that coun:
try in the status of a supplier colony and to;
build military bases on its territory to de-
fend the interests of the "civilisers':. That is
how they justify U.S. interference in the in-
ternal affairs of Greece, Spain, Guatemala
and other countries, the abolition of state
sovereignty, the imposition of the "American
way of life" and the duty of the trust
territories to reward their "trustees" by
supplying the Wall Street billionaires with
maximum prbfits.
The "necessity" of keeping the U.S. troops
. in Greece, setting up air and naval bases in
Spain, Britain and many other countries is
explained in the same' manner. And the same
geopolitical nonsense is exploited by, the
U.S. aggressors to justify the occupation
of Taiwan.
? In the past ten years most prominent
American politicians and military leaders
have repeatedly and openly stated that the
manpower and natural resources of the
entire American continent must be placed
at the service of preparing and unleashing
an aggressive war. For instance, last Octo-
Journal "For a' Lasting Peace. for a People's Democracy l" is printed and published in'
Bucharest, Rumania, and appears everi Friday. Addresi Of Editorial Office and
? ..?
of Publishing House Valeriu .B:raniste. Bucharest Tel. 9.78.56.:
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release_ @50-Yr 2013/11/08 : CIA-RDP74-00297R000601240009-3
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/11/08: CIA-RDP74-00297R000601240009-3
ber, when the House of Representatives was
discussing the inflated budget providing
the maintenance of hundreds of American
! military bases scattered all over the world,
Senator .George Malone said, speaking of
the American continent, that North Ameri-
cans had to have in their own backyard,
in the Western Hemisphere,, the minerals.
and raw materials necessary to guarantee
to their air forces the proper speed and
radius of operation.
A conference in Rio de Janeiro -in 1947
at which a geopolitical map of the con-
tinent's "defence" zone was drawn up,
:'concluded With the signing of a Hemisphere
defence treaty. That treaty
came what is virtually a local version?of the
aggressive North Atlantic Pact.
This pan-American conference in Rio de
Janeiro was followed by others?,in Bo-
gota (1948), \Vashington (1951) arid Cara-
cas (1954)?at each of which new links of
the chains shackling the Latin Americrin
countries were forged. The culminating point
was the adoption of .the notorious Caracas
anti-Communist resolution, giving U.S: im-
perialism police power on the continent
and in fact legalising its interference in
the affairs?qf any Latin American country.
A practical application of these. "protective",
functions was the United States'. shameless
intervention in Guatemala.. -
Of a like nature are the so-called bilateral
.military agreements which ?the ? U.S. has
forced upon a number of Latin American
The exponents ? of geopolitics come up
with arguments to justify each expansionist
'move of the U.S. iMperialisti; while? their
obedient pupils' in the satellite- countries
and in those which have fallen victim to
the greed of the Yankee billionaires con-
tribute their "bit" in defence of the indis-
pensability of colonisation'.
The favourite argument of' those who
preach submission to the U.S: imperialists
is the alleged "geographic destiny" of'
Latin America and Canada, which thereby-
? have no choice ? but to follow the U.S.
and be 'mere pawns of the U.S. war-
mongers. The supporters of this notorious
"theory" try their best to _prove that ?for
countries located on the American con-
tinent there can be no other course but
that taken by the United States, and that
they must reconcile themselves to their
role as U.S. 'appendages. Peron, an old
admirer of the Nazi views on military
theory and geopolitics, repeatedly declared
that "America is a geographical and Poli-
tical unit" and that the era of separate
states was over, for "in our day we would
speak only of continents". That the day
of national sovereignty is over has also
been asserted repeatedly by Venezuela's
dictatoi; Perez Jimenez, Chile's President
Ibanez, Uruguay's ex-Foreign Minister R.
Larreta, Brazil's present Foreign Minister.
Raul Fernandez, as well . as the "leaders"
of the Organisation. of American States
Lleras Camargo, Davila and others..
While popularising this pro-U.S. philo-
sophy, reactionary circles in the Latin
American countries in turn endeavour to
imbue the masses with the fatalistic belief
that all-sided penetration of Latin America,
by the U.S. imperialists is inevitable. Re-
formist leaders and petty-bourgeois adven
turers in .Mexico, Chile and Argentina are
making a good thing out of this disgraceful
business, but. its most enthusiastic and
energetic "prophet", is still Raul Haya de
la Torre from Peru.
. Geopolitics is nothing but an attempt to
legitimise by means of pseudo-scientific,:
. arguments the policy of war, preparations,?;,
colonisation and enslavement of other1
countries by the U.S. billionaires. It is the.
-duty of the -Communist and Workers' Par-'
, of all progressive forces mercilessly, '
to e),(pose the ideologists of the atom bomb. ,
By so doing they will make a valuable
contribution to the cause of preserving
and strengthening peace, .of friendship
'among peoples.
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/11/08: CIA-RDP74-00297R000601240009-3