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? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010008-0 ,4 ? =.0?Nt. ,,...r,-,.? i- --,--i ---;), i---,, 1 71--- \ 1. , c 7 ) _---_,:%' ? \-- ii ,2 i _ , MIT 7NrificS'Ir A ? i10 RU AR Doomoeut No. MO MANGE in Class. DECUSSIFIED ss. CiTANGED TO: S Ntemo. 4 Apr 77 Auth: MA REG. 77' .1763 Date: By: ( . 7 _? 1949 ?4-- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/25 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010008-0 _ so Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010008-0 a edigligEE CP Q a 0 a RUSSIAN ANTI-COMMUNIST FORCES IN THE GERMAN WAR IN Once military it war, long, more German victory became hard aki strength alone0 and Army East that had SEW clear struggle eqddlily manpowe Evan the and means manpower the sufficient European troops QEG been unable Germany r crush @acre OD OM V33210 OD opening would ?I've impose the all continent, 90 carry 8a9 Anes OGGC00 gO txa same order action and time the would, complete of the fight Further- resistance. Germany such total lerttr-vsad decision mobilization avagilTle guard Germany Outm'111 it ary occupied MOgra psychological existed human unable by of military military German resources raise and operations communication and obvious that accompanied 0M005010 groundwork in pipulation, Soviet regime. German and provided which and would hatred take peculiarities thousands psychological whiln particularly They were ilndership account of large peasants, prepared adbpted the Ruselan parallel maintain military lc . pOli magma cf? fiteRi ECM To %Java portion into service Russian against of 'Wxa seila high, the Germans and side a clear desire's already Russian poli of prisoners-of-war Red desertion Army while Red this exploi quASiay The Hitler peasant population Aberators. Germans, ouortuni tation turned policy farm ty of however, Hitler' %In collecti tation. collective 0 Russian Rusts Ian also 326t4 Army the tuation. toward Germans policy population, Tens volunteered the. colonial OSCOG OD for early fighting exceptiondAy wellMed 01220320 unwilling policy Germany? population necessitated system fai farms ce? more order the peasants against of the Partisan Movement, peoples (2 SFITIT't brutal and authorities overbearing who OD Germans any invaders based on the against nninuation facilitate Ma liquidate single ..Vgd "Ihdle Germans, of the other This Union tude &Oa treated them 120 and revulsion ' sto iiTIReke Ogi 'ata Nazi beings. factor %DV exploi- turned support part of hastened W occupation inferior Q NEE14%giii Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010008-0 _ 0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010008-0 a 22E33 a a a a Another factor of utilization created against against might establish basic fight and ea) the German antil!boviet Mat koa them Germanys. have government itiles the made against become that Within some single agencies, improvina policy confusion and November r944, in attitude forces ma& within- prevented S.R. 00130 aregmofflorc wan end 2MG3 raccits might defender even headway. policy well ?eke CZ9 people against 2tardership, of the proved destroy MSG of Mom had. force limitations they toward as hastening m Gerans SOD SID ever Russia. co Siko comia been Instead which they people the Germans able various German along, thus defeat. decided, far if military adding in late, author- German finaky av Etxki St129 E vvo So tcoacG zafigh convinced them, ment end and but The a effort could former Soviet and abortive, ed PM MO Fmrnapp An the headed by teirt the neutralized. early LOST only tree them Himmler General Andrei Vlassov German won from the over-all OPPORTUNTTY October, 1942, Ministry Rosenberg of arms of Ostministerium Alltred feats occupied consequence:, immediate 000 MOM into U QE:o This confirmed and the Only too Russian directed their eZ) -Movement defeat. U Brautigam, the Sastern a comae Communist TOD SCEo for high Territories) memorandum for reported our noble inadequate the possibility toward estimate Germany. secure Not but, only pared very move- this engulfed official a army poli Russian foreground. German have tical been policy* Om SW prisoners, and German defeat operations considerable Germany cooperation Germany had did the be contrary of fail a that, moves 831 00(10000 2(3 documentary extraordinary number allies such ? thbse tatter" win converted her friends was reflected Movement. unprepared- yrs:Wale in fig& movement 1TWaer, instructive can only actual German &wee= make SEn 029D 0E1 who in The into gza3 steady Germans moo c.3 who overthrown General Vlassov Arter the sided of this example evidence opportunity of Soviet recovered persons enemies, of growth were both tremendous were ready Communists. high-ranking Germans, is but with understood poricy. when et) subjects. permanently who the unwilling of pre- phenomenon Soviet numbers Assist The fate Soviet phenomenon, it studied a CE1 and indi- military especialliy significance relation a Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010008-0 a Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010008-0 eM03 (510 Vais (1/10 1320a path and a For there clear milrftary sought to tab, 1942, Propaganda, wrote diary, in tale Occupied Eastern Areas:- governing recklessly, generally out clear olgjrative." was objective. authorities out almost 110X190 whole in Various rr arasomoo unified lealeaders,til carry for period German divergent objectives corresponding policy. Dr. lirq GdgEM1s, "Concerning everybody against in policy ministries and the responsibility. and many questions protracted struggles let of 'June Goebbels the Euehrer Ostmintsterium. HITLER'S For e 12' clear an 24,1Y have tie and analmis, Hrtler only But not CEg erp between wrote informed been COLONIAL Hitler roch and of "Reich simple. out-and-out and Lohse, Commissars, The struggle of conqud'st. Crusade C=, was brought' various each 6th the. Minister Policies simply with- our Here policy not ?9 for another, decision informed have POLICY many service waged power who ru agai against to Party impression true Tao miD .EED Hitler' everything, after the attention. leaders. EMMEN% the German against Although Boeihevism, led " the that. by tuation especially occupied .areas objective was also net they government they which had detailed plan .for alalWr of Russia, but ineteqd 3 general program ? lleved with unsggkeable rerautione A Gig2 sentences his book "Mein amp show what tale program meant "Today there are eighty million Gerna"TibyroM then win. that foreign policy be acknowledged to be ? when hardly hundred years: fromnow two million Germans will YAre this 000 for with was them for paid Hitler would- 0 organization afilana6 he be- from today ea Europe as only be In with .Otto new Ruisia ated the 15 comprise speak thinking about September, Aqt.z, the will be our BriNish miWlions about 1941, Germ an , hundred It territory and Hitler said, Ambassador but CI 11 he Ger: Ger control furthe 0 0 one'. and in tfle and. Only riEht fifty soil, satellities. -conversation Paris, that, the Fit better Empire yill -160 mifiions. CEEEEE3 a Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010008-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010008-0 ;P a =MEM occupied sort, Reich Commissars particularly brutal0 local practical MGM and implementation necessitated policy 0 the Bert-government. was, .the a Om 0393 this colonial ail Ma cg sak3 program policy carried Koch voluntary This policy cooperation Many Rosenberg belrilMa German did 'Ea) breaking up Russia Empire, leaders ECe and approve Cg Etea ?C3 TZ9 policy the against Rienaan Empire Instead Rosenberg whose independence by however, states, entirely Orbit (the ally ?Great Germany and into for the aao favoring wanted 02 even Reich and for prevented of the some any populTittion by Ukraine worst both effort old colonial should peoples. dffiruction the dissolution national Nazis policy have been For vitiated Germans area" concept leading power ao essentalW1 02203 cso ErinG3 ideas Illirowers eke Grofsraumordnung, Rosenberg? *hole future the permeate from of components. division Cg coltection M26 ,9 sag the leading CIO Russia and. 0211% C33 Rosenberg achieve 90 him- Sag war greater greater into 01? restritted Integration into "Grossraum" term Within only not 90 framework colonizing Rater "Wn ortiTtil Empires in whose-political interventaon "fakerrecht- 30) In affected by tta European of concept and 3 specific -other CEO colonies, national not but European J.1 Orbi this Orbi Empire. supporting orbito- excluding ? Marl SchmIat. Edition 1V4I, order this powers orbits. a 4th praOtice his of fear the U.B.B.R. Rosenberg was (in the national governments tees he uHe and rec ? was, tion, or tion Organization. animositiesbelon making polnY proves that? pol;py reunintlaion Great C233 PrMitred Baltic armies Cl step to however, opposed al -Rile sian Great g4211,Pe however, a change history peoples. Russians He an existing glps apalc:qoa permit counties,) parts memorandum gave single all-Russian was of- page greatly the other Army more various peoples formation nafTral the U.345.R., And to Hitler. organiza- inOTala- and q local c" 0) and positions inclined among the the BOviet Hitler May ail 9 cannot (*wit Union. change his 1T94z, Hitler make edliee against leadArship explWit the Russian He did mind. When and o 0 retorted C = any natronal other ethnic succeed, he suggested that "-all c9 conquered MEM Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/25 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010008-0 0 9 0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010008-0 0 ATTITUDE GOVERNMENT ECONOMIC GROUPS Various government economic Wehrwirtschaftsstagadllitary Economic, wartunganierjahwcpplans (the Four-Year heAdjelalq Fike2amarsha1 Goering,) and the mfrTVWfUlum (Reich Ministry of Food) the viewpoint of immediate food gki3 an The need importance, alkhozes ( from source seem vagE/ question Ministry solution0 the the that Economic maintain for because 8B colhectigTo CO Ma ca VE9 g513 ownership days reah.zed, Affairs gaiSC/3 for Army bureaus, such staff,) Plan group Reichsernahrungs- occupied primarily ple. of food prevented farms,) in dl and and as the Emma the Ver- considered exploitation, pec German production h d te issolution CCO eaa cO' 12th the ing, concerned, would and Foreign these experts, July, 191T1, that fundamentally vi dual EMBara og' peasants. great Russian emphasized Grosskopf 0.1 are? propaganda factor, has value opposed far have' Even importance experts the wrote attitude cr Cg COD cif:ME/MO' reduction far the EZ20 GCMG farms available decided would for promise broken up ownership0 a troops. as fact prevented agrarian Military break-up agricultural ci ail need decisive the during this for anxiously 1 ned. the exploitation probrem." The Economic Staff 00 German Military of L33 C12 compromise, 2fiD peasants that ma uaCft3e Tom alecgag scasteE(3 Saa g121 it collective decid- was coAective products finally farms land private However, population hatred among quick of the peasant After They were Operations contradiction mere eD Early the Foreign f? among property. propaganda the Rda Army mises in iqr,ongly, fulTilTing walbh 00 2E3 but, note colitlectl promise, 013 not only contrary against their that actual lan Cri3 promised and direct the M350 C3 02 did , soon German not quiet aroused liberators. continued Cg August, 19419 one Office, Ungern-Sternberg, peasants D the recdhsti would be, beyond al1 both the theme these when, lr become 0 ? tea very for However, questions, in the ]Ong run, Russian, owing the last materialistic and accilcs wrote daily comp2Fte d. specialists kDTVITion of tut ion doubt, the vii Russian woued be which most population invid1ou1 to make private effective affect there to The lived and 123 sober for masses is the and pro- most possAlArity cordftions 0 years, has and wouni 21F1B7 0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2113/03/25 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010008-0 0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010008-0 ? a a 0 a 0 a o ? ,E) that have very question hard, 2 that -ea az 40264 20 ?wow Another "orders effect German viofenoe, observer 0326) and difference gra every people other gram. begun that C93 heard the nothing hamlet era decisi during threats of `42Wegaiki aelaCe same GESE ia disappointments execution, C1103 =WY glaB ealShe giM39110 and a because MG pursu-it afff their alms, 41.1a enough people today period CASo EX) warned longer that he vital- with actually Soviets while village the And for make aB a August foreseen Russian peasant him report 1941, really cE? 24th, with and who very 11) ZeiSf? ?212 goia happy German significant ? population 913 0330 Army OCR GV20 long High developments exactness. .reject or a representative therefore individual. minor Sto represents peasant. Lt concessions, useful. peasants, war incipient propaganda mean the and done especiailly shortages, support the additional these cosERISIg ce IMPLEMENTATION There were leaders ASTIes results population. more German better ment logical Uniermenschen. and. executions had plenty the we, such before ? Cal pro- have comprehended Command, ab t. eVer742np CokTative expropagtIon therefore dated Who organize view fall there ?f Partisan for burden coLori,.IAL far-reaching best 86 qc? app-ears ,Farm System and pove*y possible, with popuilation which prey Movement. Reich the danger hard wiTiter Communist That POLICY a. differences method of was 03 Ca) whether through mild Reich Glo reaponslble ruthless result saying, needs. official "The Ukraine The than exploi of his report 000 for that and maintaining opinion dealing wYth possible le0 achieve_ through brutal Tia Commissar else anyone tat-ion view must feeding og' of that 0 August, dea)tver the for among treatment Koch, treat- Ukraine, brutal Ukrainain Slays. 1942, those Ukrainain quotes things poRulatron, suBmhuman him winch population, as Germany in G Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010008-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010008-0 comparison The m 0000 determined eNo a mg axe bearing 9121 task, Germans ai) Cs Ukrainains, people must work hours -4g policy 61517eat Koch that every respect therefore, ruled hours for Army placel created Part is day leaders, change responsible only ce iffito matter OLD total [53 deal inferior. Association cog 02 the question. offi hand. 000 If have m0(044 indifference 843 aall a g3B, who forced Iron they must work eight mg) uziaa alum cl? remain the possible Movement. Elipn policy, but Fuehrer, best *?'Ehlaft who0 supported compellsw PP CEED,Origorous never compa Ma political , Ukrainains.000 [Mem subordinated the decrees YOMi extract supplies .from Mg WIED2E208100 Only generals , GEM MOM workers with pretty speeches. 1943, Rosenberg however, inactive so ibl Gte Rosenberg regarded and people th These these people _those growth tried_ to himself refused. 9:n grn took situation problem of Koch: of the influence directly "The ideas V39 that EOM course support ca action ca merciless that, German balance EFFORTS AND /Only Ma9233 VtIEWS leaders, Hitler, they certainty in their MIEECSE nowever, victory power Alarmed be coming ment. In 26th, 19420 of May Group cases railroads, c guard further strengthened. between the raTaroad From 01 sides murdering by diary did and by sought ways Specifically, and labor believe influenced any means favor, that t-fi lath finc0 ie0i0 ? UG50 consider hange tEey cia0 steady growth Gggle Partisan _noted report 14th. situation seirted, report of attempted Goebbels is "As Co under sde the the date of Central becoming constantly more result the daily and and. and Goebbels fg reports zwitmcGala over The lines ceives one re Partisans. wrote fom reports of-increasing 0 0 kl(p sabotage 2ines th44 tel railroad result no calls following Front the Partisan of o help for comment "FroM activity. Move- May Army serious, increasing mining of the ha Ono that glo es= kep in against about the East This mar. plundering. receive gotten a 0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/25: dIA-RDP78-01617A005700010008-0 9 a 0 0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010008-0 9;:f3 CiE0 Cag 133228B ? d occupied crisis, certain 3 moment, must Terrttories MIRED= have Mal VD ISCLB OGCOMGC3 Cg) CUP development master, Policy only Eastern few High Army which excerpts Command miaitary views ciala many Red Soviets give. 'National parts constantly whole regions as regarded an believe, ft extremely if Army0 evidence or VI:190 further.. endangered. troops popuIatirong 00 a January leaders sttuation-report 1943, 3rd held. resist increased stated. gmle report p2B4/.1xtion which are Guerriala-controlled of ailro own Among deytlopmentsg woralansness extrIVTgrtion MD33 Ma2,9 due owe others remains strength "Tile pro-German areas ffflyais the serious change compiled reflect unbroken. 9 with morale becomes growing war communication- Increasing obviously ourselves are vital to Cgl cEMG2E7 CEi Tea 'a? Russian people Germany. errors German prestige. Agrarian Order, Clia following German 11751es become widely fertile erroneous e3G116213 reasons "Secret 9 Slav 113 have part Partisans. ffeo slogan those worse effort ca) were given directives and and provide Increased Partisan known soil activity of management populrtion Insufficient carrying-out private 0g conviction 98 Russians. General East, beginning by a civUilieaders especially the (80aullriburg? Hiager, an4 wen. as the people such Brautigam, evolved by Koch for 2633 CEIR the or for concerning necessity the among hostiaity and for 000 E0 SOCIESB high-ranking grew____ "Russia Some OgF former' off icer Germans Brauchitch, f941. credit November, war egi rx) only grave damaging the New A for property, German Army conquered ,of the origin Flea German 52) Commander number Russia experts, Territcries4 policy condemned , RUSSIAN ca'a wilform volunteers. lack policy To however, shared of other Tilitary Office ) It Foreign Grosskopf Ministry - most 03) by theory in from and experts was thete f6r VOLUNTEERS Cgl anY with fixed tr) political regard the Ms% who the 0 pal ic empfnr*nt issued number sharply occupied areas. a also C0 C 0 0 prevented of Russian specrkic. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010008-0 - 9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010008-0 a _ directives Kectice and that I?, these military without the many initiative analTils subject, were but orders 5:019:3 necessary om_ c.a.aa melaaRussian Eradquarters Russian volunteers tion 4-, written by relationship cotpelil7a caw came into ing (Eastern order measures 90 gain volunteers inclined "that given the into General between people existence help). Troops.) which a by from a there always with of dealt approve/ adbpted by complete German sSert integrate formations, A good aa aVeitMW arc2nd, . - Troops, Helamich. ave.,fUtble forces themsegrenAkie so-caked HilfWW1.11rige time the Oettruppen undesitAble German MEM ample evidence that followed strictly the their problem higher such insight Army. headquarters0 units is into Various employ- Army memorandum space tb Etces and help eit3 in MD ilfe333 and expedients personnel, required guidance and we finally Hellmich inhabitants combat units, whether there consedered the improvi.zation least the from descrip - l94,8, ?tile wrote. (those course were f'-orced 021 themselves by the state of were led above0 emphasized the battle Which was y was fact need For linked fla9 LITglrons, of the Armed. alp ENGEEEE43 5213 "the against should for necessity satisfactory good. "There shortage affairs which eMR1p7ment BolsEevism settrgthe assilTtailce, by the ?oombat because for was question I The local begun Hitler, the over-all the permitted $130 ForceeCIEE1s) contrary political formation aBa following legions Caucasian-Ohammedan Armenian Legion. January Tartar However, 18th, formation Crimea. forbade CEP MOo 0 the viestion 'problenlOrn of 67!'t Legionen - OEW (High 22nd, f9419 Legion, and 03. step troops, time was and at closely Dece_mber? ('Ee71.7ern directed decision C1B created: Legion, December Turkistan Legion 0 COmtand Georgian 0 1942 Hitler authorized units involving primar4piIy February IOthi f942, units from formation inhabitants specified Forces poricy. above. 23rd issued CI i volunteer CEO March which decree occupied 081- (2 Ma @ma= intended U a CX) High gave Command the basic 13 unrestricted from expressly of prisoners except M:18 Stan& 9atas) gea3 zzeo So permitted, cro. those reason peoples Armed for Inhabitants obtain ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010008-0 g, a a 0 0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/25 CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010008-0 far-reaching reason participating BOrralieViks floom tard, 02910 2/0 top 9:221 effigazo 02 gna independence, formation Ukraine, services In pamphlet iregi Inhabitants "the etc. and citizens only may for not August, entitled, 1942, "Directi sity to observer legions against coantries d state. volunteer liberation these Hal tic considered employment Army tX Timainco egi 5009260, iis sMa In Forces for economy employ most '202 ce For actively ea countries, for High concerning " The first the front, per- the police Command issued Employment- sentence absolute employment the in manpower varied especially of C321302493 ?E02a zot) various in different Cossacks, alles against with the who capaci the Woo army economy nationalities krabers of fighting BolqinTist ways. nationalities could be placed Partisans. There utiffization were the afil and Germans conquered g20 field were, however, the Turkish races German troops 'op beside same pri with enemy, German of Secret Of reads:: neces7 compeXed Countries Armed he tx3 and constituted soldiers. Russians combat of the groups for polrice everything produced vilegea as exceptioh in para-milly was- flurther various order, different also Great formations arinTilon per auxiliaiY In the result. C:A of services. fielti In Battalion stating September, and 194:1, wrote the hO employed. CO' special Other paper4 various decrees .0 TROOPS 1943, &Ma? ge conspiracies desertions of whole recruiting, early AV, politicalay gifted basis in the continued work from periods 1 - - arm The battalions able course date0 day Commander Commander was the been had companies which carefully officers 1942. . Eastern 000 existed Germans who =RD Eirgi distinguish 22:132ma c2 itioacaB ,uncovered had originally accurately and place0 ? Troops mutinies conducted by and was 00 undertaken 6162 mass Errors in recruiting AA, Battalions are set SOr-called organization. paper. undertook according between 0 good. 000 organization author Stia and bad have to training of these this- letter, According 0 elements. SECRET a 0 - npriassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/25 CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010008-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010008-0 who had report not Bolshevism Tregt roots the Jewry CI? 'kg ignorance faintest led products. This of only even was, criticism is 'ED Cba Cg at3321 Cg aLe26 knowledge recruiting sharp, The German taD2) SO de Op Ta fects of shortcomings German greater of degree course, not called TurItish peoples oimuG 9? QO but special mentioned other 0 have ethnic peoples The felt inferior service that 4 0 00 b e only members stated and the far-reaching handling and groups the occupied does policy pubAny inhaaltants independence prefer-71TM could not GE3M3 organizers, pe 5, "purely get recruiting recruiters they -beings. How Ciflo MIX) 251 MG) MMUS Cg ghgae 'MU induced reasons camps, plunder. wrote, that "the good confronted other hardly areas. groups being they lack of on/y the of after treatment unnoticed necessity and considered could Army homeland? 00 Ea2MiCil MIS) fit) GilagPM3 escape gkt only EEG Gum aia 03 CM mass. of tion fW3. His independent to B ituation aTEVElble. many battle many German hOrrorS ECC120 wonder, as battalion elements ce truom but, poli eye war, the must treated consider for service only Eastern after their own liberty volunteers for material prisoner-of-war get an opportunily Battalion Gommder organized, we constantly unsuperyisable, another diluted was until impenetrable, 42013 comment refers to Eastern Battalions earlier EEltern Legions increasingly threatening was deg:276ing had already during the course of 1942 SEARCH FOR his including 017170ffain East em that for only 1152 POLICY memorandum discussion wrotethat peoples her a Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010008-0 Germany own 'pretext 8 Cg of "With trie the ordinary slogan: enslave to methods." 1943 incalculable (organization contreenTeML started January in manner Eastern man 'Liberation the Eastern become October, flifiTnnt instinct had. soon ITV:A 0 1942, found from out also Bolshevism' peoples Ci? o according a Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010008-0 doubt ganda measure. only added referyed The not for and for Germany' others. verbally disregard with and and of who and for that imo order German openly CID conquered Germany bitter C33 WE' this Tama aims, intention should however, in increasing claimed pully territory V200 C3B CE30 enemies, economic and print the ESEMp exist airman propa- colonization, 2E83 0.53 ela Dutch, exploitation was carried EOM requirements greatest lack even NorAtglanst proclaYmed almost Dr. Brautigam U.S.S.R. had necessitated He addga educated the duties West. indigenous consideration. za5f) 97.i 032 cs 91133. point more MUG a U U Caa:0 by rAgard them I. the more war the 20 understanding the conquered laborer self-conscious- total a 0 population, populace the than Soviet highest degree 0 measures peoples and peasant, Bolshevism, soon percel that partners with equal rights, considered objectives of politregi ancieconomic tin disillusioned them indescribably, had pAtTa great hope in Germany. them only he 120 diary: still yersatio,ps, by erecting attfftude on said, since earl "Our May ved Germany Goebbels 03 OM emiQa&conquered QQO Fundamentally - ffl the policy ATTUed. Eastern should By has everyone 6th, 1942, puppet-governments, the part of Our areas. directed ammo enemy ment a Wan pocket Russian elaneral himself ckt.ptured &ter capture, controversial number 2033 mainly Goebbels at zeal Army Vlassov ems opinion to wrote gam secure pol!,ulation of of this ak did not alms, all his territories private con- we must seek, favoratile occupied convinced not more C1513 BZIshevism ail Ma cea wrote break battled 0:20 ment change the War EIJ t41)0 D300 a same 'Voikov and coy indeed,U In Aseault surrounded' Second somewhat Genera/ EiEcguao German groups later policy against movement German more than of the must tgand later, Vlassov German sought in headed 03, as U.S.S.R. carefully Army, tilat, "the EriVircle- Volkov commanded Vlassov destroyed. most Germans, Ecilo C3B2) became policy to. 'MD @Goole permit The the army of East. sato anti-Soviet aB 2MP 'ECG the so-called cons:Ian% because move- to Of "Vlassov effor.ts Ruesians Action., is of wemma eamso the U.S.S.R o. historical ae shows aka 0, basic CECEIZO U 0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010008-0 U a 0 0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/25 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010008-0 ? ? ? ? a ? 03- OTAW'rel 19420 made his ERE7 VLASSOV : 531312211 Russian generals including liev1751 the impression Soon after same captors. came official army capture OR!'e Ministry "I have 5tilo ce Sum the his first Hi/ger 'person, ance with Vlassov for AND HIS eliza PROGRAM prisoner commander40 s but .1 created taken that )13 considered observer, Affairs, doubt that Edwin Foreign A-ast decisive of course ZO3 CE1 event Erich sated by prisoner, of si gnificance. .German none EEO 1941 these Vlassotr of General and great Olo oze axa Dwinger moment QED conversation wrote that with calm. Vias soy 032 and that Effio colciplefriy Vlassov (August On system the is and Wo93 and Hilger by ail man va employment our favor. 7th, 19424) and forthright closer-acquaint- "Gerimal memorandum: appeared bllanced eco Inspired Oalin S.R. spiritual rserie position and force, counter-balance len -judgment, wrote burning persQfla11y0 Because because of 51 whole June hatred EB3 by ?CO 1943: Mg cVoaeo Vlassov a? certainly (20 Aecisi another favor document, appraisal,, probably v:i?Ows:- "General Via spov that typicallAy Dwingpr colored Stalin prestige and background suitable German made somewhat Is comes most from and a very his effectiveness religious. 0Even church, there by political of stratum Russian allqb . 1W771.1 any less persOn. vision era UM& his though can be considerations (for the farmer, .society of high basis by that Qtb his 000 aB geo Eag ao his Instrument Effort. Qadap weaken following personal 16 which man The genuinely akk, firitS3 doubt Redemption sympatE7 with has had very when consequemtly accordingly w0]. never 1).13 intelkigence and Russian naturally than people) terrible sufIllering a4. his 0lT1fe, In although He glory h5.1771ing rie by which is kind drive 0331109? Qi member motivated Egiti12013 clear-headed, mentions proudly High enjoyed. decisive Nor one mere and ? f after seeker become never willing has spite modest Slaves. polcal purchasable hirelings. Vlassov unknown Command, Hilger points the reput'ation of in military the quantity that, "as having pAlyed operations role preservation Of 1:A/." ? Moscow from German tag K ? for gm) Messianic origin people of this at not, and the soldier German Army outstanding and led to the the faIl which assault ? MEM 0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010008-0 0 9 B ? 1 0 0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010008-0 6 OR 0 Army, MOs cow. From October, Me& of nVolkov stubborn0 item ft eh) 1941, counter-attacked fi4.72 Leningrad Vlailsov spring Encirclement" east destruction (Ma? 9119 surrender. a spite prosperous the organization 1901, His of remairied career the ce cat hidden afio U.S. his og) zoo aka handicap who peasant entered adopted the Commander Military Fanl of 1940 made Kiev the best and completed Army Red milrifary' advisers 99th military commanded and advanced GEital 20th northwest scalloamo @Ea %In 905 army forest e0382. rea ZOO origin liquidate collective -most d training during 1:91GGlail2 District his disciplined promoted fo the and? after sOit agi and atOes the He for energetic and swamps forced cy CEEE00261420 831 qD9 son (V3 CI1 during Vlassov farms. was cap priesthood, MVO After that, SIDO 202, Division Civil spent Chiang Infantry 1939 was 41L113.ion unAga of "Major his participation "Lieutenant ft a as saying ?thank God could conversation es him making subsist would longest. Stalin. from won 0 Vlassov? described tions under carefully, his program0 judgment wardh Gener wi Spring pontitical Oka op in about early years and then but born QO CEO was stationed 1940. decorated for, being He Soviet Union. GeneraP about January the al. defense Dwingerii Vlassov of 1(942 many their by was Eta consequences the whom Vlassov? ideas, many they man idea errors Moscow, quoted gore the In In the was 3:941 , 0 Germans were ((Stalin) that this support .2ces tze forever, masses would masses ?, presented documents, tael wriqegg a3 which 'which Vlassov were wanted to Therefore, 4203:0 trusted unacceptable Without have achieved Vlassov? ideas some them because they the persuade tcil had German3in ea Ma modification anything, those wrote which worA, in power that Vlassov German 06 No Moreover, sought make possible. Thus, quite therefore, conclusion. aX3 correipt really a must Germane, the Germans guided order condi- stud adopt avoid Government. ideas those could Germans Id eas for logni_gamhevist but 0 who ideas not shared a palatable example, Dwinger and anti-capitalist 03 MD? M3 13 for 0 added, "An National 137;Cialist, 0 sense which 0 CEEEIVI Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/25 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010008-0 a a 0 a 0 0 a 0 o. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010008-0 , 0 who A APparent/y talked had forty-seven familiar the language sympathetic the ATM-ans. not officially everything In recently study Vlassov VIassov1 follows VIassov spent wi frankly MUG th to and Di] the that report RUssia, country, quite Vlassov Eiger summarizes "Vlassov, Hilger, was catastrophe of tqlgt the Russian people them the Blessing's P same written.fundamental that of 1941-42 there of that Ideas For Germans, which but regime Am believed would that Germans that the ECP332) Germans many taken place st1311 had from o2 purpose, not were because existed decisive other and ear4a man entirely warmly naturaaky, end him. did Russianst did posstbilities despotism they and democractic Vlassov making regime.. allied Mcn Germany defeat overthrow would eQue tro such Russia could Communist be achieve other Germans the and hand, would Russian Russiatls did cfailmsta because defeat sia part case until become of MMO freeing ; available himself any sympathy that time. inflicted o2 913 %Co Soviet goal. however, he succeed Thus, natural never people. were Red the Cle? position subjugate. a2.6" 0. Thease which canp the availlable importande VWastay the help of his first Russian could by the ciaft' represent convinced conquer coincide drawn from for allies, upon 'We3 STO with for Government deeply the thout danger although the time In for help population, the 4/71e a. honestly .Army Red and convinced ?raffia) being view, a Raw Germans anti- would gling country vast a a never and conclusions critical analysis It 810 oflg utmost points careful documentary material, rao emphasize that, considered German victory BRussian ani-Boriffe-Vist interview th Viassov not conceive how maitary forces ]*-g, foliniang made German August Ema successes Am Army. Vlassov powers of intended by Vlassov they of Russia a warned resistance. the German and another. from and any alone. of. Wel very beginning imposstble without In his army, Hilger Victory This the time series grave % wrote could report the Moe won stateMent greatest defeats againit underestimating In letter of ATFiet OommanderjEs-and jointly officer, Colonel the for Russian advantage distances, taking .endless 0 U a a 0 0 a , - - ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010008-0 of the German the Sov4ie4;t 3rd, 1042, composed Boyarski, peculiarities a tremendous a 0 a a - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/25 TaIA-RDP78-01617A005700010008-0 resources by :03 revolution and Terror, mca defense. patriotism Stalin prepared has There 02 gh3 EGUGI9 people voluntarily will compromise. exhausted under SOre @An formation CO CI SEX) Cn2Gla cgi &OW aka same A/lied Vlassov Germans. a representative According to would DX) aa.1 Ett resources possibility existing and and MEM supported eSeso and continue -possibili Internal circumstances. Vlassov EGE029 Vlassov 13th fOr CR formulated organizing a organization Atself 1943, Africa Northern offensiVa laa a? Ma spoke Germany German effective the in Mogilev is atla own proposals: Army and\ 91133 BO SO CCU ageZ9 gatiffig SO Os CR MOO Ca MG Tu1ko33 large VO3E7 soon, aria an CI fundamental much report Ministry Vlassov report, lose during the Stalingraa, smill circle and more for the war came tO grips pacificationlicy the occupied areas, armies change Pia believed population of war shortages. enslave a? S13 Russian the and ,by There available. forces effecti accomplish means was i Russa Stalin against Wirth without occupied based time front course If them Germany speeph E 'dirt"! rn brought about made by Territories. opinion cooperation and thereon, of 0:? systematic Germany must material cherilrihed should be made intentions cegar undermining lose and to all authoritative still Vlaasov vely words Valuable still sufficient felt It- German feeling They Would, enslavement objectl of however, to and regarded it 'ZCIO honor wanted however, under Russian 02 gka Vlassov 20i000,?00-0 ciFfidlians Would Bolshevism. Renaissance which believed using German certainly He tgal Russian policy tt3 was The know corresponding non.-BaraTist possible JEMo personnel colonize concerned deeds. C20 essential his ataamo %Ica role SID who circumstances people. that could aniTEboviet With liberate handt. possible felt iiiirej the create Russian Vlassov Occupied z the iaE63 among would areas. problem German however, satisfy the sharply had., knew and forces these use To explain had the national play. any would oppose army prisoner! help Russia fundamental lrails wind a) a eiteffle2a however, there " 'For a and believed from for c.),t.A19-Y nafTUER1 such defined honor. CR had his "Wfterences leadership. German methods own that reason 0 o reap experiences CE? opinion wanted 0. SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/25 : CIA:RDP78-01617A005700010008-0 U 9 " - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010008-0 .8! - EM233 favorable objective genius." a rearth their national Germany bu Reich0 decision mind adaed Rusdiao honor, lid new from the called that he The and, Fae.hrer. Hitler El hoped Hitler Russians, having BoXibriVism alliance Obviously leader of would would Nevertheless, shortly after his of great enthusiasm point Officers az besides can great make this possible received 15Mk Europe Vlassov unified capture Russian close realized elce among course the (Vlassov Germans. various dominion and even a 'O side state if%er fqg.16P BoyarsIEW independent Russian conceivable other temporary o2uaToo c9 and. prospect would not himself th ci? WM Ma August, of the =dm 1942, revival mentioned "The conversation "replied colony solutions wrote, Cluata and acceptaa protectorate, military ce permanent German EiDagloutEralei6lamo Soo Emecemeemo %ma compromise no longer cleariy had Germans. he the for eel possible understood CE10 05s02 Cio VLASSOV ci officers In some Soviet there e mama Ce occupation.88? protected" permission PROJECT aMatial period, Territories ? delay for Eastern several memorandum and Prppaganda i-h- Project,)" (VLASSOV months of entitledg @fil the @mum was the General "Development q0D EtiCa COMO 91M and discusses ceSiso oft9 once cgs ffin disposition "there a Forces the Vlassov appeared Germans sincere \blase?, 83 8o event, his for solution ACTION') project to acceptable 02 'Rao opposition qui g0 effective, Vlassov Project. EaSe (96E0 Ministry resulting Ed? dated Situation FZIA of situation. Vlassov had for oczi m0 game esose mace mg ulaa cze t Saff decided, Uath Armed Forces High the Winter time Options C12 Chief propaganda pldh propagandtfroject "from a basic platform for tion. 4filth0 "Russian beside for Germany however s that Hrgh Command 0 against more G3arficao project Commi Bolshevism. to Vlassov ttee" 1942 placed war Military (Vlassov 01943, himself ce Bolshevism 17942 ', against 0 ail September, success ,that Armed the Publ. permission Commapd, toinclude i942 c 1943 ainaCEB:b wrote ll summoned It soon c2 reasataq exivi cEe than decision Q major provide _.e proclamd- to ffat apparent, Forces of became Armed plan ci 0 a Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010008-0 , ci a Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010008-0 4 EUEOR a propaganda. that the Ministry project favorable' authorize the most memorandum Eastern until gte memorandum a Command Territories middle of January passed. Since in constant ffea opportunity did had conti-nued,3 had been striking The Territories Rosenberg. success0 oppositOn of the closely Illnked Rosenberg Great Russian, Project partition and afraid ProjApI, ditfTEUlt, was As Ministry to the foremost Sal CO the making glcsta too Germans Russia0 had an:decide the pendent. among Russia. rule by and for stated tira after then, operation, the Eastern polrftical coriniTrd Vlassov he views Vlassov CEV future considerable Vlassov for his and would become of Russia negotiation program maintained ft wishe? d to remain concerning himself unlimited riga oelTera for was accordingly Russian a Great 0 between more ,0 a Vlassov in itself whether other peoples of In Mafia,. 1943, TIED EEND order rterminationationality strn ai EIX7 ElICEI'GWEE/ n other things, there force0 right iagn MS) Da great Caucasus will 110P1 self-determination. REG Russia he or issued following words8 national receive its become draaratiop ?In and and a entlrelY In union neither will Russian fuay sacrifices. general understood In were * 10 0 separated the Ministry from consent months opinion made declared eXia Russia particular involved, &GERD EGO aX3203B for the Wow effisia Russia propaganda Rosenberg and Vlassov declaration November dealing a Danger Forces High According declaration 90 inde- wEiche new suppression nbr nafirdial Aberty various would conversations have Ukraine and Rosenberg all costs. In Territories finallay exploitation Vlassov, favorable Vlassov had Rosenberg? ces wanted make elma ' ina areas its few gave A changed zaVelb 18, declaration Europe?" 0 a movement parallraled much 1944, Command, ED menace could peoples members only who Rosenberg tled, MOM Vlassov Propaganda Vateoov Rosenberg, that "The East Europe0 nu'll'ified belong and 0 Vlassov new Peoples. .more COWS) sent "Is had Hitler National to ideas. OMB Division acknowledged in united Single that the 1943. grIg a, considered Caa bloc larger peoples entered organ ion and Into report Russia Armed this bloc, groups menace' CS MX/ order European U ---- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010008-0 a a 4,1 _ Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010008-0 @ELM Under prepared realltity cultural only Russia. Rosenbergt statement such circumstances, gin 'Max) surrender would be not nergies So (32 western This ideas. helped gla (Mime actacfin 'Ma Ukraine 6maalir surrender, since lands would. all Europe and Caucasus the be Europe declaration ta0 After Project had Vlassov movement language issaa Cin Whether van was ae CID was Rosenberg' interruption became been newspaper maniftl3to publication formation only existed Vlassov Russia: tilleoe 13 Pointsou o * his and speak speeches Russians stated: given caked in gko obvious would economic and availTble and hence adaptation coliamaa c )3. 0 ffesco active again the means "ZARa" ig:20 3rd Russian paper. also form support more not, the for months, f43. January to publish ("The Dawn" Open Letter this also Vlassov Russian Vlassov this C13 CM March, Committee. disclosed "Smolensk so7called Finally public June "This trick, viewpoint, eyes the made who propaganda enemy? before 1943, This and Oal proclaimed committee, program for Program" Vlassov also eiB Assemblies very them0 deep heard memorandum Vlassov has Mr) however, the future "Vlassavt occupied on impression (32 (ED Project, stimulated Armed permitted OSGOOD 'EW both and Germans ElacO0 amcolzeo _Forces memorandum concerning great the reports described had been. so MD ce , o 911a ciEta5ki eau caisacc cal SD spectre was Command begun which CO movement threatening eaz82 tze included show made "TtiTa been appendix of how large deep upon make the number rendered resist tendency impression Russian-soldiera, quite evident that toward that reports that the I. some project, Vlassov received Vlassov eiza order" recommend, the effect of aroused. enemies, Saa from C3 from pages which propaganda fronts Manifesto memorandum materrki demoralization enemy? power strengthened. desertion suggest compesers umganda greatest attention and neutrals in has 00 of the abroad: 6 which has continued, assistance Of been they memorandum "The Vlassov our aYlies, April and has Russian weakened did dare the descrtbed. will and Project among months our Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP78-01617A-005700010008-0 a 111.01??????Mi.e.,_ (Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010008-0 led if general skillfully BEM 92 sa;) efi3 opinion continued Efin Vlssov Ma time slim w gob Eon a 9 0 into by Germany' Movement among Germany them favor. moms Ili' Me .2- MOW give COUld conttinued, memorandum movement Command awa%sov started by the Vlas considerable difficulties, project effectively 3 would to an Vlassov not only for propaganda leading position in real influence upon very the continue so gi activity 43 and him other On beginning dlearrOon ailbt aCtivi QED In have SECRET project, decisiveive however0 was Project order been purposes, fiTld of recruitment, 9aGC3 CO 910 DLOgC3B 9 aeOZW0 893 propaganda to lose mere effectiveaspe. forVaden paponers-of-war Manifesto Of sele project among Russian Vlassole Moreover, the occupied wheSh measure, effect and proof that The Germans, oilease was the cl? volunteers. propaganda, The areas. "well generally *Mile broken Command "Recently because doubt Elk3 The known EDO not memorandum Sr) the considered project _promises Staff Mom aco 02 En co asi co So Tra was also 2:03 but poli organization had necessary tical Germany German allowed said that enemy6catia only 3 propaganda 031 o public aroused since.nIty. circuate fhis boomeranged reported, been increase unfulfilled honesty of warned propaganda by arKffr OgO incalculabiepu delay Geo enemy Project C. Project memorandum further may bring are 800,000 that approximately Eastern Troops, Is founded desertions Manifesto, altuation German the The and. Still, opposition opinion that decisively 0 that "the eVentual and the. promises German claims, negative CO 000 opportunities coAapse of the concluded that *the reversals perhaps, unmistakable, Russians so promises. a DECISION are propaganda great development dependert 0 when German for cuezme these arguments of the Nrtzi exponents High Command upon did gag a 0 gre not of voices ofifered Vias soy dangers VAssov ?2023 considers service encouraging VlITSsov guerriAa-warfare realization of 033 the the 0 that as, Russian a serve colonial Ignored, break -5611cya were the ? , down "s0 0 0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/25 : CIA-RDP78-01.617A005700010008-0 1 U 0 a ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010008-0 ? ei4 a o , ? 0 efforts Russih that was figures hoifiaity Vlassov." Ribbentrop, experts. who strongly Rosenberg late, November, 1944, time, one the greatest opponents Relahsfuehfer SS Rimier. He of the FTEhrer? Rnaquarter's and the toward Vlassov of the because witelMt Vlassov person subjected statement help seemed to defeatism. April, explanation fEia such they ? Cr153 by not would of both 1943, Ribbentrop tical actions that a influenced ppinted of and these leading tglreatest General other expressed emproyment RUWWWWOUTd For that reason, HiTler U II Hitler, of and MEM' Out:, efforts. strong be not and eg929 listening Vlassov Object, not sign conquered support of of cra 02133 NUM? fraternization moreover, Finally directivez 1) The rectukment a under would 0:2032551 _ national to worthless; between commented undertaken; only and weakness. their people considered Hitler commi volunteers. "Vlassov for must S never prouganda further stated that the condition no seriously the lures Vlassov Programi:" 0 issued again ' side of he did was This placed BerAn. veiltors, Alk further merely ended contained may German in the appear following tx) used 0 Vlassov object authority 13 point s for occupied 9 Project, 0 it but .1 a3 ea eng co ma 'Eth flOuca house arrest idiowed and prohtbi Vlassov propaganda, of 'ars Vladsov and only ted matter Russian Vlassov, 9121 Project. had a from misuse basis logically opMeTits could a _ ? name, remain restricted ih a only Vlassov engaging until the himself suburb number any actlUaagb 'of 170440 Autumn views, Hitler :colitaliTOWtion his honorable Stalin reconciled and had regime, his handled th wi such political ideas. ',MEM ---- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010008-0 a Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010008-0 a 9 9 . ? gEl OB q DOD dare EGO MaatCOR EitEP 010 030 19th COMM employ Eastern gb2034 OMB 947 CE0 but had Efin 1943, members Hitler said cg foreign 'cm day-1E143ra, ROsenberg, the 303:0 Territories people their policy patently ,all authorities3 dougt but that any people. U a 0 to There R.OTA. by applied Nbne 035 zoo tx) meg.% used which ? time arrived his Vlassov Army -work had CE? CCM for they people, and only Germans Eil:13 ? asaaa Vlassov been purely propagandistic. was Army u.ntl. then. OnIy the (Russian S4 Liberation) elcisfFd ...r_ , the German propaganda desi,gnate Russian integrated into the the who for: without against himself they Ministry khew Vlassov his ?? ? allowed Ca' ffilD SEED name. and to German Some ag"etkazo the fortifications wElle mffl o were areas (such Movement0 Russians wfth the were tzrea consisting . persona expedttions Yugoslavia) and pent F4rance work Construction Organizationi the Caucasus and funitive in used Others from against non-Russian French Resittance guerrilla bands against Soviet conduaT*Iemselves 21ke bandits0 the lo4Witiation. 6137TZt held Vlastov and )1(113 movement last Meta stia functioned kartisans snd openly The latter hated by cleverly propaganda resporaWle today Oder very for among Itself ? ? ? /YEW? this among group, SECOND ? CP. 5 02U in combat, headquarters, the heavy German well group, Russian VLASSOV ? and PROJECT charge groups, even ep_the emigre possibly afAer efght opinion justified These Von situation developed 1944. In Normandy 93.913 accosking ".11AllY battles, regiments. satisfied with interest ail into consequence, volunteers become yet Vlassov again apparent, the formation 5 particularly . S. 50.11. Allied landing in Hirttalions which FMTFETFA and fought bravely were integrated- Rommel were both As Eastern of the themselves batalions RundsiTa showing employment reasons advised the Russean Army and made0 of possible awakened. For TEB Aier of ? now the ? which employment of tlberation. 0 have not of U eatimigu o Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP78-016.17A005700010008-0 ? a 5 ? ? ? ? ? 1 a 0Q " Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010008-0 Concerning this comparatively little However, mgo lack new Project meo turned was the a 0- course second a Vlassov documentary flo tuci ?of 4013 not clearly CE? Germany,' November, the People of Vlassov, On published Committee zation, Tetline Great though German 0 ZE19 favor. 1944, Rtts ala November Prague. actually was 14th Project materidi importance far decisi Tr5W-7P there available. undertaken could longer Committee formed existed -once Rosen. erg shared minorities conduct 9 0 039. cia03 more fears tendencies. and for under because, been Liberation 2Pgaer,ship Committee Manifesto 8@ f520 time certain various these affairs who Vlassov C220 833 G recei Of divisions. It ended, defense the Czechoslovakia, then Aberated 4:1:10 built Up not C3 difficulties Vlassov committees apprehensions Germany lay position permission these eip two action Oder only only and fiction; organi- good arose movement c3 EZezream glOo EN1 time overcome orders 21D had national ? opposttion. however, organize before formed CUD MO CZ Ea0 'once Prague from Karlsbad, Fuessen Mae gaiCe et0 =130 9k3157 arrived. ascertained, and :position AVIA be forthcoming perate. They knew Russia. Nevertheless question supporters of Germany have shared from Providence. what Germans. and remained not ac German. dii vsion sides changed Vlassov afterwards 'Bavaria untk remains become was ellTaady Hitri71 0 iga and far 14th American fit) active at 01203 hopeless. Certainly insane belief Their from Project indicate Wrirtern C not that Ailies &go ao ugel contact tion bearing I ty great only hoped and gain confirmed what CD a a side, and Moge can Aprll? troops motivated time expect may gesture to assume Tice of despair. establish connections their support. %tea situation V/assov they would help des- victorious last by VlasSov during by Vlassov's further Hilger, the Prague tend to there caution, coacen who division substantiate document nevertheless Ca elg remained C Soviet VI assay sourdes MEI Ma in period. The and Vlassov? close ltbera- this Mad 002030S1911130 must MEd assumption. at be tred ? with EarEM511 a Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010008-0 it? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010008-0 a document a agent, organization. 1945, German report collected made report, describes general ofapers. about German common it:Wers. even One by information who; Vlassov Ms% we cutKeala lifla conversation the conversation0 general asked Vlas fight preseneeof officers Nblassov , ?g contrary Western common have lead AAles fight the had his from against reported fight expiected would Powers against Intention, in case Switzerland which ao 22nd VaAssov number supposed to According opinion 0 'elk) soy "Entente, aan against that soon German and had co March - with WOMB Wit) told report, concerning Western aDGb 42D23 replied 9128 Entente aealaya:03 Cla coincide Bolshevism0 troops there. into MAW GEGMBII9Im3 such a dependable Vlassov extreme and report it source0 although because as is partially confirmed is that only significant, Vlassov 2170 CHF/ CX3 acted accordance DIV struggle GE? E2ercilmo Qo Dia a with case, German As the "our and was that, tire and ground even of cca said emergencY, them to offer cannot does from that agent, cerifron a in lin-regime con "r against eka understood 83 go 2, a 0003 cte os1 En) a quarter Vlassov have grown prevented a a from a? great century of movement have of regarded C ertain other there but of them0 historical Soviet were considerable doing a rule, sources0 gvitdence contrary ELS value What ao eci Zaeo on what and importance such pheno and that ffirseb Moe could possible, proportions German policy. they 0, t;'44 b? it cl.r_stu 0 , ? rs- 01-:liar. 70% I'S 7?01 Apr 77 19itla Tile_aLnaISA- _ ? amato; had been C C a 0. 1 mena 474... 0 ,;611116Atfr C \, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP78-01617A005700?010008-0 0 C 0