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?r,x1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/04: CIA-RDP88T00091 R000500100001-1 Director of TO Central Intelligence National Intelligence Daily Wednesday 25 March 1987 25X14 -top mcm CPAS ID 87-069JX 25 March 1987 Declassified in Part-Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/04: CIA-RDP88T00091 R000500100001-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/04: CIA-RDP88T00091 R000500100001-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/04: CIA-RDP88T00091 R000500100001-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/04: CIA-RDP88T00091 R000500100001-1 Contents Ten Secret Italy: Andreotti Abandoning Bid To Form Government .............. 5 Mozambique: Status of Insurgency ............................................ 6 West Germany-USSR: Visit to Moscow ...................................... 8 Nordic States: Stalling on Nuclear-Free Zone ............................ 8 Sri Lanka: Insurgents Strike Back .............................................. 9 China-US: Trying To Sidestep FMS Program .............................. 10 China-Portugal: Agreement on Macau ........................................ 10 India: Failure of New Space Launch Vehicle ................................ 11 Special Analyses Central America: Reactions to the Arias Peace Plan ................ 13 Spain: Gonzalez Government Under Fire .................................... 15 L025X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/04: CIA-RDP88T00091 R000500100001-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/04: CIA-RDP88T00091 R000500100001-1 Iq Next 5 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/04: CIA-RDP88T00091 R000500100001-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/04: CIA-RDP88T00091 R000500100001-1 ITALY: Andreotti Abandoning Bid To Form Government Prime Minister-designate Andreotti's apparent abandonment of his efforts to form a new government will move Italy one step closer to a national election. According to press accounts, Andreotti, a Christian Democrat, will return his mandate to President Cossiga today unless the Socialists agree to his proposals for averting the referendums on civilian nuclear energy and judicial reform currently scheduled for 14 June. The Socialists yesterday, however, strongly reiterated their position that the referendums be held. Comment: Cossiga prefers to avoid early elections and, over the next few days, may ask another Christian Democrat or a leader of one of the smaller coalition partners to seek to form a government to lead the country until the election scheduled for next year. He could also toy with the idea of forming a government of "technicians" drawn from outside the party leaderships Any effort undertaken by Cossiga to preserve the current parliament however, is likely to founder. The Christian Democrats will be reluctant to offer another candidate and will oppose any governing formula that does not involve cancellation of the referendums-their party expects it would suffer embarrassing defeats on both issues. The Socialists, for their part, will continue to insist on holding the referendums and on other demands lust as unacceptable to the Christian Democrats. Should Cossiga conclude he has no choice but to dissolve parliament, as seems likely, the Socialists and Christian Democrats will clash on the leadership of an interim government and over the timing of an election. The Socialists will demand that Prime Minister Craxi remain in office through the election and that the vote be held in late June, allowing him to reap publicity benefits from hosting the Western economic summit in Venice earlier that month. The Christian Democrats will insist that Craxi be replaced by a Christian Democrat, or a national leader such as a Senate President Fanfani, and that the vote be held no later than the end of May to ensure cancellation of the referendums Top Secret K 25X1 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/04: CIA-RDP88T00091 R000500100001-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/04: CIA-RDP88T00091 R000500100001-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/04: CIA-RDP88T00091 R000500100001-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/04: CIA-RDP88T00091 R000500100001-1 Top Secret MOZAMBIQUE: Status of Insurgency talks with the RENAMO guerrillas. Fighting in north-central Mozambique has been heavy over the past month, and President Chissano appears committed to a military solution despite rumors of government plans to begin limane recently captured two towns along the Zambezi River, and sma i _ in the major towns they captured last month, a - - a e en route to the towns now occupied by a_ weweans, according to US Embass Provinces over the pV~e-'M-'Ch;oorr.4~_ the US Embassy. The insurgents have overrun se ye_ Ziml can unit into Malawi, ,aJJpGa44W"1 Try headquarters and seriously damaged_s__omeeconomic targets. They also attacked_ imba'bw" and Tanzanian positions along the Zambezi ;, ver" n Iicting light casualties and driving a small negotiations. -LMuwTwbAe'~the South African press and Mozambican exiles claim that Maputo is considering talks with RENAMO, possibly to clear the way for emergency food deliveries to the interior. In several recent public statements, however, Chissano has strongly rejected entering likelihood of RENAMO reoccupying those towns. them. A Zimbabwean withdrawal would significantly increase the Comment: Fighting will remain heavy throughout north-central Mozambique during the dry season, which runs from April to November. In a departure from past practice, Zimbabwean troops have remained in liberated towns, suggesting an increased military commitment and a lack of confidence in the Mozambicans' ability to hold territory. The Zimbabwean units are vulnerable to attacks and supply problems, however, and Harare may soon decide to withdraw prospects for its amnesty program. Chissano is unlikely to enter into serious negotiations or agree to a "food truce" with RENAMO because he wants to avoid boosting the insurgents' legitimacy. Maputo may initiate exploratory contacts, however, as part of its counterinsurgency strategy to exploit increasing divisions within the insurgent movement and to improve Top Secret 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 75X1 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/04: CIA-RDP88T00091 R000500100001-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/04: CIA-RDP88T00091 R000500100001-1 Iq Next 1 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/04: CIA-RDP88T00091 R000500100001-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/04: CIA-RDP88T00091 R000500100001-1 Top Secret West German President von Weizsaecker and Foreign Minister Genscher have accepted a Soviet invitation to visit Moscow in early May, according to press reports. Soviet officials earlier claimed they had told West German interlocutors that a presidential visit and a formal apology by Chancellor Kohl for his comparison of General Secretary Gorbachev and Nazi propaganda minister Goebbels last October were necessary before Kohl could visit Moscow or Gorbachev would travel to Bonn, Comment: Bonn probably believes the invitation is confirmation that Moscow is moving to improve relations after Kohl's speech to the Bundestag last week, even though that address included no apology. The Soviets may continue to show their displeasure, however, by offering no commitment on any visit by Kohl or Gorbachev and giving preferential treatment to other West German leaders such as Genscher, who has strongly praised current Soviet domestic reforms. Both sides will use the visit to express support for an INF agreement and for expanding East-West trade. They also may conclude bilateral agreements on nuclear energy and environmental cooperation NORDIC STATES: Stalling on Nuclear-Free Zone At their twice-yearly meeting in Reykjavik this week, the Foreign Ministers of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden probably will again defer creating a high-level working group to study the establishment of a Nordic Nuclear-Weapons-Free Zone. Comment: Sweden and Finland will push hard for the working group, which they see as a necessary step toward reaching a consensus on creating a nuclear-free zone. Iceland-the strongest opponent of a zone-will seek to block movement on this issue at least until the Foreign Ministers' meeting in August. The Danes, sensitive to perceptions that the smaller Nordic states are being bullied by their larger partners, will probably support Iceland. If an intergovernmental working group were created, some believe it would only serve to "study the issue to death" while keeping it from the purview of more radical parliamentary committees Top Secret 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 X 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/04: CIA-RDP88T00091 R000500100001-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/04: CIA-RDP88T00091 R000500100001-1 Top Secret Recent Attacks by Tamil Insurgents Gulf of Mannar Indian Ocean 0 50 Kilometers i ~ ICI I ~ I~ 0 50 Miles Insurgent attacks Palk Bay Tamil- Bay Of Bengal 0 Vavuniya. inhabited nsurgent attack Medawachchiy / Serunewab- rea Anuradhapura fSinhal(se villagers Bay bssacred r \ of I Bengal Sinlja a inhabited area r' .% % NEW DELHI Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/04: CIA-RDP88T00091 R000500100001-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/04: CIA-RDP88T00091 R000500100001-1 and capturing eight, and 25 Sinhalese villagers are said to have been killed by Tamil militants in the North Central Province. Government spokesmen claim the insurgents are seeking to provoke attacks by Army positions on the Jaffna Peninsula, killing at least ive soldiers to-pzrt, the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam have attacked five attacks against government installations since Ton Secret SRI LANKA: Insurgents Strike Back ~ The largest Tamil insurgent group in Sri Lanka has launched at least security forces. Comment: The Tamil attacks, probably aided by recent arms deliveries from India, are the first in nearly two months and mark a shift from the insurgents' strategy of "fading away" instead of engaging government forces. Their initial success suggests that the Tigers' capabilities were not seriously hurt by recent government military operations. New Delhi probably hopes to get negotiations egaim bye and will raise objections if Colombo's retaliation causes si nificant Tamil civilian casualties. Top Secret 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/04: CIA-RDP88T00091 R000500100001-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/04: CIA-RDP88T00091 R000500100001-1 200 of the new fighters during the early 1990s. in order to avoid extending the already lengthy, expensive Foreign Military Sales procedure Beijing reportedly plans to produce about CHINA-US: Trying To Sidestep FMS Program The Chinese recently askedra/firm for help in placing Aderavionics technology intended for their F-8-2 fighter into a new-generation fighter aircraf hopes to make use o e avionics after completing the F-8-2 program Comment: Using the avionics package designed for the F-8-2 in the new aircraft will be impossible unless the company gaining the F-8-2 contract installs the package; no other firm will have access to the package's software documentation. FMS rules prevent Beijing from choosing the company to provide the F-8-2 avionics, but the Chinese may hope to encourage a low bid from that firm by suggesting future will travel to Beijing next month to sign the joint declaration between China and Portugal, which this week produced the agreement to return Macau to Chinese administration on 20 December 1999. Portuguese Prime Minister Cavaco Silva reportedly CHINA-PORTUGAL: Agreement on Macau Beijing has acceded to Lisbon's request that Macanese and local Chinese entitled to Portuguese citizenship be allowed to hold Portuguese as well as Chinese passports, according to press reports. That issue was the focus of the fourth and final round of negotiations recognize the Portuguese passports only as travel documents. Comment: The terms of Macau's transfer are likely to be modeled after the Sino-British Joint Declaration on Hong Kong, but Macau lags far behind Hong Kong in preparations to train local Chinese to administer the territory. The Macau Government will probably implement a program in the interim to facilitate the transfer of administration to local Chinese and Macanese, in part to prevent a flight of Portuguese passport holders to Portugal. China's apparent concession on passports conflicts with its nationality law-citizens of China cannot hold dual nationality-and Beijing probably will Top Secret X25' X I 25X1 LDAI Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/04: CIA-RDP88T00091 R000500100001-1 7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/04: CIA-RDP88T00091 R000500100001-1 Too Secret India: Augmented Space Launch Vehicle Top Secret Fourth stage Spacecraft Heat shield Third stage Second stage First stage Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/04: CIA-RDP88T00091 R000500100001-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/04: CIA-RDP88T00091 R000500100001-1 Too Secret X 25X1 INDIA: Failure of New Space Launch Vehicle The highly publicized first launch of India's new space booster-the Augmented Space Launch Vehicle-ended in failure yesterday, Comment: The failure marks another political problem for Prime Minister Gandhi, who attended the launch. It is also a setback for India's space program; the last launch was in April 1983, and the future of the program depends in part on the success of this space vehicle. The new vehicle can carry a payload three times the weight of that carried by India's older booster and is intended to test hardware for India's next-generation, larger launch vehicle. The next launch, carrying a West German multispectral optical sensor, was scheduled for early next year; it,now may be delayed. 25X1 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/04: CIA-RDP88T00091 R000500100001-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/04: CIA-RDP88T00091 R000500100001-1 Top Secret Americas Europe Chile's two main labor onfederations staging peaceful, antigovernment protest y, I ,IS EwWa-s , ro^^r+ .. first such effort by labor since 198,3.:. major demonstrations unlikely, but slum area violence, numerous arrests possib e. Some violence likely during.todstrike by Ecuadorean workers protesting government's- austerity measures ...pftists seeking impeachment of President Febres-Cordero ... poesibte to ... extensive security measures taken. Large arms cache discovered recently in northern Chile, a ... includes M-16 ammunition, rocket-propelled grenades .. same items similarly found last year ... terrorists may still have significant amounts of hidden arms. British Labor leader Kinnock confirms party would keep US missiles pending INF agreement but would remove them within five years ... statement aimed to reassure leftwingers yet make Kinnock look reasonable during US visit opening tomorrow.) South African railworkers' strike spreading ... now i 11,000 blacks ... bombing at Soweto train station nvolves h4errdnq' apparently strike-related ... Pretoria's authorization dismissals may provoke clashes with security forces. Y of summar Uganda last week agreed to broad World Bank, IMF reform package, according to US Embassy ... Kampala unlikely to meet terms of accord as political, security sit a Bomb blast Amy in Lahore, Pakistan, killed six, injured 52, target was meeting of anti- ,Shia Sunni fundamentalists ... no evidence of Afghan involvement ... incident will increase local Shia-Sunni tensions. Tunisian arrested for bombing Djibouti restaurant frequented by French soldiers may have been recruited by radical Palestinian group ... it has ties to Lebanese Armed Revolutionary Faction, whose terrorist leader remains jailed in Paris. Top Secret 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 IL 25X1 a 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/04: CIA-RDP88T00091 R000500100001-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/04: CIA-RDP88T00091 R000500100001-1 Top Secret Key Provisions of the Current Contadora Draft Treaty and the Arias Peace Plan Officially would take effect when ratified by all five Central American countries but would prohibit actions that would "frustrate" the purpose of the treaty in the interim. Would create a Verification and Control Commission on security matters (VCC) made up of four members proposed by the Contadora mediators and approved by each Central American country. Calls for democratic, representative, pluralistic political systems in accordance with national laws. Would guarantee equal conditions for all political parties to participate in election, with guaranteed access to mass media. Would create commission consisting of the Secretaries General of the UN and the OAS and Foreign Ministers of the Contadora Group and the Support Group. Each country facing an armed insurgency is to form a National Commission for Reconciliation and Dialogue consisting of representatives from the government, the internal political opposition, the Catholic Church, and the Inter-American Human Rights Commission. Within six months, the Central American Presidents are to meet to evaluate progress in executing the treaty. Upon signature, parties in conflict in each country are to begin a cease-fire. Each government is to begin a dialogue with all unarmed internal opposition groups and increase the democratic, representative, and pluralistic nature of its political system. Within 60 days, governments are to declare a general amnesty for insurgents and political prisoners; to restore freedoms of association, assembly, and speech; and to guarantee free access to mass media. During the first six months of next year, each government is to hold free, open, and democratic elections to choose representatives to a new regional parliament and, after that, equally free elections for positions at all levels of government in accordance with existing election schedules. Treaty unclear on exact timing but apparently upon signature Within 60 days of signing, the five Central American would require the five Central American countries to begin governments are to begin negotiations on the control and negotiations to determine "reasonable" levels of arms and reduction of their current weapons inventories and on the troops. After ratification, parties apparently must suspend all number of their military forces. military purchases except ammunition and spare parts. Within 60 days, the VCC would suggest limits and a schedule for reductions. If agreement is not reached, the VCC's proposals are to be implemented and, over a long term, restrictions on foreign military advisers, bases, and exercises are to be lifted. (Continued) Too Secret Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/04: CIA-RDP88T00091 R000500100001-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/04: CIA-RDP88T00091 R000500100001-1 Top Secret Special Analysis CENTRAL Reactions to the Arias Peace Plan AMERICA: Costa Rican President Arias's Central American peace plan has failed to gain more than lukewarm support in the region since he proposed it in mid-February. The Contadora mediators and Nicaragua are likely to try to fold it into the existing Contadora draft treaty. Arias is optimistic that his proposal will either force the Sandi nist s-to e$tablish a democratic system or-if Managua refuses to do -help $ to b ild an international consensus not to oppose incr ed.. broad international backing. Core Four Disunity` little enthus' sm to try again. Arias has failed to unite the other reore Four countries-Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala' behind his plan. US diplomatic reporting indicates that Honduras and E( Salvador have major objections to the vague military provisions of'his proposal. Tegucigalpa seems especially concerned that the call for an immediate cease-fire between governmentsrand insurgents,in Central America would cause the Contras to retreat to their border camps in Honduras. Attempts by the Core Fou o meet to coordinate changes in the Arias plan have failed so far; Honduran officials have told theUS Embassy there is bepause Nicaraguan President Ortega was not present. Cerezo is Guatemalan PresidentACerezo, at a meet' g of the Core Four in February, refused to agree tothe plan anning to visit Managua soon to discuss the plan, according toAhe S Embassy in Guatemala City. He has consistently avoided pressi Managua for significant concessions. Honduras and El Salvador probably fear t ia ra-and Cerezo are more interested in promoting themselves as regional statesmen than in devising a peace plan acceptable to other Central American democracies. The US Embassy in San Jose reports Arias wants to include politicians of known pro-Sandinista sympathies in a delegation he intends to send to Managua to discuss both his plan ,and the Central American summit scheduled later this spring in Guatemala. Top Secret 25X1 25X1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/04: CIA-RDP88T00091 R000500100001-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/04: CIA-RDP88T00091 R000500100001-1 Top Secret Key Provisions of the Current Contadora Draft Treaty and the Arias Peace Plan (Continued) Would prohibit all political, military, financial, and Upon signature, all external aid to insurgents in the logistic assistance to groups seeking the removal or region is to end. Each government is to reaffirm its destabilization of other governments. Would'direct each commitment not to provide safehaven or military government to devote all available means to deny such assistance of any kind to groups trying to destabilize groups use of its territory. (No time period stipulated.) other countries. Would suspend all international military exercises for 90 Not covered. days after final ratification. Would allow one exercise per year until the parties agree on limitations on arms and military forces, after which exercises with forces _ from outside Central America would be prohibited. Only minor restrictions on national exercises. Controls would be lifted if an arms limitation agreement were not reached. Would eliminate all foreign military advisers within 180 Not covered. days of signing. The VCC is to propose limits on the number of technical advisers to be permitted in the future. Controls are to be lifted if an arms limitation agreement is not reached. Would eliminate all foreign military bases and foreign Not covered. military schools within 180 days of signing and prohibit the establishment of new ones. Controls would be lifted if an arms limitation agreement were not reached. - - Top Secret Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/04: CIA-RDP88T00091 R000500100001-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/04: CIA-RDP88T00091 R000500100001-1 Tom Secret IThe Contado roup has already issued .ate, unique pr isia n.g some ele is of the Arias plan as beneficial to the broader--peace pr-oceis~;. The Sandinistas initially were wary of the plan, probably because they were excluded from the early negotiations. In recent weeks, however, Managua has announced it will attend the meeting in Guatemala and would accept several key provisions of the proposal-including dialogue with the unarmed domestic opposition and freedom of the press-if it were integrated into the Contadora process. The Core Four will probably try to negotiate a united position in the coming weeks in an effort to counter Contadora and Nicaraguan maneuverings. To hold the initiative at least until the five Central American presidents meet in Guatemala, Arias is likely to pay greater attention to Honduran and Salvadoran security concerns, but he probably will not allow changes that would obviously give the Sandinistas an excuse to reject the plan. er-e~; 41~r Eeux_ via-the S and-ol pear-ing be-o ssirc cting-the-peace-p d Ag W,st.wac-aa425X1 President Ortega's public offer last week to drop Nicaragua's objections to US military bases and exercises in Central America- long a sticking point in the Contadora negotiations-is a sign that the Sandinistas are again trying to portray _the Core Four's demands as the sole obstacles to a settlement. n poin-ts MM-an~ague-prvbabiy hopes. tbat$aiAi v process,wouid-cei p-lwate US efforts t~ cor~#iraaue r~a~i -rniritMy aid4e-the~Con r? was andlbat-it wo afs s-ta e o w a i ees as the ,possibiltyo d:i c~fUS~military ~nterv_ent on. 25X1 Top Secret 14 25 March 1987 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/04: CIA-RDP88T00091 R000500100001-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/04: CIA-RDP88T00091 R000500100001-1 Top Secret Special Analysis SPAIN: Gonzalez Government Under Fire For the first time in his five-year tenure, Spain's Socialist Prime Minister Gonzalez faces widespread popular discontent over social and economic policies. He remains strong politically, but local elections scheduled for this spring may prompt him to use the negotiations with the US on use of bases in Spain to score points with the public and to retain the support of his increasingly restless left wing. The prudent economic policies of Gonzalez have served Spain well since the Socialists came to power in 1982. Inflation fell from 14.4 percent in 1982 to 8.3 percent in 1986; the current account has improved from a deficit of more than $4 billion to a surplus of $5 billion; and Spain's 3-percent economic growth rate is its best since 1978, exceeding the EC average. Gonzalez has also increased foreign confidence-more than doubling foreign investment in the country last year These gains have not come without cost. Spain has an unemployment rate of more than 21 percent, the highest in Western Europe. Moreover, improvements in education and health care under Gonzalez have been slower than some would like. Mounting Discontent Until recently, the public has accepted the government's policies as necessary to solve Spain's economic problems, but the relative domestic calm is ending. High school students staged a series of strikes over the past three months that ended with the government giving in to demands for lower tuitions and more scholarships. Farmers and workers have subsequently attacked the government's plans for restructuring the agricultural and industrial sectors and maintaining tight control over wages. Doctors, teachers, transportation workers, and miners are also expressing their discontent with the government's performance. 25X1 More worrisome for Gonzalez are the indications of dissension within Socialist ranks. some party 25X1 members are criticizing him for failing to push social reforms more vigorously and for remaining aloof from the rank and file. Although the Socialists' labor affiliate refused to join the recent Communist- backed worker demonstrations, it has begun to distance itself from the government's anti-inflation policies chiding the Finance Minister for his efforts to restrict wages 25X1 Top Se r Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/04: CIA-RDP88T00091 R000500100001-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/04: CIA-RDP88T00091 R000500100001-1 The growing restiveness is also reflected in recent opinion polls. Some 79 percent of Spaniards believe that unemployment has worsened this year, although the rate of joblessness actually has fallen slightly. The public is pessimistic about other social issues as well, including terrorism, drugs, and health care. Such discontent could deepen if the police overreact in their effort to control demonstrations. Gonzalez, Strong but Vulnerable Despite the growing dissatisfaction with his policies, Gonzalez remains personally popular, and the opposition divided and weak. Polls suggest that if a national election were held tomorrow, the Socialists would almost certainly win. For a party not used to being on the receiving end of protests, the recent demonstrations nonetheless must have had a sobering effect, particularly with regional and municipal elections to be held in June. Gonzalez probably also tears that former Prime Minister Suarez-whose nationalist and populist rhetoric is increasingly appealing to center-left voters-will be the net beneficiar of any aeneral unrest and fissures among the Socialists. Implications Despite a generally favorable economic outlook for this year, Gonzalez is unlikely to alter his policies significantly because he is strongly committed to preparing Spanish business to face EC competitors. Instead, he may use foreign policy issues to deflect criticism of his domestic policies and to solidify his base of support among left and center voters in the runup to the June elections. Gonzalez may, for example, play up his government's promise of large reductions in US forces by publicly highlighting differences with Washington-a tactic that could further limit Madrid's maneuvering room in the bases negotiations. Tot) Secret 25X1 25X1 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/04: CIA-RDP88T00091 R000500100001-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/04: CIA-RDP88T00091 R000500100001-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/04: CIA-RDP88T00091 R000500100001-1