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Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/13 :CIA-RDP90-005308000701680026-7 STAT STAT 198 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/13 :CIA-RDP90-005308000701680026-7 ' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-005308000701680026-7 " .. ~ ~;! coNr~~:rs I. Introduction II. Genesis of the CIA III. A Brief $i9tory.og the CIA Covert Activity IY. CIA oa Campus V. Brief Arguments Pro and Can YI. Methods of Action . vII. Graphics IIX. Bibliography and Contacts Appendix A: Bxown.'a "The Suck Stopa Sere" B: Madison's Aati-CIA Petition This Manual yas put together by the Madison-PSN. Please send comments. criticisms, suggestions, and .orders to: 403 Washburn, Madison, Wi 53703, PSN clo Pat Hickey. Feel free co copy any portion of this for distribution. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-005308000701680026-7 . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-005308000701680026-7 INTRODUCTION This manual is the culmination of a too-year anti-CIA campaign on the University.oE Wisconsin-Madison campus. The CIA has been a target of student protests since the 60s, The level and intensity of anti-CIA protests has fluctuated in close connection with disclosures and leaks concerning covert CIA activities. The latest round of protests vas spurred for the must part by reports of the mining of Nicaraguan harbors by CIA operatives and by the publishing of the CIA Contra Manual and comic book. Large demonstrations confronting CIA recruiters occurred at Tufts University, Brown. Penn State., Ann Arbor. UC- Boulder, Madison and others in the spring and fall of 1985. The purpose of this manual is to share the information we have gathered and to relate some of our experiences on campus. It is aimed specifically at education and action against the CIA on college campuses. The CIA manifests itself in a variety of ways on our campuses :. recruitment of future CIA employees as operatives and researchers, experimental research projects within university departments. monitoring foreign students through undercover professors, and spring on student activities. This manual can serve only as a starting'point or addition to your current campaign. The different climates and circumstances_on your campus and the current political climate specifically rega-r ding the CIA should temper and influence your tactics. The CIA will eontir~ene to be controversial, and disgruntled and disillusioned employees will continue to speak, but only through diligent work can we expose the CIA for what it is. With college campuses as a starting point, continued education and agitation against CIA presence can lead to greater public awareness of tke role of this U.S. tool of intervention. In Struggle. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-005308000701680026-7 ' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-005308000701680026-7 S The Office of Strategic Services (OSS) was established in June 1942 as the major intelligence organization of the United States. Its mission was to collect and analyze strategic information for the Joint Chiefs of Staff, although it also engaged in propaganda and paramilitary operations. In October 1945. president Truma~r formally dissolved the OSS, but the need for a postwar, centralized intelligence system ryas perceived by governmental officials. Debates ensued concerning which governmental department bureaus should control centralized intelligence operations and whether intelligence authorities should be civilian or military. In response to this policy debate, the Central Intelligence Group (CIG) was established in early 1946 and was directed to coordinate 'but not supplant existing departmental intelligence services. The CZG operated-under the authority of the National Intelligence Authority (NIA) which was composed of a presidential represen~,~tire and the secretaries of War, State and Navy. T.he first director of the CIA was Navy Rear Admiral Sidney W. Sovera. Postwar intelligence and military operations remained closely linked. The National Security Act of 1947, however, 'dismantled the NIA and its operating component, the CIG and established instead the National Security Council and the present Central Intelligence Agencp. The 1947 act legislating the creation of an independent intelligence operation underscored the perceived importance of the range\of ongoing intelligence activities. The CIA was charged with coordinating the nation's intelligence activities and correlating, evaluating and disseminating intelligence which affects national security. The National ~~ Security Act also made the CIA director responsible for protecting intelligence sources and methods. Supplemental?legislation, the Central .Intelligence Act of 1949, expanded the shroud of secrecy over the CIA. Now the agency was permitted to use confidential fiscal and administrative procedures and was exempted from many of the usual limitations on the expenditure of federal funds. Provisions of the act allowed CIA funds to be included in the budgets of other departments before being transferred to agency accounts, thus authorizing budgetary secrecy. The 1949 act also served to further protect intelligence sources and methods from disclosure and public scrutiny by exempting the CIA from having to make public knowledge-its functions, officials, organizations, salaries or numbers of personnel employed. These dramatic increases in CIA budget allocations in the early 1950s quickly Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-005308000701680026-7 ' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-005308000701680026-7 rompted intense covert and overt activities, some of which are p am hlet. documented elsewhere in t?he p p ears olds yet its long list of The CIA is not yet forty yortant role it plays in U.S. activities testifies to the imp foreign policy initiatives throughout the world., Further, the link between U.S. intelligence gathering and the na.tion's military activities is one that cannot be ignored., Histor of CIA Covert Activity at Home The CIA to~mits crimes and. hinders self-determrivaconandtits only abroad but at home as well. Its invasion of p Y unabashed for basic legal rights~of freedom has manifested itself in a number of categories: Student and Intellectual Grou s * CIA use of "spotters" on hundreds of universitudentsusosthataad in coarpiling informational files on scores of st few, primarily forchgCommittee ReportedCenteroforbNationalitment into the CIA (Chu. Security Studies Report). rofessors and use of university * CIA enlistment of university p facilities on hundreds of campuses. such as the MKULTRA drug testing program and behOften professorsoandrstudentsiworkloaeClA involved 80 cam,{~uses. contracts without being told.they.are CIA-sponsored (Churc Committee Report, Center for National Security Studies Report). * CIA infiltration of student organizatiodnentsuo~ernmentsNational Student Association, a federation of stn g approximately 300?colleges nna de~adesithesNSADworked inecloses liberal image., for more tha n student ?connection with the CIA providing informatronUoS.felements ill leaders channeling financial support to p oints of Latin American student organizations, defending basic p U.S. foreign policy at international student conferences and insuring that successors df retlnireturn,othecClA fundedblarge +~i11inR .ta ~+ork with. tt~e CIA. amounts of the ~35~-'s annuan WashingtonasD.Cherent free;vandaNSA year lease on its office i officers were assured of draft exemptions (Students fvr a Democratic Society Report). Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-005308000701680026-7 ' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-005308000701680026-7 * CIA use of universities to train and provide cover for covert actions, such as the University of Miami which uas used as a base for terrorist raids on Cuba in the 1960s and Michigan State University which furnished a CIA front for a technical assistance project through which CIA agents later trained Diem's Vietnamese security police (Church Committee Report, Center for National Security Studies Report). * CIA infiltration of intellectual organizations such as the Congress of Cultural Freedom which was a large-scale recipient of CIA contributions and which played the same role among western intellectuals as the NSA played in international student politics (Students for a Democratic Society Report). Labor * CIA infiltration of labor groups such as Petroleum and Chemical Workers, Cornmunicatioas Workers, Newspaper Guild, and allegedly, the United Auto Workers. CIA agents find cover jobs to work from within unions. An "office employee" of a labor group made three trips to Belize in 1963 to aid in the ov;ert:hrow of~the Cheddi. Dugan government (Students for a Democratic Society Report). Again, all of these operations are carried out without the knowledge or consent of pgople within the organizations except for a fev leaders at the top., 60s Activists ,~ * CIA infiltration of activist groups such as "Operation Chaos" which was established in 1967 by President Johnson and which ran for six years. Under the order of the president, the CIA spied on the anti-war movement and infiltrated domestic peace groups. The CIA compiled at least 7,200 files on U.S. citizens and ` entered at least 300.000 persons and organizations in a computer file. At least 32 wire taps, 32 buggings and 1Z break-ins were implemented or carried out, none under judicial warrant (Center for National Security Studies Report). Foreign Nationals in the U.S. * CIA1assistance or approval of harassment of foreign nationals in the U.S. by foreign agents and foreign secret police that the U.S. has trained and armed abroad. Iranian students in the U.S. were major targets of SAVAK, the Shah's secret police, and according to former State Department official Donald Ranard. at Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-005308000701680026-7 ' Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/13 :CIA-RDP90-005308000701680026-7 least 85z of the KCI~A's (Korean CIA) activities in. the U.S, are "directed towards the intimidation of Korean residents in the U.S." In addition to Iran and Korea, other countries with repressive regimes such as Taiwan and South Africa also harass and spy on their citizens in the U.S. Midnight phone calls, threats against families. beatings, kidnappings, burglaries, ' attempts to close anti-government newspapers and radio stations, arson -- all to keep foreign nationals from becoming politicized in the U.S. and from speaking out against the repression in their homelands. Expulsion of foreign agents in the U.S. would mean similar treatment for CIA agents ovea~seas (Center for National Security Studies Report). 3e...wes a.1w.-~ cv~ M .~..~ +w ~o .n+~,? w~.r YM/~~ [aTOUS W~bNSI ~ M ~ pMfM N ClA I~pyl~Nyp K (Ww.~le~ ~MMt1 Nh ~wK TN N110~ [~Fti~wl M '? aeUnH M CU ~eue.r NrwQfM IM wrK a~wa.,m.INp ~0 .Iw?w..~e..ew~ C7~ r.clww...N 0 ?..........~ a~.e?w wll ...n. ~s ~.ww?. .~.,~ ^w..n er~lwn' al.w "st st Saarwea ~ N~ CL~' TA. M~^~w.NIM. (MM.N Y1 [.1 MMA~y d W.r {AUF ?.'ury ~IW.w1~ NM( nv~MIN h' bN M IM ~w~e,'/ "IW.~M ~['Ih.t/ry' M TAIr'~ WM~ C?wRIK ?c[MWn( 1? ..w O[M.?NM. 'Mr1, ~^t~M rM~l ~.w~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/13 :CIA-RDP90-005308000701680026-7 ' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-005308000701680026-7 CIA: Secret Police of our Own During the second World War, the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) was the major intelligence organization in the United States. Its mission was to collect and analyze strategic information for the Join t. Chiefs of Staff although it also engaged in propaganda and paramilitary operations.. On October 1. 1945, President Truman formally?dissolved the OSS but there remained a strong sentiment that a postwar intelligence capability was needed. This sentiment evolved into the National Security Act of 1947 giving birth to the Central Intelligence Agency. The congressional hearings and debate prior to passage of the act reflected a concern expressed succinctly by Rep. Clarence Brown (R-Ohio): , I am very much interested in seeing the United States have as fine a?'foreign military and naval intelli- gence as they can possibly have, but I am not inter- ested in setting up here in the United States any ??;particular central policy (sic) agency.under any president, and I do not care what his name is, and just allow him to have a gestapo of his own if he ? wants to have it. Accordingly, the act included a clause which stated the CIA "shall have no police, subpeona, law enforcement powers, or internal security functions." However, it did not take long for tha CIA to violate its congressional charter. As early as 1953. the CIA engaged in domestic spying. This was confirmed .in 1.975 by then-CIA director William Colby in his response to an .article published in the New York Times (12/21/74) charging the CIA with orchestrating "a massive ,? illegal domestic intelligence operation against the anti-war movement and other dissident groups." Colby's report to President Ford on December 26, 1974 confirmed that the CIA had compiled files an at least 9,000 U.S, citizens, and that a mail intercept p.regram "was initiated in 1953" by the CIA. President Ford responded with Executive Order X11828 which established a commission on CIA activities within the United States. Known as the Rockefeller Commission, its task was to determine the extent of CIA spying within the U.S. The commission included such notables as Nelson Rockefeller,? Lane Kirkland and Ronald Reagan. The commission's report. issued in June 1975 revealed information regarding "Operation Chaos, a program established in 1967 by President Johnson. During the operation, 7,200 files were compiled on U.S. citizens, ?300,000 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-005308000701680026-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-005308000701680026-7 persons and organizations were entered on computer files, 3,500 memorandums Were prepared for internal CIA use, another 3,000 for the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and 37 such memorandums for the White House. Moreover, the commission's report concluded that its investigation on CIA activities within the U.S. "disclosed the use of 32 wire taps...32 instances of bugging...and 12 break-i~ns...None of these activities was conducted under judicial warrant." CIA domestic surveillance has also been revealed through court case s?: The American Civil Liberties Union filed against the CIA in 1972; the case revealed that from 1953 to 1973, the CIA photographed the addresses of more than two million letters. and opened more than 215.000 of them in New York City alone. These activities by the CIA, which only comprise the tip of the iceberg, were conducted during a period .w hen it was clearly a violation to do so. -Unfortunately, that is no longer the case.' On December 4, 1981 President Reagan issued Executive Order (12333: United States Intelligence Activities. This order authorized the entire intciligence community, including the CIA, to infiltrate, nanfpulate.and disrupt domestic organizations, even in the absence of illegal activity. In addtion, the use of electronic and other means of surveillance are authorized, without warrants, whenever deemed necessary. The effects of this new policy have already been felt by people who have the .nerve to speak out against U.S. foreign policy in Latin America, or are. brash enough to provide sanctuary for refugees. As the CIA coatinues to practice its bag of dirty tricks against the American peop~Ye,. ve begin to get an inkling of what so many others in world have lived with and struggle against. We must ask ourselves the question: ' ~. Has the CIA become Reagan's gestapo? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-005308000701680026-7 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-005308000701680026-7 ~.:~/ ~-' Q~?110 N l~ R G U M E N'1' S In your campaign t.o educate people about CIA activities or when soliciting the university administration to ban the CIA from recruiting on campus you will face a variety of arguments supportive of the CIA or critical of the tactics you are using. Zt is necessary that y.ou be prepared to counter these arguments with fiard facts and sound reasoning. By anticipating the opposition's argument you present a stronger case and are better able to set the terms of the debate. Through a process of systematically refuting counter-arguments, you gain ground while educating the public about the true role and function of the CIA. `The a short summary of ,some of the arguments for and against CIA activities, function and recruitment. 1. The activities of intelligence gathering are necessary for the.secirrity of our nation. Our country has engaged is intelligence activity since the earliest days of its founding. The bulk of the activities of .the CIA are benign. ~'he covert activities represent a ssall fraction of its total work. 2. The CIA is necessary to defend out country against the influence of the KGB. The Soviets engage in espionage and for the U.S. to limit this option would cripple seriously our global influence and' national security. 3. No branch of the federal government has even questioned the legality of the CIA, despite what may have been legal or moral infractions. The CIA is subject to congressional committee review as well as that of the judiciary and executive branches of government. The'proper route .for CIA reform is through this system of "checks and balances" and through representatives in th.e House and Senate. - 4. Covert action is used as an alternative to more destructive or costly options. Limiting covert actions will only force the U.S. to use more overt actions, namely military intervention leading to greater conflict and less success. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-005308000701680026-7 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-005308000701680026-7 ? ~ The CIA on Campus 1. Placement services ace valuable to students and enjoy student-wide support. -Our universities should not provide access to some employers and then provide it to others on an arbitrary basis.; It is not possible to draw lines between acceptable and unacceptable users. 2. We are bound by the principles of the FirsC and Fourteenth Amendments to allow the CIA to use our placement services. If we open recruitment options to one employer we must be open to all. 3. It is~a student's First Amendment right to freely engage in discussion with a CIA recruiter. This right should not be abridged to suit the ideology of a minority. ' 4. ~ The university or college campus is a? source of the most aceurate and thoughtful information coming out oa issues relating to national security. It is only natural that the CIA should use this resource. S. College campuses produce the best and the brightest. The CIA should have access to the best possible applicants so that the organizatioa does not become second-rate. Rather than opposing the CIA, we should fight for qualified and responsible personnel. 6. The CIA's presence on campus gives those who oppose its actions a forum to educate the public. Removing the CIA from campus could limit and stifle discussion and debate. 7. To be critical of the CIA is to be a Soviet dupe. Go back to Russia. ~Aroerica -= love it or leave it. This is a partial list of the arguments you will face. It points to the preparation necessary in conducting an anti-CIA campaign. It proves that one needs a sophisticated analysis of the role of the CIA and the U.S. in the world. 1~ithout an overview of the role of the U.S. throughout the world, it is impossible to argue against CIA presence on our campuses. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-005308000701680026-7 ' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-005308000701680026-7 I~PICS After even .a short perusual of the historical record, it becomes all too obvious that the CIA is involved in many objectionable and despicable activities throughout the world. But what can you do against an international ring of-high-tech secret agents? The most important, and seemingly obvious, thing any gersoa ca.n do is to educate oneself. and learn the truth behind the CIA. Simple (and cliched) as it may seem the most effective tool against an institution that thrivesmon be secrecy, disinformation, and deceit. By educating oneself and others, it will be possible to drag the CIA surrounding it) out into-the light where it can witherhandydiec like the vampire that it is. There are many different tactics that can be used to increase people's. awareness of the reality behind the CIA and to handle situations where you are. confronted with one of the CIA's many manifestakions~ such as on-campus recruitment. Through the struggles of t~rhusands of students and responsible citizens wa?rld-wide against the-CIA, and otherperpetrators of injustice, a variety of tactics have been developed. The following list, which is by no means exhaustive, describes some of the myriad of methods of action available to you to use against the CIA. Not all of these will be appropriate for you, depending on the specifics of your own community, and this list is meant more to get your imagination flowing than to give you direction or instructions. ~ i * Again, educate yourself to be able to explain things to friends, family, other students, etc. '~ Publicly condemn CIA activities and abuses in contemporary international affairs via individual vocal dissensions, "letters to the editor", newspaper articles, speeches, and demonstrations. ~ Confront and question administrators, recruiters, recruitees, and the cops protecting them, about the CIA's validity, value, and purpose.. Check ROTC and other departments for classes related to intelligence, the history of the CIA, and other aspects of this issue. .Attend these classes and LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD ! .,E Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-005308000701680026-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-005308000701680026-7 . ~ ~ * Distribute leaflets telling passers-by that killer spies are recruiting in a nearby building (whether they are or not!) Make 'em think a little. * Distribute lots of leaflets explaining the CIA's activities in other peoples'countries, its history and structure, the purpose of recruitment, and the vital role of the University in the CIA's operations. * Research and expose the history of the CIA in the student movement, on your campus, and in your city. (i.e. the Red ,Squad, the University police, etc.)' * Expose known.or past informants or accomplices within the a.dministration~ Regents., faculty, and community. Expose research projects, their sponsors, and the researcbers involved that contribute to the CIA's efforts. (Intelligence gathering technology, psychologytbrain- washing, drugs like truth serums or LSD, high-tech communications, weapons, and Cools. etc.) . Make appointments with recruiters in debate, harass, andtor take up their time This i 1 effective means for carrying out a citizens arrestn f h o t e 'recruiter for violations of international law. If you can get in to see the recruiter, try dumping blood or a cream pie on himther, or maybe handcuff the agent to a table or yourself. Be Crzativel ~. Do a petition drive to obtain favorable resolutions against .current and future+recruiting or research from student groups, the student government, faculty senate, and other groups. . * Place "war crimes" and other dramatic pesters a.t recruiting sites. Possible ideas include photos of victims of the Contras, assassinated foriegn leaders, Castro with an exploding cigar, etc. SEE GRAPHICS SECTION FOR MORE IDEAS. * Set up literature tables next to recruiting tables or outside recruiting offices. This is a good idea whether the recruiters are from the CIA, Marines,, DOW, or GE, and it 11 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-005308000701680026-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-005308000701680026-7 ~' ~ gives you the opportunity to attempt to discourage potential recruitees in a (hopefully) non-confrontational manner. Set up a mock recruitment table with glitzy literature that says what a really great job it is to be a secret agent. The travel! 'F'he adventure! The benefits! The senseless slaughter of innocents! Write graffiti about the CIA on chalkboards, desks, bathroom walls, buildings etc. * Picket recruiting areas. You can usually find out where .they'll be and they should never be allowed on campus without some attempt at organizing a shoe of resistance at the recruitment site. Stage guerilla theatre operations like having one of your comrades dress up and pretend to be a really right-wing 'pro-CIA college republican so that the onlookers will see how bad they are by example. On a more serious note, another guerilla theatre idea is the mock "death-squad" abductiontassassination of a speaker~or dissidents by masked "agents". * Simulate CIA victims by stuffing dummies and hanging them from trees, administration buildings, etc., with signs on ?~ ... :them that say "I was a Chilean coffee farmer vho just wanted some land, until the CTA-~'. Have a silent, candlelit vigil for the victims of the CIA's activities. Wear a sign on your back as you go about your business ar veer a button that makes a clear statement about the CIA. Stand on a corner with a sign about .t he CIA and answer questions. Hold teach-ins (a series if possible) before and?-during their recruitment drives to educate people more and to Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-005308000701680026-7 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-005308000701680026-7 ~_ "prepare the ground", as .it were, by making their resence an issue of public debate. Teach-ins are also a good place to suggest and discuss plans for action. (Discussion of tactics, non-violence training, etc.) * Hold a war crimes trial. These can be great guerilla the a-ter with a stage legal paraphenalia, a wigged ud e the prosecutor (the People), and a defendant dressedjasgan agent. This can also serve as an educational tool-since the defendant will be able to show the arguments used to defend the.: CIA, and then for the prosecutor to show how ridiculous they are by shooting them with well-reasoned, persuasive arguments and simple statements of fact. * ?War crime, trials are also a good forum for describing the connections between the CIA and other groups both in the university and world-wide -- for example, have a trial of 2 the EIA, Reagan, CBS, the Moral Majority, and aob o .'"Blowtorch" D'Aubuisson, in Abstentia.. ? * Hold speaking forums and rallies drawing sufficient numbers into the recruiting area to indirectly stop br disrupt the recruitment?process. Hold non-obstructive sit-ins at recruiting sites, leavin a pathway cleared for recruitees. g * Mold obstructive sit-ins at recruiting sites to actually prevent recruiting. These can be passive, where the recruitee or others can pass if they use force, or they can be more active where recruitees or others using force to pass will be ,met with counter-force by those sitting-in. Hold obstructive or non-obstructive sit-ins at administrations offices to pressure for the cancellation of recruiting. Hold obstructive sit-ins around automobiles andtor campus entrances to prevent recruiters andtor police from entering or to prevent police cars or paddy wagons containing arrestdd students from leaving. 13 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-005308000701680026-7 .. .f Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-005308000701680026-7 ~. Tip over recruiting tables, or spill coffee, or sieze their literature and leave. Remove recruiters andtor police from campus by force or threat of force. * Organize a student strike until the administration stops allowing the CIA to recruit on campus. chance to show how ridiculousstheirhargument' the o '' interested in democracy andtareea secretiveeorganization When they don't show you can have one of your people dress u like an agent and debate his td representative, and publicizeduit wellitwhenetheo send a uP,:say how 'that prove y don't sh e flppeat to the Attorney General of your state to take action to stop the criminal activities of the CIA and arrest them. Stage a Public:Debate on the issue of free speech and CIA's .right to recruit on cam the :Call the recruitees the night before their appointment and give them misinformation about the Iocation;.place, time etc. * Throw smoke bombs, stink bombs, and burning cow manure 'nto the ventilation ducts at the recruitment?site andtor at~the recruiters. * Create diversions that will draw police awa `recruitment site. Be creative. Y from the * Have a War Chest tour and march to different local businesses and institutions that help the CIA or are similar to them in some way. Of course these are only a few of the you might feel it is a possible types of action the situation in your ownocommunity askobjectzvelcampus. Jud e y as possible and be careful when involved in activities of questionable 8 legality. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/13: CIA-RDP90-005308000701680026-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/13 :CIA-RDP90-005308000701680026-7 ~. "GENERA(_ F'ULIt1Y -USE OF UN VEASITY FACI~I_~IT1ES - OULDER CAMP M US 1979 " P li h mm ni In A~i_pn ( .LA ( ciober 7, 1985) (all italics are ours, not in original I.D. "...the University may grant use of tts agencies... whose activites are Comppatible with the broad educational mission of the University when such use does not . con(licf with University programs." O UA COMMENTARY: Many Central Intelligence Agency activities are and have been incompatible with the broad educational mission of the University and they conflict with University programs in many ways, including: illegal infiltration, surveillance and harrassment of indlviduat faculty and students and their organizations in the United States and abroad; violation of academic freedom, freedom of speech and freedom of thought in the U.S. and abroad; extreme violations of democratic, civil and human rights of faculty, staff and students in the U.S. and abroad; murder, torture and rape of faculty, staff, students, scholars and administrators of high schools and universities in many countries. The capacity of our faculty to research, to teach and to deepen the scholarly knowledge has been brutally interfered with every time a reputable scholar anywhere in the world and his or her work have fallen victim to CIA-directed, CIA-funded, violent operations. Many formerly flourishing universities have been physically attacked, closed down, converted to barracks or put under strict military control as a result of CIA activities. violating the mission and life of these institutions. See . some cases on the reverse page. Vl. "Assuming respo ~~t`s~\lity for the use of University Boulder Campus facilities includes protecting the ughfof sppeakers to be heard ,the rights of th? University community to hear speakers and the repu~'ation of the University as a center of free speech and scholarly inquiry:" OUR Ct}iVd1/1ENTARY: We absolutely support this rule; we respect all First Arnmendment rights on our campus, including the ?~ to hear speakers or be heard; however, recruitment activities by an external agency, using Ur,:..~ . facilites and services, is not a First Ammendment right, it is a privilege the University extends to extemal agencies and persons; we da not question the right of the CIA, or any other agency or person ro speak and be heard at CU. However, we challenge the CIA's use of our institutional facilities to recruit people to commit or help commit many we!!-documented crimes . We debate the CIA every year at the World Affairs Conference and elsewhere. We think such debates provide the proper limit for CIA presence in our campus. 1X.D. "University 8autcier Campus facilities may not be used in ways which interfere with the University's own teaching ,research ,administrative and service activities. Illustrative but not definitive of such kinds of interference are the following: 1. Violence 2. Damage to property :.. 5. Special events or scheduled programs which b their nature would interfere with academic , administrative, or operational functions of the University. OUR C~MM(NT'AAY: CIA covert activities are premeditated, many are illegal acts of violence. Many of its special operations have perpetrated major property and, human damage on entire nations. Many of its covert and overt programs, by their nature, interfere with the academic functions, freedom of inquiry in teaching and research on this and all other universities. See reverse page. 1X.G. "After a full hearing before the Committee on the Use of University Facilities...use of facilites may be denied to individuals or organizations whose activities on this campus or elsewhere have established a pattern of causing interference with University activites prooerty damage or personal injuries . " OUR COMMENTARY: Many CIA activities demonstrate an established pattern ~of causing interference with this and other universities' activities, and have caused massive property damage and personal injuries. Readily available documents lists some of these activites. The CIA roday constitutes a clear and present danger to inumerable educational institutions around the world. See reverse page. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/13 :CIA-RDP90-005308000701680026-7 ........ ....._.., .........~.~~ .~-. ~ ~uLG vv ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~i~ ivuJJlUtV Uf C.U. lt\! TNF ! !~lITF~~7 C~ nr~c? -~ - Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/13 :CIA-RDP90-005308000701680026-7 ~~~ vv v ~r-~ ~ vr- CnN I IUIV N._,,?UL I t-(H .Lamed out in the late 60's~_~sed (abused) unsuspecting faculty and students in mind-bending experiments at several U.S. Universities. OPERATION "CHAOS". Infiltration, surveillance and disruption of legitimate U.S. student organizations exercising their constitutional rights of dissent in relation to the war in South East Asia. Mid-60's. DESTRUCT}ON OFTHE UNfTED STATES NAT}ONAL STUDENT ASSOCIATION. The CIA infiltrated, . bank-rolled and controlled this organization from the t 950's until exposed in 1967, causing it to become completely discredited and crippled. It was, atone time, one of the strongest and most respected student organizations in the world. POISOf`~1NG THE PRESS. The CIA deliberately and systematically plants false stories in the foreign press in order for them to be picked-up and published in the U.S. press unaware of its source and falsity. This has seriously poisoned scholarly inquiry and research on a very broad range of subjects. CIA ILLEGAL MAIL INTERCEPT PROGRAM. For decades, the CiA has intercepted the correspondence of thousands of U.S. scientists and other scholars with their colleagues around the world, creating a chilling effect on tree inquiry and the scholarly exchange of information. IN NICARAGUA: 'THE CONTRA WAR. In direct violation of U.S. Law (Boland Ammendment), the CIA has trained w directed mercenaries to engage'in terrorist activities a ainst the ~ ~ PPS and 9 people of Nicaragua. Among those targeted for attack have been literacy teachers and brigadistas (young volunteer instructors), university faculty and students, health workers and civics, child care centers and farm cooperatives. Of the 10,000 Nicaraguans killed since the CiA war was launched, HALF of those killed were children. 1N EL SALVADOR: THE CIA'S HAND W THE DEATH SQUADS. The CIA founded ORDEN ,the most notorious death squad in d Salvador. The CIA was actually was involved in setting-up and running the entire state security system, which has been responsible for the assassination of over 50,000 persons singe 1979, tnduding thousands of students and faculty. In 1980, the National University of EI Salvador was attacked by the security forces, closed down and converted into army barracks until this year. when it was re-opened. The University - suffered almost total destruction of its facilities, induding the library. laboratories and classrooms. The national teachers union, ANDES, has been subjected to the assassination of its leaders, the bombing of its offices, and the torture and murder of hundreds of its members. 1N CHILE: . Ti-iE Cl~4.SF'C1~ORED O'1/ERTl-~NOI= i1'-lE CBVIOCRATICALLY ELE~TH~ GOVEf~NMHVT'OFSALV ALLENDE, 1973. The result: 30,000 killed in the first month, one million exiled. All freedoms and democratic institutions abolished, including congress, the free press and political parties. All public universities were closed and-then put under strict military rule. Faculties were purged. Thousands of students were imprisoned. The curriculum in Social Sciences was decimated. Books were burned and banned. The installed dictatorship cantinues to this day. 1N GUATEMALA: ? THECIA,SP~,ED OVB~i}-ROW OFTI-E C~E~v10CRATIC,ALLY ELEG'TFD GOVF~MENTCF,I~CO?O ARBENZ, 1954. The result: hundreds of thousands of citizens. mostly Indians, killed. Guatemala has experienced a third of a century of un-interrupted military dictatorships, considered by Amnesty International to be one of the worst offenders against human rights in the world. Half of the faculty of the National University in Guatemala Ciry have been murdered or driven into exile. IN MEXICO: THE CIA-ASSISTED TLALTELOLCO STUDEM MASSACRE, 1968. when a miohry student movement erupted in Mexico in 1968, with demonstrations of over one million people in downtown Mexico City, the CIA helped train the military unit. Brigade O/impia ,which attacked a large student rally in the Plaza of the Three Cultures in Tlaltelolco, Mexico City. Over 1000 students were killed. and many more were taken away to clandestine prisons. The repercussions of this repression echoed throughout the entire country's educational system. FOR MORr' INFO. CONTACT COMMUNITY IN ACT1C)N, t 1MC 1>:3F+. PHONE: 44^_c + - Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/13 :CIA-RDP90-005308000701680026-7