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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/29: CIA-RDP03B01495R000100330002-1 SECRET 25X1 25X1 MEMORANDUM SUBJECT: Strategic Plan for DDR&E DCl/ICS 7185-87 27 November 1987 1. In response to a request in late September by the Deputy Director of Central Intelligence (DDCI), this memorandum outlines a strategic plan for the Requirements and Evaluation (R&E) elements of the Intelligence Community Staff (ICS), and for the Deputy Director for Requirements and Evaluation (DDR&E), during the coming months. 2. The take-off point for this plan is the memorandum the DDCI sent as Acting Director to the National Foreign Intelligence Council in May 1987, describing the reorganization of the ICS. In that memorandum, he also set out some objectives for the ICS, especially the R&E elements. For completeness, a copy of that memorandum is attached. 3. This strategic plan is a straightforward treatment of how the R&E elements and DDR&E intend to achieve the goals of the DDCI's memorandum. 4. In overview, this memorandum contains a description of DDR&E's goals and objectives, a brief summary of what has been done so far to address these goals, an outline of what more needs to be done, a discussion of the schedule and resource implications of executing this plan, and an estimate of where we will be if all of this takes place. 5. The context of our effort, however, has to be clear and kept up front in our minds. The context is this: the R&E elements all have real, ongoing work to do, and on top of all that we want to--have to--put some additional, new work. In the DDCI's memorandum, as in this strategic plan, the primary focus is on new things that R&E elements should pursue. Much of the existing work in the R&E elements is not explicitly mentioned here; it exists, will affect what we do, but it is just not the focus. Nevertheless, we all recognize that our work (old and new) must be consistent with this plan. Those portions of our work that are not consistent will?in due course--be identified, reviewed, and redirected as necessary. This self-corrective step is a big, important job all by itself. Examples of such constructive steps are cited later in appropriate places. crrin-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/29: CIA-RDP03B01495R000100330002-1 25X1 25X1 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/29: CIA-RDP03B01495R000100330002-1 SLLKL I SUBJECT: Strategic Plan for DDR&E DDR&E Goals and Objectives 6. Consistent with the general guidance contained in the DDCI's May memorandum, our goals and objectives now are summarized as follows: o Identify and implement ways to make the structure and prbcess for requirements in the Intelligence Community better. o Foster greater emphasis within both the Intelligence Community Staff and the Intelligence Community on: -- Understanding, documenting, integrating, balancing, and (for imagery) tasking consumer requirements for intelligence help. -- Multidisciplinary (i.e., all-source) approaches to intelligence collection activities. o Establish an all-source evaluation mechanism to perform, on a more comprehensive basis, assessments of both Intelligence Community performance against requirements, as well as gaps in intelligence support. o Improve our ability to evaluate and advise Intelligence Community leaders on the impact of alternative NFIP investment strategies, based on broader participation of producers and consumers in assessing how these strategies would affect intelligence support to policymakers and the military. o Respond to requests for ad hoc evaluations on important intelligence issues, especially those that the DCI and DDCI want addressed. What Has Been Done? 7. As indicated in the attached manifest of major completed or ongoing substantive efforts in R&E, ?we have achieved a decent amount (if not a lot) already to address each of these boals. However, with some exceptions, substantive work to date has been driven largely by targets of opportunity and by ad hoc requests. 8. For example, the "gaps and initiatives" study for the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence occupied a lot of our time (and that of the Requirements and Evaluation Office {REO]) during the summer and early autumn. But we learned a lot about substance and process during that effort, and all of that is useful right now for current and future R&E activities. More specifically, we got three big things out of the SSCI study: o Lists of vital gaps and attractive initiatives for the 1990s. 2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/29: CIA-RDP03B01495R000100330002-1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/04/29 : CIA-RDP03B01495R000100330002-1 SUALI 25X1 SUBJECT: Strategic Plan for DDR&E o Several additional pieces of work for the next six months (for example, see items 10 and 11 in the attached manifest at Tab B). o An interagency process for dealing with Intelligence Community-wide issues in the Requirements and Evaluation arenas. 9. In addition to the benefits from the SSCI work, during the past few months we have made similar, notable progress in other areas important to our objectives. Specifically, we have: o Created a central library in REO of memoranda/letters from senior policymakers expressing intelligence needs and concerns. o Appointed an officer from the Requirements and Evaluation Office to be a regular contact point for the NSC Staff, so that NSC need for support can be handled efficiently. o Increased the flow of finished intelligence documents from Community producers into the R&E elements and thereby broadened our awareness of substantive issues. o Established a process for focusing collectors and producers jointly on topics of high interest. Created a means to examine jointly with the National Intelligence Council (NIC), and other production elements, issues of special high interest. Examples include: Chemical and Biological Warfare (CBW). Monitoring of the INF Treaty. AIDS. Collection against Cuba. Soviet low-observables technology. Soviet interplanetary space missions. Monitoring of Soviet nuclear tests. o Taken steps within the ICS to foster greater cross-discipline thinking and actions: Established an ad hoc DDR&E Task Force, to coordinate efforts across the DCI Collection Committees, REO, and the Intelligence Producers Council (IPC) Staff. Program and Budget, and Policy and Planning officers join the effort whenever appropriate. SFIRFT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/29: CIA-RDP03B01495R000100330002-1 25X1 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/29: CIA-RDP03B01495R000100330002-1 SECRE1 25X1 SUBJECT: Strategic Plan for DDR&E Directed more timely sharing of monthly reports among R&E elements. Required that multidiscipline issues be worked jointly by the appropriate Committees, et al. One example is mobile missiles, where SIGINT and COMIREX operate jointly. o Moved the Intelligence Producers Council Staff work on the 5th floor, next to REO. They now 10. These achievements are useful and worth noting in their own right. But beyond all that, they are having both a pathfinder and a magnet effect. First, elements of US intelligence can see that these steps have occurred and can see that similar steps can be made by and in their own organizations. Second, these same Intelligence Community elements are drawn to the ICS for assistance because they can see the obvious added value of an ICS involvement. For example, one national major collection program asked for our help recently. The request was to provide an assessment of the program's utility to the Survey and Investigation Team from the House Appropriations Committee. This ad hoc, sensitive effort is under way. What More Needs To Be Done? 11: Although much of our work will continue to be driven by opportunities and by DCl/DDCI needs, if we want to have a chance to achieve our own goals, we have to capture control of our own destiny. The key is to design and act upon concrete, practical steps that will achieve something useful and real. As a result, it is clear that we need to place part of our emphasis in the coming months on improving the R&E infrastructure that already exists. The priorities will be on fixing what is already under our control and is easy to do, and then attack the harder pieces. When we do so, however, we will need to proceed in a sequential manner, and from the top down. 12. The most attractive sequence of basic steps appears at present to be: o ICS resources; i.e., get the DDR&E elements as optimally structured as possible. o Intelligence Community requirements; i.e., create a coherent, top-down system. o Intelligence Community evaluations; i.e., figure out what to do and how to do it. 4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/29: CIA-RDP03B01495R000100330002-1 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/04/29 : CIA-RDP03B01495R000100330002-1 JUAitl SUBJECT: Strategic Plan for DDR&E 13. Toward that end, we initiated three reviews a few months ago. One review is within DDR&E at ICS. Two are within the Intelligence Community at large. These latter two are reviews of both the requirements and the evaluation processes in the Intelligence Community so, that we can better understand where high-leverage improvements are possible in both of these arenas. 14. The interim results of all three of these reviews have led to the following first order answers. 15. Resources: First, each of the elements within the DDR&E at ICS reviewed their existing resources and responsibilities, with an eye toward identifying where more effort should be placed, and where less effort can be tolerated. The immediate impacts were to terminate or complete in a truncated fashion a number of pieces of work in such places as COMIREX, to reassign a secretarial position from REO to the MASINT Committee, to hire an SIS-level officer from DIA, and to reassign an SIS officer within the R&E elements. Other, similar changes will occur in due course. 16. Requirements: Second, REO and IPC officers conducted an informal, top-level survey of the requirements processes in th?ntelligence Community. The survey included interviews with a number of key intelligence consumers, producers, and collectors, asking for their views on how the existing system might be improved. 17. Results from this review suggest a number of potential improvements; they were outlined to Intelligence Community leaders at the recent DCI Off-Site Conference. The more promising ideas include: o Focusing ICS elements on better support to consumer needs, including creating or expanding client relationships between requirements managers and consumers. o Getting consumers more involved in the SIG(I) and related requirements processes. o Merging top-level systems for requirements, producing a single Intelligence Community system with a single top-level Taxonomy for requirements categories. o Using this taxonomy not only for categorizing top-level requirements, but also as a structure for conducting and indexing the results of all-source evaluations of intelligence capabilities, gaps, and future reporting requirements (more on this below). Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/29: CIA-RDP03B01495R000100330002-1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/29: CIA-RDP03B01495R000100330002-1 Jtl.lit I SUBJECT: Strategic Plan for DDR&E o Establishing a process (perhaps as part of the all-source evaluations) that identifies reporting requirements that all collection disciplines can draw upon in developing specific collection tasks. This would consolidate the separate efforts conducted today by each discipline, and by the IPC for future requirements. o Creating a mechanism to enable coordination of requirements among collection disciplines, particularly to address gaps resulting from limitations of available resources in a single discipline. Each of these steps is a major event and, at present, we have not had time to design a way to implement them. 18. Evaluations: Third, a REO officer has begun a survey of existing evaluation systems and activities to better understand what types of evaluations are currently done by Intelligence Community elements and to suggest where additional evaluative work by the ICS can have the greatest impact. At the moment, we expect this survey will be completed in the December-January time frame. 19. Initial indications, together with the results from the requirements review, suggest at present that the focus of DDR&E on all-source evaluations should be in two basic areas: o Scheduled assessments, conducted periodically for each of the categories contained in the top-level requirements taxonomy described above. Outputs from these, in addition to common reporting requirements (described above), could include: -- Capability and gap statements describing current intelligence performance. These statements would be the raw materials for such documents as: - Preparing the DCI's annual program Guidance to the Community on areas to emphasize in upcoming budget submissions. - Assessing alternative investment strategies as part of the DCI's annual review of the NFIP. Guiding the selection of those intelligence problems that deserve more in-depth study via ad hoc working groups. - Preparing the overview justification of annual budget requests to the Congress in "substantive" terms. 6 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/29: CIA-RDP03B01495R000100330002-1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/04/29 : CIA-RDP03B01495R000100330002-1 K I SUBJECT: Strategic Plan for DDR&E -- Recommendations on ways to improve performance through both procedural changes and future investments. o Ad hoc assessments, conducted on demand for high interest items, normally with broad Intelligence Community participation. There is no shortage of demand for these; our problem will be in deciding which efforts deserve commitment of our limited resources. We are developing a good procedural relationship with the NIC and Production Committees in this area, and there is strong potential for further, useful collaboration. It is fair to report that, even more than in the case of requirements, we have not had time to figure out thoughtfully how to do all of these steps. How Fast Can We Do All of This? 20. The above paragraphs represent a mind-boggling amount of work, with far-reaching impacts on both ICS and the Intelligence Community. Rice bowls will be cracked and perhaps a few will be broken; that may be a good thing. In any case, progress will be slow, for at least three reasons. One is that the work is hard and is "new;" it will take time. Another very practical constraint is that ICS has a limited number of experienced people in REO (10-12, including secretaries) and the IPC Staff (five to six, including secretaries) that can reasonably undertake these efforts. In addition, the IC Staff's budget limitations (beginning with the recent, unfortunate problems with the SSCI Staff) offer little prospect in the near term for significant position increases. 21. All of this leaves three basic alternatives. We are and will be doing all three: o Reallocate positions within the ICS. Some reallocation is under way, and more is possible, but not a lot. The reality is that much of the new work in this strategic plan is above and beyond important work that elements in DDR&E already have on their fairly full plates. If we add, and we will, some things will not get done and a few things may not get done well. For example, the COMIREX staff can make an outstanding case for additional people both to take advantage of and properly task the upcoming new imagery systems and to develop the new, next-generation Requirements Management System. 7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/29: CIA-RDP03B01495R000100330002-1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/29: CIA-RDP03B01495R000100330002-1 SECRET SUBJECT: Strategic Plan for DDR&E Further, the MASINT staff is still struggling to reach a critical mass sufficient to handle this "growth" discipline. o Borrow detailees from the Intelligence Community for ad hoc, short-term studies. This worked well on the SSCI study and, for high visibility efforts, we can do a lot this way. Further, we are capturing and putting to good use temporarily people from such diverse places as the Federal Women's Executive Program, CIA's Career Trainee program, and so on. o Delegate specific tasks to Intelligence Community working groups under ICS oversight or management. This has been helpful in some cases; one example is the SSCI follow-on study. However, there are problems in this because we cannot control the diversion in the parent organizations of these resources to competing tasks of interest. 22. Notwithstanding these real and pacing concerns, the R&E elements have made a pretty good start and can make a lot of additional progress in the next three to six months. One of the biggest challenges will be balancing our efforts--on requirements and evaluations--between scheduled and ad hoc assessments. All such work will draw from the same limited pool of talent, and we will have to resist the temptation to put our precious resources on ad hoc efforts at the expense of important "infrastructure building." Help Needed from the DCl/DDCI 23. The key new points of help we need from the DCI and DDCI at this point are: o General agreement that the strategy outlined here is worth pursuing and where they collectively want to go. o Tolerance of, if not specific agreement with, the first order details in this plan, adding any changes or other ideas they desire. If Implemented, Where We Will Be And When? 24. As we continue going down this road, with about six months behind us, we want to keep our figurative eye on the expected outcome. By about mid-1988, we expect to have in place most of the improvements cited in this strategic plan. In the requirements area, many of the remaining new elements can be in place within six-nine months. We will have started implementation of a top-level requirements process that is more understandable by everyone and a lot more usable by consumers. 8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/29 : CIA-RDP03B01495R000100330002-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/29: CIA-RDP03B01495R000100330002-1 SECRET SUBJECT: Strategic Plan for DDR&E 25. In the evaluation arena, we will have created a process that uses the taxonomy from this same requirements system to routinely identify and categorize intelligence gaps and then use those gaps as a substantive basis for formulating DCI guidance, evaluating investment decisions, and placing the results from ad hoc evaluations in an overall context. Our goal is to have enough of this done to support significant substantive inputs into the FY 1990 budget deliberations next summer/autumn, and to help guide the formulation of the DCI's guidance to the Community for the FY 1991 program build. Attachments: A. DDCI Memo, 7 May 87 B. Manifest of R&E Actions 9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/29: CIA-RDP03B01495R000100330002-1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/29: CIA-RDP03B01495R000100330002-1 Attachment A fr:Nr NATIONAL FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE COUNCIL %AsHiNctos. DC. MOS NFIC 1.7/3 15 May 1987 MEMORANDUM FOR: National Foreign Intelligence Council SUBJECT: Reorganization of the Intelligence Community Staff 1. In response to growing concerns that we needed to do a better job of orchestrating Community efforts in a number of areas, including more systematic evaluation of our performance against intelligence requirements, the DCI and I asked It Gen Heinz, upon accepting the job as Director of the Intelligence Community Staff (ICS), last September, to look at ways that he might reorganize the Staff to better address these areas. We have discussed some-qf the alternative structures at the last two off-site planning conferences. Although we have experienced a number of delays in making this reorganization a reality, I believe that we now have the details in place for a restructured staff which will improve support to the DCI in executing his Community responsibilities. 25X1 2. The focus of the restructured IC Staff is primarily on improving our capabilities to provide: ? Systematic, comprehensive evaluation of Intelligence Community performance, to include: MO, ON Better assessments of consumers' intelligence needs (as articulated in the National Intelligence Topics NITS) and the Future Intelligence Requirements Forecast (FIRF]), and how these needs translate into both near- and long-term production and collection requirements. A better linkage between known intelligence production and collection requirements/shortfalls and future investment strategies. ? A more integrated assessment of collection requirements and collection system performance across disciplines. ? Stronger involvement of Community production elements in our assessments of requirements satisfaction, including movement of the Intelligence Producers Council Staff to the ICS and a closer ICS association with the National Intelligence Council and the DCI Production Committees. CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/29: CIA-RDP03B01495R000100330002-1 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/29: CIA-RDP03B01495R000100330002-1 ' . SUBJECT: Reorganization of the Intelligence Community Staff ? More emphasis on identifying and nurturing investments in research and development critical to future intelligence capabilities. 25X1 3. To address these goals, the IC Staff is now organized with two deputies under It Gen Heinz, as outlined in the attached chart. The senior Deputy Director, Mr. William F. lackman, Jr., is charged with administrative responsibilities associated with running the Staff, as well as theoerierel oversight of all Staff activities In the absence of It Gen Heinz. Li 25X1 4. The second deputy position, with the title Deputy Director for n 1 Requirements and Evaluation, will be occupied by most 25X1 he Director of the DCI's Arms Control Intelligence Staff at CIA. has already begun the transition to his new job, and he will be 25X1 uy npace by 1 June. He will be responsible for organizing the requirements and evaluations side of the Staff, with emphasis on providing a structured mechanism for translating policymakers intelligence needs into requirements, assigning priorities to these requirements, evaluating collection and production performance against these requirements, and, through these evaluations, providing feedback both for near-term improvements and future investment strategies. 25X1 5. Clearly this whole area of evaluation is a challenging one that we have never addressed adequately across the Community. However, I believe that we must tackle this problem head-on if we are going to improve the performance of our Intelligence Community and our ability to justify before the Congress our needs for continued budgetary growth to support increasing U.S. national security needs. We have a number of ideas on how to at least begin the process. For example, we are certain that a greater emphasis on the evaluation of requirements and performance across intelligence collection disciplines is required, as well as a more systematic assessment of the shortfalls that are routinely identified by the producers in the Community. Thus, as shown in the chart, we envision a such closer tie to the DC! Collection and Production Committees and the National Intelligence Council than we have had in the tailed plans implementing these changes a now being developed as transitions to his new responsibilities. 25X1 6. Another organizational change that we are making involves the creation of a new Research and Development (R&D) Coordination Office on the Staff. This group will be responsible for fostering dialogue and nurturing investments across the US Government in research and development activities that have the greatest potential for improving future intelligence capabilities. We have had general discussions with the senior RAD managers in the Community as to how we might best implement this new concept, and their responses have been very encouraging. The details of the new office are taking shape, and I expect that we will be able to announce the new office director and his initial plans for this effort very soon. 25X1 npclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04!29 :CIA-RDP03B01495R000100330002-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/29: CIA-RDP03B01495R000100330002-1 CeNFIPANIIAL SUBJECT: Reorganization of the Intelligence Community Staff 7. As discussed at the off-site conference on 11 May, I encourage you to provide me or It Gen Heinz your thoughts on approaches we should emphasize, as well as those we should avoid in setting the agenda for the new activities of the Staff. For the effort to be successful, we need to learn from past mistakes and fully incorporate into our planning your views as senior managers of the Intelligence Community. 25X1 8. Finally, I want to solicit your support in advance in helping us fill ' key supporting positions on the IC Staff. I believe that we have an excellent management team in place, but they cannot do the job alone. Successful execution of their new responsibilities will require the strong support of all Community elements, including a willingness to assign our best people to our tasks--for short periods and, on occasion, for longer ones. We will be asking manypf you fciracsistance in this regard as we evolve into our new organfzation. 25X1 25X1 Attachment: As stated ert . es Acting Ch rman Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/29: CIA-RDP03B01495R000100330002-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/29: CIA-RDP03B01495R000100330002-1 Deputy Director for Itagaireinslists and Evaluation Intelligence Community Staff National Intelligence Council* I DCI Advisory Oodles}, SO II 1PrOdUCtiOnl. COMM X Staff intelligence Producers Council Staff DIRECTOR ,ICS DEPUTY DIRECTOP.ICS IEitecutive Officer Military Assistants Administrative Staff Requirements and Evaluation Office SIGINT Committee Staff Liaison Staff H Spiels! Assistant for Emergency Planning PAASINT Committee Staff Secretarial Staff Planning and Policy Office lorogrwn and Budget Office R&D Coordination Of Vic. Community CI fl. Swum," CM Of fn.- Inform:4*cm Handling Committee Staff 76 April 191tI *Prnviditt Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/29: CIA-RDP03B01495Ronn1nrmnnn9_1 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/04/29 : CIA-RDP03B01495R000100330002-1 bt.t.,KL I MANIFEST OF MAJOR NEW R&E ACTIONS A. Done: Attachment B 1. Final (and Interim) DCI Report to the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence entitled "Strengthening US Intelligence Capabilities Against the Soviet Military in the 1990s." (Lead: DDR&E; Support: all R&E elements) 2. A Strategic Plan for DDR&E for submission to the D/ICS for the DDCI. (Lead: DDR&E; Support: all R&E elements) 3. Reviewing Community Foreign Material Acquisition Shortfalls, for submission to DDR&E by November. (Lead: HUMINT; Support: CIA/GDIP) 4. Evaluation of the best use of our next space booster. This was done twice, in October and November. (Lead: REO; Support: COMIREX and SIGINT) B. Under Way or to be Done: 5. Conducting SSCI follow-on study on a new satellite concept, for submission to DCI by early January. (Lead: REO/P60; Support: ICS and Community) 6. Completing of FSCS work, for submission to DCI and NFIB by late January. (Lead: SIGINT; Support: Community) 7. Reviewing requirements systems, for final submission to DDR&E by early December with interim results/actions as available. (Lead: REO/IPC Staff) 8. Reviewing evaluation systems, for submission to DDR&E in late December-January with interim results/actions as available. (Lead: REO) 9. Ten-Year Guidance for the Imagery Community. (Lead: COMIREX) 10. Reviewing counterintelligence collection requirements, for final submission to DDR&E by late December. (Lead: HUMINT; Support: Community CI elements) 11. Reviewing impact of Soviet spread spectrum on US intelligence capabilities, for submission to DDR&E by late 1987. (Lead: SIGINT, NIOIS&T) 12. Assessing impact of $1.x billion budget cut, for use by DDR&E in budget deliberations. (Lead: REO/PBO; Support: all R&E elements) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/29: CIA-RDP03B01495R000100330002-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/29: CIA-RDP03B01495R000100330002-1 t 13. Implementing multidisciplinary actions, for review and action by DDR&E as soon as possible. (Lead: REO; Support: all R&E elements) 14. Assessing utility of a national major collection program, for use by DDR&E and others with S&I/HAC in mid-December. (Lead: REO/CRES; Support: IC elements) 15. Integrating INF monitoring requirements and priorities across collection disciplines, for Ch/ACIS and DDR&E by early 1988. (Lead: REO; Support: Collection Committees) 16. Review nuclear testing requirements, priorities, and capabilities for Ch/ACIS and DDR&E, by early 1988. (Lead: REO; Support: Collection Committees, JAEIC, ACIS) 17. Developing National Intelligence Collection Guide for Soviet Low Observables for NIO/S&T and DDR&E by late January 1988. (Lead: REO, NIO/S&T, STIC, WSSIC; Support: IC elements) 18. Developing National Intelligence Collection Guide for AIDS for Ch/AG/NIC, by late February 1988. (Lead: REO; Support: NIO at Large, AFMIC) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/29: CIA-RDP03B01495R000100330002-1