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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/13: CIA-RD-P93B00099R000700110001-2 , STAT STAT STAT STAT ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET SUBJECT: (Optional) ILSP Working Group Meeting Minutes - 17 December 1987 FROM: EXTENSION NO. OL 10339-87 Chairman, ILSP 3E14, Hqs DATE 29 December 1987 TO: (Officer designation, room number, and building) DATE OFFICER'S INITIALS COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom to whom. Draw a line across column after each comment.) RECEIVED FORWARDED 1. ? 7 41-: OS Rep . ? 4. ? ? . . . 10. . IL 11 13. 14. 15. FORM 610 USE PREVIOUS 1-79 EDITIONS * U.S. Government Printing Office: M5-494434M156 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/13: CIA-RDP93B00099R000700110001-2 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/12/13 : CIA-RDP93B00099R000700110001-2 XCONENTIAL 29 December 1987 MEMORANDUM FOR: ILSP Working Group Members, Alternates and Other Distribution STAT FROM: SUBJECT: STAT Chairman, ILSP Working Group ILSP Working Group Meeting Minutes - 17 December 1987 1. The scheduled meeting of the ILSP Working Group (ILSP WG) was held at 1030 hours, 17 December 1987. The following representatives were present: OL/FMD Chairman OSWR ILSP NESA DS&T Alternate DA Alternate OS . OS Representative DI Representative OMS DO Representative OIT Representative DCI Representative ILSP/SI ILSP/SI ILSP ILSP/SI 2. The minutes of the previous meeting, held on 1 December 1987, STAT were reviewed and ammended by a memo received from Chief, NBPO/OL. (Attachment 0). There were no further comments or changes. The formal agenda (Attachment 1) of? the meeting was then addressed. CsTAT STAT CONF ? TIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/13: CIA-RDP93B00099R000700110001-2 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/12/13 : CIA-RDP93B00099R000700110001-2 STAT CONFIDENTIAL SUBJECT: ILSP Working Group Meeting Minutes - 17 December 1987 3. Detailed NHB North Tower Relocation Schedules were presented by (Attachment 2) These schedules are in a draft stage and will be rev ewes with components and finalized by the January ILSP WG meeting. 4. The ILSP Charter does express Agency-wide goals selected to speak for their organizations. for disseminating information relating to t mo supporting was re-reviewed and discussed. The ILSP Charter and objectives and representatives were The ILSP WG is more than a forum and it does investigate and resolve problems a strong role for the ILSP WG was STAT received from OSWR Administration and is provided with the minutes (Attachment 3 . 5. OIT Topics STAT his role as the OIT Focal Point for all NHB discussed activities and several other OIT areas of interest. A copy of his charts are provided with the minutes. (Attachment 4) It was emphasized that if Bill is not informed, OIT is not informed. Other specific items were as follows: STAT A. NBPO organization chart was presented. B. The special in January. wiring contract for OSWR will be resolved C. A schedule for the OIT Computer Center moves was presented. Every 3-day weekend in the first half of 1988 will be scheduled for a computer center move. D. The OIT telephone operators are scheduled to move to NHB the last week of June 1988. E. OIT will move WANGs, Delta Datas, and the PCs they maintain. OIT will also help components move LANs, DECs, and other special equipment; however, components must provide the funding for these additional moves. F. OIT is now working on the OTS WANG/PBX installation in the STAT G. NHB. OIT was asked to provide status on their Wang/data/voice wiring effort in the NHB on a regular basis at future ILSP WG Meetings. provided Allied's phone number, a 24 hour trouble desk for any facility support problems during the night and weekends. CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/13: CIA-RDP93B00099R000700110001-2 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/12/13 : CIA-RDP93B00099R000700110001-2 J ? 11, STAT STAT CONFIDENTIAL SUBJECT: ILSP Working Group Meeting Minutes - 17 December 1987 6. OS Topics of subjects as follows: provided OS information on a variety A. OS PASS machines for the 4th floor NHB main entrance will be ordered in January. OS will have PASS machines and SPO's stationed at the 4th floor entrance of the NHB in July 1988. B. Picnic tables have been ordered for the side court yards. An action item was assigned to ILSP to look into any NHB access impacts from use of the picnic tables. OS put a $200,000 price tag on any additional PASS equipment and said that OL should pay if it is required due to OL opening sidecourts. C. The requirement for a VTR is determined by how a room is used. OS would like a written request for each VTR issue and they will respond in the same form. A VTR may not require a true floor and true ceiling (expanded metal and concrete) extension based on its usage. D. The CAMS 2 system will relocate to operation on 26 December. OS will (Attachment 5) on this subject and with a copy to C/ILSP. NHB and begin classified review the memo from OIT will respond directly E. OS has encountered no problems alarming the NHB. OS was asked to provide an alarm installation status on a regular basis at future ILSP WG meetings. 7. OL Topics A. All NHB contractors should be informed that they are responsible for picking up any litter they create. B. Alarms will be monitored by the 28 December 1987 for conditions water flow) that develop in the C. Organizations are requested to for services in the NHB, prior as they are known. Security Office as of (fire, power outage, OIT NHB Computer Centers. give FMD any requirements to its occupancy as soon D. The Fine Arts Commission has been asked to assist in the placement and use of 20 planters in the NHB. CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/13: CIA-RDP93B00099R000700110001-2 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/12/13 : CIA-RDP93B00099R000700110001-2 gli CONFIDENTIAL SUBJECT: ILSP Working Group Meeting Minutes - 17 December 1987 STAT E. STAT discussed guidelines for furniture in the NHB and provided a document titled, "General Furniture Rules for NHB." (Attachment 6) Reference was also made to a memo from Mr. Donnelly, the DDA, dated August 1987 that related to NHB furniture. An action item was assigned to look into the use of Borroughs furniture for bookcases that are over 2 shelves high. Conserv-a-files in stock are for replacement of safes in the NHB. An accounting will be provided as to how components' furniture funding for conserv-a-files is spent. F. The furniture manufacturer does not provide a lock for individual conserv-a-file drawers. They do provide a lock that controls all drawers. Allied can make a lock for each drawer, but more information is needed on requirements. G. A meeting has been scheduled on the subject of simplex locks and security conditions in the NHB. The meeting will be on 5 January 1988, at 0900 in Room 3E14, HQs. H. Arrangements have been made with Corry Hiebert and Kofco relating to furniture acquisition/delivery/installation in view of the NHB occupancy schedule slip. OL will pay the additional costs involved. provided details of the space planning and completion for the NHB. 1. OTS - 1st, 2nd, and 3rd floor turned over to OIT; ground, 1st and 2nd require renovations. 2. OSWR - 3rd, 4th, and 5th floor have been turned over to OIT; all have modifications. 3. MPSS - Requirements were given to an A&E firm for the redesign of the 5th floor. CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/13: CIA-RDP93B00099R000700110001-2 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/12/13 : CIA-RDP93B00099R000700110001-2 CONFIDENTIAL SUBJECT: ILSP Working Group Meeting Minutes - 17 December 1987 4. 0EA, NESA - working with components to complete requirements; have made some modifications; - complete NESA, 1 February and OEA, 8 February. 5. OIT office/storage areas - requirements will be completed by OIT by the end of December. 8. Issues A. High-level discussions are taking place between OTS and OIT on the subject of additional OTS Wang equipment and OIT DAC/ ISC space. B. OIA printing requirements and P&Pb impacts amount to 7 persons and $185,000. There will be off-line discussions on this subject. C. The naming of a DO alternate/replacement representative to the ILSP WG has not been resolved. It is still being worked on by the DO CMS. D. Reference was made to WG and named the initial members (Attachment 7) which defined the ILSP and and their roles in the WG. E. Plans are being developed to provide temporary OMS Infirmary with a sink and restroom requirements in the NEB. CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/13: CIA-RDP93B00099R000700110001-2 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/12/13 : CIA-RDP93B00099R000700110001-2 STAT STAT STAT STAT CONFIDENTIAL SUBJECT: ILSP Working Group Meeting Minutes - 17 December 1987 9. Action Item Review ILSP-09 This Al, which is to define a VTR, was transferred to OS via memo dated 8 December 1987. - Closed ILSP-23 DO Alternate/Replacement. Deferred until 7 Jan 1988. ILSP-28 Lock Kits for Conserv-a-files Deferred until 7 Jan 1988. ILSP ILSP-30 Provide status of Special Wiring for OSWR - Closed OIT ILSP-31 Provide Computer Center Move Schedule - Closed OIT ILSP-32 Schedule for Phone Operator Move to NHB - Closed OIT ILSP-33 Status of PASS and SPOs. - Closed OS ILSP-34 Schedule meeting on simplex locks and security OS conditions in NHB. - Closed - Meeting 5 Jan 1988. CMS/DO 10. New Action Items ILSP-35 Look into NHB Access Impacts resulting from use of picnic tables in the side courts. - Due 8 January 1988 ILSP ILSP-36 Look into the use of Borroughs bookcases if bookcases over 2 shelves high are required. - Due 8 January 1988 ILSP 11. The next ILSP WG meeting will be held on 8 January-1988 at 0830 in Room 3E14, HQs. Distribution: a/s CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/13: CIA-RDP93B00099R000700110001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/13: CIA-RDP93B00099R000700110001-2 9 December 1987 MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD SUBJECT ILSP Meeting Minutes of 1 December 1987 1. The purpose of this MFR is to correct and clarify certain statements contained in the minutes of the ILSP Working Group Meeting held on 1 December 1987. 2. Paragraph 3 of the minutes state that GSA announced a three-month slip in the turnover of the North Tower in September 1987. In fact, C/NEPO advised FMD and OIT in July 1987 that the North Tower would not be totally complete in September 1987 and that the North Tower would be available floor by floor. At that time, C/NBPO emphasized that components should adjust their plans accordingly. Apparently they were not. 3. Paragraph 10 states that OTS requirements were inadvertently dropped during NHB construction. In fact, renovations are required to the OTS area for three reasons: ? a. NBPCVSH&G failed to incorporate some OTS requirements into the original design. b. Centex's interpretation of the contract documents differ in some areas from the Government interpretation requiring that modifications be made to the OTS area to meet known requirements. c. To satisfy new OTS requirements previously not identified. STAT Chief, New Building cc: Project Office, OL D/L C/FMD/CL C/ILSE0/46 STAT OL/NBP0 Orig - File 1 - OL/NBPO Chrono 9Dec87 npclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/13: CIA-RDP93B00099R000700110001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/13 : CIA-RDP93B00099R000700110001-2 Ivirr-074,4/itt,er STAT SECRET ILSP Working Group Meeting Agenda 17 December 1987 -- Review/Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting -- Old Business -- Detailed NHB North Tower Relocation Schedule -- Finalize "ILSP Working Group Charter" STAT -- cm Topics role as OIT Focal Point for all NHB Activities - OIT's organizational structure for NHB Activities -- Status of special wiring work for OSWR in NHB -- Schedule for OIT Computer Center moves -- Schedule for telephone operator moves for OHB OIT's role in relocating customer ADP equipment -- Status of Wang/PBX installation work in NHB STAT OS Topics -- OS requirements for additional PASS machines at 4th floor NHB main entrance? -- Confirm that SPO staffing, PASS, etc will be in place by July 1988 for occupancy -- Define requirement for NHB "vault type room"; OK to use NHB conference room for secure OSWR equipment room? -- Relocation of CAMS 2 system from data link from NHB to ORB OK? SECRET to NUB; is the "red" STAT in Part - Sanitized CODV Approved for Release 2013/12/13: CIA?RDP93B00099R000700110001-2 STAT Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/12/13 : CIA-RDP93B00099R000700110001-2 SECRET 3 TWT OL Topics -- Litter complaints in NHB STAT STAT STAT STAT STAT -- Piggybacking on security alarm system to provide fire, water flow, power outage alarms for OIT NHB Computer Centers -- Requirements for FMD services in NHB - NHB planters: Request to Fine Arts Commission -- Furniture guidance for NHB -- Can lock kits be obtained for Conserv-a-files? -- Meeting on simplex locks and security conditions in NHB Action Item from previous ILSP Meeting. -- Contractual issues with to furniture acquisition/installation -- Status of space planning and completion for NHB relative -- Issues -- Additional OTS Wang equipment and OIT DAC/ISC space - OIA printing requirements and P&PD impacts -- DO representative/alternate to ILSP Working Group - HN on ILSP Working Group (19 Oct) - OMS Infirmary: sink and restroom requirement STAT -- Action Item Review -- Next Meeting: 7 Jan 88, 10:30, 3E14 Hqs SECRET nca-inccifipri in Part - Sanitized Coov Approved for Release 2013/12/13: CIA-RDP93B00099R000700110001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/13 : CIA-RDP93B00099R000700110001-2 niey-- . NORTH TOWER mAs111( scflEDULk: 1987 1988 JAN 88 7114121 128 I 1 1 4111118125 FE.8 1 r 1 1 11 8115122129 MAR I APR 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7114121128 4111118125 MAY 1111 21 9116123130 JUN I 1 I 6113120127 JUL I AUG 1 1 ? 1 I 1 1 I I 41111181251 11 8115122129 UlT OPERATORS UTS Shp OCT 1-1-1-1- 1 1 1 1 5112119126 3110117124131 1 OSWR 1 IyEA -T- BSB, CAD, MBPU, UI'! GU . I 1 MESA IMPS 1 NOV I 1 7114121 UIT OFF. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/13: CIA-RDP93B00099R000700110001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/13: CIA-RDP93B00099R000700110001-2 0SWR - NORTH TOWER 1988 DEC 87 JAN 88 1 FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT 1 NOV 7114121128 4111 1181251 11 8115122129 1 FMD DESIGN1 7114121128 4111118125 21 9116123130 6113120127 4111118125 11 8115122129 5112119126 11111-if 3110117124131 7114121 FMD RENOVATION CAD/OUTPUT I. 1 OS INSTALL OJT SURVEY 1 (LIT INSTALL P/W/DATA ? I---1 FMD CHECKOUT INSTALL CARPET INSTALL FURN & PARTITIONS INSTALL & CHECKOUT 011 --I END CHECKOUT I osmi MOVE Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/13 : CIA-RDP93B00099R000700110001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/13: CIA-RDP93B00099R000700110001-2 OTS - NORTH TOWER 1988 DEC 87 JAN I 1 7114121128 I 4111118125 FE8 1 1 1 1 11 8115122129 MAR 1 1 1 7114121128 APR 1 1 1 4111118125 MAY 1 1 1 1 21 9116123130 JUN 1 1 1 6113120127 JUL 1 1 1 4111118125 AUG 1 1 1 11 8115122129 SEP 1 1 1 5112119126 OCT I 1 1 1 31101171241 31 NOV 1 1 7114121 1 END DESIGN RENOVATION RENOVATION (1ST FLOOR) 1 OIT SURVEY 011' WIRE 3 1 OTT WIRE 2 los ALARM 3 1 OTT WIRE I OS ALARM 2 1 OS ALARM I (GROUND ONLY) 1 OIT WIRE GROUND ?1 OS ALARM GROUND ? Ti EMU CHECK 1 1 CARPET IINSTALL FURNITURE k, PARTI lIONS INSTALL & CHECKOUT 011 }MD CHECKOIT E1/IJI PM ENT MOVES ---I MOVE I 1--I MOVE 2 1_ 1 MOVE 3 -- I 7--I GAD Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/13: CIA-RDP93B00099R000700110001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/13: CIA-RDP93B00099R000700110001-2 ORA - WORTH TOWER DEC 87 . JAN 88 I FEB 1988 MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV 7114121128 41111181251 11 8115122129 7114121128 4111118125 21 9116123130 6113120127 4111118125 11 8115122129 5112119126 3110117124131 7114121 1 ILSP PLANNING I CAD II 0EA 1004 DRAWING 1 1 FM0 GROMMETS 1 OIT SURVEY I OIT WIRE FMD CHECK 1 CARPET 1 INSTALL FURNITURE & PARTITIONS 1 011 -CHECKuOT & I OSIALL 1 I ___I FMD CHECKOUT 1 1 I OF.A MOVE Declassified in in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/13: CIA-RDP93B00099R000700110001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/13: CIA-RDP93B00099R000700110001-2 u1T - NORTH TOWER DEC 87 JAN 88 1 FEB 1 MAR 1988 APR I MAY I JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT I NOV 7114121128 41111181251 11 81151221291 7114121128 41111181251 21 91161231301 6113120127 ? 4111118125 11 8115122129 5112119126 31101171241311 7114121 1 1 NHPU TURN OVER OF SOUTH TOWER 1 1 FMD REQUIREMENTS I FMD DESIGN 1---T--1 FMD RENOVATIONS 1_7_1 CAD OUTPUT 1 1 FMD FLOOR WORK I OIT SURVEY OS ALARMS INSTALL FURNETUR I 011 WIRING MD CHECKOUT I ? I CARPET INSTALL 1 1 & PARTITION I I 1 1 T-- I NS TA L A. & (AHEcKouT1 .()1T EQUIP MOVE) 1 1,M1) CH ?CROUT 011 MOVE Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/13: CIA-RDP93B00099R000700110001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/13: CIA-RDP93B00099R000700110001-2 1988 DEC 87 1 JAN 88 I FEU I 1 1 I I I I I 7114121128 I 41111181251 11 8115122129 MAR 1 1 I 7114121128 APR I 1 1 4111118125 MAY 1 I 1 ,1 21 9116123I30 JUN 1 I 1 6113120127 JUL I I I 4111118125 AUG 1 1 I I 11 8115122129 SEP 1 I I 5112119126 OCT 1 1 1 I 3110117124131 NOV I I 7114121 1LSP RENOVATIONS I END DESIGN CAD MPSS 1001 DRAWINGS OIT SURVEY MPSS RENOVATIONS 1 HID GROMMETS 01T WIRE 1 FMD CHECK 1 1 CARPET -INSIALL FURNITURE 6, PARTITIONS . I 1 011' CHECKOUT & INSTALL , I CHECKOUT mPSS MOVE Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/13: CIA-RDP93B00099R000700110001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/13: CIA-RDP93B00099R000700110001-2 NESA - NORTH TOWER 1988 DEC 87 I.JAN 88 FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV 7114121128 4111118125 11 8115122129 7114121128 4111118125 21 9116123130 6113120127 I ILSP PLANNING CAD NESA 1001 DRAWINGS FMD GROMMETS 1 OIT SURVEY 1 FMD MINOR RENOVATIONS 41.11118125 11 8115122129 5112119126 3110117124131 7114121 1 011 WIRE I EMI) CHECKOUT I CARPET INSTALL FURNITURE & PARTITIONS 011 CHECKOUT & INSTALL 1 FMD CHECKOUT NESA MOVE Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/13: CIA-RDP93B00099R000700110001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/13: CIA-RDP93B00099R000700110001-2 STAT MEMORANDUM FOR: FROM CONFIDENTIAL w dirr4g/f/04 or 3 16 Dec 87 /ILSP OSWR/Admin I will be on leave during the next ILSP meeting but would like to make some comments regarding the ILSP draft charter and what I see as the role of the ILSP. Regarding the charter, I have only a few minor changes to recommend. First, I believe the name should be changed to drop association with logistics. My perception of the ILSP is that it should represent the entire directorate of administration. The inclusion of "logistics" in the name gives the impression that it deals only with logistical matters and thus has only the authority of D/Logs to carry out its' charter. I believe that the authority derives directly from the DDA and that the authority, function and responsibilities of the ILSP should be recognized by all DDA offices. In addition, I would like to see the wording of the charter exhibit more authority and responsibility. If the ILSP is to work as I envision, It must take more of a command role in planning, coordinating and executing each item. The wording of the charter should reflect participation not only of each directorate, but also of each office of the DDA. The representatives of each office should be empowered to speak and act on behalf of their respective offices at the meetings. Finally, it must be recognized by the affected offices that the ILSP is the responsible point for dealing with all matters pertaining to support of their moves and for resolving issues unique to them. For example, when an office identifies a wiring issue, it should be the responsibility of the ILSP to broker and resolve the issue, rather than leaving the office to work directly with OIT. OSWR's own experience is evidence of how the latter does not work. The impact of the OSWR/OIT failure to effectively communicate impacted on the entire move. Had the ILSP addressed the "total move" requirements back in Jan 87, the delay may have been prevented. Regarding the role of the ILSP, from OSWR's viewpoint much more could be done to effectively plan and coordinate office moves. Although we recognized our roles as "guinea pigs", it was nevertheless disappointing to see the lack of coordination and communication which persisted over this last year. Specifically, from approximately Jan 87 until Sept 87 the primary focus seemed to be with getting adequate seating space for OSWR. This space issue was only resolved In Sept 87. In the meantime, issues such as special wiring, safes, furniture, security alarms and safety were either not addressed or were left to this office to address specifically with other DDA offices. Eventually, some of these items were addressed by the ILSP but in a rushed and uncoordinated manner. It is obvious now that all Issues interrelate and must be dealt with, if not simultaneously, at least in a coordinated manner before the scheduled move date. It is interesting to note that even now some of the above issues are unresolved. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/13 : CIA-RDP93B00099R000700110001-2 LAairiVnisillAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/13: CIA-RDP93B00099R000700110001-2 , OSWR suggests the following: A) All logistics elements responsible for the move and reps from each DDA office drawn together under the authority of C/ILSP. B) All action items from offices dealt with by an ILSP central point. C) Teams composed of an architect, engineer, physical security expert, safety employee and OIT employee are assigned to address all matters and questions relating to each individual office in their scheduled order of move. C) An itemized list of matters to be addressed should be developed and completed for each office to be moved (i.e. adequacy of space, special equipment requirements, wiring requirements, structural revisions, furniture requirements, security storage requirements, etc.). CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/13: CIA-RDP93B00099R000700110001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/13: CIA-RDP93B00099R00070011-0001-2 4/01,04ir - - " OIT NEW BUILDING PROGRAM OFFICE Chief One Officer Two ROPEs Office SI OG TSD CSG ID CSG USNA EG NBCPD Computer Wang Moves Special New Center Internal Moves Projects Building Moves and Communications Circuits ? I/C Segment B/B Segment C/C Segment MG OIT/SUPP OIT Office Move NI3-1 11/19/87 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/13: CIA-RDP93B00099R000700110001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/13: CIA-RDP93B00099R000700110001-2 RESPONSIBILITIES ? OIT New Building Program Office (OIT NBPO) ? IDENTIFY OFFICE'S REQUIREMENTS WITH OL ? Early - 3 or 4 Months Before Move ? Assign Tasks to Responisble OIT Project ? Resolve Funding - OIT or Customer Office ? Track Tasks Via Office SI ? SINGLE POINT OF CONTACT FOR OL ? IDENTIFY PROJECT INTERRELATIONSHIPS ? Coordinate OIT Project Relationships ? NOT a Coordinator Within Projects ? Schedule and Coordinate Biweekly for D / OIT PROJECT RESPONSIBILITIES . COORDINATION & EXECUTION OF ALL THINGS NECESSARY TO GET THAT PROJECT DONE ON 'SCHEDULE ? KEEP OIT PROGRAM OFFICE INFORMED OF PROBLEMS NB-2 11/19/87 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/13: CIA-RDP93B00099R000700110001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/13: CIA-RDP93B00099R000700110001-2 19 JUNE 1987 DATE OF MOVE 111117 1111111 1111111 MOVE KOUDICE JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FED MR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FED 151pt & I Dec 17 30 Nov117 4 Jan BS A II April 84 II Jan OS ill April SS May OS 27 May 1111 2 Sept N 4 July Ill II 7 Ocl III Nov LI & Feb Se II Nov BB 17Feb II SIM Preparation 1. CRAY Smokes 2. CAMS Prof/mawII ttf...P/-ni Development 0i.e,4 I. DESIST I. FOUR C Center ? SOD III I WO Link I Move I Instill Operellenel CrayNg I Canned IS ? I i 1 ? III install &Wee 1111 Boles/11e TRW Eli Neleeslit 1014 III Inels11 gape. 1 Operellenid 'nolo Bridge ? I 011wIllIslis ? . , . Communications VIARIVS Oenwel Instill Bridge a 3 Operellenal Neve 2 II II I. Service, 7. SAFE ProduClion I. ALLSTAN Upgrade (11310) I. VIVIIVS General Services Expansion 10. SAFE Unchisellled 11. Special Center ioco:q Instill Bridge o 2 Operelional Neve 1 a a Inel Bridge ig II 2 Opesellenal MI Neve Mere al 1 Install I Bridge Operational Neve I oll--MENOVATIE GC43 ---110.? Install Bridge 3 Move Op?tiollon?I I II I I I FIGURE 3-1 RELOCATION SCHEDULE FOR OIT COMPUTERS Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/13: CIA-RDP93B00099R000700110001-2 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/13 CIA-RDP93B00099R000700110001-2 STAT 01T-0928-87 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director, Office of Security, DA FROM: Edward J. Maloney Director, Office of Information Technology, DA SUBJECT: Classified Operation of Data Processing Equipment in the New Headquarters Building ),''..r"? 1. In order to meet data processing support requirements for several national programs, it is necessary for OIT to commence classified operation of data processing eq in the New Headquarters Building no later than STAT 29 December 1987. STAT STAT. STAT STAT 2. Although the computer center itself is secure, the ground floor area of the core, which houses the classified communications conduit between the new and original buildings, has not yet been turned over to the government from the contractor. This turnover is currently targeted at April 1988. We are faced therefore, with at least a four-month time period that this area must be secured to the est nt that classified information could transit the area in conduit. 3. Actions are already underway to physically secure the pullboxes and conduit runs which will be a part of the red signal path. Please take whatever additional steos you deem necessar to provide adequate security for these conduit runs by 21 December 1987. cc: DIOL SECRET narlaccifipri in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/13 CIA-RDP93B00099R000700110001-2 Declassified in Part-Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/12/13 CIA-RDP93B00099R000700110001-2 n7-r-4efrAte1 r 17 DEC 198/ ILLEGIB GENERAL FURNITURE RULES FOR NHB Okay to move to (or purchase for) NHB Description 1. Non-Corry Hiebert (CH) items for private offices (GS-15 and above) and conference rooms 2. Typing tables bookcases, computer stands, etc. 3. Coffee stands 4. Other sizes of the Agency chosen NHB standard furniture items in the CH handout. 5. Desk chairs. Caveat Executive Furniture Catalog (EFC) items -- not the bulky traditional Class A wood furniture. If they are the standard items in the non-restricted section of the EFC or the CH handout. CH double-door bookcases may be purchased for this purpose providing that space is avail- able and that coffee pots will be allowed in NHB. Only if the non-standard sizes do not create safety problems or interfere with power or telephone connections If reasonably compatible with the CH or executive furniture. Not acceptable to move 1. Gray or black metal coatracks. Replace with: a. parchment-color wearing apparel racks, stock #7195-00-004-6716 (6 hangers), $49.39, or 7195-00-004-6726 (12 hangers), $81.00. b. polished chrome 4-hook costumers, Stock #7195-00-004-0652, $26.89. c. CH chrome coathooks that attach to the panels, $7.56 for 3. 2. Gray or black metal bookcases. Replace with: a. parchment-color 2-shelf metal bookcases from GSA, stock #7110-00-601-9822, 30Wx13Dx47-1/2"H, $56.81 (Non-restricted ' section of the EFC). b. putty-color 2-shelf metal bookcases from Borroughs (GSA schedule) #04212-000, 34Wx12Dx42"H, $138.02 or #04812-000, 34Wx12Dx48"H, $162.10. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/13: CIA-RDP93B00099R000700110001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/13 : CIA-IDP93B00099R000700110001-2 _ ? 11IF 3. Gray or black metal guest chairs. Replace with: a. Chair, rotary armless (p.34, Non-Restricted section of EFC), Stock No. 7110-01-188-39## (last two digits specify color), $73.96 b. Chair, rotary, low back, w/arms (p.33, Non-Restricted section of EFC), Stock No. 7110-01-188-39ft (last two digits specify color), $82.94 c. Lounge Chair (p.27, SIS-4 And Above section of EFC), Stock No. 7110-00-H04-8157, $292.50 - 403.20. d. Chair, easy, rotary (p.26, SIS-4 And Above section of EFC), Stock No. 7110-00-H04-8152), $279.00 - 291.00. e. Chair, straight (p.7, GS-15 And Above section of EFC), Stock No. 7110-00-931-440# (last digit specifies color), $150.41. 4. Gray metal trash receptacles. Replace with rectangular black rubber receptacles, stock #7520-00-W05-0005, $2.50. Although the gray metal receptacles ($2.67 ea.) are the ones currently stocked, the rubber ones will soon become the standard stock item. Not acceptable for purchase Most other CH furniture items have not been tested for consistency with Agency standards of manufacture or longevity. Prior Approval for purchase of these items must be obtained from C/ILSP and the Interior Design Consultant (IDC). Conserv-a-files 1. It is acceptable to move Conserva-a-file cabinets currently owned by components moving to NHB if they are color-compatible with the standard NHB furniture and if individual cabinet dimensions do not create safety problems or interefere with access to power or telephone connections. 2. The primary purpose of the Conserv-a-files purchased by the Building Services Branch (BSB) for NHB is to replace the combination lock filing cabinets (safes) which are not to be moved into the NHB. Requests for Conserv-a-files to replace those which are not compatible with the standard NHB furniture will also be serviced from the BSB stockpile but only insofar as issues from the stockpile do not interfere with the primary purpose of the stock. 3. All Conserv-a-files issued from BSB stock will be charged to requisitioning component funds. Before preparing your requests, please contact C/BSB for advice on the documentation required. Descriptive information: 7110- Lateral file, s/e Conserv-a-file, 36" wide, 5 tier, s/e Federal standard 595a, parchment (soft white or almond), $516.74 ea. neclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/13: CIA-RDP93B00099R000700110001-2 _ Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/13 : CIA-RDP93B00099R000700110001-2 ? qf STAT Partition Panels 1. Corry Hiebert partition panels, 40 and 60 inches in height and of varying lengths, will be installed as appropriate with the CH furniture being acquired for the new building. In those cases where a greater privacy requirement is justified to ILSP, 80 inch high partition panels may be installed. Pleion was selected to be the source for these panels for three reasons: the panels have proven acoustic qualities; they are standard procurement items at a substantial discount; our design consultants are familiar with the product. Pleion also has 80 inch panels with doors as part of their production line. 2. The Pleion panels have the following finishes which accommodate to the color scheme of NHB: enamel - 120 light gray . laminate 820 light gray fabric - 406 quartz. 3. With the exception of the possible need for special justifications for 80 inch high panels, components moving into the NHB are not required to take any action regarding partition panels. Requisitioning and delivery 1. All requisitions for furniture and furnishings for NHB must cite the appropriate ord-ring component funds to be charged, be approved by the IDC be submitted to BSB. As previously stated, requests for CH furniture not in the CH handout must have prior approval of C/ILSP. 2. The Office of Logistics has no space available for storage of any additional furniture for NHB. The permanent room numbers have not yet been installed in NHB. Consequently, any furniture ordered by a component scheduled to move into the NHB must be stored in the present space of the requisitioning component until space assigned to that component becomes available in the NHB. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/13: CIA-RDP93B00099R000700110001-2 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/13: CIA-RDP93B00099R000700110001-2 R Next 1 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/13: CIA-RDP93B00099R000700110001-2