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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000350001-4 I INF2R ATION REPORT 'INFORMATION REPOR CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 50X1 50X1 This material contains information affecting the National-Wanseof the United States within the meaning c the. Espionage Laws, Title 18, U.S.C. Secs. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any Manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. SECRET NO FOREIGN DISSEM COUNTRY East Germany/USSR/Poland/ Czechoslovakia SUBJECT Summary Report on Transportation in East Germany, USSR, and Czechoslovakia Poland REPORT DATE DISTR. NO. PAGES REFERENCES ,P6o4. Ise.? 1 50X1 DATE OF INFO. PLACE & DATE ACQ 50X1-HUM THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION. SOURCE GRADINGS ARE DEFINITIVE. APPRAISAL OF CONTENT IS TENTATIVE. 4 3 L on transportation Poland. 50X1-HUM summary report for October 1963 in East Germany. the USSR. Czechoslovakia and Distribution of Attachment: ORR: .briagt 50X1-HUM 4 zi 50X1-HUM Army: Retention of Copy #2 Air: Retention of Copy #3 SECRET NO FOREIGN DISSEM STATE X I DIA 5 50X1-HUM 4 3 2 1 GROUP I Excluded from automatic downgrading and declassification X I ARMY #X 1NMN X 1AM #X INSA X XAK I OCR (Note: Field distribution indicated by "#".) 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000350001-4 tr? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000350001-4 bOX1 SECRET NO FEE 71 EIMER r a n por t at ion Suiriar for October 1963 SECRET roPriemi rnftrirli PUP I 4Excluded from automatikr clownzrding ad declaosificaffon Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000350001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000350001-4 4' SECRET - 2 - Transportation Summary for October 1963 Summary I. International Transport Relations - Conferences of various Soviet Bloc transport commissions. - Conference of Danube Commission. - Danube course. For map and details of Danube shipping see Annexes 1 through If. ? Joint Yugoslav/Hungarian Tail border stations. ? Planned putting into operation of Ceska Cubice Kubitzen) interchange station on 31 May 1964. II. USSR (Bohmisch - Railroad transport performances and supply of tractive stock in'first half of 1963., - Operational difficulties on Central and Transsiberian Magistrales. Tank car shuttle trains for crude oil and POL shipments. - Heavy-duty freight trains from 10,000 to 12,000 tons. - Extension of railroad. station tracks to standard lengths of 850, 1 050 and 1,250 meters. - Putting into operation of now Volga/Baltic'Sea Canal presumably in early 1964, - New USSR/Pakistan air connection from mid-November 1963. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000350001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000350001-4 ? SECRET - 3 - III. Zone of J. Interzonal freight trains still on Gerstungen - Wartha line. - Increase of railroad passenger traffic between West Germany and Soviet Zone. ? Hundred special PAA and BEA flights more in West German-/ West Berlin Christmas 1963 traffic than in 1964. - Further decrease in number of Reichsbahn personnel residing in West Berlin. ^ Separate operation of S-Bahn and long-distance trains on Birkenwerder Oranienburg line. - New Elstal (Kreis Nauen) railroad station on western part of Berlin Outer Ring. ? Double-track operation on railroad bridge over Havel River near Hennigsdorf Nord and on Berlin Outer Ring between Eich- gestell and Springpfuhl. "Unloading Center Southeast" at Berlin=Adlershof freight station for East Berlin coal supply. - Planned construction of new West Berlin subway stations, ? For layout sketch of Berlin subway system, see Annex 2. 1964 Plan for freight transportationl train traction service and line construction. Deterioration of operational situation in October 1963. Coinciding military transport demands and increasing fall traffic; growing plan arrears. - Coal situation still satisfactory; difficulties in coal supply. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000350001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000350001-4 SECRET - 4 - - 1963 peak of military demands on Reichsbahn in October because of intensive training exercises. Military border crossing traffic: Since September, main movement of annual personnel rotation program, including departure and arrival of dependents. Double-track operation on Birkenwerder Lehnitz and Flirstenberg/Havel - Kothen stretches of Line 121. - Double-track operation on Bernburg - Baalbe?ge and Biendorf Kothen stretches of Line 203. - Partial increase of clearance capacity of Lines 118 and 110. - New railroad stations in operation. - Competition efforts of locomotive factories. New internal combustion-engined railcars (LeichtVer- brennungstriebwagen) (LVT). Development of 5,260 kV fast train electric locomotive. - Completion of one heavy industrial electric locomotive daily. - ProductiOn of tank cars at Jena Reichsbahnausbesserungs- werk (repair shop). New rebuilt (Reko) freight oars. ? Planned increase of production of passenger car of Type Trabant in 1964. - Planned reduction of passenger car types as from 1970. - Improvement of Highways F-81 and F-98. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000350001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000350001-4 SECRET -5- - New road between Rostock F-105 - Daily freight movement 10,000 tons at East Berlin's East Harbor. Annual freight movement 2.3 million tons at Inland Harbor Eisenhattenstadt (Furstenberg/Oder). - Closed Elbe River stretch because of Soviet Army exercises. - Reduction of intrazonal ai4routes to three connections. IV. CzechosloNlkia - New Traffic Minister. - Reorganization of Czech State Railroads (CSD) so far un- successful. - Establishment of central coal unloading stations. - Transfer of skilled personnel to freight train service of Central Railroads. - Expansion of agreement on border crossing traffic between Czechoslovakia and Hungary. - Two railroad bridges built on Podolinec - Orlov line under construction. Double-tracking and electrification of Tiirmitz (Trmice) Bilin (Bilina) Obernitz (Obrnice) line (Line 13 b). Electrification of Pilsen (Plzen) - Horazdovice line (Line 19). - Increasing use of steam locomotives. - Honoring of military railroad unit. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000350001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000350001-4 SECRET ?6- - Improvement and asphalting of Bruhn (Brno) - Iglau (Jihlawa) State Highway No 2. Employment of trucks of military driving schools in freight transport. - Enlargement of Prague-Ruzyne airport. - Construction of Sahy - Zaluzi branch pipeline. V. Poland Insignificant overfulfilment of Third Quarter Plan for freight transportation; total arrears not possible to be made up. - Employment of railroad engineers in line construction; location of troops. ? Electrification of Kattowitz (Katowice) - Bielsko Biala line by November 1963; consequently, electrification of about 1,550 kilometers in late 1963. - Militarily significant road construction in South- East Poland (Beskids Mts and greater area of Lublin).. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/17 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071000350001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000350001-4 SECRET - 7 - I. International Transport Relations 1. Conferences After the summer recess, conferences have been resumed by the organizations charged with the coordination of traffic affairs. - At the 13th session of the Permanent Commission for -Transport Affairs of the Council for Mutual Economic Aid (COMECON) held in .rjarsaw between 10 and 13 Sep- tember 1963, the joint Soviet Bloc freight car pool was the key subject of the discussion. - At the VIIth meeting of the Commission of the Organization for the Cooperation of Railroads in the Soviet Bloc (OSShD) in Magdeburg between 15 and 24 October 1963, the following points were discussed: mechanization and automation of car-sorting inclines; grade crossings protection by means of automatic barriers radio, television and acoustic devices in the rail- . road system; and data processing. - At the expert conference of the Danube Commission held in Budapest between 30 September and 8 October 1963, nautical hydrometeorological %Thd customs questions were discussed. - At the special meeting of the Danube Commission held in Budapest between 10 and 19 October 1963, the representatives of Yugoslavia and Rumania informed the other Commission members on the Iron Gate projects. The Iron Gate is a 117-kilometer long stretch of rapids between Danube Kilometer Marker 1,048 near Moldava Veche (Rumania) and Kilometer Marker 931 near Turnu Severin (Rumania, where between 1964 and 1971, two sluices and one or two power plants are to be built and the river is to be dammed up over 12o kilometers' length So as to raise the water level above the obstacles in the river bed which impede navigation. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000350001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000350001-4 SECRET - 8 - Technical investigations were carried out on the spot and an interstate contract for the projects has been concluded.The point at issue now is the financirm of the estimated 400- million dollar projects. About 100 million dollars will be required for the improvement of the waterway, and about 300 million dollars for the power plants. All countries shipping on the Danube are to contribute to the financing of the water- way by paying shipping tolls and by the granting of credits. No agreement was reached. For details on Danube River, see Annex. 2. Joint Border Stations Efforts of the IVth Commission of the OSShD to establish joint border stations were successfully brought to a close in the Yugoslav-Hungarian negotiations. These stations are Subotica (Yugoslavia, Beograd - Budapest stretch), Gyekenyes (Hungary, Zagreb -; Dombovar stretch) and Murakeresztur (Hungary,Ljublana Budapest stretch). 3. Interchange Station Between the West German Bundesbahn and the Czechoslovak State 'Railroads (CSD) Construction work carried on since early 1963 on the initiative of the CSD to convert Ceska Cubic? (BbhmiSch Kubitzen) rail- road station, located across from Furth-im-Wald (German Federal Republic), into an interchange station (=railroad station at which locomotive and- train personnel is exchanged) has not yet been completed. The putting into operation of Ceska Cubice interchange station is now scheduled for 31 May 1964 (beginning of summer time-table) (See Tpt. Summary for April 1963). SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000350001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000350001-4 SECRET -9- II. USSR 1. Railroad Transportation a. Operational Data (1) Transport Performances of the First Half of 1963 (first half of 1962) Freight movement, in billion tons/kilometer 855 (808) Freight shipments, in million tons' 10047 (1,020) Passenger transport per- formances, in billion persons/kilometer 79.7 (79L) 2lectrified lines; in kilometers up to 1 July 18,100 (16,023) Dieselized lines, in .kilometer up to 1 July 40,900 .(31,055) Track laying on ballast,? in kilometers. 3,000 ( 2,900) Track laying of new (heavy) rails, in kilometers 3,300 ( 3,500) Average daily running per- formance, in kilometers electric locomotive 586.6 diesel locomotive 506.6 steam locomotive 314 (about 579) (about 491) (about 315) Average freight trans- portation distance, in kilometers. 817 (792) Delivery of electric main 321 (299) line locomotives,items Delivery of main line diesel locomotives, units 700 SECRET 0733) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000350001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000350001-4 SECRET - 10 - (2) Operational Difficulties on the Central and Trans- siberian Magistrales (3) According to information given by the head of the 'vest Siberian Railroad Division, additional 15 to 18 trains have been running on the Transsiberian Magistrale since June 1963. The following reasons were given for this increase in trains: - Beginning of increased fall transports; - Shortage of Diesel locomotives on the single- track Omsk - Barnaul stretch of the Central Siberian Magistrale, in operation since January 1963, and the concomitant additional stress on Transsiberian Magistrale. Crude Oil and POI, Shipments By order of the Ministry for Traffic, fully-assembled tank shuttle trains are now being used for the trans- portation of crude oil and crude oil products from the oil drilling areas to the unloading stations. Crude oil deposits are found mainly in the areas of Kubyshev and Baku and near the locations with large refining installations. Unloading stations are in particular port3of shipment for crude oil and crude oil products as well as locations with large tank installations (e.g., for the charging of pipelines). It was ordered at the same time that,contrary to previous practices, tank cars be used for one type of material only, and that all cars be marked accordingly. Special railroad stations are in charge of the assembly of empty tank car trains in the various areas. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000350001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000350001-4 SECRET (4) Heavy Freight Car Trains Trial runs of freight trains with a total weight of 10,000 to 12,000 tons were made on the Omsk-Prokop'evsk str.etch in 1963. These trial runs which were directed and supervised by the Institute for Engineers of. the Railroad Troops in Omsk developed to full satis- faction. b. Line Construction and Extension of Railroad Stations Extension of Railroad Station Tracks In order to increase the clearance capacity, the tracks of 2,700 railroad stations are to be extended to the standard .length of 850, 1,050, or 1,250 meters according to the size of the respective railroad station, by 1965. In late 1962, track: extensions were already completed at approximately 750 railroad stations. By late. 1963, additional 350 railroad stations are scheduled to be extended, 1,600 railroad stations being left for extension in 1964 and 1965. 2. Road Construction Road Net - Improvement -a? . In the Ukraine, the road net was extended by approximatelY 14,000 kilometers between 1959 and 1962 and :totals now about 238,000 kilometers, ? The following improved or recon- structed roads were opened to traffic: - Kiev - Odessa - Kiev - Dnyepropetrovsk Kiev - Sumy - Kachovka - Novoalekseevka. In 1963,. additional 4,000 kilometers are to receive a solid surace. By late 1963, opening of uninterrupted traffic is scheduled on the following road sections at present under construction: SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000350001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000350001-4 SECRET - 12 Dnyepropetrovsk - Doneck - Zaporosn'e - Shdanov - Zaporosh'e - Berdyansk - Doneck - Shdanov - Zimferopol' Evpatoria. Since early 1963, some stretches of the important Lenin7 grad - Kiev highway have been completely reconstructed or improved. b. In Kasakhstan, about 9,770 kilometers of roads received a solid surface in the past four years, among others the following road connections: - Chimkent - Turkestan - Chu - Georgievka - Celinograd - Shortandy. Of the total road net of about 108,000 kilometers,about 15.6 per cent (=about 16,800 kilometers) now have a solid surface. 3. Inland_Lhipping The new Volga -?Baltic Sea Canal, which has been under con- struction for eight years and which is to replace the obsolete Mariinsk canal system, is to be completed and put into ? operation by the beginning(of the 1964 shipping season. `previously 59) Equipped with seven large,modern locks/the 361-kilometer long canal between Lake'Onega and the Rybinsk Reservoir is now navigable for ships up to about 5,000 tons (pre- viously 800 tons). The Volga - Baltic Canal connects the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea (via the Volga - Don Canal) with the Baltic (via Lake Onega - Svir - Lake Ladoga - Neva River) as well as with the Arctic Ocean (via Lake Onega - White Sea Canal White Sea). Since this combined river-canal system is already well- developed. and navigable for large river vessels, an important and effective inland waterway network will be created in the European part of the USSR by the opening of the new ,canal. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000350001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000350001-4 SECRET - 13 - The new. Volga - Baltic Canal is expected to bring about the following results: - Reduction of the shipping time from Cherepovec on the Rybinsk Reservoir (beginning Of the canal) to Leningrad from 18 days to 21/2 days; - Relief of the railroads by shifting the transportation of bulk goods to the inland shipping; - Increase of the annual freight movement on the canalfrom the present two million tons to about 6 - 7.5 million tons; - Increase of freight traffic on the White Sea - Baltic Canal by 3 - 4 million tons, the Svir and Neva :Rivers by 5 - 5.5 million tons, and the Moscow Canal by about 1 million tons. - Possible transfer of ship units - including warships - of up to 3,000-4,000 tons and a 2.67 meter draught between the Black Sea and the Baltic Sea or the Arctic Ocean. Civilian Air Traffic Beginning mid-November 1963, regular line traffic will be maintained by Aeroflot between Moscow and Karachi ,Pakistan. The new route is to be served once a week with TU-104 or IL-18. According to recent information, the Soviet international airline network covers a total length of about 80,000 kilometers, while the airline network inside the USSR allegedly covers more than 320,000 kilometers. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000350001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000350001-4 SECRET III. Soviet Zone of OccupatiOn of Germany 1. Interzonal Transport and Berlin Traffic Situation a) Interzonal Transport (1) After the rerouting of interzonal passenger traffic via the Gerstungen - Fortha line, freight trains in -interzonal transport between West Germany and the Soviet Zone are still running on the Gerstungen - Women Herleshausen Wartha line. (See Transportation Summary for September 1963). Railroad passenger traffic between West Germany and the Soviet Zone has increased to such an extent, that the German Federal Railroads, in harmony with the Reichsbahn, runs an extra train pair (D 117, preceding the regular train, D 136 following the regular train) on the Hamm - Hannover Wolfsburg/Orbisfelde - Leipzig line from 20 October 1963. From June to August 1963, a total of 140,000 West German residents, in possession of Soviet Zone permits, traveled to the SovietZone. Pan American Airways will provide for 175, and British European Airways for 117, special flights to be carried out in Christmas air traffic . between West Germany and West Berlin from 20 December to 6 January 1964 there will thus be 100 special flights more than during the same period of the preceding year. b) Berlin Traffic Situation (1) The number of Reichsbahn employees residing in West Berlin has decreased to about 39900. As too few qualified West Berlin personnel applied for employment, the Reichsbahn has been forced to transfer yoUngi party-loyal personnel from the Soviet Zone to East Berlin for service at West Berlin Reichsbahn offices. (2) Since 18 September 1963, the Birkenwerder - Oranienburg stretch has been open for separate traffic of S-Bahn Lines 104/105 and Long-Distance Line 121 (Berlin - Neustrelitz). Since -that date, the Birkenwerder - Branch Point Lehnitz (north of Bor sdorf) stretch of Long-Distance Line 121 has been in double-track operation. (See Paragraph II1,2,c) (1) of this report). (2) (3) SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000350001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000350001-4 SECRET - 15 - (3) As from 25 September 1963, the former "Awe" branch- point (at the bifurcation of the double-track' connecting line from the western section of the Berlin Outer Ring to Wustermark switchyard) has. been made a station named Elstal (Kreis Nauen). ? (4) Probably also since 25 September 1963, the railroad bridge over the Havel River at "Ahdo" branch point near Hennigsdorf?Nord has been in double-track operation. (See Tpt Summary for March 1963). As early as 18/19 December 1962, double-track operation was started on the railroad bridges over (a) the Havel Canal at the Friedenskanal ("Frk"), previously "Akf") Block Post near Schbnwalde (Kreis Nauen, and (b) the Sacrow Faretz Canal at Stop Marquardt (between railroad stations Satzkorn and Bornim Grube). Apart from some working sites, the Berlin Outer Ring is now open for double-track traffic between? Junction Station Eichgestell (south of Wuhlheide) to "Sgn" Branch Point (north-west of Springpfuhl). New Ortsgtfterbahnhof (local freight station) Berlin,Adlershof is being enlarged to "Entlade- zentrum Stidost" (Unloading ,:enter Southeast) for the supply of East Berlin with domestic coal. In early 1964, two 300-meter long loading yards with four tracks are to be put into service. Through the installation of such yards, unloading of coal in East Berlin is to be limited to five railroad stations(as compared with 16 in 1962). In the, fall of 1964, another two loading yards are planned to be completed at Berlin,Adlershof railroad station. (5) (6) For layout sketch of Berlin subway system, see Annex 2. This sketch was drawn up according to the statements made in Transportation :ummary for September 1963. Intermediate stations are planned to be built at Johannisthaler Chaussee, Heroldweg and Efeuweg of the planned Britz Zwickauer Damm extension of Line C1 (later to be "H"). 2. ,Railroacl Tran_sy_prtation a) Plans for 1964 According to the 1964 National Economy Plan, the Reichsbahn is to accomplish the follo*ing: SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000350001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000350001-4 ? SECRET - 16 - (1) Transport Performances . _ _ - Transport volume; 276.5 million tons of freight (259.8 million tons in 1962). - Employment of freight cars to capacity. . 17,12 tons (for each "Doppelachse")*) (1963 Plan: 16.78 tons; result so far: 16.93 tons) - Net load of each freight train: 412.7 tons (405.9 tons in 1963) - Turnaround time of a freight car: 3.29 days (3.40 days in 1963) (2) Train Traction - Share of diesel and electric traction in Reichsbahn volume of hauls (in gross ton kilometers) - Share of diesel locomotives in total switching: (3) 9.7 per cent 40 per cent Line Construction - Renovation of main line road bed: 480 kilometers - Track repair: 700 kilometers - Track construction (for industrial projects) : 1-- 35 kilometers. b) Operations and Traffic (1) (a) The operational situation of the Reichsbahn deteriorated in October 1963. Due to the coincidence of military transport tasks and increasing fall traffic, the situation was particularly strained .in the Dresden, Erfurt, Halle and Magdeburg railroad divisions. Plan arrears in loading, which decreased to 0.70 days in the second decade of September' 1963, increased again to 0.94 days in early October 1963. On 17 October 1963, over 41,000 freight cars (counted in "Doppelachsen") were loaded, bringing the total loading to approx- imately 7009000 tons in the third week of however, it appears questionable that an average daily performance of over 41,000 loaded "Doppelachsen" will be maintained over a sustained length of time. This performance would be required for the fulfilment of the *) Doppelachse = statistical unit through which the Reichsbahn stock of freight cars is converted theoretically into two-axle cars. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000350001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000350001-4 SECRET - 17 - plan task envisaging 2.8 million tons More of freight to be transported during the fourth quarter of 1963 than in 1962. (The average daily loading performance amounted to approximately 32.500 "Doppelachsen" during the first quarter of 19639 and to approximately 38,600 during the third quarter.) According to Reichsbahn expectations, the increase in the turnaround time of freight cars and the more profitable exploitation of their capacity will contribute considerably to reaching the planned target. Unloading of 372000 freight cars each on 16 and 17 October and the employment to capacity of freight cars with approximately 17 tons per "Doppelachse" on 17 October were quoted as peak performances. The reduction of the period allowed for loading, effective 1 October 1963, is to contribute to increasing the turnaround time of freicht cars. However, punctuality in the operations, another prerequisite for the fulfilment of the planned transport performances, was deficient already in early October 1963. Fall traffic was relieved to a certain extent through the completion of the potato transport program for the supply of the population, in mid-October 1963. (b) In mid-October 1963, the coal situation was still satisfactory 3 however, there were already complaints about supply difficulties. (2) (a) In October 1963, Soviet Army demands on the Reichsbahn reached this year's peak because of intense training activities. In early October, numerous troop transports moved to and from the training areas Between 13 and 25 October 1963, traffic on the Soviet Zone railroad system was very heavy. Units of all army areas were transported in rotation to and from the Letzlinger Heide - Altengrabow JUterbog main area With the beginning of further training activi-. ties in the Jiiterbog Lieberose - Torgau and Letzlinger Heide - Havelberg areas in late October, military demands on the Reichsbahn were again intensified with shipments consisting mainly of tanks. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000350001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000350001-4 SECRET - 18 - (b) In September 19639 military border crossing traffic was chiefly dominated, by the shuttle movement of the annual personnel rotation program. After the so-called forerunner movement had started in early July 1963, the main exchange took place in September. On 24, 27, and 29 September, further converted boxcars were equipped at the demolition camp and at loading yards of Berlin-Pstguterbahn- hof. Along with the rotation program, the depen- dents of the relieved GSFG (Group of Soviet Forces in Germany) long-service personnel and of regular soldiers were moved home, while the dependents of the new arrivals were moved in later. c) Railroad Construction (1) On 18 September 1963, double-track traffic was opened on the Birkenwerder - Branch Point Lehnitz (north of Bargsdorf) and on the FUrstenberg/Havel Drewin (between DUsterforde and Strelitz) stretches of Long Distance Line 121. ?The Oranienburg - Lowenberg (Mark) stretch has been in double-track operation ?since May 1963, The Lowenberg Gransee stretch is to be double- tracked by May 1964 and the Gransee - FUrstenberg/Havel stretch by October 1964. On the latter stretch, between Dannenwalde and FUrstenberg/Havel, a. new line is under construction west of the present line.. Gradients and curves of the new line are to permit maximum speeds of at least 120 km/h, as planned for the Berlin - Rostock Magistrale. (2) Double-tracking of the Bernburg Baalberge and Biendorf - nthen stretches of Line 203 .(Bernburg - nthen) (See Transportation Summaries for June and August 1963) was completed on 28 September 1963. Through the improvement of safety installations at, among .others, the entry routes to the railroad stations ("Fahrstrassen"), the clearance capacities of Line 118 (Rostock - Schwerin) and of the Schwerin - Neustadt/Dosse stretch of Line 110 were increased to an average of 94 trains in both directions. (a) The new station building at Sangerhausen (Line 201)9 replacing the old building destroyed in 1945, was put into operation on 6 October 1963.. - (b) The brick work of the station building at Jena Saalbahnhof (Line 188) is to be completed by late 1964 (3) (4) SECRET L Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000350001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000350001-4 SECRET - 19 - d) Rolling_Stock (1) (a) In mid-September 19639 VEB Lokbau "Karl Marx", Babelsberg,and seven of its supply factories (including VEB Lokbau Elektrotechnische Werke "Hans Beimler", Hennigsdorf Motorenwerk Johannisthal; Getriebewerk Gotha 3 Starkstrom= Anlagenbau Berlin; Finsterwalder Maschinen GmbH) entered into a "Komplex-Wettbewerb" (integrated. competition) with a view to speed up the putting into series, production of diesel locomotives types V-60-D and V-180. F-60-D locomotive is expected to reach the production stage in the first quarter, while V-180 is to reach it in the fourth quarter of 1964 (instead of 1965). Contrary to previous Reichsbahn announcements, the much played-up putting into service of the V-180 005 locomotive (VIth Party Congress) (See Transport- ation Summary for May 1963) and the V-180 locomotive, delivered thereafter,with further deliveries announced for 1963/64, therefore cannot stem from series production. (b) In late December 1963, the first model of the V-100 diesel locomotive (see Transportation Summary for July 1963, Annex 3) is to be ready for delivery at VEB Lokbau "Karl Marx", Babelsberg. (2) Five units of the zero series of a new Leichtver- brennungstriebwagen (LVT) (light combustion-engined railcar) are currently being tested at the Reichsbahn. Since 1959, VEB Viaggonbau Gbrlitz has delivered 32 ? LVIs to the Reichsbahn; they are similar to the rail buses of the Deutsche Reichsbahn. (3) (a) VEB Lokbau Elektrotechnische Werke (LEW) "Hans Beimler", Hennigsdorf, is working on the develop- ment of a 5,260 kW fast-train locomotive. It is twice as powerful as the E-11 electric locomotive (with 2,640 kW continuous rating) manufactured by the Reichsbahn. In addition, VEB LEW Hennigsdorf is producing a heavy industrial electric locomotive daily. Of this production, 70 per cent are being exported to mostly the USSR, Poland and Bulgaria. Because of the heavy demands on the rolling stock industry, Reichsbahnausbesserungswerk (RAW) (repair shop) Jena has taken over the production of tank cars in addition to the repair of damaged cars. For the time being, a two-axle tank car of 31.2 cubic meters capacity is being produced for SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000350001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000350001-4 SECRET - 20 - the transportation of inflammable liquids. Annual production of this car is to amount to 300 units. Plans also provide for the construction of four- axle tank cars at RAW Jena. (b) Since August 19639 RAW Dresden has been producing' IlekoH (rebuilt) freight cars of class No 40 .and class designation .0mmb?. Concerned are non- tiltable gondola- cars fitted with roller bearings, sheet metal floors and sheet metal walls without doors. They have an empty weight of 10 tons, a capacity of 29 tons and are to carry .freight that can_be loaded or unloaded by cranes. Three trains of 50. Ommb cars each are already shuttling between the lignite area of Grossrdschen (Cottbus district) and the Brandenburg West steel plant. 3. Road Transportation ? a) Motor Vehicle Transport (Production) _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ (1) Production figures of the Trabant mini-car continue to increase. .VEB Sachsenring, Zwickau, plans to produce 53,000 such cars in 1963, and 60,000 in 1964. (See Transportation Summaries for March and April .1963. Of the new Trabant P 60/1 automobile the zero series production is to begin in late 1963 and the actual series production in the spring of 1964. (2) At its sixth meeting on automotive technology at Dresden in the summer of 1963, the Vereinigung Volkseigener Betriebe (VVB) (union of nationalized enterprises) discussed the possibilities to increase the automotive industry production figures in the Soviet Zone through rationalization. As a result of the discussions, it was decided to construct only one type of automobile in the Soviet Zone as from 1970. The classification of automobile production is to be coordinated with COMECON (Council for Mutual Economic Aid). b) Road Construction (1) Improvement of the following highways is planned or almost completed: HiEhway_7798 Some primary roads (LI0s) of the Bischofswerda, Kamenz, Grossenhain and Riesa Kreise of District Dresden were reclassified and incorporated in Highway F-98. This highway now leads from the SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000350001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000350001-4 SECRET - 21 - bifurcation of Highway F-96 near Oppach (VS 6556) (near Soviet.Zone/Czech border) to Highway F-169 via Bischofswerda - along Highway F-6 as far as Goldbach Pulsnitz (VS 3171) to Grossenhain (US 9882) on Highway F-169. The highway is to be improved along its entire length.. The 3-kilometer Putzkau (VS 4662) - Neukirch (VS 5161) stretch has been closed_ for all traffic since mid-1963 and is to be re-opened on 31 December 1963 after completion of repair and widening. The extension of Highway F-98 to Zeithain via Bischofswerda was carried out at . the request of the Soviets desiring a direct east- west connection for their troops stationed in the eastern part of the Soviet Zone. After a construction period of 1 1/2 year., the largest road construction project of Magdeburg district, the widening of the 8.1 kilometer Langenweddingen (PC 7468) - Bgeln (P0.6757) stretch of Highway F-81 was almost completed in October 1963 and re-opened to traffic. The stretch was widened to 8.5 meters- (including shoulders) and provided with a new kind of grit-bitumen base. - Highway F-81 extends from Magdeburg in southwesterly direction to Highway F-4 near the Demarcation Line north of Nordhausen. The highway has been improved very well between Magdeburg and Halberstadt; apart from the 3.1 kilometer Blankenburg (PC 3540) - Pfeiffenkrug (PC 313 434)-'stretch -which is being improved and jointly used by Highway F-6, the remainder of the road is in a poor state of. repair. (See Transportation Summary for July 1963, Annex 4). (2) New Road between Rostock Sea Port. .and,Highway_F7105 After about three years of construction work, the road connection between Rostock Sea Port and the Soviet Zone road system (F-105 near UV 1699, north- east of Rostock, southeast of Dierkow) has been opened to traffic. The 8.50-meter wide road is later to be improved to a super-highway. Four bridges were built for this highway, the largest of which, a 90-meter long prestressed concrete bridge, spans Rostock Port Station (UV 1202) the bridge has a capacity of at least 60 tons. The present volume of freight transported by road amounts to about three per cent of the total trans- shipment volume of Rostock Port (1962: approximately three million tons 1963 presumably 4.5 million tons). SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000350001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000350001-4 SECRET - 22 - 4. Inland Shipping , a) The daily freight movement at East Berlin's 50-year old Osthafen (East Harbor) amounts to about 109000 tons, including 4,000 tons of coal. The freight transported to East Berlin by water is mainly destined for the Tower supply and the building sector. b) Next to Magdeburg, EisenhUttenstadt at FUrstenberg/Oder is the second largest Soviet Zone inland. harbor., During the past 10 years, the volume of freight transshipped at the harbor increased by 155.6 per cent to an annual capacity of 2.3 million tons. . c) On 15, 16, and from 20 to 23 October 1963, the Elbe River was closed to traffic between Jerichow (TU 9822) and Magdeburg for several hours because of Soviet Army exercises. 5. Civilian Air Transport In intrazonal air transport, the number of winter 1963/64 air routes of Interflug GmbH (Soviet Zone) airlines has been reduced again as compared with the reduction of flights of the 1962/63 winter timetable. There is no intrazonal air connection with Leipzig at.present. - The only connections available at present are two flights on week-days in both directions between Berlin=Schonefeld and Dresden, Erfurt' and Barth respectively. SECRET 1. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000350001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000350001-4 SECRET IV. Czechoslovakia 1. Railroad Transportation a. Organization and Operation (1) During the government reschuffle in late September 1963, Traffic Minister Frantisek Vokac was replaced by Alois Indra, Chairman of the State Planning Commission and member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia. Frantisek Vokac was made First Deputy of the Minister for Traffic. (See Tpt. Summary for January 1962, Paragraph IV). (2) The reorganization of the Czech State Railroads (CSD) has so far failed to bring about the expected improvements. Additional personnel, the employment of which became necessary by the formation of the 12 new subdivisions (PO= Provozni Odil), could not be hired. The operations have, therefore, to be carried out with a minimum of trained personnel. The resulting insufficient cooperation was the reason for breakdowns and misjudgements. As a result, many train accidents have occurred. Freight trains have to wait for hours at railway junctions, and the shortage of railroad cars continues. (See Tpt Summary, for May 1963, Paragraph IV). (3) In order to speed up the turnaround time of coal railroad cars, the CSD has established so-called central coal unloading stations at Kraj level. Fully-assembled coal trains are driven to these unloading stations, which are suitably located for bulk consumers. Up to a distance of 50 kilo- meters, the coal is hauled away by trucks. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000350001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000350001-4 SECRET At the Rehlovice - Uporiny stretch (second building phase), the construction of two bridges has been started. The original track is being replaced, the curves are graded and levelled so that speeds of 60 kilometers/hour can be reached. All railroad stations are being renovated and equipped with modern safety devices. The track is to be equipped with automatic train stopping equipment (Indusi). UPon termination of the construction and expansion work, the entire Tfirmitz BrUx (Most) line will be electrified and is to serve mostly for coal transports from the North Bohemian lignite mining area, e. Electrification Opened to electric traffic with alternating current in April 1962, the Pilsen (Plzen) - Horazdovice line has since been used as test stretch. On 9 October 1963, a 1,600-tons freight train started regular traffic on this line. By 1965, the entire Pilsen - Bohm. BUdweis (Ceske Budejovice) line will be electrified with alternating current. (See Tpt Summaries for July 1962, Paragraph IV, and for November 1961, Paragraph IV). f. Rolling Stook Due to the permanent shortage of locomotives, steam locomotives have to be employed at an increased scale. The CSD, therefore, wants to equip the steam locomotives with "Gieel , injectors" and has already bought the license. This injector provides for better coal utilization. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000350001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000350001-4 SECRET g. Military Railroad ,Organizations The most efficient unit of the Czechoslovak railroad troops was awarded the banner of the Minister for Traffic for outstanding performance in the laying of sidings, general repair work on :tracks and in re- conditioning tracks damaged by meteorological disasters. 2. Road Transportation a, Within the framework of the continuing improvement of the Czechoslovak main roads, the 83-km long Brann (Brno) - Iglau (Jihlava) section of State Highway Nr. 2 Pressburg (Bratislava) - Brlinn Iglau was widened to about 8 meters and covered with asphalt. The grade crossings however, have not been eliminated. 'b. As a result of the continuing transport difficulties, Czechoslovak military driving schools are employed for the transportation of freight on their practice drives. 3. Civilian Air Traffic Prague - Ruzyne Airport is to be improved to modern standards by 1965. A new 3,100-meter long runway was completed and taken into operation. If need be possible to extend the runway by additional 1,200 meters to a total length of 4,300 meters. The old runway is at present being extended to 3,200 meters. A new repair hangar measuring 216 x 53 meters was also completed. An additional hangar and the new main building are under construction. Beginning 1965, the airport is to handle three million passengers a year. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000350001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000350001-4 SECRET - 27 - 4. Pipelines A branch of the Friendship Pipeline (G0aVf. pipeline to Pressburg (Bratislava)) is under construction from Sahy to the Zaluzi Chemical Works near Brax (most). The first section of the pipeline from the Bohemian- Moravian High- lands (area of Zdar near Saz Iglau (Jihiava)) has been under construction since early 1963. According to schedule, work on the second section is tp start in January 1964. This section leads from Sahy Via Tarnau (Trnava) to the Bohemian-Moravian Highlands. At present, the preparatory work for the second section are under way. All crossing points with roads, railroads and waterways are to be constructed first, the laying of the pipeline in the open terrain is to follow later. (See Tpt. Summaries for June 1963 and February 1963 Paragraph IV)4 V. Poland 1. Railroad Transportation a. Operations The Polish State Railroa0c (PKP) transported 76.7 million tons of freight (1.2 million in excess of plan figures) during the third quarter of 1963. Because of the continuing tense operational situation, it will not be possible to make up for the previous arears nor to fulfill the 1963 plan (308 million tons). (See Tpt Summaries for July and August 1963, Paragraph 1). b. Employment of Railroad En-ineers in Line Construction Within the framework of their training, railroad engineers are regularly employed in line and bridge construction. They are mainly employed in Silesia, SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000350001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000350001-4 SECRET - 23 - with extremely dense traffic, where they play a significant role in the modernization of some 300 km of railroad lines, the building of some 40 bridges and about 100 grade crossings. Railroad engineer units are stationed in Przemysl, Hohensalza (Inowroclaw), Wreschen (Wrzesnia) and Tarnowskie Gory. c. Electrification (1) 1963 Plan In November 1963, the about 46-km long stretch Kattowitz Ligota - Czechowice - Bielsko Biala is to be completed. It can be assumed that the stretch will be finished according to schedule. Thus a total of about 1,350 kilometers (-6.5% of the entire net) will be electrified by the end of 1963. (2) 12a2aan Following are the deadlines for the completion of the 230 kilometer of lines scheduled in the 1964 plan: Rzeszow West - Medyka, about 100 kilometers June 1964 (last stretch of the important ore transport line Silesia - USSR) - Czechowice - zebrzydowice, 30 kilometers June 1964 (last stretch of the electrified line Warsaw- Prague) - Posen (including switch yard P.-Franowo) Konin, about 100 kilometer June/July 1964 SECRET Declassified in Part-Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000350001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000350001-4 SECRET - Warsaw Praga - Legionowo, 18 kilometers - Short branch lines in the Kattowitz district. If these deadlines are met, both passenger and freight train service on these lines will be de- layed for some months. 2. Road Transportation Militarily Significant Road Construction in South-East Poland a. Within the framework of the further opening up of the Bieszczady area (Beskids. Mountains) (See Tpt Summary for February 1963, Paragraph V, 2) the construction of following road stretches 'las started in 1963: ? Cisna (about EV 9652) 7 Krynica (DV 9774), length 120 kilometers, of which 100 kilometers are to be completed by 1965. - Zagorz (EV 9185) Komancza (EV 7766), length about ? 25 kilometers. - Rymanow (EV 6292) - Jaslitka(EV 5877), length about 15 kilometers. Krynica (DV 9774) 7 Nowy Sacz (DV 7897) via Rytro (DV 7782), Piwniczna (DV 7977), Zegiestow (DV 8569), Muszyna (DV 9367), length about 55 kilometers, completion still in 1964. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000350001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000350001-4 SECRET b. In the greater area of Lublin (FB 1077) intensive road construction work is said to be under way, including the following stretches: LuKin - Pulawy (EB 6797) - Zwolen (EB 4190) - Raclom (EB 1095), road Nrs E 81 and 28, length 74 kilometers (See Tpt Summary for December 1961, Paragraph 191, Paragraph V, 2), asphalting and widening by about 2 meters; modernization of bridges, including widening., and building of new bridges. - Piaski (FB 3067) - Chelm (FB 7368), Road Nr. 25, 48 kilometer, road widening and construction of bridges. Chelm - Dorohusk (FB 9573) - to the Soviet border, Rlad Nr. 25, 26 kilometers, concrete surface. Having been planned for years, the construction work was time and again delayed by shortage of personnel and materials. Part of the stretches are to be completed by late 1964. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000350001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000350001-4 SECRET Annex 1 to Transportation Summary for October 1963 The Danube River ? For details on the Danube River, see attached Annexes. Annex 1 a) Map of the Course of the river (Status of mid-1963) Annex 1 b) Nauticalmiles = Distance from Sulina to selected River kilometers plances Annex 1 c) River crossings (Bridges, ferries, etc) Annex 1 d) Navigability Annex 1 e) Map of Danube - Sea Shipping (Status of mid-1963) Annex 1 f) Distance table for Danube shipping (Reverse of Annex 1 SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000350001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000350001-4 ? 1 ? 1 ? 1 ? 113? ir 18? ? 24' 2r 28? 31? 4 A-../- La N? ._.. Rms., 4 . 1 e rr si. ...r?---.... V` ) mr? ..4.,,,, So..) .31 1 . f 1 4A., r 14 ..., .... ...i-i 1 154j,,,:, ? 1 0040 l ?dca ... wel 41 \ . wt ' 1 0 ,.......7.. ? . .....1 ...r. --?r: ,,..r.... i p ) / / i ' KARTE DES DONAUGEBIETES 49? la ( re?t?top, 122141.,? ar,g ' IK. AV, - \ f,s. 1111Plit tr:;31clov ? im 4 Soap , . ,-, ?.., 11.-111111,,iptd47415111-1114.-lirt,. -.47; uveistnu, --4211. .1 Ive woe 6r4 ?,. ? -- Th- -.* -? i mut Illk tilikilk. ow. road Whom _.._. ,,, it7ms i^- fiii Prn..1 .. _ ,so? 4 r ',... 1 ""1.11Mni? V. I Attu, R . ot- ,.."?:) II.11' -???? Ifrik11111 r111141 T a. ? N.:Zerek? 4 mt. s .I; .., K.:4...qt ?.. 00111141i II*)'.t /I..-- ' ? ???15 lal...'4,,,,.t.,4.- t 0 W !Mfg . , t 7WroW 11111?s.W....'..2310411111111111111.11)C 11??? \....., , ?It. i 4 ? - tilreanoos. ul .1Irikw, -- --. Ad -iiwir ? ..... 1 i ? / 40 t .Pretabur9 s?C ViteA ,??,, I zburg .t, 10 e'? "tri.S. waw ijaj'. '1 .11 .... c..., IINIP"OrdeliV 1 i c. ? sik i IV* r ( ( 1.1:Stbuo ....., _ ....... ? 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WPM II fr Timlarnire (Terneschvar satin* ICR?mrt? . el ? 1, aaalo -3:, ..le?..) %.,3 ..k ir It Ide at --0., gp NIL ??? Ostia ari'%?? ftl?liugi (.411) sm.* 001 ? I 0,0 ? '!?L??? ,"C ?., kit '. ..o.' ),"ii . "N 4 1 - ,.. u? 1.mmamf a Von'ste 9_212i P? ,? oat **1* rata* Br ha *Um. ? 41 INtre?emrs use ao AI , /4 ,=1 0 So- - ? .' eir a. 0.1....t. 5.....k. nu.* 164.1..Lik 111111*,vik iiik 111dPAL ,Sti rer411A) wrsoil, c ? ' .ra? .. \ ... i II ' \ ? r ??? Luk? \?..P? t : Irr Sap (PonNla B " rig_g_tra . * Y. I AA ? li . e i U EV IIIII - s ... 44? -A : '.iSS.\* I ? "G. CI'?\ '-------...,. (Bolgrar12,1, _ ? - J1k el.r.? ? . .:7- a, Saar c...,__Yed? ,. D Con tants GAZSM' , ? i 4.1111110 *** '''? 1 A 4.! Sary Ana ../.. ;is ' ? ajeo rn \ . ,-..., 1 A . u, \ 7 ?? . It*, -,i,, .,,,,.i.s. ..? ?? eve. ,.. ? i... , ii Pi" i . vai \ I.,it, st.rut_ i. ? ra. Vse *-1.? '.. ?-... a Malt ? Rue 4.s.?,?, 'wk. ic?? a rw? Wan i t. ,t,-._ory . ...., ---."0.-11.? - iiiri. ,. VI, . . . aim maw /1 .-? 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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000350001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000350001-4 R 50X1 -HUM Next 6 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000350001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000350001-4 ;1? SECRET Annex 1 d to Transportation Summary for October 1963 The upper Danube River is not navigable as far as Ulm and navigable to a limited extent only from Ulm to Regensburg. From Regensburg, the depth of the river permits the use of ships of 800 to 19000 ton capacity; of the lower reaches, from Reni, the northern arm of the river is open for sea-going vessels of a capacity of about 3,000 tons. With the planned improvement of the navigable channel through the realization of the Iron Gate projects (damming-up of More than 120 kilometers of the Danube; completion by about 1971)*) the river will become navigable for vessels of up to 3,000 ton capacity from Belgrade. The width of the river varies by 0.4 kilometers in its middle course, and by 1.3 kilometers in its lower course. The speed of the river is as follows; Stretch Over a distance of (in kilometers) _ Speed (in meters ler second) Regensburg - Passau 153 . 1.00 7 1.70 Passau - Linz 91 1.60 - 2,10 Linz - Wien 206 2.00 - 2.2-0 Wien Gbnyil 138 1.80 - 2.10 GOnyti - Orsova 836 0.80 - 2.20 Orsova - Sulina 955 0.20 - 0,80 The maximum speed is about 5.00 m/sec over a distance of 2.1 kilometers at the Iron Gate. Danube shipping is particularly impeded at the following three points: - The Gbnyil shallows. - In the Danube delta with its three main arms, i.e. the northern Chilia Arm, the. middle Sulina Arm, and the southern Sf. Gheorghe Arm. Only the northern .arm is opento large ships from Braila. - On the 117-kilometer long rapids of the Iron Gate, where the river narrowsin a gorge, and where rocks and sharp bends constitute considerable hazards to navigation, particularly in foggy Weather_ and when the river is in flood. ) Iron Gate = 117 kilometer stretch of rapids between Danube Kilometer Marker 1.048 at Moldava Veche (Rumania) and Kilometer Marker 931 at Turnu Severin (Rumania). SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000350001-4 . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000350001-4 DONAU SEE - VERKEHR Alexandria Anlegehafen des Donau-See-Verkehrs Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000350001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000350001-4 50X1-HUM .06 , 40 Next 139 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000350001-4