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Publication Date:
May 3, 1954
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Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/11/08: CIA-RDP81-00131R000500340004-4
gents Easily Match'
t of viet Sues
-Treason- . is my bUsiness: I
years.. I have been "Wanted
have Seen revolutiOns, betra
For a lifetime I have tried to
protect democracy against the
forces which ? seek to destroy it.
I have lost? 60 members of . my:
family in the: terror .of two' dictators
?Hitler and Stalin. It would' have
been easy to admit defeat and -to
continue my life in a normal, rou-
tine way. But something has hap-
pened in my life? in addition to the
extermination of 'my family: ,that
forces me to re-examine it.
It is:iniportant for Americans to
'understand that what seems so new,.
strange.and perfidious in espionage
has been almost the .dally routine
in the spy-ridden countries .of Eu-
rope and Asia.
The 20th Century- spy is no longer
a man with secret inks and photo-
graphic equipment, an agent who
prowls' in desk drawers. ? .
The modern spy is an , emissary
from one world to destroy an-
other. He is not a man from Mars,
'and yet ,he comes from a world that,
is as strange to the West.
. .
have dealt with it for 20 yearS?long years, dangerous
for high treason" by both Nazis and the communists. I
'f als, deceptions, Sedition. . .
Tho spying itself is old, the mod- P----
ern spy employs new arts and strata- I spies who personify the sickness of
gems. Today he is a diplomat, a 1 our times and seek strange fulfill-
scientist, a man of knowledge. It ments which lead them into a bar.
is more important for any espio- gain with the devil-7-these strange
nage system to get the latest in- men, selling their own souls and
flustrial and laboratory secrets of a their own countries?are often the
nation than to kidnap an emigre
Soviet Consul Arcadi Yakovlev,
the chief of Russia's atom spy ring
in America, gave a considerable
The modern communist spy is
out to destroy the world of free
? enterprise, the world of democ-
racy. His ultimate object is dic-
tatorship. The West calls its own
agents "intelligence officers" while
it terms the conimunist agents
"spies." Actually there is a real...,
difference between the two, both
in purpose and methods.
The Western agent has been
!trained to make his own decisions.
The communist spy is disciplined to
follow orders in the most minute de-
-gall and often fails when he has to
relyi.ipon his own brain. The West-
' ern agent shuns brutality. To the
communists, this appears as weak-
ness. Actually it is' a sign of
s trength.
I was deeply impressed with one
lAmerican diplomat living in a great
foreign port whOf always-entertained
' not only the captains of the ships
but also their crews. He believed
that American democracy: had: to be
rebresented thru friendship with all
grotit.p* :of people. ?
When World, .War' 'began, this
dernocratic. a ttittide. joroved sits mer-
it: he was the best informed diplo-
mat in that country. The crews
of the ships reported to him the
movements of incoming and out-
going ships. Their reports led to
the discovery of the launching base
of the V-2 roekets t Peeneiiiunde.
The organized Worker the world
over is generally ariti-Communist;
? he -knows that ?Communism gives
him no right to organize freely, to
strike, or to bargain collectively.
amount of money to send Harry He knows also of slave labor
Gold, his future spy &Airier, to, camps and dictatorships. It is,
study at a conservative Catholic' rather, the cunning and ruthless
college in Cincinnati. In this case, pseudo-intellectual who bas some
the Russians could not use an times closed the treaty of treason.
agent who did not know the work-. ?He often does it for the .benefit
ings of electronics', atomic energy, of what he calls "Mankind and
and even radiology. humanity."
At a time when the whole free A number- of scientists have
world is hunting for communist teamed ,up with foreign powers and
subversives, it should be remem- enemies of their country. Such were
bered that Gold, who received a Dr. Klaus Fuchs and Dr. Allan Nunn
prison sentence of 30 years, con- May, the -physicists, and Dr. Bruno
fessed at his trial that his bosses Pontecorvo, the cosmic ray- special-
gave him these orders: ist who vanished from Britam and
? Never attend a communist went to Russia.
(Cnnyright by Kurt 'Singer. Distrbuted by
* Never utter liberal ideas. trqi.tect Feature Syndicate, Inc.)
O Behave as conservatively asi TOMORROW: When the Tide
possible. Turned Against Red Spies.
? Never pse the phone (which .
could be wire-tapped). '
t? The _Russians are masters .of, the
_ -
This is the first of five stories by
former U. intelligence agent,
who also is author of 21 books and )
noted as a lecturer. . The stories
are from his. latest book published
by Beacon Press. ?
Dr. Fuchs Gold
new psychological apprOach to sub-
These changes in modern espio-
nage are basic and fundamental?
not only in method and outlook, in
technique , que an approach,'but n per-
sonnel. The Mata Had type has dis-
appeared. The organized worker is
. coldom found inside a Soy ring. The
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/11/08 : CIA-RDP81-00131R000sonfunnna_a