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. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/22 : CIA-RDP87MO1152R001001300001-1 SUBJECT: "Anti-Terroris' Czar" - Colloquy on H.R. 1555 1. Attached please find a copy of p. B 5356 of the Congressional Record for 10 July 1985. It contains a colloquy between Representatives Hyde and Fascell concerning Section 407 of H.R. 1555, of the "International Security and Development Cooperation. Act of 1985". The colloquy makes it clear that the "anti-terrorisr. czar" provisions of Section 407 (Section 408 in the Bill as f:'na.lly passed by the House) do not contravene existing Agency authorities and that any reports tc the Congress on the subject will be directed to the intelligence oversiaht cor:mittees. 2. The Senate counterpart to H.R. 1555 does not contain a provision similar to Section 407 and efforts are underway to ensure that Section 407 is not included in any conference version of the till. 3. I also attach for your information various anti-terrorisr., provisions of H.R. 1555 which were added on the House floor and included in the Bill as it finally passed. Attachments as stated (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/22 : CIA-RDP87MO1152R001001300001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/22 : CIA-RDP87MO1152R001001300001-1 Distribution: Original - Addressees (w/atts) 1 - D/OLL of 1 - DD/OLL of x- (LL Chrono to 1 - Leg/Subject - Terrorism " 1 - daner to OLL/LDG: b (26 July 1985) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/22 : CIA-RDP87MO1152R001001300001-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/22 :CIA-RDP87M01152R001001300001-1 j July 11, 1985 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE H 5549 "(J) $193,600 for fiscal year 1986 and organizations receiving payments of any $193,600 for fiscal year 1987 shall be for the such funds; and Convention on International Trade in En- "(2) shall report to the appropriate com- dongered Species; mittees of the Congress the amounts of funds "(K) $1,936,000 for fiscal year 1986 and expended by each such organization for the $1,936,000 for fiscal year 1987 shall be for purposes described in subsection (a) and the the World Food Program; amount contributed by the United States to "(L) $484,000 for fiscal year 1986 and each such organization.': $484,000 for fiscal year 1987 shall be for the SEC 4K. COMMUNIST COC.t'TRIES United Nations Institute for Namibia,' Chapter 3 of Part I of the Foreign Assist- "(M) $332,024 for fiscal year 1986 and once Act of 1961 is further amended by $332,024 for fiscal year 1987 shall be for the adding at the end thereof the following new United Nations Trust Fund for South Africa,' section.' "(N) $96,800 for fiscal year 1986 and SEC 301. COMMLN1ST Col'A77i1ES. $96,800 for fiscal year 1987 shall be for the "(a) LtMrTA77ON ON FUNDING.-Funds au- United Nations Voluntary Fund for Victims thorized to be appropriated by this chapter of Torture; may not be made available for the United WO) $193,600 for fiscal year 1986 and States proportionate share for programs for $193,600 for fiscal year 1987 shall be for the Communist countries listed in section 620(f) United Nations Industrial Development Or- of this Act ganization; "(b) PRESIDENTIAL RArven-Subsection (a) "(F) $1,511,048 for fiscal year 1986 and shall not apply to the extent that the Presi- $1,511,048 for fiscal year 1987 shall be for dent determines and reports to the Congress the United Nations Development Program that it is in the national interest of the Trust Fund to Combat Poverty and Hunger United States to provide funding for the in Africa,' United States proportionate share for pro- "(Q) $2,662,000 for fiscal year 1986 and grams for a particular Communist country $2,662,000 for fiscal year 1987 shall be for or countries. contributions to international conventions "(C) ANNUAL and scientific organizations,- State- "(R) $484,000 for fiscal year 1986 and "(1) shall review, at Least annually, the $484,000 for fiscal year 1987 for the United budgets and accounts of all international Nations Centre on Human Settlements organizations receiving payments of any (Habitat); and such funds; and "(S) $242,000 for fiscal year 1986 and "(2) shall report to the appropriate com- $242,000 for fiscal pear 1987 for the World mittees of the Congress the amounts of funds Heritage Fund. ". expended by each such organization for the SEC 403. PALESTINE 1JRERATIO.N ORGANIZATION. purposes described in subsection (a) and the Chapter 3 of part I of the Foreign Assist- amount contributed by the United States to ance Act of 1961 is amended by adding at each such organization.": the end thereof the following new section' SEC. 406. IATER.4'ATION'AL DISASTER ASSISTANCE "SEC 107. PALESTINE LIBERAT/ON ORGANIZATION: The first sentence of section 492(a) of the "(a) PROHIBITION ON FUNDING.-Funds au- Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 is amended thorized to be appropriated by this chapter to read as follows: "There are authorized to may not be made available for the United be appropriated to the President to carry States proportionate share for programs for out section 491, $24,200,000 for fiscal year the Palestine Liberation Organization or for 1986 and $24,200,000 for fiscal year 1987." projects whose primary purpose is to pro- SEC 407. ANTI-TERRORISM ASSISTANCE PROGRAM. vide benefits to the Palestine Liberation Or- (a) AuTHoRIzAT7oNs.-Section 575 of the ganization or entities associated with it Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 is amended "(b) ANNUAL J Ei7Ew.-The Secretary of to read as follows: State- "SEC 574. AITRORIZATIOAS OF APPROPRIATIONS. "(1) shall review, at least annually, the 'Ya) Au7woRIzAT7oNS.-There are author- budgets and accounts of all international ized to be appropriated to the President to organizations receiving payments of any carry out this chapter $4,840,000 for fiscal such funds; and year 1986 and $4,840,000 for fiscal year 1987. '(2) shall report to the appropriate com- "(b) EXTENDEb OBLIGATIONAL AVAILABIL- -mittees of the Congress the amounts of funds rrr.-Amounts appropriated under this sec- expended by each such organization for the tion are authorized to remain available purposes described in subsection (a) and the until expended ". amount contributed by the United States to (b) ITEMS ON TtrE MUNITIONS LisT.-Section each such organization": 573(d)(4) of such Act is amended to read as SEC. 404. SOUTH-WEST AFRICA PEOPLES ORGAAISA- follows: TIOA'? "(4)(A) Except as provided in svbpara- Chapter 3 of part I of the Foreign Assist- graph (B), articles on the United States Mu- ance Act of 1961 is further amended by nitions List established pursuant to the adding at the end thereof the following new Arms Export Control Act may not be made section: available under this chapter. "SEC. 30&. SOUTH-WEST AFRICA PEOPLES ORGAAI- "(BI For fiscal years 1986 and 1987, arti- 2AT1ON. cles on the United States Munitions List "(a) LIMITATION ON FUNDING.- Funds au- may be made available under this chapter thorized to Pe appropriated by this chapter if- may not be made available for the United "(i) they are small arms in category I (re- States proportionate share for programs for lating to firearms), ammunition in category the South-West Africa People's Organiza- III (relating to ammunition) for small arms tion, except that funds may be made avail- in category I, or articles in category X (re- able for the United States proportionate lating to protective personnel equipment), share of programs for the South-West Africa and they are directly related to anti-terror- People's Organization if the President certi- ism training being provided under this fies to the Congress that such funds would chapter,' not be used to support the military or para- "(ii) the recipient country is not prohibit- military activities of the South-West Africa ed by law from receiving assistance under People's Organization one or more of the following provisions: "(b) ANNUAL REVIEW.-The Secretary of chapter 2 of this part, chapter 5 of this part, State- or the Arms Export Control Act; and "(1) shall review, at least annually, the "(iii) at least 15 days before the articles budgets and accounts of all international are made available to the foreign country, the President notifies the Committee on For- eign Affairs of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate of the proposed transfer. in ac- cordance with the procedures applicable to reprogramming notifications pursuant to section 634A of this Act "(C) The value (in terms of original acqui- sition cost) of all equipment and commod- ities provided under subsection (a) of this section, including articles described in sub- paragraph (B)(i) of this paragraph, may not exceed $325,000 in fiscal year 1986 or $325,000 in fiscal year 1987.': (c) Section 573 of such Act is amended by adding at the end thereof the following new subsection.' "(f) Funds made available to carry out this chapter may not be used for personnel compensation and benefits.": (d) EXPIRATION OF AUTHORITY.-Section 577 of such Act is repealed. SEC 408. COORDLi'A1705 OF ALL I.S. A'.77- %. TERROR-ISM ASSISTANCE T'O FOREIGN Cot TRIES (a( COORDINATION.-The Secretary of State shall be responsible for coordinating all anti-terrorism assistance to foreign coun- tries provided by the United States Govern- ment - (b) REPORTS.-Not later than February 1 each year, the Secretary of State, in consul- tation with appropriate United States Gov- ernment agencies, shall report to the appro- priate committees of the Congress on the anti-terrorism assistance provided by the United States Government during the pre- ceding fiscal year. Such reports may be pro- vided on a classified basis to the extent nec- essary, and shall specify the amount and nature of the assistance provided. SEC. 409. COLNTRIES SUPPORTING INTER-VATIONAL TERRORISM. (a) PROHiBrrroN.-Section 620A of the For- eign Assistance Act of 1961 is amended to read as follows. 'SEC. 420A. PROHIBITION' ON ASSISTANCE 710 COUN- TRIES SUPPORTING INTEIL,'ATIOAAL TERRORISM. "(a) PROHIBITION.-The United States shall not provide any assistance under this Act, the Agrieul'tura.l Trade Development and As- sistance Act of 1954, the Peace Corps Act, or the Arms Export Control Act, to any country which the President determines- "(1) grants sanctuary from prosecution to any individual or group which has commit- ted an act of international terrorism, or "(2) otherwise supports international ter- rorist. "(b) PRESIDENTIAL RArvER.-The President may waive the application of subsection (a) to a country if the President determines that. national security or humanitarian reasons justify such waiver. The President shall pub- lish each waiver in the Federal Register and, at least 15 days before the waiver takes effect, shall notify the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate of the waiver (including the justifi- cation for the waiver) in accordance with the procedures applicable to reprograming notifications pursuant to section 634A of this Act "(C) INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION.-If sanc- tions are imposed on a country pursuant to subsection (a) because of its support for international terrorism, the President should call upon other countries to impose similar sanctions on that country.': (b) CONFORMING AMENDMENT.-Section 3(f) of the Arms Export Control Act is amended by striking out credits, and guaranties" and ", credits, or guaranties" each place they appear. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/22 : CIA-RDP87MOl 152R001001300001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/22 : CIA-RDP87MO1152R001001300001-1 H 5550 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE July 11, 1985 SE(. 415. INTERS ATIONAL C'lIIL A 114T!(?+ RO)(OTT tains and administers security measures. In "(CI the Secretary of Transportation, after OF COUNTRIES SUPPORTING I.\TERNA- making an assessment of any airport under consultation with the appropriate aeronau- TIO'IAL TERRORISM. this subsection, the Secretary shall use a tical authorities of the foreign government It is the sense of the Congress that the standard which will result in an analysis of concerned and each air carrier serving such President- the security measures at such airport based airport may, notwithstanding section 1102 (1) should call for an international civil upon, at a minimum, the standards and rec- of this Act and with the approval of the Sec- aviation boycott with respect to those coun- ommendotions contained in Annex 17 to the retary of State, withhold, revoke, or impose tries which the President determines- Convention on International Civil Avia- conditions on the operating authority of (A) grant sanctuary from prosecution to tion, as such standards and recommenda- any air carrier or foreign air carrier to any individual or group which has commit- Lions are in effect on the date of such assess- engage in foreign air transportation utiliz- ted an act of international terrorism. or meet ing such airport,- and (B) otherwise support international icr- "CONSULTA77ON R7771 ME SECRETARY OF STATE "(D) the President may prohibit air earri- rorism: and "(b) In carrying out subsection (a), the ers and foreign air carriers from providing (2) should take steps, both bilateral and Secretary of Transportation shall consult service between the United States and any multilateral, to achieve a total internation. the Secretary of State with respect to the ter- other foreign airport which is directly or an- al civil aviation boycott with respect to rorist threat which exists in each country. directly served by aircraft flying to or from those countries. The Secretary of Transportation shall also the airport with respect to which the deter- SF.C. 411. PROHIBITION O.\' I.MPOR7S FROM AN'D EX' consult with the Secretary of State in order mination is made under this section. PORTS TO COt'NTRIFS ENGAGED 1+ determine which foreign airports are not "(3) The Secretary of Transportation shall TERRORISM. to under the de facto control of the government promptly report to the Congress any action (a) PROHnBmON on IMPonrs.-Notwith- of the country in which they-arc located and taken under this subsection, setting forth in- standing any other provision of law, the pose a high risk of introducing danger to secure the eoope anon the thtte e gn 9ade to President shall prohibit any article grown, international air travel produced, extracted, or manufactured in "REPORT OFASSESSMEN7S ment in meeting the standard used by the Libya from being imported into the United "(c) Each report to the Congress required Secretary in making the assessment of such States. by section 315 of this Act shall contain- airport under subsection (a) of this section. (b/ PROHIbmGN ox ExPOR7s.-Notutith- "(1) a summary of the assessments con- 'AUTHORITY FOR IMMEDIATE SUSPENSION OF AIR standing any other provision of law. the ducted pursuant to subsection (a) of this SERVICE President shall prohibit any goods or tech- section: and "(f) Notwithstanding sections 1102 and no, including to the data or other in- "(2) a description of the extent to which 1114 of this Act, whenever the Secretary of formation, subject to the jurisdiction of the identified security deficiencies have been Transportation determines that- United States or exported by any person sub- eliminated "(1) a condition exists that threatens the Tect to the jurisdiction of the United States, "N077FICAnon TO FOREIGN COUNTRY OF safety or security of passengers, aircraft, or Olt air ritories and possessions of the United States. the Secretary of Transportation determines SEC. 411. TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT PR(I(:RAM. that an airport does not maintain and ad- The first sentence of section 661fb) of the minister effective security measures, the Sec- Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 is amended retary shall notify the appropriate authori- to read as follows: "There are authorized to ties of such foreign government of such de- be appropriated to the President for pur? termination, and recommend the steps nec- poses of this section, in addition to funds --essary to bring the security measures in use otherwise available for such purposes, at that airport up to the standard used by $20.328.000 for fiscal year 1986 and the Secretary in making such assessment. $20,328,000 for fiscal year 1987.": "SANCTIONS SEC. 413. OPERA T7.%'GEXPEN:SES "Ie)(1) Paragraph (2) of this subsection Section 667(a)(1) of the Foreign Assistance shall become effective 120 days after the no- Act of 1961 is amended to read as follows: tification required in subsection (d) of this "(1) $372.004,100 for fiscal year 1986 and section of the determination by the Secre- $379,004,100 for fiscal year 1987 for neces- tary of Transportation if the Secretary of sary operating expenses of the agency Prl- Transportation finds that the foreign gov- marily responsible for administefiing part I ernment has failed to bring the security of this Act.' and". measures at the identified airport up to the Subtitle 1-International Airport Security standard used by the Secretary in making SEC. 451. SECI'RITS' STANDARDS FOR FOREIG.\ AIR an assessment of such airport under subsec- TRA.\:SPORTATION. Lion (a) of this section, except that Para- /a) SECURITY AT FOREIGN AIRPORTS.-Sec- graph (2) shall become effective immediately Lion 1115 of the Federal Aviation Act of 1958 upon the Secretary's determination if- country Secretary h ofState located (49 U.S.C. App. 1515) is amended to read as -(A) th follows: "SECURITY STANDARDS IN FOREIGN AIR is a high terrorist threat country, and (B) the Secretary of Transportation de- TRANSPORTATION terTnines that a condition exists that threat- 'ASSESSAIENT OF SECURITY MEASURES ens the safety or security of passengers, air- "SEc. 1115. (a)(1) The Secretary of Trans- craft, or crew traveling to or from such air- portation shall conduct at such intervals as port the Secretary shall deem necessary an assess- '72) Subject to paragraph (11, if the Secre- ment of the effectiveness of the security tarp of Transportation determines pursuant measures maintained at those foreign air- to this section that an airport does not ports being served by air carriers, those for- maintain and administer effective security eign airports from which foreign air carriers measures- serve the United States, those foreign air- "(A) the Secretary of Transportation shall ports which are not under the de facto con- publish in the Federal Register, and shall trol of the government and pose a high risk cause to be posted and prominently dis- o.f introducing danger to international air played at all United States airports regular- travel, and at such other foreign airports as ly being served by scheduled air carrier oper- the Secretary may deem appropriate. ations, the identification of such airport' "(2) Each such assessment shall be made "(B) each air carrier and foreign air carri- by the Secretary of Transportation in con- er providing service between the United sultation with the appropriate aeronautic States and such airport shall provide notice authorities of the foreign government con- of such determination by the Secretary to cerned and each air carrier serving the for- any passenger purchasing a ticket for trans- eign airport at which the Secretary is con- portalion between the United States and ducting such assessment. such airport, with such notice to be made by "(3) The assessment shall determine the written material included on or with such extent to which an airport effectively main- ticket' , lion, the term "United States" includes ter- cordence with subsection (a) of this section, P im being exported to Libya DETERMINATION crew traveling to or from a foreign (e) DEFrnmoN.-For purposes of this sec- "Id) Whenever after an assessment in ac- and ires an imme- t " requ (2) the public interes diate suspension of services between the United States and the identified airport, the Secretary of Transportation shall, with- out notice or hearing and with the approval of the Secretary of State, suspend the right of any air carrier or foreign air carrier to engage in foreign air transportation to or from that foreign airport and the right of any person to operate aircraft in foreign air commerce to or from that foreign airport. CONDITIONS OFAUT7IORIT'Y "(g) The provisions of this section shall be deemed to be a condition to any authority granted under title IV or title VI of this Act to any air carrier or any foreign air carrier, issued under authority vested in the Secre- tary of Transportation.". (b) CONFORMING AMENDMENTS.- (1) INFORMATION IN SEMIANNUAL REPORTS.- Section 315(a) of the Federal Aviation Act of 1958 (49 U.S.C. App. 1356(a)) is amended by adding at the end thereof the following new sentence.' "Each semiannual report submit. ted by the Administrator pursuant to the preceding sentence shall include the infor- mation described in section 1115(c) of this Act" (2) Con. PENAL77ES.-Section 901(a)(1) of the Federal Aviation Act of 1958 (49 U.S.C. APP. 1471(a)(1)) is amended by inserting "or 1115(e)(2)(B)" after "1114". ' (3) TABLE OF coNTENTs.-That portion of the table of contents contained in the first section of the Federal Aviation Act of 1958 which appears under the center heading "TITLE XI-MrsCELLANEOUS" is amended by striking out "Sec. 1115. Security standards in foreign air transportation and inserting in lieu thereof "Sec. 1115. Security standards in foreign air transportation. "(a) Assessment of security measures. "(b) Consultation with the Secretary of State. "(c) Report of assessments. . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/22 : CIA-RDP87MOl 152R001001300001-1 I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/22 : CIA-RDP87MO1152R001001300001-1 Jul, 11, 1985 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE H 5551 "(d/ Notification to foreign country of deter- mination. Ye) Sanctions. "U/ Authority for immediate suspension of air service. "(g) Conditions of authority.". (c) CLOSING OF BEIRUT INMANA77ONAL Am- PORT.-It is the sense of the Congress that the President is urged and encouraged to take all appropriate steps to carry forward his announced policy of seeking the effective closing of the international airport in Beirut. Lebanon, at least until such time as the Government of Lebanon has instituted measures and procedures designed to pre- vent the use of that airport by aircraft hi- jackers and other terrorists in attacking ci- vilian airlines or their passengers, hijacking their aircraft, or taking or holding their pas- sengers hostage SEC at TRAVEL ADVISORY AND SUSPENSION OF FOREIGN ASSISTANCE (a) TRJvEL ADrvsoRy.-When section 1115(e)(2) of the Federal Aviation Act of 1958 becomes effective with respect to an airport because of a determination by the Secretary of Transportation that such air- port does not maintain and administer ef- fective measures, the Secretary of State shall issue a travel advisory with respect to that airport. Any travel advisory issued under this subsection shall be published in the Fed- eral Register. The Secretary of State shall take the necessary steps to widely publicize that travel advvsory. (b) SUSPENSION OP FOREIGN ASSISTANCE.- The President shall suspend all assistance under the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 or the Arms Export Control Act to any country in which is located an airport with-respect to which section 1115(e)(2) of the Federal Aviation Act of 1958 becomes effective. The President may waive the requirements of this subsection if the President determines and reports to the Congress that there is a national security humanitarian emergency which requires such waiver. (c) LIFTTNO OP SANCTIONS--The sanctions required to be imposed with respect to a country pursuant to this section and section 1115(e)(2)(AI and (B) of the Federal Avia- tion Act of 1958 may be lifted only if the Sec- retary of Transportation, in consultation with the Secretay of State, has determined that effective security measures arW'lnain- tained and administered at the airport in that country with respect to which the Secre- tary had made the determination described in section 1115 of the Federal Aviation Act of 1985. SEC 455 NOTIFICATIONS TO CONGRESS OF LIFTING OF SANCTIONS The Congress shall be notified if any sanc- tion imposed pursuant to section 452 of this Act or section 1115(e) of the Federal Avia- . tion Act of 1958 is lifted. SEC 454. SN) MARSHALL PROGRAMS (1) (a) UNITED STATES AnuotARsHALls.- STUDY OF NEED FOR EXPANSION OF PROGRAM.- The Secretary of Transportation, in coordi- nation with the Secretary of State, shall study the need for an expanded airrnarshall program on international flights of United States air carriers. The Secretary of Trans- portation shall report the results of this study to the Congress within 6 months after the date of enactment of this Act (2) AUTHORITY To CARRY FIREARMS AND MAZE ARRESTS.-The Secretary of Transportation, with the approval of the Attorney General and the Secretary of State, may authorize Persons, in connection with the performance of their air transportation security duties, to carry firearms and to make arrests without warrant for any offense against the United States committed in their presence, or for any felony cognizable under the laws of the United States, if they have reasonable grounds to believe that the person to be ar- rested has committed or is committing a felony. (b) INTERNA77ONAL S)rY MARSHALL PRo- GRAM.-The Secretary of State, in coopera- tion with the Secretary of Transportation, shall study the feasiability of establishing an international sky marshall program. The Secretary of State shall report the results of this study to the Congress within 6 months after the date of enactment of this Act. SEC 455. MEETING OF INTER.' ATIONAL CIVIL A i'IA- TIOA ORGANIZAT/O.'V; INTERNATIOA'AL MORA YORIUM OA LSE OF CERTAIN AIR. PORTS The Secretary of State and the Secretary of Transportation, jointly, shall- (1) call for an immediate convening of a meeting of the International Civil Aviation Organization to- (A) discuss the current status of interna- tional airport compliance with existing international security standards; and (B) upgrade the security standards for international airports; and (2) call on the member countries of the International Civil Aviation Organization to enforce that Organization's existing standards and impose a moratorium on the use of any international airport which is not in compliance with such standards. SEC 45t MULTILATERAL AND BILATERAL AGREE- MENTS WITH RESPECT TO AIRCRAFT SABOTAGE, AIRCRAFT BIJACKLN'G, AND AIRPORT SECURITY'. The Secretary of State shall seek formal multilateral and bilateral agreement on strengthening enforcement measures and standards for compliance with respect to aircraft sabotage, aircraft hijacking, and airport security. SEC 457, ANTITERRORISM ASSISTANCE PROGRAM In addition to amounts otherwise author- ized to be appropriated for such purpose, there are authorized to be appropriated to carry out chapter 8 of part 11 of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 (relating to the anti- terrorism assistance program) $5,000,000 for fiscal year 1986 and $5,000,000 for fiscal year 1987. SEC 455 RESEARCH ON AIRPORT SECURITY TECH- NIQUES FOR DETECTING EXPLOSIVES. In order to improve security at interna- tional airports, there are authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary of Transporta- tion from the Airport and Airway Trust Fund (in addition to amounts otherwise available for such purpose) $5,000,000, with- out fiscal year limitation, to be used for re- search on and the development of airport se- curity devices or techniques for detecting ex- plosives. SEC 451. ThTERNAT10NAL ANTITERRORISM COMMIT. TEE The Congress calls upon the President to seek the establishment of an international committee, to be known as the International Anti-Terrorism Committee, consisting of representatives of the member countries of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Japan, and such other countries as may be invited and may chose to participate. The purpose of the Committee should be to focus the attention and secure the cooperation of the governments and the public of the par- ticipating countries, and of the governments and the public of other countries, on the problems and responses to international ter- rorism, by serving as a forum at both the po- litical and law enforcement levels. SEC 460. HIJACKING OF TWA FLIGHT 847 AND OTHER ACTS OF TERRORISM. The Congress joins with all Americans in celebrating the release of the hostages taken from Trans World Airlines flight 847. It is the sense of the Congress that- (1) purser UIi Deriekson, pilot John Tes- trake, co-pilot Philip Maresca, flight engi- neer Benjamin Zimmermann, and the rest of the crew of Trans World Airlines flight 847 displayed extraordinary valor and hero- ism during the hostages ordeal and therefore should be commended; (2) the hijackers who murdered United States Nary Petty Officer Stethem should be immediately brought to justice; 13) all diplomatic means should continue to be employed to obtain the release of the 7 United States citizens previously kidnapped and still held in Lebanon,- (41 acts of international terrorism should be universally condemned, and (5) the Secretary of State should be sup- ported in his efforts to gain international cooperation to prevent future acts of terror- ism SEC. 461. INTERNATIONAL TERRORISM CONTROL TREA TV. It is the sense of the Congress that the President should establish a process by which democratic and open societies of the world which are those most plagued by ter- rorism, negotiate a viable treaty to effective- ly prevent and respond to terrorist attacks. Such a treaty should incorporate an opera- tive definition of terrorism, and should es- tablish effective close intelligence-sharing, joint counterterrorist training, and uniform laws on asylum, extradition, and swift pun- ishment for perpetrators of terrorism. Par- ties to such a treaty should include, but not be limited to, those democratic nations who are most victimized by terrorism SEC 462. EFFECT)VE DATE This subtitle shall take effect on the date of enactment of this Act SEC 414. BAN ON IMPORTING GOODS AND SEA mires FROM COUNTRIES SUPPORTING TER- RORISM. (a) Aur-oRrrY.-The President may ban the importation into the United States of any good or service from any country which supports terrorism or terrorist organiza- tions or harbors terrorists or terrorist orga- nizations. (b) DEP/NTI7oN.-For the purposes of sub- section (a), the terms "terrorist" and "ter- rorist organizations" mean an individual, group, or any combination thereof which is involved in terrorism. TITLE V'-I1'TER'1ATIONAL NARCOTICS CONTROL SEC 50). AUTHORIZATIONS FOR INTERNATIONAL NARCvTICS CONTROL ASSISTANCE. Subsection (a)ll) of section 482 of the For- eign Assistance Act of 1961 is amended to read as follows: "fa)(1) To carry out the purposes of sec- tion 481, there are authorized to be appro- priated to the President $55,688,100 for fiscal year 1986 and $55,688,100 for fiscal year 1987-". SEC 505 DEVELOPMENT AND ILLICIT NARCOTICS PRODUCTION. Section 126(b) of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 is amended- (1) by inserting "and under chapter 4 of part II" immediately after "this chapter"; and (2) by inserting "(1)" after "(b)" and by adding at the end thereof the following new paragraph: "(2) The agency primarily responsible for administering this part may utilize re- sources for activities aimed at increasing awareness of the effects of production and trafficking of illicit narcotics on source and transit countries.": SEC. 503. REPORTS ON INTERNATIONAL NARCOTICS CONTROL ASSISTANCE. Section 481(b) of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 is amended to read as follows.' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/22 : CIA-RDP87MOl 152R001001300001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/22 : CIA-RDP87MO1152R001001300001-1 H 5356 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -'HOUSE _ July 10, 1985 protects whose primary purpose is to pro- vide benefits to the Palestine Liberation ?Or- panization or entities associated with it. "(b) ANNUAL Atv,,w.=77x Secretary of State- t2) shall review, at Jeast annually, the budgets and accounts of all international organizations receiving payments W any such funds; and "(2) shall report .to the appropriate com- mittees of the Congress the amounts affunds expended by each such organization for the purposes described in subsection (a) and the amount contributed by the United States to each such organisation.": SEC Kt. SOL77I.NES7 AFRICA PEOPLES DRGANIZ - riov. Chapter 3 of part I of the foreign Assist- ance Act of 1961 is further amended by adding at the end.thereetf the following new section: 'SEC 9s& BOMB-NEST AFRICA PEOPLES ORGANI- ZArIOA'. "(a) Lr rrAnoN ON Fuwz wNo.- Funds au- thorized to be appropriated by this -chapter may not be made available for the United States proportionate share for programs for the South-West Africa -People's Organiza- tion, except that funds may be made avail- able for the United States proportionate share of programs for the South- West Africa Peoples organization if the President certi- fies to the Congress that such funds would not be used to support the military or Pam- military activities of the South-West Africa People's Organization. "(b) ANNUAL Rrwrw.-The :Secretary of State- "(1) shall -review, -at least annually, the budgets and accounts of all `international organizations receiving payments 'of any such funds; and "(2) shall report a the appropriate com- mittees of the Congress the amounts of funds expended by each such organization for the purposes described in subsection (a) and the amount contributed by the Vatted Mates to each such organization." $EC 9K DITERNAr,oNAL DThASTSR ASSISTANCE. The first sentence of section 492(a)'of.the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 is amended to read as follows.: '97tere an .authorised to be appropriated to the Paaident to .carry out section 491, *25,000,90star fiscal year 1986 and $25,000,000for fiwscal year 19&Z'- 8EC4K. Am7-71ARORISt ASSISTANI$PROG N. (a) AvnrosszAnoxs.-Section 575 of [he Foreign Assistance Act of J961 is amended to -read as faitowr C. 974 AO78ORIZA 27ONS OF.A7"OPRIA77ONg "(a) AEr1N0A ZAnoNn-There are author- teed to be appropriated to Wit .President to carry out this rlsapter $5,000,00 for fiscal year 1986 and $5;08000 for fiscal gear 1987. "(b) ?azZNZ eO ;OBLroa nau a. 4 vAaABv. err Amounts appropriated under :this sec- tion are authorized .to remain available until expended.'- (b) Fats oN.nix ztnanzroNZ rimy erection 573(d)(4) of such.AedTs'wsmended 9p,Lead as follows: "(4)(A) .Except as provided in subpara- graph (B), articles on the Vnited.States 1Na- nitions List established pursuant Io the Arms Export.Contml Act .may sat the unade available snderdhis ahuptet "(B) For fiscal years 1986' and .2987, arti- cles on the United Mates Adunitions.List may be made available under this chapter if-% "(i) they are smell cosecs in category.7 In- toting to firearms), vmminr'ftion -in category III -(relatinp to cmrramaltionl ;forwmall arms in category -I, for aarlicks in xategory .%'Ire- lating to protecti@e we, sound equipment), and they are direr 2 nelatei to anti-terror- ism training jbeing providef vender this chapter, "Iii) the recipient country is not prohibit- ed by lawjrom receiving assistance under one or more of the following provisions.' chapter2 of this part, chapter 5 of this part, or the Arrru:Export Cvrntrol Act; and "(iii) at least 15 days before the -articles are made available to The foreign country, the President notifies the Committee on For- eign Affairs of the House of Pepresentatives and the Committee on foreign Relations of the Senate of the proposed transfer, in ac- cordance aoith the procedures applicable to reprogramming notifications pursuant to section 834A of this Act. "(C) The value (in terms of original acqui- sition cost) of all equipment and commod- ities provided under subsection (a) of this section, including articles described in sub- paragraph (B)(i) of this paragraph. may not exceed $325,000 in fiscal year 1986 or $325,000 in fiscal year 1987.' (c) Section 573 of such Act is amended by adding at the end thereof the following new subsection: "(f) Funds 'made available to carry -out this chapter may not be used for personnel compensation and benefits" Id/ ExPm I77oN 01.4 m'onrn?.-Section 577 of such Act is repealed SEC I#7. 'COORDIA'ATION of ALL LA AATI-rERROR- ISM ASSJSTAACE 7V POR?/GA COUN- rRlEs (a) COORnrNAnoN.-The Secretary of State shall be responsible for coordinating all anti-terrorism assistance 'to .foreign coun- tries provided by the United States Govern- ment. r(b) Repoxrs.-dVot later Than February 1 each year, the Secretary of Sian, do consul- tation with appropriate United States Gov- ernment ageneita, .shall report to the appro- priate committees of the Congress on the anti-terrorism assistance provided by the United States 'Government -during Vie pre- ceding fiscal -year. :Such reports may be pro- vided on a classified basis .lo the extent nec- essary, and shall specify She amount sand nature of the assistance provided SEC Ise TRADE AND DEiELOPKEM PROGRAM. The first sentence of section 661(b) of the Foreign Assistance ;Act of 1961' is amended to read asJollows? '77here -are -authorized to be .appropriated to 'the Frezident -for pur- poses of this section, in addition to funds otherwise -available for such purposes, $21,000,000 for fiscal year 1986 and $21;000,000Jor.;fiscal yearl987.'. SEC Oft oPER4 77NC EXPEABes .Section 667(a)(IJaf the.Fbreign Assistance Act of 1961 is amended to mead as follows' "(1) $391,533,200 for fiscal year 1986 and $391,533,200 for fiscal year 1987 for neces- sary operating expenses of the agency pri- marilyresponsible for administering part I of this Act? and" Mr. HYDE. Mr. 'Chairman, section 407 Di H.R.1555 provides that the Sec- retary of State shall inordinate all 13.8. Government antiterrorism .assist- ance to foreign countries. It also .re- quires the .Secretary do report annual- ly to appropriate -committees of the Congress on such assistance. Section 407 states that the Secretary will be responsible for "coordinating" all E.S. antiterrorism assistance to Tor- eign countries. This makes 'clear that- while the Secretary will be both fully informed of all such US. assistance and responsible .for -ensuring that no duplicatiori,;gaps or unwarranted com- petition owurs -,in providing such :as- sistance-the Secretary's Tole under section 407 does not impair -or -affect the -existing authorities and eesponsi- bilities of the Director of Central In- telligence under the National Security Act of 1947 :or Executive Order 12333. I note .also,' Mr.. Chairman, that the reports required by section 407 do not affect existing arrangements for the protection of detailed .information on antiterrorism intelligence activities. Thus, the Foreign Affairs Committee report on B.R. 1555 states with respect to the reports required by section 407 that: It is the'intent of the Committee that the required annual reports be referred to the appropriate committees consistent with a:? isting law regarding the. reporting of intelli- gence activities. This makes clear that-reports on an- titerrorism Intelligence activities will be referred'to the Congressional Intel- ligence Committees. Mr. Chairman, given that section 407 preserves existing authorities con- cerning antiterrorism Intelligence ac- tivities and ensures protection of in- formation .furnished to the Congress relating to -such activities, I believe that enactment of section 407 will be a positive contribution -toward combat- ting international terrorism. Mr. FASCELL. Mr. Chairman, :I move to strike the last word. Mr. Chairman, may I inquire how much time is left under the rule? The CHAIRMAN. The Chair will state to the gentleman that under the rule, there are 4 hours and 23 minutes remaining under the limitation. Mr. PASCELL. Mr. "Chairman, we are now at title IV and I just simply wanted to alert Members as to what we are going to do. Mr. Chairman, we stave two amend- ments -which we will take up 'immedi- ately which are noncontroversial and have strong broad bipartisan support. Then, unfortunately from our stand- point, we will have to fsse because of a privileged motion that will have to be debated. Mr. Chairman, does the Chair have any idea about how long the privileged motion -Will -take? The CHAIRMAN. 'She Chair will state to the gentleman that the Chair cannot -respond to an inquiry related to proceedings in the House. Mr. FASCELL. Mr. Chairman, may I inquire, floes anybody on the floor have any idea? Mr. Chairman, I guess -then it may take as anuch as 1 Stour. Then we would come back, resume our sitting as the Committee of the Whole and finish title IV and continue therefrom. We do have some other amendments which :might take some debate, .-al- though 1 :must say we have been work- ing very diligently. Mr. Chairman, I want to thank Members .ton both sides of the aisle who have worked very hard in dealing with the anany amendments that we have, trying to reach :agreement so that we may conserve -tune. Mr. 'hairman, it -would be my .hope, therefore, that we can conclude the ze- maining time of 4 hours and 23 min- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/22 : CIA-RDP87MO1152R001001300001-1