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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R001200070006-1 :4.t1 REPORT DATEDISTR. 5 SEP 50X1-HUM NO. PAGES 16 50X1-HUM1 REQUIREMENT RD NO. "50X1-HUM REFERENCES Szegedo Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R001200070006-1 This material contains information affecting the National Dense of the United States within the meaning of the ltspionage Laws, I Title 18, U,8,0, Seca, 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of whioh in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R001200070006-1 mow. ~rzeanmrt axweas2nuf06 1'sl kMFYt~> i2tl4~ia#r4 F~1R ~Y~ r r ItTMy(r +1 t rg"J m r ada ab&~ tried .to explaI n or .xcw~e them by reason1n,g He was not like most CP member he was not a blind 'Party .followeto The entrance to h1 choo. way on the corner, a out corner on :;n + '': < xa, r r^; aAye' Dyr.'s ~" "tiffs x eve ''SF ':n t c' M,~a~.y 4~' "~. ad ~ ic sac' ` a (28) av1ngs sank Takarepntar it was a stateoned avings bank which had r e. r been the un ar m N tlanai nwk It Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R001200070006-1 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R001200070006-1 was located on part of the first door of a three-story Sources named the following offices located in this building: Tiezti Foorvo8i Hivatal (geezsegugyi Vedelein) - Chiet Medical 0fti0et ?g office ($anitary Departrnent) Munkaugyi Oeztaly ~. Labor Department, work. books (labor books) were issued hare; Begyutes1 Osztaly Department for Coliating Surplus (Agri- cultural) Produce ar~d Livestock - all farmers and other pro- ducers had to arrange their delivery quotas or wheat, corn, meat, eggs, fat, etc o , through this office ; and there were numberous other off ieee which sources could not name apartment bu11dinga Public orrlce Bii1ding - Zwoterhas (old name, nick name) - V'arosi Berhazak ~? City Couna it House - Varosl Tanaoe Hpuhetei- Bui1dings of the Municipal Council it was a three-story building facing Szecsenyl Ter of which the first, or ground floor, was occupied by shores, movie theater, restaurant, etc. On the second and third floors were offices of all kinds x(30) City Hall Varoahaza -a two-story building facing Szeoeenyi (31) 32) A U5 had Ter, The city mayor M s off i,ce was . located here; i.eo e bei the Lord Ma;ror of Szeged since 1948 o Sources. also named the following other mfficea located in this buildingo City Council Executive Committee (Varosi T`anace Vegrehajto Bizottsag~ City Council Military Department, (Varosi Tanaca Katona 0sztaly~ Council President (Tar~acs Elnok), City Archive, (Varosl. lrattar, Vocal News Department of the State Propaganda Enterprise (Hir- deto Vallalat Haas Hir Szolgatata) - this department had many microphone throughout the city of Szeged through which were t ra ?n1tted new propaganda, ball games, music, etca and other unnamed o r''fic es a The city hail building also had a tower where there was a guard stationed on a 2J4-hour baeis , ~ throughout ever umnler season in order , to keep a lookout for fires which rniht break out in and around Szeged o This poet had d ~ "pect ~ ~a,+c-1epbLoar e ~ m"""rneet io~ w!j th the $ eget Fire Depart- 6d d?d+ wr w w e?~ w Ps a n+u~ x:t ~~v si-ww ..v ~- iL~P.~GWI ment which 4 ~ot'tfi.ec1 Immediately if a fire were obaerved There was a c)1 tajok Hid ja . Bridge of Sighs it was an. over- head covered b i4 E e c1n the iecond floor level, connecting the city haIi Point 3O) above ` dIi ectly to the Council House Point (32) bet ow curt House Tarvenvszek konyvi Hivatal ~p Registry. Office;. Szoeiaiia 'gyoszteiy Social Department; and any other unknown office City Council .House - aroBi erhaz - a three-story building w.ich had a butcher shop on the. first floor,, forrerl.y the Kozponti HuscaarPok Central. Butcher Shop, Sources were able to name the following offices in this bui.ldi.ngi V:rosi. ernoki. Hivr,tal Cit;y Engineering 0f ttce; VaX'osi Tanacs Epitesi Osztaly City Council Construction I eparttnent, Anya Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R001200070006-1 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R001200070006-1 50X1-HUM (33) Commercial sank _ Kereekedelmi Sank located in a two-story j buildings ? - formerly r (314) Stage Female purse I`rairxira~ wzo ~ Allami green vedanc~ Cross ~sKepzamnaaLe ~ure~ e the Za~.d 1,+~reszter~ ~ledoclo p Training ? a large two or threeoatary building where student female nurses lived and studied The 1 went ?from Ahere to the - hospitals daily where they reie Theoretical training 50X1 -HUM 35) State Teacher? Training Institute - Allami ~Tanito Kepzo In- tezet it ~ as comprised of about three twa story buildings. There was also a campus dormitory and an eight-grade public . schoo], which was part of the. institute where the student- teachers did their practice teaching. Courts - there were seven tennis courts which belonged C36) Tennis to and were under the supervision of the Szeged Un.~versity. (37) Ujsze ed CathoI1c Church - its entrance was located on the g western sided Inetitute for the Mind .~ Vakok Intezete - it waa a home for (ag) the blind, who aiso worked here making baskets etc. (39) Ujszeged Public School .~ U jszegedi Altalanoe Iskola - form- erly the T1szaparti Ellemi Iskola ? Tiszapart Elementary School there were oni" four grades here before the ~~asvvae _ source s c lid not lmow how many grades were taught at pr-eser: Tennis Courts here were two tennis courts belonging to the ~~ {endergyax (Hemp Factore) but sources did not know to which rte Nonemr1OVees of the Hemp ractory - w n _ , on.. R had to pai a moutI];.y fee of 25O0 f orints which included ten- lis balls and iiembersh P etc n Etnplo ees of the hemp factory probably had. to a about two forints monthly b (141) Petofi Sportk FIB ld .~ fo rmerlY the Szeged Athletic Club. There wa one soccer field and two tennis courts, all belong- ing to the etofi Sports Club G (142) 7 ros Loborgo Sports Field forme i U Szeged 1 vente alyas There was one soccer field and two tennis courts; this sports field was also used for basketba.l, and volleyball gamesa There was also a firing rare with about six or eight stands with a 5 rs range . . U i Sze ed Asylum ~ U j s eged Menhely *, it was a very large two- di of she largest buildings at Ujszeged. It one ., ?Qry bud. .g3 rdevWloped or rippled child- fL,at!? rn for imc "' w ren. S`3 ?~ Ts~ t LL~1t,afuLVL'' 4~~e i~49r~/' ~' r:. 9~? 4Gt~; tut ~e.d .,i o 'n.;F for Sole of these children attended regular schools :arcb- ing from here in groups to the school , while others were taught o the spot A large group of these children mere mentally Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/11 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001200070006-1 retarded and were placed in this asylum by their parents, There were other normal children who were enrolled in he in atitution because of their parents financial difficulties. m children ranged in age frOn infants to about 16 years. Tomorkeny Girls Mia hschOOl Tomorkenyl Leany Gynznaziwn rnerly the -Szent Erttaebet Girls' High School it was a three- . d ble roof This sQhot~l a1s4 story brick buiidifg witf a ti.l.eolgentraina~e was on Tomorken y had a girls ~ dor~~itory ~ The acho the eastern side of utca and another entrance On Tisxapart the b llding } waa for the dormitory onl7 Greek Orthodox Serbian Church Qorog Keleti Szerb Templom it was a small church with one steeple. SzegcUniversity Law Faculty Szeg?di Egyetem Jogtudomany Kara - f oiinerly itelo Tabla High Court of Jueti P r- a two-- story bu11dingwhich had been occupied by the University of Szeged since 1952 or 1953. (47) Jesuit Church Jezsulta Templom their order was located in f th t~uildi~ } the back or this c~rnrch (west side o e j ? Public School ~a twO-atory building which had formerly been the Jewish Elerrtentat7 School. (jog) Jw1sh Syns;oua fare construct~.Of with a few cupolas,, - elct 4tl t:Lt.:t'rrt a.eip sic one high tension e1 eS1Ftric1 shop (Eros .>am Elektros fuhely a one radIO shop oxrh.t.ct mr v d to Debrecen in 1953 and the subject way di.scontinUed at this School.; one carpenter shop, but no students ever worked in it it was for the purpose of mainten'- ance , repairsand main new benches tables, chairs rind other egtdme th ?thooi Sources said the curicui cElectricity on& s ed f t< three toilo iln major i.eiij~ds: High Ten8ion Profe.:.15w++~'..Wn (Eros/ A'}amektro Sz )da? IFoffer Plant ~ ?zak) ~Y o&~.d aa" Koh .ffi ~y ~. ._ht f~ ~~$&.da?`~6l, ~,. Prof e9?~ 1u.'~ man (Ero nu OpesylEl e1.Ile ~~. a~ cu7 ass .s,..y.??,;sc b ~....m. - v ,a ; un ' Sup y et o . O * ,~ o ~'k}m+. .'th B w' r!;J: Y op , Y: aL atosmne .y .: LJ ..F :..ti :.: Y J 9 Si.~ L. L ...W M ' .R,4 r^". (ovacthe:ly ) where there was aTo the welding shop,, both M n ors small (ntOde foundry 910 r .- y ' lathe, milling 'b.d cutter n achines~ drills planning machine ? -, ' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R001200070006-1 50X1 -HUM a it was an e ce lent ~.ancari .n i i bar 'e=rect (_lr1s Q Public School formerly the Szent Gutty" argit Pol ari ( a higher elementary school) it was a three- sto ~_"y~y bu'~ 1 d 1rc ? there w a ? ao a large nn here. Eight grades were tauhta Ni fiber `? 7 aeh1 r'e ~~ ...ndu trj l Techn1ra1 School with Electrical .L&.3G .6 .n. ~ n c.. w. A n F. e a ?.. Industrial B`?' arc x? ]j e e ; amu Gepipari echnikum villamos Xp a -; finer s y the Felao1pari ekola - Tnduat' hdD r c u.?. ` 1 are e t?J .L. eadm"' l.?'+uiF {three 4i7t?ory cM?nMd r 1l Hi ;h Siteshoo.L '~y L ,~ ool offered a f our.ye' ~.3 .~L_ 3~ ~+ ~ with 4 ~ C~ '. L. ~ ~ v 1... - `w. ? 4s w+1 coure For:,srC", on the curriculum and require- ment 9 refer x;,i a N 3 lO The following workshops were located h1 . r~ 1 r ZO ep uhely Machine Shop, with 4 4 h~ ? C Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/11 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001200070006-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R001200070006-1 The addreaa of th1a school was KalVarla Ter 5b whickr< was the entrance to the print ipai r a apartment, located an the f 1rsst floor of the sohao1 ? s eastern end on Kalvaria xer0 (52) Moravarosi Cathol 1 c Church this church was built abut 1940. The priest' apartment waa also located here. (53) Noravaro s Public School - a one-story b1311d 1n~ with tile; gable roof, located on the corner of Talbuchln Sugarut and Zoltan utca0 The entrance to the school was on Zoltan utca. Eight grades of elementary ichoo1 were taughty (54) State Orphanage a twoatory building with tiled gable roof, its entrance wa,a located on the western side on Londoni Korut. (55) State Nursing and Fe na.le Nurse Training Institution Allami and Gyongy ut c a., with its entrance on To lbuchin Sugarut. The trainees lived and tud1ed here but went to the hospitals daily for practical training This had formerly been an tw titution where Catholic nuns were trained as nursed and where they l ivec tiled gable rote`, located on the corner of tolbuchin sugarut Apolo e Vedono Kepo Intezet - a three story building with ( 56) Music Con(:rerva tort' -ene . onzervator iuw an old, large, two- story buI].din with a high baaeziento The entrance was located Music tai,+,gaiV tiJ14 Al i.g~LL'i ~vho~.~s, as~v ^^v.~r,~? ? on Sztalin .orut, It-r," l 'ti. s 1_ w?4.. x -f ..S J_1_-- - -- a- - .--- ~ 7() u(1ivear 1L r~~,a . wang a L~Ze-;tn ory uiiuing oCc1 Lpy1n~ 1Ie university Ubra3 y^ and o~ff.tce ~ of he University of Szeged, 11th it; entr,nc{; t: r1 DuC~yCwbrdlo Ter i (58) Un ver I ty ainii -a tour story; read ern bud. ld ing with a ~ e 1~ .k y _^. sus ~^?', e ~ ~ 8 L t r ~ ~ A K ._ L L tikes gaDie r o f wus.cs . DCCf ~.,us.~ u tDOut L15UUr1fg 1tff: ecD1d world wa~.'.a..tr 1~..d bome a. hoptai; after the war it +ra ; converted :tn ~ o *: c1). )o 1. for th dun aero Tartaleko Hiv t.n t.6g? s ir ? 6OO o S r: n, D L t r L: 7 S.l, H of, n u rt nu~ i. & ~ km7 ~i,E.3 - Number 600 Ind f?ds l d5p .1, i i`.1L+i crr hoc L ci.l. as r J ' ip 1fflee (i.1nemplr' ent f fIce ) in 1955 this i.n ta1iat iori had become the clinic of to Szeged Yin ever I t it while the school had moved to an unknown location (5 Boys School of the Pedagogical College .- Pedagogiai Fo akola Gyakorlo I1 iu lko.laj - a two-story building with tilediah.e r?oof its entrance .wad on Arpad Per. .e '~ grade ?~u.~. '~r6 ?'7 tP5 4'1, r~b rq bw. !h: ~.1 w1 ere iere N' pedaoi *, cal r" y ~ ~ ~- 9Th t I an ? r.^ id t udentL taut receivYnt~~. " eir practical training Part of the shool aIo housed the Pedagogical School, but there wa no dorxnItor?y, , 53) .L`oga thilmi CG:thoiicoy Church P;gad al?i Teutplom ti& wad he tallest strut turc in Sze ged ? its steeple being about lob or 10 meters and the=re were about. tep leasing up to the teeple The ba;Lcony was at a level 96 meters h ? h There Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/11 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001200070006-1 50X1 -HUM n while the other parts were three-store ror druggists' h of its western wing was a girls' dormttot7 students with its entrance or Belojafisz Ter, foxy-er1y Dom Ter. (60a) University Building - a newly Constructed, siX18tor with a deep (- to meters deep) con brick building y crete foundation, and a flat concrete roof a There was a glass dome about three meters in diameter located an top of this roof which was used for Astronomy (Csilla- gaszat)s This bui1di.ng was named Peace Building (Beke Epulet)b This building was not plastered but covered with special red brick, thinner than normal bricks, the same type with which the old unive_~sfty bu'ldinge are also covered, caI1ed vitrified brick (Kllnker Tegl.a) Thts buiId1ng was under construction from 1950 to September 1953 when it was completed, and the school was opened at that t irne n Its entrance was located. on the estern 1de; it was equipped with cen tral heat, water mains, gas iinea, and e1ectr 1tym There were alto eiectric elevators n this building. There was a very large auditorium shaped like a semi cirele3 iith a eatir, eapacit of about 300, the rloor level. descending from all directions towards the center. There were many laboratories in this new building; 'how ever, sources could not provide an inrortion about them except that on the top floor sixth floor) there were only eperlmental ehemicai laboratories (60b) University Building - formerly the Piarista Oymnazium, th e Theological High School., which became part of Szeged Dniversit about 1952 It as a threestory building covered with a tiled able roof 1 Its main entrance was located on the western. side of its western. wing; the o'fieial address was on Aradi Vertanuk Tere #1. This part of the university was called Bol~a1 Janoe Mateznatikai Intezet olyai Janos Mathematical Insti In to Bete half of tut ywhich was a /yqcut ally located .'a'4 ~T~'n.+ '~H ~.: ~'7 ~L'4V this building. The eastern half of this buitdin was Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R001200070006-1 were many bells, the largest one weighilg 10,000 kilograms. There was an obaervatian room On the 50"peter-high level where there was also a balcony, all around, where there was. a tire watch stationed during the whole sumntner season. A new telephone line was i,nstallled in the observation room during 1954. Sources also stated that the largest organ in Europe was located in this ahurohU it than ura ZOno ~ The pipes. A Catholic biBhOP was the head had of more this oha ch bishop's quarters were located southwest at this h hCh, which was within the unjve'sity building; actually, both sides of the bishop's quarters were part of the university. (59a)? Church or Temple a large, modern red brie, un- plastered building built about 1944. (60) University of Szeged - the center part was four-atoriee high orthern nd e d I t Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/11 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001200070006-1 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R001200070006-1 the BOlyai Janos De;aclC Gtthon - Bolyai Jams Student Home, a boys' dormitory for law atudenta, with its en- trance on Sztalin Kor'ut #820 Jozaef Attila Foiskola Deak Szallo - It was a three-story budding with its center ,5ectivn higher. There was an areh? way through the center section of this building which the called the Heroes' date (iosok Kupuja) epanning over the earth ern end of Aprlli$ 4 - e utia. The eastern half of I.te north~- ern wing, plus the eastern wing, was the Girls Doitory of the Jossef Attila Pedaa~ogiaal College (Jozeef Attila Pedagogtai Poiskola Leany Dean Sxalloaa). Its entrance was on the east ern side through the yard, which had an Iron gate taoing the 3ztalin Korut, at the easterntnoet end of the building. This building also had a big gate in its center part on Sztalin Korut leading directly into the yard of this branding which was the entrance to the University restaurant , which had a capacity off' about 15Ca Thia was the largest university rhe- taurant and wale students were also allowed to use its T center and southern wing comprised the Bgyetemi Leany Doak Szalio ~, the University Girl Students Hotel-with its entrane on the western side of the center wing. The western half or the northern wing plus the western wing were occupied by the Specialized Matriculation School (Szakeretteegi Iskola) for women who also had their dortni.tory in this part of the build- inge The main entrance was located under the archway, on the western side of Apri1ts 4 ?- a ut jaa There wr;.s ales back entrance through the yard 8 on Apr i l i s 4 e u;t j a (62) Pedagogical College -- Pedagogiai Foiskola ~ a three-sts~. aware build{ng with a tiled able rooms acid yard located in its center. Its entrance was located in the % eYter part of the building on Aprilis 4 . a ut ja ~ It offered a two -year course ? (63) le, entarv Training School of the Pedagogical College - Peda". ~~.a fi r.. Foiskola Altalanos akorlo lskolaja - formerly ~t train- 1n echoai of a higher elementary level (Gyakorlo Polgari g I kolah it was a two tc'y building with eight I adee of elementary school.ig~ 'e-e ya a large in here which was also used by the Pedagogical College and other schoo1e The > was used for many athletic meets 0 The school entrance was Ioated on ApriIis 14 e utja, and the entrance Baas on 02: utea a 64 Philosophical Facuity df the Szeged Univeraity Szeged /,. By i Bolcscszeti Kara - a four story building covered e t em with a tiled gable roof The main entrance was in the center of its western side s formerly the Barone G. utoa8 The largest auditorium in Szeged was located here a It was equipped with microphones and loud speakers and had a seating capacity of t about 600. This auditorium wad shaped likes halfci.rc1e, he floor descedir{ from al', direction to~ards the center There were also a rneteoroioiCal department and uipment here The Szeged University celebrations were also held in this auditor. ium Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R001200070006-1 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R001200070006-1 5) Deaf4 ute Institution- Suket Nernak lntezete -a thr. ee?story . building with Sts entrance ot~ Becsi Korut 6) Cserepes for Sports Field M a soccer field with a- platform. 7) Hungarian Railroad Educational Institute for Boys : MAV Flu. r Nevelo Intezet - a three-'stork', rectangula' k~uildi~~ Which wa,s a 'boarding school for children of railroad employees p it was ... maintained and supported bythe MAV. All the children wore ... MAV uniforms. They went from here to all kinds of schools. Their ages ranged from about six to 20. The entrance was on Aprf is L . e ut Ja. . 8) Matyas Catholic Church a very olc chinch aurrounded by old buildings which were the priest Q$ quaDters . 9).'. ` Alsovarns Elementary School Alsovaros Altal Mos lskola a ntrbYi~' T ttT \.J V G J. .L 4L C] W .b Town Plan of Szegede m raw -. of .~ ~. ~ V _ C -O ~-N ???F i twa~story building with eight grades. The entrance was on Foldrnuves' utca. ' . Klebelsberg Telep Elementary School -- Klebelsberg Telep Altalanos Iskola. . 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R001200070006-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R001200070006-1 Ii Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/11 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001200070006-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R001200070006-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R001200070006-1