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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15 :.CIA-RDP8OT00246A065400370001 5 ? ?MATION REPORT INFORMATION This material contains informatio 18. U.S.C. Sem. 793 and 794, the 1 smi. INTELLI0EF AGEET gt.16.Mililiofen Oc1atio;i5e wideh .; , thin the meaning of th an unauthorized person i 50X1-H UM COUNTRY Worth Korea REPORT SUBJECT SariwEn City Plan DATE DISTR. November 1962 NO. PAGES 17 REFERENCES DATE OF INFO. ? PLACE 8 FIELD REPORT DATE ACQ. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION. SOURCE GRADINGS ARE DEFINITIVE. APPRAISAL OF CONTENT IS TENTATIVE. 50X1-H UM 50X1-H UM -HUM 50X1-H UM 50X1 -HUM _50X1-HUM The following numbers are keyed to a sketch of the city plan for Sariwon (N 38-30, E 125-45) (IC 4064), ftanghae-pukto. \ 1. Sariwen ational Brick Factory. Built during the Japanese rule, the factory was damaged during the Korean War and repaired after the Korean armistice, in July 1953. It is a single-story, red brick structure with a tile roof; the factory had 25 kiln's. 2. SarivOn national Building Management Station. Built after the Korean armistice, this building 'ins a u-shaped, three story, red brick structure. The station managed all government-owned buildings in Sariwan under control of the Construction Management Bureau of the Beanghaeilukto People's Committee. 3. Sariwa Chlasan Middle School and Primary School.. Built in 1955, this was a three-story, red brick structure with a cement roof. 4. Pumping Station.; A single-story structure built in 1959. The station was constructed to supply water to the Ewangu (N 3840. E 125-46) (IC 4183) and Pongsan (21 58-25, E 125-53) (YC 5256 areas above Sarivan. The water was stored in the large waterway of theOji-dong Irrigation Works. 5. Bridge. Damaged during the Korean Warp the bridge was repaired after the armistice. The vehicle lane was covered with cement concrete; the sidewalk Was wooden. ? C-0-N-F-I-C-E-N-T-I-A-L : ? 50X1-H UM STATE 11-1-R M,14 X NAVY/ X AIR IX I NSA DIA (Note: Washington distribution indicated by "x"; Field distribution by '#".) INFORMATION REPORT INFORMATION REPORT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15: CIA-RDP80T00246A065400370001-5 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15: CIA-RDP80T00246A065400370001-5 C-0-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L -2- 50X1-HUNA. o. Unidentified Junior and Senior a&iie School. Eclat in 1953;a red brlcL structure with .a tile roof. 7.Ecter.12.-2nt. Sailwa Canal. Constructed with cement concrete in 1959; this eMbaniumnt prevented water from overflowing and maintained tke.proner water level. There were two floodgates. 3. Cement Concrete,Bridre. Constructed after the :[orean arMiStiCC. ; 9. Hwanglice-tukto Automobile Zr.ancrement Station and Seriwal Autemotive Station. The office tio.c,,,p. single-story structure with lime-coated walls and a slate roof. There wee two garages: single-story 'prick structure? with lime- coated walls and slate roofs, containing about ten city buses, seven . suburban bucosstand ten trucks. The EcTarzhae-pi?to Automobile :4emagement Station super4Sed all of the automotive stations in the province, and SariwOn Automotive Station operated city buses and handled trucking, maa:Ing contracts as recluosted by various enterprises. 10. Sariwo'n Eqszmhet-.." Encloced by a hoard fence with a gate an each of the four sides, the =het consisted of :diatom single-story block stalls with lime- coated walls. -7A commodity display counter was installed in:the center of the mczket. AS'a result of the Prohibition of all individual commercial and industricaminess, in 1943 forme-0 morcbrnts in till? Mbrket were absorbed into "5.he present cooperatives. a.- Display counter. h, c, Ci, and e, Stalls. Each had a flat vac?. Purchasing store. 3. Foodstuff store. h: Farm z;roduCts store. I. Clothing store. j. Shoe repair shop. h.:Terine products store. 1. Restaurant,. Barhershoyi. n: launary, dye shop, industrial Goods store, butcher shop, fruit store, and confectionery store. 11, APartment Houses. Euilt from 1958 to 1960, each apertment house res a . four-story tloph structure with line-coated walls and a cement tile roof. The first floor of each aDortmat house was occuPied by stores and restaurants; the other floors were occunied by 4o to 50 lathy-Tins' and office VOitCTOt Inr111400. 14. Apartment Houses. Built from 1953 to 1960, these were ion'-story, L-sker.ed hlockstructUrep with lime-coated un11.s p4 slate roofs:. On the first floor were stores and a restaurant. Families of laborers, office workers, and artists lived en the other floors, each family scouP:iing tve'reoms. 15. Uurses, Trainibfl institute. :Guilt in 1957; a oingle-story, rod crick bt.d14471,7 with'a slate roof. The 4nst4tute was under the Control of the ' Eutlic Health.pdvision, liwanzhae-nukto Peopleis.Comnittee, and nurses trained here Were assigned to hosPitalc and clinics within Zwanchaehto. Ewarr'lae-TaiktoCentral YeoPle's :ord7rItai. Mint after the Xoreen armistice, the hosnital tc surrounded by a TO2 trick fence. a. ';:ar(1 rytwo-story trick structure with cement-coated"wallo. t; Suruery. A two-story brick structure with cement-coated tio.222? c. Yedicel clinic. A two-story brie!: structure with cement-coated wi...11.0. d. x-ray reof A sin310-otery wooden structure with limeccated walla. e: Office. A:..siDnle-otory wooden structure tr1th line-coated 13, 1 16. C-0-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15: CIA-RDP80T00246A065400370001-5 ? .. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15 :bIA-RDP80T00246A065400370001-5 50X1-HUM C-0-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L -3- et le Pediatric, dental, Gynecology, eye, and throat clinics. These clinics were housed in a three-story red brick building with a flat cadent roof. g. Surgery word. A two-story red brick structure. h. Dining room, boiler room, and lavatory. A single-story brick structure. 17. Sariwon Hicher Ebdical Professional School. Built in 195h, the school was a three-story red brick structure with a slate roofimaolra as the SariwOn ;radical College until 1958, when it was renamed.. Senior middle school Graduates were adnitted to this school upon passing an entrance euamination. Graduates of the school's three-year course were placed as interns in various hospitals, clinics and epidemic-prevention stations in Sbanghae-pukto. itore than half of the graduates advanced to medical universities. 18. ApartMent House. Built durinc 1957 to 1953; a four-story block structure with Sint-coated walls and a red tile roof. The first floor of this apartuent house was used as stores; the other floors were oce:upiec2 by ftnilies of laborers and office workers. 19. Hvantime-pukto Staff School, CoMMunist College, and Unanghae-ing Agricultural Staff School. Built in 1959; a four-story block structure with cement-coated walls and a red tile roof. This buildinG was used jointly by the Ibangaele-putto Staff School and the Farachee-pukto AGricultural Staff School in the daytime; from 1600 to 2200 hours, the Ccumunist College used the classrooms of the Euanghae-pukto Staff School. a. Dining roam. b. Lavatory. 20c' Former Fiwanrihae-gabto Norean Labor Party (NIP) Committee. Eight office , builagags built after the Noreen armistice. The front and rear sides of the cc:mound were fenced with brick and the other two sides were fenced with board. Two buildings (a end b) were two-story red brick structures with cement-coated walls and slate roofs. The other buildircs tere sincloa. story uooden structures with lime-coated walls and slate roofs. . a. This building was used by the HuanGbac-pukto Daily Ueus Cocnany until 1957 uhen the accaany moved to a aeu buildia0 and the Enazzhae-nulflo ZIP Committee used the'buildinc as its office. bp cp dp c. Offices. f. Zt211 council room. 0. Large council room. Accommodated about 500400 percent... it. The identity o2 this building is vemoun. 21. Dormitories, Ruarzhaegnflto RIP ConmIttee. TUD dc liter/es, built in 1955, were surrounded with-brick walls; each dormitory was a single-story wooden structure with lime-coated walls and a slate roof. Bachelor workers of the ilucae-pultto NIP Connittee and local travelers who visited the committee on official business stayed in these dormitories; each dormitory accommodated about 15 persons. 22. Hwanghae-pukto Sanitary EPidemic Prevention Station. Built after the armistice, a twok..torylriak structure with cement-coated walls and a slate roof. 23. lit anghae-puhto Telegraph and Telephone n&i.nt BUTOMU. Euilt In 1955, ? - kateg. ._. This bureau tele0ranh and telephone business and maintnlynd communication facilities. - ? 24. DUanrihae-pukto Trade Leccime Committee. Built after the Noreen armistice; a two-story brick structure ulth cement-coated walls and a red ce,Juat tile roof. C-0-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15: CIA-RDP80T00246A065400370001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15: CIA-RDP80T00246A065400370001-5 50X1-HUM 25. Uthmghee-oukto Democratic Youth League Committee. Built in 1955; a two-story red brick structure with aslate roof. 26. Sarivon Peonle'd-Cnrnmittee. Built in 1957; a single-story wooden structure' with lime-coated walls and a slate roof. - 27. Sarivan Feonlers'Conlittee. Built in 1955; a two-story red brick structure with a slate rob.T. 28. Council Room, Seriwan People's Committee. Built in 1956; a:single-story wooden structur&with lime-ccated walls and a red tile roof, encircledby aboard fence. ,It accommodated about 200 Persons. 29. Huenghae-nukto-Agricultural Bank. Built after the Korean arMistice; a-two- stery brick structure with cement-coated walls and a flat celent roof. 'This hank ccntrolledagricultural banks in each county of Benne P-P-pukto, under the sunervision.of the Evangaae-pukto People's Committee Firprce Division and the Central -Agricultural Bonk. ? 30. Fv=ghae-nukto1ArtistsLeague. Built in 1957; a single-story wooden structure wtph lime-coated walls and a slate roof. 31. Huanghae-mukto?Communications Kanagement Division. Had been used by the SariwOn That Office until 1959; a two-story brick structure with cement coated Wells and a flat roof. This division directed and controlled all the post offices in Hvanghae--,uktoi.j 32. I. ? .??? dc&iuOn Post Office and Anartment House. Built in 1959; an L-shaped, four- story bleck,structure with lime-coated walls. The first floor was occupied 174the.Sariuk.Post Office and the other floors were used as an apartment house, accommodating about 40 families, most of whom were staff members of the Ihrontin'ae-puktM2 Committee and tae Hwonghoe-pukto People's Committee; a feu families of laborers and office workers also resided there. . This apartment house 'Jas .:generally called the Staff Residence because the Majority of the residents uerc families of staff members. ? 33, 325 35. Anartment*House. Built durind 1959 and 1960; structure withillime-coated walls and a red tile roof ac inclndind the families of most staff members People's Commlttee. ? 36. Apartment House. Wuilt in 1960, this was a four-story lime-coated walls and a red tile roof. this,four-story.block ccmcdated about 30 of the BWanghae-pukto block structure -with 37. Sec Uo. 33, above. 33. Youth Denartment Store and APartment House. Built in 1900;" an Leshaped, four- story block structure with lime-coated walls and a red tile roof. The Youth Department Store occupied the first floor, the second and third floors were Used as offices, and the fourth floor was used as livin3 quarters tor about 20 families. I.:. 39. Sariw5n Canal4aterway. Constructed by =lording the stream which runs into tato ChecryangIRiver, this waterway was completed in 1960. Three meters of ihe lower section of the embnyornents were store and the upper section was grass- mded mud. 4-6 40. Vooden Bridges Rebuilt after the :Core= armistice, this bridge led to Ch'Olsan-dong.',,wkere many official residences were located. 1! There was no sign or name on the'brtdde. - ?? C-0-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L ? ? - Declassified inPart.- Sanitized 'Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15 :bIA-RDP80T00246A065400370001-5 ? ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15: CIA-RDP80T00246A065400370001-5 C-0-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L dip 50X1-HUM 41. Dormitories, Soria Higher radical Professional School. Built in 1957; three single-story structures with lime-coated walls and slate roofs: . , a. Boys' dormitory. b. Girls' dormitory.- c. Dining room. 42. FrOnju,ri People's Committee. 43. City Vatershed. Located on a bare hillside. 44. Unidentified School .Buildings. Two three-story buildings. 45. Ch'81san-dong Office. Built in 1959; an Ii-Shaped single-story structure with lime-coated mud walls end a red tile roof. 46. Dormitory, Hwanghae-pukto People's Committee. Built in 1956; a single-story red brick-structure with lime-coated walls and a wooden roof. 'It had daPacity of about 100 persons, adtomtodating three to four in each room.' The dormitory. was managed by the Accounting Department of the Hwanghae-pukto People's Cormittee. Single employees of the Hwunghac-pukto People's Committee and some of the families of committee emuloyees who had no. residence assignment were accommodated in this dormitory. 47. SariwZnileteorological Observatory. The observatory siood at the top of a 20-meter hill; built after the Korean armistice, it. was a two-story structure with lime-coated walls operated_undesr the direct control of the Central , .-Keteorological?Station,in P!yanwang to which it sent results of meteorological observations in the Sarivoin area. 48. Evanghte-pukto Tuberculosis Hospital. , 49. Chi-Olsen Prirmr,y-School.-- The-three-single-starytemporary structures with lime-coated walls and slate roofs were built after the Korean armistice. 50.. Floodgates; Sarlwareanal. Constructed in .1959; frames of the two floodgates were constructed of reinforced cement. 51. RODLAT'FaCtory, Hwanshae-pukto Provincial Power Distribution Department. Built-sitar-the Korean -armistice, three tingles-story red brick structures with red tile roofs. a. Transformer repair workshop. Transformersp.generators and motors were..,:. 'repaired here. b. Tool repair workshop. c. Officetuilding. 52. Sariv8n Kindergarten. A single-story brink structure with lime-coated walls and a tile roof, surrounded by a fence. .It was built after the Korean armistice. 53. Drama RehersalEall.. .Built after the Korean armistice; a single-story wooden structure with lime-coated walls and a slate roof: This hall also was used as a council room. 1 Huanghte-pukto National Theater. BUM after the Korean armistice; t teci story brick structure withlime-coatedImIls.and a. slate roof. It was operated under the guidance of the PropaganBa Department, Propaganda Etweau, HVanghae-pukto People's Committee and had Wo seats.. It was used as a movie hall.when-there were no diama-rehersals.. The number of nail y spectators averaged about 200 to 300. .C-0-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15: CIA-RDP80T00246A065400370001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15: CIA-RDP80700246A065400370001-5 C-0-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L -6- 50X1-HUM 55. Pam.: to the BW=ghae-puhto Provincial Theater. A single-story brick structure with a slate roof; used as a drama research center. 56. Amartment Uouseliand Youth Department Store. An L-shaped, four-story block structure with :time-coated walls and a red tile roof, built during 1959.tnd 1360. !The first and second floors were used as the Youth Department Store, and the third and-fourth floors ,were living quarters. 57. Seariw5n Vermicelli Restaurant. Built after the Korean armistice; a single- stOry wooden structure with lime-coated walls and a red tilercof. The, restaurant wasSperated under the guidance of the Commerce benarticent of the Sari's& People's Committee. 53. Drugstore. BuiSt after the Ebrean.armascice; a single-storyuooden structure with lcme-cca*54 'walls and a slate roof. 59. Apartment Eouse. Built in 1959; a three-story red brick structure with a slate roof. Ite,accommodated about 20 families. 60. Sariu3n.Internal Affairs Station. Built after the Korean armistice; a two- story brick structure with a red tile roof. 61. SarivEm Fire?Station. Built after the Korean armistice; a single-story brick structure. -.t;i) .t ? 62. SariwOn Internal Affairs.. Station Council Room. Built atter the Korean armistice; a single-story-red brick structure-with'a red tile roof; the: building was enclosed by a fence. 63, 64. Anartment House.. Built in 1953;- a single-story structure with cement coated veils and a cement tile roof. 65. honorary Founded veterans, Production Coonerative Factory. .This was built after the Xorean armistice. Enclosed by a brick uw.21, it was an L-shaped, two-story red brie% structure with a. red tile roof. About 100 wounded. veterans worked, at this factory; the main Products were chemical articles. 66, 67. .Apartment:Bouses. Built during 1959, and 1960, each apartment house was a four-story block structure with U"n-ccated walls cm4 a red tile roof. 4bout 60 families of laborers and clerical workers lived ineachapartment. 63. Anartment House; Built during 1959. and 1960, this was an L-shaped, four- s:tory block structure with lime-coated walls and a red tile roof. . 69. See 7.16. 65, above. 70. Construction Bank. Built. after the Korean armistice; a to-story redbrick structure wit47.a slate roof.- This bank loaned funds for construction works in HWanghae-pukto, under the direction Of the Finance Division of the Evanzhae- 73W:to Peaole'aThommittee. 71.. Internal Affairs Branch Office. Built after the Korean arpiStice; a - rectanzular, Single-story wooden structure with lime-coated:valls and 'a slate roof. t 72. Eational Store. Built after the Korean armistice; a two-story red brick structure vithi..a slate roof. It was operated by the Commerce Bureau of the Huctri.11ae-pukto People's Committee. ? )4... 73. Dational Bathhouse no. 2. Built after the Korean armistice; a single-story red brick structure with a slate reef. It had two bathrooms, one for men and the other for women. It accommodated about 20 persons. L4 C-0-N-F-I-b-E-N-T-I-A-L Declassified inPeri - Sanitized.Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15 :.CIA-RDP80T00246A065400370001-5 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15: *CIA-RDP80T00246A065400370001-5 se- 50X1-HUM -7 - 74. Letional Barbershop. Built after the Korean armistice; a single-story wooden structure with lime-coated walls and a red tile roof. It had seven chairs and sin barbers; the daily quota of haircuts for each barber vas 17 to 20. 75. Sariu5n Kovie Hall. Built after the Korean armistice; an Lmshaped, two- story red brick structure with cement-coated tails and a slate roof. The movie hall was operated by the Education and Cultural Propaganda Department of the SariuOn People's Committee. It had 400 to 500 seats. 76. Branch, Sariu5n Brie: Factory. Built after the Korean armistice; an I.- shsped, single-story brick structure with a slate roof. 77, Vest Sariwan Railroad Station. Built after the Korean armistice; a single- story brick structure with.uhite coated yells and a slate roof. _ 78. Headquarters,_ Oji-dong Irrigation Construction Station. Built in 1957; an ? L-shaped, two-story red brick structure with a slate roof. This station was a Grade III enterprise and had ,about 100 office workers and teohnical workercand several hundred laborers. 79, 80,-81. Apartment Houses. Built during 1958 to 1960; each apartment house was a three-story prefabricated block structure with cement-coated. walls and a red tile roof. 82. Sariu5n KIP Committee. Built after the Korean armistice; a three-story brick structure with a slate roof. It had about I00 employees. 83, 84, 85, 86. Apartment Houses. Each apartment house was a three-story red brick structure with a slate roof. - 37. Primary School Ebildinri. Built after the Korean armistice, this was an Ie. shamed, three-story red brick structure with a slate roof. 88, 89. Hbanghae-pukto Procurement ilaneopment Station. Built after the Korean armistice, this comprised two single-story wooden structures with lime-coated walls and slate roofs. This station supervised local procurement organizations in Hwanghae-pukto under the direction of the Lamistry of Food Procurement and Administrationl Restaurant. Built after the Korean armistice; a single-story structure with a slate roof. It was the largest restaurant in Sariwiin and about 100 tables. 91. UWanghae-pukto Central Bank. Damaged during the Korean war and repaired after the Korean armistice; ? a single-story structure with lime-coated walls and a red tile roof. 90? 92. Perchance of the HUanghae-pukto Central IInnk. A single-story structure. 93. Evangilae-pukto Economic Committee. Built after the Korean armistice; a single-story red brick structure with a slate roof. In 1959, all provincial economic comnittees controlled national economic organizations in provinces under the direction of the Central Economic Committee.. 94. Aprrtment House. Built after the Korean armistice; a two-story red-brick structure with a slate roof. 95. City Construction Designing Research Institute. Built after the Korean armistice; an L-shaped singint.story 'wooden structure with lime-coated walls end a slate-roof. This institute designed city residences and did research work under the direction of the Central City Construction Designing Research Institute and the City Construction ilanagement Bureau of the iloarchae-pultto People's Committee. The institute had about 100 employees, including designers; researchers and General clerical uorkers. C-0-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15: CIA-RDP80T00246A065400370001-5 ;Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15: CIA-RDP80T00246A065400370001-5 C-0-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L 96? 97. 93. 99. 50X1-HUM Ruancitee-nukto freonle's Committee. This committee occupied 14 buildings. One of them, built durinc the Janette? ruletwas severelydanaced during' the Zorean War and repaired after the armistice. The =min:U.1G 13 buildings were built after the ormistice. ? . aL. Finance Division, anninntion Division and Statistics Bureau. A three; .. story red hiick structure uith a slate roof. . b. Guard roor.,.-1.Built in 1959; a siecle;stery trick structure with lime- coated wallsymad a flat roof. c. City Conetruction M.extegement Bureau, Local Industrial Management Bureau, and Dighway;)?en:-.,c'erzent Bureau. A two-story red trick structure with a flat roof. d.. Commerce Management Bureau, Procurement and Rice Afininistration Nonmgemprit --Bureau. A:tut-story brick structure uith cement-coated Wells and ajlat roof. _- ? ? Education and Cultural Propscancla Bureau, Public Health DiVisions. - , Construction Committee, Rural Construction Division, and Irrication . Construction Manecomont 'Bureau'. An Lzshamed, tuo-story rtd brick structure with a flat roof. 4' f?- Laboratory.:: A brick tuildinc. c.: Staff banana. A two-story red brick structure with liMe-coated IJcais nrd a 9lat'roof. This building housed offices of the Provincial peenlc'e committee chairman and vice-chairmen, the provincial NLIo'connittee., , chairman aria vice-chairmen, the staff division?of the Planning committee, ? administrative instructors, the Confidential Document Department,. and . the Librer?arecerent Bureau. h. Council room. A sincle-story structure with lint-coated walls and a rod tile roof. ? ? I. Cop2idQntial: document nrintir-, plant.? A sincle-story uooden structure uith lime-coated mile and a red tile roar. This plant'-printed the' imnortant documents of the provincial people's committee. -? . j. Garage. A single-story wooden structure with line-coated walls and a slate roof.. The amurlhae-nuhto People's Committee had two trucks, four jeeps and two 'sedans. Iv._ Day nursery and barberehon. A single-story brick structure with lite- . coated walls and a red tile roof. The nursery had ten nurses; the barberchon had two barbers. ? 1. Account/pc-Department and reterial Department. A cincle-story brick structure with lime-coated walls and a slate roof. n. Boiler room' and bathroom. A eincle-storyred trick structure with a flat roof. One half of the buntline was used as a boiler room and the other balf,ae a bathroom. n. Agricultural Technique Bureau. n sir.,-story wooden structure with line-coated walls end ?" red tile-roof. Watch Repair Cho?), Barberchon,?and Salto Store. Built afterithe Korean armietice; a sinclo-story wooden structure with lime-coated walls and g elate roof. Garage, Drivcreb Traiminc Center. -14211t after the Noreen araietice; story structure.uith lime-coated walls and a elate roof. Driver's Training Center. Built after the Xorean armistice; an L-shaped, single-story otructure with lime-coated walls and a slate roof.. A larce number of the am:ea:strata:yin? trainees were recanmended by the agricultural cooperatives; eome wore recommended by factories and mines.',. 100. Uwanchae-nakto,:fledical Sunnlics Management Station? Built after the 'Sere= armistice; an.X.-shaped, zincle-story trick structure with line-coated Wells and a slate roof. This station distributed the medical supplies received from the. central Government to various hoznitale in the province, under the direction of the Central I.:edict-1 Cunnliee Manacement Station and the Public I4ea/th DePartment of the.UWanchae-nukto Peonle's Committee. The station also nrodacedeeme medicines. . _ , C-0-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L - Declassified in Pari - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15: bIA-RDP80T00246A065400370001-5 Declassified inPart- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15: CIA-RDP80T00246A065400370001-5 C-0-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L te9, 50X1-HUM /01. Sariva locomotive Repair Factory. Built after the Korean armistice, this was a single-story brick structure with a slate roof enclosed by a brick wall. 102. SarivOn Canal Waterway. Constructed with reinforced cement. 103. Waterway Bridge. Built in 1958 with reinforced cement. 104. Rational Barbershop and Bathhouse Uo. 1. Built after the Korean armistice; a two-story red trick structure with a slate roof. The first floor was divided into two parts, one used as a barbershop and the other as a bath- house. The bathhouse was divided into a section for men and ODD for women, and"ade=odated lo persons at one time. The barbershop bail seven chairs and seven barbers. The second floor was occupied by the offices of the barbershop anti bathhouse. , ? 105. Sariv5h-Conetruction Materials Store. Built after the Korean armistice; a single-story wooden structure with lime-coated walls and a slate roof. Ward- robes, sideboards and construction materials were sold at this store.,., , " ? 106. Eatibnallarm Implement Store. Built after the Korean armistice; a single- story red brick structure with a slate roof. 107, 108, 109. Apartment Houses. Built during 1959 and 1960, each apartment: house tat a"three-story prefabricated block structure with lime-coated.., wells and a red tile roof. These apartment houses were occupied by families of clerical workers. -110 111 BottAs Ponds. These pools were dug out with bulldozers during 1958 to 1959. Boating was allowed on Sundays and holidays at a fee oflOchan per-20 minutes. 112. Unidentified College and laddie School Building. Built after the Korean armistice; a three-story prefabricated structure with cement-coated walls and a red tile roof. This school was divided into two sections; one half - was Used'ea-a college and the other as a middle school. 113. National Hotel .No. 1 (Kyagam Hotel). Built after the Korean armistice;?;:. located at the foot of KyensamMoimitain; three sides were fenced. There were two single-story old Korean style wooden structures with lime-coated - 1 walls and cement tile roofs. .This hotel had both hot floors and Western style rooms with beds, and could accommodate about 200 guests. Tourist groups and high-ranking Government officials stayed at this hotel, which was managed by the Business Department of the SarivOn People's Committee. 114. Cascade. An artificial scenic cascade built in 1959. The water was pumped in two iron Dines from the boating pool to the upper water storage on Kyksam ilbuntain in order to form this cascade. 115. Sariu5n Historical ;41seum. This museum was built after the Korean armistice; a single-story brick structure with lime-coated walls and a red tile roof. The museum was managed by the Education and Cultural Propaganda Department of the iiuanghae-pukto.People's Committee and the Deanghae-pukto KLP Committee. Historic relics, industrial products, and other articles or historic value seized during the Korean War and during guerrilla fights against the Japanese were enhibited. 116. Eational Hotel Do. 2. Built after the Korean armistice; a Sour-story prefabricated block structure with lime-coated wails and a flat roof. , The hotel tas the largest and best-equipped in Sariw5n. Repatriates from Japan were first accommodated in this hotel before being moved to other suitable places. C-0-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15 CIA-RDP80T00246A065400370001-5 ?m? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15: CIA-RDP80T00246A065400370001-5 4 C-0-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L ? 50X1-HUM 117. Irrieation Conortruction Enternrise Station. Built after the' Korean armistice, a single-story red brick structure with a slate roof, enclosed by a board fence. It was 2 branch office of the Oji-dong Irrigation Construction Enterprising Station and handled local irrication construction works. 118. Korea-Soviet Hall. Built after the Korean armistice; an L-shaped, tic-. story brick staucture with lime-coated walls and a slate mei'. The first floor was equipped with about 700 seats; the second floor was used as office and ephibition space. Ceremonial meetings,. lectures and other Gatherings wer&held here. When such meetings were over, a movie was uavAlly shounlree of charge. Participation in these meetings was by invitation =la delivered throuch workshops. The hall was :Managed by . the PropagowiP.cend Agitation Department of the aenshae-pukto KIP . COMmittee; its :operation was supervised by the Central Committee of the, Korea-Scvlet ASaociation. 1 119. Ceinni Water Control Floodgate Frame. Constructed in 19590 this frame was constructed with reinforced cement. There were two floodgates at the bOttom of the h/ock; the waterways were constructed with reinforced cenent. Boating and &Winning races were held here. 120. Greenhouse. This single-story class greenhouse belonged tothe-planting. station. a, 121, 122, 123, 124;125. Apartment Houses. Built after the Korean armistice, each apartnentLhouse was a single-story brick structure with lime-coated walls and a slate roof. Most of these apartnent houses were occupied by repatriates from Japan, others by fqmilies of laborers and:clerical workers. 126. Sariv3n People's Hospital. Built after the Korean armistice, a single- story structure with cement-coated walls and a tile roof. 127. Humghass-Puhto Power Distribution Denartment. Built after the Korean armistice; ant-shaped, two-story structure with ceme4-coated walls aid a slate roof. - ? ? 128. Warehouse, EWaegkee-pukto Power Distribution Department. Balt after the Korean armistice; a single-story brick structure with cement-coated walls and a slate roof. 129, 130. ApartmeAt.Houses. Built in 1957, each apartment house was a three- story Prefabricated- block structure with line-coated walls and aredtile roof. 131. Abartnett House. Built in about 1957; an L-shaped, four-story prefabricated block structute with lime-coated walls and a red tile roof.. Most of the apartments nue occupied by emnloyees of the Hvanghae-puhtoPeople'sgommittee. 132. ?Serivan':tchinaPz'ofessional School. Built after the Korean armistice, the Termer Sarivan senior Middle School, rep:myna in 1958. It Vas a three-story 'brick structuip with cement-cdated wells and a slate roof.] 133. Boiler-roon,'Sariwilin Machine Professional School. Built after the Korean -armistice; a aincle-story brick structure. 134, 135, 136. Atrtment Houses. Built in 1955; each apartment house was a four-story structure'. They were occunied by repatriates from &tan and families of laborers and clerical workers. ? ? 1371:138, 139, 14di 141, 142. Pmartment Houses. Built in 1955, each apartment house ..waa a three-rtory structure. These apartments were occupied by repatriates Iron Japan and families of laberers and clerical workers. .; P Declassified in Part - Sanitized Dopy Approved for Release 2013/67/15: CIA-RDP80T00246A065400370001-5 Declassified inPari - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15 : CIA-RDP80T00246A065400370001-5 C-0-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L -U- 50X1-HUM 143. Sariwon Niunicipal Store. Built after the Korean armistice, this was locally called the store of the Korean Nationals Residing in Japan. It was a single-story brick structure with cement-coated walls and a cement-coated flat roof. 144. Seo?No.-137, above. - 145. fltrangha.e-pukto alitary Llobilization Department. Built after the Korean armistice; a single-story wooden structure with lime-coated walls and a slate roof. 146. Huanghae-puktcyria Committee. Built during 1959 and 1960; a four-story prefabricated block structure with lime-coated walla and a red tile roof. 147. Igarohoute and Boiler Rom, Hang' -put:to KliPtounittee. Built during 1959 . and 1960; a- single-story brick structure with lice-coated walls and a slate roof. 148. SarivOn?Public Stadium. Constructed during 1956 and 1957, this stadium had a 1400-meter oval track and a mud fence around it. Soccer, basketball and volleyball. games were played here. This stadium was also used for mass meetings. . /49. Rwanghae-pukto Athletic Guidance Committee. Built in 1957; a three-story prefabricated block structure with lime.;coated walls and a flat roof. .It housed a champions' training camp and a.council_room. 150. Sariwan Normal College. Built after the Korean armistice, this school was formerly known as the Sariwft-Teachers College; it was renamed iii 1960. The school building,-two dormitories, a dining hall, a boiler room, and a lavatory were enclosed by a wooden fence. This school offered a sin to twelve-month teacher training course for primary, junior, and senior middle schoolteacherain-the-province: ? . -? a. School building. A three-story brick structure with cement-coated walls and a slate roof. b. Dormitory. A four-story brick structure with cement-coated walls and a slate and-red cement tile roof. . Dormitory. -A.-three-story prefabricated block structure with line-coated walls and a red cement tile roof. d. Dining hall. A single-story brick structure trithlicle-coated walls and a red cement tile roof. e. Boiler roome ? ? 11. 'lavatory. . . _ 151. Apartment House.. Vain in 1959; a four-story prefabricated bloch, struCture with lime-coated walls and a.red4cement tile roof. 152. Eldnghae-pukto ilbo. (Daily Press) Building. Built during 1958 and 1959; an L-shaped, three-story block and brick structure with lime-coated walls end a red. cement tile roof. The monthly subscription price of the paner,vaz 60 ch5n. 153, 154. Apartment Notices. Built in 1957; a four-story prefabricated block structure with lime-coated walls and a red dement tile roof. - . 155. Internal-Affairs SubStatien ?lanai' Built after the aorean armistice; .a wooden structure with lime-coated Walls and a red cement tile roof. 156. Sariw5n.Day Nursery.. Built after the 'Korean armistice; a single-story.. brick structure-ulth a flat roof. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15: CIA-RDP80T00246A065400370001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15: CIA-RDP80T00246A065400370001-5 C-0-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L -12- 50X1-HUM 157. SariwOn Railroad Dormitory. Built after the Korean armistice; a two-story brick structure with lime-coated walls and a slate roof. The bachelor employees of the Sariwion Railroad Station occupied this dormitory. 153. APartment Note. Built after the Korean armistice; a three-story brick structure vith-lime-coated walls and a tile roof, occupied by frpilies of laborers and .iclerical workers. 159. Sariu5n Railroad Station Vermicelli Restaurant. Built after the Korean armistice; (LA-Jo-story trick structure with lime-coated walls and a slate roof. It Lada seating capacity of about 100 persons. 160. See Ho. 1532 above. 161. Eatieral Hotel Pc. 3. Damaged during the Korean War and Pepaired after the Korean armistice; a two-story brick structure with cement-coated nulls and a flat reef. It accczmodatea about 100 Persons. 1622 163. Apartment Houses. Built in 1955, each apartment house uns a three- story brick dtructure with lime-coated walls end a red cement tile roof. Families of laborers and clerical workers occupied these apartment houses. 164. Sariu5n Form. Products Store. Built in 1955, an L-shaped, single-story trick structure with lime-coated walls and a slate roof. Foodstuffs and farm products,. encept grains, vera sold at this store. 165. Sariw5n Soft Drink Store. Built after the Korean armistice; a wooden structure uith.lime-coated walls and a slate roe. The store was enclosed by a wooden fence. Soft drinks such ac.cider, ice-cakes and ice-creams were sold in the summer season, and vermic:Edli in other , seacono. 166, 167. . Warehouse, Cariw5n Railroad Station. Built in 1953; a single-story red 1:TiCir. st:Amture with a tile roof. 163. S'I-qw5n Railroad Station. Built in 1958. Station 'building. A single-story bloch.and brick structure with lime-coated walls; the central Portion of the roof was tiles while Loth owls were flat concrete. An average of 1,000 travellers used this station every day, going to and from P'yringyang, Naesong and Haeju. b, c. Vatting resas. Built after the Korean armistice; single-story wooden structures with lime-coated walls and red tile roofs. d, c. Lavatories. Built after the Korean armistice; single-story brick structures. 169. APartment lists?. Built in 1952; an L-shaped, four-story.prefatricated cement-blot-structure with cement-coated walls and a red tile roof.: 170. P.Partment _muse. Built in 1959; cl three-story prefabricated cement-block structure with cement-coated walls and a red tile roof. :Families of _laborers ani clerical workers occupied this cmartment house. 171. Unidentifiechool Building. Built as the amnghae-Pthto Staff School in 1955, this building was first used as the Provincial staff school but later as the Hvarchae-pukto CooPerative Staff School, which .moved to a ;ow building in 1960. The building which is um used is' a tic-steryibrick structure with limo-ccated walls and a:slate roof. s- 172. Mart:mat Icucc. Euilt after the Korean Var; a four-story prefabricated cement Lloch structure with lime-coated walls and a cement tile roof. C-0-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L csir , - Declassified inPart - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15: CIA-RDP80T00246A065400370001-5 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15: CIA-RDP80T00246A065400370001-5 50X1-HUM -13- 173. Unidentified Warehouse. Built after the Korean armistice; a single-story structure with lime-coated walls and a slate roof. 174. Unidentified Warehouse. Built after the Korean War, an L-shaped, single- story cement block structure with a slate roof. 175. Apartment House. Built in 1956; a five-story prefabricated cement block structure with line-coated walls and a red cement tile roof. 176. Apartment Rote. Built it 1956; an L-shaped, five-story prefabricated cement block structure with a red cement tile roof. The first floor' was used as a store and the second floor as living quarters. 177. Public Lavatory. Built in 19%; an L-shaped brick structure with a tile roof. 178. Unidentified _Day nursery. Built after the Korean armistice, a single- story cement block structure with cement-coated walls and a flat- roof. 179. Apartment House. Built in 1957; an Loahaped, five-story prefabriCated cement-block structure with line-coated walls and a red tile roof.. ? Apartment.Esuse. Built iu 1957;a tot-story prefabricated cement block ' structure with lime-coated walls and a red cement tile roof. 181. Bridse. Constructed with reinforced cement in 1958. 132. Unidentified ?cone's* Army Division i headquarters. a. Division.hcadquarters. Built in 1955; a four-story brick building with lime-coated veils and a flat roof. b. Boiler roam. Built in 1955; a single-story brick structure with a tile roof., 183.. HVanghae-mukto Internal Affaira Department. a. Office building. Built in 1959; a four-story cement block structure with cement-coated trails andarod tile roof. b. Garage.-, Bali in 1959; a single-story brick structure with a tile roof. 1G4. Orphan Institute. ?Built after thelCorean'arthistice, this institute had primary, junior and senior middle school, and college courses. ' a. School building. A single-story brick structure with cement-coated walls and a slate roof.. b. Laboratory ant]. dormitory. A four-story prefabricated cement bleak structure with lime-coated walls and a red tile roof. The orphaned children of revolutionaries, and patriotS killed during Japanese rule and the Korean War, and a few children of north Korean Army personnel were admitted to this institute. 185. Unidentified School Building. -Built after the Korean War; an L-shaped two- story red brie: structure with a slatc.ioof. 186. Sarivan Tree Planting Station. Built after the Korean armistice, this station comtrisea?tuo single-story wooden structures with lime;coated walls and slate-roofs. It uas responsible for all tree planting in Scrivan. C-0-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15: CIA-RDP80T00246A065400370001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15: CIA-RDP80T00246A065400370001-5 C-0-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L ? ? ??14- 50X1-HUN 167, Ida, 139, 190.1 Apartnent Houses. Built during 1957 to 1959, each apartnent house was a four-story prefabricated cent block structure with line-coated walls and a red tile:roof. They were occupied by the fanilies of;laborers and clerical workers in Sariw5n. 191. Sariu5n ZormaltProfessional School. Built after the Korean war; a three-story brick structuwe with cement-coated walls and a tile roof. 192. Dormitory, Sarivan I:ormal Professional School. Built after the Rorean'arnistice; a four-story cement block structure with cezent-coated wells and a red tile roof. 193. See Bo. 157, above. 194. Unidentified -.1orkshon. Built after the Korean armistice; a single-stop wooden stracture vita linn-coated walls and a slate roof. It was surrounded by a barbed wire Tomo. 195. 1:ovie Theater:uider Construction. A single-story structure.; construction was started in 1959. 196. A-Flartment Eouze. Built during 1957 and 1958; a three-story prefabricated cenent block structure with 11n'-coated walls and a red tile roof. 197. SaritiOn Block:Factory. Built after the Noreen armistice, this factory had two single-story brick buildings with red tile roofs; it supplied almozt all the block needed for construction in Sarition. The Construction Trust in Sarivaa also produced a few blocks. ? ' ? 195.So:A Sariwan Market. Built after the Korean armistice, this market cobprised national stares, production cooperative stores, factory direct sales stores, and agricultural cooperative direct sales stores. All were of wooden structure. a. An If-shaped, single-story structure with linn-coated mud walls and :a slate roef. b. Restaurant. A single-story wooden structure with raid walls and a tile roof. tads restaurant cold vermicelli, rice with dog neat soup, and wine. d, e, 0, h. These were single-story nud block structures. Consumer goods, cosmetics, stationery, fabrics, farm products (except grains), and 2ruit:were cold. 199. Sarluan Coabined Factory. Built after the Korean armistice, these Lflactories were Wile: the control of the Local Industry Management Bureau of the Hi/engage- Pukto People's Committee. They distributed their products to national stores in the cities ind counties of the province. (The national stores also purchased good quality :products .eromP'yOngyang through the provincial direct sales store.) The following factories were in the compound, surrounded by a brick fence: b. UnderVear factories. Each building was a single-story wooden structure with lime-coated walls and a slate roof. They produced underwear, knitted Goods, aid shirts. c . Socks andl!gloves 2actory. A single-story wooden structure with iinp-coated walls and a slate roof. d. Toy factery. A single-story wooden structure with line-coated walls and a slate roof. 2. Silk fabric factories. Single-story brick structures with line-coated walls and: slate roofs. G. Leather goods factory. A single-story wooden structure with lime-coated walls and:a slate roof. en,. 7' ' C-0-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L .401M1 Declassified in Peri - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15: CIA-RDP80T00246A065400370001-5 . . Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15 : alA-RDP8OT00246A065400370001-5 C-0-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L -15- 50X1-H UM h, 1. crinll farm implements and machine parts factories. These both were single-story brick structures, with slate roofs. j. Small scrap iron smelting azrnace. Installed after the Korean armistice; this was a single-story brick structure. it. Combined factory office. A single-story red brick structure with a slate roof. I....Constructionmaterial factory! A single-story wooden structure with lime- - coated.walls and a slate roof, The factory produced construction materials and ftrnitUre, including wardrobes, sideboards, tables, chairs and mirrord.'. ml n, o. Clothing and quilt factories. Each factory was a single-story wooden structure with lime-coated walls and a slate roof which produced adults' -suits, -Korean-style clothing for women; children's clothes atd - quilts. p. ?Council room of the Sariwan Combined Factory. A single-story brick . structure with Prin.-coated walls.. ? ? ? , ? q. Day nursery. A single-story brick structure with lime-coated walls ami- s. slate roof. ? Guard room. A single-story brick structure with lime-coated wail 6 ;JAY - a slate roof, -The guards checked visitors .and vehicles entering and leaving the factory. 200. Sariwan Tractor Repair Factory. Built during 1957 to 1959, this factory repaired tractors and produced tractor parts; it employed approximately 400 persons. The factory was equipped with facilities for producing tractors; however, it was not known if tractors were in production in 1960.. The ? manufacturing equipmnt was made by the employees themselves, during the 7- _ machine tools multiplying neve:went of 1958 to 1960; There were six workshops in the -factory coroound, which was enclosed by a brick fence: a, b. Lathe workshops. Each workshop was a single-story brick structure ? ...witheement-coated:walls, -? c. Repair workshop. A single-story brick structure. ? d. Warehouse. A single-story brick structure. o.. Guard room. A sizzle-story brick structure. The guards checked_ ?pedestrians and vehicles entering the, front gate Of' the factory. _ Office. . f. Ofce. A single-story brick structure with lime-coated walls and a' tile-roof. 201. Soria Soy Sauce Factory. Built during 1957 and 19581 this was a three-story brick structure with a brick fence. . 202. Unidentified riddle School Buildinc. Built after the Korean armistice, this . building was initinlly used as the Kwanghae-pukto Staff School. Trees were planted in place of a fence. There were four buildings: - ? a. School building. This was a two-story red brick structure with a slate roof. b. Dining hall. This was a single-story wooden structure with cement-Coated wails and a red tile roof. c. Lavatory. ? d. Dormitory. A cingle-storY structure with lime-coated wails and a red tile roof. ? . _ 203. Huanghee-puktc4urchasing Station. Built after the Korean armistice; a single- story brick structurewith a slate roof. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15: CIA-RDP80T00246A065400370001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15: CIA-RDP80T00246A065400370001-5 C -0-N-F -I-D-E-N-T -I -A-L .50X1-HUM IC -16- 204. TWo Unidentified. Buildins. Built after the Korean armistice, these were fornerly used by the Nuarghae-pulito Internal Affairs Station; each building was a.oingle-storyfOrick structure with lice-coated walls and a slate roof. ? 205. Buildings. These were enclosed by a fence. 206.. Built after the Korean arnistice; a single-story -coated wails and a flat roof. Three Unidentified Refrigerator Uarehouse structure with ,line 207, 203, 209. Fourarehouces. ,Built after the Korean armistice; each warehouse., 'sea a single-story red brick structure with a red tile roof.: 210. Farml:chine Stare of the Combined Factory Direct Sales Store. Built after the Korean armistice; a sincle-story brich structure with line-coated ualls and a slate roq. -75 211. Hwanghao-pukto-Frovincial Court. Built after the Korean arMistice; a single- story structure with lire-coated walls and a red tile roof. 212. Unidentified Uarkshop. Built after the Korean arnistiai; a 4ngle-story structure withliice-coated vaila.and a slate roof. 213. Restaurant. Balt after the Korean arnistice; a single-story structure ? with lime-coated walls and a slate roof. . 214. Trrirmtion Construction Machine Repair Factory. Built after the Korean armistice; a single-story red brick structure with a slate, roof. This factory renpired motors, puma's, and other nachire,tools used in irrigation work ardor thet,auperirision of the -Irrigation Construction Bureau of the Kwarghze-puhWPeoplets Committee.. /- 215. Irrigation Construction Machine Repair Factory Office. Built after the Korean arciotice; a single-stary.wooden structure with.line=coated walls and a slate roof. 216. Agricultural Facilities Designing &scare:a Station. Built after the Korean armistice; atp-story brick structure with lime-coated walla and a re* tile roof. This station, employire about lop workers,. studied and rade opeciflea- ti01.13 for irrigation construction works under the gui0.ance of the Central Agricultural Fatuities Designing Research Station and the irrigation..> Cons:traction 'V.:Dream:out Station of thetwanghae-nukto People's Committee. 217. Dornitory, Agricultural Facilities Designing Research Station. Built after the Korean aractice; a single-story brick structure with line-coatedualls and a tile roof; it was enclosed by a vooden.2ence. This 4ernitOrli acCommodated unmarried employees of the Agricultural Facilities Desicnine'Research. Station. 213. Stare. Built,a2ter the Korean armistice; a sinele-story structure with lime- coated walls and a slate. roof.. 219. Sarre Praia, and Middle School. Built after the Koreanirmistice;.a three- story brick structure with a slate roof. ,Trees were planted in placeof a ? fence around the school building. . ? _ 4- ? . . _ 220. Unidentified College Euildingo. Built after the Korean armistice; three sirgle.- - a story wooden buildirga with lime-coated walls. I. ? C-0-N-F-I-DTE-N-T-I-A-L Declassified in Part-- Sanitized 'Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15 : alA-RDP80T00246A065400370001-5 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release2013/07/15: CIA-RDP80T00246A065400370001-5 11 it C-0-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L -17- 50X1-HUM 221 Unidentified Warehouse. Built after the Korean arnistice; a single-story red brick structure with a tile roof. A rail track was installed from the SariwOn Railroad Station to this warehouse and all cargo was transported by freight cars. 222. Sane internal Affairs Station. Built after the Korean armistice a single- story brick structure with linn-coated walls and a slate roof. 223. Sariwim Orphanage. Built after the Korean armistice, the orphanaze was enclosed by a stone fence. 224. Unidentified People's Azsy Barracks. Mese three barracks were built after tate Korean armistice. Each barrack vas .a cingle-story structure with line- coated walls and a slate roof. The barracks were enclosed by wire entangle- ments. Comment. The Ministry of Food Procurement and Administration was incorporated into the Ministry of Commerce on 31 August 1959. Distribution of Attachment: 0 PX u - Pr e- C-0-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15: CIA-RDP80T00246A065400370001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15: CIA-RDP80T00246A065400370001-5 ( YC ) (AMS L952, I:10,000: CITY PLAN) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15: CIA-RDP80T00246A065400370001-5