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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A022400620001-4 7 INFORMATION REPORT INFORMATION R CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 50X1-HUM This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage Laws, Title 18, U.S.-C. Secs. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. CONFIDENTIAL COUNTRY SUBJECT DATE OF INFO. PLACE & DATE ACQ. Poland Research On Flaxseed , C tle ?C `7", e 0 I REPORT DATE DISTR. c NO. PAGES REFERENCES 29 Jul 63 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 5 4 3 2 1 ISTATE 1. a report on a Polish research project (27 pages, English) entitled "The Influence of Storage Changes in Max- seed on Quality of Seed and Properties of Linseed oil." The project is being conducted by Dr A Rutkowski, Department of Pood Technology and Storage, College of Agriculture, Olsztyn, Poland. 2. The nature of the chemical and biochemical deteriorative changes of flux in storage is assumed to be similar to those in grains but little actual research has been conducted on this subject. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLf - end - - ss 50X1-HUM CONFIDENTIAL I ARMY I NAVY I AIR FBI 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 5 4 3 50X1-HUM2 INFORMATION REPORT INFORMATION REPORT CONTROLLED NO DISSEM ABROAD DISSEM: The dissemination of this document is limited to civilian employees and active of the USIB member agencies, and to those senior officials of the member agencies who must act in accordance with paragraph 8 of DCID 1/7, it may be released to those components of the participating in the production of National Intelligence. IT SHALL NOT BE DISSEMINATED TO dons or personnel, including consultants, under a contractual relationshin to the TY Clover-my. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: NOMMOMOOMMMW duty military personnel within the intelligence components upon the information. However, unless specifically controlled departments and agencies of the U. S. Government directly CONTRACTORS. It shall not be disseminated to organiv- ant trAthnet the tett* fen eeventeviee *K ,__;;_#,._ CIA-RDP80T00246A022400620001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A022400620001-4 I un ui I MI6 1' Sim V VI I ? r- ? Annual report 1. COLLEGE. OF AGRICULTURE IN OLSZTYN /POLAND/ Department of Food Technology and Storage 2. Prof. dr A. Rutkowski, head of the Department 3. Studies on the flaxseed storage, and the chemi- cal changes at this period 4. E 21 - ADIS - 6 5. FG - Po 121 - 62 6. 1.1.1962 to 31.XII.1962. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A022400620001-4 LU.... ? s ki 44'4 '!? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release r 2A A 0AM1A 3/07/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A022400620001-4 ??? A ? A 4 6 S.ummar y, Previously, no thorough studies vere conducted in Poland with purpose to determine technological values of linseeds and espe- cially those of oil, obtained from Polish flax varieties. The present studies involved following problems: 1/ Characteristics of commercial linseed obtained from diffe- rent varieties in various parts of Poland. The main part of this work was carried :rut in 1961,and the whole wa0 termi- nated in 1962. Although 40 samples of linseed and oil obtained form diffe- rent varieties in various parts of Poland were investiga- ted, no statistically proved conclusions could be drawn re- lating to the characteristics of individual flax varieties. 2/ Quantitative changes of principal components in linseed, and especially of oil-were followed in the time of ripening. This problem is very interesting, fibrous flax being the im- portant source of raw material for Polish fat industry. The- se are harvested before they become fully ripe, th,erefore they represent an another stage of maturity than oleiferous flexes do. 3/ 36 samples of linseed were studied to compare technologi- cal values of commonest Polish varieties. These samples re- presented six Polish varieties and were obtained by field experiments situated in 3 centers of this country. 4/ The previous studies.howed. that the changes in oil composi- tion were mainly influenced by the climate, and especially by temperature and air moisture. Therefore, the special _pot experiments were prepared in seven centres with various climatic conditions. On the basis of these experiments, 40 samples of six commonest Polish varieties were selected for further investigations. Al6N6i9?' CUri frqt'l 7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A022400620001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A022400620001-4 2 Detailed Report 1. Introduction Previous studies on technological values of linseeds paid much attention to lax varieties grown in North America, India, Rus- sia and West Europe. But no thorough researches have been under- taken at flax varieties grown in Poland. In view that fibrous flaxes are cultivated to much extent in Poland, and the linseede obtained from these varieties provide an important source of raw material for fat industry, it appeared reasonable to invol- ve these flax varieties in the present studies. In order to define the diferenees of oil content and oil compo- sition between individual flax varieties, the studies were con- ducted not only with commercial linseeds, but also with those obtained from field exppriments especially prepared for these purposes. The previous studies, and especially the findings of Yermakov, /1/ showed that during ripening individual fatty acids are accu- mulated with various intensity depending on climatic factors. In northern climatic zone, the iodine value was found to increa- se continuously during the vegetative stage, This fact indica- ted, that the unsaturated acid percentage augmented trhugh the time of ripening. In southern zone, however, in steppe regions with high temperatures and low air moisture, I,V. reduction was observed in the final period of maturation. It indicates that saturated acid formation occured at higher rate at that stage. It was very interesting to know, how the fatty acids were syn- thetized in the climatic region of Poland. Qualitative and quan- titative changes of oil occuring in the time of ripening were followed on linseeds of LCSD- 200 variety, which had been obtai- ned from our own experimental plots. These studies resulted in settling the question, how the technological value of oil might be influenced by earlier harvesting of fibrous flaxes. Recently much has been reported about the effect of climatic factors, and especially that of temperatures and air moisture, which were originally studied by Pigulevski /2/ and Ivanov /3/. .These findings indicated, that quantitative distribution of unsa-. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A022400620001-4 ? rv-int,rk.rnr rP,noi nnIr t1/7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A022400620001-4 6 - 3 - turated acids in plant oils was essentially influenced by clima- tic conditions. In the case of linseeds, that is determinative for their technological quality. Altough Poland does not occupy a great area, as its latitude is concerned, its climate appears to be considerably varied. There- fore it vas believed, that the role of climatic factors could not be neglected when the attempt was made to define all charac- teristics of linseed as raw material for industry. This question was answered on the basis of evidence obtained by pot experiments which were established in various climatic regions of this country. 2. Experimental procedures Test material. a/ In further studies about the general characteristics of lin- deed, 11 samples of commercial linseeds were investigated. They were obtained from six varieties grown in various part of Poland. b/ Flax variation LCSD-200 obtained from our own experimental plot was chosen to observe quantitative and qualitative va- riations resulting from different stages of maturity. The plot was devided in 16 smaller plots, the area of each being 16 m2. Site preparation, sowing and cultivaion were perfor- med according to generally accepted agrotechnical principles. As the plants became bushy and they extremelly varied in their blooming tide, the studies involved exclusively bolls issued from flowers which were formed in the earliest time /these were light distinguishable from others/. This proce- dure permitted the samples to be chosen which were eharacte. rized by relatively even stage of maturity. /The highest dif- ference was 2 - 3 days/. 100 bolls were harvested from each plot. Subsequently, crops from all plots were mixed together to obtain an average sam- ple. Bolls were hulled next to harvesting and seeds were col- lected into little glass vessels with adjusted lids. Once the whole sample had been hulled, seeds were mixed thoroughly and determinations began. Samples were taken every seven days, to begin with fourteenth day after blooming. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A022400620001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A022400620001-4 - 4 - c/ A order to determine variety differences in oil content and composition, field experiments were established in three fol- lowing centers: at Olsztyn - block experiments in four repli- cas; at Giby and RzeszOw - no replicas. The studies involved six following varieties which are the commonest ones in Po- land: two oleiferous varieties, Kotwiecki and LCSD-200, and four fibrous varieties, LCSD-207, LCSD-210, Swadzimski and Lazur. d/ The influence of climatic factors was observed on linseeds obtained by pot experiments. The varieties mentioned under of, were used. Pot experiments were established in 7 centres with different climatic conditions. /Annual Report 1961, Map No 3/,. In each centre, every variety was sown in four paral- lel Mitaherlich pots. Pot experiment principles were strictly observed /4/ in these studies. Experimental soil was prepa- red-simultaneously for all centres at Olsztyn. Through the vegetation period, the pots were weighed and watered every day, to maintain the soil moisture on the level of about 60% of its water capacity. They were installed on handcarts stan- ding near vegetation rooms and were brought under a glass roof when it was raining. At Giby and RzeszOwl,where no vege- tation rooms were available, the pots were standing on woo- den stools and a igelite foil roof was spread out over them to protect them from rain. Once each variety became fully ri- pe, crops were harvested. To obtain an average sample, crops of four parallel pots were mixed before testing. Methods 1. The weight of 1000 grains is a mean value, which was obtai- ned by weighing', 4 x 250 grains. 2. I.V. was determined by Wijs method, according cial Methods L 8a - 57., 3z Mono-,di-,and triglyceride content was ding to Quinlin and Weser /5/. 4. Tot41 1- and 2-monoglycerid content was kow's procedure /6/. to AOCS Offi- determinated accor- determined by Bro- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A022400620001-4 11Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A022400620001-4 IJ we I WWI'S Stag GrfarDia COW. U 5. 1-monoglyeerid and glycerol content was determined by Kruta's method /7/. Other determinations were made by using the same methods that were mentioned in Annual Report for 1961. 3. Results a. Commercial linseeds were studied in 1961 and 1962. In 1961, the studies were made of 18 samples which were obtained from crops harvested in 1960. 5 linseed samples of 2 oleiferous flax varieties and 11 samples of.5 fibrous varieties were in- vestigated. All were taken from 8 centres situated in various parts of Poland..The results of seed and oil analyses are ' shown in the tables 1 and 2, respectively. In the year 12961-62 22 samples of commercial linseeds were investigated..They-originated-from crops harvested in 1961. The studies encompassed 11 samples of 2 oleiferous varieties Rnd 11-. samples of .5 fibrous.varieties. The samples were ta- ken in the same centres,.as those of previous year were. The analysis results are summarized in the tables 3 and 4. b. Studies on quantitative and qualitative variations of linseed oil, which was obtained from seeds at various stages of matu- rity gave results summarized in the table 5. The diagram 1 represents the changes in dry weight and oil content, as they were calculated per 100 grains as well the changes in oil content expressed as percentage of dry matter. The changes in unsaturated fatty acids content are shown on the diagram 2, as they are expressed in percentage and in mg/100 grains.. The changes in lipolytic activity as calculated per 1000 grains and PFA content are shown on the diagrams 3 en?cl 4, respectively. c. The results of studies wigh linseeds of bix commonest Polish varieties are summarized in the table 6. These results are groupped by varieties. Data for Olsztyn are mean values as obtained from four replicas /block experiments/. The results in tables 7, 8 and 9 are groupped by experimen- tal centres. - 11:o, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A022400620001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A022400620001-4 - 6 -; This variety differences in the content of principal components were determined by amplitude /difference between the highest result and the lowest one and confidence interval/. Results of linseed studies which were obtaindd by pot experi- ments with six commonest Polish varieties are summarized in tables;, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15, according to varieties.Dif-. ferences in content of principal component, as they were found - in individual varieties, were defined by amplitudes and confi- dence intervals. 4, Discussion a. The obtained results of oil content in the sample, of commer- cial linseeds confirmed the findings by various authors who studied flax varieties in other countries, viz: oil content was more influenced by climatic conditions than it was by va- riety properties /8,9/. The data for crops of 1960 indicated, that the oleiferous va- rieties, such as Kotowiecki and LCSD-200, tended to show hig- her oil content, but this found no confirmation in the results obtained for the same varieties when harvested in 1961. Similarly, the results relative to physical and chemical pro- perties of oil did not allow to draw reasonable conclusions about variety differences. There was a striking discrepancy between the results of poly- unsaturated fatty acid determinations obtained by paper chro- matography nd those obtained by spectrophotometric procedure. b. The accumulation mechanism of oil and individual fatty acids could be explained by investigations on qualitative and quan- titative changes of oil, which was obtained from linseeds har- vested at various stages of maturity. Diagram 1 shows, that the oil content, as calculated per 100 grains, increased ' through the period of ripening, and that 85% of final amount was still accumulated at 28 days after blooming./green matu- rity/. The increase of oil content, as expressed in dry weight per- centage, proceeded up to the moment of attaining green matu- rity i.e. 28 days after blooming, and than it remained nearly. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A022400620001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved-13r liNla717017317/.f1T.IfA-RDP8OT00246A022400620001-4 - 7 - at the same level. From diagram 2 it appears, that accumula- tion process of individual unsaturated fatty acids did not always occured on the identical way. The highest persentage of oleic acid was found in the first test series, i.e. at 14 days after blooming time. Subsequen- tly, the reduction of its content was observed, the minimum being reached by green maturity /28 days after blooming/. A slight increase followed, and than the almost constant le- vel was mainteined, as measured in mg/100 grains, oleic acid content increased very rapidly up to the time of green matu- rity; at next seven days, its content was found to be reduced, and than a slight increase was observed ,up to the time of full maturity. Reduced absolute content of,oleic acid would indicate the oc- curance of denaturation process'. This was not reported in pre- vious studies and is rather to be considered as resulting from determination error. /oleic acid content was calaulated from the content of linoleic and linoleniCa'acids and iodine value/. Therefore it seems more praba;ole, that oleic acid ac- cumulation proceeded very rapidly 'up to 21 days after bloo- ming and than it became slower till'the full maturity was 0 attained. The percentage of linoleic acid increased rapidly in the first period of ripening /up to 21 days after blooming/ and than it decreased with the minimum reached at yellow maturi- ty1/. At full maturity, a slight increase of its content was observed. The mg/100 grain content of linoleic acid increased evenly up to 35 days after blooming, and than oly slight changes were observed. The percentage of linolenic acid tended to increase up to the stage of green maturity; at that time it attained about 85% of content, which was found at full maturation. The fur- ther slower, increase was observed up to 42 days after bloo- ming. Therafter, no significant changes were found. The iodine value showed a rapid:. increase up to the time of green maturity, followed by a very slow increase up to the period of full maturity. 1/ About 35 days after blooming FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A022400620001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A022400620001-4 - 8 - In the time of ripening free fatty acid content was found to drop rapidly from 1,24% to 0,35%. That is shown on diagram 4. Lipase activity in linseeds became strongly reduced, as ripe- ning went on /diagram 5/. No significant changes in mono-, di-, and triglycerides could be detected by using column chromatography method. When determined by chemical procedure, total monoglyceride content appeared to decrease, as ripening went on. c. The results of investigations involving different varieties of linseed and oils, which were obtained from them, and influ- ence of climatic factors will be discussed in the next Annual Report, the assays being intended to be repeated in 1963. 5. Conclusions a. The results of studies made whith samples of commercial lin- seeds and with oils obtained from them did not permit to draw conclusions about variety differences, plants being more in- fluenced by conditions, under which they grew than by inhe- rent properties of varieties. Therefore it appeared necessary to establish field experiments, to prevent the differentia- ting effect of environment. The results were obtained, howe- ver, which afforded many valuable data for the estimation of technical value of linseeds obtained from different varie- ties which are cultivated in nearly all parts of Poland. That matter was not treated in previus studies. b. Prom obtained results it can be concluded, that the technical value of oils obtained from fibrous flax should not be impai- red by the necessity of earlier harvesting, because quanti- tative proportions between individual fatty acids were not significantly changed when passing the stage of green maturi- ty. Earlier harvesting can result in reduced oil yield. c. Conclusions about variety differences and effect of climatic factors will be drawn in 1963, when the last year experiments have been repeated. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A022400620001-4 tvetn nrrminn nor fiNil V Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A022400620001-4 ? 6. Plan for future work a. Reproduction of studies concerning varieties and influen- ce of Olimatic factors, on the basis of evidence obtained by field and pot experiments. . Investigation of quantitative and qualitative changes of oil obtained from linseed stored in unfavorable condi- tions. 0. Characteristics of amino acid composition in linseed pro- teins. d. Charabteristics of lipolytic enzymes of linseeds. VP (ga t'lvC Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A022400620001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A022400620001-4 - 10 - References 1. A.J. .Jermakov,.Biochimiceskoje lzucenije maslicnych kultur s problemoj rastitielnogo masa, Leniograd, jDokIad na soiskanije uczenoj stiepieni doktora bioIogiceXich ?: Piguleveki, 0-.13,Luss? Phys.-Chem. ges., 1915, ref.' in Hand- bueh.der Pflanzenphysiologie 284-2980 Berlin-lattingen- eidelberg, 1957. S.L. Ivanov,.Klimatieesk.aja teoria obrazovania oranices]:ich. Viescestv, izdat. Akad. SSSR, 4, 0.A. Valter, 7,1rasova, Praktikum po ogii rastieni s osnovali bioehimii, 52-' )s. Izdat. Sel.- Choz. Lit. Tioskva-Linsrad, 1957. 5. P. 'eiser, Oil Cho:-1 Soc., 1953. I, 325-327, ? G. The Chemistry and Teehnolog of Edible Oils and ifi:ts,,136-137? ?erg. 2-res, Oxford-La ion-ie; York-Paris, 1961: I. TTicl Cl1P7Istry d eohLo1ogy of Oils and T'a-- 137-139, Perg, Press, Oxford-London-hew York-Paris, 1961. 8. E.P. Trepacev, liasIobojno Zirovaja Promyslennost, 3, 4, 1954. 9; T.P. HilOiteh, The Ohe:Aical Constitution of-D.Itural Pats, . 175-176, liondon, 1956. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A022400620001-4 A1NO 3S11 111131130 1101 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A022400620001-4 Results of linseed analyses /crop of 1960/ AMPlimmin?????????.eir Table 1 Ser No Sample No , _. t 4 r, t In-,- ,r._. Variety e,1 or use Fat Ash ?.`laitilre Dry rnatter 0 % .........1, Pat ir ry matter - Ash in dry matter 1. 1. Pozna.A LCSD-200 Oleagine- ous 36.44 3.74 8,07 91.93 364 4.06 . 2. 4. It LCSD-200 r ' 40.95 3.64 5.32 94.68 43.25 3.84 3. 5. .. R6d -021 - iv 4105 3.59 506 940E4 43.39 3.78' 4. 6. TV Rod 7179 ? 38.99 4.416 6.85 93.15 41.87 4.48 5. 2. .. Kotowiecki i, 3/.16 3.55 7:68 92.23 40.25 3,84 6. 7. Wroclaw LCSD7210 fibrous 32.02 3.60 9.76 90.24 35.48 3.98 7. 9. Bialystok " .. 33.44 3.:7 9.1e 90.82 3C).82 4.37 8, 10. Warszawa 35.06 4.12 11.2E 88.72 39.52 4.64 S. 12. Bydgoszcz It It 36.30 374 11.34 88.66 40.94 4.21 10. 13. Bydgoszcz IV " 35.39 4.03 10.57 89.43 39.57 4.50 11. 12. 8. 14 Wroclaw n Lazur , et fibrous n 32.90 34.09 3,57 4.27 9.96 90.04 9.08 90.92 36.54 37.49 3.96 4.69 13: 15. " ? ? ? 36,41 3.86 9.13 90.87 40.07 4,24 14. 11. Rzeszow Swadzimski fibrous 35,63 3.62 10.45 189.55 39.79 4.04 15. 16. Opole .. _ II 32.47 3.63 11.97 88.03 36.88 4.19 16. 17. " is 33.41 3.60 11.45 88.55 37.73 4.06 17. 3. Olsztyn Wiera fibrous 36.73 3.60 8.55 91.45 40.16 3.93 18. le. Nroclaw LCSD-207 fibrous 3420 3.80 9.66 90.34 37.75 4.02 _ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A022400620001-4 orrin USE ONLY ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18 :.CIA-RDP80T00246A022400620001-4 Results of.linseed,oil analyses /crop of 1960/ Table 2 ????????111.????????? Ser Sample Ref, UOVe Spectra - Imme Paper partition No No IV SV index Photometry chromatography FFA PV Lin*io Linde- Linasic Linde Oleic Stearic n20 D acid nic acid nic and acid % acid % acid palmi- % tic acid % 1. 1. 188.5 ...... 1.4754 11;88 57;10 15.53 43;25 32.81 8.00 3;31 1.5 2. 4. 187.05 1.4791 121,28 58;43 1333 45,84 29;14 11;69 150 16 3. 5, 184.4 186;30 14759 00000 0000% 1250 46.10 3597 5.43 , 152 1.3 4, 6. 196.1 185.00 1.4756 12.24 56.35 14.66 47.20 30;00 8,14 106- 0.8 5. 2. 194.95 1.4759 12.27 55.25 13.48 45.50 31690 9.12 2682 0.8 6, 7. 189.5 ...... t.4769 12.24 5635 1659 44.96 29;26 . 9.19 2;29 0.7 7. 9. 1.4689 ..... ..... 13..60 50.45 28.99 6.95 1.63 3.2 8. 10. 184.2 1.4723 11.07 56.92- 15.39 47.53 30483 6.25 5;97 1.5 9. 12. 190.6 1.4729 11,11 57.68 134,25 46.30 30495 9.50 44/ 4.1 10. 13. 1.4725 11.48 54.24 14.05 41.94 36.81 7.20 5.23 ' 2.7 11; 8. 186.2 188.50 1.4779 13.70 56.93 13.36 51.57 26.78 8,,9 1;37 0.5 12. 14. 197.2 1.4745 12.22 58.06 13.61 53054 24.91 7.94 1,6?3 0.8 13. 15. 190.2 186.60 1.4774 14.23 57.88 14.64 48.34- 19.72 17.30 3.65 1.2 14. 11. 197.8 , 1.4633 12.51 60.18 11.46 55.92 25.65 6.97 , 1.56 2.1 15. 16. 195.9 1.4787 14.28 58.65 9.63 57.36 28.13 4.88 3.88 1.5 16. 17. 194.80 1.4772 15.86 57.31 16.69 53.01 23.53 6.77 .... 3.2 17. 3. 195.2 185.35 1.4773 13.57 60.19 16043 51.11 22.20 10.25 1.36 1.5 18. 18. 190.3 ...... 1.4762 14.28 56.16 14.72 51.45 25.88 7.95 _ 2.34 1.9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A022.400620001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A022400620001-4 SO 10 =mom, for pH 5 Ma. l= for pH 8 I. 1 1+ 21 28 55 42 49 DAYS AFTER FLOWERING F1G3. RELATION BETWEEN LIPOLYTIC ACTIVITY FOR pH a- AND 8 AND DAYS AFTER FLOWER/NO 1+ 2f 28 35 #2 #9 DAYS AFTER FLOA/ERING FIG. 4. EM. CONTENT ASA FUNCTION OF DAYS AFTER FLOWERING Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A022400620001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A022400620001-4 60 50 30 LIZ 10 moi.???????mo lindeme acid dm.... sim. Oleic acid am....."...-Zindeic acid OM 1=110 Ma MO 2Y ? _Omilmo% ale g 0 14 21 28 35 42 49 /I 21 28 35 42 49 OAYS AFTER FLOWER/NG DAYS AFTER FLOWERING FIG.Z. KONCENTRAT1ON OF INOMDUAL FATTY ACIDS IN OIL FRO/1 LCSO-200 FLAX AS FUNCTION OF DAYS AFTER FLOWERING Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A022400620001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A022400620001-4 4 4"4 I" i "fin" wt"''' 700 650 600 550 +0 300 250 C5-7 200 500 .55 cb "3 +50 30 i+00 25 co '&350 20 ss, 300 (5 150 my. Dip mal/er wimp Z 0i/ in diy malfer MID ? MO my. Oil/few seeds ff 21 . 28 55. +2 +9 DAYS AFTER FLOWERING F/0.1. DRY MATTER AND. 0/L /N THE SEEDS DURING A FLAX .R/PENING rot" r)rrY5'411 nmi 141 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A022400620001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A022400620001-4 0 Results of linseed analyses /crop of 1961/ Table'3, Ser No Sam- pie No District Variety Kind of use Fat % Row pro- tein Ash % Molatu- re % Dry matter % Fat in dry matter in-dry matter % Ash 'in:dry matter 1. 2. 3. 4. 124 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 20 22 23 25. 26 / 27 28 29 30 41 21 37 31 32 39. 33 35 36 40 34 38 Poznai " " ? ? " , " r ? .6 Bydgoszcz ? " Bialystok Warszawa PoznaA ? Wroclaw Opole Rzesz& Olsztyn Wroclaw Kotowiecki O3D-200 Rod -021 Rod '-075' R6d 455 ROd ;179 , Ri5d '....108 R.43L=480/58 R-1,B=k3470/58 NAM-k663/58 LCSD-200 LCSD210 LOD-210 LOSD-210 LCSD-210 1CSD-210 Lazur Lazur Swadzimski Swadzimski Wiera LCSD-207 Oleigine- ous fir:; " ? ? " ? " ? ? " Fibrous ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? . 31;23 31:65 3335 30:83 31:50 27:13 29.25 31.62 29.71 27.40 34.23 31.16 31.19 32.28 30.73 29.07 28.40 31.38 27.84 31.26 31.67 28.62 23:25 22:06 2619 24644 24:81 .22:19 21.56 23:06 25.13 23.00 24.03 2344 24.87 26.31 25.81- 24.00 25.00 23.88 24.31 21.12 23.19 22.62 3:69 3644 3433 3670 3;80 3662 3:51 3671 4.14 3.49 3:33 3.67 4402 3.778 3.96 3.90 3.72 3.71 3.45 3.15 3.37 -3680 7:12 7;01 6:82- 6:77 6:97 7:44 7641 7;52 7;14 7.34 9.59 6.99 10604 8.02 7.93 10.40 8.06 7.35 9.78 6.91- 6.59 10.58 92:88 33.62 92499 34603 93.19-35:78 93:23 33.78' 93:03 3312 92.56 29.31 92:59 31.59 92.48 34.19 92;83 32:00 92.66 29.55 90.41 37.97 93.01 31.50 89.96' 34.67 91.98 35.09 92.07 33.37 89.60 30.80 91.94 30.88 92.65 33.86 90.22 30.85 93.09 33.57 93.41 33.90 89.42 32.00 25.03 23;72 28.10. 26:21- 26666' 23.97 23.28 24613 27:07 24.82 26.58 25.20 27664 28.60 28.03 26.78 27.19 25.77 26.94 22.69 24683 25.30 3.97 3.69' 357,. 396 4:08 301- 3.79 4401 4.45 3.76 3.68 3.94 4.47 4.11 4.30 4.35 4.05 4.00 3.82 3.60 3.61 4.25 . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A022400620001-4 CZ) 2 77) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A022400620001-4 Results or linseed oil analyses /crop or 1961/ Ser -.= Sam- pie No20 I.V. - Ref. index n D S.V. Density at 2000 v im,- sity at 20?C cP U nsafe Nat. % U.V.Spectro- photometry Paper partition chromatography FFA PT Lino- leic acid Lino- lenic acid Line-1 lei* acid Lino- lenic acid % Oleic and palmi- tic acids Stea- ric acid % % . , 1. 20 179.7 1.4811 188.32 0.9310 46,55 0.77 12.13 52.71 11:77 49:20 34.46 4.54 0.407 0.9 2. 22 193,2 1.4828 187.67 0.9340 44.16 0.76 11.57 59:99 8:04 56:12 28:20 7.63 0:287 0.1 3. 23 184.9 1.4821 188012 0.9320 45.15 0.77 8.78 59.22 12.03 56.73 26.57 4066 0.305 0.7 4. 24 191.6 1.4825 190.16 ...... 0.80 7.25 62.12 11,62 51.53 30.95 500 0.353 0:4 5. 25 191.5 1.4827 189.79 0.9325 44.71 0.82 10.29 59:80 8.71 54:66 32.85 3.77 0.245 1.1 6. 26 193.7 1.4828 191.06 0.9320 44.18 0.76 11.50 60.75 14.19 50.66 30:42 4.72 0.325 1.2 7. 27 194.1 1.4831 190.26 0.9316 44.07 0.76 11.62 62.29 I 12.17 58.60 24.91 4.32 0.348 0.1- 8 9. 28 29 192.0 191.4 1.4828 1.4826 189.34 /89.77 0.9310 0.9309 43.96 43.86 0.72 0.80 12.01 60.16 11.18' 60.57 10,91 13.27 55.88 50.57 25.83 31.60 7.36 4.55 0.212 0.179 0.1 0.1 10. 30 184.8 1.4817 188.86 0.9297 .45.64 0.77 14.55 53.67 1300 49.38 29.50 7.22 0.180 0.1 111. 41 189.6 1.4830 191.49 0.9323 44.79 0,82 12.93 56.35 13.62 60.87 22.30 3.21 0.807 0.1 12. 21 194.9 1.4830 189.27 0.93141 43.75 0.73 10.45 61.14 9.91 59.83 26.56 3.69 0.899 0.7 13. 37 185,7 1.4826 191,66 0.9316 44.92 0.72 13.67 53.10 14.19 55.25 24.86 5.70 0.138 0.2 14, 31 190.0 1.4823 191.22 0.9319 45.79, 0.92 11.34 53.29 14.95 55.83 25.07 4.15 0.154 0.6 15. 32 187.5 1.4822 191.2/ 0.93261 46.00 0.75 12.10 51.75 12.95 56.68 26.73 3,64 0.100 0.1 16. 39 185.8 1.4826 191.43 0.9325 44.84 0.76 13.27 52.93 12.78 61.10 22.88 3.24 0.191 0.5 17. 33 194.0 1.4830 190.72 0.9335 45.19 0.69 14.35 54.34 18.54 48.56 25.33 7.57 0.095 0.1 18. 35 191.3 1.4830 191.81 0.9322 43.45 0.75 14.30 55.97 16.33 52.23 20.71 10.73 0.114 0.3 19. 36 184.5 1.4826 192.59 0.9324 44.91 0.73 14.82 52.71 12.99 58.82 21.24 6.95 0.117 0.4 20. 40 189.4 1.4828 190.20 0.9328 46.37 0.85 14.42 54.17 15.86 54.05 28.51 1.58 0.170 0.6 21. 34 187.8 1.4831 191.09 0.9336 44.33 0.68 15.54 55.39 20.14 50.19 23.26 6.41 0.311 0.1 22. 38 1188.8 1.4832 190.33 0.9331 45.86 0.85 13.85 55.38 15.45 53.66 28.68 2.21 0.166 0.4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A022400620001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP80T00246-A-022400620001-4 y Tablela 5 Results of linseed and linseed oil analyses during a flax ripening Ser No Days after flowering I Weight of 1000 seeds mg Moisture % Dry matter % Dry matter/1000 I seeds mg r ae .. 0 Oil/dry matter % 0i1/1000 seeds mg I Protein % 1 Protein/dry matter % IProtein/1000 seeds mg Lipolitic activity Lipolitic activity/1000 seeds F F. A J. V. Fatty acids (spetrop- hotmeth.) % Fatty acids/1000 seeds mg Glicerides (chromatogra- phic method) , Monoglicetides and glicera(chemical method) % pH 5 pH 8 pH 5 pH 8 cI clI or Satu- rated 0 . ll III Unsa- Ul m- *d Tri- Di- Mo- no- % 1-mo- no- 2-mo- no- Glice- roil Total mono- I II III IV V VI 14 21 28 35 42 49 12354 12137 11760 11827 11303 9353 71.54 61.51 49.62 44.39 39.39 26.00 28.46 38.49 50.38 55.71 60.61 74.00 3416 4673 5864 6620 6850 6920 5.18 13.99 21.16 22.90 25.52 30.98 18.16 36.36 42.01 41.10 42.12 41,86 640 1698 2463 N. 2721 2885 2897 5.06 8.69 11.49 13.06 14.81 18.13 16.69 22.63 22.81 23.45 24.43 24.44 625 1055 1354 1544 1674 1696 - 7.65 8.10 5.65 - 1.15 ? - 10.27 4.38 2.90 - 1.49 - 35.74 48.08 37.25 - 8.00 48.00 26.04 19.10 - 10.38 1.24 0.92 0.66 0.53 0.59 0.35 162.5 182.6 188.5 191.2 191.9 193.0 3.7 17.8 17.4 13.6 13.6 15.1 13.7 10.8 10.4 12.2 12.0 12.1 42.7 53.8 56.4 57.3 57.7 57.5 35.4 13.3 11.5 12.5 12.3 10.9 24 302 429 370 397 437 88 183 256 332 347 352 274 913 1388 1560 1664 1666 227 ? 226 282 340 355 316 88.5 88.3 90.0 89.3 91.4 90.9 4.5 5.4 3.2 3,2 2.0 2.2 7,0 6.3 6.8 7.5 6.6 6.9 0.29 0.26 0.25 0.26 - 0.12 - 2.80 1.07 ,.. 1.16 - 0.92 2 ,c) os gl 3.06 1.32 1.42 - 1.04 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A022400620001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A022400620001-4 17 Results.tof linseed and linseed oil analyses differend varieties maiming form experimental - plots. fitil Of Int USE CM =AI .. Ser No 1. Variety Grown in . . Weight of 1000 seeds - ? gI . Dry matter! 1000 seeds . g - - Moi 6 tu- re % .... Dry matter % . Gal in dry matter % - Oil / 1000 seeds g - Protein . in dry metier 5 - Protein/ 1000 seeds1 A I.V. . Unsaturated ' fatty -acids % Unsaturated " fatty acids, /1000 - seeds m 4 .c , . Cu c!" _ ea e Kotowiecki- Olsztyn Giby RzetizOw 7.095 66022 6.458 6.551 56538 ? 5:917 , 7.65 8.04 .8.38 .. ? 92.36 91.96 91.62 40.85 41.92 40.57 2.676 2.322 2.401 22647 21.65 23698 1.472 1.199 1.419 183.0 179.6 179.9, 1 22.7 21:3 2?.2 ? 1 13.3 13.0 12.7 , 50.5 50.0 50.4 606 494 491 355 302 294 1 346 1 162 1 170 -- 2. , LCSD-400 01 sztyt Giby Rzesz6w 8.200 7-6247 74341 7.630 6.726 6787 . 6.95 7.20 7655V 93.06 92:80 40.56 41.16 39.05-- 3.092 2:769 . ... 26650 24:21 25.676 236051.564 ..: 1:847 1.733 . 189.6 190.1 ' 180;2 2.3..1 2363 27.2 12.3 11:1. / i 9.6 k . . 53 5 54.4 . 50.6 715 644 720 382 308 253 , 1 654 -1.507 1.341 3. . . LCSD-207 LCSD-210 Olsztyn Giby - RieSzow Olsztyn Giby Rzaszdw 5.874 5:043 5:622 5.817 5.037 5:429 ?. 5.365 4.624. ' ' 5:139 5.380 4:618 V 4..996 * . 8.67 8:30 8.60 - ' 91.33 91.70 91..40V ,_ 38.47 36:28 - 33.85 _ 2.058 - 1:678 . 1.740 25:96 23:21 - 25.10 , . 27.29 ' 25:77 27.71 . 1.093 . 1.073 v 1.290 192.4 - 195.3 190.4. _ 1 18.9 19;4' v 22.7 - . . 12.4 " 11.0 10.7/ ? 1 55.7 57.7 ? 55.0 - 389 - 326 395 ' 255 184 ...187 1.146 '968' -957 7.54 8..31 - 8;08 92.47 91.69 . 91:92 35,94 35:19 ' . 34;89 , 1:934 1:625 1.741 1:468 1:190 : 1.383 1:423 1.108 1:346 1.333 1.073 . 1:298 188.0 * 188:4 182.7 c 19.6:4 196.7 1.92.7 192.8 192:1 191.5 25.6 234 . 29.6 22.8 26:7 ? 20.6 21.8 22:2 25.2 11.4 10:2 . 7.7 11.4 10.6 12.4 12.3 12.2 10.7 52.7 " 544 52.0 56.8. 54.6 - 56.9 ? . 55.2 54:8 54.6 495 - 379 515 427 394 357 396 .374 418 220 165'- - 134 2.12 156 214 223 206 178 1.020 884 v 904 1.060 806 984 ? 1 002 925 908 V53 . Swadzimski , .. . Olsztyn Giby Rzeindw , - 5.67 46937 5.714 5.254' 4.542 1 - 5:221 ' 7.28 ., 8.00 8:53 8.24 8.08 8.12 ' V............ 92.73 .92.00 -91.47 91.76 91.92 !. 91.88 35.57 3248 V 33.08 35.49 36.30 32.36' 1..870 1:476 1.729 - 1.817 1.688 1.662 . 27:08 24;39 25:76 26.03 23.08 25.27 , . La ;lir ..__ _Olsztyn Giby, Rzeszdw 5.581 5.058 ? . 5.590 5.121 4.649 5.136 ' --...4... !OR OFFICIAL USE Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A022400620001-4 "rot C2* =sx Fra: Coo) C=I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A022400620001:4 able Results of linseed and linseed oil analyses differend varieties comming from experimental plots Grown in Giby Ser No Variety Dry matter/ 1000 seeds Oil in dry matter % 0i1/1000 seeds 3 Protein in-dry matter % Protein/ 1000 seeds gz 1 I.V. UnsEiturated fatty acids % Una saturated fatty -acids /1000 - seeds -mg c et. 01 ct ca cw 1. Kotowiecki 5.538 41:92 2.322 21:65 1.199 179.6 2143 13:0 50.0 494 302 1 162 . LCSD.200 6.726 41616 2.769 25.76 1:733 190.1 .230 11:1 54..4 644 - 308 1 507 3. ICSD-207 4:624 36:28 1.678 L23.21 1'6073 195:3 19:4 11.1 577 326 .184- 968- 4. LCSN-210 4.618 35.19 1.625 25:77 1190 1884 23.4 102 54.4 379 165 - 884-- 5. Sfiadzimski 4.542 32:48 1:476 24:39 1:108 1967 26.7 10:6 54:6 39-4 1-56 - , - 806: . La zur 4.649 36:30 1:688 23:08 1.073 192.1 21:2, 12#2 54.8 374 206 925 . X 5.116 37.22 1:926 23.98 1:229 190.4 22.7 11:4 5443 435 220 1 042 Amplitude 2.184 9.44 1.293 4.12 660 17.1 7.3 2.8 7.7 318 -152 701 mons.......EN a. 95% Confidence interval 5.116 + 874 37.22 + 3.8 1.926 t 517 23.98 +1.65 1.229 t 264 190.4 + 6.8 22.7 +2.9 11.4 +1.1 54.3 +3.1 435 #3.1 220 +56 1 042 + 280 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18 : CIA-RDP80T00246A022400620001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A022400620001-4 Table 8 Results of linseed and linseed oil analyses differend varieties comming .from experimental plots Grown in Olsztyn Ser No Variety Dry matter/ 1000 seeds- Oil in dry matter 0i1/1000 seeds . g Protein in dry matter Protein/ 1000 seeds _ I.V. Unsaturated fatty acids % Unsaturated fatty acids/1000,seeds mg Cu- e C. Cu 'Cm 1. Kotomiecki 6.551 40.85 2.676 22.47 1.472 183.0 22.7 13.3 50.5 606 355 1 346 . LCSD-200 7.630 40.56 3.092 24.21 1.847 189.6 23.1 12.3 53.5 715 382 1,654 3. LOSD-207 5.365 38.47 ' 2.058. 25.96 1.393 192.4 18.9 12.4 55.7. 389 225 1.146 4. LCSD-210 5.380 35.94 1.934 27.29 1.468 188.0 25.6 11.4 52.7 495 220 1.02.0 5. Smadzimski ......-- 5.254 35.57 1.870 27.08 _ 1.423 196.4 22.8 11.4 56.8 427 212 1 060 .6. Lazur 5.121 35.49 1.817 ' 26.03 1.333 . 192.8' 21.8 12.3 55.2 '396 223 1 002 . I 5.883 37.81 2.241 25.51 1.489 190.4 22.5. 12.2 54.1 505 270 1 205 Amplitude 2.509 5.36 1.275 4.82 . 514 13.4 6.7 1.9 6.3 326 170 652 95% Confidence inter]. 5.883 +1004 _ 37..81 +2.14 2.241 + 510 25.51 +1.93 1.489 + 205 190.4 + 5.4 22.5 +2.7 4- 12..2 +0.8 54.1 +2.5 # 505 +130 270 +68 1 205 + 261 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A022400620001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A022400620001-4 Results :able 9, . of linseed and 'linseed oil "analyses differend varieties comming from experimental plots - . Grown in Rzesz6w Ser No Variety el IIIMMIMm??=111?1?14??? Dry matter/ 1000 seeds 3 Oil in dry matter %C. Oil/ , 1000 seeds er Q Protein in -dry matter % Protein/ 1000 seeds g I.V. - Unsaturated - fatty acids % Unsaturated fatty acids/1000 . seeds mg co en..C Cd CIO 1. Kotowiecki 5.917 40.57 2.401 23.98 , 1.419 179.9 21.2 12.7 50:4 . 491 294 , 1 170 2. LCSD-200 6..787 39.05 2.650 23.05 14564 1802 27.2 9.6 50.6 720 253 1 341: 3. LCSD-207 5.139 33.85 1.740 25:10 1:290 190.4 22.7 10.7 55.0 395 187 '957 4. LCSD-210 , 4.990 34.89 1.741 27:71 1:383 182.7, --T- 29.6 7.7 51.9 515 134 4...............m- 904 5. Swadzimski 5.227 33.08 1.729 25.76 1.346 192.7 20.6 12.4 56.9 357 214 - 986 .. Lazur 5.136 32:36 1.662 25.27 1.298 191.5 * 25.2 10.7 54.6 418 178 908 1. 5,533 35.63 1:987 25.15 1.383 186.2 24.4 10..6 53.2 483 210 1 044 Amplitude 1:797 8.21 988 4.66 274 12.8 9.0 5.0 6.5 363 160 ? 437 95% Confidence . interval 5.533 4,719 35.63 +3.28 1.987 + 395 25.15 +1.86 1.383 + 110 186.2' + 5.1 - 24.4 +3.6 10.6 +2.0 53.2 +2.6 483 +145 210 464 _ 1 044 + 175 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A022400620001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A022400620001-4 Table 10 Results of linseed and linseed oil analyses Variety Kotowiecki comming from pot - tests. Sir No Grown in We- ight of 1000 seeds mg Moi- sture % Dry mat- ter % Dry mat- ter/ 1000 seeds mg 7382 Oil d 1' I 39.31 Oil in dry mat- ter % 42.07 Oil/ 1000 seeds mg 3105 Pro- tein d ' 22.25 Pro tein in dry mat- ter % 23.80 Pro- te 1000 .amPds mg 1757 ., _ itv? 189.1 Fatty acids % *Inrommumwer Fatty acids/ $000. seeds mg C' 25.3 i d 16.0 11 d 50.2 c ` 786 C u 497 C I" 1559 . Giby 7898 6.53 93.47 . Szczecin 4972 6.19 93.81 4664 36.37 38.72 180821.03 22.42 1046 184.6 26.3 12.3 50.6 476 222 915 3. Olsztyn 6773 6.56 93.44 6328 34.96 37.41 2368 23.94 25.62 1621 186.7 25.6 15.1 49.8 A 606 358 1179 4. Bydgoszcz 4876 6.34 93.66 4567 33.66 35.93 1641 25.69 27.43 1253 180.7 26.6 11.3 49.8 437 185 817 5. Pulawy 5689 6.96 93.04 5293 31.38 33.73 1785 24.06 25.86 1369 173.4 33.5 11.4 44.8 598 203 800 6. Wroclaw 5982 6.82 93.18 5574 37.24 39.96 2228 22.94 24.62 1372 180.9 31.6 13.3 46.9 704 256 1045 1 7. Bzeszdw 6290 6.58 93.42 5877 34.79 37.23 21e8 21.06 22.54 1325 176.0 27.9 12.9 46.6 610 282 1020 1.. .... 5669 35.39 38.86 2160 23.00 24.61 1392 181.6 28.1 ......? 13g2 48.4 ,.. 602 V 292 . 1048 Amplitude 2815 7.93 8.34 1464 4.66 5.01 711 15.7 8.2 - . 4.7 5.8 349 312 .. 759 95 % Confidence interval - 5669 +929 35.39 +2.62 38.86 +2.75 2160 +483 23.00 +1.54 24.61 +1.65 1392181.6 +235 4 5.2 . 28.1 +2.7 13.2 +1.6 48.4 +1.9 .. 602 +115 . 292 4103 1048 +250 , . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A022400620001-4 C=1 C2 Co, rri arse.. iirmas almiC Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A022400620001-4 Table 11 Results of linseed and linseed oil analyses Variety LCSD - 200 conning from pot - tests. asr No Grown in We- ight of 1000 seeds mg Moi- sture % Dry mat- ter % Dry mat- ter/ 1000d weds mg Oil % Oil/ in dry mat- ter % ODA 1000 sseds mg Pro- tein d ' Pro- tein in dry mat- ter % Pro- tein/ 1000 sseds mg _ ..- I.V. Fatty acids % Fatty acids/ 1000 seeds mg cu , cm r ______4___ ci cu I c "i . 1. Giby _ 7362 L- 6.44 93.56 6888 36.41 38.91 2681 22.97 24.55 1691 189.6 25.6 12.4 52.7 686 a 332 1413 2. Szczecin r 5741 t 7633 6.32 6.95 93.68 t 93.05 5375 7103 33.40 36.44 35.64 39.15 1918124.81 2782 23.09 26.48 24.81 1424 1762 186.7 -11 190.2 27.4 . 26.3 10.7 - 12.6 52.1 52.5 526 732 205 999 351 11461 3. Olsztyn 4. Bydgoszcz 6590 6.02 93.98 6193 35.08 37.32 2312 25.72 27.37 1695 185.3 29.2 9.6 51.8 675 222 1198 5. Pukawy 6860 6.37 93.63 6423 29.48 31.45 2022 r 24.03 25.66 1648 175.5 . 30.0 9.9 47.7 607 ' 200 964 . ? 6. Wrookaz 6837 6.19 93.81 6414 34.93 37.23 2388 24.53 26.15 1677 . 181.2 26.5 13.4 48.7 633 320 1163 7. Rzssz6z .6451 6.92 93.08 6005 32.34 34.74 2086 18.34 19.70 1183 185.2 29.5 12.0 50.0 615 250 1043 -........... 7 6344 34.01 36.35 2313 23.36 24.96 4 1583 184.8 27.8 11.5 50.9 639 I 269 1177 Amplitude H 1724 6.96 i 7.66 865 7.38 7.67 579 14.7 4.4 3.8 5.0 206 151 497 95% Confidence interval 6344 t569 34.01 +2.30 36.35 +2.53 2313 +285 23.36: +2.44 24.96 +2.53 1583 1191 184.8 + 4.9 27.a +1.5 11.5 +1.3 50.9 +1.7 639 4:68 .. 269 1177 +50 +164 . 4.01~..e. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A022400620001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A022400620001-4 210211L11 Results of linseed and linseed nil analyses Variety LCSD - 207 comming from pot - tests. Sem Ro Grown in we- ight of 1000 seeds mg Moi- sture % Dry mat- ter % Dry mat- ter/ 1000 amide mg Oil % Oil in dry mat- ter % Oil/ 1000 weds mg Pro- tein' d ' Pro- tein in dry mat- ter %, Pro- tein/ 1000 seeds mg I.V. Patty acids % ....-..- .., Patty acids/ 1000 seeds mg ei co cot ci co cm 1. Giby 5296 6.93 93.07 4929 28.57 30.70 1513 , 26.75 28.74 1417 193.3 25.9 . 12.4 53.9 I' 392k 188 816 2. Szczecin 4 4583 4- 7.12 92.88 4257 29.81 32.09 1366 27.09'29.17 1242 191.9 26.9 10.7 54.2 367 146 740 3. -4 Olsztyn 5427 , 7.41 92.59 5025 29.99 32.41 1627 25.28 27.30 1372 197.3 23.7 11.5 56.7 386 187 923 4. Bydgoszcz 4225 6.19 93.81 3964 28.82 30.72121826.91 28.68 1137 191.7 26.8 11.1 53.9 326 135 657 5. ..........., Pulawy 4872 [7.05 92.95 4- 4528 23.37 25.15 1139 26.13,28.11 1273 185.9 29.8 12.6 49.8 339 144 567 6. Wroclaw 4730 6.72 93.20,4412 28.96 31.04 1370 26.72 28.64 1264 191.4 25.1 13.9 52.5 . 344 190 719 7. RzeszOw 4475 7.31 92.69 4148 28.63 30.89 1281 20.28 21.88 903 189.4 20.9 11.4 54.8 268 146 702 I ?.....--- 4466 28.31 30.42 1359 25.59 27.50 1230 191.6 25.6 11.9 53.7 337 162 71a Amplitude 1062 6.62 7.26 488 6.81 7.29 509 k 7.4 8.9 3.2 6.5 124 55 356 95 % Confidence interval 4466 +35O+2.18 28.31 30.42 +2.4 1359 +195 25.59 +2.25 27.50 +2.4 1230 +168 191.6 + 2.4 25.6 +2.9 11.9 +1.1 53.7 +2.3 .. I 337 +41 Oa 162 +18 010 i 718 +117 ..=. ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A022400620001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A022400620001-4 Table 13 Results of linseed and linseed oil analyses Variety LCSD - 210 conning from pot - tests. Dry mat- ter % Dry r mat- ter/ 1000 seeds mg 4785 Oil % 29.21 Oil in dry mat- ter % 31.38 Oil/ 1000 mods mg 1502 Pro- tein % 26.50 Pro- tein -in dry mat ter % 28.47 Pro. tein/ 1000 seeds mg 1362 L.V. Patty acids % Fatty acids/ 100 seeds-mg iztr No . Grown in Giby ,....... We- ight of 1000 seeds mg 5140 Moi- sture % 6.91(23.09 186:9 CL 29.08 11 C 13.8 w 49.6 1 C it C itt C 437 207 745 2. Szczecin 4455 6.9793.03 4144 30.25 32.50 1348 27.65 29.72 1232 182.7 25.58 12.9 49.6 345 174 669 3. Olsztyn 5592 5208 27..63 29.66 1545 26.28 28..22 1470 189:6 29:60 12.7 51.2 457 196 . 791 1 4. Bydgoszcz 4362 6.15 93.85 4093 3'055 32.54 1332 2766 29.47 1206 184:0 r1:3242 113 49.1432 151 654- 5. Pulawy 4896 7.08 92.92 4549 25.76 27.71 1261 27.84 29.96 1363 180.3 30:38 12.4 47.7 383 156 601 ---1.- 6. Wroclaw 4352 6:56 93.44 4067 29.80 31.89 1297 27.34 29.26 1190 184.1 27.28 13.6 49.3 354 176 639 I, RZRSZOW 4835 7.13 92.87 4491 31.27 33.66 1512 23.50 25:30 1136 161.2 26.74 11.7 49..6 404 I 177 750 4477 29.21 31:33 1400 26:68 28.63 1286 184.1 28.7 12.6 49.4 402 177 693 : Amplitude 1141 5.51 5.95 284 4.34 3.34 334 8.4 . 6.8 7 2.5 3.5 112 56 190 95 % Confidence interval 4477 +377 29.21 +1.82 31.33 +1.96 1400 + 94+1.43 26.66 28.63 +1.10 1280 +110 184.1 + 2.8 28.7 +2.2 12.6 +0.8 49.4 +1.2 402 +37 177 +18 693 +63 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A022400620001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A022400620001-4 Table 14 Results of linseed and linseed oil analyses Variety Swadzimski comming from pot - tests: sar No , Grown in We- ight of 1000 Seeds mg Moi- stUre ? % Dry mat- ter % Dry mat- ter/ 1000 seeds mg Oil % Oil in drY mat- ter % Oil/ 1000 seeds mg Fro- tein % -' Pro- tein in dry mat- ter % Pro- tein/ 1000 seeds mg I.V. Fatty acids % . .Patty *acids/ 1000 seeds mg Ci CH Cm CI Ca Cw 1. Giby 5194 7.08 92.9214826 3/.07 33.43 1614 25.81 27.78 1341 193.3 25.3 12.0 54.4 408 194 878 2. Szczecin 4823 6.38 93.62 4516 30.11 32.16 1452 26.38 28:18 1272 193.428.910.4 54.3- 420 151 788 3. Olsztyn 5650 6.79 93.21 5266 4682 27.66 22.84 29.69 24.56 1564 1150 26.31 26.56 28.23 28.56 1487 1337 192.8 190.4! 28.2 13.4 28.911,2 52.3 52.7 441 332 210 129 818 606 4. Pu/awy 5035 7.01 92.99 5. Wrotlaw 4683 6.47 93.53 4380 29.92 31.99 140126.65 28.49 1248 191.7 27.9 10.6 53.8 391 149 , 754 6. Rzeszem 4607 7.16 92.84 4277 29.14 31.38 1342 20.15 21.70 928 193.3 26.3 10.9 54.8 353 146 735 . 3E . 4658 28.46 30.54 1421 25.31 27.15 1269 192,5 27.6 11.4 53.7 391 163 763 Amplitude 989 8.23 8.87 464 6.50 76.80 559 13.0 3.6 3.0 2.5 109 81 272 95 % Confidence interval 4658 +396 _ 28.46 +3.29 - 30.54 +3.55 1421 +186 25.31 +2.60 + 27.15 I +2.72 . 1269 +224 192.5 1.2 27.6 11.4 +1A0 +1.2 53.7 +1.0 391 +44 163 +32 763 +109 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A022400620001-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A022400620001-4 Results of linseed and linseed nil analyses voonvomonotempicoms ?rto???????????????????owlem,--1?4.0?1.1.1?????11?11?0 Variety Lsmir commin7 form pot -teat Table 15. Sar No Grown 1We- in iigbt of woo seeds mg Moi- 1. sture % Dry mat- ter ,,, "9 Dry mat- ter/ 1000 see & mg Oil % Oil in dry mat- ter % Oil/ 1000 seeds mg Pro- tein % Pro-,Pro- tein'tein/I in dry mate- ter , Ion sods I.V; Patty acids Fatty acids/ % 1000 73eeds mg II c HI P IP 1. Giby 7.01 92.9' 4755 31495 34.35 1634 26.05 27.99 /331 190.6 26.0 12.39 52.90 425 202 861 2. SzczeCin 4708 5386 6.49 6:81 93:51 9319 4402 5020 3143 28,56.30,64 33.61 1480 1538 26.13 27.54 28.04 1212 1407 190.3 190:5 28.9 27.1 1111111111111428 MO 51.94 417 172 205 774 799 3. Olsztyn 4. Pulawy ' 4958 6.9093.10 4616 24.94 2678 1236 27:44 29.47 1360 189.8 28.6 10.40 53.09 353 129 656 5. 6. Wroclaw 4545 4654 6:84 6.78 93.16 93.22 4234 4338 30.09 30.95 33.19 1367 1440 2728292S 20.78 22.29 1239 967 191.1 19049 11111112.01 27.8 13.34 51456 51475 428 400 164 192 705 745 Rzesz6w 4561 29465 31480 1449 25.57 27.43 19045 28.3 12.2 52.3 408 177 757 Amplitude 786 7.01 7.57 398 6.66 7.18 440 5.3 2.9 1.5 75 76 208 i 95 % Confidence nterval 4561 +314 29.65 +2.80 31.80 +3.03 1449 +159 25.57 +2.66 27.43 +2.9 1253 +176 190.5 +0.52 28.3 +2.1 12.2 41.2 52.3 +0.6 40 +30 177 +30 757 +83 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A022400620001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A022400620001-4' 5 5545s-fa. 4t. k&z,;, FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A022400620001-4