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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A021400400001-9 INFORMATION REPORT INFORMATION REPOT *NTRAL INTELLIQ.ENCE 4GENtY This material contains tnformatiorbffectg e National ,PefOnse" of the atei?itr the meaning 18, U.S.C. Secs. 793 and 794, theOraisA o faiielatioWif-whic#Afi tgo unauthorized CONFIDENTIAL of the Espionage Laws, IIT IC person is prohibited by law. 50X1 -HUM COUNTRY SUBJECT DATE OF INFO. PLACE & DATE ACQ. Poland Acoustics in Poland/Static Developed by Lesniak Rowinski/Assessment Ultrasonics REPORT Siren DATE DISTR. and Mac zewski- by Expert in NO. PAGES REFERENCES 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM 6May 63 2 THIS Is UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 50X1 -HUM 5 4 3 2 1 the following: 50X1 -HUM A 19 page English translation of "A Static Siren by the Central Institute of Labor Safety - Poland, by B. Lesniak and. B. Mazzewski-Bowinski". The documents are UNCLASSIFIED. 50X1 -HUM 2. The paper discusses the theoretical considerations for the development of a "Static Siren" (Multi-Whistle) using six convergent-divergent Delaval Nozzles. The choice of the DeLeval Nozzles (diverging throat) was based on the steady increase in intensity Proportional to pressure increase found by B Lesniak. This is opposed to the maximum plateau generelIy Observed wfth Nartmann (converging throat) generators. CONFIDENTIAL BIWA Eubiedtriautenfic demmmensid deciamMaMm ISTATE I I ARMY 1 NAVY AIR I FBI I AEC 5 4 3 2 50X1 -HUM I IJtg2/sLjc INFORMATION REPORT INFORMATION REPORT CONTROLLED NO DISSEM ABROAD DISSEM: The dissemination of this document is limited to civilian employees and active duty military personnel within the intelligence components of the USIB member agencies, and to those senior officials of the member agencies who must act upon the information. However, unless specifically controlled in accordance with paragraph 8 of DCID 1/7, it may be released to those components of the deparents and agencies of the U. S. Government directly participating in the production of National Intelligence, IT SHALL NOT BE DISSEMINATED TO CONTRACTORS. It shall not be disseminated to orgcmiza- tons or personnel, including consultants, under a contractual relationship to the U.S. Government without the written permission of the originator. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A021400400001-9 IDeclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A021400400001-9 CONPIDHNTIAL 50X1-HUM There is also & theoretical discussion of the Ilartamm Whistle as well as design considerations for the Delays]. Nozzle, secondary renamee chamber, exponential and conical horns. 3. There is shown experimental work using a single generator in a conical horn, with * flat secondary resonance chmemr bottom connected thereto. Briefly, the results for the four different Delival Nozzles are: Power output: 20.6 to 106 watts Air consumption: 10.5 to 57.6 m3/lir. (6.2 to 34 0310 Pressure: 5 to 7 atm (71.4 to 100 psi) 4. A new static siren will be built using six nozzles with a "theoretical" free field power output resahing 635 watts. A novel feature of the design will be ports' built into the horn to remove (try caoressor suction) most of the air used for sound generation. 5. Fran the data given in this well documented paper the Lingle whistle developed no differ to a great extent from the Boucher lasowhistle or from the Russian 'whistle of W P Harkin. However, the design of the Multi Whistle with air suction watt% the horn seems a very interesting improvement copied from the Levavasseur siren. The air commotion of the new Multi Whistle is relatively high for the power output. The more origthal feature seam to be the design of several single whistles which allow a nearly continuous frequency shift between 14,6 and 29.3 KC. -end- 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A021400400001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A021400400001-9 ;?.g UNCLASSIFIED OFFICIAL USE ONLY X CONFIDENTIAL SECRET CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY ROUTING AND CONTROL RECORD DATE 30 April 1963 50X1 -H I_ TITLE 50X1 -HU A 19 Page English Translation of "A Static Siren by the Central Institute of labor Safety - Poland, by B. Lesniak and B. Maczewski- Bovinski". The documents are UNCLASSIFIED. 50X1 -H "M"242 16.5. mita PReVIOUS COOTI0111. (20?401 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A021400400001-9 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/19 : CIA-RDP80T00246A021400400001-9 , 7. 7 0 -:./1 STATIC SIREN BY THE CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF IABOR SAPETY - POLAND - Following is a translation of an article by B.Lesniak and B.Maczewski-Rowinski in the Polish-language perio- dical Ochrona Pracy (Labor Safety), No 11, November 1962, pages 19-25. Introduction., Amang various methods of generating a strong acoustic field, dynamic air,generators also commonly called ultra- sonic sirens haVe,become most prominent. It should be noted owever, that this nomenclature is incorrect in most cases, because audible (audioacoustic) frequencies are used for practical purpases, especially for coagulation of aero- sols, drying and emulsification. For this reasan,a more ge- neral term, namely "acoustic sirens", is used to describe them and more specifically "audio-acoustic" or "ultra-acous tic" whichever the case may be. Interest has been shown in recent years for the metho of generating acoustic waves, which utilizes hydrodynamic flow generatorsAmawn already for a few decades. Special among them is the whistle invented by the Danish physicist HARTMANN. Such 'Whistles are placed'at the focus of a para- olio reflector and thus a source of unidirectional sound radiation is obtained. b) of whistles )7--;;A 7Y-P4--c-;gge4- 11);47X .Z-c2,7 9 (4- ; Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A021400400001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A021400400001-9 The power, generated by one such source was Usually in- sufficient for practical purposes; therefore, the whistles by HARTMANN were for a long time used only in laboratory re- search. Only BOUCHSR's applioation of an aocuatioal horn to the HARTMANN whistles has resulted in a new type of siren, called "static" (fig.1). Such name is justified fully by the fact, that there are no moving parts whatsoever in this device. The siren contains several HARTMANN whistles located on the periphery of a ring chamber, which is also equipped with an acoustic horn. Other types of static sirens, namely those by SZKOLNIKOWA, KuRgiff and TARTAKOWSKI were built in a simi- lar manner. In Poland, the development of a static siren was for the, first time undertaken by the Central Institute of Labor Safety (Centralny Instytut Ochrony Pracy) with the coopera- tion of the Institute of Principal Problems of Technology at the Polish Academy of Sciences (IPPT-PAN). This siren is designed with a new type of whistle having a DE LAVAL nozzle. Another innovation in the developed siren is a foreseen possibilty of generating "pure" waves without an acoustic whiff. This is done by means of properly designed channels which suck away the air blown into the horn by the whistle. The advantage of static sirens lies in the easy and in- expensive construction, the absence of any rotating parts and its compactness.. Its disadvantages include the difficulty of generating waves at frequencies below five kilocycles/second. This is unfavorable-,in-many cases of practical application. (Lately the CIOP and IPPT-PAN have undertaken the development of a new type, of static generator for audio,acaustic waves of greater power and lower frequency). ? The Construction and Operating Principle of Acoustic Flow Generators (Whistles). Acoustic flow generators utilize phenomena which appear when gases leave a round nozzle at critical or at above cri- tical velocity. When gas flows out of the nozzle, rarifica- tion waves and oblique impact waves are generated in the gas stream, but a. steady gas flow'is established .with dio pressure 'variations in the direction of .the main stream This is due to the multiple reflection of the waves from the boundary surface of the stream. BUSEMANN has found, that the stream of a gas flowing out of a nozzle is divided into fields between the ends of its edges. Same pressures and ve- locities prevail in each successive field. The passages of 010?1????????101??????????? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07%19 'dIA-RDP80T00246A021400400001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A021400400001-9 cdmpression or rarification waves from one field'to another occur more or less simultaneously. Fig.2 shows the pressure profile in a gas stream as mea- sured at the axis of symmetry by means of a PITOT tube. The pressure profile becomes wave shaped at higher pres- sure differences as a result of generated shock waves in which supersonic velocity is converted into subsonic velocity as the. entropy increases. At the same time, pressure losses result: they are largest in the fields of highest velocity, that is where the magnitude of pressure is minimum; they are smallest in the fields of lowest velocity or maximuM pres- sure. In order to obtain acoustical vibrations, HARTMANN plac- ed a resonator tube from xlto x,pr from xsto x. (fig.2 ). This resonator was periodically -(in a pulsating manner) fill- ed by and emptied of the air stream. HARTMANN worked out on this basis an approximate formula defining the frequency of generated waves: " j 4(I1, + 04 dr) [1] here c- is the velocity of sound (meters/second) in the gas der the condition When the diameter d(cm) of the resona- or is equal to its depth hr(cm). , Por, air the generated frequency was from a few kil / ocycl- e second up to 120 kilocycles/second. At an incoming air ressure of two atmospheres gage and at a frequency f= 28.2 ilocycles/second the acoustic power amounted to 13.4 Watts a several times more at higher pressures and lower frequen- ies-.--This-relates to the size of the resonator diameter and, o the amount of expended air. (The emitted power increases ?th higher air expenditure). The efficiency of the whistle.a eel= 5%. "HARTMANN, BOUCHER, SAVORY and others were of the opinicn hat in order to obtain acoustical vibrations, the stream ve- ocity of the gas flowing out of a nozzle must exceed the ve- ocity of sound. However, as is well known, they used convex- ng nozzles which could not satisfy this condition. Other uthors thought that the nozzle aught to have such shape as o enable the ?pressure head at its exit to reach the proper agnitude. In Poland, B.IESNIAK has in recent years compared the ction of converging nozzles and DE IAVAL nozzles by exami- ng the effect of the velocity and exit pressure head of the as on the emitted acoustic power. He conduated comparative tests on the change of acoustic ield intensity with three converging and three DE LAVAL ozzles. The exit orbss-sections of both types of nozzles npclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/19 : CIA-RDP80T00246A021400400001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A021400400001-9 were the same...-EaCh nozzle was in turn operating .with the same resonator at identical frequencies and at .maximum emit- ted power... The' presture of the entering air was maintained within ' the limits-letween'2 and 6.4 atmospheres gages . , ? Ato 20, w mmm X4 ,Odlegrojd x od dozy eniol.c) ? 2 Krowe ....~ .4wo- I.1- \ _ ______ , ..' --., .. ?....... ......_ -ftglowatiltii 4 ... , . . . Kg:2. Pressure profile in a gas stream flowing out of a con- verging nozzle (HARTMANN): 1- nozzle, 2 - resonator, ,d1.- exit diameter of nozzle, dr-inside diameter of re- sonator, ht,' depth of resonator. a)- atmotPhereszage. b) distance x from nozzle 0).edge of stream Fig.3 shows' the. characteristics of the discussed nozzles ,in the form of graphs. Investigations have shown that for a MACH number M=1.4 and'li=1.5 the Maximum intensity of the, acoustic field was ..obtained with.converging nozzles at a gas pressure of about -4.5 to.25.atmOspheres gage. On the other hand, no maximum intensitywas observed with DE LAVAL nozzles - the intensity as funo.4on of pressure was increasing greatly, steadily and almost proportionally. It was also found, that the expendi- ture of air "supplying DE LAVAL nozzles was lower than that for 'the Conve ging nozzles. This leads to the conclusion, that the acous ical.efficiency of DE LAVAL nozzles is greater: than the effici ncy of converging nozzles.' ? ' Within the 'project with the cooperation of IPPT-PAN, the 'entire set, of whi'etles of the new type was the . . experimental.singIp-rwhistle siren. The latter served for the, preliminary establishment of basic parameters absolutely ne, -, ? pessary for the development of the multi-whistle static siren , ?. , npriaccifiari in Pert- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/-19 : CIA-RDP80T00246A021400400001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/19 : CIA-RDP80T00246A021400400001-9 7 2 ... c:3 / 1 k k a) 6 oin 2 3 4 5 6 Cisnienie powiettlo 6) g.3.comparison between converging nozzle and DE LAVAL noz zle characteristics: a) for a MACH number M=1.4; b)fo a MACH number M=1.5; 1 - for a converging nozzle, 2 for a DE LAVAL nozzle. Measurements were made at a distance of 40 cm from th sound source. (a) Intensity of the acoustic field (b) Air pressure (c) Atmospheres gage A set consisting of a whistle and a resonator placed i side a secondary resonating chamber is suitable for inter- changing.nozzles, regulation of the resonator depth h (fig. 2), varying the distance from nozzle to resonator and also varying the depth H of the secondary chamber Oig. 4). The generating set is equipped with an acoustic, horn, thus fo ing a single-whistle siren shown in fig. 4. For the purpose of calculating the parameters of the acoustic horn, the basic frequency f= 2000 cycles/second and d0=15 millimeters as diameter of the horn entrance were assumed. The calaulation was made starting out with the equatio for the effective horn cross-section: ? (1 T2) y=0? c f2r> - ??? ????????????? narlaccifiPri in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/19 : CIA-RDP80T00246A021400400001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A021400400001-9 1 : ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/19: 'CIA-RDP80T00246A021400400001-9 ith..the p per values of constants, we obtain y = y. [C,osh ) Anil (-1-1-:)] . .131 S (11.1) T sinh (1.-t)j1 ' sr* .S - cross-section area of the horn at the distance x,c - aross-sectiOn area of the horn at the entrance 'c - shape factor of the horn - radius of the horn cross-section at the distance x x - distance of the given cross-section ? of the horn cone, o -.velocity of sound, cm/sec (0=34,400 angular velocity transmission coefficient c 2rrf contraction factor of the horn - damping frequency, cycles/second from the apex cm/sec) With the values T=1 and y= yoe x/h the horn has an ex- ponential profile; with T=0 the profile becomes catenary; when T= h/xo and h goep to infinity, then the horn becomes conical with an angle , . 24.= 2 tan-1 First, the dimensions of the exponential horn were_cal culated according to the formula y= y.ex/h for_the-assumed parameter values f= 2000 cycles/second and-yo= d0/2 =0.750 l/h = 0.365 It must be pointed out that the horn with an exponen- tial profile has an advantage; namely, its resistance at th entrance just above the critical frequency fo is independent of the frequency and is equal to the wave resistance of airt In horns with other profile this characteristic appears at much higher frequencies. LIn_the,particular case here, however, the exponential _ _ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/19 CIA-RDP80T00246A021400400001-9 hdrn prayed out to ,be too short in view of structural con- siderations; therefore, a conical horn was designed and used. -MO Sketch of a static single-whistle siren with a coni- cal hoisa -and a secondary resonance chamber. H, - distance of the flat and of the concave bot- tom of the chamber from the axis A-A, do- entrance . diameter of the horn, D - exit diameter of the horn, x - distance of given cross-section from the apex of the horn cone, h - depth of the resonator, 4.- apex angle of the horn. ' . The shape factor of the conical horn is defined by the equation T = (t) " (5) with h going to infinity and with the apex angle v.= 2 , n 6 or tari-1(yo /x, ) (6)) T7!..7T41777774. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/1'9 :-biA-RDP80T00246A021400400001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/19 : CIA-RDP80T00246A021400400001-9 An angle 24)-from 10? to 20? is often used. When the an too small, then the horn has a low acoustic efficien y. The exit diameter D of the horn must be greater than th mitted wavelength in order to avoid the refleotion of he wave back into the horn. The size of the exit diameter f the conical horn depends on its length t In the case under consideration, with f=2000 cycles/se dA= 170 millimeters, D should be greater than 170 mm, fo 4=20?' the length of the horn is 340 mm (fig. 4). The damping fre uency was checked according to MORSE: f here c -.velocity of sound (34,400 cm/sec) a - radius of the exit cross-section of the horn (9 cm) b - radius of the entrance cross-section (0.750m) 1 - length of the horn (34 cm) upon substitution of these values f= 17704:2000 cycles/second was Obtained. Secondary Resonance Chamber The secondary resonance chamber plays an important rol n static sirens.' A properly shaped chamber increases the ef ficiency of the siren - as tests conducted by BOUCHER have shown. However, the problem of the resonance chamber has no yet been fully solved, nor is an exact method of design and calculation known. In the design of a secondary cylindical resonance cham ber one may use calculations similar to those for cylindri- cal fifes. Therefore, the authors of this article have adop ed the general EERNUOux equation used everywhere for the calculation of cylindrical fifes: N = . e (8) 4H npriassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/19 : CIA-RDP80T00246A021400400001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A021400400001-9 4 ? ? ere ' / - H - depth of the 'fife ? N frequency of consecutive harmonics but for the fundamental frequency: .) (9) This method can be applied to the case when the chambe diameter is small compared to the emitted wavelength. ' The design oiithe secondary resonance chamber, carried out by the authors, is based on the modified BERNUOLLI equa tion: X = n 4 (10) from which follows for the case considered here: ;L = -341(13.8g = 17.20 cm = 17.20/4 = 4.30 cm = 43 mm t at higher frequencies, for example f= 23400 cycles/sec K, 34400 _ , . 4 4x23406 1.'c," ram Hmin= = 43 mm was decided on with due consideration f structural factors and of the feasibility to generate a ew harmonics. Besides, the adjustable bottom of the cham- er makes it possible to regulate the depth within wide li t . As to the effect of the bottom shape, only the results of BOUOHER's experiments are known; they indicate, that at ower pressures (f.e. 4 atmospheres gage) a flat bottom is ore advantageous. In view of this, a flat bottom was pro ded for the secondary resonance chamber of the experiment single-whistle. siren. As a result of the above analysis, it was possible to evelop a simplified single-whistle siren (fig. 5). The fla otiom in this siren can be replaced by a bottom of a more 1" ? ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A021400400001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/19 : CIA-RDP80T00246A021400400001-9 - quitable shape to yield maximum acoustic efficiency, in cas other pressures are applied or different frequencies are ge nerated. Tests have shown, that: the average intensity of the acoustic field along the siren axis aniaunted to o.1. Watt/cm2 intensity of sound 150 decibels total power radiated approximately 15 Watts diameter of the nozzle and the resonator 3.5 mm Single-whistle static siren by CIOP-IPPT-PAN. ?10 ? ? Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A021400400001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A021400400001-9 1 '77"77777:77777,777t-74':' narinccifipri in Part - Sanitized CoPv Approved for Release 2013/07/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A021400400001-9 Development of a Multi-Whistle Siren. a.system of several whistles the operation of each is affeoted by the others. The performance of whistles ft system changes in reference to the performance of a ingle sound source , mainly as a function of their mutual istances. The field generated by a multi-souiftce.system is he result of interaction between several sources and acoue lc interference phenomena. This problem has not yet been worked out. The majority of designs (not many in existence) of acoustical static sirens is probably made on experimental basis. In order to arrive at an approximate evaluation of the radiation characteristics of a whistle system, the authors of this work attempted to 'utilize the results of analysis well known in acoustics: namely, the analysis of radiation from membranes and other systems of sources. . One of the most essential factors which determines the Mode of radiation from a given source of sound is the direc tion coefficient .R. Its value depends on the shape and on the size of the source. In the case of a system of n radiating sources spaced uniformly araund,the circumference of a circle of radius a this coefficient can represented in the form of an infinite BESS= series: where . te J 2 oJ p k - - R je(ka sin y) + 2 DP" ? Jp. (ka sin y) ? cos pn 512 [11] 1"= 1 are defined by the coordinates system are symbols of the function 2Trf is the wave number (k= = J e e Is. the symbol of phase rotation (j= v=i, trans- lator's note) A Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/19 : CIA-RDP80T00246A021400400001-9 : . , BESSEL functions converge fast for small arguments; therefore, for practical purposes one may consider the firs terms of the sUm only R J. ? (ka'sin y) + 2,P3J? ? (ka sin y) cos n 0 + + 2.1" J2? (ka sin y) cos 2 nal The first term expresses the direction coefficient of a source system densely distributed around the circumferenc of a circle; the'Second term gives the correction due to the fact that the number of sources is finite. If the distance between sources along the circumferenc is smaller than the 'emitted wavelength, then the second tern can be neglected; the third term can be disregarded already 'for n = 3. By analogy,. considering considering a multi-whistle siren, one ? may state: starting out with a system of n whistles the distances between them being close to the emitted wave- length, a further increase of the number of whistles will Alot influence fundamentally the radiation mode of the entire sytem: \\ , .Calculations and Their Results for the Multi-Whistle Static Siren by the CIOP. Poll wing asiumptions were made: 1)whistles with the DE LAVAL no" le will be used; 2)number of whistles - six; .3)whistles' wi4 be placed in separate resonance chambers; 4)a simplified orn will be made with an eXponential profile; 5)the siren Adll be able to emit "puren'acauStic waves, with- in the limits of.p acticality; to accomplish this, proper' channels will be built into its body by means of which the return air oan be sucked out of the horn. The diameter of the secondary resonance chamber and the . entrance diameter, of the horn was made 0.8 cm; this diameter ' shouid be greater than 1.4 yds-exit diameter of nozzle), ;.i ???????????61., 12 -- npriassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A021400400001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/19 CIA-RDP80T00246A021400400001-9 ' following the recommendations by KURKIN and TARTAKOWSKI. Th horn dimensions were calculated on the basis Of successive cross-sections, from formula (4) and the following others: $ $ ('Se - entrance area of the horn, 0.5 cm2 at x=0 x - distance from the ordinate axis, cm; (5 exponent of the curve, 1/cm;') = 0.4 or 0.3 1/cm where A.,is the maximum acoust Ao wavelength, cm. . Thus:. = -- = 31.4 cm p 0.4 .while'ihe frequency of damping = ?9? . 344400 1095 cycles/second min A'? 31. Pig. 6 ellOws the profile of the horn exponentially cur ved for 13'=0.4/1 and for t=0.3/cm, while X=41.8 cm and . = 822 cycles/segnd. The second these curves was adopted for the constru tion of the horn; ts,exponent is close to the one used b SZKOiNIKOWA. According her investigations, this horn shape suitable for the frequencies applied here. In order to simplify the construction, it Was assumed that the external generatrix of the horn is a straight line . and coincides'with the axis of abscissae according to equa- tion S =So Ox. The coordinates system was rotated bycg= x 10? from the vertical position. A similar horn is also use by. other authors. Four sets of nozzles (fig. 7) were designed; their di meters are d2-- ' 2 2.5, 3 and 4 mm at the smallest cross- section. The gas pressure is to be p,= 5 and 7 atmospheres absolute. In the nozzle with a pressure p2 was diameter d2= 2 mm, the critical ,13 nne-ImccifiPri in Part - Sanitized Co'pv Approved for Release 2013/07/19 CIA-RDP80T00246A021400400001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/19 : CIA-RDP801100246A021400400001-9 2 ? = 1 (12) P 52 2.41 ) 0.41, = 2.65 atmospheres absolute With pressure pi= 5 atmospheres aboolute e specific volume Of air Vi at pi= 5atm.abs and 't= 2000 ? IT_ IKE_ = 29.27x293 - 0.173 m3/kilogram 1- pi 5x104 here R - gas constant for air T - absolute temperature The critical velocity is 1/12 g x 4- 1? ? pi 316 m/sek 1131, The exit velocity_i.P g 'C? 1 PL V ? [1 (-12- 466 m/sek ' Pa - ? . For.pi= 7 atm,abs.?and t=20?C, the results were respective; V = 0.123 m3/kilogram 02= 314 in/sec. ? 03=500 M/sec. oc?70* ' 0 1. 3 4 6 76 Pig 6 Profile'of a simplified horn (exponentially curved)? for the multi-whistle static siren by CIOP, with the exponent t,=0.4 and NT0.3 1/cm ? Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/19 : CIA-RDP80T00246A021400400001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/19 : CIA-RDP80T00246A021400400001-9 Fig. 7 Contour outlines of several DE IAVAL type nozzles used for the whistles in the CIOP static siren for ,a pressure pl.= 7 atm.abs. (see table 1). The diameter d3 was calculated from the ratio of cros eotions s is and from the equation .-1 2 -- 1 . s .1._.- V.) 1 .11314 3 - SS Pa l Pi/ x-11 1 I I (15) fter substituting appropriate values and furtheittransforma tion, following results were obtained: for 42= 2mm and p1=5 atm.abs. = A" = 4.33 mm2and 2.35 mm '0.725 -II for d2= 2mm and /31=7 atm.abs. sr 5.02 mm and d3= 2.57 mm The expenditure of air Q2 at pi= 5 atm.abs. is Q2= 3600 = 4.33 (466)(3600) = 7.3 m3/h 83.o3.. 104 and 9 m3 /hour at pl= 7 atm.abs. In the final design of nozzles, the HARTMANN formula as used for simplicity's'sake; this is an equation for the ozzle output per cm2 of nozzle ( m3/minute.mcm2) as a Arno- ion of pressure pl, namely: q, 2 =0.852, (p1 + 1.033) 15 (16) .774TT ? 717.777574"7,177.7?: nar.inQcifipn in ID2'rt - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A021400400001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/19 CIA-RDP80T00246A021400400001-9 where , q - per unit output, m3/minute d - diameter of the nozzle exit, ?m2 p1-pressure, kilogra3ns/cm2 The ratio of cross-sections 52/83 is always the same for the assumed parameters ( pl= 5 and 7 atm:jabs; p2= 1 atm abs.) Table 1. Characteristic Data of Whistles and Siren. 1) order number 2) pressure, ' --3) diameter of nozzle 4) narrowest 5) exit 6) angle between generatrices ? 7) in angular degrees ? 8) length of nozzle 9) resonator 10) aperture diameter 11) depth '12) ratio 13) distance ,from nozzle to resonator 14) velocity of air 15) critical ' 16) exit 17) air output of whistle") 18) air output of entire siren 19) calculated fundamental frequency ? 20) calculated power of one whistle 21) theoretical acoustic power of a six-whistle siren 22) remarks 23) whistles emit many harmonics simultaneously 24) nozzles no. 2,4,6,8 (see fig. 7) were chosen for con ?struotion 257)calcu1ated according to HARTMANN .41 " 16 ? #,k..?? n.,-ineciiiinci in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/19 CIA-RDP80T00246A021400400001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/19 : CIA-RDP80T00246A021466-400661:9- Characteristic Data of -Whistles and. Siren (.07 1. Gin nie ttt;rsi- . c ia tworze- eIch ( .er'r D/O:0:6 dysey Rezone* ,.........? ( i 2 ; 3".d- dek ' , 76:?)? 0 ?'grioi4 dYszY od reso- natora PrCdik it/ 1 wraa- tek powie- trza tek podsta- powie- wawa teasI caw, tale) di, 'Obli- 'soma moo 1 ,,,jad? ' ka akus- Velma gyre- .v6 Uwagi e- .'4,1 sza -, , --r `aryl' ,..). tows ,--"1 kebo- o4.5 ) ca? na (;);',../ .?,,,X. towa - a. (f)gwizd- *mop- I ai, k cc: a ii, ka') Q. syreny wok11, Q. ICZei atn ata mm mm mach mm mm I min . mm e, misek e, muck se/gods - I eni/godz J eis W V _ 1 4 S 2 2,30 10 2.00 3,5 3,5 1,5 3,5 316 466 10,5 69,0 29300 20,6 125 Gwiadki end- 2 6 7 2 2,60 10 3,20 , 3,8 3,8 1,5 3,8 314 500 12,0 72,0 29300 26,6 158 tisk renews- 3 4 $ 2,5 2,90 10 2,46 4,4 4,4 1,5 4,4 316 466 16,0 96,0 23400 32,2 195 caoinie liens 4 6 7 2,5 3,20 10 3,75 4.7 4,7 1,5 4,7 314 500 22,4 134.0 23400 41,5 - 248 harmoniezne S 4 5 3 3,60 10 3.03 ? 5.3. 5,3 1,5 5,3 316 466 23,1 138,0 19500 46,5 279 6 6 7 3 4,10 10 " 4,60 5.7 5,7 1,5 5,7 314 500 32,4 194,0 19500 60.0 360 7 4 5 4 4.70 10 4,12 7.1 7,1 1,5 7.1 316 466 . 41,2 247,0 14600 82,5 485 8 6 7 4 5,10 , 10 6,10 7,6 7,6 1,5 7,6 314 SOO 57,6 345,0 14600 106,0 635 ? Do wykonania przykto dysze,,Japr4 4, 6 i 8 (pates rys. 7) *) Obliezone wg 0 na ? f a-Se I ' \ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A021400400001-9 - ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A021400400001-9 - , The following formula by HARTMANN was used for the ap- proximate calculation of the per unit acoustic power emitte by the whistles 295 0.93 ? N( Watt/cm2 (17 2 d Where d is in centimeters and p is in kilograis/cm2 _ The contour sketches of several nozzles used for the static siren by the CIOP is shown in fig. 7. I The results of calculation of the main siren parameter are presented in table 1. . The :ratiodr. 11 of the diameter to the depth of the re- sonating chamber was chosen 1.5 on the basis of the authors' own tests as well as those by SZKOINIKOWA and BOUCHER. This ratio differs from the one recommended by HARTMANN (dr:h=1).( The building ofthe'nozzles was planned without sharply cut edges at the exit, because they erode quickly during ope- ration. This is Probably caused by cavitation. SZKOINIKOWA used flat edges with sleeves of hard thermo-setting material, which gave good results. In the design of the siren discussed, here, a Similar, structural solution of the problem was plan- ned using, however, other materials. Should necessary to operate with only a minimum of acoustic whiff, the air blown through the nozzles will be sucked out through six.vent holes (1.1.22 fig.8) to the blower' and then carried into suction duct of the compressor. The arrows in fig. 8 show the path of. air "circulation. The siren is now being built in accordance with the design discussed here and should be soon ready for laboratory tests. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/19 : CIA-RDP80T00246A021400400001-9 "rr Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A021400400001-9 Fig. 8. Sketch of the multi-whistle static siren by CIOP with DE LAVAL whistles (type IPPT-PAN): 1 - incomin compressed air, 2 - suction of the air to the coin- pressor, 3 - location of the manometer, 4 - vent fo sucking away the air. Bibliographic References. 14 Bergman' L." Ultrasonics " (in German), Stuttgart 1954. 2. Brun E. and Boucher R.M.G. "Investigation of the Air-jet Acoustic Generator" (in French), Chimie et Industrie - Genie Chimiaue,Vol 76, No 5, Nov.1956 pp 137-153. 3. Busemann A. "Gas Dynamics" (in German), Handbuch der Ex- . perimentellen Physik,Vol IV pp 341-460. .4. Rwret I. and Hanemann H. "A New Sonic and Ultrasonic Ge neratorqin German), Zeitschrift fuer Teohnis-che Physik No 44 1948. ' 5*: Hartmann J: "The Acoustic Air-Jet Generator" (in Englis or Danish), Ingenioervidenskabelige Skrifter No 4, 1939 ? Copenhagen. 6. tbrkin Wa.'and Tartakowskij B.D. "Investigation of the Gas-,Jet Static 'Siren", "All-Soviet Scientific and Tech- ? nical Conference'on the Application of Ultrasonics in Industry", "Principles of Ultrasonic Energy" (in Rus ? sian)* Sympositt (lectures) Sbornik Dokuadav Centralnov. Instituta Nauchno-Techniche oy n orma s e ro ea nicheskat Prornishlennosti i Priborostroyenya (Central In? stitute of Scientific and Technical information on the . Electrical Industry and Instrumentation Design), Moscow Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A021400400001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/19 : CIA-RDP80T00246A021400400001-9 -. ' 1960, pp 111-115. Lesniak B. 'Investigation of the Basis of Ultrasonic Generation in Flow-Type Equipment" (in Polish or Matematiczna Konferencis. Przetwornikow Blektroakusticz- nvch w Krynicy (in Krynica) 1958, IPPT-PAN Warsaw 1962. katausonek J. "Introduction to Ultrasonic: Technology" (in German); VEB Verlag (People's Enterprise PUblishing House) Technik, Berlin 1957. _ 9. Morse P.M. "Vibration and Sound" (in English), Mc Graw Hill Co., London 1948. 10. Palme M.J. Duet Removal-by Ultrasonics" (in French), \\Journee du Depaussierage, Institute Francais de Com- Iyustibles et de l'energie 18 June, 1954. 11. Savory L.E. "Experiments With the Hartmann Acoustic Ge- nerator" (in English), Engineering No.170, 1950, pp 99- 100 "and 136-138. 12. Stefanowski R. "Technical Thermodynamics" (in Polish), Komisja Wydawnicza Bratniej Pomocy Politechniki Warszaw- skiej (Publishing Commission of the "Brotherly Aid" at ' the Warsaw Po1ytechnio), Warsaw 1923. 13. Szkolnikola P.N. "Development and Investigation of Sta- tic Sirens 117-122. ' tic Sirens"\,(iin Russian), material from reference 6., 14. Skudrzyk E. 'The Fundamentals of Acoustics" (in German), ' Springer Publication sienna 1954. 15. Taraba 0. "What We inow,from Ultrasonics" (in Czedh), Technicky Vyber 8 Prace, Prague 1958. 16. Tarnoczy T. and Greguss P. "Extraction of, Cement Dust by the Acoustical Method" (in Hungarian), Magyar Tech- nika No 5, 1951: 17. Wykrzykowski R. "Ultrasonics", Polskie Wydawnictwo Nau- kowe, Warsaw 1957. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/19 : CIA-RDP80T00246A021400400001-9 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A021400400001-9 R Next 7 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A021400400001-9