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Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP09M02108R000100170001-1 Aug. 17, 1943. E. NORRMAN DISTANCE UEAStaING DEVICE Filed Dec. 2:5, 1940 2,326,880 4 Sheets-Sheet 1 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP09M02108R000100170001-1 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP09M02108R000100170001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP09M02108R000100170001-1 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP09M02108R000100170001-1 ? Aug. 17, 1943. . E NORRMAN DISTANCE MEASURING DEVICE* *Filed Dec. 23, .194C 2,326,880 4 Sheets?Sheet '2 ikCORD SHEET RADIO RECinerR t,AMPI 'FIER ? ? SIGNAL GrNERATOM NVETTOR. BY.Cr11 /11 .orrmait, 21,11,4. 14G c ? .. . ? . .? - Declassified in Part.- Sanitized Copy. -ApProved for Release 2013/69/23 : CIA-RDP09M02108R000100170001-1 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP09M02108R000100170001-1 ' Aug. 17, 1943: ? ? E. NORRMAN DISTANCE MEASURING DEVICE Filed Dec. 23. 1940 2,326,880 ? 4 Sheets-Sheei 3 RADIO SOUND Rra tvcR it FILTER r5OUNO RECENER ev FILTER 64:5 67 75 76 69 70 E RADIO RECEIVER SOUN 0 TPA/ISM III ER 63 RADIO RECCIVCR SOUND TRANsrliTTER eo 75 co GEAR ---? SIGNAL GEN CRATOR B I. 82 ? 4 / 1434 BY-9Z- 1 5004 D RECEIVER to GEAR C .A4,1 ? - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Cop; Approved for Release 2013/09/23 : CIA-RDP09M02108R000100170001-1 A Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23 : CIA-RDP09M02108R000100170001-1 .? E. NORRMAN- DISTANC3 MEASURING DEVICE Filed Doo. 23, 1940 4 Shoots?Sleet 4 tc44:44i 0-#144=e44-n", ;1244 BY (ea Ottwo-,?64#.54' INVENTOR. ? %?1(5-1 nzarri ; Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP09M02108R000100170001-1 ?? ? Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2.013/09/23 : CIA-RDPO9M02106R000100170001-1 ?.; . ? .. .Patented Aug. 17, 1943 2,326,880 UNITED .STATES. PATENT 'OFFICE 2,326,880 ? DISTANCE MEASURING DEVICE. - Ernst Norman, Delavan, Vino. Application December 23, 1940, Serial No. 371,454 9 Claims. This invention relates to a distance-measuring device, and more particularly to means for pro- viding a continuous automatic indication of a distance measurable by the propagation and re- ception of waves. One feature of this invention is that it auto- matically provides a continuous indication of a distance, the indication being continuous in the sense that the distance at any instant may be determined merely by glancing at the indicating portion of the device and reading the distance from caliorations from a scale thereon, there be- ing no necessity for manual manipulation of anything, or any calculations; another feature of this invention is that It automatically com- pensates for minute time variations In the props-- sgation of the wave being used Thr the measure- ment, and in receiving and amplifying such wave; yet another feature of this invention Is that it is readily adapted to provide a hie lily accurate per- manent record of We distau.ce being measured; other features and advantages of the invention will be apparent from the following specification and the drawings. In which: Figure 1 is an illustration, principally dia- grammatic, of one form of my invention; Figure 2 is a detail vertical sectional view of the in- .dicating portion of the apparatus; Figure 3 is a diagrammatic showing of a modified form of my invention; Figure 4 is a plan view of the per- manent reea ea, provided by the apparatus shown In Figure 3; Figure 5 Is a schematic representa- tion of one use to which my invention may be put; Figure 6 is a schematic showing of an em- bodiment of my invention particularly intended for this latter use; Figure 7 is a dtogremmatic showing of an embodiment of my inveneion par- ticularly designed for measurement of relatively long distances; Figure 3 Is an illustration of a use of my apparatus; Figure 9 is a schematic showing of another farm of my invention; and Figure ID is a showing of a preferred form of corrector magnet and cooperating armature. The measurement of a distance by the propa- gation and receptam of waves is not new. Waves, whether they be electromagnetic (ss light or ra- dio waves) or mechanical (as scund waves), travel at a known speed in the medium in which they are propagateet. If the instant of propaga- tion cf a wave is known the dale interval elapsing before the reception of the wale ia?ovides an In- dicatiod or measurement of the distance it trav- eled. While this minciple may be utilized in con- nection with any form of Wave, it is particularly feasible to make use of mechanical waves in an (CL 177-386) . elastic medium such as -air or water, since these . waves travel at a considerably slower rate than do electromagnetic waves. Moreover, the propa- gation of the wave may be either at a ',pint re- mote from the reception Point, or immediately adjacent the eeeeption point. In the latter case, of course, tho wave makes a round trip and al- lowance Must be made for the fact that it has twice traveled the distance desired to be meas- 10 ured. This latter system, taking advantage of echo or reflection phenomena. Is particularly adapted for use in determining the depth of wa- ter beneath a boat, for example. It will be under- stood, however, that the princir.les here enun- 15 elated, in the apparatus described, are equally applicable to determination of distances in air, as from a ship to a cliff or Ice berg, or from an airplane to the ground, by use of any form of wave. 20 in the particular embodiment of my invention Illustrated in Figures 1 and 2, a motor 10, prefer- ably incorporatLng saeed reduction mechanism, rotates a shaft 11 at some approximately fixed rate, which may for example be one revolution 25 per second. This start drives a cam 12 and, through a friction clutah 13, a rotating member or electromagnet 14. The rota'Ang electromag- net is rigidly mounted ca the same shaft carry- ing an' armature 15 cooperating with the first 30 electromagnet IS. This electromagnet is fixed In the sense that it does not rotate during op- eration of the device; but manual adjusting means, comprising the rotatable knob IT, the shaft 18. and the gears 19 and 20, enable ad- 35 jutament of the position of the first electro- magnet IS to enable prcper initial zero setting of the indicator, as will be hereafter described. That part of the device which. may more properly be termed she indicating means in- 40 eludes a pointer or indicating means 21 and an armature 22, both agidly mounted on the rotatable shaft 23. The indicator needle is ? adapted to cooperate with a graduated scale 24; and the armature 22 is within the field of and. 45 adapted to cooperate with the poles 25 and 2$ of the rotatable electromagnet 14. Referring now more particularly to the system as a whole, rotation of the cam 12 periodically closes the Input circuit of the signal generator GO 21, which In turn causes propagation of the de- sired wave from the transraitter 28. For pur- poses of illustration this wave Is assumed to be a sound wave propagated in water. At the in- stant the wave Is propagated It Is plcked up by a 65 microphone 2$ and delivered to the input of am. ? ? ? ? . ? ? . . . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP09M0210814000100170001--1 4. ? Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 291,3/09/23: CIA-RDP09M02108R000100170001-1 - 2 S1,326,860 plifier 30. It will be noted that contacts 31 and it takes the sound wave to travel to the bottom, 32 keep the microphone 29 short-circuited ex- be reflected, and return to the microphone 35; cept at the instant of signal propagation, when so that when the impulse from the second am- these contacts are separated by the cam at the plifier energizes the rotating electromagnet the same time it closes contacts 33 and 34 in the in- 6 point to which the ludicating hand is pulled is put circuit of the sigzial generator. The airing- a function of this time interval, and thus of the fler Is preferably of the type which provides, distance of the bottom beneath tho ship. The upon each actuation, only a single very brief speed of travel of the wave in the particular electrical impulse. Such an amplifier is illus- medium, as a mechanical sound wave in water, trated, for example. In my Patent No. 2,058,616, 10 being known, the scale 24 may be calibrated or in Turner Patent No. 1,794,502. ntThen this clirecty In this distance. With a shaft rate of -impulse passes through the coil of the fixed rotation of one cycle per second the distance electromagnet 16 it lines up the armature 15 which could be indicated timid have to be less therewith, even if such armature should at that than half the distance the wave would travel instant be slightly out of line with the poles of 13 in water in one second. In the case of water the fixed electromagnet. The friction clutch 13 this would be a little in excess of four thousand has sufficient power normally to hold the arma- feet per second. Should it be desirable to ture 15 in rotation with the shaft II. but it pee- measure greater distances it is only necessary mits relative movement under impulses of the to rotate the shaft at a slower rate. and prefer- electromagnet 16 when the armature 15 is out 20 ably to use a plurality of indicators, as will be of step with said impulses. Thus this cerrect- described later. lug impulse compensates for any delays or ir- It will be apparent that as long as the motor regularities which might be present in the gen- 10 operates, impulses will be sent out about once eration of the sound wave, for example, caus- a second, and once each second the position of frig the rotating electromagnet 14, rigidly 26 the indicator hand 21 with reference to the mounted on the Same shaft as the armature 15, calibrated scale 24 will be corrected to provide to be exactly synchronized with the periodic a proper indication of the distance of the sea sound propagation, bottom beneath the ship at that instant. A con- Assuming that the sound wave then travels tanuous visib7e indication is thus afforded, it be- down to a reflecting surface in the water, as the 30 lag only nee% asary to glance at the indicator at sea bottom over which the ship is traveling, it any given time to know the depth of water be- will soon return by reflection to the neighbor- neath the ship at that instant. If any other re- hood of a point of origin, and be received by a fleeting surface should be interposed it would, second microphone 35. This microphone is con- of coarse, immediately reflect upon the indi- nected to the input of a second amplifier, here 33 cator. That is, if the ship should be in water indicated as 36, relay apparatus 37 being so several thousand feet deep, but should pass arranged as to prevent operation of this circuit over a submarine at a depth of two hundred at the time of initiation of the wave. The sec- feet, the. reflection of the wave from the sub- ond amplifier is preferably identical with the marine before its reflection from the sea bottom first amplifier, so that any lags or differentiations 40 would cause an indication of its presence. Introduced in one will be similarly introduced in The epnaratus described above would, of the circuit of the other. The electrical impulse course, read the distance from the apparatus to in the output of the second amplifier, occurring the reflecting, surface, as the sea bottom. If the when the reflected sound wave is received, is then apparatus is located above the bottom of the delivered by any appropriate means, as brushes 43 ship it is only necessary to move the scale bodily and slip rings, to the coils of the rotaCng elec- a corresponding distance. whereupon the pointer trornagaetic member 14. There is thus gen- will give a direct indication of the distance be- erated in this electromagnetic member an elec- neath the bottom of the ship. One way of ac- tiornagnetic impulse at a time interval after complishing such a correction is shown in my that created in the first electromagnet, the time 30 Patent 2,188,059. - Interval corresponding to the distance through My invention is equally apalicable to means . which the wave traveled to the sea bottom and providing a centinuous permanent record, as is back, illustrated in Figures 3 and 4. In Figure 3 per- - The shaft 23 carrying' the incitcator hand 21 rnanent recording appaeatus Is shown in the and armature 22 is preferably frictionally held a3 form of a orum 40 provided with a helix of wire In place. This friction is so arranged, by any 4,1 on ns surface and adapted to cooperate with desired adjustable means, so as to be not so great a mechanically actuated printer bar 42. A strip as to prevent the armature a2 from moving Into of paper, as for example the strip 43 shown in alignment with the poles 25 and 26 of the rotat- Figure 4, is adapted to be passed between the lug electromagnet when It is momentarily ener- co drum and the printer bar at a steady but rela- g:zed; bur the friction sheuld be sufficient to Lively slow rate. Any energization of the snag- prevent, the parts 21 and 22 from vibrating out netic means associated with the printer bar of position, or from cverrunning the desired posi- causes a mark on the paper at the particular tion when they are moved by energizatien of point at which the wire helix happene to engage the electromagnetic member 14. 05 the paper beneath the printer bar at such in- In operation the position of the fixed electro- stant. Tnis rmanent recording device may, niagnet 16 would first be set so that, at t.ne pre- for examp. be of the some general type as is else instant of propagation of the soin.i wave, ehown in Yeang Patent 1,937,072. - the alignment oi the ratting electromagnet In the operation of the apparatus shown in therewith woniel taloa lhe poles 25 ano 26 to 70 Figure 3 a station at some remote point, as a such a position that, :tf the annanne 22 were in lighthouse, is provided with a motor 44 delvina alignment therewith the indicator hand 21 two coiamutaters or cam arrangements 45 and would point to zero on the scale 24. The amount 46, causing periodic simultaneous actuation of of rotation of the rotating electromagnetic mem- radio transmission means 17 and signal senor- bet 14 from this position is a function of the time 70 ating and soand transmitting means 48 and 49. ? ' . _ ? , ? . . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for 'Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP09M02108R000100170001-1 ? . - ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 20 ? . 2,3 The boat or other Moving body includes a motor 50 rotatable in substantial synchronization with the periods of propagation of the wave from the ?, remote point, and coOpled through a friction clutch 51 to a rotatable unit including ?the pre- viously mentioned drum 40 and an armature 52. The armature 52 rotates within the field of a 4: fixed electromagnet 53, and this electromaenet i is adapted to be energized with an impulse of ; very brief duration, by radio receiving and am- plifying means 54, upon reception of the radio ?? wave at the boat. The rotation of the drum 41 Is thus exactly synchronized with the propaga- tion of the waves at the lighthouse or other re- mote point, any time required :or the radio wave to travel the distance being negligible for all Practical purposes. ? A microphone, 55 is provided for reception ol : the sound wave, and this Is then passed through an amplifier !S to provide an electrical impulse of .brief duration coincident with the reception of the sound wave at the ship. It is this latter Impulse which actuates the electromagnet mov- ing the printer bar 42. It will be understood, of course, that this gen- eral system of providing a permanent record Is ?equally adaptable to use with the same general arrangement. disclosed in Mg-ore 1. another meth- od of wave proeaeation being shown merely to II- - lustrate the various ways in which my inven- tion may be used. That is, it will be understood ? that a mechanical wave could be generated on ? the ship or other moving body and the rate of ? rotation of the drum synchrenized with Its prop- agation by a microphone and fixed sound am- plifier, as shown in Figure and than the in- ? stant of reception of any reflected portion of the ? mechanical wave would be indicated on the ref.- : ord strip by operation of the printer bar upon reception of such wave, the printer bar in sueh arrangement being indicating means replacing the pointer and graduated scale of the first em- bodiment of my Invention. In either event, a record may be forreed of ? the kind shown in 'Figure 4. The dotted l:ne 57 is the zero or reference line, and the marks mak- ? Ing up the line 58 show the distance from some ? reflecting surface, as the bottom of the 'eFt. If any unusual difference in time travel is . pres- ent, as might be caused by earlier reflection of the wave from a steepsided reef or from a sub- ' merged submarine, it will be indicated as by the portion 59. Another embodiment of my invention is il- lustrated In Figures 5 and 6. In this case my in- vention is ?used to provide a continuous auto- matic comparison of the distance of a moving ? body, as the sh4o 60, from two points, as for ex- ? ample the marker buoys 61 and 62 on opposite tides of a channel. As is better shown in Figure 6, each buoy may be provided With radio receiving and sound trans- mitting apparatus, as the receiver 61 and sound 'transmitter 64 in the buoy B, sad the receiver 65 and sound transmitter 6 in the buoy A. These sound transmitters are so arranged as to provide ? two different signals over readily sepaeable fre- quencies. The ship is provided, as before, with a motor . 67, rotating cam mechanism 68 friction-coupled , to a rotating unit including the electromagnet ..69 and armature 70. Upon each rotation of the ? cam Unit a radio signal is sent out by the trans- mitter 71 which is received at the buoys and Initiates simultaneous sound transmission there- 13/09/23 : CIA-RDP091\A02108R0001001.70001-1 20,88+3 from. The sound from the buoy A. for example. is picked up by a microphone 72 on the ship and passed througI a sound receiver and filter to ? provide an ele.ctrical impulse of very brief aura- s tion energizing the fixed magnet 13.? The rota- tion of the rotate ole member, Including the elec- tromagnet 69, will thus be exactly- synchronized . with reception of the sound wave from the buoy A to provide a zero reference. The sound from 10 buoy B, on the other hand, is picked up by the microphone 74, passed through another sound re- ceiver and filter, and a brief electrical- impulse coincident with the reception of this sound is supplied to the electromagnet 69. As will be un- 15 derstood Lona my earlier description, this causes . the indicator needle 75 to assume a position with reference to its cooperating scale which depends upon the time interval between the synchronizing and indicating impulses. As long as the ship 00 stays in the center of the channel between the ? two marker buoys the indicator needle will, of course, remain at the zero pcint of the scale. As the ship gets off the center line to one side or the other the indicator needle will correspondingly 25 move to one side or the other of the zero line to provide the desired indication. Assume. or instance, that magnet 69 rotates clockwise. If buoy A is nearer to ship 60 than buoy B the zero setting impulse to magnet 13 30 comes first. After some time has elapsed the signal from buoy B arrives and energizes magnet 69. Since the time the zero setting took place this magnet has moved clockwise, and therefore pointer 75 will line up at some point of the scale 35 to the right of the zero mark. In case the dis- tance to buoy B were the short one magnet 69 would be energized before the zero setting and thus line up pointer 75 to the left of the zero mark of scale 16. Obviously it does not matter whether go the zero setting of n:aseeet 69 takes place before 'or after magnet 69 is energized as long as motor 61 rotates accuratCy enough so that no appreci- able error is accureulsted during one revolution, as where it is asynchronous motor operated from 45 a frequency standard. The distance from the zero mark of scale 76 to pointer 75 shows the difference in distance from ship 60 to buoys A and B. If buoy A is the "zero setting" station then the distance from the ship 50 60 to buoy 61 Is the shorter distance if the hand shows to the rieht of the zero mErk of scale 76. and vice versa. Thus the instrument shows not only the difference in distance but also which buoy or station is the more distant one. 55 lt 'will be apparent ehat If marker buoys of this type are used to mark harbor entrance channel, for example, a ship could pass up the channel `'with confidence, even in heavy fog. ? ? The radio transmitter 71 and the radio.re- CO ceivers 63 and 65 may be omitted and an arrange- ? ment made to make the buoys transmit simulta- neous periodic signals. The advantage with using the radio transmitter and radio receivers ? is that the interval of the emitted spend waves C5 can be determined from ship 60 by the speed Of cam 68, and no power need be wasted In emitting signals when no ship is near. Turning now to Figure 7, I have illustrated a modified form of my invention operating In gen- 3 end like the form shown In Figures 1 and 2 and described In connection therewith, but having certain additional parts to. make it particularly applicable to the measurement of relatively long distances. In this form of eny inve,ntion shown 75 in Figure 7 the motor 89. cam arrangement 81 o Declassified in Part-Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP09M02108R006100170001-1 "V? . ? Declassified in Pari- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP09M02108R000100170001-1 , ? ? 2,3283880. and associated =taet. points correspond to the motor 10 and the cern 12 in my first described embodiment. Again the motor is driven from some souece of fairly standard frequency, but.in this case the cam is driven at a slow rate, for 5 example. once each ten seconds. Under these circumstances cnce every ten seconds a signal is generated by theapparatus 82 and at the same time a corrector Irma:Ilse is supplied to the coil 83 e of the corrector magnet 84. Again this serves 10 to correct the rate of rotation of the armature 85. friction driven from the motor 83. As before the reflected waves energize a device 86 which results In the creation of a brief electrical Impulse en- ergizing the rotating electromagnet 85 to line up 15 the armature 81 and cause the pointer to assume a position on the scale giving an indication of the time traveled by the wave, and thus the ,distance of the rejecting surface. In this particuiar form shown in Figure 7 a similar indicating arrangement, indicated in gen- eral as B. is driven through gears at a speed ten times as fast as the first indicating ap- paratus A. That is. the rotating electroniaanet ? of the second indicating arrangement rotates once per second. This is in turn coupled through one to ten gears to the rotating electromagnet of a ' third indicating arearegernent identified in gen- eral as C. so that its electromagnet rotate; at the rate of ten revointions per second. The fixed ? e0 electromagnets of both of these arrangements are provided with eero setting corrective impulses at the same tame the coil 83 receives an Lm- puisaa and both of the rotating electromagnets of these las,: two indicating arrangements are ee provided with iPancating impulses at the same time such an impe:1e is Provided to the rotating electromagnet 85. ? Wins this arrangement different ? scales are used. Cl course, on the different indicating ar- 40 rangementa. Test of indicator A. for example. might show a full scale distance of ten thcusand feet, that of indiestor B a scale of one thousand feet. and that of indicator C a scale of one hundred feet. By this arrangement the thou- sands of feet may be read on the firet scale, the hundreds on the second, and the Lens on the third; and all can be read directly with a high degree of accuracy.. Figure 8 illustrates a method of location of an unknown ?position by use of my apparatus in con- nection with at least two remote stations or points of wave trensmission. If lighthouses or beEcon stations transmit both sound and radio signals in such a way that the signals of the two stations are distinguishable. as by having these signals on different frequencies or by having one station 'transmit for a minute and then the other station transmit for a minute, a ship can readily deter- mine its location_ even in a fog or the like. By 60 the use of the apparatan the distance A from the tighthouse or beacon station A may he first read ? from the indicator, and an arc laid out on the chart corresponding to this distance; then the process may be repar.ted to read the distance B, and an arc struck on the chart with this known point B as the center. Where the arcs cross is. of course, the location at that instana 'This provides a very quick End easy method of locating a ship's position with respect to two 70 known stations within the range of sittisfactOrY reception of a sound signal. ? Figure 9 is included to show that all of the ad- vantages of my invention can be accomplished by the use of light and sound waves, as well as by :5 20 45 50 65 radio and sound aitves. That is, a lighthouse could einit simultaneous- periodic light flashes and sound signals, and a ship equipped with In- dicating apparatus responsive to. light could easily directly read its distance from the lighthouse un- less conditions were such as to prevent the light or sound from reaching the ship. In connection with this embodiment of the invention wave im- pulses wouid he simultaneously transmitted from a light transmitter 90 'and a sound transmitter 91. The apparatus In the upper Part of the figure would, of course, all be carried by the ship, and would include a photoelectric cell or other light-sensitive device 92 and a microphone or sound sensitive device 93. As before, these and associated amplifiers would convert the waves into brief electrical impulses, that created by the light actuating, the winding 94 to provide the .zero setting or correction, and that created by the sound energizing the coils 95 of the rotating electramagnet to Canse the pointer 96 to give the desired indication. In Figure 10 I have shown a preferrei form of corrector magnet and cooperating armature. It will be noted that the cortector magnet core 101 is provided with enlarged pole faces cooper- ating with similar large pole faces on the rotat- ing armature 102, so that effective attractive force is pnovided even if the armature is seventy or eighty degrees out 5 alignment with its proper position at the time of the zero impulse, even though there are only two pole faces. The large pole faces an the corrector magnet, however, are provided with small zentral extending portions 103; and the large pole faces of the armature are provided with cooperating similar central extending portions 104. The interaction between the large pale faces is effective it the armature is widely out of alignment with its position at the time of the corrective impulse; yet the peovision of the small cooperating parts 103 and 104 insures pulling of the armature into precise correct zero alignment. While I haae shown and described certain em- bodiments of my invention, it Is to be under- stood that it is caixble of many modifications. Changes, therefore, in the eoustruction and ar- rangement may be made without departing from the spirit and scope of the invenUon as disclosed In the appended claims. /claim: 1. Apparatus of the character described for providing a continuous automatic Indication of a distance measurable by the propagaticn and re- ception cn waves, Including: means for periodi- cally initiating the propagation of a wave; a. member rotatable In appro::imate synchrerUza- tion with such periodical propagation; means re- - sponsive to the propagation of said wave for ex- e ? actly synchronizing an instantaneous position of said member with such propagation; and means operatively associated with said member for giv- ing an indicatian proportional to an instantaxie- ? ous position of.4said memther, said last mentioned means being respon.eive to the reception of said wave. ? 2. Apparatus of the character described for providing a continuous automatic indication of a distance measurable by the propagation and re-. ception of waves, including: means for periodi- caliy initiating the propagation of waves: a member rotatable in approximate synchroniza- tion with such periodical propagation; means for providing at electr:cal impulse by and coincident with said propagation; means actuated by said ? ; ? . . . ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23 : CIA-RDP09M02108R000100170001-1 Declassified in Part.- Sanitized boPy Approved for Release 2013/09/23 :.CIA-RDP09M02108R0001.00170001-1 2,32c ! ? ImpULse for exactly syn.ehronieing an instantane- ous position- of said member with such propaga- tion; means for receiving said wave and provid- ing a .Gecond electrical Impulse upon such recep- tion; and means operatively associated with said ae member for giving an Indication prcportional the position of said member when the second im- pulse is operative, said last mentioned means being actuated by said second impulse. ? .3. Apparatus of the character claimed in claim 2, vhereln the two means :or providing electri- . cal impulses have .substantially identical time charactaristios. ? ? '-as. 4.. Apparatus of the character claimed in claim 2, Wherein the rotatable member carries an elec- tromagnet adapted, to be momentarily energized by the second impulse, and wherein the last men- ? tioned means includes an armature mounted substantially coneentrically with the rotatable member and within the field of the electreenag zj - pet, and ineanS for frictionally normally main- taining the armature at rest, the friction being not .so great as to prevent the armature from moving into. alignment with the electromagnet when it is momentarily enerzecl. 5. Apparatus of the character described for providing a continuous automatie indicationof a distance measurable by the propagation and re, ception Of waves, including: means for period!- ally initiating the propagation of a mechanical ea wave; a fixed electromagnet; a rotatable unit ainprising an armature In the field cf said elec- tromagnet, and a second electromagnet; means responsive to initiation of said wave for provid- ing an electrical impulse of brief durstion to the en, fixed electromagnet to exactly synchronize an ? instantaneous position of 'said unit with said pronagation; means for receiving any reflected portion of said wave and providing a second elec- trical Impulse of brief duration to the second eleaaromagnet; and rotatable- mounted India:et- ? ing means including an armature in the field of . ? said second electromagnet, the frictional resist- ? once to rotation being n.ot so great as to prevent the armature from moving into alignment with the second electromagnet when it is moment:ark ,. ly er.ergized to provide an indication proporticnal to the position of the rotatable unit when the . second irr.pulse is received, but etiftclent to pre- vent-any substantial overrunning. 6. Apparatus of the chareeter claimed In. claim 5, wherein qie two Means for pioviding electri- 880 . 5 ? ? cal impulses have substantially identical time enured erts to cs. 7. Apparatus of the character claimed In claim 3, including a second indicating-assembly Includ- ing a member rotatable In approximate synchro- nization with such propagation and ineans op- eratively associated with the member for giving an indication, wherein the two retatable mem- bers rotate at different rates bearing a predeter- mined relation, and wherein said impulse simul- taneously actuates both indicating means. 8. Apparatus of the character described fcr providing a continuous automatic indication of a distance measurable by the prcpagation and reception of waves, Including: means for periodi- cally initiating the propagation of a wave: a member rotatable In approximate synchroniza- tion with such periodical propagation; a second member rotatable at a rate bearing a fixed ratio to that of said first member; means for provid- ing an electrical Impulse by and coincident with said propagation; means actuated by said im- pulse for exactly synchronizing an instantaneous position of said members with such propagation: means for receiving said wave and providing - a second electrical impulse upon such reception; and separate means operatively associated with eech of said rotatable members for giving an in- dication proportional to the position of the mem- ber with which it cooperates when said second impulse is received. said last. mentioned means being simultaneously actuated by said second -Impulse. 9. Apparatus of the character described for providing an automatic indication of a distance measurable by. the propagation and reception of waves, Including: means for periodieally initiat- ing the propagation of a mechanical wave; means for simultaneously periodically initiating . the en propagation of an electromagnetic wave; a mem- ber rotatable in approximate synchronization with such periodical propagation; means respon- sive to said electromagnetic wave for en-eel', syn- chronizing an instantaneous position of said- member with such propagation; means opera- tively associated with said member for giving the. desired indication; and means responsive to said mechanical nave for actuating said Indicating means to provide an indication proawilonal to the position of the member when said mechanical wave Is receivella 'Patent No. 2,526,880. ERNST NORIMAN. CBETIkCATE OP CORNECTION: EfINST. Nom. ? It te hereby certified that error appears in the prfnted specification ipf the ateie numbered patent requiring correcticnas rolltws: Page 5, see-- . nnd.coiumni line 4, claia7, for the+ !lira reference numeral. "3. read --2--; And that the said Lstters Patent annlid be road with this correction there- in that the same way conform to the record of the case in the Patent Office. ..S1.8nod and sealed this 5th. day _of October, A.)). 1943.. ? Ausnat 17; 1910 . (13eal) . . ? Henry 1Tan Arsdale; Acting- Ccermiicioner of Patents. 4,01 - Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP09M02108R000100170001-1 ?