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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/07: CIA-RDP90BO139OR000801090044-4 h OCA 86-1869 3 June 1986 ) RANDUM FOR: C/ACIS FROM: SUBJECT: OC4 FILE 5/-' R1CPr # Verification Issues on Strategic and Conventional Weapon Systems: Congressional Hearing on HR 3100, HR 4542 and HR 3442 1. On 15 May 1986, the Subcommittee on Procurement and 11ilitary Nuclear Systems conducted a hearing on several "verification" issues. The actual hearing was conducted by a special subdivision of the Subcommittee known as the Arms Control and Disarmament Panel. In connection with that hearing, the panel focused on three legislative initiatives: HR 3100, providing for a comprehensive bilateral and verifiable freeze between the United States and the Soviet Union on testing, production, and deployment of nuclear weapon systems; HR 4542, which prohibits the obligation or expenditure of funds appropriated to the DOD or DOE for development, explosive testing, or production of strategic defense systems incorporating nuclear explosive devices; and HR 3442, the Simultaneous Test-Ban Act. 2. Two more hearings are scheduled by the panel: on 4 June, receiving testimony from Mr. Rowny, and 11 June with Mr. Nitze as the chief witness. Thereafter, the panel will report to the Subcommittee. Committee staff has informed me that the panel will probably file a negative report on all three bills. However, the sponsors of these bills are likely to recast them into amendment form and offer them as amendments to the Defense Authorization bill for FY-87, when that bill reaches the floor of the House. 3. Attached for your information is a copy of each bill. In the event that you need to be kept posted on these bills, let us know. Attachments as stated Distribution: Original - Addressee 1 - D/OCA 1 - OCA Registry 1 - JBM/Signer Legislation Subject File: Arms Control OCA/LEG: (4 June 1986) Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/07: CIA-RDP90B01390R000801090044-4 ____ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/07: CIA-RDP90BO139OR000801090044-4 D 600 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - DAILY DIGEST May 15, 1986 Committee- Meetings PROPOSED FISCAL SANCTIONS AGAINST STATES UNDER THE FOOD STAMP PROGRAM Committee on Agriculture: Subcommittee on Domestic Marketing, Consumer Relations; and Nutrition held a hearing on the Department of Agriculture's pro- posed fiscal sanctions against States under the food stamp program. Testimony was heard from Senator Evans; John Bode, Assistance Secretary for Food and Consumer Services, USDA; and public wit- nesses. STRATEGIC AND CONVENTIONAL WEAPON SYSTEMS AND VERIFICATION ISSUES Committee on Armed Ser'icer: Subcommittee on Pro- curement and Military Nuclear Systems, Arms Con- trol and Disarmament Panel held a hearing on stra- from Donna Pope, Director, Department of the Treasury. OVERSIGHT United States Mint, Committee on Education and Labor: Subcommittee on Elementary, Secondary, and Vocational Education held an oversight hearing on the findings of a study entitled "Evaluation of Alternatives to Commodity Donation in the National School Lunch Program." Testimony was heard from public witnesses. OVERSIGHT Committee on Education and Labor: Subcommittee on Employment Opportunities held an oversight hear- ing on jobs Corps Centers closings and Slot Reduc- tions. Testimony was heard from Roger Semerad, Assistant Secretary, Employment and Training, De- partment of Labor, F. Dale Robertson, Associate Chief, U.S. Forest Service, USDA; and Joseph Dod- dridge, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Policy, Budget and Administration, Department of the Interior. FAIR INSURANCE COVERAGE ACT Committee on Energy and Commerce- Subcommittee on Commerce, Transportation, and Tourism approved for full Committee action H.R. 2741, Fair Insurance Coverage Act. CONTROL OVER NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGY EXPORTS tegic and conventional weapon systems and verifica- tion issues. Testimony was heard from H. Allen Holmes, Assistant Secretary for Politico-Military Af- fairs, Department of State. the following legislatioiH..R~. 3ji to provide fo~ a comprehensive bilaceral`an~ verifiable freeze be` tween the United States and the Soviet Union on the testing, production, And deployment of nuclear weapons systems;] R. 4542iJo prohibit the obliga- tion or expenditure ol'Tu"nds appropriated to the Department of Defense or the Department of Energy for the development, explosive testing, or roduction f i d f p o strateg c e ense systems incorporat- ing nuclear explosive devices; and ( imul- taneous Nuclear Test-Ban Act. Testimony was beard LASSIFIED BRIEFING Committee on Armed Semites: Subcommittee on Pro- curement and Military Nuclear Systems, Arms Con- trol and Disarmament Panel met in executive ses- sion to receive a classified briefing on arms control and verification. The Subcommittee was briefed by the following officials of the Office of International Security Affairs, Department of Energy: Arlie Bryan Siebert, Jr., Acting Director; and Ron Ewing, Direc- tor of Systems and Technology Division. U.S. MINT AUTHORIZATION Committee on Banking. Finance and Urban Affairs: Sub- committee on - Consumer Affairs and Coinage ap- proved for full Committee action amended H.R. 4529, to authorize appropriations for the U.S. Mint for fiscal years 1987 and 1988. Prior to this action, the Subcommittee held a hearing on this legislation. Testimony was heard Committee on Energy and Commerce: Subcommittee on Energy Conservation and Power held a hearing on the Department of Energy's implementation of con- trols over nuclear technology exports. Testimony- was heard from Keith Fula, Associate Director, Re- sources, Community and Economic Development Division, GAO; and from the following officials of he Department of Energy: Col. Edward Badolato, puty Assistant Secretary for Security Affairs; and John Rooney, Chief of Operations, Political Military Security Affairs. WAR POWERS, LIBYA, AND STATE- SPONSORED TERRORISM Committee on Foreign Affairs.' Subcommittee on Arms Control, International Security and Science contin- ued hearings on War Powers, Libya, and State-Spon- sored Terrorism. Testimony was heard from Repre- sentatives McHugh, Barton of Texas, and Hunter. AID REQUEST FOR THE PHILIPPINES Committee on Foreign Affairs: Subcommittee on Asian and Pacific Affairs held a hearing on the supplemen- tal -aid -s' uest for the Philippines. Testimony was heard from Senator Melcher; Richard Armitage,.As- sistant Secretary, International Security Affairs, De- partment of Defense; John C. Monjo, Deputy Assist- ant Secretary, East Asian and Pacific Affairs, Depart- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/07: CIA-RDP90BO139OR000801090044-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/07: CIA-RDP90B0l390R000801090044-4 LEGI-SLATE Report for 99th Congress Monday, 2, 1986 10:26am (EDT) Report for H. F:. = 100 "Comprehensive Nuclear Weapons Freeze and Arms. Reduction Act of 1985' As introduced in the House Complete Text of this version 99th CONGRESS 1st Session To provide for a comprehensive bilateral and verifiable freeze between the United States and the Soviet Union on the testing, production, and deployment of nuclear- weapons systems. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES July 30, 1985 Mr. Markey (for himself, Mr. Mavroules, Mr. McKinney, Mrs. Schneider, Mr. Addabbo, Mr. St Germain, Mr. Edgar, Mrs. Burton of California, Mr. Yates, Mr. Hayes, Mr. Roybal, Mr. Leland, Mr. Frank, Mr. Ober star-, Mr. Kastenmeier, Mr. Owens, Mr. Boland, Mr. Miller of California, Mr. Dixon, Mr. Lehman of Florida, Mr. Martinez, Mr. Wheat, Mr. Studds, Mr. Towns, Mr. Moakley, Mr. Ford of Michigan, Mr. Mrazek, Mr. Torres, Mr. Rahall, Mrs. Kennelly, Mr. Kostmayer-, Mr. Downey of New York, Mrs. Boxer, Mr. Evans of Illinois, Mr. Savage, Mr. Fauntroy, Mr. Morrison of Connecticut., Mr. Atkins, Mr. Weaver, Mr. Kildee, Mr. Schumer, Mr. Dellums, Mr. Weiss, Mr. Mitchell, Mr. Edwards of California, Mr. Bates, Mr. Durbin, Mr. Torricelli, Mr. Rodino, Mr. Scheuer, Mr. Feighan, Mr. AuCoin, Mr. Vento, Mr. Panetta, Mr. Lehman of California, Mr-. Geidenson, Mr. Mineta, Mr. Brown of California, Mr. Sabo, Mr. McHugh, Mr. Matsui, Mr. Ackerman, Mr-. Levine of California, Mr. Jacobs, Mr. Sik:orsk:i, Mr. Carr, Mr. Clay, Mr. Udall, Mrs. Collins, Ms. Kaptur, Mr. Howard, Mr. LaFalce, Mr. Barnes, Mr. Conyers, Mr. Williams, Mr. Bruce, Mr. Crockett, Mr. Walgr-en, Mr. Garcia, Mr. Bosco, Mr. Biaggi, Mr. Lowry of Washington, Mr. Bonior of Michigan, Mr. Rostenkowski, Mr. Rangel, Mr. Manton, Mr. Russo, Mr. Lantos, Mr. Moody, Mr. Waxman, Mr. Wirth, and Mr. Ford of Tennessee) introduced the following bill; which was referred jointly to the Committees on Foreign Affairs, Rules, and Armed Services A BILL To provide for a comprehensive bilateral and verifiable freeze between the Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/07: CIA-RDP90B01390R000801090044-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/07: CIA-RDP90B0l390R000801090044-4 LEGI-SLATE Report Page 2 June 2, 1986 United States and the Soviet Union on the testing, production, and deployment of nuclear" weapons systems. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the "Comprehensive Nuclear Weapons Freeze and Arms Reduction Act of 1985". 2. FINDINGS. The Congress makes the following findings and declarations: (1) The greatest challenge facing human civilization is to prevent the occurrence of nuclear- war by accident or design. (2) The effects of nuclear explosions directed at military targets would not be confined to these targets and would inevitably cause catastrophic:: damage to human society and the natural environment on a scale unprecedented in history. (2) The testing, production, and deployment of nuclear- weapons systems with the accuracy and explosive power to destroy an adversary's, heavily protected missiles and command centers heightens mutual fears of a "first strike" and fosters a preemptive nuclear war-fighting mentality which is dangerously removed from the real-life consequences of nuclear-. explosions. (1) A comprehensive, mutual, and verifiable nuclear weapons freeze would halt new destabilizing developments in nuclear weaponry, diminish fears of preemptive nuclear attack, improve the deterrent effectivenes=s., of existing nuclear forces by enhancing their survivability, and put an end to the wasteful and, in the eyes of the global community, immoral competition in nucl ear armaments. (5) National verification techniques, operating in conjunction with International Atomic Energy Agency safeguards on civilian nuclear facilities and supplemented by negotiated cooperative procedures for the inspection of ambiguous events and facilitates, would be sufficient to detect any change in the status of Soviet nuclear- forces during a comprehensive freeze that would represent a threat to our national security. (6) An immediate, mutual pause by the United States and the Soviet. Union in the testing and deployment of nuclear weapon systems will break the momentum of the arms race, build confidence on both sides, and facilitate negotiations to halt and reverse the arms race. SEC. 3. NEGOTIATIONS; CONCERNING THE COMPREHENSIVE FREEZE. (a) Call for Immediate Freeze Negotiations.--It is the sense of the Congress that the President should immediately invite the Soviet Union to enter into serious negotiations with the United States in order to reach agreement at the earliest possible date on the terms of a comprehensive freeze. (b) Notification to Soviet Union of U.S. Intentions to Engage in a Bilateral Halt in Testing, Production, and Deployment.---The President should communi cate to the Soviet Union the intention of the United States to engage in a bilateral halt, in accordance with this Act, in the testing, production, and deployment of nuclear- weapons systems. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/07: CIA-RDP90B0l390R000801090044-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/07: CIA-RDP90B01390R000801090044-4 LEGI-SLA i G report rciyc ' .,L,?e 2, 1986 SEC. 4. NEGOTIATIONS CONCERNING NUCLEAR WEAPONS REDUCTIONS. It is the sense of the Congress that-- (1) both during and after negotiations for a comprehensive freeze, the President should pursue mutual, steady, annual, percentage reductions in nuclear arsenals; and (2) a comprehensive freeze is entirely consistent with, and an essential component of, mutual stabilizing reductions in nuclear forces. SEC. 5. CONGRESSIONAL OVERSIGHT OF VERIFICATION PROCEDURES. (a) Requirement for Hearings on Verification Procedures.--The Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence of the House of Representatives and the Select Committee on Intelligence of the Senate shall each begin oversight hearings on verification procedures for the comprehensive freeze. (b) Participation by Other Committees in Hearings.-- (1) Senate.--The Select Committee on Intelligence of the Senate shall allow members of the Senate Committee on Armed Services, members of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, and members of the Subcommittee on Defense of the Senate Committee on Appropriations to participate in its hearings pursuant to subsection (a). (2) House of Representatives.--The Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence of the House of Representatives shall allow members of the House Committee on Armed Services, members of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, and members of the Subcommittee on Defense of the House Committee on Appropriations to participate in its hearings pursuant to subsection (a). (c) Requirement for Report on Verification Procedures.--Following the hearings pursuant to subsection (a), but no later than 6 months after the date of enactment of this Act, the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence of the House of Representatives and the Select Committee on Intelligence of the Senate shall each submit a report to their respective House on the adequacy of United States monitoring systems and existing agreed procedures for verifying Soviet compliance with the comprehensive freeze. (d) Information To Be Included in Report.--The report required by subsection (c), which shall be prepared in both a classified and an unclassified form, shall include-- (1) an assessment of the nature and extent of Soviet activities and installations involved in the testing, production, and deployment of nuclear weapons systems; (2) an assessment of current United States capabilities to monitor changes, that would pose a threat to our national security, in the status of Soviet nuclear forces under the comprehensive freeze; and (3) an assessment of additional monitoring systems and cooperative procedures that may be required to increase monitoring confidence of certain aspects of a comprehensive freeze. SEC. 6. OPERATIONAL PLAN FOR UNITED STATES IMPLEMENTATION OF THE COMPREHENSIVE FREEZE. (a) Preparation of Operational Plan.--The Director of the United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency shall immediately begin preparing an operational plan for implementation by the United States of the comprehensive freeze. (b) Consultation.--In preparing the plan required by subsection (a), the Director shall consult with the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of Energy, and other appropriate federal officials. (c) Report on Operational Plan.--No later than 9 months after the date of enactment of this Act, the Director shall submit to the Congress a report on Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/07: CIA-RDP90B01390R000801090044-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/07: CIA-RDP90B01390R000801090044-4 LEGI-SLA i m neport rays -r uuti ie 2, 1986 operational plan prepared pursuant to subsection (a). This report shall specify-- (1) procedures for the cessation of activities and closure or conversion of facilities affected by the comprehensive freeze; () a program for the retraining and re-employment of Government and defense industry personnel directly affected by the termination of nuclear weapons-related activities; and (3) a program of economic adjustment assistance for those communities whose local economy may be adversely affected by the sudden shift in the pattern of Government expenditure. SEC. 7. SEMIANNUAL REPORTS ON FREEZE NEGOTIATIONS, SOVIET COMPLIANCE, AND VERIFICATION. (a) Requirement for Submission of Reports.--At the times specified in subsection (b), the President shall submit to the Congress a report, in both classified and unclassified versions, which describes in detail-- (1) the status of United States and Soviet efforts to negotiate a comprehensive freeze; () Soviet military activities during the preceding 6 months relating to the testing, production, and deployment of nuclear weapons systems; (-T) any uncertainties concern verification of the comprehensive freeze, the status of efforts to reduce those uncertainties, and the national security implications of those uncertainties. (b) Times for Submission of Report.--The first report pursuant to subsection (a) shall be submitted no earlier than 7 months and no later than 8 months after the date of enactment of this Act, and subsequent reports shall be submitted at 6-month intervals thereafter. SEC. 8. FUNDING RESTRICTIONS ON TESTING, PRODUCTION, AND DEPLOYMENT OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS SYSTEMS. (a) Restrictions Conditioned on Soviet Willingness to Observe a Bilateral Halt in Testing, Production, and Deployment.--The restrictions contained in this section shall take effect only if, during the 7.0-day period beginning on the date of enactment of this Act, the Government of the Soviet Union communicates to the President that the Soviet Union will join with the United States in observing a bilateral halt in the testing, production, and deployment of nuclear weapons systems. (b) Restrictions on Testing and Deployment.-- (1) In General.--Appropriated funds may not be obligated or expended for the testing or deployment of nuclear weapons systems, unless the Congress expressly provides otherwise in a joint resolution enacted pursuant to section 10 following a Presidential request pursuant to section 9. (2) Effective Dates of Restrictions on Testing and Deployment.-- (A) In General.--Except as provided in subparagraph (B), the restrictions on testing and deployment contained in paragraph (1) shall take effect 30 days after the date of enactment of this Act. (B) Special Rule for Certain Nuclear Missiles.--The restrictions contained in paragraph (1) shall not take effect with respect to the testing and deployment of nuclear missiles with a range of 600 kilometers or less until one year after the date of enactment of this Act. (c) Restriction on Production.--- (1) In General.--Appropriated funds may not be obligated or expended for the production of nuclear weapons systems, unless the Congress Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/07: CIA-RDP90B01390R000801090044-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/07: CIA-RDP90B01390R000801090044_4 , ^ 1986 LEGI-SLA -, expressly provides otherwise in a joint resolution enacted pursuant to section 10 following a Presidential request pursuant to section 9. (2) Effective Date of Restriction on Production.--The restriction on production contained in paragraph (1) shall take effect one year after the date of enactment of this Act. (d) Interpretation of Provisions.--The restrictions contained in this section-- (1) apply with respect to any funds appropriated or otherwise made available by the Congress for any fiscal year, including any funds which have been obligated but not expended; (2) apply notwithstanding any other provision of law, including any Act authorizing the appropriation of funds for the testing, production, or deployment of nuclear weapons systems and any Act or joint resolution appropriating funds for the testing, production, or deployment of nuclear weapons systems; and (') do not preclude the use of funds for necessary expenses resulting from the suspension or cancellation of existing contracts relating to the testing, production, or deployment of nuclear weapons systems. SEC. 9. PRESIDENTIAL. REQUEST FOR FUNDING FOR NUCLEAR WEAPONS SYSTEMS. (a) Submission of Request. --Subject to subsection (b), the President may request that the Congress remove, in whole or in part, funding restrictions contained in section 8 on the testing of nuclear weapons systems, on the production of nuclear weapons systems, and on the deployment of nuclear weapons systems. (b) Certification Which Must Accompany Request.--A request may be made pursuant to subsection (a) only if the President certifies to the Congress that-- (1) the Soviet Union has failed to demonstrate a restraint with respect to nuclear weapons systems which corresponds to the restraint being shown by the United States pursuant to this Act; or (2) continuation of the funding restrictions would cause significant and irreparable damage to the national security of the United States. (c) Time for Submission of Request.--Except in exceptional circumstances, a request pursuant to subsection (a) should not be submitted to the Congress before the first semiannual report is submitted pursuant to section 7. SEC. 10. REQUIREMENT FOR EXPEDITIOUS CONGRESSIONAL ACTION ON PRESIDENTIAL REQUEST FOR FUNDING OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS SYSTEMS. If the President submits a request pursuant to section 9 for the removal (in whole or in part) of funding restrictions contained in section 8, the Congress shall promptly begin consideration of a joint resolution which would grant that request and shall complete its consideration of that joint resolution (including such amendments as the Congress considers appropriate) no later than 30 days after receiving the request. SEC. 11. DEFINITIONS. (a) Definition of Comprehensive Freeze.--For purposes of this Act, the term "comprehensive freeze" means a bilateral and adequately verifiable halt by the United States and the Soviet Union in all testing, production, and deployment of nuclear weapons systems. Included in a comprehensive freeze would be all weapons systems designed primarily for use in a nuclear conflict. (b) Definitions of Testing, Production, and Deployment of Nuclear Weapons Systems.--The following definitions apply for purposes of this Act: (1) Testing.--The term "testing of nuclear weapons systems" means--- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/07: CIA-RDP90B01390R000801090044-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/07: CIA-RDP90B01390R000801090044-4 ., LEGI-SLA L F.CN~< L. , _y_ - ~..e ~, 1986 (A) the testing of nuclear explosive devices; (B) the flight testing of nuclear missiles; and (C) the flight testing against targets in space of anti-satellite (ASAT) and anti-ballistic missile (ABFI) weapons. (2) Production. --The term "production of nuclear weapons systems" means-- (A) the operation of facilities for the production of plutonium and highly enriched uranium for use in nuclear explosive devices; (B) the operation of facilities for the manufacture of nuclear fission and fusion components for nuclear explosive devices; (C) the operation of final assembly facilities for nuclear explosive devices; (D) the operation of facilities for the final assembly of strategic bombers. (E) the operation of facilities for final assembly of missile stages for nuclear missiles; (F) the operation of facilities for the manufacture of individual stages for nuclear missiles; and (G) the production of other components dedicated for nuclear weapons systems. (3) Deployment.-- (A) In general.--The term "deployment of nuclear weapons systems" means-- (i) the deployment of any new strategic bomber type, or the deployment of any units of an existing strategic bomber type above the number deployed as of the freeze date; (ii) the deployment of any modification of existing strategic bomber types which would be verifiable by the other nation, unless the modification is primarily for the purposes of safety or deployment of the modification was begun before the freeze date; (iii) any deployment or modification of ballistic-missile submarines which would cause the aggregate number of missile launch tubes deployed to be greater than the number deployed on the freeze date; (iv) the deployment of new nuclear missile types, or the deployment of any missiles of an existing nuclear missile type above the number deployed on the freeze date; (v) the deployment of any launchers for new nuclear missile types, or the deployment of any fixed or mobile launchers for an existing nuclear missile type above the number deployed on the freeze date; and (vi) the deployment of new types of nuclear explosive devices, or the deployment of any units of an existing type of nuclear explosive device above the number deployed on the freeze date. (B) Clarifying Provisions.-- (i) Ballistic missile submarines.---Subject to the limitations in subparagraph (A)(iii), nothing in subparagraph (A) shall be construed to prevent ballistic missile submarines from being replaced or modified in any way. (ii) Hardening of fixed missile launchers.--Improved hardening of fixed missile launchers shall not be considered to be a deployment of nuclear weapons systems for purposes of subparagraph (A). (iii) Negotiated reductions.--Nothing in subparagraph (A) Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/07: CIA-RDP90BO139OR000801090044-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/07: CIA-RDP90B01390R000801090044-4 LEGI-SLA'i c rzwpur L I _y_ , ..= 2, 1986 shall be construed to impede a negotiated agreement on reductions in any nuclear weapons system permitted to be deployed under the definition contained in subparagraph (A). (c) Definitions of Other Terms.--The following definitions apply for purposes of this Act: (1) Nuclear Missile.---The term "nuclear missile" means a missile whose primary mission requires it to deliver a nuclear explosive device. (2) Strategic Bomber.---The term "strategic bomber" means the following aircraft (which have as their primary mission the delivery of nuclear weapons) : (A) The Soviet Backfire, Bear, Bison, Blackjack, and Fencer aircraft. (E:) The United States B-52, B-1B, FB-111, F--111, and Advanced Technology Bomber aircraft. (C) Any other aircraft of comparable range-payload equipped with internal bomb bays or external weapon-carrying hard points. (3) Nuclear Explosive Device.--The term "nuclear explosive device" means any warhead, bomb, or other explosive device which uses fissionable materials. (4) Existing Type.--The terms "existing nuclear missile type", "existing strategic bomber type", and "existing type of nuclear explosive device" mean a type of missile, bomber, or explosive device that was deployed by the nation as of the freeze date. (5) New Type.--The terms "new nuclear missile type", "new strategic bomber type", and "new type of nuclear explosive device" mean a type of missile, bomber, or explosive device that was not deployed by the nation as of the freeze date. (6) Freeze Date.--The term "freeze date" means-- (A) for purposes of negotiations between the United States and the Soviet Union concerning the comprehensive freeze and reductions, the date agreed to for implementation of the comprehensive freeze; and (B) for purposes of the funding restrictions contained in this Act, the date of enactment of this Act. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/07: CIA-RDP90B01390R000801090044-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/07: CIA-RDP90BO139OR000801090044-4 LEGI-SLATE Report for 99th Congress Monday, June 2, 1986 10:312am (EDT)' Description of H.R.3100 Measure, Sponsor and Short Title: H.R.3100 by MARFK::EY (D-MA) - "Comprehensive Nuclear Weapons Freeze and Arms Reduction Act of 1985' Official Title (caption): A bill to provide for a comprehensive bilateral and verifiable freeze between the United States and the Soviet Union on the testing, production, and deployment of nuclear weapons systems. Introduced on Tuesday, July 30, 1985 Cosponsors: Currently 106 total (102 Democrats, 4 Republicans) 1 Withdrawn Most recent addition was on Tuesday, December 17, 1985 Committee Referrals: HOUSE COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES HOUSE COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN AFFAIRS Committee Schedules Pending for this Measure: Currently, none Most Recent Action: 05/15/86 -- IN THE HOUSE Public oversight hearing held by PROCUREMENT AND MILITARY NUCLEAR SYSTEMS SUBCOMMITTEE LEGI-SLATE's Subject Keywords for this Measure: -ARMS CONTROL AND DISARMAMENT -MILITARY PROCUREMENT -CLASSIFIED INFORMATION -MILITARY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT -DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE -MILITARY (CONVENTIONAL) WEAPONS AND -DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY SUPPLIES -EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT +B1 BOMBERS -INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY -NATIONS OF THE WORLD -INTERNATIONAL NEGOTIATIONS AND +SOVIET UNION; U.S.S.R.; RUSSIA CONFERENCES -NUCLEAR WEAPONS AND SUPPLIES -LEGISLATIVE OVERSIGHT AND -TREATIES AND EXECUTIVE AGREEMENTS INVESTIGATIONS -WARS; NATIONAL EMERGENCIES Existing Laws Cited in this Measure: Currently none See Also (Identical, Similar, or Related Procedural Measures): H.R.1834 BY SCHROEDER (D-CO) -- Simultaneous Nuclear Test Ban Act H.R.3442 BY SCHROEDER (D-CO) -- Simultaneous Nuclear Test-Ban Act H.C.R.25 BY NEAL (D-NC) -- Resolution Seeking an Agreement with the Soviet Union to Eliminate Nuclear Weapons Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/07: CIA-RDP90BO139OR000801090044-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/07: CIA-RDP90B01390R000801090044-4 LEGI-SLATE Report Page 2 June 2, 1986 H.C.F..35 BY KRAMER (R-CO) --- Resolution Concerning the President's Commitment to Arms Control Policies H.C.R.36 BY BROWN, GEORGE (D-CA) -- Resolution Concerning the Escalating Arms Race H.C.R.126 BY HUNTER (R-CA) -- Resolution Concerning Nuclear Forces of the Soviet Union and U.S. Research and Development for Strategic Defense Systems H.C.R.176 BY SOLARZ (D-NY) --- Resolution Concerning a U.S.-Soviet Union Arms Control Agreement H.J.R.3 BY BEDELL. (D-IA) -- Resolution Concerning the Prevention of Nuclear Explosive Testing H.J.R.11 BY KASTENMEIER (D--WI) -- Resolution Concerning a Space Based Weapons Treaty H.J.R.47 BY WEISS (D-NY) --- First Use of Nuclear Weapons, Provision H.J.R.68 BY NEAL (D-NC) -- Resolution Concerning Freeze and Reductions of Nuclear Weapons H.J.R.119 BY BOXER (D?-CA) -- Nuclear Test Ban Challenge Act H.J.R.1522 BY LEACH (R-IA) --- Resolution Concerning a Verifiable Nuclear Weapons Freeze and Reduction H.J.R.252 BY BROWN, GEORGE (D-CA) -- Space Weapon's Treaty Act H.J.R.272 BY HYDE (R-IL) -- Resolution Concerning a Nuclear Test Ban Agreement H.J.R.??374 BY NEAL (D--NC) -- Resolution Concerning Arms Control Negotiations with the Soviet Union and Great Britain 5.879 BY F'ROXMIRE (D--WI) --- Alternate Strategic Defense Initiative Authorization Act of 1986 5.885 BY KERRY (D-MA) ---- Anti-Satellite Weapons, Moratorium 5.1500 BY KERRY (D-MA) -- Comprehensive Nuclear Weapons Freeze and Arms Reduction Act of 1985 S.RES.19 BY DOLE (R-K':S) -- Resolution Concerning the Meeting in Geneva of the Secretary of State with the Soviet Foreign Minister- S.C.R.7 BY F'ROXMIRE (D-WI) -- Resolution Seeking a 6-Month Ban on the Testing of Nuclear Warheads S.C.R.29 BY SIMON (D-IL) -- Resolution Concerning an Agreement by the U.S. and the Soviet Union on the Deployment of Strategic Nuclear Missiles S.C.R.55 BY HART (D-CO) -- Resolution Concerning a U.S.-Soviet Union Arms Control Agreement S.J.R.1 BY KENNEDY (D-MA) -- Resolution Concerning a Mutual and Verifiable Freeze and Reduction in Nuclear Weapons S.J.R.179 BY KENNEDY (D-MA) -- Resolution Concerning Negotiations with the Soviet Union for a Verifiable Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/07: CIA-RDP90B01390R000801090044-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/07: CIA-RDP90B01390R000801090044-4 'LEGI-SLATE Report for 99th Congress Friday, May 30, 1986 3:42pm (EDT) Report for H.R.4542 Strategic Defense Initiative Testing, Provisions to Prohibit Expenditure of Appropriated Funds As introduced in the House Complete Text of this version 99th CONGRESS 2d Session To prohibit the obligation or expenditure of funds appropriated to the Department of Defense or the Department of Energy for the development, explosive testing, or production of strategic defense systems incorporating nuclear explosive devices. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES April 9, 1986 Mr. Markey introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Armed Services A BILL To prohibit the obligation or expenditure of funds appropriated to the Department of Defense or the Department of Energy for the development, explosive testing, or production of strategic defense systems incorporating nuclear explosive devices. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. CONGRESSIONAL FINDINGS. Congress makes the following findings: (1) The Strategic Defense Initiative Organization of the Department of Defense and cooperative programs under the management of the Department of Energy are carrying out research programs that are designed to investigate the feasibility of a non-nuclear defensive shield that the President describes as a defense that will render nuclear weapons impotent and obsolete. (2) Deployment in outer space of a nuclear bomb-pumped X-ray laser or Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/07: CIA-RDP90B01390R000801090044-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/07: CIA-RDP90B01390R000801090044-4 LEGI-SLAT report rage z icy 30, 1986 any other nuclear explosive device is prohibited by the Outer Space Treaty of 1967. (3) Testing of any defensive nuclear explosive device in outer space or in the atmosphere, regardless of the purpose for which that device is intended to be used, is prohibited by the Limited Test Ban Treaty of 196:'. (4) Testing of any defensive nuclear explosive device with a yield in excess of 150 kilotons would be prohibited by the unratified Threshold Test Ban Treaty of 1974, which the United States has indicated it will not undercut. (5) Field testing or deployment of anti-ballistic missile systems (or components of such systems) that are air based, sea based, space based, or mobile land based are prohibited by the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty of 1972. (6) Conclusion of a comprehensive nuclear test ban treaty between the United States and the Soviet Union would eliminate the need to provide the United States with a hedge against possible development, testing, production, and deployment by the Soviet Union of directed energy weapons powered by nuclear explosive devices. SEC. 2. PROHIBITION ON USE OF FUNDS FOR DEVELOPMENT, TESTING, OR PRODUCTION OF STRATEGIC DEFENSE SYSTEMS. No funds appropriated to the Department of Defense or to the Department of Energy may be obligated or expended-- (1) for the development, explosive testing, or production of strategic defense systems that are designed to incorporate nuclear explosive devices; or (2) for components of such systems that are designed to incorporate nuclear explosive devices. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/07: CIA-RDP90B01390R000801090044-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/07: CIA-RDP90B01390R000801090044-4 LEGI-SLATE Report for 99th Congress Monday, June 2, 1986 10:38am (EDT) Description of H. R. 4542 Measure, Sponsor and Short Title: H.R.4542 by MARKEY (D-MA) -- Strategic Defense Initiative Testing, Provisions to Prohibit Expenditure of Appropriated Funds Official Title (caption): A bill to prohibt the obligation or expenditure of funds appropriated to the Department of Defense or the Department of Energy for the development, explosive testing, or production of strategic defense systems incorporating nuclear explosive devices. Introduced on Wednesday, April 9, 1986 Cosponsors: Currently, none Committee Referrals: HOUSE COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES Committee Schedules Pending for this Measure: Currently, none Most Recent Action: 05/15/86 -- IN THE HOUSE Public oversight hearing held by PROCUREMENT AND MILITARY NUCLEAR SYSTEMS SUBCOMMITTEE LEGI-SLATE's Subject Keywords for this Measure: -APPROPRIATIONS -NATIONS OF THE WORLD -DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE +SOVIET UNION; U.S.S.R.; RUSSIA -DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY -NUCLEAR WEAPONS AND SUPPLIES -LEGISLATIVE OVERSIGHT AND -SPACE WEAPONS INVESTIGATIONS -STRATEGIC AND CRITICAL MATERIALS -MILITARY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT -TREATIES AND EXECUTIVE AGREEMENTS Existing Laws Cited in this Measure: Currently none See Also (Identical, Similar, or Related Procedural Measures): Currently none Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/07: CIA-RDP90B01390R000801090044-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/07: CIA-RDP90B01390R000801090044-4 LEGI-SLATE Report for 99th Congress Friday, May 30, 1986 3:44pm (EDT) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Report for H.R.3442 Simultaneous Nuclear Test-Dan Act As introduced in the House Complete Text of this version 99th CONGRESS 1st Session To provide for a mutual, simultaneous, verifiable cessation of the testing of nuc I ear' warheads effective on or before January 1, 1986, and for other purposes. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES September 26, 1985 Mrs. Schroeder (for herself, Mr. Frank, Mr. Hayes, Mr. Edwards of California, Mr. Studds, Mr. Dellums, Mr. Kolter, Mr. Leland, Mr. Fauntroy, Mr. Weaver, Mr. Savage, Mr. Mitchell, Mr. Lowry of Washington, Mr. Murphy, Mr. Mrazek, Mr. Crockett, Ms. Kaptur, Mrs. Burton of California, Mr. Seiberling, Mr. Clay, Mr. Conyers, Mr. Weiss, Mr. Kastenmeier, Mr. Towns, Mr. Rahall, Mr. Levine of California, Mr. Vento, Mr. Bosco, Mrs. Kennelly, Mr. Moody, Mr. Lehman of Florida, Mr. Martinez, Mr. Wirth, Mr. Rangel, Mrs. Collins, Mrs. Boxer, Mr. Oberstar, and Mr. Mineta) introduced the following bill; which was referred jointly to the Committees on Foreign Affairs and Armed Services A BILL To provide for a mutual, simultaneous, verifiable cessation of the testing of nuclear warheads effective on or before January 1, 1986, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the "Simultaneous Nuclear Test-Ban Act". Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/07: CIA-RDP90B01390R000801090044-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/07: CIA-RDP90BO139OR000801090044-4 ?LEGI-SLATE Report Page 2 May 30, 1986 The Congress finds-- (1) that the mutual and simultaneous cessation of the testing of nuclear warheads by the United States and the Soviet Union would give a positive indication of a sincere desire by both nations to end the nuclear arms race; (2) that such an indication would provide the proper climate for current and future nuclear arms control negotiations; and (3) that the Soviet Union has declared a cessation on the testing of nuclear warheads beginning on August 6, 1985, to last for a 5-month period and has stated that if the United States joins in the cessation, it will remain in effect indefinitely. SEC. 3. SENSE OF CONGRESS. (a) Cessation of Nuclear Testing.--(1) It is the sense of Congress that the President, before January 1, 1986, should declare that the United States will cease the testing of nuclear warheads and will invite the Soviet Union to meet with the United States to enter into negotiations for the conclusion of a Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty at the earliest possible date. (2) If such a cessation of the testing of nuclear warheads takes effect, the United States should continue the cessation of the testing of nuclear warheads so long as the Soviet Union refrains from the testing of nuclear warheads and substantive Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty negotiations are in progress. (b) Resumption of Comprehensive Test Ban Talks.--It is the sense of Congress that during a cessation of the testing of nuclear warheads described in subsection (a) the President should actively seek resumption of the comprehensive test ban talks between the United States, Great Britain, and the Soviet Union in order to achieve a Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty. SEC. 4. LIMITATION ON USE OF FUNDS. (a) In General.--If the President does not declare a cessation of testing nuclear warheads as described in section 3(a), then during the six-month period beginning on January 1, 1986, no funds appropriated or otherwise made available by Congress may be obligated or expended by the United States for the testing of nuclear warheads. (b) Authority if Soviet Union Tests.--(1) If the President certifies to Congress after January 1, 1986, that the Soviet Union has on or after that date tested a nuclear warhead, then beginning on such date funds may be obligated or expended by the United States for such testing. (2) The President shall include with any certification under this subsection-- (A) an unclassified report summarizing the basis for the certification; and (B) a classified report describing in detail the activities of the Soviet Union that are the basis for the certification. SEC. 5. VERIFICATION OF CESSATION OF TESTING. The Congress determines that-- (1) existing national technical means of verification are adequate to provide confidence during the six-month period of the cessation of nuclear testing referred to in section 4(a) that no nuclear test can be conducted that would lead to a military advantage for either participant; (2) the comprehensive test ban talks referred to in section 3(b) can build upon verification procedures already developed and incorporated in previous treaties and agreements to provide long-term mutually acceptable Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/07: CIA-RDP90BO139OR000801090044-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/07: CIA-RDP90B01390R000801090044-4 .LEGI-SLATE Report Page 3 May 30, 1986 verification measures; and (3) these verification measures would include, at a minimum, provisions for on-site inspection, cooperative measures for the exchange of seismic data, and the establishment of a monitoring committee of experts. SEC. 6. ANNUAL REPORT. Three months after a cessation of the testing of nuclear warheads takes effect under this-Act and annually thereafter while such cessation remains in effect, the President shall report to Congress-- (1) on the progress being made by the United States in negotiating nuclear arms control agreements with the Soviet Union; and (2) on whether the President believes that continuation of the cessation of nuclear testing is in the national security interest of the United States. SEC. 7. DEFINITION. For purposes of this Act, the term "testing of nuclear warheads" means the detonation of a nuclear explosive device. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/07: CIA-RDP90B01390R000801090044-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/07: CIA-RDP90BO139OR000801090044-4 LEGI-SLATE Report for 99th Congress Monday, June 2, 1986 10:37am (EDT) Description of H.R.3442 Measure, Sponsor and Short Title: H.R.3442 by SCHROEDER (D-CO) --- Simultaneous Nuclear Test-Ban Act Official Title (caption): A bill to provide for a mutual, simultaneous, verifiable cessation of the testing of nuclear warheads effective on or before January 1, 1986, and for other purposes. Introduced on Thursday, September 26, 1985 Cosponsors: Currently 91 total (88 Democrats, 3 Republicans) Most recent addition was on Tuesday, April 22, 1986 Committee Referrals: HOUSE COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES HOUSE COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN AFFAIRS Committee Schedules Pending for this Measure: Currently, none Most Recent Action: 05/15/86 -- IN THE HOUSE Public oversight hearing held by PROCUREMENT AND MILITARY NUCLEAR SYSTEMS SUBCOMMITTEE LEGI-SLATE's Subject Keywords for this Measure: -ARMS CONTROL AND DISARMAMENT -NATIONS OF THE WORLD -DIPLOMATIC RELATIONS +SOVIET UNION; U.S.S.R.; RUSSIA -INTERNATIONAL NEGOTIATIONS AND +UNITED KINGDOM; GREAT BRITAIN CONFERENCES -NUCLEAR WEAPONS AND SUPPLIES -MILITARY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Existing Laws Cited in this Measure: Currently none See Also (Identical, Similar, or Related Procedural Measures): H.R.1834 BY SCHROEDER (D-CO) -- Simultaneous Nuclear Test Ban Act H.R.3100 BY MARKEY (D-MA) -- "Comprehensive Nuclear Weapons Freeze and Arms Reduction Act of 1985' H.C.R.25 BY NEAL (D-NC) -- Resolution Seeking an Agreement with the Soviet Union to Eliminate Nuclear Weapons H.C.R.35 BY KRAMER (R-CO) -- Resolution Concerning the President's Commitment to Arms Control Policies H.C.R.36 BY BROWN, GEORGE (D-CA) -- Resolution Concerning the Escalating Arms Race H.C.R.126 BY HUNTER (R-CA) -- Resolution Concerning Nuclear Forces of the Soviet Union and U.S. Research and Development for Strategic Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/07: CIA-RDP90BO139OR000801090044-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/07: CIA-RDP90B01390R000801090044-4 LEGI-SLATE Report Page 2 June 2, 1986 Defense Systems H.C.R.176 BY SOLARZ (D-NY) -- Resolution Concerning a U.S.-Soviet Union Arms Control Agreement H.J.R.= BY BEDELL (D-IA) -- Resolution Concerning the Prevention of Nuclear Explosive Testing H.J.R.11 BY t.ASTENMEIER (D-WI) -- Resolution Concerning a Space Based Weapons Treaty H.J.R.47 BY WEISS (D-NY) -- First Use of Nuclear Weapons, Provision H.J.R.68 BY NEAL (D-NC) -- Resolution Concerning Freeze and Reductions of Nuclear Weapons H.J.R.119 BY BOXER (D-CA) -- Nuclear Test Ban Challenge Act H.J.R.152 BY LEACH (R-IA) -- Resolution Concerning a Verifiable Nuclear Weapons Freeze and Reduction H.J.R.252 BY BROWN, GEORGE (D-CA) -- Space Weapon's Treaty Act H.J.R.272 BY HYDE (R-IL) -- Resolution Concerning a Nuclear Test Ban Agreement H.J.R.374 BY NEAL (D-NC) -- Resolution Concerning Arms Control Negotiations with the Soviet Union and Great Britain 5.679 BY PROXMIRE (D-WI) -- Alternate Strategic Defense Initiative Authorization Act of 1986 5.885 BY KERRY (D-MA) -- Anti-Satellite Weapons, Moratorium S.1500 BY KERRY (D-MA) -- Comprehensive Nuclear Weapons Freeze and Arms Reduction Act of 1985 S.RES.19 BY DOLE (R-KS) -- Resolution Concerning the Meeting in Geneva of the Secretary of State with the Soviet Foreign Minister S.C.R.7 BY PROXMIRE (D-WI) -- Resolution Seeking a 6-Month Ban on the Testing of Nuclear Warheads S.C.R.29 BY SIMON (D-IL) -- Resolution Concerning an Agreement by the U.S. and the Soviet Union on the Deployment of .trategic Nuclear Missiles S.C.R.55 BY HART (D-CO) -- Resolution Concerning a U.S.-Soviet Union Arms Control Agreement S.J.R.1 BY KENNEDY (D-MA) -- Resolution Concerning a Mutual and Verifiable Freeze and Reduction in Nuclear Weapons S.J.R.179 BY KENNEDY (D-MA) -- Resolution Concerning Negotiations with the Soviet Union for a Verifiable Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/07: CIA-RDP90B01390R000801090044-4