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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP81-01043RO01700220004-1 INFORMATION REPORT INFORMATION REPORT INFORMATION REPORT INFORMAT'ION RE'PORT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP81-01043RO01700220004-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001700220004-1 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Co A roved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R001700220004-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R001700220004-1 The Hungarian Bauxite Mining looks back on a past of over 30 years and the rich occurences of this material in our country ensure a first class position even on a world scale for the Hungarian Bauxite, Alumina and Aluminium Industries parallel to the development of the prospecting for Bauxite and of mining methods have been developing the Alumina Indus- try and Piletallurgy as well as the manufacture of Aluminium salts, of semi-finished and finished products. From the view- point of production per head /3,5 kgs per head/ the position hold by the Hungarian Industry is even on a world scale a considerable one. The methods of Bauxite prospecting have been developing in an up-to-date manner and as a consequence, at present we dispose of modern processes riot only as regards the adoption of geological and geophysical methods but also concerning the mineralogical and technological testing of Bauxite. Our Bauxite mining methods /open mining and deep level mi- ning/ are modern, the mechanization of mining has been deve- loping to a considerable extent. Owing to the development of the Bayer and modified Bayer processes, our Alumina Industry disposes of an up-to-date technology. Our new methods aiming at the extraction of other components of Bauxite /Titanium, Vanadium etc./ as well as of Aluminium salt are of a similar importance. Hungarian Aluminium Metallurgy applied as one of the first the Soederberg process and nowadays we dispose of 60 KA electrolysis cells with vertically arranged anode studs as well as of modified, heavy duty electrolysis cells with ho- rizontally arranged anode studs. The development of modern technics calls in many fields of industry and commerce for employing high purity /99,99 ~/ 5 80/g/N. a. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R001700220004-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R001700220004-1 aluminium. Some types of high intensity /27 KA/ refining fur- naces were developed first in Hungary, similarly to a method allowing to use the furnaces in aluminium electrolysis systems working on similar intensity. As a consequence, also the development of the manufacture of semi'products and finished products has become necessary. we dispose of a large scale of experience as regards .the manufacture of sheets, stripes different section bars, tubes, foils etc. made of Aluminium or Aluminium Alloys The last Leipzig Pair too has borne testimony to the high level of the manufacture of finished products e.g. cables /with Alu- minium conductors, high purity aluminium protecting coats/, aluminium bus-bars, electrical fittings, transmission lines, food industry, scaffoldings, transport vehicles /tramway cars, busses, waggons, ships etc./. As reference see "Light Metals" /London, March 1956/. Please find below the description of a hypothetical Alumina Plant with Aluminium Electrolysis Plant. Our data, however, are but informatory, more detailed offers can only be elabo- rated in the knowledge of the mineralogical, physical and chemical properties of the Bauxite available, after having thoroughly studied the local conditions. We dispose of a modern Light Metal Research Institute as well as of an Ala'' minium Planning Institute both qualified to solve your prob- lems and to elaborate up-to-date plans in this line, on the basis of many years' experience. '580/g/N a Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R001700220004-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R001700220004-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R001700220004-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R001700220004-1 The raw material used is bauxite, of the supposed following average composition: A12 03 S102 Fe203 Ti02 P205 V205 Others Combined water The data are applied to a material dried at 105? Co Our plans are based on a material of 20 % water content. In case of bau- xites of other composition - of course - we undertake the exe- cution of an other plan, by making the necessary changes in the present scheme. I. SHORT TECHNOLOGICAL DESCRIPTION The technology of the alumina plant to be erected is based upon the "Bayer" process modified due to the up-to-date de- velopment of the same. We are in the position, however? to elaborate technological processes for different bauxite qua" Cities, having an excellent Research Institute, laboratories9 pilot plants and Projecting Institute with great experiences at our disposal. The phases of the modified "Bayer" process are the following: 1. Dressing of the raw material 2. Digesting of bauxite and settling of red mud 3. Precipitation of aluminium hydrate 4. Calcination of aluminium hydrate 5. Concentration of diluted caustic lye and removing of the impurities: 580/g/N bo Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R001700220004-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R001700220004-1 ?.DRESSING yF iRAw MATRIA.LS arriving in railway cars 'vich axe emptied ; a waggon t,i' perms T.he bauxite. ets:, nto the "arop A crashing equipment by means ,of a _,plate conveSre'~ and a. b~~cket elevator e Th 1auxite : rushed t.o 40; mE 1siz.e ;will be forwarded by a c -rveyCr belt to the bauxite ?,s,to,rage hal.~,q; wherefrom it will be lifted rv mee.ns of `grabs. 'and transported further tJ a onveycr belt and an intilined, el=evator 'to 1;.he_ drying and, roasting kilnsa The bauxite= pa'ssin.g, the ascutfired multiple-stage c ry n :ki,Ip, wi1,I, be; freed, from its water content and from a certain part o its comb- The dried bauxite will fie crushed in ball mills to the re- quired grain-size arid conveyed by means of a suction fan in- to the storage bunkers Afterwards adequate quantity of bau- xite powder will be mixed with the circulating recovered caue'V5.c lye of soda in the mixing tank and the mixture will be pumped 'to the digesters /autoclaves,,/, 2. DIGESTING OF BAUI ITE A1~7~ SETTII OF RED MUD In the autoclaves the mixture of ?auetic lye of soda and bauxite will be heated or ,indireotly by 82O atma pressure superheated steam, The digeatio l is performed under 4-J.~ atmo pressure at a temperature o l1.O1?5o C anc require, abt 26 hours, During this processs the alumina is dissolved by the caustic lye of soda from the hauiite while the insoluble re- sidues of the latterp will form the red muds After boiling, the slurry leaving the autoclaves, will be di- luted with washing water r'nning back from the > ettlers and pumped in the settling tan: system, where the red mud sepa- rates from the clear solution of aluminate, The sodium=ai.u-, minate solution is pumped to the precipitators, while the mixture of red mud and alum i nate liquor coming from the bottom of the settling tank passes through a washing tank or filter system consisting of several units, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R001700220004-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R001700220004-1 The red mud leaving the washing system and thrown into the wastepit, contains practically no alkali at all. The washing water serving for the dilution of the digested slurry leaving the autoclaves, is fed into the last settling apparatus, and is led through the whole system. It is customary to submit the sodium aluminate liquor before being pumped into the pre- cipitators, to a so-called control-filtering, removing thus the red mud particles in suspension. 3. PRECIPITATION OF ALUMINIUM HYD,RATB First of all, the clear sodium-aluminate liquor has to be cooled to a temperature of 60 - 65? C, then it is pumped in- to the pneumatically agitated precipitators. During this pro- cess, in consequence of agitating and feeding with aluminium hydrate seeds, the sodium aluminate liquor decomposes and about half of its alumina content will be precipitated in form of aluminium hydrate. The separated aluminium-hydroxide will be settled and filtered. One part of the aluminium-hyd- rate will be utilised for starting the decomposition of the sodium-aluminate liquor, the other part is fed into the rota- ry calcining kilns. 4. CALCINATION OF ALUMINIUM-HYDRATE The aluminium-hydrate washed twice and coming from the f il- ters, will be fed into the rotary calcining kilns. The kilns could be fired by producer gas or by oil. In the kilns the aluminium-hydroxide looses its combined water at a tempera- ture--of abt.12OO? C and is transformed into alumina. To prevent the loss of a great quantity of alumina powder through the flue gas exhausting system, the exhauster is provided with mechanical gas cleaning and electrical dust precipitator equipment. The recuperated alumina dust which contains water, will 1e fed again into the calcining kilns. The calcinated alumina falls from the openings arranged at the end of the kilns and passes the recuperator pipes where it is cooled by means of suct.Lun air. The produced alumina is forwarded by means of pneumatic conveyors - operated by suction or pres- sure - into the alumina silos. 5 80/g/N. b. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R001700220004-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R001700220004-1 The caustic soda liquor circulating in the plant having been diluted by different washing watersD has to be adequately concentrated before re- usingo The concentrated lye after an addition of fresh caustic soda v in order to recover the los- ses - will be pumped back into the dressing plant ansd mixed with bauxite again. CONCENTRATION OF THE DILUTED CAUSTIC LYE AND RE~OVSDtG OF THE IMPURITIES During the process, the caustic soda liquor accumulates the impurities more and more, so that it has to be concentrated to a higher degree of concentration after which the impuri- ties and salts may be separated from it partly by cooling and partly without, The separation and utilization of the by-products increases the overall economics of the process and, on the other hand, cleans the recirculating liquor. 5 80/g/N b4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R001700220004-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001700220004-1 '~Mmnlmm~IlPndm~Ip~aw~mwr~lamM~?n~~nn!il~nu~~fllm ; m?.p :'" ,ai ii. 1 GWM i "4IWY1:r m w tl~y ui+~ , i t ii ,m .?^ m d1N~'N6 *NI1~~Ii' F 1~~ ml ~I~ aN""'il i~lra. WuWlwl .. ~m 1% H nIP ~~ .ln... MI ;~3 `,:; Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001700220004-1 ,,~?~Iw 1, I! ili Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R001700220004-1 11 0 M A C H L L __R Y E Q U I_ F_ ME W T S Denomination Punetion and technical data 1. Waggon tipping device 1 2. Coarse crushers 2 3, pine cru.shere 2 4T Grabs 2 5. Bauxite bunkers 3 b. Roasting kilns 3 8. Bauxite silo 1 9. Grinding mills 10e Bunkers for bauxite Unloading the raw bauxite froze the w&ggone Cylindrical crushers dia 1150 mi x 800 m for pre- crushing Dia 1000 m~q x 1000 m for crushing to 20-30 mm grain size To feed the raw bauxite in- to the bauxite hall and in- to the bunkers Each with a capacity of 33 m3 for the intermediate sto- rage of crushed wet bauxite Rotary or stage kiln with producer gas or maaout-fi- rings for dryLng and roas- ting the wet bauxite Electrostatic duet separa- ting equipment for the re- cuperation of bauxite par- ticles from the flue gas With a capacity of 2610 m3 for the storage of crushed dry bauxite Dia 2200 mm x 3700 mm, pneu- matic ball mill producing bauxite of adequate grain- size Each with a capacity of 150 m39 for the intermediate storage of ground bauxite Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R001700220004-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R001700220004-1 ti Item Dertominat ion Pcs 11, Mixing tanks 12. Weighing machines 3 13. Lye storage tanks 3 14. Autoclaves /digesters/ 20 15. Set"?. ~?g tanks /t?,: = k~.ners/ 7 16o Yaelly filters 5 17. Cooling apparatusses 3 18. Precipitators 24 19a Drum _filters 8 5 8 0/g/ N c I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R001700220004-1 Function and technical data For mixing the bauxite pow- der and caustic lye of soda Tank for weighing the baw- x.ite pow~zer or the storage of caustic lye cif soda required for bauxite digesting Each with a t~apac tty of 32 m. for steam-heating at 25 atm. pressure with hea- ting coils. Dia. 14 m9 height 1Q mfl with 5 chambers e for the spara~ ti on of red mead and washing of red mud respextlvely Pressuar_ e operated filtrating apparatussess each with a filtering surfa' e of 109 m2 for the filtering oi` the so~ dium aluminate liquor Double stage vau.urn r:oolers for the cooling of sodium aiu.minate liquor Dia, 7 mA height 28 mA pneu-a maticaily agitated tanks for decomposing the al.uminate liquor Vanuum operated drum filters, .4 filters havt._ng a fii t ering s urf a e of 24 !a? and $ ia~- ving a filtering surface o-f. 12i m2 for filtering and. w~.shi ng the aluriii.v" uv hydra- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R001700220004-1 Denomination Pee Function and technical data ~. with 6 travelling dump cars, each with a capacity of 750 kgs9 for the conveying of aluminium hydrate to the ro~ tart' calcining kilne 2l Hydraulic separator 1-2 For classifying the alumiA nium hydrate particles 22. Settling tanks 2 Dia 6 ma height 12 m,, with 6 chambers for settling the aluminiamvhydrate from the sodium aluminate liquor 23, Rotary calcining kilns 4 Dia 298 m, length 50 in, pro- vided with recuperators,for the calcination of alumini~ um hydrate 24, Gas cleaning equipments 4 Centrifugal and electrosta tic gas cleaning equipment for the recuperation of alu~ mina dust from the flue ga- ses 25. Pneumatic alumina con- veyors 2 Pneumatic exhauster equip went for conveying the pro duced alumina into the alu~ mina silos pneumatically 26. Oil or producer gas 4 With fuel tanks, with air firing equipments steam- or pressure spray- burners for the firing of rotary calcining kilns 580/g/N b. Quickstream condensers ope- rating with quadru~ c? ef- fects each with a heating surface of 1000 m2 for the Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R001700220004-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R001700220004-1 Denomination 28. Salt separator P unction and technical data concentration of dilated sodium alami.nate liquor 1 Cooling device with conden- sers and filters, to remove the impurities from the ao- dium aluminate ligv.or 29. Bagging machine or 1 To fill the alumina in special tanks or bagso special wagg^rs if needed SPECIFIC (CONSUMPTIONS RELATING TO THE PROUCTION OF 1 TON OF ALUMINA The specific consumption ioe, the quantities of raw materi- als, power etc. required for the production of one ton of alumina, depend first of all on the quality of the bauxite, In this regard the A1203 and 8102 content and mineralogical properties are of a decisive importance. With the decline of the quality of the bauxite i.e. with the reduction of the A1203 content and the rise of the S102 content, the auxili- ary raw material requirements and the power consumption in- crease, while the capacity of the equipments decrease and finally all the cost determining factors, independent of the produced quantity, rise /wages, ~wverhead expenses, amortisa- tion,/. Supposing the above mentioned average bauxite composition, the specific requirements for the production of 1 ton of alu- mina are the followingz Raw bauxite Dry bauxite Caustic soda /96/ Steam 21 atm. Steam 4,5 atm. P uei /10.000 cal/kg/ Electric current 5 80/g/N b. 2,6-3,2 tans/1 2,0-2,3 0,110-0,150 2,3-3,2 4,0-6,0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R001700220004-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R001700220004-1 plant has not been ~onsiderad. the own consumption of the power plant supplying the alumina The above data refer exclusively to the production of alumina IV. INPGrii4MTORY MATERIAL BALANCE REFER1~ED TO ONE HOUR PRO DUO T I ON In case of a capacity of 60,000 tons per year, the plant has tc produce 7 t/hour of alumina. is a consequence, the underm mentioned quantities have been considered for some of the most important phases of the technological process8 1/ Raw materials 5/ Quantity of slurry to be digested 6/ Slurry to be settled 7/ Quantity of sodium aluminate liquor 8/ Quantity of the red mud produced 9/ ;rater for red mud washing 10/ Quantity of the alu~ minium hydrate pro- duced 11/ Calcinated alumina produced 12/ Separated salt /im- purities/ tauxite 21 tons/h caustic soda i ton/h bauxite 21 tons dry bauxite 15 tons bauxite powder 15 tons/h concentrated caustic lye of soda containing 270 g/litre Na20,.. 55 m3/h 60 m3/h 165 n Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R001700220004-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R001700220004-1 The A1203 content of the produced alumina is not less than 987-92 % 'd DESCRIPTION AND ROUGH ESTIMATE OP THE POWER SUPPLY OP THE ALUMINA P ACTORY WITH A CAPACITY OP 60.000 TONS/YEAR St artin data a/ Steam requirements digesting 21 ata /absolute 20 tone/h atm./ others 4,5 " own consumption of the power plant " 50 10 " Total: 80 tone/h b,/ Electric powers for the alumina production 350 kWh/ton 2600 kW own consumption of the power plant 500 " other plant consumption 100 " water plant 300 " Total loads 3500 kW cj' Compressed sire Por the pneumatic agit- ation and for pneumatic material handling 900 m3/ton d/ '.Pater requirement: for the lye concentrating apparatusses and other industrial water requi- rements 150 m3/ton VIA iECHNICKAL DESCRIPTION of Power plant To supply the steam- power required for the alumina production a back-pressure steam power plant with a working pressure of 25 ata has been designed, connected continuously to the pubs lac network on the electric side. In view of a high safety factory we designed 4 masoutfired steam boilers with a max? capacity of 50 tons/h and a working pressure of 25 ataa eachfl supplying 400? C superheated steam, with the required feed-water equipment, masout s? r. age and auxili a.ry equipment s 0 b? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R001700220004-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R001700220004-1 There are 2 steam turbines, with directly coupled generators. The steam turbine is designed for an inlet pressure of 22 ata, and a back-pressure of 4,5 ata. The generator has a capacity of abt 5000 kW, supplying 10500 V, 50 cycles, 3-phase current 1 steam pressure reducer and cooling equipment is provided for a pressure of 25/4,: ata. 1 e*itch plant and control room equipment with all the instru- ments and accessories required. 12 various transformers with a rate of transformation of 10,5/0,4/0,23 kV mounted on the most important consumption places, and the required switchboards. The electric .quipments of the alumina factory, motors, swi- tches and cables. b J plant A central compressor plant Is required for the supply of comp- reseed air. For this purpose piston- or other type compressors of a strong design is projected with gearing, directly coupled with the electric motor. The plant consists of 3 units with an /inlet/ air capacity of 3000 m3 and 7 atm each, out of which two units are running and one is a spare one. The air tanks and the air cooling equip- ment are arranged outdoor. An electrically driven crane had been designed to facilitate the erection and the maintenance. For water supply the water of a river can be used by means of a water station. The pump house consists of the following parts* 4 pumps with a capacity of 480 m3/h each and a manometric head of 68 m, directly coupled with an electric motor, with all the accessories, piping and hand-operated erection crane. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R001700220004-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R001700220004-1 - 12 - The water piping is made of suitably dimensioned steel pipes coated with double bitumenous jute layer, Provision is made for adequate valves and fittings. J Electric power and steam generation Steam requirement per year for the alumina plant is 600.000 tone Own consumption of the power plant 85.000 Total yearly requirement Electric power generation, on the generator 685,000 tone terminals per year 35,000.000 kWh Own consumption of the plant 4,000.000 " Total ueeful generation per year 31.000.000 kWh Consumption of the alumina plant per year 26,000.000 kWh Available for sale 5,000.000 kWh The power economy of the alumina plant is in equilibrium. The electric power generated relative to the steam conaumptdan is sufficient to cover the requirements and only a small surplus arises. YILBUILDINGS OF THE ALUMINA PLANT The buildings required for the plant equipments are made of iron frame work. The filling walls are made of bricks. The foundations of the mechanical equipments, tanks, etc, are made of concrete and reinforced concrete respectively. The required cubature of the shops is the following* Bauxite store 60.000.m3 Dressing plant 30,000 Digesting plant 55.000 Precipitation 80.000 Calcination 35.000 Lye-concentrat ion 300000 Total 290.000 m3 5 80/g/N b. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R001700220004-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R001700220004-1 The entire alumina plant is built in a pavilion-system, the buildings accomodating the various departments being at a determineld distance from each other. The shops are connected by means of bridges, through wich the material handling from one shop into the other is carried out. The piping too will be aceomodated here. Not included in the above statement are the various auxiliary shops /machine tool shop, laboratory etc./ as well as the ma- nagement building. The alumina plant and the aluminium elec- trolysis plant /aluminium plant/ must be considered as one unit, so that their requirements must be considered commonly. In view of the climatic conditions and considering the fact that the alumina plant is a hotworking plant, some of the departments may be aceomodated on the open area. The rotary calcining kilns and the precipitator tanks can be located for instance in the open area. Of the calcining equipment only those parts would be aceomodated in a closed building, where the handling and operation of the machine is accomplished, In this way abt 80.000 m3 building volume can be economised. According to the above, the total built-in volume /cubature/ of the technological plant /alumina plant/ amounts to abt. 210.000 m3. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R001700220004-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R001700220004-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R001700220004-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R001700220004-1 The plant is designed to be built according to the General Disposition Scheme at a scale of 1 : 1000 as enclosed. The Power Station should be situated within a 200 metres distance from the plant boundary for the sake of securing a low lose aid low cost of power supply, The area required by the plant has a length of 750 m and a width of 250 m. Prom the viewpoint of location it is preferable that the lon- gitudinal axis should form a 20-30 degree angle with the wind direction prevailing in the plant area. The plant is bordered by a railroad designed for the plant, running parallel to one of the longer aides. Parallel to the railway are situated all the buildings dealing with the mate- rial handling or else, whose operation requires contact with the railway. The porduotive plant unit proper, the Electrolysis Plant is situated alongside the longitudinal axis and is designed to aecomodate abt. 160 electrolyser cells needed to attain the capacity set as a target. On the side near the Power Station the Electrolysis Plant joins the Rectifier Plant, whose job is to rectify the A.C4 supplied by the power station into D.O. as required for the operation of the Electrolysis Plant. The office building to house the central management of the plant is designed to be situated on the other side of the Electrolysis Plant, opposite the railroad. On the same side is to be located the Laboratory, whose task is to control and record the conditions of production as regards the quality of the product. 5 80/g/N a. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R001700220004-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R001700220004-1 The number of the atxiliary buildings required for the full operation of the plant is 19Q adding up a total of ba11t-in area of The total area of the plant is 250 z 750 187.500 TECHNOLOGY AND PLANT ORGANISATION 2.1 The main product The technology of the aluminium plant follows basically the principle of electrolysis at melting temperature, ae is usu- ally employed in this industrym All the requirements of up- to-date production have been considered in the designing of the aluminium plant. Special attention has been given to at- tain a maximum saving of material and energy, furthermore to secure a continuous plant operation and to organize the most rational material handling. Steps have been taken to make it possible that the usable portion of the slag could again be used. For particulars see paragraph 2.2. The production itself takes place in the electrolysing cells, whose design has followed the most modern technological prin- ciples. The cells have a capacity of 54.000 amperes, are fit- ted with vertical power entries and are equipped with the Soe- derberg-type continuous work anodes. Abt. 160 such cells are required to reach the capacity set as a target. The cells are connected in series and are situated in four rows in accordance with the dimension of the Electro- lysis Plant. The theoretical output of one cell is as follows 18,063 kg Al/hour. Average power efficiency can be put at 84 %, one unit having consequently an hourly output of roughly 15,2 kg aluminium, adding up to 365 kg aluminium a days Bearing in mind that the 580/g/N Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R001700220004-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R001700220004-1 Elektrolysis Plant is working continuously, and taking 365 days into account, the yearly output of one cell is 133,2 to aluminium/year. Now taking the 160 cells, as have been planned, into conside- ration, it appears that 151 are required to attain produc- tion of 20.000 tons/year, while the 9 cells left serve as a reserve, respectively will be at disposal for the periodic renovation service. A cell consists of two major parts: the cathode part is a sheet iron tank structure, lined with an insulating layer and with a layer of conducting carbon bricks in which the liquid electrolyte of melting temperature /930 to 9500/ takes place. Into this hangs the other main part of the cell, the anode, consisting of suspended iron structure jacket, enclosing the anode carbon block serving as current conductor. The carbon block is heated by the heat of the current and of the electro- lyte. By this heating process the anode mass is being burnt on the spot. Horizontally fitted steel bars built into the cathode and steel studs fixed up vertically in the anode serve as a connection with the power oarrying network. The steel bars and steel studs join the power carrying sys- tem made of rolled aluminium bus-bars, leading through the Electrolysis Plant, connecting the cells in series. Leaving the plant and conducted through the building situated bet- ween the Electrolysis Plant and the Rectifier Plant they serve as collecting bus- bars for the D.C. of the rectifier system. The liquid electrolyte of melting temperature is a melting product containing fluorine salts and alumina /A1203/. The latter, being the basic material for the manufacture of alu- minium, dissociates as an effect of treatment by eleetriq~ current. Molten aluminium, obtained this way, being heavier than the electrolyte, will settle on the bottom of the cathode tank, whereas the oxygen will combine with the anode carbon 5 80/g/N Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R001700220004-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R001700220004-1 hanging into the bath, and will form partly 00, partly O02 gases. These gases will be collected by the cast iron jacket fitted around the anode and v,ill than be led to the burner mounted on the shorter side of the cell. Hare the gases still combustible will be burned with addition of fresh air. Com- bustion products will be led away by a pipe system to the exhaust ventilators arranged in the shop. The latter pump the gases into iron chimneys high enough to make sure, that the gas leaving the chimney can do no harm to the environ- ment. In the case water supplies available are sufficient, a gas cleaning equipment can be added to the exhaust equipment. The fluorine contained in the gas can be absorbed and made thus safe against its effect detrimental to health. Though theoretically the alumina alone takes part in the process of electrolysis, certain losses in cryolite /Na3A1F6/ and aluminium fluoride /A1F3/ appear to be unavoi- dable and have to be made up for o The aluminium as collected in the cathode tank of the cells will have to be tapped every 3-4 days. This process takes place with the help of suction pipes under vacuum. The electrolyser cells have a 491 to 4,6 V operation voltage. Occasionally, however, when the ratio of alumina contents in the electrolyte drops below a critical limit, the cells sud- denly adjust themselves to a higher voltage. This is the so called anodic effect and while it lasts, the cell voltage may rise for a short period to 30-40 volts. The anodic effect can be stopped by breaking up the hard crust that has formed on the electrolyte surface and by sup plying additional alumina to the bathe 5 80/g/N0 a. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R001700220004-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R001700220004-1 The raw liquid aluminium as ?;ained in the cells will be trans- ported to the foundry in electric trucks, where it will be fed into electrically heated fan aces. The different qualities of aluminium produced by the cells, if necessary, can be equa- lized in the furnaces. The aluminium thus equalized and res- ted gets rid of its gas contentsg and the electrolyte contents of the metal will swim up to the surface in form of cinder /slag/. The metal having been sufficiently rested and desiagg?d, will be founded from the mechanically tilted furnaces into casting machines consisting of a chain of ingot moulds with continu- ous motion, in which the molten aluminium solidifies in the form of ingots weighing about 15 kg /pigs/. On part of the production will be turned in slabs designed for the rolling mills. Automatic, semi-continuous casting equipments are provided for the manufacture of the slabs. Ingots and slabs for rolling or pressing will be finished in the foundry as well. Smooth operation of the electrolyser cells requires that the cinder accumulating in the electrolyte should be periodical- ly removed. The cinder is made up of moldered carbon of the anode and also of electrolyte sticking to the grains. The process of flotation is employed to regain the cryolite and alumina contents of this cinder, and to use again both mate- rials. Following proper handling the cryolite regained by flotation can again fed into the cells. Two ventilator systems provide for fresh air supplies for the furnace hall. Fresh air is being blown into the air of the furnace hall through channels laid underground between the cell-rows. Airing lanterns fitted parallelly tc the lon- gitudinal axis of the furnace hall are provided to enhance the venti1at5?n. Power required for the operation of the plant is supplied by the rectifying station, which, as is chown on the enclosed sketch, consists of eight groups, six thereof have to secure 5 aoi'g/N Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R001700220004-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R001700220004-1 the normal operation of the plant, one serves as a warm spare unit to be at disposal shoulci any of the working groups break down, hale the eighth group is designed for the carrying out of repair and periodic maintenance works. The rectifier system consists of the mercury vapour rectifi- ers. The rectifier units employed are of a six-phase type in order to improve the sinusoid. response and to diminish the distortion by superharmonicsR Every unit consists of six anodes. Every anode is in a separate vacuum housing to res- trict the overall vacuum space. A common pump system is pro- vided for securing the vacuum of the six anodes. Back-current switches mounted in the D.C.circuit have t pro- vide for the selective safeguard of the rectifying groups. Furthermore there have been provided safeguards for each of the phases inasmuch as separate switches serve for the se- lective switching off of the individual anodes between the transformers, and rectifiers. Electric power is, as designed, to be provided directly by the Power Plant by way of bus -bar systems spanned on poles. This bar system feeds the double collecting bar system si- tuated in the other part of the rectifier shop. The latter bar system is in connection with the regulating and the main transformers, supplying the rectifying groups and with the transformers designed for the power supply for any other plant purposes. The eight regulating transformers belonging to the eight main transformers have to provide the D.C. voltage required by the number of cells in operation. The main transformers transform the three-phase current arriving from the Power Plant into the six-phase A.C. to feed the rectifiers. The transformer repair shop situated near to the Rectifier shop is to provide for the periodic supervision and the rou- tine repair work of all the transformers, This building is connected ?by a standard gauge railway with the main railway 53C/g/N Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R001700220004-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R001700220004-1 7 -J and the transformer building so that the transport of trans- formers should take the miniu um time and trouble. Two oblong buildings are situated parallel with the railroad. The one nearer to the head building houses the general repair shops, while the other one is designed to serve as store for materials needed for the operation of the plant, /e.g. cryo- lite, aluminium fluoride, anode carboxi, cathode carbon etc./. The Foundry building joins the farther end of the Electroly- sis Plant. The building partly serves as a store for finished products, for packing and shipping as well. The alumina silos are situated about in the center line of the Electrolysis Plant building. Alumina supplies arriving by rail are con- veyed pneumatically from the railway cars into the storing silos. The laboratory will be on the side of the Electrolysis Plant opposite to the Foundry. This laboratory is designed to carry out quickly analysis work with a view to control constantly the output of the individual cells as well as to supervising the plant operation. The laboratory supplies data for the equalizing work to be carried out in the Foundry and also determinate the chemical analyses of the finished pro-" ducts. 2.2 By-product The cinder to be removed from time to time during the opera tion of the cells, contains considerable quantities of cryo? lite and alumina. The cinder overwhelmingly consists of grains separated from the anode carbon, that happen to fall into the electrolyte and being lighter than the same are floating on its surface. For the sake of smooth plant running the cinder with the electrolyte particles sticking to them, have to be removed. This cinder is transported from the Electrolysis Plant to the Regenerating Plant where it will be treated by the flotation prooeaao 5 80/g/N a. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R001700220004-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R001700220004-1 Reagents to en- The cinder will be orushed ar.d classified. hance foalring will be added before the mixture is fed into the flotation cells. The earton and the foam will leave while after proper drying the remaining f lotated alumina and cryo- lite can be again well aaedo The flotation equipment has a capacity of handling 2000 tons of cinder yearly. 3. MATERIALS NEEDED FOR H PLANT alt Raw materials In order to utilize the full capacity of the plant the follo- wing raw materials are required yearly and monthly respecti- vely* alumina cryolite anode mass aluminium fluoride cathode carbon ramming mass 3,340 tons 110 a 943 " 3.2 Basic stores It is advisable to maintain considerable quantities as basic stores of the above mentioned raw materials in the interest of undisturbed and smooth plant operation, since the mate- rials are being shipped from great distances to the plant. It is recommended to store permanently these materials for a three-months' period of plant operation, taking into con- sideration eventual delays as to the shipping of materials. Suggested basic stores should therfore be as follows: alumina 5000 - 10.000 tons cryolite 200 - 300 " anode mass 2000 -- 3000 " aluminium fluoride 100 " Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R001700220004-1 ear ne Amon h Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R001700220004-1 cathode carbon 150-200 tons sodium fluoride 12 " ramming mass 160 " Dimensions of the store-houses are determined by the quanti- ties to be stored. f POWER AND WATER REQUIREPdENTS 4s1 Electric power The aluminium plant running day and night represents a prac- It follows, that energy peaks are and that the power requirement of as constant. tically peakless operation. practically out of question the plant can be considered To figure out the power requirements of the plant one has to start from the 20.000 tons set as the capacity target and a constant 54.000 ampere D.C. intensity needed for this task. Now taking into account that each cell requires an average of 4,5 V voltage, the total 151 working cells will add this up to 675 V D.C. voltage requirement. This gives an output of 36,7 MW and considering that the efficiency of the rectifier equipment is 94 ~, the total power needed amounts to 39,2 MW. Power is also required for the auxiliary shops, that may be estimated roughly at 2,8 MW so that the overall plant need of power appears to be 42 MW. Taking into account the relatively good efficiency of the aluminium plant, the A.C. requirement can be set at 46,5 MVA. Considering this output value, the power consumption a work year of 8.760 work-hours amounts to 344.000 MW hours, while the total consumption of the plant amounts to 368.000 MW hours. 580/g/N. a. O during I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R001700220004-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R001700220004-1 To run the rectifier equipment securely, it is indispensable to employ cooling water to transfer the heat due to the ca- thode loss of the rectifier vans. The water to perform this cooling effect represents the major part of the water needed by the plant. The ingot casting system of the Foundry requires equally con- siderable water supplies, since the latent heat produced by the solidification of the molten metal has as well to be dis- posed off by cooling water. Considering all these factors, the total water consumption of the plant appears as follows: cooling water for the rectifiers water required for gas cleaning 2.500 m3/day /provided the scheme will be carried out/ 400 cooling water for the Foundry 1.200 " compressors, shops etc. 400 " drinking water 100 Totally 4.500 m3f day The temperature of industrial water as given above for cooling is understood to be 15? C. Should the water available fail to meet this temperature, the same may be raised up to 25? C. The quantities stated above should in this case be adequately corrected upwardso In areas poor in water it is advisable to build a coo14ag tower or to choose an other appropriate system. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R001700220004-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R001700220004-1 I.i:Z$S 6::ti ULt:T 3. ~-:atirrrxno FaTFb iN r M1l ;tl6;tJfl ATE II G :: ATIOR OF UVDQM 5. ~-z~T~ne.f 6. && it is io g ks 1 y~e r p y . GW1c~ri ru Uf tY.~~i1 Ok~tF~TATkOt6 OF FAUAIlUHS?LT E DO'dxRt3idRT 9. tGAi. STORAGE IL M D406UGF. a ft. Oil STRU&E tt. t4AR- !!!& gF ?Ut MES ARD IRQR t3. 3U3 FCt; ' il~tetsA t . RAbE tJF .:tTEIAi 4S. EERAtRS~OU ~U~ ~t)~kGSt~ W SQ6A! ESTAUSkkEiET ii WlRrrrrin& . woAE~e.::rA *. 1). 8 4TQRY h. VN-iiEt J. M TE5tA4 b/EU. FU ~RIG.W4G tJATER 21. J3tD JTITC SUEZ 22. ealf~EV 2c3. TAIL IGS /'REu~ CPQUE 9 . TR&KS OMERST?,TtQ9k Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP81-01 01700220004-1 0 FEEDERS I A. G. BAF 0001 1 o L .. =- -- ?Q ~_ ..: ~_,~~.~ D. C BAR 600 - 700 V Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP81-( Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP81-01 043R001 700220004-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R001700220004-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R001700220004-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R001700220004-1 []aesar>~1~.,. r `~cr'tiu'scnses.~ rKse~ _ I ~ , UtCT1c11VSLS PLANT t'L~ UPAJITV Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R001700220004-1 I eaoamam \. \ GENERAL LAY- c'Li T. ~r+ r -, r ti Y i i 1J(,~ ``ll (C\~ ~ ~~ S ?1 t 1 t (~ r ? , ~/lti ~V ~~ LAIN n:' ' -1 S~b~E Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R001700220004-1 LEGEND: I 1 BAUXITE - ,YARD 2 CRUSHER WCT GRIHDER?~IIxING 3 NATRON SOLVER 4 DIGESTORS 5 5ETTUHG TANKS (DORR APPARATUS) E KELLY FILTERS 7 COMPRE55oRS KCRTINC COOLeR5 =? HIDRATE SETTLING TANKS PRECIPITATION H HYDRAE FILTi RING 12 C.~LCINATICN LYE EVA?ORATICH ''. POWER ITLANT (: A! -YA2p :. TPaauru CLNT