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I / Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/08: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100350009-3 11/4 lo ? 0 ?..) " CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT CONFIDENTIAL 50X1-HUM ,tis Document contains information affecting the No- nni Defense of the United States, within the mean- ing of Title 18. Sections 793 and 794, of the U.S. Code, as amended. Its transmission or revelation of its contents to or receipt by an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. The reproduction Of this form is prohibited. COUNTRY USSR (Moscow Oblast) SUBJECT Site Layout and Security Measures at Plant 456, Khinki DATE OF INFO. PLACE ACQUIRED REPORT DATE DISTR. NO. OF PAGES REQUIREMENT NO. REFERENCES 50X1 9 February 1954 iS 50X1-HUM 50X1 THE SOURCE EVALUATIONS IN THIS REPORT ARE DEFINITIVE. THE APPRAISAL OF CONTENT IS TENTATIVE. (FOR KEY SEE REVERSE) 50X1-HUM 50X1 CONFIDENTIAI; STATE 4 ARMY NAVY AIR Yli FBI AEC (Note: Washington Distribution Indicated By "X": Field Distribution By "#".1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/08: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100350009-3 Declassified in Part -.Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/08: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100350009-3 ? 50X1 0-0 N.PIDENTIAL REPORT 50X1-HUM COUNTRY 2 ,USSR (Moscow Oblast) . DATE DISTR. $ 7411.54 SUWECT S Site Layout and Security Measures at Plant NO. OF PAGES 17 456; Khimki PLACE NO. OF ENCLS. ACQUIRED 3 (LISTED BELOW) 50X1-HUM DATE SUPPLEMENT TO ACQUIRED REPORT NO. DATE OF INFORMATION THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 50X1-HUM GENERAL 1. When our group arrived at Khimki in October 1946, thebuilding that was to become Plant 456 was an empty shell. We heard from Soviets that an airoraft plant which had been evacuated to Tashkent in 1941 had been looated here. The outside walls of the plant, which were made of stone about 30 centimeters thick, and a'few internal walls were standing at that time. By the end of 1946 internal reconstruction was sufficiently advanced to enable our group to commenoe work, but final construction of internal walls, (linings, and utilities such as heating, lighting, and inter-departmental communication was not completed until late in 1948. By the time our group left the USSR in September 1950 the plant ad grown to the point where I estimate between 3,500 to 4,000 workers ere employed there. ONF;DiNTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/08: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100350009-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/08: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100350009-3 C OAFIDENTIAL ,.2 2. The roof over the plant is supported by square matonry columns about'20 centimeters on a side which are spac4d approximately 10 meters apart. I do not have any knowledge of how theie columns- supported the roof, that is, whAt method of construction was used. I do not know of what material the constructedbut I believe that it is flat over the entire_plant except over the Design Office 5ee Point 11 on page 6j where inclined skylights admitted sunlight, and over the former dirigible hangars bilee Point 21_7where it was rounded. The roof varied in height over various parts of the plant. For example, although the roof was generally from 12 to 14 meters high, over the Welding and Sheet Metal Working Shop, the Design Office, the Museum, the Testing loom, and the Mechanical Workshop5es Points 8 through 47 the roof was only from 'seven to eight meters high. At least over the Design Office the roof was in very poor condition, and leaked so badly that drawing boards were constantly in danger of being completely ruined. 5. I have drawn a diagram of the plant to the beet of my memory show- ing the internal arrangement of departments and shops LiTee page 162. All units shown are on the ground floor only. However, over the tool issue booths, the Mechanical Workshop for Development, and those plant offices adjacent to this workshop See Points 3, 4 and 17 are the main plant administrative offices.. I have also drawn a diagram of these offices See page 17:7. 4. It will be noted not only in the body of this report but also on ? the diagrams of the plant's internal layout that there are apparently 'duplications of fnnetionboth between administrative offices as well as--between functional units such as workshops. This is because - Plant 456 is essentially two plants in one: a development plant occupyidg,:slightly less than half of the total floor space See' Points 5 through 47 and a production plant occupying the remainder. Although ttOpn "plants" have a ,common general director, they are entirely sepirate organizations and are almost completely independent Of Soh other. For examples there are separate payroll offices 54;Rol.nts 4 and 0 on pageiolgand there aro separate mechanical workehops DAG Points 4 and 15 on pagesondg. There is, to be sure, some overlapping in the assignments of those two organisations, and,they assist each other when necessary, but as a rule one is devoted to developmental work and the other to production. 5. The differences in the activities of the two halves of Plant 456 ? Mayte explained as follows* The'developmental side of the plant was charged with -(a) bringing the Soviets up to the level of V-2 development which existed in Germany at the end of the war by thoroughly:indoctrinating Soviet technicians in the manufacture, assembly, testing, and operation of all 9-2 combustion chamber and propulsion components as well. ad the combustion chambers, them- ' selves, (b) increasing the twenty-five-ton thrust Of the V-2 to thirty* fite.ons thrust, and (o) making drawings for doMbustion chambers ofone.hundred tons thrust rating. The productionn-eide of the plait'aleo-had a three-fold assignment. First, I believe that it was responsible for the production of 9-11e, the asseMbly of which took place in the.aasemblz area at the western' end of the plant See Point 18 on page 8-;_/. I am not sure of. this, however; because this area vas eloped to Germane at the end of1947. Secondly, the production side of the plant was responsible for making the CONFIDENTIAL. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/08 CIA-RDP81-01030R000100350009-3 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/08: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100350009-3 ONFIDENTIAL - 3 - necessary preparations for series production of V-2 combustion chambers. I do not know what the final results of this work were because as soon as drawings and testing or assembly equipment for this purpose were completed, they were removed from the plant, presumably to the site of series production. Where this may. be I-oannot'say, but I heard Soviet engineers mention that after training in the assembly and testing of V-2 combustion chamber. componenta' at Plant 456 they were to be transferred to Kuybyshev. Anotherzeason why I believe series production of V-21A tay be diidet,Way at Kuybyshev is that we heard rumors in mid-1942 that Our. entire group was to be transferred there later in 1949 or early 14%1.950. These plans were cancelled by the Aircraft Ministry for reasons unknown to me. The last activity carried ont?byrthe .production side of Plant 456 was the manufacture.of ?situ goods for sale on the consumer markets metal bedsteads, buckets, booking utensiles, etc. I'heatd Soviets state that the reason for this last type of production is that all plante in the USSR must- produce some consumer items in order to be able to pay .their'prOdUction workers. This was eseidently the case at Plant 456 lieoadee while we development workers received our pay directly Prot the Aircraft Ministry regularly on the third and eighteenth of every month, production workers often had to wait as long as five days for their wages, presumably, when sales were slack. Other Activities Engaged in By Plant 456 6. Plant 456 engaged in no activities knownto me other than those thentioned in the previous paragraph. I am positive that there was no aircraft construction at the plant while I was there, and heard of no plans to convert the plant to any new types of pro- duction after September 1950 when our group left'the USSR. ,I knew df--no- inslioations that the plant was to be transferred, either adtiniettAtively from the Aircraft Ministryior physically from Khitki, although as mentioned in the previous paragraptothere wailsoteiindioation that series production bf V-2 propulsion units Was to' be carried out at Kuybyshev. I did not know of any direct donnection.between Plants 456 and 88. There may have been liaison betieen, these plants at high levels., however, because I believe 50-and-75-4on thrust propuleion units were developed at Plant 88, And, as:mentioned above, Plant 456 was engaged in work on propul- sion-units of 25 to 35 and 100 tons thrust rating. Ond other Connection between the two plants was the fact that PUTZE and SCHWARZ lived for a few months with the Germans employed at Plant 88 until construction of permanent housing for our group wap ? Completed-in Khimki in early 1947. This was because there was not sufficient temporary housing available in Menshinefs, where the remainder of our group was housed. Miteriais. Vasa in Production of V-2 Masts 7, it-Plant 456 we worked only on the propulsion unit of the V-2, not-the entire missile. As far as I know, the Soviets used exactly the same metals for SLR propulsion unit cotponents as we Germans had employed. German valves were made of duraluminum, a combination of aluminum, copper, zinc, and possibly small amounts Of other metals. . The exact composition is not known to me, but this., metal 40 widely used in the aircraft industry. For the combustion chambers I believe a chrome-nickel steel with the CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/08: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100350009-3 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/08: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100350009-3 CONFIDENTIAL - 4 - Soviet designation 8-15 (Russian: 0-15) was used. This steel is equivalent to the German steel type ST-37.12, but I do,not know the exact composition. I have no additional infortation yn the metals lused in Soviet V-2 propulsion units. I dO tot know the 00ot amount of any metal consumed in the prodnction of any pro- pulsion unit component. 8. The principal units of Plant 456 are as follows See page 162. ::Point 1 Guard House This single-story brick building is about ten meters long by three meters wide. I do not remember what' type of has. In addition to the main ? personnel entrants to the plant which1/2.eadsihrough this building, the office of the chief of the plant guards and a warming room for guards not on duty are here. 1:8-ee paragraphs 10 -2/for a detailed,discitssion of the security measures in effect at Plant 4562 Potat 2 Road This road is seven to eight meters wide and is surfaced with asphalt between the guard house and the plant and for about 50 meters to each sides Basewhere'outaldeLthe plant there 'ate paving stones. The road,enter'S the gent at two points, 2-a and 2-b; the gates shown at 2-c, 2-d, and 2-e were permanently looked, although they could presumably be opened if necessary or in an emergency. Within the plant this road is coveted with oast iron sheets. Point 3 Tool Issue Area This area is about 100 by 10 meters and is divided into a number of booths where various kinds of work- ing tools may be dtawn such as drill bite, lathe fittings, oil, reamers, and also hand tools such as electric drills, hammers, chisel?, etc. These tools were ' ? principally for the use of workers in the adjacent workshop. The roof over these booths as well as that over the adjacent workshop was about four to five meters high. pant: 4, Mechanical Workshop for Development' (Msohanische Wefts sten fuer Entwioklung). This large workshop, about 80 by 80 meters, is the principal machine shop serving the requirements of the developmental side of Plant 456 for machined parte. Equipment in this workshop consisted of many types of lathes, milling machines, drill pressed, . ' shapers, grinders, etc. Machined parts were made :yore for valves, combustion chambers, test equipment, daerimental jigs, and also special parts for the 'combustion chamber test stands... 23Ye Heport, No. ? for a description of the 25-ton test stand 50X1 and ether principal points of interest in Khimkij All of the machine toold and other equipment 4th:tailed -and used in this workshop as wellies in'the entire plant had been taken from Germany at the Lend of: Ihe war. During my entire four years at Plant 4561 do not remember seeing any. equipment which was newer than that originally taken from Germany or of. Soviet manufacture. 50X1 C ONFIDENTIA L Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/08: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100350009-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/08: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100350009-3 ?Stillt _at CONFIDENTIAL - 5 - Apooial.Developmental.Departmett (Sonderabteilung 4ntarieklnag) worked in this depattment from 'Tannery 1947 to August 1948.. This department is about 80 meters long by 25 meters wide. The roof of this,depart- ment is about six to seven meters high, which is the height of the roof over the entiie central section of the southern side of the plant, that is, over the road just outside, the Special Developmental Depart- ment and continuing to the Other .side-of the Mechanical Workshop and the Design Office. From January. 1947 until August 1948 we trained Soviet 'technician's in this department in the assembly, testing& operation, end'repair of valves, propulsion units; and combustion chambers. 'These tests involved Only the proper functioning of the 'mechanical componente and actual firing tests were carried out at the test stand outside the plant. We also built test benches, to test, the operation of valves, pressure redly:iota, electromagnetic relays, etb0 These teats continued at'least untilAugust 1948, when we Germans were barred from this department 'for security reasons Jbecause a 100-ton thrust unit was to be assembled here. I b44eve this tO be:true because SoWiets mentioned that suth a unit was to be assembled here, and although the objdot being.aesembled was concealed by a large piece' of oentS6 about-five meters long extending from the floor' to the ceiling; I saw components for the 100-ton thrust unit which'had been designed by members of our group'in the Developmental Design OffioelTiee Point 161in page IC delivered heree\ ? . . Assembly and Testine Bench' for Airdraft Takeoff.Aesist- Bice Rockets In the' northwest corner of the Special Developmental ? Department six tb eight Soviets were engaged in work on iiicraft takeoff assistance rockets. I do not know exactly What ? this work consisted of beoauie I was net , permitted to observe it closely, but / believe, it indolved both assembly and testing, possibly of new components or revised designs. EaOh tooket was from 550 to 600 Millimeters long by about 350 millimetete in diameter at the widest part of the body, which Was about one fifth of the way back from the nose. The nose was blunt, but rounded, and the body of the roOket resembled a. Venturi tube, tapering gradually ' to about one fifth of the way from the firing end and flaring somewhat Opp this-point to the end. ? Raoh/rocketyas conettucted'of four lateral sections which, were welded, together, the front two of which were about 100Millimeters:long, the third section about 150'millimeters long, and the tail Section. , about 250 millimeters long. On one side was. metal bracket for attaching the rocket to an aircraft, and three tubes, one on.each Of the other three sides, led from the front section back?to.the stern section ' with connections at each of the intermediate sections. I do not know what oomponenti were included in the CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/08: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100350009-3 59x1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/08: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100350009-3 CONFIDENTIAL - 6 - 50X1 assembly of one of these rockets, nor the function of the parts, for example, the metal tubes which connect the body sections, tru, the' may :be fgridoollng fluid.. I do not know what fuel these rockets use. I do not know exactly how heavy one of these rockets is, but one could be carried by a man with evidently no great strain, and I estimate that, one weighs from 30 to 40 kilograms. As far as I remember, all body sections and theitterior tubes were of non-ferrous metal, but I do not know specifically what metal or alloy. These rockets were tested on the airfield adjacent;t0..., Plant 456 on two-engine aircraft and were used either is takeoff assistance rockets or to give an aircraft in flight a:sudden. buret of acceleration. I do not know what type of aircraft was used in these experi- ments, but they may have been Douglas aircraft, . because I made heard-this. name mentioned in Connection with the experiments. Plaint 7 Offices There were five or six offices here, each five by five meters, for the chief of the Mechanical Workshop and various chief 'engineers, to him such as the chiefs of the-lathe section, the milling machine section, etc. Point 8 Welding and Sheet Metal Working Shgp This, shop was 40 by 25 meters. Equipment here included presses, metal cutting equipment, a surface lable, oxy-aspetylene and arc welding equipment, and oxygeno'hydrogen and acetylene tanks. 'Point :9 MUileum (25 by 15 meters) On disillay were a complete V-2 and many component parte thereof, all of which had been-removed from . Germany; 'Admittance :to this museum was gained only by.presenting Written permission from a man's.depart- ment or shop chief to the chief of the Testing Room. The museuti was separated from the Testing Room by a sheet Metal wall. Testin Jtoom (55 by 25 meteigl(minus area of museum. as shown Untilearly 1949 mechanical teats on the operation of 7-.2 components such as valves, turbines, pumps, etc. were carried On,here. I do not know what work was performed here after early 1949 because entry to thiOirea Wed prohibited for Germans 'at this time. P4A03, pepign Office.(40 by 25 meters) I worked in this office from 1948 until the German group was returned to Germany in September 1959 From 18 to 20 drawing boards were set up in this office. Here we designed test equipment for V-2 component/ as well as modified and improved components .theM- selves. C ONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/08 : CIA-RDP81-01030R000100350009-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/08: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100350009-3 ? ? CONFIDENTIAL - 7 - PiliMt 12 Uechanical Workshop (55 by 25 meters) Machine tools such as lathes, grinders, planers, drill presses, milling machines etc0 were installed ' bete. Although no Geraans were .employed in this shop, I learned from Soviets .that equipment designed in the Design_ Office.was.cenetructed here. Point 13 Boiler House (30 by 15 meters, flat roof 10 meters high). Although I was never inside this building, I know that boilers and generators boated here provided the heat and the eStric bower for the plant. Heating was accomplished by hot Air through conduits with outlets. in every room of the. plant. The entire heating system had been removed from 'home plant in Germany and was not made to operate suecessfillly until 'late in 1948. .During the-linter months' prior to that time we were forced to work in temperatures as low as 20 below zero .and although our heavy clothing and particularly our heavy gloves were a serious hinderance to our work, ? we were forced to continue work despite repeated complaints.' ' Machinery, in the plant' operated on 380 ..Volts, but the lighting system operated on 220 volte, cannot judge about the' higher voltage, but the lighting voltage was fairly steady, with only infrequent mariatiOns. Point id Repair Workshop (60 by 25 meters, flat roof seven meters high). I was never inside this building and consequently do not 'know what eqUipment it contained. The chief.. mechanic of the plant and his staff had offices here, hOwever,.and.they were responsible for maintenance and repair of all the plant's equipment and facilities such .as machinery and the heating, lighting, and plumbing systems. In this building was also the plant's medical office whiohtkonsisted of two rooms: a waiting room and a consultation and treatment room, both About four meters square.' One female doctor was on duty here to give first aid to any workers injured' .While atWork. ger equipment inaluded simple medical. eupplies. Such as stethoscope, bandaging Materially iodine; splints, etc. 40iit.15 General Mechanical Workshop (Mechanische larkstatt- allgemein), (100 by 75 meters). The roof of the plant at this end was from 12 to.14 Meters ligh. .1nasmUch as no intermediate roofing. had been built over the workshOps and' the assembly areas here, thie was also the roof over these areas The Points 1546,18,19 & 297Equipment in this work- shop -included metal cutters!, presses, Welding equip- ment, metal shaping and hardening equipmento'and drills. In addition to some parts for V-2 combuetion chambers, this workshop also.produced consumer goods such'as metal buckets,wash pails, scrubbing boards, cooking utensils such as pots, pans, and dishes and. also metal bedsteads. The heaviest single piece of CONFIDENTIAL Reclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/08: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100350009-3 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/08: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100350009-3 CONFIDENTIAL 50X1 - a - equipment in this workshop was e, large hydraulic press which the Soviets had removed from some.plant in Germany. This press was about five by six meters at the base and stood at least five meters high. It was. used for shaping certain V-2 combustion.Ohamber body components such as the bowl-shaped top. I do ' I not know the capacity of this press. .12,0int 16 Assembly Area:- (100 by 25 meters) This area was separated from the General mechanical ? workshop by only a single-strand chain fenoet Here V-2 combustion chambers were assembled by Soviets under German supervision. ?Sint 17 Workshop. ? Sisx by five meters, one floor only, flat roof five meters high. In this building was'a' workshop where preparations for the testing of V-2 combustion chambers (for example, the manufacture of parts for ? the test stand and control booth) were carried out. This building had a kitchen and an offioe for the chief of the test stand. The only machine that I remember inside this workshop was a lathe, and there was also a long workbench along one side. When the test stand for the 25- and 35-ton combustion chamber was completed in late 19479 I believe that this build- ing became a storehouse, but I.was never.insida.after this time. point.18 Assembly Area (100 by 25 meters, sheet metal walls). In 1947 an assembly line for V-2 combustion chambers was set up here using German equipment and under German supervision. ? When completed in late 1947 a few test piecoe were tun off on it, and then it was dismantled and removed from the .plant. I do not know where it was taken, but believe it was transferred. to. Kuybyshev See paragraphgo After this' time, I ' heard that this assembly area waste be used for the aseeibly of V-11e, but this is only hearsay, as we Germans were not permitted to enter this area after the end of 1947. point.,3:? General Mechanical Workshop (120 by 120 meter?)(minue area of electroplating shop). This workshop was equipped withall the principal types of machine tools such as lathes, milling machines, shapers, grinders, drill presses, eta., and also had ? a large number of workbenches for hand work. / do .not know. exactly That wkirk was performed here, but. heard from Soviets that parts for V-11s and. sPeoial jigs and dies for the rest of the plant were, .ManUfaetured here. pkint 20: pectroplating,Shop (L-shaped, 50 meters on long. side by 30 meters on short side, 15 motets across). No .6161-mans were employed here, but 'I as inside this shOp?nuMerous limes. The only equipment. located here Were electroplating baths and .rinsing tubs. Valves for the V-2 were plated here to protect theta from atmospheric molstrire0 do'not know what other. equipment was plated here from other shops and departments. . ? CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/08: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100350009-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/08: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100350009-3 ' ? ? CONFIDENTIAL - 9 - Point 21 Two Former Dirigible 'Hangars, gaoh 160 by 30 meters with roundedlroof 10 to 12 meters high at peak. These hangars were being used as a storage area for German equipment when we arrived in Khimki in October 1947. When this machinery had been removed as Plant 456 was put in operation, the hangars were left empty. The roofs were in very poor condition, and sigro were posted at, the entrances warning of the danger OT collapse.; In 1949 the roofs finally did cave in, and I do not know if the wreckage was ever removed* Point 22 Engineering Office There were possibly as many as 20 offices here, each about five by five meters, raised above the level of the adjacent general mechanioal workahop. The workshop chief had his office here, and the other offices were ocolipied by his subordinates, that is, shop foremen, in the mechanical workshop* ytint 23 Material Storage Arca' (100 by 25 meters). I do not remember how high the roof is over this quarter of the plant, that is, whether it is from 12 to 14 meters high, as over most of the rest of the plant, or whether it is of some other height. In this area were stored steel beams, metal plates (light metals such as dural, aluminum, tin), screws, nuts, bolts, bearings, etc. POilit 24 Former storage Area, 175 by 120 meters (minus area of material storage area, dining hall, and materials testing laboratory)* Until 1949 a great variety of equipment was stored ; here: aircraft parts (from both aircraft shot down as well as removed intact from Germany), aircraft communication equipment, rivets, screws, bolts, nuts, metal plates, hand tools, machine tools, cable, wire, etc* From 1949 until we departed Khimki in September 1950 this area was empty and unused.* Potpt 25 Materials Testing Laboratory (50 by 20 meters) This laboratory was equipped to perform physical taata on metals and equipment and was fitted with hardness testers, tensile testers, impeot testers, etc. 1040 26 pining Hall, 40,1* 15 meters, with roof about five meters high. Here alsowere a kitchen where hot dishes were prepared and a small booth behind it where foods in ioulk, could be bought. All three meals.were served in the dining hall for workers who wished to eat hers* 9. The offices on the second floor of the southeastoorner of the plant are as follows: See page 17.1 CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/08: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100350009-3 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/08: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100350009-3 CONFIDENTIAL -10-- Point-L Administrative Office (10 by 10 meters) The roof over this entire floor was from three and one half to four Meters high.. The rooms were separated by brick walls about 10 centimeters thick. Some of these offices existed prior to 1947, but when the plant was put back in operation they were remodeled. While I was at Plant 456 this office was occupied by WITTKA?who was in charge of the developmental design office just outside his office. In this office were a desk, a table, numerous chairs, a bookcase and a metal safe, all of which had been removed from some plant in Germany. I do not know any details of the safe nor what was kept in it. Point 2 Administrative Office (10 by 10 meters) This office was also equipped with general office furniture: a desk, numerous chairs, a bookease, and a metal floor safe. This office was occupied by LIST, assistant to WITTKA. Point 3 Supply Room (10 by 8 meters) ' In this room were stored working materials for use in the design office such as various types of drawing paper, pencils, pens, triangles, scales, and other drafting equipment.. Point 4 Payroll Office (10 by 8 meters) In this office the payroll records for the develop- ment workers at Plant 456 were'kept. I came here twice a month to pick up my wages. Seven or eight Soviet women were employed here under the supervision of the head disbursement official, who was a man. Point 5. Administrative Office (10 by 8 meters) This office belonged to the production side of Plant 456 and I was never inside it. I heard from Soviets, however, that production schedules were drawn up here. 'Point 6 Stairs From Ground Floor This is the only part of the plant where there is more than one floor. Point-7 administrative Office (20 by 10 meters) This office also belonged to the production' side of the plant, and I was never inside it, but I believe that it was a commercial office which, handled the sales of the consumer goods which the plant produced. POint'S Administrative Office L-shaped, 20 meters on long side, 15 meters on short side. .1 believe that this is the' bookkeeping office for the production department which handles the payroll records for this department as well ae.other .commercial dealings such as procurement of raw materials. !bit:It 9 Administrative Office (12 by 10 meters) I do not know what the functions of this office were because it also' belonged to the production department, but I believe that it was engaged in commercial and financial correspondence. CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/08: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100350009-3 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/08: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100350009-3 CONFIDENTIAL - 11 - Point 10 Administrative Office (20 by 10 meters Just inside the door of this office was a large conference table seating at least 20 persons. At the end of the room furthest from the door sat GLUSKKO, who was chief of the development depart- ment of Plant 456. His location mahe it possible for him to scrutinize anyone walking the length of the room to talk to him, which made visitors extremely uncomfortable. GLUShKOls secretary also sat in this office. Point 11 Administrative Office (15 by 10 meters) I do not know the exact function of this office, but it had something to do with plant supplies. I know this because it was here that we Germans presented a request to purchase from plant stocks some dural sheets to build paddle boats. Point 12. Administrative Office (15 by 8 meters) The chief engineer of the production department had his office here. .Point 13 Administrative Office and Conference. Room (30 by.10 m.) A huge conference table took up two thirds of this . room and at the other end furthest from the door wad the desk of PLASKINI, General Director of Plant 456. In addition to PLASKIN/is desk and the conference table, which would seat at least 50 persons, were a large number of chairs, bookcases, and sofas, and many Communist slogans and pictures on the walls. I was in this office two or three times to register complaints. The first complaint was against being quartered in a house in the German settlement with three. other men who did not have families with them in the USSR. The other complaint was against the delay in arranging for my family to be brought to ? the USSR. I leaned later that PLASKINI had deliberately killed all such requests from the four of us so that the houses made free by our enforced doubling up could remain occupied by Soviets. Point- 14 Administrative.Office (15 by 10 meters) In this .office were two secretaries, possibly for ? PLASKINI and for the chief engineer of the prOduc- tion department. ? 'Point 15 Waiting Room, irregularly shaped as shown, 20 by 20 meters in main body of isom. As shown on my sketch, the last seven adminiatrative offices described above See Points 8 through 1A7 open off thia.waiting room. Tbis room was equipped with many chairs, sofas, and reading tables where the latest Communist propaganda leaflets and booklets could be found.. The walls were solidly:dedorated with Communist propaganda, posters, and slogans in addition to plant propaganda (graphs of production rises, lists of awarda, etc.). , ? CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/08: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100350009-3 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/08: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100350009-3 CONFIDENTIAL - 12 - Point 16 Design Office (75 by 30 meters) liere were at least 50 drawing boards and desks, where both developmental and, production drawings were made. Prior to 1948 some members of our group working here were assigned to design a combustion chamber of 100 ton thrust rating. After 1948 Germans were no longer permitted to enter here, and I do not know what assign- ments were worked on after this date. Point 17 Filing Room (50 by 10 meters) In this room all drawings from the drafting room just outside were kept on file in metal filing cabinets. Three or four Soviets were employed here. The front fourth of the room is separated from the rest of the roomeyawooden gate in front of which persons wishing to be issued a drawing from the files waited. SECURITY MEASURES IN EFFECT AT PLANT 456 10. Every worker at Plant 456 was issued a plant pass which was picked up by the worker each morning at the guard house in front of the plant. A worker would state his pass number and would be given the pass. Immediately behind the guard post stood a uniformed guard armed with a machine pistol to whom the passes would. be shown. For those workers whom the guard knew, a glance at the pass would be sufficient, and the workers would be allowed to enter the plant, but for 'a new worker or someone whom the guard did not readily recognize, the photograph on the pass would be carefully compared with the bearer's face before such a person would be allowed to pass by. To the best of my knowledge, all workers were issued the same type of pass. It contained a photograph of the worker, his signature, the year for which the pass was good, and six to eight blank squares where special figures (a cross, a diamond, a cirole, etc.) were stamped which permitted the bearer to enter the authorized department or departments of the plant. With the exception of the men employed at the teat stand outside the plant, no one was permitted to take his plant pass away from the plant, but was required to surrender it at the guard house. 11. Plant passes were issued in January of each year and were good for one calendar year, with automatic renewal in January of the next year. 12. Although Plant 456 was occasionally visited by representatives of the Aircraft Ministry, I do not know what arrangement exists at the plant to extend visitor's passes to such persons. I never. saw a visitor's pass. 13. I 4o not know what procedure is followed if a worker forgets or loses his pass because I do not remember this ever having happened. This is made almost impossible by the requirement that workers must leave their passes at the guard house when leaving the plant. 14. To the best of my memory, new passes are issued ty the guard house, but I do not know what administrative section of the plant, if any, controls this system. I say "if any" because all the security measures in effect at Plant 456 may be Under the control of the MVD or some other military organization. I belitev4e this to be true because all the guards at the plant were soldieys, and I believe that the chief guard was directly reeponeible MVD officer, CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/08: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100350009-3 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/08: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100350009-3 . ? CONFIDENTIAL - 13 - 15. .The worker's pass is not used outside Plant 456 because, as mentioned above, a worker must surrender his pass on leaving the plant. 16. Spot searches of Soviet workers were conducted?every day at the close of work. However, the Soviet guards hardly glanced at us Germans as we left the plant. We took advantage of this laxity and suocessfully smuggled many things out of the plant such as wire, nails, screws, hand tools, and an electric drill. We even succeeded in stealing a small outboard motor by dismantling it and sm4ggling it out of the plant in pieces. When reassembled we used it quite openly on the Khisokah River, and never once did a SoViet think to inquire where we had obtained it. 17. Workers did not wear any identification tags while working when I was at Plant 456; we kept our plant passes in our pockets. 18. I do-not know what procedure is followed for applying to work at Plant.456 because, of course, our group was involuntarily conscripted for work there, and I never learned of the Soviet procedures from the Soviets with whom I worked. The personnel --after is located in a wooden building, outside the plant, on the other' side of the road which leads from Khimki past the plant to the test etends. I was in this building about once every month to attend required political lectures. I do not know who the personnel director Of Plant 456 is, but I believe that he was an ? officer of the MVD at the time that I was there See paragraph 2i7. I do?not have any knowledge of personnel interviemor of the application forms because I never saw any for Soviets. However, 'I presume that Soviet workers were reouired to fill out applica- tion-forms similar to those which we germane filled out on arrival in the USSR in October 1946 and which covered a person's family, military; experience, employment, and political background. 19. I have no knowledge of any seourity investigations of applicants for work at Plant 456. I believe, however, that such investi- gations could be done very easily because everyone in the USSR in/ under constant observation, and the MVD can quickly verify a person's answers to questionnaires. 20. There were at least 20 to 25 guard posts inoludins-thore along She feace:Suriounding-the.41inti"Within the plant guardslwere posted at the:del:ifs1C ifioaa bindings -which only-authoriked persehe could en. tok4, such as the, Design Office where I was employed, the Special Developmental impartment and Testing Room. There were also guards postbd at the test stand. Guard shifts were two hours long. During the day guards were armed with only pistols but at night they also carried carbines. The guard at the main gate was armed with a machine pistol. These guards, of both mow, generally ranged in age from 20 to 30 and wore uniforms similar to' those fthe Soviet Army but with no insignia that I remember, 21. The chief' guard was responeible to the personnel director, who officer of the MVD. We learned this when me.left 4heipp because the personnel director, who had previously always mem civilian. clothes, appeared in the uniform of a major in the XVD to act at transportation officer, evidently requiring,thp immediate authority the uniform gave him to expedite our. departure. CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/08: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100350009-3 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/08: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100350009-3 CONFIDENTIAL - 14 - His uniform was similar to but with green trim on.the of the guards stationed at measures in effect at this guard, that of a major in the Soviet Army, lapels of the coat and the cap. All Plant 456 and the physical security plant were controlled by the chief 22, Not only were there informers among the Soviet employees of Plant 456, but there were also several informers in our group of German specialists. In effect every Communist is continually on the art to detect signs of discontent among the people with whom -he (or she) associates, and becomes an informer if something is heard or seen counter to Communist doctrine. 23. Around Plant 456 and the storage areas immediately adjacent to it was a fence at least two meters high topped with barbed wire inclined outward. This fence was constructed of timbers about 30 millimstersthick which were nailed to horizontal bars for solidity. I do not know how deep in the ground the fence timbers are sunk. This fence is broken by gates at only six placess at the main gate of the plant, at the plant garages, at two points to admit vehicles, and at two points to allow the railroadasp:1r line to ross the storage area outside the plant. /See Report No. for a description of the area surrounding Plant 456 and source's memory sketch of this area] All of these gates were guarded by armed sentries 24 hours every day. In addition, there were about 12 guard towers at various points along the fence, each four to five meters high with at least one armed guard stationed in each one 24 hours every day. These towers were each equipped with at least two searchlights which were used to illuminate the fence in both directions from each tower at night. I believe police dogs were used on night patrols but I do not ' know how many were used per sentry nor how many guards patrol together. Once I worked in the plant until about 11:30 or 12:00 p.m and noticed that guards were maintained within the plant at night also. (Some parts of the plant worked three shifts.) I do not remember exactly, but I do not believe that all windows of all departments were barred. However, the windows on the Special Developmental Department were barred with steel bars about 15 ?to 20 millimeters thick which were bolted into the wall of the plant. The bars were from 10 to 12 centimeters apart. I do not have any information on any alarm systems in Plant 456. The only Aslafes I remember at Plant 456 were in the office of the general director and in the offices of the chief and deputy chief of the Divelopmental Design Office 5ee Points 13, ',and 2 on pageslland417 These-were not actually safes, but more properly bar cabinets ? which were locked with a padlock. On holidays all offices in the plant were sealed by the chief of the guards with a lead seal. These seals would be broken by him personally on the next working day. The design office where I was employed from mid-1948 until September 1950 was locked at -the end of the working day and at noon when no one was inside, and the key would be left at the guard office. Drawing boards were always covered with large .sheeits of paper When not in use, but I believe this was more a prbtective measure against dust and dirt than a physical security measure.- I have no knowledge of security checks at night but occasionally drawing equipment would be missing. We never learned who stole this equipment, that is, whether it could have been guards, security inspection teams, or simply Soviet co- workers in the design office. We never saw this equipment again. 50X1 C ONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/08: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100350009-3 50X1 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/08: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100350009-3 ' CONFIDENTIAL - 15 . 24.. All of.the influential posts in the plant from plant director down to leaders of working groups were filled by Communists. As a r *suit,. it was they who determined production and personnel policies within the plant, taking the gross production quotas assigned to the plant by the ministry and working from there. Within.a given working group I do not believe that members of the Communist Party had a great influence over non-members, but they were always the drivers in a group, those who strove continually for ever higher production, because they knew that it was they who nould receive promotions and bonuses for out- standing performance. 25. In-the Special Developmental Department all papers were looked in a desk at night. Cleaning personnel were admitted only during working hours, and although they could see generally what we were working on, I doubt whether they could understand anything of what they saw. It was officially forbidden to take any papers or working materials from the plant, and anyone caught doing this would be arrested on the spot for stealing people's property. Nevertheless, as mentioned above Barograph 4./ we Germans succeeded in smuggling numerous working tools out of the plant. 26. Secret papers were each classified "Secret" by a blue stamp about three centimeters long. Drawings were classified with the blue stamp just above the descriptive material, and all written pages received the stamp in the upper right-hand corner. I do not know of Any classifications other than secret because all the papers we:worked on were of this classification. 27, An individual's work was identified by his name written in Russian in the correct box on'the drawing of sketch on which he had worked. No seals, initials, numbers, or other methods of identification were used except for the last name' of the individual concerned. Each individual wrote his own name personally. I do not'have any knowledge on how an individual's work is identified on a piece of written material such as a set of operating instructions for a certain machine. CON.PIDENT.I,AL _Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/08: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100350009-3 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/08: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100350009-3 N .. -1 cu C fk? u 8 u, - i 1 % E 1 1 OD I g' tat_ e ? C,., 0 11 (..) 1 @ act, @ ? xv:I. t. 1.4 ? e. Latta reef eaen 0 e'I?seLu C` Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/08: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100350009-3 50X1-HUM 50X1 . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/08: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100350009-3 - , K. CONFI DEMT-141.- page. 17 Approx. scale izezzz //I./Jet ? 4. ? e ..... e (,..,? e e _e ! ! ! re ! e ! ! e ! .le 0( , _e? e- e ! / Lee's .,/ / / ,/ . / /.. I / / / / / e 1 / / t 11 / r 7 .0 el e e elitenz i z, Z.., / t CC F, z t t t" t #57 55 t t #77 tt 4, Z f I' / ./ ? ?14, / ^ / / I / / I i. / 1 / e r ; I I e r I 4, to z zzz nez ? .I?ter te? 77/7 777777 ).1 I ft / i4re't octrt 7 e I I I r? I(? 'Fr tan e? 50X1 -HUM sK.TC1-1 OF FLOOR PLAN OF SOUTI-MAsT QUARTER OF Pt-ANT 466j ICHIMKT C?14FIDMNTI Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/08: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100350009-3 50X1