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flX1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/08: CIA-RDP80T00246A023800190001-7 50X1-HUM CENTRAL I TELLIGENCE AGENCY - ? ?This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage Laws, Title 18 U.S.C. Secs. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. C-0-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L 50X1-HUM COUNTRY USSR/Czechoslovakia/Yugoslavia REPORT SUBJECT Three Papers Biological Standardization on DATE DISTR. 29 Oct. 62 -50X1-HUM NO. PAGES 1 50X1-HUM REFERENCES DATE OF INFO. PLACE & DATE ACQ HIS Is UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 50X1-HUM three papers on Biological Standardization Titles and authors of the papers are as follows: a) "The Ilse of Primary Human Amnion Cell Cultures for the _Diagnosis of Poliovirus Infection" -M am, J Vesen'ak- Elden, S Ralcic, D Blatnik, MMatjasie, S Smerdel, E Soos, and B212.1; ;Institute of Health, Department of Epidemiology, Virus Laboratory, Ljubljana, Yugoslavia, and School of Public Health "A Stamper", Medical Faculty, Zagreb, Yugoslavia. "Utilization of a New Diploid Cell Strain Derived from Human Embryo Lung Tissue for the Cultivation of Enteroviruses and Measles-Virus" - VI Hozinski, VB Seybil, LB Cypkin, NS Panteleevn, and CM Mazurova; Institute of Poliauyelitis and Virus Encephalitis, Academy of Medical Sciences, USSR, Moscow. c) "Cultivation of Vaccinia Virus in Human Diploid Cell Strains" J Trlifaiova, V Strizova, and F Stastny; Institute of Epidemi- cology and Microbiology end Institute of Sera and Vaccines, Praha, Czechoslovakia...... UNCLASSIFIED. - end - - 1 - C-0-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM GROW 1 Exeladed inn automatic dategradlig aid lidassdestlen Ie- I CONTROLLED NO DISSEM ABROAD NelignillgELMBIStent ,C DISSEM: The dis' seam:Union of this document is Ithlted to civilian employees and active duty military personnel within the intelligence component of the USIB member agenries, and to those senior offick th of the member agencies who must act upon Me information. However, unless specifically controlled in accordance with parckl.kaph 8 of DCII) 1/7, it may ie released to thvse components of the departments and agencies of the U. S. Government directly participating in the .prodtilion of National Intelligence. IT SHALL NOT BE DISSEMINATED TO CONTRACTORS. It shall not be dirseminated to organisa. tions or personnel, mcluilin7 consultants, under a contAtctua/ relationship to the U.S. Government without the written permission of the originator. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/08: CIA-RDP80T00246A023800190001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/08: CIA-RDP80T00246A023800190001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/08: CIA-RDP80T00246A023800190001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/08: CIA-RDP86T00246A023800190001-7 From the National Institute of Health, Dept. of Epidemiology, Virus LaboratOryT Ljubljana, Yugoslavia, and the School of Public Health "A, 6tampar", Medical Faculty, Zagreb, Yugoslavia THE USE OF PRIMARY HUMAN AMNION CELL CULTURES FOR THE DIAGNOSIS OF POLIOVIRUS INFECTION M, JUNG, JELKA VESENJAK-HIRJAN, S. KALoIe, D. BLATNIKt ZDENKA HEIGL, M. MATJAIO, S. SMERDEL, E. 600, and B. SNOJ This study was supported by grants obtained from the Boris Kidri6 Foundation, Ljubljana, and the Institute of Social Insurance, Ljubljana, Yugoslavia. The Slovenian Foundation for Poliomyelitis in Ljubljana provided financial support for collection and laboratory investigation of specimens from healthy children, narinccifipri in Part - Sanitized Coov Approved for Release 2013/08/08: CIA-RDP80T00246A023800190001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/08 : CIA-RDP80T00246A023800190001-7 INTRODUCTION Multiplication of the three types of poliovirus in primary human amnion (PHA) cell cultures has been reported (Zitcer, Fogh and Dunnebackel 1955). It has been also demonstrated, that PHA cell cultures were sensitive for cytopathic action of Adenovirus types 1-8, Coxsackie B viruses, herpes simplex, vaccinia, and measles virus (Wilt, Stanfield and Leindl, 1956; Takemoto and Lerner, 1957; Milovanovie, Enders and Mirus, 1957). These cultures have been also used for virus isolation attempts. ComparU- tive infectivity titrations in monkey kidney, PHA, and HeLa cell cultures (Lehmann-Grube, 1961) have shown that PHA cell cultures supported growth of ECHO virus types 1, 2, 3, 5-130 15, 19, 20, 21 and 24, and of types 4, 14, 16, 17, 18, 22 and 23 in. a variable degree, It is of considerable interest, that even types 9, 11, 13, 15 and 18 of Coxsackie A group of viruses could be propagated in these cells with satisfactory infectivity titers, Other types of Coxsackie A viruses could be also cultivated after adaptation (Krech, 1961; Lenahan and Wenner, 1961), The communications, which have been cited here, provide informations on the usefulness of PHA cell cultures for the propagation of many viral agents causing cytopathic effects in tissue culture. There is, however, little evidence on the large scale use of these cells for primary isolation of viruses from clinical specimens. In this communication, we shall present the results of the use of PHA cells for the diagnosis of poliovirus infection. In addition, succes- full primary isolations of viruses other than poliovirus will be reported. MATERIALS AND METHODS Pathological specimens were obtained from clinical patients in Slovenia during 1958-1961. Materials were also -1- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/08: CIA-RDP80T00246A023800190001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/08 : CIA-RDP80T00246A023800190001-7 collected from patients in Croatia, where poliomyelitis occured in epidemic form in the summer of 1960; during the year 563 cases were reported. In 1961 a vaccination campaigne with Sabin poliovirus vaccine was initiated in Slovenia, while in Croatia the Koprowski type vaccine was employed; in Slovenia the Salk type poliovaccine was also used on a large scale since 1957. Only a few cases of poliomyelitis-like diseases were reported during 1961-1962 in both countries, but the number of cases with aseptic meningitis remained practically unchanged; a part of these patients was also investigated, and the results included in this report. The participating Virus laboratories were at the National Institute of Health in Ljubljana, Slovenia, and the School of Public Health "A. kampar" of the Medical Faculty in Zagreb, Croatia. Laboratory methods of testing pathological specimens were similar in both laboratories. In many instances two or more faecal samples were examined in each od the cases under study except during 1960 epidemic, when it was apparent that this would overburden available facilities. Virus isolations were accomplished in PHA cell cultures, and in HeLa and Detroit-6 cells in some cases. Tissue cultures were prepared according to the methods previously described (Jung, Strah, Blatnik and Vozelj, 1959; Jung, Blatnik, Strauch, MatjagiC, Tovornik, Kegu, Drnov6ek, Kralj and Zadnik, 1960). Test tube cultures were examined daily for 10-14 days for evidence of cytopathogenicity. Two blind passages were always made with specimens from clinical patients; no blind passages were performed with rectal swabs obtained from healthy children. The cytopathogenic agents, which were isolated in tissue culture were preliminary grouped by testing the tissue affinity and pathogenicity for suckling mice, as shown in Table 1. Final identification was made in neutralization test with 100 TCID50 of the virus, in 0,1 ml, against a limited number of Polio - ECHO - and Coxsackie antisera pools which -2- npclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/08: CIA-RDP80T00246A023800190001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/08 : CIA-RDP80T00246A023800190001-7 were available; they were diluted as to contain at least 20 units of each antibody per 0,1 ml, Neutralization tests were incubated for 3 hours at 37C, and overnight in the cold-room. The virus-serum mixtures, in 0,2 ml amounts were then inoculated into each of two PHA cell cultures, If neutralization of cytopathogenicity occured, the virus was tested against components of the pool. The poliovirus typing antisera were obtained from Parke, Davis and Co., the Swiss Serumand Vaccine Institute, and from dr. U, Krech, Hilterfingen/Thun. The ECHO antisera types 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, Coxsackie A 9 and 231 and Coxsackie B 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 were obtained from dr. U. Krech. In 1962, ECHO antisera for types 16 and 18 were also available. Adenoviruses were included into the group by testing the tissue culture supernate for the presence of complement- fixing antigen against a known antiserum. No type identifica- tion was made. For virus titrations serial tenfold dilutions were prepared in the maintenance medium, and 0,1 ml inoculated into each of 2, 3, 4, or 6 PHA cell cultures, according to the experiment, Cell culture tubes for determining the reproductive capacity of polioviruses at different temperatures were kept in specially constructed water baths, maintained at 36?C and 400C; internal Beckmann type thermometers were used to check the temperature, which varied by 0,01500. Infectivity titers were calculated according to the Karber method (Kgrber, 1931). Complement-fixation with non-inactivated poliovirus antigens was done with sera from majority of patients; neutralization tests were also performed in many cases. RESULTS Results of enterovirus isolations in Slovenia, during 1958-1959, from patients with paralytic poliomyelitis and aseptic meningitis in PHA, HeLa and Detroit-6 cell cultures are shown in Table 2. No significant difference was observed in various tissue culture systems, as to poliovirus isolation, although four strains of unidentified enteroviruses could be -3- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/08: CIA-RDP80T00246A023800190001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/08 : CIA-RDP80T00246A023800190001-7 detected only in PHA cells. During this period, 39 patients were reported to have paralytic poliomyelitis. 76 cases of paralytic poliomyelitis occured in Slovenia during 1960-1961; materials from 61 patients were tested in the Virus laboratory. Seasonal incidence and vaccination history of these patients are presented in Table 3. Results .of poliovirus isolation, in various age groups, and of immunologic typing of polioviruses are evident from Tables 4 and 5. In. total, clinical diagnosis of paralytic poliomyelitis could be confirmed by virus isolation, in 88,5 per cent of cases. It is of considerable interest, that 40,7 per cent of total poliovirus isolates were immunologically related to the type 3; this percentage was even higher in the older children and adults. During the same period rectal swabs from 1493 healthy children were collected, and tested in _PHA cell cultures for the presence of cytopathogenic viruses. Poliovirus strains isolated from this study group, as compared with total number of enterovirus isolates are shown in Table 6. It is evident, that the incidence of poliovirus infection in healthy children was significantly higher in November-December 1960, and February 1961. This is in good egreement with seasonal incidence of paralytic poliomyelitis cases, as presented in Table 3. Results of virus isolations from healthy children, and clinical patients with paralytic poliomyelitis and aseptic meningitis in Slovenia, during 1960-1961, are evident from Table 7; materials from only a part of aseptic meningitis cases were examined. As shown in the table, 54 strains of polioviruses could be isolated in PHA cell cultures from patients with paralytic poliomyelitis, and 2 strains from aseptic meningitis cases". In contrast, 7 non,.-poliovirus strains were isolated from non-paralytic patients. These results co-relate well with poliovirus isolations from healthy children, since only types 1 and 3 could be identified by immunologic typing in. both study groups, except a single strain of type 2 poliovirus. It is also evident, that 95 strains, cytopathogenic for primary cultures, -4- Parf - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/08: CIA-RDP80T00246A023800190001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/08 : CIA-RDP80T00246A023800190001-7 were isolated; most of these strains probably belong to the ECHO virus group, since they were non-pathogenic for suckling mice, did not react with Polio and Coxsackie B antisera, and could not be grouped as adenoviruses. As it was mentionned before, the Republic of Croatia experienced its largest epidemic of poliomyelitis in the history with 563 cases reported during 1960. This epidemic was virologically investigated, and some of the results published elsewhere (Jung, Vesenjak-Hirjaa, Lulio, Matja516, Blatnik, Spalatin and Fryda-Kaurimsky, 1961). In the first group, materials from 64 patients were tested serologically, and in tissue culture. Results of virus isolations in. PHA cells are presented in Table 8. Cytopathogenic viruses were isolated from faecal material or CNS tissue in 47 out of 60 patients with paralytic forms of the disease, and from 3 out of 4 non-paralytic patients. The type 1 poliovirus was found in. 36 cases. The sensitivity of PHA cell cultures, as evaluated by the time of appearance of cytopathogenic effect,. is evident from Table 9; 93 per cent of polioviruses were detected within the first 10 days of incubation at 37?C. Stools from a second group of 218 patients were tested some months later in PHA and Detroit-6 cell cultures, and 122 strains of cytopathic agents were isolated of which 62 strains in PHA cells, out of 76 specimens, and 60 strains in Detroit-6 cultures, out of 142 specimens. Immunologic typing with poliovirus antisera showed 58 strains to be type 1, 3 type 2, and 8 strains to be type poliovirus. Comparative infectivity titrations of poliovirus strains in various tissue culture systems have also been performed. Table 10 presents infectivity titers of some standard attenua- ted and virulent strains of polioviruses in PHA and monkey kidney cells, incubated at 36oC and 40oC, and in HeLa cells, incubated at 36?C. Comparable results were obtained with PHA and monkey kidney cells, although results with HeLa cells were less satisfactory. Tables 11 and 12 show infectivity titers -5- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/08: CIA-RDP80T00246A023800190001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/08: CIA-RDP80T00246A023800190001-7 of type 1 poliovirus strains in various tissue culture systems incubated at 36?C and 40?C. It is evident, that PHA and monkey lsidney cells gave comparable results. In HeLa cells the infec- tivity titers were less satisfactoty, and in some cases they were completely resistant to cytopathic effects of polioviruses. A small number of type 3 polioviruses were also tested, and the results are given in Table 13. The reproductive ,capacity of type 3 strains was not significantly reduced at 40oC. It must be noted, however, that most of the strains were isolated very late after the poliovaccine was fed, The effect of temperature 40?C was examined in some cases, by additional incubation at 36?C for 72 hours. As evident from table 14, with majority of strains the infectivity titers were. identical or the difference was minimal, not exceeding 1,0 log. As shown previously, cytopathic agents, other than polio- virus, could be isolated in PHA cell cultures. Infectivity titers of some ECHO viruses are presented in. Table 15. Satisfactory titers were obtained with virus types 1(8), 6, 9, and 16. In Table 16 the results of primary non-polio enterovirus isolations, from patients with aseptic meningitis in Croatia and Slovenia, during 1962, have been. summarized. In total, 52 strains were isolated, of which 6 ECHO viruses out of 26 strains which were identified. It is of considerable importance0-that no polioviruses were found in both countries during 1962, DISCUSSION Freshly explanted human amnion cultures consist of normal cells with a basic diploid DNA content, and with a relatively, slow mitotic process (Leuchtenberger, Boyer and Strain, 1959). The abundance and availability of placental membranes enables a large scale production of these cultures. On the basis of trypsinization of over 600 membranes, it can be stated, that sucessfully grown cultures are free of spontaneously occuring cytopathic viruses; this fact is of obvious importance when cultures are used for primary virus isolations. The PHA -6- neclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/08: CIA-RDP80T00246A023800190001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/08: CIA-RDP80T00246A023800190001-7 cells can be easily maintained for several weeks with relatively infrequent changes of the nutritient medium. The cytopathic effects of viruses can be easily Observed under low power magnification of the microscope. Details of cytopathology in. PHA cells have been reported elsewhere (Jung, Strauch, Blatnik, Kresnik, Tovornik, eleznik and Matja6i6; 1960; Kresnik and Jung, 1961). As a results of investigation of 197 patients with paralytic -poliomyelitis in. Slovenia and Croatia, it can be concluded that PHA cell cultures represent a reliable tool for the diagnosis of poliovirus infection. In addition, Simultaneous virus isolation, attempts were made in PHA, HeLa, and Detroit-6 cells. In. Slovenia, during 1960-1961, the clinical diagnosis was confirmed by poliovirUs isolation. in. 88,5 per cent of cases under study, ranging from 76,9 per cent in adults, up to 95,0 Der cent in children aged 0 ? 4. During the 1960 epidemic in Croatia, viruses were isolated in. PHA cells in. 47 out of 60,and in. 62 out of 76 materials, from paralytic poliomyelitis patients, thgt is in. 78 and 81 per cent, respectively.. These results have been in accordance with previous experience. Virological studies of epidemic poliomyelitis, during 1956, in .Chicago and Cook rlounty were made with materials from 664 patients, which were tested for virus isolation in monkey kidney cell cultures; in total, Viruses were found in 71 per cent of cases, of which 65 per cent were polioviruses (Nathanson, Thrupp, Hall, Langmuir, Cornell, Forester, Church, Hall, Hildebrand, Shaughnessy and Morrissey, 1959). Enterovirus isolations, including Polio, ECHO, and Coxsackie viruses, which were performed in the same tissue culture system during 1958 epidemic in Detroit, were positive in 73 per cent of paralytic poliomyelitis patients (Brown, Lent and Agate, 1960). Virus isolations in, monkey kidney cell cultures during 1959 poliomyelitis epidemic in, Des Moines and Polk County, Iowa, gave positive results for polioviruses in, 56 out of 67 paralytic patients (83 per cent) from which stools were available for laboratory investigation.; all the isolates belonged to the type 1 poliovirus. The recovery of enteroviruses _7_ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/08: CIA-RDP80T00246A023800190001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/08: CIA-RDP80T00246A023800190001-7 from stools of non-paralytic patients was 34,4 per cent; in this group Coxsackie B 2, ECHO 7, and unidentified cytopatho- genic agents were _also found (Chin, Marine, Hall, Gravelle and Speers, 1961), These results co-relate well with our experience altho h PHA cell cultures were used through the study. Comparative infectivity titrations with virulent and attenuated poliovirus strains were performed in PHA, monkey kidney, and HeLa cells. PHA and monkey kidney cell systems were equally susceptible to the virus strains under study, while HeLa Cells gave results, which were less satisfactory. PHA cells could also be sucessfully used for_performing infectivity titrations in cultures incubated at 400C, PHA cells were used for primary isolations of polioviruses (Lahelle, 1957; Chadwick, Welsh and Lennette, 1959), ECHO viruses type 6 and 9 (Lahelle, 1957a; Krech and Wulff, 1957; McLean and Melnick, 1957)? adenoviruses (Takemoto and Lerner, 1957), and measles virus (Ruckle and Rogers, 1957), In our experience, the following viruses were isolated from patients with paralytic poliomyelitis and aseptic meningitis : poliovirus types 1-3, Coxsackie B virus types 1, 3, and 5, Coxsackie A 9 and 23 (ECHO 9), and some unidentified group A strains, and. _ ECHO virus types 1(8), 2, 3, 6, 7, 9 (Coxsackie A23), and 16. It is also very likely, that many of the viruses, which were not typed and/or identified, belong to ECHO viruses, since only a limited number of ECHO antisera types were available to us. This is especially the case with 95 strains of cytopathogenic agents, presented in. table 7, which were isolated from healthy children, and which were cytopathic for PHA cultures only. In previous experience, adenoviruses, herpes simplex, and vaccinia viruses were also isolated in this cell system (Jung and Matja6i6, 1962), SUMMARY The sensitivity of PHA cell cultures for primary isolation of polioviruses has been investigated with materials of over 200 patients with paralytic poliomyelitis. The clinical -8- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/08: CIA-RDP80T00246A023800190001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/08: CIA-RDP80T00246A023800190001-7 diagnosis could be confirmed by virus isolation in Slovenia, during 1960-1961, in 88,5 per cent of cases, ranging from 76,9 per cent in adults, up to 95,0 per cent in children aged 0 -4, Investigation of materials from the 1960 poliomyelitis epidemic in Croatia, performed by two laboratories, gave positive . results in 78 and 81 per cent of cases under study, respectively. In Slovenia, only paralytic cases were found in paralytic cases, while in Croatia other enteroviruses could also be demonstrated. Results of comparative virus isolation attempts in PHA, HeLa and Detroit-6 cells were similar, as to poliovirus isolation. t PHA cells were more sensitive for primary isolation of non-polio enteroviruses, Infectivity titrations of virulent and attenuated polioviruses in PHA and monkey kidney cells gave equally good results, while HeLa cells were less satisfactory. PHA cell cultures were susceptible for primary isolation of Coxsackie B virus types 1, 3, and 5, Coxsackie A 9 and 23 (ECHO 9), and some unidentified group A strains, and ECHO virus types 1(8), 2,3, 6, 7, 9 (Coxsackie A 23), and 16. More than a hundred of non-polio enteroviruses, of which most detected in healthy children, were not identified. In previous experience of this laboratory adenoviruses, herpes simplex, and vaccinia viruses could also be isolated in these cells, substitute , PHA cells seem to be a useful and economical . ? for monkey kidney cells, since successful primary isolations of many cytopathic enteroviruses could be obtained. REFERENCES 1./ Brown,G.C.,Lenz,W.R.land Agate,G.H.: J.A.M.A.,1960472,807.- 2./ Chadwick,D.L.,Welsh,H.H.,and Lennette,E.H.: J. Lab. Clin. Med.,1959,54,409.- 3./ Chin,T.D.Y.,Marine,W,M.,Hall,E.C.,and Gravelle,C.R.,and Speers?J.F.: Amer. J. Hyg.?1961,74,67.- 4./ Jung,M.,Strah,M.,Blatnik,D.land Vozelj,M.: Zdrav. vestnik, 1959,28,45.- 5./ Jung,M,?B1atnik,D.,Strauch,L.,Matja6i6,M?Tovornik,D.,Kegu, M.?Drnov5ek,V.,Kralj,Z.,and Zadnik,V.: Zdrav.vestnik,29,205.-. -9- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/08: CIA-RDP80T00246A023800190001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/08: CIA-RDP80T00246A023800190001-7 6./ Jung,M?Strauch,L.,Blatni4D.,Kresnik0V.,Tovornik,D? Zeleznik,Z.,and Matja6i6,M.: Proc. Int. Symp, Microbiol, Stand.1, Opatija, Yugoslavia, 19602.p. 297.- 7./ Jung,M.,Vesenjak-Hirjan,J.,Lulio,V.,MatjagiCtM.,Blatnik,D., _ Spalatin,J.0and Fyda-Kaurimsky,2.: Lij. vjes?1961,..81,587,- 8./ Jung, M., ,and Matja6i6,M.: Unpublished informations.- 9./ Kgrber,G.: Arch. ges. Path. Pharm.,1931,162,480.- 10./ Krech,U.: Personal communication,1961.- 11.1 Krech,U,land Wulff,H.: Schweiz. Zschr. allg. Pathol.,1957, 20,651.- 12./ Kresnik,V.,and Jung,M.:-Acta med._Iugosl.,1961,12,446.- 13,1 Lahelle,O.: Acta pathol.microbiol.Scand.,1957,40,436 - 14,/ Lahelle,O.: J. Hyg.,1957a155,475.- 15,/ Lehmann-Grube,F.: Arch. ges. Virusforsch.,1961,11,276.-. 16./ Lenahan,M.F.land Wenner,H.A.: Proc, Soo, Exp. Biol, Med., - 1961,107,511.- 17./ Leuchtenberger,C.,Boyar,G,C.,and Strain J.J.: Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci.T1959,81,73.- _ 18./ McLean,D.M.pand Melnick,J.L.: Proc, Soc. Exp. Biol. Med., - 1959,2?,656.- 19./ MilovanoviC,M.V.,Enders,J.F.,and Mitus,A.: Proc. Soc. Exp. - Biol. 1Ied.,1957,95,120?- 20./ Nathanson,N.,Thrupp,L.D.,Hall,WM.J.,LangmuirIA.D.,Cornell,R. G,,Forester,H.E.,Church,R.E.,Hall,J.B.,Hildebrand,M.,Shaugh- nessy,H.J.,and MorrisseyrR.: Amer. J. Hyg.,1959,70,107,- 21./ Ruckle,G,,and Rogers,K.D.: J. Immunol.,1957,78,341., 22./ Takemoto,K.K.,and Lerner,A.M.: Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med., ? 1957,94,179.- 23./ Wilt,J.C.,Stanfield,F.J.,and Leidl,L Canad. J. Pub. Health, ? 1956,47,433.- 24./ ZitcerE.L,Pogh,L, and DunnebackeT.H.? Science,1955, 122,30.- -10- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/08 : CIA-RDP80T00246A023800190001-7 rr-Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/08.: CIA-liDP80T00246A023800190001-7 TABLE 1. PRELIMINARY GROUPING OF VIRUS ISOLATES BY SEARS OF TISSUE AFFINITY AND SUCKLING-MICE PATHOGENICITY TESTS Viruses Cytopathogenic effect in cultures of PHA Bele ?) . Embryonic pig kidney Pathogenicity for suckling- mice . Polioviruaes + 4. . 0 0 (a) Comackie B . + + Coxaackie A 0 (%) 0 0 + ECHO viruses + (?) 0 0 .0 Adenoviruses + + 0 (") 0 (?) HeLa cells strain Zurich. The cell strain has undergone 160 passages in this laboratory during the past five years. (a) Some type 2 strains may be pathogenic. (%) Types 9 and 23 are positive. Strains of types 11, 13, 15 and 18 may also be cytopathogenio. (?) Some types could not be propagated in these cells. (") Some types may cause cytopathogenic changes. TABLE 2. RESULTS OF ENTEROVIRUS ISOLATION IN SLOVENIA DURING 1958 - 1959 FROM PATIENTS WITH PARALYTIC POLIOMYELITIS AND ASEPTIC MENINGITIS IN VARIOUS TISSUE CULTURE SYSTEMS Virus ',trains PARALYTIC POLIOMYELITIS ASEPTIC MENINGITIS PHA (?) Bela Detroit-6 PHA HeLa Detroit-6 Poliovirue type 1 17 16 16 1 1 1 - type 2 type 3 6 6 6 1 1 11 1 Unidentified (A) 2 2 TOTAL 26 23 23 4 1 2 (?) Primary human amnion cell cultures. (8) Cytopathic activity of the V*12110 strains could not be neutralized by immune antisera pools against Polio 1-3, ECHO 1-14, Coxsackie A 9 and 23, Coxsackie B 1-5, and Adeno 1-7. TAELE 3. SEASONAL INCIDENCE AND VACCINATION HISTORY OP PARALYTIC POLIONYELITIS PATIENTS 16 SLOVERIA DURING 1960 - 1961 Date Ha. of caeca reported VACCIKATHIL(?) NON -VACC RATED 1 1,657-07-116-; ca.? reported of 0.a confirmed ITEr.-Ff-- cane, reported -No. of ease, confirmed P 11 v1ruaeo 1 2 3 Total 1960/1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 9 10 11 12 1961/1 2 3 ; 6-9 1 2 2 4 2 14 17 16 6 4 3 1 1 2 7 5 1 1 3 3 1 2 2 3 2 1 2/2 12 3/5 10 2 5/5 11 1/1 5 1 1 1 1 3 1 6 4 2 1/2 1 2/2 1/1 1/2 4 0/9 2 0/0 4 0/9 3 5/5 2 ;%; 4 1 1 1/1 0/1 1 2 1 1 1/1 1%1 / 2 1 1/1 I 1 Total 76 20 (1O 4 14/1c 56 21 10 40/45 (6) Children were vaccine ed with the Salk vaocine produced in 1957-1959 by Parka, Davis 6 Co., and in 960 by the InOtitute of hygiene of Serb I. (N) MomlnatOr Mean' the number of patients, from which polioviruaee could be teolated in PHA cell cultur a; denominator meant, the number of patients, from ehleh pethologi al epecimene were eent for laboratory invceti6at100. ? TABLE 4. RESULTS OF POLIOVIRUS ISOLATION IN VARIOUS AGE GROUPS OF PATIENTS WITH PARALYTIC POLIO! --- ---- DURING 1960 - 1961 Age group (years) POLIOVIRUS ISOLATION IN TISSUE CULTURE (?)!Not Positive (8) Negative Per cent positive examined (?) 0 - 4 ' 19 1 95,0 5 5 , 9 15 2 88,2 10 - 19 10 1 90,9 2i 20+ 10 3 76,9 5 I TOTAL 54 i 7 88,5 I 15 I I (?) Primary human amnion cell cultures were used for virus isolation attempts. Complement-fixation and neutralization test were performed with sera from majority of the patients. (&) Virua strains were identified by neutralization tests with the type-specific poliovirus antisera. (?) Patients were reported as to have paralytic poliomyelitis; pathological specimens were not sent to the laboratory. ??? TABLE 5. POLIOVIRUS TYPES IN VARIOUS AGE GROUPS OP PATIENTS WITH PARALYTIC POLIMEMITIS IN SLOVENIA DURING 1960 - 1961 Age group (years) POLIOVIRUS STRAINS4 Type 1 Per cent Type 2 Per cent Type 3 Per cent Total poliovirus 0 - 4 12 63,1 1 5,2 .6 31,6 19 5 - 9 11 73,3 4 26,6 15 10 - 19 4 40,0 6 60,0 10 20 + 4 40,0 6 60,0 10 TABLE 6. POLIOVIRUS STRAINS ISOLATED IN PRI !ARY HUMAN AMNION CELL CULTURES FROM HEALTHY CHILDREN IN SLOVENIA DURING 1960 - 1961 Materials collected No. of I Positive speci- (?) mans (Per cent) Negative POLIOvIRUSES .gO.-o-f -Pei' strains isolated cent poliovirolis from - no. of enterovirus. no. of specimens May-June 1960 .483 70 (14,5) 4134 0,83 5,7 100v.-Dec. 1960 512 90 (17,5) 420 36 7,0 40,0 February 1961 498 23 (4,6) 475 19 3,8 82,6 TOTAI 1 1493 4133 (12,2) 1310 59 3,9 32,2 (?) Total number of enteroviruses isolated in PHA cell cultures. TAM 7. RESULTS OP ENTEROVIRUS ISOLATION PROM HEALTHY CHILDREN AND CLnICAL PATIENTS WITH PARALYTIC POLIOMYELITIS AND ASEPTIC MENINGITIS IN SLOVENIA DURING 1960 - 1961 Materiels collected Virus strain0 cytopathogenic for primary (5) and continuo. (&) cell culturee Virue strains cytopethogenic 2.1t1"1.rrY Polio 1 21 3 Cozaackie B type 3 Adeno Unidentified (?) Healthy childrea Day -June,1960 2 1 2 16 6 1 43 (e) NOV-::Dec. 1960 15 1213 2 49 (c) - February 1961 9- 110 . i-- 3. (;) TOTAL 26 133 17 93 95 Clinical patients 1 1.I.1960-31.V.1961 1 Paralytic caeee 31 1 22 Non-parelytic 2 1 2 5 (-) TOTAL 33 1122 2 5 (?) Primary human amnion cell cultures. (a) Helga cello, strain Zurich. (?) Cytopathogenic activity of the virus etraina could not be neutralised by immune antisera poola againet Polio 1-3, ECHO 1-8, Coxoackie A 9 and 23, and Goxeookie B 1-5. (...) Immunologic identification not completed. InCluding one strain of ECHO virue type 1(8). (-) Including one strain of ECHO virue type 2, 3 and 1(8). TABLE 8. RESULTS OF VIRUS ISOLATION IN PRIMARY M.IN.AH 6161I00 CELL CULTURES FROM PATIENTS WITH PARALYTIC POLIOMYELITIS IN CROATIA DURING 1960 Virus isolation Paralytic cases Non-paralytic cam; Total Poliovirue type 1 33 3 36 type 2 type) 3 3 2 2 ECHO virus type 1(8) 2 2 type 7 3 3 Coxsackie A 23 1 1 Adenovirum 2 2 Unidentified (9) 1 1 Negative 13 1 14 (9) Cytopathic activity of the virus strains could not be neutralized by immune antisera pools against Polio 1-3, ECHO 1-8, Coxsackie A 9 and 23, and Coxsackie B 1-5. I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/08: CIA-RDP80T00246A023800190001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/08: CIA-RDP80T00246A023800190001-7 1 TABLE 9.TIME OF APPEARANCE OF MICROSCOPICALLY VISIBLE CYTOPATHIC ACTIVITY OF VIRUS STRAINS ISOLATED IN PRIMARY HUMAN AMNION CELL CULTURES Virus strains DAYS OF OBSERVATION (9 Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 15 17 26 Poliovirus 1 1 10 5 13 2 1 4 2 2 1 43 2 [ 1 4 3 1 1 1 3 ECHO .. 4 1 ....._ _ ? 5 . . __ Adenovirus 2 2 Coxsackie A23 1 _ 1 Unidentified(&) 1 1 (9) Cell cultures have been examined for 10 days; two blind passages were made if isolation attempt was negative. (&) See table 8. TABLE 11. ISPECTIVITY TITRATIONS OP TYPE 1 POLIOVIRUS STRAIES IF PRIMARY RUYAN AMNION CELL CULTURES INCUBATED AT 36?C AND 40?C, AND IN UCLA CELL CULTURES INCUBATED AT 36?C LaterialDays 0) afte r vacci- nation 106107CID50 (0) ,,,,,,I.TCID5.36?C TCID5.40?C PHA PHA HeLa 36?C 40?C 36?C 6572 RS 14 5,75 51,50 5,75 64,25 6573 RS 14 5,50 -11.50 5.75 kl,00 6588 RS 14 6.00 1,50 5,75 4,00 6601 RS 14 1.50 5.25 4,75 660900 14 _6.25 6,75. 1,50 4.00 5,25 6620 RS 14 5.75 1,75 5,75 4,00 6624 RS 14 6,00 1,50 5.75 4.50 RS 14 6,00 1,75 neg. (7) 4.25 _Jkak 6397 HS 14 6,25 1,25 neg. (?) 5.00 6640 RS 14 6.25 1,00 5.50 5,25 5080 V 27 (9) 5,00 3,00 5,00 2,00 5086 P 31 (%) 5,50 14,50 5.50 (?) Second tissue culture peseege wee need. Virus stroll), were leoleted In PHA cell cultures from rectal Swabs of children 14 doge after the, were fed the babin type 1 poll virue vaccine. P . faeces (4.) Infectivity titer, ?screamed log TCID,.. per 0,1 al. (7) In Hole cell, no CPE wee desonstrated. '- although 1,000.000 30I0,0 Of the virus was used as inoculum. (%) Paralytic poliomyelitie caeca from 1960 epidemic in Croatia. TABLE 13. INFECTIVITY TITRATIONS OF TYPE 3 POLIOVIRUS STRAINS IN PRIMARY HUMAN AMNION AND MONKEY KIDNEY CELL CULTURES INCUBATED AT 36?C AND 40?C Material (g) Clinical diagnosis Days is;g1. 3 vaooine 1og10TC1D50 (1) 1081oTCID5038?C PHA MK TCID5040?C 36oc 40?C 36?C 40?C PHA MX 5829 F 5829aF Aeeptio meningitis / 6,50 4,75 1,50 2,60 7,00 4,75 0,75 2,75 5,00 2,75 6,25 2,00 6171 P Entero- colitis / 4,75 3,50 4,25 2,75 1,25 1,50 6180 F Pertussis 25 5,75 4,00 5,00 4,50 1,75 0,50 6472 RS Healthy 86 5,00 3,25 5,50 3.25 1,75 2,25 6564 RS Healthy 86 5,00 2,50 5,75 4,75 2,50 1,00 6690 RS Healthy 86 5,00 2,00 13,50 0,75 3,00 92,75 (9) Second tissue culture passage was used. (&) Infectivity titers expressed as log TCID50 per 0,1 ml. TABLE 15, INFECTIVITY TITERS OF SOLE ECHO VIRUS STRAL.S ISOLATED IN PRIMARY HUMAN AMNION CELL CULTURES Virus type Virus strain (9) lcg10TCID50 (&) ECHO 1(8) I .5 g_33A _ ---10065 __ _ _ Z,.!0_ ._ 7.0 10091 J. 7,0 7,0 ECHO 6 ---131:_ - -I- -- 9831 f 7,5 10744 ECHO 9 7295 7,0 7_206 ECHO 169634- ---i0440- _.__4.5_.___ -1 5 5 ,- - - --- 5,0 (9) Second tissue culture passage. (A) Infectivity titers expressed as log TCID50 per 0,1 ml. I 1 . TABLE 10. INFECTIVITY TITRATIONS OP STANDARD ATTENUATED All) VIRULENT POLIOVIRUS STRAINS IN PRIMARY HUMAN AMNION, MONKEY KIDNEY, AND HEIA CELL CULTURES INCUBATED AT 36?C AND 40?C Virus strains 1Viru- Bence 1 l_1f81. TCID5. (9) - ---- ---MK - 38?C ---I o log,.TCID5o36 C pHA 6? ' 40?C 3C 1 --- licLa 40?-6- 136?C 1 ' TCID ,40?C 1f5' PRA la( Sabin type 1 ' , 0 I 1 7,0/2(9.) 2,50/2 6,83/1 I 160,50/1 8,50/2 4,50/2 1 ?6,33/1 Sabin -;KT1n2 type 3 . 0 1 6,83/2 1,50/2 1 5,33/2 , 0 1 6,61/3 2,17/3 6,50/1 1,50/13,50/1 4,44/3 5,00/1 Chat type 1 Brunhilde - Itgl 1.105f _tylp.D 2 I______ E543:494 type 3 I 0 , I 7,17/2 1,84/2 I 5,50/1 5,33/2 . 11,09/4 6,50/4 7,10/1 ____A 6,50/1 6,50/2 1 ----] 5,50/114,27/1 1 1 0,59/4 0,60/1 . . 1 7,50/2 6,83/2 - -- 6,50/1 0,67/2 1,07/3 , i 5,79/3 4,72/3 1,00/1 Infectivity titers expressed es log TCID50 per 0,1 ml. (&) Denominator means the number of titrations performed; nomimator represente the median value of repeated experiments. TABLE 12. INFECTIVITY TITRATIONS OF TYPE 1 POLIOVIRUS STRAINS IN PRIMARY HUMAN AMNION CELL CULTURES AND MONKEY KIDNEY CELLS INCUBATED AT 36?C Al)]) 40?C Material (9) log10T0ID50 (&) logi. TCID5036?C PHA 36?C 40?C 36?C mx 40?C TCID5?40?C PHA HE 6588. 6,00 1 50 7 25 1,25 4,50 6601 6,25 1,50 6,25 0,50 4,75 .6,00 45,75 6609 6,75 1,50 5,25 60,50 5.25 54,75 6620 5.25 1,75 1,50 7,25 5,75 60,50 60,50 4,00 4.50 96,75 95,25 6624 6,00 6396 6,00 1,75 5,50 0,75 4,25 4,75 6397 6,25 1,25 5,50 60,50 5,00 5,00 6640 6,25 1,00 6,50 1,50 5,25 5,00 Virus strains were isolated in PHA cell cultures from rectal swabs of children 14 days after they were fed the Sabin type 1 poliovirus vaccine. (&) Infectivity titers expressed as log TCID50 per 0,1 ml. TABLE 14. INFECTIVITY TITHATIONS OP VINUIENT AND ATTENUATED POLIOVIRUS STRAD. IN PRILARY HUNAN ABNION AND MONKEY EIDNEY cal CULIEIRES INCUBATED AT 3600 AND 40?C. APPFIt 7 DAYS THE mammas AT 40?C %BRE ADDITIONALLY INCUBATED AT 36?C POR 72 HOURS Poliovirus stream . Type 100507CID50 (?) P H A :0?C 36(40)?C 36?C 4000 36(40)?C 36?C Chet 1 7,17 2.17 2,17 Sabin 1abin3 2 (5)6,83/2 1,50/2 1,50/2 6.50 1,50 2.75 0551-1105 E543-4934 2 3 7.50/2 6,83/2 6.03/2 6,50 5.50 5.50 6588 6601 1 1 6,00 6,25 1.50 1,50 1,50 1,50 6375 6391 2 2 5.75,2,25 6.00 44,50 2.75 04.50 6467 6468 2 2 6.25 6.50 2.75 2.25 3,00 2.50 6492 6493 2 2 7.25 6.25 2.25 2.50 2.25 2.75 6508 6523 2 2 5.25 6.75 1.50 2.73 2.75 3,00 6529 6)39 2 2 6.27 5.75 1,00 1,75 2,00 2.75 5,329 6171 3 3 1:n '3:7g 1:n 6179 6180 3 3 6.25 5.75 4.25 4.50 4.50 4,50 5.00 4.50 4.50 6181 6542 3 3 5.75 4.75 04,50 2,00 14,50 2,00 4,75 2,75 2,75 (?) Infectivity t tare expressed es log TCIDa?, per 0,1 ml. (2) Denominator mesas the number of titration)) perforned, nominator seen, the median value of repeated experimente. TABLE 16. PRIMARY ENTEROVIRUS ISOLATIONS IN PRIMARY HUMAN AMNION CELL CULTURES FROM PATIENTS WITH ASEPTIC MENINGITIS IN CROATIA AND SLOVENIA DURING 1962 ECHO viruses Coxsackie B Coxsackie A Unidentified Not 37(-q 6 16 1 3 5 9 not typed 0) typed Croatia 112 14 1 2 1 7 Slovenia 3 1 2 1 I 11 7 11 Total 3 1 2 12 14 2 2 1 7 ' 18 (9) Cytopathic activity of the virus strains could not be neutralized by immune antisera pools against Polio 1-3, ECHO 1-8, Coxsackie A 9 and 23, and Coxsackie B 1-5. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/08: CIA-RDP80T00246A023800190001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/08: CIA-RDP80T00246A023800190001-7 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/08: CIA-RDP80T00246A023800190001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/08: CIA-RDP80T00246A023800190001-7 VI/8 CULTIVATION OF VACCINIA VIRUS IN HUMAN DIPLOID CELL STRAINS J.Trlifajova, V.Stiova, F.Stastn3, Institute of Epidemiology., and Microbiology and institute of Sera ancl:Vaccines, Prague, C.S.S.R. Numerous tissue cultures of the most diverse origin are sensitive to the virus of vaccinia. In view of the presumed suitability of human diploid cell strains for the preparation of antiviral vaccines it was interesting to ascertain if these cells are sensitive to the vaccinia virus and what height of titre the virus attains in them as compared with other cell systems. Material and Methods Diploid cell 'strains WI-26 and WI-38 obtained from Dr Hayflick of the WiStar Institute in Philadelphia, were used in the experiments. The V71-26 strain was used in its 24th to 43rd passage, the WI-38 strain in its 21st to 31st passage. Eagle's medium with 1096of calf serum and1/3:bf0.5%.-LAH in Hank's solution was used as :t1,(- growth medium. The maintenance medium after inoculation of the tissues Was incomplete Parker medium:199 in a modification of the Serum and :Vaccine Institute, Prague Mikrobiol.:Imunol.; 2, 11, 1960/, -10;th 2% of ?calf serum. The-test-tube:cultures were set-up-from a..cell-suspension containing 100,000 cells per ml and test-tube. Parallel experiments with,primary:tissue.cultures from Macaccus rhesus kidney /OL/ and from dog.kiany-/PL/ were carried out. Modified Parker medium. .199 /as above/ with. different quantities of calf serum was employed as growth medium. The density of. the seeding suspension was 10.0,000 cells per. ml and test tube for the monkey-kidney primary cultures and. approximately 200,000 cells_ per ml and test ?tube for the dog' kidney primary-cultures. Modified Parker tedium 199 With. 2%-of calf serum was used as ?maintenance.mecliut.in both :types of: tissue culture. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/08: CIA-RDP80T00246A023800190001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/08: CIA-RDP80T00246A023800190001-7 ? VI/8 2 Vaccinia virus strains E-4 /ID50/0.2 ml for the CAM equalled -43 10 ?/ and 20 E-2, ovovaccine /1D50/0.2 ml for the rabbit equlled 10-3.7/ obtained from the Serum and Vaccine Institute were used for inoculating the cells. Virus was titrated fron the cytopathogenic effect, pronounc though focal destruction being taken as the endpoint. Four to five test tubes were used for each virus dilution. The tissue cultures were observed for 10 days following inoculation. Dteween the passages the virus was stored on dry ice or in a Revco ice-box at -60.)C. The TCID50 was calculatedHby the Reed-Luench method. Results The vaccinia virus produces a pronounced cytopathogcnic effect in human diploid cell strains. The destruction of the tissue consists in a ,clustering of the cells and in a retraction and disintegration of the cytoplasm, which bridges by narrow strips the vacancies in the tissue joining the, cell clusters. The clusters consist of deeply stainable pathologicallychanged nuclei and cytoplas,1 debris. A hi-,1er virus dilution causes enly a focal cytopathegonic effect. In the WI-26 diploid strain. five .passages of the vaccinia strain E-4 and four passages of the 20 E-2 ovovaccinun'Arariolae strain were performed /Table 1/. .Table ?1 7:1;xpe- Material Virus Log.TCID50/0.1 ml riT:ient Inoculated Tissue Lt1lUt1fl let 2nd. 3rd 4th 5th -pcIssaF;e No Strain WI-26 concent. -6.5 -4.7 -4.2 -4.2 -4.5 E-4 31st- 36th passage Ovovaccin. JI-26 -6.3 -5.6 vaiolae 37th- 20 E-20 43rd passage Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/08: CIA-RDP80T00246A023800190001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/08: CIA-RDP80T00246A023800190001-7 VI/8 3 In the JI-3.8 diplAd cell strain twice four pasages of the ovuvaccinun variUlae 20. E-2 strain were performed /Table 2/. Table -2 2x1De' 'Material Virus riment Tissue Inoculated dilution 1st 2nd 3rd 4th passage- roG. 50 ??????????????1????????????????? 1 20 E-2 ? .41-38: 10-2 35-, .6.4..t5.5 19th- 23rd passage 20 E-2 WD-38. 10-2 27th- 31st passage 7.0 -5-6 -5.2 -5.5 -6.0 The virus titre did not increase by passaging virus diluted 10-1, 10-3, 10-4 /log.TCID50/0.1 ml unier these c nditions equalled -5.5 and -6.0/. An approximately equivalent sensitivity of thc. aa-26 and the WI-38 strains to the vaccinia virus was C.e=strated by the cultivation and titration cf the virus under identical c:Aiditicns in both strains /Experinunts No 2 in Tables 1 and 2/. Furthermore , comparative titrations of the vaccinia virus in the diplr,id cell strains and in primary tissue cultures iron monkey and dog kidney were carried out /Tables 3 and 4/. Table 3 Expe- riment No Material inoculated Virus dilution Tissue Log. TCID50/0.1 .m1 1st passage 2nd passage 1 20 E-2 -1 10 CL -4.6 -5.1 2 20 E-2 10-2 WI-38 -4.5 -6.5 30th p. OL -5.3 -5.2 dI-26 -5.5 25th p. OL -6.2 NI-26 -5.6 29th p. OL -4.6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/08: CIA-RDP80T00246A023800190001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/08: CIA-RDP80-T00246A023800190001-7 VI/8 4 .The above comparison of titre of the vaccinia virus in first passages in diploid cell strains and in primary monkey kidney cultures shows that the sensitivity to the virus of both cell systems is more or less the same. Table 4 e- Material Virus riment Tissue inoculated dilution No Log.TCID50/0.1 ml 1st 2nd 3rd 4th passage -2 E20 10 PL -4.8 -5.4 -5.0 -4.2 2 E WI-26 4 29th D. -5.6 PL -5.3 No substantial differences between the titres of vaccinia virus obtained in the first passages in human diploid cell strains and primary dog kidney cultures was noted. It was found in two experiments that the titre of vaccinia virus cultivated in the human dipinid strains '.4I-26 and ,vI-38 is not changed by storage on dry ice for three to eight months. Discussion The above results show that human diploid cell strains are highly sensitive to vaccinia virus. Should these tissues prove of use for the production ()f antivriral vaccines, the possibility of utilizing them for the prparation of an anti-variola vaccine could, be considered. We are continuing our c:laparative studies on the sensitivity og human diploid cell strains and ether systems and on the stability of virus in long-term cultivation and storage. Surirjaa A hight sensitivity to the vaccinia virus was observed in human diploid cell strains and was compared with the sensitivity of primary monkey kidney and dog kidney cultures. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/08: CIA-RDP80T00246A023800190001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/08: CIA-RDP80T00246A023800190001-7 s...) I In I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/08: CIA-RDP80T00246A023800190001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/08 CIA-RDP80T00246A023800190001-7 V/6 UTILIZATION OF A NEW DIPLOID CELL. STRAIN DERIVED FROM HUMAN :EMBRYO LUNG TISSUE FOR THE CULTIVATION OF ENTEROVIRUSES AND MEASLES-VIRUS Hozinski,V.I., Seybil.V.B. Cypkin,L.B. Panteleeva,N.S. Mazurova,C.M. Institute of Poliomyelitis and Virus Encephalitis, Academy of Medical Sciences of USSR, Moskva, SSSR Diploid cell strains from the very beginning adapt to the composition of the nutrient medium, and the success of their maintenance in passages is, apparently, to a considerable degree dependent on the identity of cultivation conditions .and the conditions of primary culture. A serious drawback in the use of primary Hayflick-Moorhead diploid strains is their marked adaptability to the amino acid complex manufactured by the Microbiological Associates Company. The experience of many researchers, our own included, has been that the replacement of that complex by amino acids of a different origin results in the death of the strain. An attempt has been made to obtain our own diploid strains on available media. After trials with a number of media w,s chose a mixture of 70 parts of "Igla" medium /of amino acids of the California Corporation for Biochemical Research and of Czechoslovak-made Chemerol, vitamins produced by. NBC/ and 30 parts of 0.5% solution of lactalblmine hydrolysate in Hanks medium+. The "Igla" medium contained 10% of calf serum Using Hayflick and Moorhead techniques /1,2/, we obtained five cellular strains from the lung tissue of human embryos. Our paper presents the materials concerning research into one of them, which was passed throng-!1 48 subcultivation passages /strain LT-16A +Thnaks to person-21 communication from Dr J.Trlifajova /I.E.M. Prague/ we were aware of the successful use of lactalbumine hydrolysate, to supplement 7hu "Igla medium /prepared from amino acid and vitamins by Microbiological Associates Co/ in the culture of original Hayflick and Moorhead strains in Part - RAnitiZed CODV Approved for Release 2013/08/08 CIA-RDP80T00246A023800190001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/08 : CIA-RDP80T00246A023800190001-7 V/6 The object of the first part of our research was to show the correspondence of the charcateristics?of our strain with the features of original Hayflick and Moorhead strains. The principal of these characteristics were in our opinion the dynamism and morphology of growth, intensity of cellular metabolism, karyo- typic picture, and absence of oncogenicity in the experiment0 ism owf_graih_ of LT-16 strain. The strain passed through three stages of development: formation /primary culture, 1-2 passages/1 active growth /up to 43-45 passages/, and ageing. In the stage of active growth, as early as 24 hours after transplanatatien of the culture, the protruding cells formed a net, merging into a monolayer after 48 hours of cultivation. After 74-98 hours, an at least twofold cellular layer was observable, oriented in intercrossing directions. Subcultivation passages were made twice weekly, with the growth surface being doubled. By the end of each subcultivation period /.i.e. after 3-4 days of growth/ the cell countin a one-litre matrix flask reached 18-24 millions. There was a decline in the intensity of growth during the stage of ageing and after 48 passages mitotic activity was discontinued, Morpholo'77, of LT-16 strain. In the primary culture the cells had a predominantly epithelic form /Fig.1,a/. Three or four passages later they attained a fibroblastic form, took parallel positions and were characterized by monomorphism /Fig,l,b/. Cells mainained in passage for 10-12 days formed a multilayer membrane at the end of this period /Fig.1,b/. In the stage o:7 ageing the cells assumed a loose arrangement, at times amorphous. Parellel with protruding elements a considerable number of cells was observable with oversize hyperchromic nuclei sometimes amorphous, and with voluminous cytoplasm /Figl /. Fluorescent - microscopic examination revealed a considerable RNE.- content in cells of LT-16 strain. The differentation of cells was effected by alterations in RNK content. Intensity of .cellular metabjism, expressed trough acidifica- tion of the nurient rs.ldium9 was considerably enhanced in sub- cultivations and exceeded thct commonly observable in cell r1,,,Inceifiari in Part - Sanitized CODV Approved for Release 2013/08/08: CIA-RDP80T00246A023800190001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/08 CIA-RDP80T00246A023800190001-7 1/6 3 Cultures of monkey kidney or inoculated lines, LT-16 cells preferably grew in media with a comparably low RN index. auamt. Cells of LT-16 strain had the female diploid Chromosome arrangement, common in man. Fig.2,a shows a cell in metaphase. The chromosomes of the same cell, arranged in groups :416cording to Denver classification, are shown in Fig. 2,E ,t1C conspicuous quality alterations were observed in the idiogram. .06Unts acrried through with 200 cells undergoing metaphase TeVealed 8 /4%/ heteroploid cells in the 12th passage, 6 /0:7 in .01.0 21st Passage, and 2 /1%,/ in the 34th passage, The decrease iit:number of heteroploid cells in the process of cultivation suggests the diploid stability Of the LT-16 strain. H OncogenicitV. In the inoculation of hamster cheek Pouches Cells of LT-16 strain caused no increasing swelling. Between the 4th'and: 8th day following inoculation, very small /millet-grain- sized', infiltrations were observed, which were re-Sorbed after a few days. Histological research revealed that these infiltrations represented an ordinary inflammatory reaction developed at the site of induction of LT-16 cells /Fig.3/. The charactetistics outlined allow, in our opinion, to consider LT-16 strains to be close in their qualities to Hayflick and Moorhead strains. Our task was to study the sensiti- vity of the new diploid strain to cerrain viruses. It is known that somewhat lower titres of enteroviruses are obtained in diploid cell cultures. This is explained by the adaptability of laboratory virus strains to monkey cells /2/, We checked titres of attenuated Sabin polioviruses on various levels of passage in LT-16 culture. It was revealed that during adaptation to the new culture the poliovirues P-r-c-Ti no - less intensively than in the cells of monkey kidney /Table 1/. ECHO viruses of types 1-19, 201 21, 26, 27 as well as Coxackie A9 were cytopathogenic for LT-16 strain, but in titres less than 1 log10 in monkey kidney cultures /the possibility of, adaptation has not been checked/. Coxackie B1_5 viruses caused no cytopatogenic alterations in our cell culture Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/08: CIA-RDP80T00246A023800190001-7 )eclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/08 : CIA-RDP80T00246A023800190001-7 V/6 4 Table 1 Titres of Polioviruses in LT-I6 Culture Virus adapted in tissue culture Titres after C13, /log TCD50/m1 in tissue culture of' in LT-16 culture:types monkey kidney: I II types I III 1 I II III Monkey kidney 7.0 6.5 7.0 5.8 LT-16 /1st passage/ 7.0 6.5 8.0 6.6 LT-16 /4th passage/ 7.0 6.5 6.2 LT-16 /7th passage/ 740 LT-16 /9th passage/ 7.4 7.0 8.0 ? The strains of measles viruses, Edmonston and Leningrad-Li were successfully adapted in LT-16 culture, caU6ing cytopathogen- ic alterations. In the process, the virulent vn14ant of Edmonston strain and the vaccinia strain Lenitgra1-4 daubed the formation of oversize multinuclear cells; whereas the dytopathogenic effect of the attenuated variant of Ed.Monston strain was limited to the ocdurretce of a general cellular degeneration and dilution of celltir layer /Fig.41 a, , /. Fig.5 shows the dynamism of growth of virulent Edmonston strain by titres it LT-16 culture. tetingrad-4 strain was reproduced in this culttire by approxima- tely identical titres. Coiori 1. It the process of adaptation of polioliiruses to a new strain of LT-16 diploid cells, the virUses were grown in this culture up to titres comparable with those commonly obtained in the cell allture of monkey kidtey. 2. The virulent variant of the strain of Edmonston measles virus and the la.ccinal measles virus Leningrad-4 gate rise to the formation of symplasts in LT-16 cell culture; upon infection by the attenuated variant of Edmonston strain, a degeneration of cells of LT-16 culture, with no formation of symplasts, was observed. for Release 2013/08/08 : CIA-RDP80T00246A023800190001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/08 CIA-RDP80T00246A023800190001-7 V/6 References 5 1. Hayflick,L. and Moorhead?P.S., The Serial Cultivation of Human Diploid Cell Strains, Exper.Cell.Res., 1961, Vol.251 N 3, 585-621. 2. Sayflick,L., Plotkin,S.A., Norton,T.W. Pv,eparation of Poliovirus Vaccines in Cen Strain. AmerJ.Hyg., 1962, 22:2, 3. Report to the Director General, World Scientific Group on the Human Diploid July 1962 /WHO/PA/ 140, 62. and Koprowski,H., a Human Fetal Diploid 20-258 Health Organization, Cell. Geneva, 16-18 norinQcifipri in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/08 CIA-RDP80T00246A023800190001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/08: CIA-RDP80T00246A023800190001-7 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/08: CIA-RDP80T00246A023800190001-7