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r-- -W T T A T. , . 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized'EOp;APprolVred for Release 2013/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00457R007800770002-7 wifELL:Ufii\ICE, AGENCY FO RIVIATZ0 N, REPORT CD NO. .00LINI Ry SUBJECT Podolsk Engineering Factory i n Kalinin No, 460 LACE ACQUIRED DATE OF DATE DISTR. 9 l''''TR1 i2:1317 NO. OF PAGES 7 NO. OF ENOLS. c= (LISTED BELOW) v? ? . , 1 SUPPLEMENT TO ......., 50X1-HUM ' REPORT NO. 1 7r'"."?Nj5ka;rioik9thagli2EStTi2VMPM IT, COMMENT E;ONTA1fZ5 lloronvir1er4 FVCCTINIA ME CIATiONALOEFENSI fJP Turi U1T8 STATFli WITNIP PALANINO OF MR ESPICNAGB ACT SO N. N. C? tlf! ANA n- AS ANZNOED, CT9 TEANSUIZSICU OP VIT NSIIMITICU OF ITS CONTENTSI ANT HAMA TO AN fINAOTN?:21TED PERRON 13 PAC.. tiletirm WI LAW 3E$DZLILICTIO111 OR /TM SEMI 15 PEOMNIINEt, THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION ma< 50X1-HUM I in Order of the Labor Red Banner Podolsk Engineering Factory i/n Kalinin (Ordeha Trudovogo Krasnogo Znaneni Podo/ski kekhanicheski Zavod imeni Kalinina) is located at Podolek (55-23N,,37-30E), Loscow 0b1set 43 km South of Moscow on the Moscow-Kursk railway. The number 460 has not been used in correspondence since 1946. 50X1-HUM The faetorhwhich- belongs to the Ministry for Engineering and Instrument Construction, comes under the direct control of the Central Administration for Light Textile Engineering of the Ministry. or 3, The factory,which was established in 1900, was primarily employed in sesemblinp Singer sewing machines from parts Which were imported from abroad. Later the factory produced sewing machine parts of all descrirtions- After the revolution the factory, which was considernbly expanded, continued to produce sewing machines. L In 1941 the factory buildings covered an area of -;.5,000 sq m,which in 1950 had increased to 66,000 so m. 5 In autumn 1941, cersonnel and ecuipment of the factory were partially evacuated. In 1942, after the German. retreat from the vicinity of i,oscow,the factory wae re-established and took up the nanufacture of amflunition of various types and also mines, During the war the factory was designated Factory No. 460 of the Ministry of Lanitions. The director was Dmitri Likhailovich Bubnov,who continued in this, capaeity for two years after the conclusion of hostilities. During this period the factory, on several occasions, gained a first prize in conpetitions open to ammunition factories and in 1944 was awarded the Order of the Red Banner, Many members of the staff including the directa--Bubnov,were awarded orders and eledals. 50X1-HUM STATE GLASSIRCATIOAELWAPL mAvv etNSRB US OFFICIAL6 ONLY -HUM 50X1 DISTRIBUTION ARIAT-1 AIR Document No Changl Class. Autha Dote:JUL No, In [1] Li (12011- 50X1 TS SC Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00457R007800770002-7 (A Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/12/13 : CIA-RDP82-00457R007800770002-7 CON US GFFICIale5 ONLY 4, CJiTkL IN T ciLLIGeN Cee AGLNCY 7, At the end of 1945 ane aurin g the early tart of 1946, tne factory switched over to the eroduction of sewing macnines, all shops were re-equipped and many new seecial typeachiee tools introeuced, ;e. A machine tool production snop was establiehed at the end. of 1945 The shop expanded considerably, and durinp 1946 and 1947 new machinery and specialists were ietroduced. Froduction included machine tools of various types, presses, ane eruipment for the foundry, eith the introduction of the necessary equipment and specialists, the manufacture of tools and appliances for the production of sewing machines was undertaken, 9. By the middle o'1946 about 4,700 maceine tools and other articles of eeuip- ment were insta:led in the shops. The foundry received a considerable amount of new eeuipment, and a casting (zalivochny) conveyor and a distributine coeveyor were installed- At the end of 1948 a second eroup of curola furnaces was fitted in the foundry, 10 About 3,500 workers were -hen specialized training in the shops, and special scnools an. etudi centers were formec. Two desien offices were established, me in sbish eneneers ard specialists with rrevious experience in sewing machine construction ieere introduced, for the r.roduction of sewing machines, ane a second for the eroduction of retal-cutting machine tools And other eeeipment required by tne factoree All technical documents connected with the eroduction of sewing macnincs were erepared by the engineering and technical personnel of the factory, 11. Leering the trnsiiion yeried,the factory turned cut spare parts for agri- cultural machiner, ane tractore, meceine tools of different types, and con- sumer eooes, and in adeition fulfilled oruers for the electrical industry, encluding the manufacture of a gr_at number of resistance elements for elec- tric locomotives, end lifting cranes, ,12, By July 1946 the ouriere ana enEineering shops nae alreauy rocruced the necessary parts fer the manufacture of sewing macnines, ana the assembly shop started to turn out grade 1 A hoesehold type (bytovoi tip) sewing . machines, These macninec were also known as the family type (semeiny tip), A start was also made in the needle shop on the production of needles, 13, In jul7 the first batch, consisting of 60 sewing macnincs, was produced and passed tests satisfactorily.. In August the first lot of 40,000 sewing machAhe needles belonging to one number only was produced and passed the test satisfactorily, 14. Cuteut increased gradually and new types of household and industrial sewing maceines r,ere manufactured, The leantity and variety of needles increased. Towards the end of 1948, in addition to numerous spare parts for sewing machines, automatic weaving looms were produced, Types of Pachine Produced Household Machines 15, The followine household rachines have been produced: a. Household sewing machines teee rmz grade 1. A. These are of the hand, pedal, and extra tyre. redal nachines constitute about 15 percent of the total output of household machines and extra fachines about 5 rercent, Household sewing machines are easseercauced ane constitute the basic output of the works., b. in the middle of 1948 .production was started on a modernized grade 1 A sewing machine, which was based on a mood l approved by the lolinistry for &rigineering and Instrument Construction and the all-Union Chamber of Commerce after teste at the s)cientific hesearch Institute of the Sewing Industry, This 'Lachine has better mechanism and an improved external finish, r6Powa.zwcTigiin US OFFICI -2-- 50X1 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUN Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00457R007800770002-7 \A Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/12/13 : CIA-RDP82-00457R007800770002-7 gOV,DP174-4,-,c ee'FICIkLS ONTI et, CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY industrial Sewing achines 16, The following industrial sewing machines have been produced: PlIZ shuttle type sewing macnine eth grade, 2,200 rpm. This machine was produced by the factory before the war, and a few have been produced since tie ware it was replaced in 1947 by an improved machine, the PZ 22nd grade in. Al, shuttle the rotary macnine 22nd grade, 3,500 rpm. This is a general purpose machine. The outeut of this macnine exceeds that of the 4th grade by 30-35 percent, The !-aehine has a 96th grade snuttle with a horizontal axis of rotation. PbriZ shuttle tyle machine 23rd grace. This machine is employed on - heavy -work. It has a 45th grade cylindrical shuttle vith an oscillating movement, d? PMZ rotary shuttle two-needle machine 24th grade, This machine has a 112th grade shuttle with a vertical axis .of rotation, This macnine was produced especially for the foot-wear induetry. It replaced the old PIE 14th grade machine, which was produced at the works before the war, end the 3rd grade fechne, which v,:as an exact copy of a foreign machine PAE rotary shuttle 25th grade, 2,000 reerL Used for buttonhole stitch on underwear. It has a 107th ^rade shuttle with horizontal rotation axis allowing a deviation of the needle ue to 9 met, This .achine has replaced the P12 6th grade machine Froduced before the war, has a defect in the mechanism ,ehich no' es tha fabric. rmz rotary shuttle machine 26th grade, 2,500 rpm. Used for zigzag stitching. Shuttle with deviating (otklonyayushcheleya) needle. ea, Basic (bazovaya) machine 27th grade. Used ror eewinp on trimmings aaria.fer finishing work, This maceine was oesiened by the Scientific Research Institute of the Sewing Industry. The design of the Lachine enables it to exchanee its individual aggregate units (agregaty-uzly) in order to obtain new alternatives for certain special oceretione, By replacing discs with corresponding can. rofiles and holding clamps, the macnine canperform numerous special operations such as SeAdlit; on buttons, troeuctien of fasteners, sewing on hooks and eyes, ciasia, ,ures:i-: buttons, tape, eeke_eleetl,ete)e. 114',L tambour machine 28th grade, Useu for sewing neadgear. FZ buttonhole machine 29th grade, .Used for cnein-stitcnine buttonholes for overcoats,. Designed after, end an imeroveieent on, the 99th grade. j. Machine for sewing up filled paper bags for the cement and chemical ineustries. Deals with about 300 bars eer hour, Needle Production 17, About 165 grades of sewing machine needlee, are being produced at present.. Automatic 7:,eaving Loom Tue ATK-100 18, In 19L8 the first new automatic weevine loom type ATK-100 was produced at the factory. Kananine the engineer who desiened this loom, was awarded a Stalin Irize for his eork, The loom is eesieneted ATK (Avtemat Tkatski Kananina Kaninin4s Autceetic ..eaving Loom) after the desiener. The fieure 10C indicates the width of fabric in centimeters eroduced by the loom, Tnie machine is sometimes called KAT-100, 19, The loom is now being mass produced, and a seecial anop for assembling weaving 'come has been established at tee factory, The loom erocuces fabrics one meter in width rrem cotton yarn. Three ceteeories of locm are produced which differ slightly from one enether.. They produce fabrics of hien, medium, aria low thr-ad numbers. The meceines work at sl:eeds up to 220 ? rlit;.YThey are uriven by an electric motor type TT-US of 55 kw, electric switch LZ, and seed of 950 rpm, The overall dimensions of the machine are: length 1,270 nee width 2,190 mm, and neieht 1,670 mm. The weight of the machine with the electricnmotor, 8V.ikgs. The framework of the macnine =^ ,f nest iron with the 'electric'mao Installated beneath the frame The har0 brake, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00457R007800770002-7 50X1 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/12/13 : CIA-RbP82-00457R007800770002-7 eZeThL INT...111034On ,'-,GeiNCY 20, The red of the slay gear is made of angle iron to which a wooden shaf-er red,: is attached, length of slay gear is 2,160 mit; weight: 87 kgs. The seuttle box has a si:eeial valve, The strikinfe gear ('X)gsvoi kelchanizm) is of an original trpe, The regulating device for fabric feeding consists of a continuous action worm gear with a drive from the crankshaft. The warp watcher (osnevonablyudatel),which is of an original Kananin design, is the same as that used in the LA-5 machine. If the thread of the warp break e, a special gear stors the machine,. A device for regulating the tension of the wary makes it rossible to eroduce medium woven and closely woven fabries? The machine is fitted with a woof feeler (utochny shchup). Ivlach-jne Tools liachne tools produced Yer tha factory are not ce orieinal deeign. Turning grndine.. lathes, and l-resses ar of the tyr_e built by works belonging to he iliachine Tool ineustrye The only oeieinfel eroductions of this nature at the wore are devices for ad.litin xl!chine tools for syecialieed work Out rout Sewiu iZachiees 22, rost-war iroduction commenced in July 1;-'46 an. Yroceecled as fol..osi i96tGrade 1 (housenola) sewin m-.-tcaine) July- 60 rtutfust 490 e;ei_tember 150 Oc%ob_r 250 i4ovember 4:700 December _5750 Total 15,90-0 1947 About 130,300 sewing machines of }ic.,usehold and incustril 1948 About 270,000 sewing rnaoines of household and irxjustrial tvj ;.949 About 320,000 sewing 1:.acines of household 'A-1d industrial types. 1950 (through June) About 190,000 sewing machines. 23, There L.112, four tyres of hcusehold sewinu. macr:ins L'Iich constitute 85 percent of the total leabhines reduced, Ineustrial machines?of which 11 tvyes are manufactured, make up the remaining 15 lercento 31x new types are being designed, Needles 24, frouuction startea in Au list 19461during :ionth about 40,030 needles were produced. 1946 1,450,000 needles of c numbers of 1 trade (Riess) 19L, 9,700,000 needles of 17 numbers/grades 1948, -e26,000000 needles of 52 numbers/grades 50X1 50X1 -HUN joaftraigUttOL 113 nl'ICIALS ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for _Release 2013/12/13 CIA-RDP82-00457R007800770002-7 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/12/13 : CIA-RDP82-00457R007800770002-7 CLNTRAL IN7,3LIITENCE AGENCY - 1949 About 40,000,000 needles of 125 numbers/grades 1950 (through June) About 22,000,000 needles of 140 numbers/grades Automatic 'ieavine Looms ATK-100 25, Production started in December 1948. 1949 about 380 looms. 1950 (through June) about 260 looms, Machine Tools and other T.q.21,21:mt 26 The production of mach7Ine tools and other equipment follows: 1946 ketal-cuttipg machirie tools and othr equipment (Louldinr machines for the fohndry, etc,) 180 1947 lyetal-cuttin uachine tool:,.; and o isr eouifment 19C- 1948 kachine tools and other equipment 206 1949 a.achine tools and other equipment about 200 1950 (throu0i June) Machine tools and other equipment about 200 Spare Parts for Sewing Machines 27, Since the end of 1948, the manufacture of spare parts for sewing 'machines has att..Aned consicerable importance in the factory. Actual production is not known, Miscellaneous Artiels 28. A corparatively small number of spare parts for agricultural machinery is produced, also simple types of agricultural machinry for the Moscow Oblast Consumer goods are produced on a fairly lance scale. Personnel 29, Chief personnel are as follows: Director: LA.. Shchekin Chief Fngineer: Borisov Chief Technologist: Ershov Secretary of the Factory Party Committee; Vasilev , About. 49500 workers are emr.loyed in two shifts. 6ome shops work a night shift r,airing ePuipment and ireparinL material for the morning shift Publications 31, Yfhe works publish a paper Nasha Pravda (Our Truth), This paper, the publica- tion of wnich started long before the war,.nas a wide circulation, jearinaanA4PL 115 OFFICIALS ONLY 50X1 50X1-HUMA OW\ I -FILJIVI -5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00457R007800770002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/13 : CIA-RDP82-00457R007800770002-7 CENTRAL INMLLIGLNC-v., AGeRCY Shee,i 32. A description of the factory shops follows: ,utomatic kacninery Shop (Avto.matny Tsekh), New upsetting (vyoadochny) and knurlinp (nakatny)- machines were installed in 1949, Foundry (Liteiny Tsekh), Has two band conveyore. In 1948 a seconu group of cu[cla furnaces was installed, Turning Shop (Tokarny Tsekh) Needle Shop (Igolny Tsekh), "I:he ;tem.:ening of needles by HF curlent was introduced in 1949, - Sewing liachine Assembling Shoe (Sborochny Tenkh Snveinykh Lashin) Has a conveyor, Automatic 'Weaving Loom AsseeMine, Shoi (Sborochny Tsekh Tkatskikh Avtoratov), A conveyor is being instelltd: Forge (Kuznechny Tsekh) Sterl_ine Shop (Shtampovochny Tsekh) Suttle Shoe (Chelncchn rTeekn) Industrial -1,ch',_ner3r Shop `I'sekh. Fromyshlennykh ashin) Tool Shop (Instrull,entalay Tsekh) Hive Shop 5.harnirny TseKh) Hand Drive Shop (Tsekh hue'nnykh Irivocov) Small farts. Shoi: (Tsekn 1.elkikh Cnastei) killing Shop (Frezerovoenv Tsekh) wood-working Shci_ kDerevoobbeiochny Tsekh), The drying of wood by HF eurrent was introduced in 1948, Screw Shop (Tsekh Vintov) .Varnish and Ornament ShoT (Lakoornamentny Tsekh), Has a conveyor for 7arninning sewing machine parte, Engineering Repair. Shop (aemontno-Leknanicheski Teekh) Small Details Shop (Tsekh Y2e1kikh Detalei)' Pressure Casting Shop (Tsel:h Litiya Pod 7)avleniyam Ilachine Tool Construction Sher. (StankostroAeinv Tsekh) Assenbline Shop (Lontachny Tsekh) Nickel-Plating Shop (Nikelirovochny Tsekh) General State of Fias-Lszt During 1946 and 1.90 the factory was run at a considerable lees and re- ceived about 16,09C.3000 rubles in government subsidies, Since 1948?when the factory ;rade a profit of about 5,000,-0C rubles, it has' shown a profftt. This is the result of imIroved organization sucn as t:le tightenine up of controls, the keepine of recures, the introduction of conveyor lines, and the autometization of certain processes, In addition,tne employ- ment of u.eto-date technical ecuipment,sucb. as high-frequency- current in- stallaticns, plaetics, and the introduction of improved machinery)such as autop,atie upsetting machines, new eolisning and grinding machines, have reduce'a the amount of labor required and increased profits, ONBIOUVAWIEhOLUS OfFICIaLS ONLY 50X1 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00457R007800770002-7 , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00457R007800770002-7 r' C7INTE -INTYLLIC.ENCE AGRiCY 34, The lyaKimum rejects take place in the foundry. In 1947 and. 1948 rejected articlis in tne foundry reached 30-35 percent. At the present time the percentape of rejects is lower. 35, he PodoIsk Engineering Factory is the most important producer ofhousehold and inuustriai sewing machines in the USSR. Hol,mver, the staff of the de- sign office,which devises new types of machines,are short of experience, and efficient directors are lacking. 36. New dsigns of sewing machines are drawn up by the Scientific Research In- stitute of the Sewing Industry, which collaborates with the Linistry for -Engineering and instrument Construction. The tendency of this institute in designing stanoard (bazovy) sewing machines for the near future is to apply the aggregate method, similar to that used in the manufacture of the grade 27 machine now produced in the Todolse. Factory. Variou alternatives of this machine could be used in sewing, haberdashery, kittiy. footwear, anu other industldes. 'ralriATIMOIALi-LuL 0, ONEY 50X1 50X1-HUN 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00457R007800770002-7