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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/02 : CIA-RDP90M00005R000100100003-2 MEMORANDUM FOR: FROM: SUBJECT: IA TILE 13 July 1986 OCA 2340-88 , OGC , OGC 3C Legislation Division Office of Congressional Affairs Secrecy Agreement Restrictions: Administration's Letter to the Conferees on B.R. 4775 1. Attached for your information is a copy of the Administration's letter to the conferees on E.R. 4775, the Treasury, Postal Service and General Government Appropriations bill for Fiscal Year 1989. 2. You will note on page three of the letter and page six of the attachment the Administration's objection to the secrecy agreement provision contained in the House bill. 3. We initially understood that inclusion of this? provision in the House bill reflected nothing more than a ataff-level decision to include in the FY '69 bill all "boilerplate" provisions from the FY '66 bill. VNE now understand, however, that there was an active effort by the provision's proponents to have it included in the FY '69 bill. Accordingly, it is possible there may be a real dispute in conference over the provisior Attachment OCA/LEG (13 July 1988) Distribution: Original - Addressees (wlatt) 1 - OCA Registry (w/ att) 1 - (w/o att) 1 - OCA/Leg/Subject File: Secrecy Agreements (w/att) 1 - PS Signer (w/o att) 1 - OCA Read Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/02 : CIA-RDP90M00005R000100100003-2 4 . ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for 'Release 2013/05/02 : CIA-RDP90M00005R0001001 U000:3-2 , rkre`trtiVE CirricE OF THE PRESCIENT . epics nr tolvettocuteit 4t1DOLNICILT Nonorable John C. qtennis Chairsam. Committee, on Appropristiene United States Senate Washington, igatipipai!ope4)4., ass, 41. Ms MeV rx. Chsirsions. Xs the %Mee and Senate prepare to go iv comet-eh... 01. ii.u. 4/15, the W/ *fib^ Treasury, retsial 6etvice, ani Government Appropriations bill, I would like to ...4.,ecs the hduioistration's view* on the Congressional Avflim tn %tat.. on this bill. While hotel versions of the bill containpro.tinli.r. :tupprrted by the AdministiAtt tt, the senate-passed verefl is in lewral sore eeeiiiistent with the President's budget requ..nt, there are owl/oral funding and language provision ot .oncelv In the 4dianietration that t need to bring to your attentton. The Ldulnietration stroogly urges that funding levet5 be restored to those level requested in the Piestdent'.; imatiet. U. is critical to restoze the $5.3 billion tot internal Revenue Serviee au was supporte4 hy the House. Thu Sc ,141114 tovel Would force sharp cutbacks either in IRS At..:Sisf.1;tor. tv the majority of taxpayer:. who are trying to comply with 4 t'omplex tax lew or in IRS revenne-cienerating activities to colfert fag llos those who choose to ray their tair share. Thv ispak.1 of the* i0i0Gr S*Oate ifsVel on refuting rroctaeing and taxis;.yer .:nrysces vould be devantetiu4 it revenue-generating activitivs %dery to bc fully protected as coiled fOr in the Bipartisan Oudnet Az a seam* of providing funding far theee reftlorations of the regueste4 funding levels, we urge CoOgreito adort the President's ?revenue foreoone" proposal. Afioptton -1 1ht' Proposal would reduce ths postal subsidy trots thu ttttisel . and senate-ipalised tevvls of.14)* million to :19 a sz.vings of $017 ftilliort. The Adminiati at ion hs rev tousty sought COogressional approval of this prop:1431 that .a-eko to eliminate inepproprtat4 subsidies for certain ela3nes timat1erc is.g., pitutigious professional irsde OrgahiZAtivils, plotitatNte business Seminar companies, *piggy beck" advettiset, we again Wilt your eprreval in nrder to provide itigniirtet tor sure critical purposes. I ? _ IIIMICAL LETTERS SENT TO HONORABLE SlINIn cotar, ticskylwkLs EDWARD R. ROYBAL. HONORABLE JOSEPH !.KELN, W:0041.1.ALE NARK 0. waTIELD, HONORABLE RnUERT DOLE, HONOWIALZ MN'S DECOSCIAI, KONOSASLE JAMIE: L. WHIrIEN, AVO 00g3thIlLi PETT V. DONSMICI rnnv Aooroved for Release 2013/05/02 CIA-RDP90M00005R000100100003-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/02 ? CIA-RDP90M00005R000100100003-2 ? ? 4 If UM Cenftrires choose not to adopt the adminiA.4410,.., . full peopose.1, we ask that you restrict thc L' tt tevrin :provided in the Iry 149i ravenue foregone approptiation II, that ' fiscal year, the preferred sellers were recptitc.1 vaN lot :0 ; percent Of their al tor tetl overhead costs the r.ame pr000rt ion they absorbed Crow TY Igitfi until the April 1. vise' !,..41..oc increase. .11% the conference bill, these sailers wonio not 1.e. required to aahsorl, any ovelher.d costs. therotl, hnhocesr.ailly ,incressing the dcticit $ts.e Tho: dour? bill contains a pruvision that tt .-. .. Presi4sint'? albilit) to execute appropriations t7ttutr. 1141 would racoaar.slind tont the Presilent veto the hilt I: Pi is presented with this iArovision. The prnwieion rruvi,'.c:1 that 'funds may be umed by OPP to prevent or delay the oblitimitio or agpenditure of funds identified in eithobr an appropriatimirl btli or in aCCompianyinii rsporta, with the sole exception propasole immumitte hy law. It apparently is intondea to eke report language accompanying this and other approoriatioi, oille i-- even if written after this provision is rms.-tea 1?814sinot on ;the axecutivt Oran:h ae if enacted Iht0 13w. Thdct, ovelmIttee 'reports that not coevett with conetitutiunal recitotreartat?-. .t full legislative Attton (i.e., consideration And p:vlsagr lvoth prewmcltAirflt Rouses end for Presidential J141,4tUSO$ tolvtild improperly be given dignity with statutc:. enacted tuft. 13w, ,These concerns' cirlilv raise tun4ancntal conatituti(Inat mauvs under the atakw care" And 'presentment* cideses. t would welcome an opportunity to out an arrangement in the revolt that it mutually acceptable oikt recognizes the approptiate -t hnth brencheel bet Lie present language, we helieves, is conatitution&lly infirm and therefore unaccept.lhie Further, thie lsnuttAge creates ambititsktio,-. to thp 11'4.8W/1u:toe autactioly to isplesPnt and enforce other tab-.. nuch as Criusse-itudison-Hol 1 int: which requires his to withhold and eitcpester funde it ftpecifisbd deficit targets inc exceeded This provision see iradifertently affect other Sub?.Cattlive .1.ttfttory authorities of the Premigient.. Lnothor wWtter et coocern in this bill' is the r?quilom,.111 rue absorption of thr proposed WY raise- The 'supports the Service version of a len poicetit .nt.:01101ton requirement, however the SPIIALe limited tt.e iht-uption applicability to funds of the Treasury/Postal 1,,ti by pia:tit,' tit,? language provision into "Central Pluvision -- Title v" is Xesinistration strongly urges the conferees to twl;:ity thr alosorption prevision to apply to the entire twvertipf.nt by inserting in Title vl the following language: egut.h stms mAy Le neCescary for year 1989 pay raises tor prtAirau.- imwhfti by this or any Other fect shall be abserbed within the ieveiv nt each ouch Act." -2. ?,? nr,nrnved for Release 2013/05/02 CIA-RDP90M00005R000100100003-2 ?,., ' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/02 : CIA-RDP90M00005R000100100003- 1, . ? I : .0 ? , ...Am& Awf....0.-.....;..5* ' - -? - ' :4 ^ ' ....La' .---' ' - - , ? ? .. .?- i' ? ? : Other liattgaoge provisions of Concern to the AdminiMtAtim. taeludo: ?? the unconstitutional restriction in iTertion ? et too NOUS* bill on USO ut the national uccurtty cupaovee lkonelisclosure atirxresent, which is identical to J VIOVt,.1.$11. ? struck down hy thc U.S. District Cnurt for the os..sos.'s .11 Coluabia on nay 27, 19111 because it 01ffirwlext....11.11. restrict, the PreSident's power to tultall ubl iiispOltea upon hit by his; express Conetitutional powci- .118.1 the role as the rxocutivo in foreige ? ??11?? . (atjoralFederation Id rectors' EseloYet!. Y. II s., r 6") waiver ot hudiretary controls eslablinhed Pv the anti.-611IfiCiency Act ? los the leosse/pugehmpv ..vcsat nevpits the obliqitiun C: Administrattfins end congresses to provide AttitIllfll!: excess of iSJU Wilton, this waiver could tcsott :e thc s=)ring of roto dollars in the current year - A CICJI understatement of the full costs of Ihe pioivct-- Congress ainsuld infinite the public et the fq11 ot those projects to the tawpayer by reta in evel P.4. u currently ir?etatute. -- imposition or an ?Ts floor limiting the's ability to .dust ntatfin9 to workload and productIvity Shifts in the ett?Itours ServiCe. Stire&U_nt AlcoNot. ahd rircArleo... and the Federal Law Lntorcesent Tulining Centel'. The!ac proponal3 are costly and uflueceghalv- various pn.w1ons purporting to require con.lirlon:., committec apploval, As distinquichod from notitication And the coniwollak ion that results iron excoutive-tetatJiattlie coftity, for e)eculion of the law and exelcise at executive power. such approval requirementr conflict with COreetitUtionAi prieciples Ontlfleilltabd ift INS v. Chadka. 46: UAL 929 (148)). CO 01 These and other Administration concerns are dota1i.4i in the enclosure. I ufge the conferees to consider these 4-retvern.: they develop al Conference bill, in ths hope that I Can irCOMMICIO to the ?made:A that he sign the bill. sincerely yours, Enclosure z. C. hiller ill or . npclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/02 : CIA-RDP90M00005R000100100003-2 ? ;4-L.;., Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release- 2013/05/02 : CIA-RDP90M00005R0001001000032- ? 7r. '7; v*:1:2- Perther, this broad langusge creates aftbigOliieS A.. in the President's authority to ligament and entorc othot such ass Clana-Rudisan-Hollinges which 1.-titttut"; hts to withhOld anti sptpiestwr tunde if specified detiett tAtnetr are tacevecieti. This provision *ay ipadvertenolu other rubotintive statutory authorities nt thp rrer..tdvnt. Nettonal 6^curity_yepluris liondisClosur.,. rhe kdsinistrition requests that the Congress t ,.eotrIon ?21, reastinq to notional security esspinyes nitnAvleinnare egremients, trove H.R. 4775, the Ttessury-rwital Appropriations Dili for TY 1969. Tht Humor Attoply.t the provie5ort an4 the Senate truck it. L?i:.cticz% 621 in identical tn f.cPo' hit. ol th.? Truesury-Fostst notifies appropristionr. Act the rv /10611 further appropriations enntinsi,sq I. (P.11.... X00-202). The provision purport& to foliyiJ Governmerit trots using appropriated fund,* tn enforcn cettain agrmements with Fedrial eripInv they not diacio:m without authority clAnnitted in- to which thvy gAin sccesm during their tedera1 It tnan .? I stiott tt I sit t oh *1.9. onketot ('t- ihAt ot ton .loymont. ?n May 27. Ives. lational rederatlno 411 roderal Irill"Ye"f1 v. Unlitetd_ Aates, No. 97-2284-no. the Unit^1 rt.-tete brifiict colart for the District ot oolosisia 'wit! thtt Mien G3i. .4 the ri 191111 Treanurv-Po,141 APProiltietif?nft act violatem the Conaiitnitnn stateidt he t'ourt ftrtses etetute ftee. 630) ispersisnihty testitt-tt; thr PrIttaident12; rnwer to fulfill obligationt: %Telt hie by his. erpross constitutional pusers Atut ttlt. tole of the Evncutive in ff.vreign relatinnn. is, therefore, uniAmislantional.* :nlop Section 62% of H.R. 4715 is both uorom.t.tnti,n.ti And unwise. The Pro?ident possesses the authority leouire FeJeral ampinyei-s vhn volontAiiiv ASSUbe FO051 inV3 Of high trust brihqinti 1? the Nation's sto:A sensitive Set iets to ante., th;tre mcvets. ..uch nnndincinsure agreements Aue sefequaude in protnctinl that hattiOnal nectstity U.S.. Custow:, .and_ Eximiso. !CrAiU proposen to delote rho President's proonsed .fult would alluv im the Customs 141.V1 A.V,)-1:4 to 11Z4ird for Ctistnnts ctlatou,Cial complements the Admini*tkation's lenislative p l- eaks the, A., vilorcm wirer fee conuistclA prOviA;ioals 'he GATr. TZ a Senate proposAl vonio In in violation vi I.ArT bocanar none of the Cotle.-tton. 1,1 VW) would be to cover the coot Of Custom: C. mn..t..tAl activities 10 Undcr the Menotti oropoJai, ? _ - r.npv Approved for Release 2013/05/02 : CIA-RDP90M00005R000100100003-2