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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/19: CIA-RD November 20, 1975 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD?Extensions tween the .United States and Chile. One is the partial and unfair reporting of Chilean affairs in influential Sectors of the American press. &either your . subcommittee nor the Congress can do much to remedy this sitna- tion. The second barrier is the determination of a few members of Congress to use U. S. aid as a weapon to force changes in the 'internal political and economic institutions of Chile. For reasons best known to theraselves,,these reformers are seeking to punish, a regime which is making a serious effort to clear away the wreckage. of the "Allende Earth- quake," as it is called in Santiago. This sub- committee and the Congress can do some- thing to counter the press-inflated import- ance of these reformers whose 'arrogance too long has poisoned our relations with Latin America. The first prerequisite for good relations with Chile is respect for her sovereignty and non-interference in her internal affairs. We should recognize that only the Chileans can find a Chilean solution to Chilean problems. The present government is facing difficult problems 'and we should be tolerant of its mistakes which, I believe, are due largely to inexperience. Equally important, we should recognize the substantial achievements of the govern- ment under extremely adverse , circum- stances. The Junta's forthright attack on the economic problem, its capacity to-main- tain internal order, its general respect for the rule of law, and its commitment to orderly, peaceful, and legal development merit commendation. Mare important in determining US. policy, however; is the Chilean Government's per- formance in the international sphere. It has demonstrated its willingness and capacity to keep its foreign economic commitments, it has cooperated effectively with the United States in curbing the illicit drug traffic, and it continues to pursue a nonaggressive policy toward its Andean neighbors. The govern- ment is thus making a significant contribu- tion to regional stability and peaceful de- velopment. For these reasons, I believe Chile deserves U.S. support and encouragement. I have not given detailed study to the Ad- ministration's modest economic requests for Chile, which involve $25 million in agricul- tural loans, $1 million in grant technical assistance (largely agriculture), and the continuation of PL 480 aid, but I am in- dined to support them. This assistance would help make up for the 1973-74 harvest shortfall and give a boost to the economy. In view of the potential threat to Chile from the growing superiority of Peru's armored strength 'and the uncertainty of equipment deliveries, from Britain, the Ad- ministration's proposed military assistance would appear minimal. The Administration suggests grant aid of 8800,000 to be used exclusively for the training of Chilean offi- cers and NCOs in U.S. facilities. Chile has not received any grant military equipment for a number of years, but the Administra- tion proposes non-concessional Foreign Mili- tary Sales credit amounting to $20.5 million, payable over 7 to 8 years with interest. The amounts in both categories are comparable to those proposed for other South American countries of similar size and importance and within the range of what has been available to Chile during the Allende period. Providing this modest military assistance to Child, I believe, would help serve U.S. interests in five areas, though the results are not always certain: 1. It would help restore the military bal- ance between Chile and Peru, tend to make war between the two less likely, and thus contribute to regional stability. 2. It would make the Chilean Government less dependent on other external suppliers Who may be unreliable or who might use military deliveries to subvert Chilean inter- ests. It should be noted that even during the Allende years, the Chilean military refused Soviet military hardware offered on terms far more generous than those of the United States. 3. It would enable the Chilean Armed Forces to be more effective in internal civic action and humanitarian operations, espe- cially during flood and earthquake disasters. 4. It would help to provide continued ac- cess of American officials to Chilean mili- tary leaders. Clear lines of communication fostered by U.S. training and advice are es- pecially important during this emergency period of military government. 5. Military sales would help ease the U.S. balance of payments problem. Conversely, if this military assistance is withheld for punitive and reformist reasons, Chile will consider it a serious rebuff, es- pecially since her leaders believe that the very survival of the country is at stake. They would tend to feel isolated and forsaken by their best friend, an attitude hardly con- ducive to moderate domestic or foreign pol- policies. Past experience demonstrates that uni- lateral sanctions imposed by the United States or any other power -tend to be self- defeating. They cause unnecessary resent- ment, erode mutual confidence, and lay the foundation for counter-sanctions. They would rightly be regarded as arrogant inter- ference in internal affairs and would tend to create a climate that would make the satis- factory solution of the outstanding expro- priation claims and debt repayment prob- lems with the United States more difficult. If we fail to provide ll.S._military training and to sell the modest amount of equipment Chile seeks to buy from us, the government .will feel compelled to go elsewhere. And there is no assurance that the alternative supplier will have the same respect for the integrity Of Chile or the same interest in peaceful development as does the United States. For these reasons, Mr. Chairman, I believe the Congress should give serious considera- tion to the Administration's modest requests for economic and military assistance. ' FOOTNOTES The reason for their action are enu- merated in Proclamation' 5, issued on Sep- tember 11, 1973. See Appendix E, page a. 21The proposed schedule and list of par- ticipants of the National Legislative Con- ference on Chile are found in the Congres- sional Record, July 11, 1974, pp. E4832-33. s See Chicago Tribune, July 18, 1974. IN HONOR OF IRMA FLECK: BRING- ING THE ARTS TO THE BRONX HON. HERMAN BADILLO OF NEW YORE IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, November 20, 1975 Mr. BADILLO. Mr. Speaker, recently, a luncheon was held to honor Irma Fleck, a Bronx resident. The Bronx?most peo- ple thing of it as the home of the Yankees, the Grand Concourse, and yes, some of the worst slum neighborhoods in New York.. But the Bronx has become one of the country's foremost models of what a community arts program can bring to an area. And one of the driv- ing forces behind this great cultural renaissance is Irma Fleck, who recently retired as director of the Bronx Coun- cil on the Arts. The Bronx Council on the Arts, as it is presently constituted, had its begin- . . P11M01338R000400480042-2 of Remarks E 6319 rings in a desk drawer in Irma's Bronx residence. It has expanded to the point where it provides financial assistance and other forms of help to over 100 cultural and community organizations and pro- vides programs in which thousands of individuals participate. When, as Bronx Borough president, I initiated what became the Bronx Coun- cil on the Arts. I had the good sense to appoint Irma its first chairwoman. That was in 1967. She took hold of eyery facet of the organization, from publicity to fund-raising, from writing the fund- ing proposals to planning the exhibits. She helped establish the Bonx Museum of, the Arts, and originated Project SPAN?Students Promoting Arts in the Neighborhoods?which brought cultural opportunities into every corner of the borough. She originated and established a Neighborhood Arts Service Project and developed cultural programs at colleges and other institutions in the Bronx. In paying tribute to Irma, Sister Christine Marie, president of the Coun- cil, said: Irma has left a legacy of culture in the borough. The Board of Directors and my- self are most grateful to her, for the arts are _alive and well in the Bronx. We are indeed happy that she will remain with us as an advisor and that she will dontinue in another undertaking for the Council that will nur- ture culture and assist creative people in our area. And it pleases me too, that the word re- tire for Irma is an inoperative verb. For she will be working on the Collector's Corner, a new council project?a non- profit gallery run by and for the artists of the-Bronx. She has also been named to a special statewide" committee of the New York State Council On the Arts by its chairmwoman, Joan- Davidson, that will study ways of distributing State coun- cil funds on a local level. My life, and the life of every Bronx resident, has been enriched by Irma Fleck?and it will continue to be for many years to Come. DAMAGE TO CIA HON. C. W. BILL YOUNG OF FLORIDA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, November 20, 1975 Mr. YOUNG of Florida. Mr. Speaker. as I discussed last Week on the floor of the House, am gravely concerned over t14.4fLe?ct gLinc,estant-jattaz. r'T A en?ag, attacks which would gravely impair the domestic and inter- national security activities of ? these agencies. In a recent column, Jack Anderson? one of the CIA's major detractors?ad- mitted that these attacks are seriously damaging the functioning and credibility' of the CIA on an international level. Our allies are losing confidence in our intel- ligence service, and top-level informants are turning away from the CIA and giv- ing vitally-needed information to other intelligence services. I would like to include. the text of this Declassified and _Approved For Release 2013/08/19: CIA-RDP11M01338R000400480042-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/19: CIA-RDP11M01338R000400480042-2 E 6320 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ?Extensions of Remarks November 20 1975 column for the benefit of my colleagues, and once again express the sincere hope that the attitude of the Congress toward the CIA and FBI will be responsible and realistic, and take into account the need to protect our national security in every way possible: From the St. Petersburg Times, Nov. 10, 1975] ? CIA EXPOSURE REPERCUSSIONS (By .ctck Anderson) WAsmsrs-roN.?There is another side to the CIA story that hasn't been told. WS a story ? of demoralization, and deterioration inside the clandestine, agency. It's the reason Wil- liam Colby was finally fired as the CIA chief. We believe that. excessive secrecy produced an unwholesome environment, which was changing the C/A into an ugly, frightening creature. "For too long," we recently wrote. "the' CIA has operated in a subterranean world of half light, a world of grotesque shapes and shadows." This was turning the CIA, we suggested, into an unfamiliar, un- American agency,, which plotted murders, committed burglaries, conducted buggings, blackmailed - diplomats, tailed newsmen and spied on loyal Americans. Our CIA contacts have given us another picture, which we feel obligated to publish. We felt sunlight, was the best antidote for the rot that ..was infecting the CIA. They claim there. has been too much sunlight which, as one CIA sourse put it, "has left us naked before our enemies." Here are some of the repercussions, which we have been able to confirm: Top CIA informants and contract em- ployees are switching their allegiances to for- eign intelligence services, which they con- sider more trustworthy. The Soviet defectors, whom the CIA has been able to. coax Over to the American side, no longer trust, the agency. This could shut off invaluable future sources of information. ? The spectacle of the CIA confessing its sins to Sen.. Frank Church, D-Idaho, has left sophisticated allied intelligence officials in- credulous. One of them commented: "You don't have a country, you have a church?. no pun intended." This'hat reduced the CIA's credibility with allied intelligence agencies. "Oh, they have to deal with 'us," one source acknowledged, "but the extent of the cooperation is less be- cause of their lessened confidence in us." The Middle 'Eastern intelligence services simply can't understand how the CIA could be induced to turn over to Rep. Otis Pike, 13- N.Y., the most secret material on the Cyprus crisis and related Middle East problems. In Portugal, where a communist coup is still a threat, the CIA normally would have given clandestine support to moderate lead- ers at least commensurate with what' the So- viets are doing. Instead, it has been left largely to Britain, France, Italy and West Germany to save Portugal. In Italy, Communists have taken over at least 1'7 major jurisdictions during' recent elections. In times past, the C/A would have worked with Italian security men to prevent the victories, Jtiet ?as the Soviets poured money into the campaigns to elect the Com- munists: ? ? " In Spain, the Soviets are more active than at any time since the Spanish civil war. They are strengthening the Communist remnants throughout the country. In contrast, the CIA has been outmanned, their morale broken. In Lebanon, the Soviet-supported Palestine Liberation Organization is gaining power. Once the CIA operated one of its strongest networks in ? Lebanon. Now its efforts are feeble. In Israel, the long ties between the CIA and the crack Israeli intelligence service have been badly strained. Even in Canada, the old relationship be- tween the CIA and the intelligence arm of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police has be- come corroded. "All of them (are beginning to) mistrust us," explained a CIA contact. "They looked to us for leadership. Because they are out on the firing line, they must know that our word Is trustworthy. But who will trust us with their country's secrets now? ? "You don't write up contracts in this busi- ness. The dealings of one agent with another become a sort of unofficial contract with the U.S. government." CIA agents look upon themselves as pa- triots. Even in time of peace, they put their lives on the line for their country. Declared one CIA man with long experi- ence: "No one in this business would work with all that self-sacrifice if he didn't think he was part of the secret arm of our government. Every C/A agent feels that he is an instrumentality of the President, no mat- ter -which president is in power." TRIBUTE TO THE HONORABLE ' ?CLINTON P. ANDERSON HON. GLENN M. ANDERSON OF 'CALIFORNIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, November 20; 1975 Mr. ANDERSON of California. Mr. Speaker, I consider myself fortunate to have known the ? Honorable Clinton P. Anderson, the former Senator from New Mexico, on a personal basis. Thus, it was with a great sense of Sadness and loss that I learned of his death last week at ? the age of 80. Senator Anderson's leadership and ability were more than amply demon- strated during his many years of Gov- ernment service. He is known as "The Father of Medicare" for his efforts to see that our Nation's elderly received decent medical care that they otherwise could not have afforded. Clint Anderson was a strong and active member of the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy and was a leader in the development of nuclear power for peacetinie purposes. He was also a strong supporter of our Nation's endeavors in the exploration of space. Years before it became politically Pop- ular, Clint Anderson was an active con- servationist and proponent of -social re- form. His efforts on behalf of medicare 'reflected a lifelong concern for the wel- fare of the elderly. He was also responsi- ble for the Wilderness Act, which set aside portions of our wild areas as pre- serves for future generations. Clinton's career in the Senate, al- though distinguished, was only one as- Pea of a long life served on behalf of the American public. He originally canie to Washington in 1940 as a Member of the House of Rep- resentatives, where he served with dis- tinction on the House Agriculture Com- mittee. The leadership and expertise he displayed in this House led to his ap- pointment in 1945 as Secretary of Agri- culture by the late President Harry Tru- man, Clint Anderson served as Secretary during the crucial postwar period, when American foodstuffs were vitally neces- sary to feed a world still shocked by the effects of war. I was, very fortunate to, become well acquainted,with him during ,his many visits to California. In the early .1950's, as State chairman of the Democratic Party in California, I had the privilege of going_ with him to many areas where he was the principal speaker. I also traveled with him on other occasions to numerous meetings. in California where his exper- tise.on agriculture was always In-great demand. ? He was a man who inspired confidence and respect in all who came in contact with him. As I came to know him better, that feeling of respect grew?Clint com- bined a rare level of intelligence and competence with an unusual capacity for conscientious work. ? Our Nation lost Clinton's leadership several years ago, when he retired from public life due to his health. His death is an even greater sorrow for those'of us fortunate enough to have known him? and worked with him--during' his -long and outstanding career as a public serv- ant. My wife, Lee, joins with mein express- ing our sincere condolences to Clinton's lovely wife, Henrietta; his ?son, Sherb; -and his daughter, Nancy.' CONSECRATION CONSECRATION OF ST. CATHERINE AND GEORGE CHURCH, OCTOBER 26, 1975?"A SHINING EXAMPLE OF COOPERATION BETWEEN CHURCH ,AND LAITY" HON. MARIO BIAGGI OF NEW YORK IN TilE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday; November 20, 1975 Mr. BIAGGI. Mr. Speaker, in the course of public life, there are those oc- casions when we have the opportunity and privilege to participate in an event of special significance to the people we represent. Such an event was held on October 26, when the' Church of St. Cath- erine and George located in the Queens Portion of my congressional district, was officially consecrated into the Greek Archdiocese of North and South Amer- ica, Hellenic Orthodox community of Astoria. This was an especially memorable day for me, "as not only was I fortunate enough to have been invited to the cere- mony, I also had the extreme and unex- pected honor of receiving one of the highest honors bestowed by the Greek Orthodox Church, the Golden Medallion of St. Paul, presented to me by the be- loved archbishop of the Greek Orthodox Church, His Eminence Archbishop Iako- yes. The consecration ceremony marked the fulfillment of a dream begun 4 years ago, when the ground was first broken for the St. Catherine Church. Through the tireless and dedicated work of the Greek community, the church was completed by 1973 and today has grown into one of the most outstanding houses of wor- ship in the entire city, serving 700 per- sons as well as 950 students currently enrolled in their school. The St. Catherine Church is a proud im,,,Inecifiarl rindi Annroved For Release 2013/08/19 : CIA-RDP11M01338R000_400480042-2