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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP90M00005R001400030026-1 R Next 1 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP90M00005R001400030026-1 STAT 11 11500 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE SEntember 28_ 1988 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP90M00005R001400030026-1 --- Per- Amendment No. 21: Amends House lan image earick.en by the Senate to restore the stews Geo in regard to the dieborsement of funds for police expenses. The conferees agree that the police sale - ries and expenses budgets will be treated as Nitrit Horns. Par flacai year 1969. the general expenses expenditures will continue to be disbursed by the Clerk of the Nouse. the =ri)areangeerient, and sonteet to the oversight and cootrolt over those ursemente. The conferees have also added revere) additional prurisione One provides the traditional death gratuities to the widows of recently deceased members of the House of Representathes: the second clarifies the Intent of Congress in directing the develoranent of a telecommunications system for the legislative branch that will be subject to the approval of the sppropre ate committees of Congress; the third ettah- iishes a position in the office of the Attend. km Physician: the fourth prosides an addi- tional a2.000.600 for the presidential transi- tion; and finally, authority is provided for the establishment of a national garden at the Botanic Garden. Amendment No. 22: Deletes language Pro- posed by the Senate establishing and amending the jurisdiction and procedures of the Capitol Police Board and the Capitol Police. The conferees agree that a corneae dation of this authority. together with ap- propriate oversight be the Committees of Compete with jurisdiction in this matter. is desirable. Since this proposal is comPlee and far reaching, however, the conferees be- lieve that this matter deserves proper delib- eration by the authorizing committees_ Con- sequently, the Committee of Conference &- mete the Capitol Police Board to refer this proposal together with necessary and suffi- cient background material and instinestIons to the authorizing committees as soon as Practicable. but in no event later than Janu- ary 1, 1989, with a request that bearings be held for the purpose of developing a suita- ble legislative proposal that may be consid- ered by the House and Senate. Amendment No. 23: Deletes language pro- posed by the House and stricken by the Senate regarding a drug free workplace. The conferees strongly agree with the intent of the provision included by the House. However, this issue has been satio factorfly dealt with in section 028 of the Treasury. Postal Service, and General Gov- errunent Appropriations Act, 1989 Cri-R? 4775; conference report 100-881). Section 628 of that Act covers all Federal entities, Including the House of Representatives, the Senate. and all other legislative branch agencies. Amendment No. 24: Section 311 was added on the House floor for the evident purpose of protecting CO tram pressure and intimidation respecting the content of its reports. The managers fully supPort this purpose but wish to make clear that the section is not intended to. and doer not, change or in any way affect any of the duties and responsibilities imposed on CBO by the Congressional Budget Act of 1974, as amended. Furthermore. Section 311 is limited hi its reach to those eases tet which a bipartisan request of a committee or a Membee hes specificelly requested informsicipti freed' CBO, and on receiving that information there is a one-party request for CBO to add CONFERENCE REPORT ON R.R. to. delete, or alter it, except to correct 48781 errors or provide new or updated Informa- tion. In those CiECIInvglAnn.c.., Section 311 lowing conference report and state- comply CBG funds tram being used to with the later request. Meat on the bill (H_R., 4781) making Pinall3e .-.D7)".--Tta 11 does not eleerese appropriations for the Department of CBO' s present authority to correct any Defense for the fiscal Year ending Sep.- previously furnished. Amendment No. 25: Deletes language Pro- posed by the Senate amending the !Were' Salary Act of 1987. Amendment No. 28: Makes two technical corrections in the Senate language and adds a provision to require absorPtion of Pay raises within levels aPProPrIaled- PeOMAIIIS. PROXECTS MID Acrrvierse Under the PrincIPle established In section 108 of the LegUlative Branch Appropria- tions Act for 1988, for purposes of the defi- nition required by section 252 (a) (1) (B) of the Balanced Budget and Emergence Deficit Control Act of 1985 (P. L. 99-177. as amended), the conferees agree that the ac- eounts under the general heading "House of Representatives? she) be considered one combined appropriation account and the ac- counts under the general heading "Senate" shall be considered one combined approprie- Lion account, and the term -program. project, and activity' shell apply to each combined account_ CONF7ERENCE TOTAL-WITH COMPARISONS The Iota) new budget eablerational) au- thority for the flame year L1199 recommend- ed by the Committee of Omaterence, with comparisons to the fiscal year 1988 amount, the 1999 budget estimate& maxi the Rouse and Senate bills for 1989 fatioto New budget Sobligational) authority, fiscal year HIM- .... -...-...-... Budget estimates of new ( obligati anal ) authority fiscal year 1990 Howe bill. fIscal year 1909 Semite bill, fiscal year 1988 Conference agreement. fiscal year I989 Conference agreement compared with: New budget tobliga- Lionel) authority. name year 1988 .- -. Budget estimates of new lobligational ) author- ity, fiscal year 1989 -_ House bill fiscal year 1989 Senate bill, fiscal year 1989 $1,745.501.500 1.966,329.200 1,400,152.000 1,778.331,200 1.804,624,200 +UO22.700 -1111,705,006 +404,472,200 +26.293.909 Ow Pence Deem H._ Our-v. Bru. Alentemice. Joey P. Murree, Boa TRALLKE, lowzry Boc,ss, JAMIE Warrnag. Jesse Lawn, SILVIO 0. CONTE, Amu? T. berms. JOHN Museum Porno, Managers an the Part of the !faux. DALE Buil-luta, .3 BADEARA A hinecestu, HARDY Rime Cnonzs Mout 0. aserecen, Tim ferrymen Managers on the Part of the Senate. Mr. CHAPPELL submitted the fol- Parses: Corrrutoscs Rams (11. Rao. 100-10021 The committee of conference on the dis- agreeing votes of the two Houses on toe amendments of the Bente to the bit) (H.R. 4781) making appropriations for the Depart- ment of Defense for the fisica/ Year ending September 30. 1989, arid for other purposes having met, after full and free conference have agreed to recommend and do recorn mend to their respective Houses as follows That the Senate recede from es amend menu numbered 16, 17, 20, 24, 26. 27. 30, 32 13. M. 59, St 74, 76. 82. 66, /01, 109, 110 111, 114.1/5, 118, 117.118. 121. 122. 13:3. 124 125. 126, 127, 1.30. 132. 133, 134, 135, 136. 137, 174, 175, 1'78. 715. 224, 231, 346.251, 255. 262. 285. 266. 267. and 2158. That the Home recede from as disagree- ment to the amenctments of the Senate numbered 3. 4. 5.7, 8, 9, 10. 11. 12. 13. 15. 18. 28. 22, 31, 34. 41, 43. 46. 47. 48. 51. 52. 84. 56, 02. 14, M. 70. 75, 71, 94, 95. 96. 91, '98, 99. 106, 197. 110, 129, 140. 145. 165. 200, 201, 202, 204. 316, 222, and 216. and agree to the same. Amendment numbered 2: That the House recede from its disagree- ment to the amendment of the Senate num- bered 1. and scree to the sem, with an amendment, as fonowir In Neu of the sum peePosed by said amendment insert 418,962,456,600: and the Senate agree to the aione. Amendment numbered t That the House recede from fter disagree- ment to the amendment of the Senate num- bered 4, and agree to the same with an amendment, as fotiowie In Neu of the sum proposed by said amendment hsisert tel.Zge.000: and the Senate agree to the mese. Amendment numbered 14: That the House recede from Its disagree- ment to the amendment of the Senate num- bered 14, and agree to the same with an amendment, as idioms: In lieu of the sum deleted by said amend- ment insert 922,88.3.06,00a and the Senate agree to the same. Amendxnent numbesed 22 That the Hams recede from its disagree- to the amendment of the Senate num- bered 21, mid agree to the same witb amendment, as listimer In lieu of the matter stricken and inserted by said anendment Insert ii.S17.000,000; and the Senate agree to the same. Amendment numbered 25: That the House recede from its disagree- ment to the amendment of the Senate num- bered 25, and agree to the same with an amendment, as follows In lieu of the sum proposed by said amendment trisert t 7,035,971000: and the Senate agree to the same. - Amendment numbered 37: That the House recede from its disagree- ment to the amendment of the Senate nu.m- bered 37. and agree to the same with an amendment, as follows: In lieu of the sum proposed by said amendment insert $2,830,221,000; and the Senate agree to the same. Amendment numbered 38: That the House recede from its disagree- ment to the amendment of the Senate num- bered 38, anti agree to the same with an amendment, as follows: In lieu of the sum proposed b said amendment insert S2.012,970,000; and the Senate agree to the same. Amendment numbered 40: That the House recede from its disagree- ment to the amendment of the Senate num- neelnecified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/09 : CIA-RDP90M00005R001400030026-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/09 : CIA-RDP90M00005R001400030026-1 ti 6536 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? HOUSE September 28,1988 1988 /111/ concerning the use of sewage facile The conferees support the Intent of the ties at Fort Chaffee, Arkansas. Senate provision which requires the Depart- Amendment Jkelk The managers on anent of Defense to determine conflict of in the part of the House este offer a motion to terest, registration, and appropriate en- recede and concur in the amendment of the torcement requirements for and/or comps- Senate with an amendment. as follows: flies providing consulting services by con In lieu of the matter inserted by said tract to the U.S. Government or to contrac- amendment. insert the following tors doing business with the U.S. Govern- Sec. 8141. tel Not later than PO days after enent. The conferees, however, are not pre- the date of enactment of this Act, the Admi pared. without appropriate hearings and istrator of the Office of Federal Procurement input from the Department of Defense, to Policy shall issue policy, and not later enact regulations composed by Congress. than 180 gays thereafter sfercernment.wiete The conferees do. however, feel that retru- regulations shall be issued ander Me Office lations should be developed by the aPProPei- of Federal procurement policy Act which set ate authorities to address these key issues. forth Because of the unique and complex issues (11 conflict of Interest standards for Per- involved, the conferees believe the Adminis- bons who provide voneideing services de. trator of the Office of Federal Procurement scribed in subsection (1)1; and Policy (OFPP) should use his authority to (2) procedures, including such registra- issue government-wide policy. From this nom certification, and enforcement require, policy the conferees direct that government- menet as may be appropriate to arermote wide regulations shall be issued under the compliance with such standards. Office of Federal Procurement Policy Act. (b) The regulations required try subsection Further, the conferees intend that client Information and all proprietary information (a) shall apply to the following types of con? rutting be exempt from the provisions of the Free- services.: a, adruory and assistance semices ,..dom of Information Act. In addition, due to ? the sensitive nature of their mission lan- guage has been included permitting the ex- emption of intelligence activities from the regulations required by the conference agreement. vided to the government to the extent neces- sary to identify and evaluate the potential for conflicts of interest that could be prim- dicial to the interests of the United States: (2) services related to support of the PrePa- E'uially. the conferees have also Included a ?talon orsubmissionof bids and proposals proviso which will negate this section 11 the for federal contracts to the extent tisat.incit.'. President reports to the Congress that the sion of such services in such regulations is promulgation of such regulations would siecessary to identify and eraluatethe P?.: hare a significantly adverse impact on the tentia/ for ccmflicts of interest that could be accomplishment of the mission of federal prej-udicia/ to the interest., of the United agencies, States,- and Amendment No. 273: Reported in techni- (31 such other services related to federal cal disagreement. The managers on the part contracts as may be specified in the regru/a? of the House will offer a motion to recede ti?n8 prescribed under slibsectwn (a) tc) the and concur in the amendment of the Senate extent necessary to identify and evaluate the with an amendment as follows: potential for conflicts of interest that could In lieu of the matter inserted by said be prejudicial to the interests of the United amendment, insert the following. States SEC. 8142. (a) Of the amounts available to the Department of Defense for fiscal year 1989, not less than n0,000,000 shall be avail- able for National Defense Science and Engi- neering graduate Fellowships to be awarded on a competitive basis by the Secretary of Defense to United States citizens or nation- als pursuing advanced degrees in fields of primary concern and interest to the Depart- ment (b) Fellowships awarded pursuant to sub- section (a) above shall not be restricted on the basis of the geographical locations in the United States of the institutions at which the recipients are purruinp the aforemen- tioned advanced degree:- fel Not less than fifty pereentum of the funds necessary to carry out this section shall be derived from the amounts available for the University Research Initiative Pro- gram in "Research, Development, Test, and .,Evaluation, Defense Agencies", and the bal- ance necessary shall be derived from amounts available for Defense esearch Sci- ences under title IV of this Act_ The managers on the part of the Senate will move to concur in the amendment of the House to the amendment of the Senate. The conferees agree that the Department of Defense should expand its efforts to en- courage the training of greater numbers of scientists and engineers to strengthen our nation's capacity to develop the technology (el The Comptroller General shall report to Congress not later than one year after the date of enactment of this Act his assessment of the effectiveness of the regulations pre- scribed under this section (b) Intelligence activities as defined in section 3.4(e) of Executive Order 12333 or a comparable definitional section in any sue- ce-ssor order may be exempt from the regula- tions required by subsection (a): Provided, That the Director of Centre/ Intelligence shall report to the Intelligence and Appro- priations Committees of the Congress no Later than January 1, 1990, and annually thereafter delineating those activities and organizations which have been exempted from the regulations required by subsection (a) in accordance with the prorisions of this subsection (e) The President shall, before issuance of the regulations required by subsection (a), determine if the promulgation of such regu- lations would have a significantly adverse effect on the accomplishment of the mission of the Department of Defense or other feder- al government agencies.- Provided, That if the President determines that the regula- tions required by subsection (a) topuld have- such an adverse effect, the President skill* report to the appropriate committees of the Senate arid the House Of Representatives, stating in full the reasons for such a deter- mination- Provided further, That in the necessary to assure our continued security. event of submission of a report to the corn- The Department is urged to closely coordi- mittees containing an adverse effect deter- nate its effort with that of the National -Sci- mination. the requirement for the regida- ence Foundation's similar fellowship pro- tions prescribed by subsection la) shall be gram to select, on a nationwide competitive null and void basis, the most promising candidates for The managers on the part of the Senate this defense fellowship program, and if fere will move to concur in the amendment of sible, to initiate a consolidated application the House to the amendment of the Senate. arid review process The conferees also direct the Department to consider steps In the implementation of this program to promote the award of fel- lowships to members of minority groups un- derrepresented in science and technology. In addlUon. the conferees urge that award- ees be encouraged to seek placement In in- stitutions and programs currently Partici- pating in the University Research Initiative program to complement that effort. Amendment No, 274: Reported in techni- cal disagreement. The managers on the part of the House will offer a motion to recede and concur in the amendment of the &ante with an amendment. as follows: In lieu of the section number named in said amendment. insert 8143 The managers on the part of the Senate sill move to concur In the amendment of the House to the amendment of the Senate. This section earmarks funds for testing and evaluation of low profile antenna sys- tems for ground level communications. Amendment No. 275: Reported in techni- cal disagreement. The managers on the part of the House will offer a motion to recede and concur in the amendment of the Senate with an amendment, as follows: In lieu of the section number named in said amendment. Insert: 8144 The managers on the part of the Senate will move to concur in the amendment of the House to the amendment of the Senate. This section expresses the sense of the Congress that three foreign correspondents should posthumously be awarded the Presi- dential Medal of Freedom in honor of their brave efforts to document the Afghan strug- gle for freedom. TITLE IX?ASSISTANCE FOR THE NICARAGUAN RESISTANCE Amendment No, 276: The conferees have agreed to provide assistance to the Nicara- guan Resistance as proposed by the Senate, and to include the Appropriations Commit- tees of the House and Senate. along with the Foreign Affairs and Intelligence Com- mittees in the section on congressional over- sight. The House had no similar provision. Amendment No. 277: Reported in techni- cal disagreement. The managers on the part of the House will offer a motion to recede and concur-In the amendment of the Senate with an amendment, as follows: In lieu of the matter inserted by in amendment. Insert TITLE I?NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZATIONS Ste /MI ENACTMENT OF 17SCAL MAR Ilat DE - PEASE AUTFIORIZATTON DILL The provisions of the bill H.R. 4481 of Vie One Hundredth Congress, as contained in the conference report filed in the House of Representatives on September 28, 1988, are hereby enacted into Law. SEC IMM2_ STATUTORY CONSTRIMON. Au ORDER OP ENACT'S/ENZ.?in 41121,1Fing any rule of statutory construction, the pro- visions of titles I through II of this Act shall be deemed to have been enacted after the provisions of this title Irbl PERMANENCE OF A e7HOP.IZA7701: PROW- SIONS.?For the Purposes of the application of any rule of statutory construction relat- ing to the permanence tor futurity/ of provi- sions of law enacted in appropriations Acts, the provisions of law enacted by section 10001 shall be treated as having been en- acted by a regular authorization Act, rather than an appropriation Act, and shall be con- strued on their OteTS terms without regard to any such rule at construction. said neclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP90M00005R001400030026-1