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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/20: CIA-RDP61-00357R000100270041-7 PROFESSIONALLY EMPLOYED PERSONS WITH COLLEGE-LEVEL BONG- 1'9 57 3,000,000 TOTAL ALL FIELDS 1, 5.00,000 ALL SCIENTIFIC - TECHNICAL FIELDS 175000 fTPERSoN5 E NI;AGEAD IN RESEARCH AND/OR TEACH MG' IN SOMME- EO-IN/CAL FIELDS USSR ? 80,000 krPERSONS w IT 14 A DvANCE 0 DEGREES IN SCIENCE (ROUGHLY( COMPARAGLE TO PhD'S AND -D.Sc.'s IN US) J4, 000, 000 TOTAL ALL rIELDS - 11300,000 ALL SCIENTIF6C - TEci-NICAL FIELDS US 285,000 PERsonis ENGAGED IN RESEARCH AND/OR lEAC HING (CFA SCIENTIFIC- -TECHNICAL Fl EL DS G0,000 f PER AvSONS 3TH A ovANCED 1)E6REES i ICI SC IE AJC(F. (FIN?01% A ND "D. Ses) (AePROX, I HATE) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/20: CIA-RDP61-00357R000100270041-7 PP,-) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/20: CIA-RDP61-00357R000100270041-7 PROFESSIONALLY EMPLOYED PERSONS WITH CoLLEGE,-LE.VEL TRAINING IN scioninc- TECH NICAL. FIELDS USSR ao,3oo 110L0c.gcAL scia.Ners PHYSic AL scIeNcES AGRICULTURE' Hcpwrti ENG! NEERING- TOTAL USSR- i1z7s,o0o ort soo 000 us 117 k 7 3 I **III - \ \\\ ? \ I 69, It-06,\ \ \ 11 * 15" 00.4 .4 . '4 4 AI . ? . . . ' . ? * . " ? . - ? ? ? . It 4 gYoo. / / / // /, ittso 000 etc/Lott-MAL iCIE-NCES PHYSICAL sc NcES AR uLT '.i 4 LI F ENCTINEEitiKta? "TOTAL US- 1132$,Z00 300 00q DISTRIBUTION OF PERSONS ENGAGED IN RESEARCH AND/OR T:ACH1NG IN SCIENTIFIC-TECHNICAL FIELDS BY PLACE OF M P LOyME USSR 1091e ACAOEMIEs Oc Se seNce SOcfo IN 1416NER EOUCATickIAL MST ir Ur 1014S 40190 m Nous-int AGRICULTURE HEALTH, ETC., us 1 ?% IN GovcatamloT ZS% la HIGHER EDucATIONAL IN STI TUTIOIIII.S (DO% act ImotisrRy, ACRICULTURC, HEALTH, ETC. BY FIELD or EmPLOYmEN T: USSR 5 7, Soo LIFE SCIENCES lig, zoo PHYSIC A L SCE NCCS A N ENcluE(RING TOTAL 15,000 S, GO, COO LirE SOCNCES 2 2 5, r.)00 ICAL SCIENCES A fq 0 ENGINEERING - TOTAL Z5,000 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/20: CIA-RDP61-00357R000100270041-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/20: CIA-RDP61-00357R000100270041-7 US AND USSR O 0,0 0,00 140,000 100,00 9'0,000 1.0,000 40,000 000 ANNUAL COLLEGE-LEVEL -G-RA NATIONS crtnag - 19GO AI IFNITPC-TEC 6.1.? Lti It...I. ...... ........,, ........',.... . ...,.. U S .j' IR . . ...... . \ .. _ / . - . - .. - - Ass... --aomon? ?.?. . -1.- Ns. ? .....,1 ,11, ..- ? - - - - i - ......--.....-- -..-,--- f I -I ? ---1 ! 4, , ......._. ..._........_............ a1 ti , /%... /. . /.. _ .... . ... P. a .... .P 1 ? 1 I., . et, I sn P. .ot, i , ..... ? ? / ,... i , al> -7 115 5 fit Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/20: CIA-RDP61-00357R000100270041-7 a ()goo() I 80,00 o 14,0, 000 1401000 20,000 00,000 80,000 100,000 10,000 000 114.0 2ou,000 qoj000 !(,0m) 1401000 la.0100o 100,000 10,00o 40,000 40,000 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/20: CIA-RDP61-00357R000100270041-7 US AND USSR ANNUAL COLLEG;;;.}.3E_.vi9E-4,L0 GRADUATIONS Pi-VISICAL SCIENCES AND ENGINEERINCr I _ ------ ? I . I i U--S i 1 1 1 [ 1 . ? _ 1 i .? I I ? ...... .e, t ......1 -...""\".. I ...... . ..,1.70;,,lia---' ...P" / / I . "* ....... ? .0, ....... .,..' t 1 1 . 200/000 I g 0,000 1(00,000 I 40, 000 f Z0,000 10 0, 000 W/000 11)0,000 Q 000 1430 i3k, '34 '34, IVO 'LI?. VI- 410 1,150 sz 0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/20: CIA-RDP61-00357R000100270041-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/20 : CIA-RDP61-00357R000100270041-7 INCREASE NUM13EIK Or PERSONS HOLDNG ADVANCED DEGREES IN USSR AO US DURING 1957 NOU- SC It: 111-TIFIC 3,100 FUNDAMENTAL 2,100 SCIENCES AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES 1,000 HEALTH SCIE 1,S00 TECNNICAL SCIENCES 2,200 TOTAL USSR 1000 US5R USSR US us 4;400 WON-SCIENTIFIC 2,g00 FUNDAHENTAI. SC lemcu.; 500 AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES ZOO HEALTH ScIENCCS GOO TECHNICAL SCIENCES TOTAL VS g,500 USSR FIGURES INCLUDE DEGREES or vs FIGURES 1NCLUOE DEGREES KAN DIDAT (VERY ROUGHLY EQUIVALENT OF PH.D.) 1). Sc., ED. TO PH.V, IN US) AND DOKTOR (FOR WHICH THERE IS wo Vs CovwTERPART) (Arto ft oX neclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/20: CIA-RDP61-00357R000100270041-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/20: CIA-RDP61-00357R000100270041-7 PORTION OF CMS ZATIONAL PRODUOT MOLD SCIEVIVEC MEM= ii2M DEVETSESN2 111 TM US AD UM Ptta vary Limited data available fraa the USSR it agyeaxs 'Mat the U3SR is spending more than 2 pet of ita gross national product ? on scIentific research and development. Although the awes nar:.ional ,preduct of the Soviet economy is only e little more than a tUor. that of the United States, their 6mditurse on scientific resoare4 and development era morcHthan halt as great. This means that, altitough the Soviet scientific effort is smaller than ours,. it receives e: proportionately larger share of the country's total output. Pmether- more, a sharp rise in scientific research expendituxes ennouncad during the last Ow years Shows thint this Shaw is Incoming. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/20: CIA-RDP61-00357R000100270041-7 --- . Total all Fields Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/20: CIA-RDP61-00357R000100270041-7 USSR 1928 - 1960 (Thousands) Engineeringl .ftgriculture2 Health Physical,, Biological Non-Scientific Sciences-5 Sciences Technical Fields 1928 - IE 29 32510,09 6,73 3,67 .49 .14 11.16 30 43.9 19.51 6,58 4.36 ,63 .18 12,64 31 50.4 17.67 8,43 6,46 1.00 .29 16,55 32 43:2 16)15 8.41 4.34 .88 .25 13.17 33 34,6 7,60 4.,75 4.59 .90 .25 16.51 34 49,2 16,26 6.30 2.52 068 .19 21.25 35 83,7 35,77 6,76 7-54 1,07 .29 30,25 36 97,6 34-22 10.39 9,26 1,814 ,49 41.40 37 104.8 33,61 11,40 12,51 270 ,71 43,87 38 103,8 30,25 10,29 13,12 3.13 (81 46.20 39 98,3 27,60 10,77 13,69 3:25 ,b3 41,96 40 126.0 29,51 10,53 17,78 5)19 1,30 61.69 41 109,9 27.67 8,30 18.11 4,19 -1,03 50.60 42 71,6 13-36 6,38 21,35 2,21 ,53 27,77' 43 28.6 9,57 1,94 9,45 -51 012 7.01 44 37.3 9,22 2,38 8,09 1.32 ,31 15.98 45 54,6 9,65 2394 6.86 2,64 060 31,89 46 76.0 14,68 5,25 14.91 2.90 ,64 37.62 47 98.5 16094 6,81 19,44 3,73 .81 48,77 48 138,0 26,62 9,54 27,14 5,17 -1.11 66.42 49 162,6 31,50 11,25 31?89 6,02 1,26 80.68 50 176.9 34033 12086 20075 7340 1,51 100.05 51 201,4 41026 15,06 17.39 8.72 1,73 117.22 52 219,245.14 16,42 16,81 9039 1.81 127.63 53 2202. 45-61 16.52 18.77 9,32 1,75 128,23 514 234,8 53.55 20147 17,75 9.26 1.69 132.08 55 245,6 63,79 25-56 16,94 9,00 1,59 129.92 56 260,0 68.79 24.56 17,53 9,76 1,68 137,66 57 270-0 72,36 27.39 22 72 10,01 1,66 135,86 58 293,9 96,89 30,63 19.145 10,25 1,65 135,03. 59 327-4 117.15 35.17 21.01 10.49 1.62 141,96 60 315,0 119.76 36032 21,31 10,72 1.60 125,29 1 - Including.hydrology?, metecro1ogy9 geodesyg and cartography 2 - Including vetrire,..y medi2inn 3 - Including mathematics and geography . ecapitulation of Scientific-Technical Graduations pes enti ic 55I1eT Fundi y ca Technical Sciences mental Sciences - s 'ields sciences and Engineering ?28,77---8-Mnb--- 21,32 31,26 33.85 30.03 18,09 27.95 52J45- 56,20 60.93 57,60 56.34 64,31 5930 43,63 21.59 21,32 422.71 36,36 49,73 69.56 81,92 76-85 84.18 91.57 91.97 102.72 115.88 122.34 134.14 158.67 185,44 189.71 -Sciences *. 071 20.69 ,63 10.56 10.74 30,45 ,61 20.14 11,1Q 32.56 1,29 16,67 15.18 28.90 1,13 17.03 13.00 16.94 1.15 8.50 9,59 27.08 067 18.94 52.09 36 36.84 16,61 53.87 2,13 .36.06. 20,14 57.52 3.41 36.31 24,62 53,66 3,94 )3,38 21122 52.26 14008 30,85 25.49 57.82 6,49 34,70 29.61 54.08 . 5,22 31.86 27,44 41.09 2,74 15.57 28.26 20,96 063 10.08 11,51 1969, 1:63 10.54 10,76 19,47 3.24 1229 11,42 34.84 3.54 17.58, 20.,60 45.19. 4,54 22.67 27,06 63,30 6,28 31.79 37 79 74,64 7,28 37.52 44.40 .6L94 8-91 41.73 35,12 73.73 10.45 49,98 34,20 80.37 11.20 54.53 37.04 80,90 13,07 54.93' 37.04 91,77 1095 62.81 39.91 105,29 10.59 72.79 43,09 110.90 11.44 76.55 143,79 122.47 11.67 82.37 51,77 146,97. 11,90 107.14 51.73 173.33 12.11 127,64 57,8n 177.39 12.32 130.48 59,23 7 November 1957 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/20: CIA-RDP61-00357R000100270041-7 Total all Fields Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/20: CIA-RDP61-00357R000100270041-7 US 1928 - 1960 (Thousands) Engineering1 Agriculture Health2 Sciences Biological Sciences Sciences I Reca itulation of scientific-technical raduatiOns A BTtYPe . By Field Non-scientific .cient c App e , -un .a , hysica Technical - Technical Field Technical Sciencesmental 'Sciences and 1: Fields 1 1 Sciences 'Engineering 1928 29 111.16 116.68 7,90 7.80 2.04 2.15 10,32 1042 9,26 9.49 4.37 4,70 77.27 82.42 33.89 34.26 20,26 2007. 13.63 14.19 17.16 17,29 16,73 16.97 30 122.48 7,70 2.25 9,86 9.78 5.07 87.82 34.66 1981. 14,85. 17.48 17.18 31 32 130.04 138,06 9.20 10,70 2.44 2,64 10.14 10,45 9.59 9,72 4.94 4,98 93.73 99.:57 36.31 38.49 21.78 23.,79 14.53 14070 18.79 20.42 17.52 18.07 33 137.95 11,30 2.60 9,55 9.38 4.77 100.35 37.60 23,45 4015 20.68 16,92 34 137,84 12,00 2.56 8?84 9?16 4066 100.62 37.22 23.40 13,82 21.16 16.06 35 140.90 11.60 2.73 9.14 9.42 4.71 103.30 37.60 .23.47 14.13, 21.02 16.58 36 143,12 111,20 2,91 9.55 9,:99 5.01 10446 38066 23.66 15,00 21,19 17.47 37 154,45 11,40 3,86 9-90 10,76 5,41 113.12 41.33 25.16 16.17 22,16 1917. 38 164.94 11-60 4.82 9,97 11,81 5.94 ? 120080 44014 26,39 17.75 23.41 2073. 39 175.72 13.30 5.52 10,16 12,17 6.,14 128.43 47.29 28.98 1831 25.47 21.82 40 186.50 15,10 6,23 10,46 12,52 6,32 135,87 50.63 31,79 18.84 27.62 23.0/ 41 185,92 15,20 5,92 10.87 12,76 6.44 134.73 51.19 31.99 19.20 27,96 23.23 42 185,35 16,00 5,58 10,97 12.90 6.52 133.38 51.97 32.55 19.42 28.90 23,07 43 151,69 1507'0 2,86 11-15 11.00 5.56 105.82 45.87 29,31 14056 26.30 1957. 44 125,88 13.50 1.25 11.98 9.46 4,78 04.91 40.97 26.73 14,24 22096 18001 45 131,02 8,50 1,65 12,83 10.14 5-65 92.25 38,77 22,98 15.79 18,64 2013, 46 136,17 11050 V73 13.63 9.70 5,98 93.63 42.54 26,84 15,68 21.20 21.34 47 203.30 21,00 4013 15,48 13,68 9,314 139.67 63.63 4061 23?02 34.68 28.95 48 272,36 31,10 6,84 16,21 16,89 11,51 189.81 82.55 54?15 28.40 47.99 34.56 49 366.63 43,60 10,31 1797 20.74 16,45 257.56 109.07 71,88 37.19 64.34 44.73 50 433,73 52.41 15,00 20.62 25.88 19,98 299.84 133,89 88.03 45.86 78029 55.60 51 384,35 41-63 ' 12.16 20,33 21,66 17,22 271.35 .11_1000 74.12 38.88 63-29 49.71 52 331,92 30,75 9-40 20,21 17.25 19144. 239,17 92,75 60,56 32.19 48,00 44,75 53 304,83 25,82 8,84 20,56 15.49 13,24 220,88 83.95 55.22 28.73 41,31 42.64 54 292.88 24,17 7,83 23.62 14,68 9.37 213.21 ?79.67 55.62 24.05 38,85 40.82 55 287-40 24-22 7.17 21,31 1$18 9.05 208.47 78,93 54,70 24.23 39,40 39,53 5i )11.30 28,06 7,29 22,25 16,98 7,90 228.82 82.48 57.60 24.88 45,04 37,44 5-i 347, 33.97 7,44 28.49 18,77 8.71 249.62 97.38 69.90 27.48 52074 44,64 58 392, 36.93 7,95 32,30 21060 9039 283,83 108.17 77.18 30.99 58,53 49,64 59 421, 40.88 8.45 34.90 23,28 10.06 .303.43 117057 84.23. 33.34 64,16 53.41 60 437. 42-39 8,95 36.49 24.21 10.74 314,22 122,78 87.83 34.95 66-6o 56,18 ?1 - Including military and naval science 2 -? Including veterinary medicine 3 - Including mathematics and geography 7 November 1957 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/20: CIA-RDP61-00357R000100270041-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/20 : CIA-RDP61-00357R000100270041-7 Professionally Employed Persons with College-Level Training, by Field of Employment (Thousands) mid - 1957 Mid 1960 USSR US USSR US c:;carch-Teaching Personne1,7 '7 Field of CompeUnce (Thousands) Mid - 1957 USSR US Holders of Advanced Degrees,8 by Field of Training (Thousands) Mid 1957 USSR ?US Total All Fields 2655.2 4085,2 3514,9 na 25002 na 104,5 123,2 Enginevine 780,7 4130c 1037,1 547,9 6803 na 26.9 5,7 Health' 370. 4W3 398.2 49974 2803 na 17,6 1.3 Agriculture3 201,8 158.4 285,2 170,6 1609 na 8,3 14?9 Physical sciencesh 100,5 168,4 122,3 217,8 .5009 na 18.1 Biological sciences e 20?) 73,1 23.2 94,9 1203 ? na 7.6 169 Non-scientific fielde 1379,4 2757.0 ?1648.9 na 7305 na 26,0 62,1 Recapitulation All scientific fieVs6 1475,8 1328,2 1866,0 1530:6 176017 285 78.5 61A Distribution by type Applied sciencesl 1355,0 1086.7 1720 5 1217 9 11305 na 528 11,9 Fundamental sciences" 120,8 241.5 145,5 312,7 6302 257 49,2 Distribution by field Physical sciences and engineering 883,2 648.4 1159A4 765,7 11902 225 /6.,0 38?0 Life sciences 594.6 679.8 706,6 764,9 R05 60 33,5 .23,1 Oa No estimate made, 'XIncluding meteorology.Soviet figures include hydrology, geodesy, and cartography, US figures include military and naval science. 2 3 5 6 7 8 Excluding veterinary medicine. Including veterinary medicine, Including mathematics and geography, excluding meteorology. Soviet figures exclude hydrologyvgeodesy, and cartography. US figures include psychology and lisciences without major". US figures ? exclude psychology and "sciences without major?' Persons teaching in higher educational institutions or engaged in research and development. Sovieta Kandidat and Doktor degress; U.S,: Ph,D., D.Sa., etc,, excluding Master-level degrees. 7 November 1957 neclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/20: CIA-RDP61-00357R000100270041-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/20: CIA-RDP61-00357R000100270041-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/20: CIA-RDP61-00357R000100270041-7 STAT