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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/15: CIA-RDP78-03424A001300010004-4 CONFIDENTIAL IICTRUCTION MATERIAL For CONTROL 1?EVIC,'.2.5 .,FOR SYNCHRONOUS CONTROL:ANIY, CARRIER LOCKING_ 50X1 50X1 DOC REV DATE 24 igat By ewys-yo ORM COMP .0-5-4 OPI --5-6 TYPE .7C) ORIG CLASS PAGES /4P REV CLASS JUST .2. NEXT REV r..70/5 AUTON IR 1114 CONFIDENTIAL ------? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/15: CIA-RDP78-03424A001300010004-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/15: CIA-RDP78-03424A001300010004-4 tr.) CONFIDENTIAL CONTROL DEVICES FOR SYNCHRONOUS CONTROL AND CARRIER LOCKING SPECIFICATIONS ANTENNA UNIT: (Adapted from existing design by permission-fox field test- ing-Model DS-2) Rack mounting chassis: 19 in, wide by 7 in. high Finish: grey, wrinkle Input Frequency Range: 4 mc to 10 me Input Impedance: 100 ohms (two antenna inputs) Output Impedance: 100 ohms (to receiver antenna) Power Requirement: None CONVERSION UNIT: (Designed as per contract) Rack mounting chassis: 19 in, wide by 8-3/4 in. high Finish: grey, wrinkle Input Impedance: 100 ohm cables from two receiver 455 kc outputs Output Impedance: two 100 ohm cables for receivers 3g5 mc conver- sion voltage Audio Output Impedance: two 600 ohms balanced lines (to 'lead lina or radio link) Audio Output Level: 1 volt Power Requirement: 115 volts, 60 cps, 50 watts CONTROL UNIT (Designed as per contract) Rack mounting chassis: 19 in wide by 8-3/4 in, high Finish: grey, wrinkle Input Impedance: two 600 ohm balanced lines (P2om land line or radio link) Output Impedance: 100 ohms (slave oscillator r.f. output to trans- mitter) Output Voltage: 3.5 volts rims CONFIDENTIAL SECURITY INFORMATION ? 1 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/15: CIA-RDP78-03424A001300010004-4 aUUBE1DE,RT/AL- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/15: CIA-RDP78-03424A001300010004-4 CONFIDENTIAL Output Frequency Range: 4 me to 10 me Power Requirements: 115 volts, 60 cps, 70 watts AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: Two Hammarlund SP600 redeivers? (not furnished). One cathode follower adaptor, furnished. (cathode follower to mount on side of crystal plug-in box of receiver with cable and adaptor to plug into 6V6 output socket for power, alligator clip to tap off oscillator switch, and output plug for HFO slave voltage). One HFO slave voltage cable with plug-in assembly, furnished, (connects from cathode follower output to #6 crystal input of slave receiver). Two 3.5 me conversion voltage cable assemblies, furnished, (connect from Conversion Unit 3.5 me output into the 604 conversion oscillator sockets of the two receivers). Two cables for 455 kc i.f. outputs of receivers to the Conversion Unit, (not furnished), One cable for connection between Antenna Unit and Master Receiver, (nab furnidhed). DESCRIPTION This equipment comprises a system for ynchronous frequency operation of two transmitters, whereby one is slaved to the other. Provision Also is .made to hold the Slave Transmitter at a fixed offset frequency from the Master Transmitter if desired. Five fixed offset audio frequencies are provided ranging from 2000 cps to 6000 cps. In operation, at a monitoilft ? CONFIDENTIAL SECURITY INFORMATION - 2 C 1%1 T T1 T.' TT T t V. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/15: CIA-RDP78-03424A001300010004-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/15 : CIA-RDP78-03424A001300010004-4 CONFIDENTIAL or sensing site, the signal from the slaved transmitter will tend to predominate over the Master Transmitter signal due to its closer phy- sical location? This signal from the slaved transmitter can be fed to one receiver without further processing. The other signal, which is comparatively low in strength, must be made to predominate over the stronger signal in the second receiver? This is accomplished by null- ing out the strong signal, The Antenna Unit is used to accomplish this nulling effect. The total equipment incorporates self contained power supplies. The SP 600 receivers are used without modification except for adaptors and plugs which are connected to the receivers without soldered connections. Adaptors and plugs which are peculiar to this equipment are described and furnished, THEORY OF OPERATION A simpler version embodying the present type of operation is shown in Figure 1. This equipment synchronizes a local oscillator with an incoming signal. A two phase beat signal is developed which is used to drive a two phase motor. As the local oscillator is brought into synchronizationothe beat frequency decreases, approaching zero in the For this reason the amplifiers driving the motor are direct coupled. For the present application a control or error voltage must be sent out over a radio 205k or land line circuit. This precludes sending out either the r-,1" oscillator signal, or the control voltage for the motor, which latter may be direct current. Also the Slave Transmitter output maybe a harmonic of the r-f oscillator signal, and it may be located some miles from the receiving site. These circumstances dictate ? 3 ? CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Apr'prOvleT dvfo-rr RereLen126.13/68/15 : Cli-WDP78-03424A001300010004-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved f; Release 2013/08/15 CIA-RDP78-03424A001300010004-4 CONFIDENTIAL the use of two receivers at the receiving site--one for each signal, These receivers must have common conversion oscillators to eliminate any sustained frequency difference between the incoming signals when they are finally combined in a discriminator circuit. The final circuit, used for synchronous lock, functions the sathe as that shown in Figure 1 except for one intermediate step, which permits sending audio over the radio link (it is not necessary to have d-c re- sponse)? This exception involves the use of one beating oscillator stage which employs separate (net common) oscillators for the two re- ceiver channels. These oscillators are at 100 kc and 102,5 kc respec- tively. The receiver output from Mixer 0 is then 2.5 kc? a frequency adapted to sending over the land line or radio link. The outputs from the offset oscillators are applied to another mixer yeilding a 2,5 kc output, which is applied to a second land line or radio link, Attention is directed to pointsland Yin Figure 1. These two audio signals obtained may be processed exactly as the two r-f signals at X nnd y The foregoing explanation applies to synchronous frequency op- eration. Offset tone operation is very similar to the above. However, the off- set beating oscillator is not directly used, and the oscillator differ- ence frequency signal is no longer sent out over the land line or radio link, Instead an audio oscillator at the transmitting end is used as a reference for the beat between the nester nnd the slave station. From this point on, operation is exactly the same as with synchronous oper- ation, In both types of operation lowpass audio filters have been pro- vided to keep frequencies other than the low frequency beat from reach- ing the amplifiers, CONFIDENTIAL SECURITY INFORMATION -.0 0 N F T I A L- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/15: CIA-RDP78-03424A001300010004-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/15: CIA-RDP78-03424A001300010004-4 -C OFIDE'NTIAL- CONFIDENTIAL Detailed function of stages shown in the block diagram is as follows: The Master Receiver mast receive the signal from the Master Tremenitter (Reference Carrier) only. Since this signal is of the same frequency as that of the Slave Transmitter, and in practice, will be the weaker, the Antenna 'Unit is inserted in this line to assure acceptance of the Reference Carrier only. The greater strength of the Slave Transmitter signal, due to relative proximity, makes it unnecessary to employ a bearing discriminating (Antenna Unit) type unit. In order to provide both receivers with the same first conversion fre- quency, the BFO voltage of the Master Receiver is fed to the Slave Re- ceiver through a cathode follower and plug-in adaptor assembly. The second conversion voltage is obtained from the 3.5 mc crystal controlled oscillator in the Conversion Unit, Adaptor plugs are used to plug into both receivers 604 second conversion oscillator sockets. The 455 ke i-f output of the Slave Receiver is fed to Mixer A and the Master Receiver feeds into Mixer B. The above stages function identically for both Syne. Lock and Offset Tone circuits. Figure 1A: Sync Lock Circuit Conversion Unit: The 100 kc oscillator voltage is combined with the Lf. from the Slave Receiver in Mixer A to give a resultant of 352.5 ke (any slight difference, due to drift in the Master Transmitter, etc., which may oc- cur between the two transmitters). This is then sent through a 'limiter- amplifier stage and fed to Mixer C. The 102.5 kc oscillator voltage is combined with the i.f. from the Master Receiver in Mixer B to give a CONFIDENTIAL SECURITY INFORMATION ? 5 ? -C ONFIDENTIAL- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/15: CIA-RDP78-03424A001300010004-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/15: CIA-RDP78-03424A001300010004-4 C O'N,F-I'Dt NT IA L- CONFIDENTIAL resultant of 352.5 Ice. This is also fed to Mixer C through a limiter - amplifier stage. Combining the two signals in Mixer C results in a 2500 cps LAf output which is amplified and sent over a balanced line to the Control Bait. The 100 kc and 102.5 kc crystal oscillators also are fed to Mixer D to yield an 'output of 2500 cps which also is ampli- fied and sent over a balanced line to the Control Unit, Control Unit: The output of Mixer D is split, with one part going through a 900 phase shifting network and fed to separate phase discriminators, The output of Mixer C is also split, going directly to the phase discriminators to be compared with the Mixer D signal, In comparing these two signals, if there exist any phase relationship other than 00 in the one line and 900 in the other, there will exist an audio voltage output which is propor- tional to the phase displacement from qundrature. This audio voltage goes through a lawpass audio filter network to remove extraneous compon- ents (i.e. 2500 cps component), and thence to an Amplifier stage. The Amplifiers drive a Two Phase Motor assembly which in turn drives a var- iable capacitor which controls the frequency of the Slav'Transmitter to hold it in Synchronism with the frequency of the Master Transmitter Figure 2: Offset Tone Circuit Differences between Offset Tone and Sync Lock operation are: Conversion Unit: a. 100 Ice oscillator is not used, allowing Mixer D and its amplifier to be inoperative. b. 102.5 ke oscillator feeds both Mixer A and B to create CONFIDENTIAL SECURITY INFORMATION ?6 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/15: CIA-RDP78-03424A001300010004-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/15: CIA-RDP78-03424A001300010004-4 -CONFIDENTIAL - CONFIDENTIAL their output difference,1,Af, which will appear at the out- put of Mixer C. This is then amplified and sent over the balanced line to the Control alit. Control Unit: An Audio Oscilintor, which has 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 Ice positions, is used as a reference voltage. This establishes the Slave TranAmitter Carrier frequency exactly that far removed from the Reference Carrier frequency. CONTROLS AND atilt FUNCTION Antenna Unit: L - PEASE - Course phase adjust (distributed constant phase changer). 2. - VERN. PH. - Vernier phase adjust (variable capacitor). 3. ANPL. - Course amplitude adjust (250 ohm pot). 40 - VERN. AM. - Vernier amplitude adjust (50 ohm pot)., 5. - ART. SWITCHING - Interchanges antenna inputs. Conversion Unit: 1. - R101 - AWL. 2 - Vary amplitude of crystal dIfference output voltage. 2, - R102 - AMPL. 1 - Vary amplitude of Mixers A and B difference output voltage. 3, - Si - Power non-off" switch. 4. - S2 - Change from Syne Look to Offset Tone operation, 5. - S3 - Second conversion voltage ?on-off" switch, 6. - 84 - Neter selector switch for Line A and Line B. Control Unit: 1. - 0101 - Main tuning condenser. 2. - C102 - Vernier capacitor to control oscillator, 3. - E101 - Control to position C102. . 7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/15 : CIA-RDP78-03424A00-1-300010004-4 CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/15: CIA-RDP78-03424A001300010004-4 -CONFIDENTIAL CONFIPINTIAL - R101 - Vary amplitude of Line A input, 50 - R102 - Vary amplitude of Line B and Offset Tone Oscillator input. 6. - 31 - Power "on-off" switch. 7. - 52 - Sync Lock - Offset Tone select. f4F. This has 6 positions and selects the proper phasing network for the specific frequency used, SETUP PROCEDURE 1. Connect line between Conversion Unit and Control Unit, 2. Connect the two antennas to the input of the Antenna Unit, 3. Connect output of Antenna Unit to the input of the Master Receiver. 4, Attach to the Master Receiver, the Cathode Follower Assembly on the side of crystal box, aligator clip to oscillator switch, and adaptor plug in the 6V6 output socket replacing the 6V6 in the adaptor. 5. Connect FIFO Voltage Cable from the output of tlie Cathode Follower As- sembly to the #6 crystal position of the Slave Receiver (turn crystal selector switch to position 6), 6. Remove the 6C4 second conversion oscillator tube of both receivers and plug in the Second Conversion Voltage Cable ft-Om the 3.5 mc output of the Conversion Unit to the 6C4 socket of both veceivers. 7. Connect cable from IF Output from Master Receiver to 31 and Slave Re- ceiver to J2 of Conversion Unit, 8, Connect Control Unit output (31) to Siave Transmitter External HFO input, 9, Connect scope to 32 of Control Unit. IO. Set pointer of E101 on Control Unit at 12:00 (this will be set at 6:00 if the lintt does not lock in), 11Q Determine position of S2 on the Control and Conversion Units. * _ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/15: CIA-REV7-6704-24A001300010004-4 CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/08/15 : CIA-RDP78-03424A001300010004-4 AL/LAILI IL Ai-LILA ?CONFIDENTIAL- 12. Determine coil to be used for HFO oscillator of Control Unit (turn on 3,5 no oscillator switch of the Conversion Unit if the frequency is above 7.4 me) 13. Turn all pots to minimum (CCW), and the Meter Selector Switch (14) off. 14. Turn on equipment. 15. Tune C101 of the Control Unit to the same frequency as the Reference Carrier, 16. Adjust the Antenna Unit for deepest null of the Slaved Transmitter signal. Interchanging the antenna inputs may be necessary (ANT. SWITCHING). 17, Adjust Outputs 1 and 2 on the meter in the Conversion Unit to 100 microamps with E102 and R101 respectively. CAUTION: Output 1 varies with final tuning. NOTE: There will be no Output 2 with Offset Tone operation. 18. Adjust Amp].. 1 and 2 of Control Unit for approximately equal maximum amplitudes on the scope. 19. Tune C101 of Control Unit for "lock?in" condition by observing scope and listening for zero beat in the receiver. CONFIDENTIAL SECURITY INFORMATION - 9 - -C ONFIDENTIAL? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/15: CIA-RDP78-03424A001300010004-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/15: CIA-RDP78-03424A001300010004-4 CONFIDENTIAL v./ *2 SIGNAL ?GONFIDENTIAL? Figure 1 0 00?1=11?11???=1?0.4.-INIMPI.M.1. DISCRIMINATOR DISCRIMINATOR AUDIO (?9O') RF OSC MOTOR AMP AMP BASIC SYNCHRONIZING CIRCUIT CONFIDENTIAL SECURITY INFORMATION ?10? n nt7 Tnr T AT. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/15: CIA-RDP78-03424A001300010004-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/15: FIGURE BLOCK DIAGRAM SYNC LOCK CIRCUIT CIA-RDP78-03424A001300010004-4 U1U1UL1 1 lilL Reference Carrier Tuning Capacitor 2 Phase Motor Amplifier Amplifier Crystal Osc 100 ke Mixer A I - 3 5 mc I 1 Crystal Oso '102.5 ko 455 ke Mixer B Lo Pass Audio Filter Lo Pass I Audio Filter 355 kc Amp 1 84 Limiter 352.51co Amp & Limiter Mixer Phase Discriminato Phase Discriminator Mixer 90?Fhase Shift 2500 cps Amp 500cps 5 Dual Land Line or CONTROL UNIT Radio Link C MINERS ICU UNIT rinwririnrawirrit t i - n - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/15: CIA-RDP7-875a:11-4-AooT5-666f6664-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/15: 7 h Trns ttr Tuning Capacitor i I 2 phase motor Amplifier 1 Amplifier Lo Pass Audio Filter - I -7- Phase Discririnat 1900 Phase Lo Pass ? Audio Filter ? ? Phase Discriminator i% Audio Oso. - CONTROL UNIT CONFIDENT/A FIGURE 2 BLOCK DIAGTAM (MET TOM?, CIRCUIT - CIA-RDP78-03424A001300010004-4 L LUMIDEN IAL 455 kc Mixer A Reference Carrier / 7 r- Antenna giFO_Vol_Aa j 2nd Conn Voltage'_ -- 1 3.5 me Ose v 352.5k0 Amp +Af , & Limiter Cryatal Osc 102.5 kc Unit Rovr -401 ini -xer B 1 352.51cc Amp & Limiter Land Line ? dig _Link_ CONVERSION UNI Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease 2013/08/15: CIA-RDP78-03424 VOlad 73-610 11k6r0 U 4R-114 12 ONFIDENTIAL