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450X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100330010-3 ? CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT ? SECURITY INFORMATION 50X1-HUM COUNTRY USSR (Kalinin Oblast) REPORT SUBJECT Activities at Zavod No. 1, Podberezye DATE DISTR. NO. OF PAGES 4 Decernber 10 50X1 1953 -HUM DATE OF INFO. REQUIREMENT PLACE ACQUIRED REFERENCES 50X1-HUM THE SOURCE EVALUATIONS IN THIS REPORT ARE DEFINITIVE. THE APPRAISAL OF CONTENT IS TENTATIVE. (FOR KEY SEE REVERSE) 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM STATE #x ARMY NAVY AIR FBI AEC 031 Ev x I- I 50X1-HUM Note; Washington Di" r ibu.6"6Z.l -141i Nally field Distribution Declassified in Pa - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100330010-3 ? .. ? ? ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100330010-3 SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION WO -HUM REPORT COUNTRY e USSR (Katlinin DISTR. 2.7 OCIT Oblast) DATE SUBJECT Activities at Raved 11?03., leodbereaye NO. OF PAGES 9 PLACE ACQUIRED a NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) 50X1-HUM DATE,. SUPPLEMENT TO . ACQIRED REPORT NO. DATE OF INFORMATION e THIS-IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 50X1-H UM 2. Tic groups of specialists were then organized and were given the designation 0103-1 and 01072. Directors of these groups were BLADE and ROESSING respectively. The chemical section was incorporated within the second group and las originally under the direction of 50X1-HUM Hubert MICH. Later. on (in 1949)9 direction was transferred to Dr. Heinz DRUM Also assigned to the chemical section as laboratory technician? were Dr. Hans JANKE (physicist)) Dr. HAHN, Dr. Willi DANIEL, STEMS, KNIESTEDTio,Gert KEIL and Karl MAT were employed as laboratory assistants. The .initial period of time,Oct.1946 to mune. at July..1947-, was partially passed by reading literature, idleness, and by study of theoretical problems, 3. P2. RARE, using literature data on hand, concerned jart. 50X1-HUM self with oroblame rolatins to nitrocellulose pr4pellants for sMall rockets. anon be. noted that 'hese were paper projects wily. 50X1-HUM ? 4. During the firmt.fiew maples of 1.947, construction of a laboratory mas berm. Prilonsrs of war suppli.? the manual labor,' Laboratpir made it ttlfi sad nee diiiined ter a bath house, ;las the 2110021107 utility lista *.re tMtallet leo?-that' by the middle' of 1947,1 oir4in ' a? Et iii SECURITY INFORMATIC 50X1-H UM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100330010-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100330010-3 SECRET - 2 - 50X1-HUM amount of practical work could be started. 5. Initial laboratory projects primarily covered investigations of Tand C-Stoff [reports to be forthcomini7? analyses of metals, fuels, gasolines, and oils that were used in the plant. In addition, investigations of various types of captured war materials that were to be utilized there were also made. 6. OKB-1 was charged with the continued development of the Ju-2-68 aircraft, excluding engines, work upon which had been previously begun in Germany. 0KB-2 was to develop the 346 aircraft and engines. A member of this group, SCHELL, was given the task of organizing tests, assembly and operation of equipment for the Walther power plant. In this connection, construction of a power plant test stand was begun in 1948. The Siebel and Junkers groups retained their individual identiAras far as grouping of personnel was concerned, even after arrival at Podberezye. The Junkers group was redesignated OKB-1 and the Siebel group OKB-2. 7. No set plan was provided for chemical projects. The Ministry of Chemistry, Moscow, was supposed to issue orders to this group but none were forthcoming. Thus, projects were initiated by the design offices and executed on demand. In addition to the investigation of stability and storage problems of C-and TeStoff, projects' included continuation of the work on the gasless cabin heater, com- pletion of a fire extinguishing system, and development of rupturable membranes for use with this system. 8. The development of the fire extinguishing system was accomplished by a division of 010.4 under von SCHLIPPE in association with several assistants. It was based upon use of a nitrocellulose explosive charge which could be ignited by the pilot in case of fire. Thid in turn broke the retaining membrane and allowed nitrogen gas pressure to force carbontetrachloride through pipelines to the area of the fire. 50X1-HUM 9. For correct operation of the extinguisher, it was necessary to obtain material for the rupturable membranes which would be capable of withstanding the action of carbontetrachloride, but which could be destroyed easily by a detonator. After a number of experiments with other substances, such as keratin, it became evident that a paper saturated with glycerin and glue Would be suitable for this purpose. The membrane required had to be absolutely tight against CC1A, since leakage would in itself cause loss of ignition proper- tie B of the nitrocellulose. The explosive consisted of a nitro- cellulose cylinder, and a black powdered detonator. These experiments extended into the latter part of 1948 or the first part of 1949. 10. At the time, von SCHLIPPEcs group (010-194pecial Projects Depart- ment) was conducting experiments on the Argus tube with the intention of improving its thrust characteristics and with decreas- ing its fuel consumption. 2711be Argus tube was the power plant used on the old German V-1 and was an externally mounted jet enginej By 1950 or 1951, the Soviets had developed a light aircraft upon which two Argus tubes were mounted, one on either side of the fuselage. This aircraft was of metal construction9 had a fuselage seven to eight meters in length, and a wing span of approximately SECRET 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100330010-3 ' ?.. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP8.1-010301R000100330010-3 10 meters. Two skids were used supposed to be a fighter type. This project was strictly a cverman nausonasis were not allowed to see it. SECRET -3., for undercarriage, and aircraft was USSR development and 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM ? 11. Von SCHLIPPE's group also conducted experiments on bullet proof fuel tanks following the ideas developed by Messerschmidt toward the end of the war. This consisted of a metal tank with a multiple tube arrangement inside. Tests on this tank were unsuccessful and the project was dropped. 12. OKB-2 continued the project of the 346, and by 1949 had a glider model ready for testing at Teplyyfkan, located approximately 30 kilometers north of Moscow. In 1950, actual flight testing of a Walther powered aircraft was begun at Lukavice airfield in the vicinity of Kolomna. In the first major flight test, the aircraft was carried aloft under the left wing of a TU-4 and dropped from 9,000 meters. The pilot, ZIESE, glided to 79000 meters then climbed againto 9,000 or 10,000 meters. At a speed of 900 kilometers per hour, the control surfaces blanked out and ZIESE found that he could not alter the plane's course. He reported that it was necessary to bail out. Exit from the 346 was made by detonation of four or six explosive bolts which attached 50X1-HUM the pilot's section to the aircraft. Following this, the pilot ejected himself forward by means of an ejection seat. There was no automatic disconnect mechanism so that the pilot was required to disconnect and null his Om rio-cord. The dimensions of the 346 were: wing span - 9.0 meters; fuselage length -13.40 meters, with power units, two each and Walther rocket motors which were capable of producing 2,000 kg. thrust each. Duration of flight with full thrust was to be 10 minutes. The fuel carried aboard this aircraft consisted of one large tank of T-Stoff containing 1200 kg0 and two small tanks contain- ing a total of 800 kg. C-Stoff. 50X1-HUM 13. During October 1947, eight Soviet laboratory assistants and an engineer (supposedly a specialist in plastics) arrived and were put to work in the laboratory. these assistants had only a very narrow specialized training and had had very little previous laboratory experience. It was sometime before they were able to perform simple analyses unassisted. 50X1-HUM 14. The organic laboratory began experiments on Toand C-Stoff in May 1947 which were to run approximately a year and a half, and experiments toward the production of rocket fuels on the basis of ? an addition compond of Phenol and dimethyl andtrimethyl amine. During this time dimethyl amine was produced in the laboratory from stocks of various raw material taken from the Schering-Adlers- hof chemical company in. Berlin. Dr. DUNKER completed additional theoretical projects duting this time. Among these were calcula- tion of temperatures and pressures in a rocket using various fuels, 50X1-HUM for example, Teand C-Stoff with varying percentages of water, petroleum and nitric acid, petroleum and T-Stoff. Dr. HAHN constructed a catalyst stand for the decomposition of T-Stoff, while Dr. JANKE was busy with the problems of con- struction for a fuel ignition delay measuring instrument. 15, The gasless cabin heater consisted of an iron tube 40 cm. long, 8-10 cm0 in diameter?) and was filled with tablets composed of a mixture of magnesihm and aluminum. This mixture was bound together ' SECRET 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100330010-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP8.1-010301R000100330010-3 .5 S CIE 2' -4- 50X1-HUM with waterglass? dried in a furnace and sealed into the tube. The tablets were approximately 70 to 80 mm0 in diameter by 20 mm. thick. They had a hole in the middle into which was inserted an iron rod. When the heater was required, a thermite sheet within one of the tablets was ignited by means of an electrical firing device. Then, by addition of a regulated amount of oxygen, the heating effect 0 the device was controlled. Various types of tablets were manufactured using different percentages of aluminum and magnesium. The project proved unfeasible and unnecessary since the group later learned that it would be necessary to cool the aircraft rather than heat it. 16. Work on an ignition delay measuring instrument was begun in 1947 or 1948 and required 1/2 year for completion. This project was under the direction of Dr. WEEDS, who was a high-frequency specialist from the physical section. The apparatus consisted of a photo- electric cell and a recording mechanism which utilized the break- ing of a beam of light by one fuel being added to the other, followed by a second interruption when ignition occurred. The order to produce such a mechanism came from within OKB-2 and was not of Soviet origin. 17. Since this device was usable only with components which mixed wells it was not adaptable to experiment with Salbei and Kraftstoff A. For the testing of this fuel, an instrument similar to a real power plant was built. The instrument required in this instance utilized a jet of nitric acid into which was sprayed Kraftstoff A. The time measured between the opening of the valve in the Kraftstoff A line, and the beginning of the ignition was taken as the ignition delay. 18. These instruments, and various other instruments, were built from captured German supplies by TIBUS?the mechanic assigned to the chemical section. He also constructed some instruments for delivery to Moscow. 19. Experiments in fuel production based upon aniline and phenol were 50X1-HUM failures due to the lack of low temperature stability (material at -10 to -200 C). The oxidizer was to have been concentrated nitric acid. Later on, it was decided to experimentally attempt the forma- tion of a tysergolic fuel based on kerosene and Salbei y An official order from the Soviet Ministry conduct these experiments was never received. of Air to 20. About the time the work was undertaken on Kraftstoff A, EMRICH was relieved from his post as director of the chemical section and assigned other tabkrwithin the framework of 0KB-2. The demand for his release originated with the German specialists, although the Soviets appeared to be in complete accord. -He was considered by the specialists as being an extraordinary hazard to their safety , because of his incompetence and general lack of knowledge. There- after, the productioh of Kraftstoff A became the principal project, and the organic laboratorY worked throughout almost all of 1949, 1950 and into 1951 on it. 21. Some of the other projecte within the organic laboratory consisted of experimental production methods on a laboratory scale to determine the best manner in which to concentrate nitric acid from 96 per cent to 99.9 plus per cent. Light metal analyses and Dr. DANIELgs test on corrobion studies with concentrated nitric- acid on light metals were also conducted Dr. JANKE undertook.the, task of repairing a Q-24 spectrograph which had teen removed hy the Soviets from Zeiss and performed SECRET - 50X1-H UM 50X1-HUM - 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100330010-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100330010-3 SECRET -5 50X1-HUM quantitative analyses with it. A device for measuring the thixo- tropic' characteristics of Kraftstoff A was constructed by the mechani- cal machine _shops using the principle_ef_a_motational (paddle) viscosimeter. 22.. *Testing of a 346 aircraft Was started during 1950 on the airfield at LUkavice. KRIESTEDT was thereupon relieved' from his duties in the laboratory 044 Assigned to the airfield for the purpose of accomplishing-the necessary analyses of T-and C-Stoff there. His laboratory consisted of-a temporary *lidding constructed half beneath :ground level and protected against the weather by only a board roof. Work on the airCraft was done under a canvas cover in An altogether priMitive fashion. A storage tank for fuels was provided at the'airfield.and T-Stoff was continuoudly checked accord- ing to a published regulatidn. During 1951, the chemical group was ordered to produce a quantity of baranes for investigation as to their suitability as rocket fuels. The planned work program Called - for the production of B2H6 and B4H9 from magnesium. boride and from borbromide. 23. These projects started during 1951 and a final order for the work. was supposed to have been transmitted to the section, bUt during May 19519 for reasons unknown to the group, the work was stopped. Later on it was ascertained that the stoppage had been in relation to the repatriation of some of the scientists. From that time on, practically no additional development work was undertaken. Only current work and analyses and simple projects still related to the test flights of the 346 were done. There were still Some thoughts of utilization of the gasless heater, so more accurate experiments were undertaken ,to eliminate difficulties which might arise with its firing mechanism. It was still later that experiments during' test flights proved the cabin heater was not needed. 24. Some of the small projects which were accomplished during the waiting period prior to repatriation werez a. An air hose of PVC was painted with polyisobutylene and was used to supply heated air to the propulaion components of a 346 aircraft. This was connected to the mother aircraft (TU-4) and was used from time of take-off?to launching. This was necessary in order to prevent freez- ing of the fuel lines and tanks. In addition, the power plant of a 346 was provided with a cover of the same material also to prevent external freezing and crystallization of the T-Stoff. b. Experiments were undertaken, to determine the counter . measure* necessary in the event 'of malfunctioning?of ifie- quick 'opening valve in the T-Stoff line due to - ? ? crystallization? Almixture of 'kerosene and paraffin mils were used as a lubricant on this valve. . , ? ? ? Impregnation materials to protect the skids of a 346 from T-Stoff spillage were also -investigated. During 'flight,, T-Stoff often dripped on the skids (leaks froth the engine) which, through friction 'during landing of the aircraft, caused combustion of the skids and subsequent' loss Of the' aircraft. The skids were painted with a lacquer made from 'pit and additionally covered with a paraffin solution? 25. The R sebtion (rocket powered plant under SCHELL) developed-a.test rIM stand during the last fee years Tor testing of the rooketteyetem ? '? 'SECRET r"Yir 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100330010-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP8.1-01030R000100330010-3 '26. 21. 28. SECRE T. - 6 - 50X1-HUM ? . . component parte and e !mall test stand for testing Kraftstoff A with .Salhei, (00). The latter was also equipped with selector valves which.perditted alternate use of Salbei with phenol, petroleum;cr other fuels. After ignition and combustion .had once been begun:by.Use of Kraftstoff A, switching from one fuel to another was easily accomplished. InstrUtents necessary to obtain automatic registry of test results in the 346 aircraft required resistances with the contact surface whodwielea'trical value was not 'subject to change. For this purpose, the resistances were cleared of their dielectric cover at the contact point and plated:by:immerging in a bath of gold and chrome salts, This was'necessary in order to assure usability of the contacts throughout their entire period of life expectancy, which was approxi- mately three to six months. -Dr. DUNKER performed the plating operation using a common' plating process - with pulsating direct current, 4ncreasiag the voltage from four to six. volts during the plating time. 50X1-HUM - Upon arrivaliat Podberezye. EMRICH:Who almarently had been:a 1.aboraterliasistant was placed in:charge:of:the_chemicalsroup. _ He.had moyerito Halle withrSoviet officers and set.up the 'chemical deiartment for rocket fuels in the special office there. ..EMRICH Was later discharged from his post-as director Of the the ussn and Dr. DUREN took overs dficicuir.'Tile:namea Of'the?men who were originally this ' , . deiartment.wires , , Dr,..Heisz DUKEENt: lecturer of physical the did. ? varsity of Halle. , Dr.,JANKE, who-formerly worked at the Osram plant. ? ' Dipl. Chem.'STEPFHS was invited to this special office after the warbranlucquaintance. ? The;folloWing:peOple worked'In.the laboratory HeihvINIESTEDT) Gerhard KEIL,and Karl RUDAT. Approximately 'eight weeks later, Dr. Willi DANIEL. and Dr." Walter HAHN'were'added to the chemical group. These two chemists came from the powder industry,.nitroedellulose, and had been set, up an office in Warneithende'aid Wire in contact with this office ? in.Wartemtends16.butlater -when the specialists were-all,evacuated ? ) they were firet.taken somewhere else and came to'Podberezye ? after a while. D. DANIEL worked in connection with the Salbei (oode'for anHoXidizing agent containing 98 per cent nitric acid) ? ?Oorrosion'experiPan:usiig-iight metals. Dr. HAHN'ilade'qoi-' ? Filtations cOnderhing'powder questions and later dealt with some irielitical piobieis. 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM The plant was divided .into OKB-1 and OKB-2 (OKB-1 -Junkers, OKBe2 -Siebel).; OKB-2, organizationally under :the:0081NQ group.- 50X1 HUM SECRE'T 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100330010-3 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100330010-3 29. 30. 31; E C. RE. 11, . - 7 - .The plant was under. Soviet management. . There were various directors, 1St- their were. changed every year. Only the main engineer remained-there. OFNIZENSKIY was the chief Soviet engineer. There .was another Soviet engineer there also, (Le had once been assigned to the office in Haile.? The entire organization was under the Ministry for Aviation and a .Deputy Minister, WEIN. This plant was called "Plant Ro. 1." The engine group was first ? uhder the direction of SCHELL, and later 1/FER. SCHEll was taken' tO Karaganda for two years forced labor because of an inCident of misconduct in a cafe. IIFER was later' the superintendent of the 'component parts department for the Walther engine. SCHELL' returned from the camp and is still, in the USSR; MR is 'ale? still there. 50X1-HUM 3 ? 8 aed. 9 J.. ?a liating of the OKB-2 specialist sifiee pages . SEC R.E.T 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100330010-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP8-1-01030R000100330010-3 $ECRET -8 - , OKB-2 Specialists at Zavod Podberesye Director of OKB.2 10ESSING Director of Design Offite HEINSON Designers: BALLUFF KOETZOLD HAIDER KOEHN . WENZEt ERGENZINGER PELZER 'Salton. . GkIESHABER Aircraft RAUSCHEE MOTSCH: TREUTER ZIESE Plant Vibration Questions Dr. TIEDEMANN Dr., SANDER DIETZi Aerodynamicists Dr. ECHMITZ Dr; MOTZFELDT FUCHS EULITZ' Planning Office Guenther SIEGFRIED BENZ' SCHERER Physics Laboratory Dr.:MEHDE - IMBACH Statistician NEUMANN Title Ingo Tug. Ing. Pilot Pilot Dipl. Ing. Physicist Instructor in Mathematics Dipl. Ing. Mathematician Mathematician Dipl. Ing. Dipl. Ing. Dipl. Ing. Ing. ? 70.151. Ing. Physicist Ing; Ing. secret Specialty FUselage Wings Procurement & Norms Procurement & Forme Tank Farm Blasting Bolt Model Maker Balloons 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100330010-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP81-01930R000100330010-3 SECRET 7 OKB-2 Specialiste at Zavod No. .1. Todbereure (cont.) Title Specialty BUYER? Dipl. Ing. Project Preparation ' STOLLBERG SERASCR POELLBACI IC (R6oket) Section!' SCHELL Ing. tiFT4.7-.. ? MICHAEL'S Ing. Ing. aothz Plant Direction SECR.ET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP 50X1-HUM ? 50X1-HUM 1-01030R000100330010-3