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? . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP80T00246A020800410001-5 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 50X1-HUM This material contains information affecting the National Defense ,of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage Laws, Title 18, U.S.C. Secs. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation?of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. Copy sent to: FSTC (Army) 50X1 CONFIDENTIAL COUNTRY Poland REPORT SUBJECT Research Concerned With Diapause of DATE DISTR. DATE OF INFO. PLACE & DATE ACQ. InsectA Pests C:CeL NO. PAGES REFERENCES 26mar 63 50X1-HUM THic is IJNFVAILJATED INFORMATION 5 4 3 2 1 (STATE CONFIDENTIAL GROUP 1 Excluded from automatic. downgrading and declassification 50X1-HUM 5 4 3 2 I ARMY I NAVY I AIR [FBI IAEC INFORMATION REPORT INFORMATION REPORT CONTROLLED NO DISSEM ABROAD NO FOREIGN DISSEM ? DISSEM: The dissemination of this document is limited to civilian employees and active duty- military personnel within the intelligence components of the USIB member agencies, and to those senior officials of the member agencies who must act upon the information. However, unless specifically controlled in accordance with paragraph 8 of DCID 1/7, it may be released to those components of the departments and agencies of the U. S. Government directly participating in the production of National Intelligence. IT SHALL NOT BE DISSEMINATED TO CONTRACTORS. It 'shall not be disseminated to organiza- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP80T00246A020800410001-5 grIV1 I-111RA Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP80T00246A020800410001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP80T00246A020800410001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP80T00246A020800410001-5 HMI ut.:USE nu ANNU? AL REPORT IF:STITUTE OF PLLIT_TaCTECTIOY Gr4rwa1dz4a,109 Poznadi. 1:azimierz GIogowski THE CAUSES AM THE ROLE OF DIAPAIJSE OF. T1,sp9Tp PESTS ?:'FR OFFIM1 USE ONLY 610UP I Excluded from automatic downgrading and declassification I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP80T00246A020800410001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP80T00246A020800410001-5 ? FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Summary. - A diapause is one of the very important factors that enable insects to survive the unfavourable conditions, mostly seasonal changes of climate. Diapause can be induced by any of the factors of environment eg, tempe-, rature or photoperiod butgeneraly a group' of factors plays roleQ Survi- : Val of unfavourable period even in the state of anabiosis requires ha- -ving of reserve of nutritional components by-an organism. Data connec- ted with the ecoiogioal.and physiologicaI.aspecta of insect diapause have special value in case of control methods of noxiuus insects. An insect studied in this research is a typical representative of phytopha- gous:insects belonging to the ordarHymenOptera. Informations on the diapause of these insects are very scanty. In theese investigations we try to determine the.external factors that cause the diapause of Athalia calibri Chityt. and to study the chemical changes in the organism of in before and during diapause. Therefore we have reared this insect under artificial conditions in thermostates At various length of photo.,. period and at temperature that according to the literature is not favo- urable for appearance of diapause. These preliminary; investigations wed that photoperiod playa very important role:for the course of dia- pausis'of larvae of Athalia colibri. Short: photoperiod provokes the dia- pause while the long photoperiod causes a-pupation without resting pe- tiod, Up to now it was believed on the basis Of works of Riggert /1939/ and Saringer /1955/ that Ahe diapause of Athalia colibri is influenced by temperature. but photoperiod does not play any role. In our studies we exposed eggs, larvae and adult insect to various length of photope7 riod, while aringer exposed only larvaelnformations.received so far need to be studied in detail in next periods. Detail Report Introduction In the Case of noxious insects a diapause as a resistant phase of in- osect life to the unfavourable-Conditions is of special interest Survi- val of members of insect population in d.diapause Phase creates always a threat of an mass appearanceoof this pest; Chemical control is not fully effective and treatmenets must be repeated;,- at is general trend to base the plant protection on biological control methods and therefo-. re knowledge'of life cycle of pests and their restingstages is neceasa- . ry. Several papers were Published on various aspects of insect diapause. Bonnemaison /1945/ and Andrewartha /1952/ reviewed the effect of ecOlo- giaal factors on diapause. Lees /1955/ in his monograph on physiology of .diapause of insects reviewed the_literatute on this subject 'up to 19530 Limited space does nOt allow to make extensive review of the lite- rature In result of studies on the diapause of insects it was found that dia- pause may be caused by such external factors like teMperature, humidity and photoperiod. A0M*91er', or the other hand the Course of diapause is probably regulated by neurohormonal mechanism.: Every species has its own reaction to the factors provoking diapause but some groups of in- sects reacts in analogical way to the specefic faotors Biochemical pro- cesses before diapause and enzymatic proCeSses during the diapause were also studiedi? In spite of a number of various atudies-the list of in-' sects of which the diapause was studied large, and up to 1953 included less than two hundred species /Lees 1955/..- FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP80T00246A020800410001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP80T00246A020800410001-5 Especially little number of papers .deal with the diapause of sawflies Th.erefore this study was undertaken on the factors governing the mecha- nism of diapause of Athalia colibri. In the first phase of our research we shall try to determine the external factors causing diapause; in the .second phase we shall study to what degree chemical constituents of the insect body and enzymatic activity determine active and resting stages. Informations on the biology of Athalia colibri was found in papers by LizgelAii1939/91 Saringer7/1955/9,. Reich ?/1 961.41 96 2/_..- Although some of the se papers :have 'monographic charact er Saringer.-41 9 55/_. studies .dea- ling with 2 the biology.4iff : Athalia colibri are 2 incomplete; and need to. be va,rified.l. According -t :Riggert z /1 9391-the 'diapause of :Athalia .colibri is a ? function! of 1- fact ors. io mainly of !t emperature..._ It , would mean . that this a Ipseud.octiapause :/Saringer ? 1 955/ Treshold _values of tem- perature for .-tge.; diapause tdetermineg by ? Riggert 1193.9/ _ are t minimum -16..5 9 .and ?maximum 20..5 C Higher:temperatures last ing _ 24 'hours :caused :that _e.xp.osed ! and !larvae, pupated !without-diapause. Unfortu- natley 9 it ? was eno.t.: det ermrinede.what , stage ? is :receptive; to temperature that _ix.r.!eaks:prep.aring lfor! Riggert :accepted s.that other factors also influence ::the C ourse of diapause ? and 'part ? of coceons in his stu- dies -in ;1935 . stayed in. diapause !through 11 936 and emergence. of adults was. o.beerved lin.: June 937 .! Saringerl in ? his invest igations used ,larvae , of older:instars collec ged epi ember and studies ;the,: effect of _tempera- ture :ranging :from :1 8 to ? 22'C ....Emergence of s adults ;started . in . November and 3,asted:ountil .:May .2._ This -led Saringer to believe - that :apart of tempe- rature ,_there are also other: factors -responsible forediapause... He applied photoperiod :Of bus ,length -in the breeding of larvae, of second gene-- . ration :from the ? eggs .tb adult s ? hut . no ? differences were :observed in the behaviour: of, pupating larvae....., Therefore 7 SaringPer ? c oncluded _that_ phot 0- period not :play : any :role in ,the - diapause - of Athalia colibri._ Reich //f67/ ,repeated in some sense Riggert s :experiments :with :the _role of tem- perature - suppleme.nting ...them . by use of humidity.: Accepting results of works ? of ,Riggert and Saringer, ,. Reich stated that only temperature . causes the diapaube of Athalia colibri. It should - be , however- emphasized that Reich .used. the autumn- generation. _ Materials and-Methods _ Insects _ used . n :this study _were ? collect ed in field ; at :several,. ali- ie s Due :to abnormal , weather conditions in 1962 ..Athalia. colibria did not ? appear ! in -normal :number o! Spring ge nerat ion _that ;is normally obser- ved in P.oland in 'May:and ;first days ? June ??_. ape ared - ..1 962 at the 0.nd of June and in beginning Lof :Ju-1.y in ;very low; deh.sity.. , Larvae of 3rd Ito .5th inst az's oollected , in .the rape ; plant ations _ have . been ? used to :establish Ibreeding !stocks -sin . 4 cage s placed in.., plant at ion of field mustard The must ard was ? sown at different periods in order ,. to have :p.-],ants 4 of avarious size . Adult :sawflies that emerged -4 from 'cocoons : were ? collected and used for studie s on. Ithe e ffeo t ! phot ?period Adult s fed,, with 1 0% .water solution of: sugar- and mustard -?flowers :as:. a s.ourc e ,.. of nectar.. According Ito Re ich_ such :food c omb inat ion favors maxrc.09,1_ r-aultIplic at ion. Three, groups::of.. ineect s ,were re.aradounder described:conditions t . In th.ermost at . at ..ternperature 2. of . C and 1 1 hours automatically regulated .4_.photoper:iod o 29 -thermostat- -at ?temperatureof 25, C and . at 18: :hours,: automatically ?. regulated :;phot operiod . In the laboratory ? room without regulation - of temperature and at day length if this time of year. -3--- 4 I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP80T00246A020800410001-5 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP80T00246A020800410001-5 I. rq x P'Erthl. VI OW, ul v4,11 Theo were exaosed to"theseconditiots throughout whole first generati tixn leaees, lareae and adults/ and also in second if such aPpeared. Inseef were kept in 0.5 liter glass jars covered with metal mesh. Food was changed every day. Daily observations recorded': an ease of adults - longevity /number of laid eggs/ of adults in ease ae adults - mortality, moulting, migration into soil for pupa- 1 XI and adults emergence ' ?Reaults a/ E erements carried out showed that length of Photoperiod is an im- pertexa factor causing diapause of Athalia colibrie b/ Short ehoteperiod /11 hours/ at temperature 2500 caused diapause in gree majority of exposed population? e/ Long phet,eeriod at temperature 25PC Caused Pupating without diapause of great nueber of insect.: d/ Results of rearing of insects inl.aboratory room at various photope- riods confirmed results obtained in the above experiments. eJ Interference of effect of low temperature an short photoperiod in laboratory rearing was very clear and caused diapause of all insects in studied population.. Figures characterizing 'number of insects used in these experiments and effect of photoperiod on diapause are'given in the Table 1. . In order to show course of observed phenomenons it relation to time, a diagram showing emergence of adult:Sawfliea in every combination is prepared. As it is seen, pupation withoutdiapause is observed during 15-20 deers after migration of larvae into soil for pupation. At this time emergenee of adults reaches its maximum, Larvae Which are inadia- pause pupated in very lowerumber even at the relatively high temperature in the period from 15 to 50 days after migration to soil Rearing of adults and larvae in laboratory room in the period whehephotoperiodnbe- coe horter./frem 13.5 to 12 hours/ and temPerature'renged:from 15- to 23 C caused eneral appearance Of diapause. On the other hand, temperatu- re 19.5 to 25 C and 15 hours day in August favored mass emergence of adults without daapause? Discussion 2re1iminary studies showed- that photoperiod has direct influence on diapause of atalia colibri.. A slight tendency of the interrelation of the effect of teaearature and photoperiod was noticed in laboratory re- aring of inseea? In the lightePf these studies and of Saringer we may accept that :hi photoperiod determines diapause affecting egg stage or through femaaee oreanism, Purther experiuents will allow to solve this problem. Treshold tempeiatures which favors diapause determined by Rigaert,and aaringer need to be verified. They both claimed that temperature ,25 is unfaeourable for deapause but jai our weriments we did not observe auch ehenomenon. Cenalueions of Riggert,Saringer and Reich about importailce ef temperature are clear in the light of our studies. In their studies they used larvae of autumn generation whiph already had determined dia- pause by effect of short photoperiod. Therefore low te4eratures weee yiet responsible for causing the diapause amid acted only together witee phetoperiod, high teiperature reduced determinating action of pilo-tope.... rod on diapeuse. intoned abovieprocaems indieates that it is necessary to use in ex- RIR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP80T00246A020800410001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP80T00246A020800410001-5 psriments indidua1s of the first sUmmer-generation,-We shall be able sto.studythis,problem4n-the' next;year..- Conclusions Although,someexperithentSneedto'be,repeated we can make at Present _ _ the fpg:014g conclusions? Results of our Studies indicates that short photoperiod causes the diapause of Athal.a cbri Christ. bF Long photOperiod causes pupation without sc43, se, c. Determination of diapause by photoperiodfisydue tcyaction on egg Stage or on femals's organism. d. A correlation between action of temperature and photoperiod was noticed. Plan of Work ? In the next year we plan tip study. the following aspects of the. effect of photoperiod on ihsedt:idiapaUseg " a. In what dOelopMentaltagetho:diapause is determined b. Treshold values. ofFsngthofphOtoperiod which cause the diapause C, Interrelation of, the effect of temperatvre and photoperiod d, ireliminaryjtUdieS on:indireCt effect of photoperiod on diapause trough host plants-. also plan to start :chemical analySis. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP80T00246A020800410001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP80T00246A020800410001-5 s- In:flue:ace of photoperiod on the diapauseof-Turnip FuChrist. T able sawfly Athalia 1 Rearing conditions imagi n nes and larvae 11 hs photoperiod at 25'0 /$.1.1ermostat/ ? 18 hrs photoperiod. at /tilermostat/' ramber of Emergence o ob Served sawflie s du insects ring? period , of 30 Flays from migr a- t ion into sail in VA 236 174 149 Mortc1J,ty Diapausedl of larvae larvae in ii in so- AL 1.1.% 4,94: ? 68 4996 . 832 4098 65 32 13,5-12:hr. photoperiod. at 15(-)O-23-2 /laboratory/ 1-'5 hrs. photoperiod. at 19,5-C-2C /11.-)oratclry,/, ',135 30 .80,o 56 82,1 120 17,9 Cifla. USEMI 27,8 83,2 795 ii Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP80T00246A020800410001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP80T00246A020800410001-5 100 - 90 80 Dm 70 4-1 60 50 4-4 0 T) 40 44 to 20 10 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - . 10 15 20 25 30 . 35 40.:, 45 Days after migra.tioa of larvae into INFLUENCE OP PHOTOPERIOD ON THE DIAPAUSE OF TURNIP SAWFLIKOTHALIA COLIBRI CHRIST, / A-,11 hrs-photoperiod:at,25:Cithermostat/ Be-.18 lz,s phrAoperiod at 25'C /thermos,tat/, C- 13,5-12 hy,,s photoperio0. at,15'2O-2)("C /laboratory/ D- 15 hr s photoperiod at 19,5-C-25?C /laboratory/ ' 4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP80T00246A020800410001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP80T00246A020800410001-5 flRCIFFICIM SEUtly Literature Adkisson, POL. 1961. Effect of larval diet on the seasonal occurrence of diapause in the pink bollworm. J. econ. Entomol., t054, nr 69 B59 pp. 1107-1112. Balachowsky, A., Mesnil, Lap 1936. Athalia colibri Christ. /Hym. Tent-: hredinidae/ LA Tenthrede de la Rave. Les insectes nuisibles aux plantes cultivees. T.II Paris, 131) 1216-1219, Hodek, Ivo. /962. Experimental Influencing of The. Imaginal Diapause in Coccinella Septempunctata L /Col. Coccinellidae/ Part II. Ca- ,- sopis Ceskosloven6ke Spolecnosti Entometlogickie 599 4, ? Lees, A.D. 1955. The Physiology of Diapause in Artropods, Cambridge Mo- nographs in Experimental Biology. qv Reich, R. 1961.. Beitrage, zur Biologie der, Rubsenblattwespe /Athalia ro- ? sae Ld NachrB1..dtschPf1SchD.9 t.159 nr.89 A49 PP. 161-175. PO Reich, R. 1961. Erstflugsermittlungen bei der Rubsenblattwespe /Athalia rosae L./ als Warnmetode. Nachr El. dtschPf1SchD. .J.159 H.69 PP. 115-120.. 99 99. Reich, R. 1962. Naturliche Feinde der Rubsenblattwespe /Athalia rosae L./ Nachr B10 dtschPf1SchD.9 J.16, H.29 pp, 33-37. A 01 Reich, R. 1961. Untersuchungen uber die Bpidemiologie der Rubsenblatt- wasps /Athalia rosae L./ Nachr Bl0 dtschPf1SchD.9 t.159 nr 129 A49. pp. 245-253. - V Reich,. R. 1962. Uber de Moglichkeiten?einer Bekampfung der Rubsenblat- .. twespe jAthalia.rosae L6/ vom Standpumkt der Wirtschaftlich- -keit. Nachr El.'dtschPflSchD., J.169 H.69 pp. 101-11/. Reich, R. 1961. Zur Diapauze der Rubsenblattwespe /Athalia rosae I./ , Nachr Bl. dtschPf1SchD.9 J0159 H09 pp. 195-197. , 01'99 Riggert, E. 1939. Unterauchungen uber die Rubsentlattwespe Athalia colir bri Christ0 jAthalia spinarum F./ Z. Angew. Ent. 26 pp.462-516. Saringer Gyula. 1957. A Repcedarazs /Athalia roses L./ colibri Christ./ Tenthredinidae; Hym,/ Annales Instituti Protectionis Plantarum Hungarici., pp. 125-189. Wegorek W. 1959. Researches on the direct and indirect influenza of the photoperiod on the development and physiology of the Colorado, beetle. Trace Naukowe Inst. Ochr. Ro610 t.I, zeszyt '3o TAT inR IIFFICIAI 161; MIN Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP80T00246A020800410001-5