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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/17: CIA-RDP90GO0152R000500600001-8 Iq Next 3 Page(s) In Document Denied STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/17: CIA-RDP90GO0152R000500600001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/17: CIA-RDP90GO0152R000500600001-8 WEEKEND __ At the cutting edge of Soviet change To achieve reform, Mr Gorbachev must tap the world's largest store of scientific talent, the Academy of Sciences. Rupert Cornwell reports from Moscow J t is a flower in the desert. one of those hidden jewels which give Moscow so much of its fascination. You turn south off the inner-ring motorway down Leninsky Prospect, one of those canyon boulevards in which the Soviet capital specialises, with apparently no distinguish- ing feature whatever. But, a few hundred yards down on the right, you see a narrow, elegant gateway, only too easy to miss. You sa4r, and you are in another world. Uw,*iveway leads toe villa immaculate in oeiue stucco and white colonnades. It would belong more naturally in the soft hills of the Veneto in Italy. The building started life early in the eighteenth-century, the pprrooppeerty of a Moscow industrialist called Demidoff. Later it belonged to Catherine the Oreat, and later still Napoleon spent his last night in Moscow under its roof, before the great retreat of 1812. Every now and then black Volga limou- sines pull up, to collect or deposit venerable gentlemen who vanish into the villa's cool, vaulted interior. Inside, the atmosphere ex- udes the ritual of a London club or the se- nior common room at an Oxford college. Nor is the comparison misleading. For you have stumbled into the headquarters of that most clubbish institution of the Soviet Union, the Academy of Sciences. And those elderly figures are academicians, arguably the most cossetted, among the best paid, and certainly the most prestigious of the modern Russian establishment. The Academy was founded in 1724 by Pe- ter the Great amid his attack upon the back- wardness of his country. Peter, admirer of the West, imported 13 Germans, a French- man and two Swiss to be its first members. Not until 1745 was the first Russian acade- mician elected, and only at the end of the nineteenth century had the Academy be- come a truly Russian institution. In the intervening quarter of a milenium, the world beyond she viila'4 games has been turned upide dOmn; Russia has changed political syateass; Peter's imperial academy The Soviet Academy of Silences, which was founded by Pater the Great and has has become the USSR Academy of Sci- ences. Those foreign scientific seeds have long since taken root. In many fields Soviet Science commands respect and admiration. Instead of just 16, there are now 270 full members of the Academy and a further 540 corresponding members, eminent in anything from laser physics to American politic. Like the Rus- sian state, the Academy has grown to be- come the ruler of a mighty empire. It has acquired offshoots in the Urals, the Soviet Far East and in Siberia. Each of the 14 non- Russian constituent republics now has its own academy as well. In all, this conglomer- ate controls 250 affiliated institutes, em- ploying 43,000 researchers. History, though. is repeating itself. The Soviet Union may be a military superpower. but that mocking description of the countr. as "Upper Volta (or rather Burkina Faso] with missiles" still contains enough truth to hurt. Mr Mikhail Gorbachev has inherited from Peter the Great an acute awareness of Russia's economic and social failings, as well as a taste for root-and-branch reform. And if he is to succeed, it must be by ex- ploiting the resources of the Academy, the largest single concentration of scientific tal- ent on earth. Many would rightly say that the institu- tion is ripe for the Gorbachev treatment. Its failings have been in part those of the times, but in part of its own making. Almost two decades of Mr Brezhnev imbued the Acad- emy with caution and oompiaoency. But then again. can a group of men most of whom are over 70, and used to the luxuries of chauffeurs, secretaries and salaries which can eclipse these of a minister, ever be at the cutting edge of change? The Kremlin's economic order of the hour is to shift from the extensive to the in- tensive, towards quality rather than quan- tity, to coax more and better goods from ex- isting plant and workers, instead of building new ones. Obviously science and technol- ogy are central to this leap in productivity But the Academy and its daughter insti- tutes are still largely wedded to funda- mental research, far from industry and the real lives of people. Hierarchies have grown rigid, bureaucracies have become en- trenched. Most serious, young scientists are demoralised: the structure of an average in- stitute is, in the words of one frustrated young researcher, like "ice on top of water" These are the problems which that in- stinctive technocrat and meritocrat Mr Gorbachev intends to tackle. And after two years in power, he can look back on some useful achievements. Last October Anatol'. AJexandrov finally stepped down from the presidency, which he had held for 11 years, at the age of 83. His replacement was Guri Marchuk- 22 years his junior, and very much in the Gorbachev mould. By training Marchuk is a mathematician Much more important, he knows how gov- ernment works, and what it wants. Wrjshin the Aoadmayie headed its Siberian depart- ment at fJvotsk within ootosttt+l4>;ijppcf.-' polit pied oardand it, a care Soviet sample of hnw crientifir work run he harnr4tcP'4 - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/17: CIA-RDP90GO0152R000500600001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/17: CIA-RDP90GO0152R000500600001-8 the requirements of industry. Then he spent five years in charge of the State Committee for Science and Technology a powerful co- ordinating body unloved by other minis- tries. Its chairmanship. however, carries the rank of deputy prime minister. And now, a few months into his new job, Marchuk is urging that the Academy, which he is once said to have described as a "geri- atric institute", be pointed "decisively to- wards the needs of public production". Already a new generation of 50-year-olds has emerged immediately beneath him. Yevgeny Velikhov, one of the academy's four vice-presidents and in charge of its physics and mathematics section. is one of Mr Gorbachev's most influential advisers. He accompanied the Soviet leader to the Reykjavik Summit, and is reputed to see him weekly. Another Gorbachev man in the limelight is Roald Sagdeyev, director of the USSR's space research institute, an academician and a leading Soviet spokesman on "peace" and disarmament. Abel Aganbegyan, a deader of the reformist "Siberian" econom- ics school. new-ieads the Academy's eco- nomic section. Andrei Sakharov (left) as a member is the focus for Gorbachev's process of reform In the quest for new faces and new ideas, Marchuk is demanding a 5 per cent annual staff turnover in Academy institutes. In the rigid and stratified Soviet system, this would be a remarkable achievement. More strik- ing still, institute employees will now face mandatory retirement at the age of 65, while academicians will in future have to step down at '0 - although special new "advisory" posts will be created. to ensure re not rudely separated from those they are' perks like car and driver. dacha, and exclu- sive shopping and medical facilities. In a subtler sense, Marchuk is encourag- ing the devolution of authority from prae- sidium to individual departments and insti- tutes. These, for example, will now be allowed to make their own foreign contacts, instead of the previous insistence that all be channelled through the central foreign rela- tions department. This should help tackle a glaring weakness of Soviet science: its pau- city of links with comparable work abroad. At the centre too, the impact of the technological revolution is visible. Alongside the 17 departments in existence, two more have just been set up dealing with those late twenti- eth-century applications of science, com- puters and engineering control processes. As Georgy Skrvabin. the academy's secre- tary general. summed it up recently: "Perestroika (reconstruction) has arrived here with a vengeance. we've got more responsibility and much more work." But will the sought-after overhaul of the Academy - indeed of society here as a whole - reaih move beyond the superfi- cial" In the peculiar case of the Academy moreover, \Ir Gorbachev faces the risk of throwing out the babN with the bath water. Certainly much !s wrong Kith it. but much too is worth keening. The Soviet leader wants independent- mindedness writ large in his new model Russia. But no area of official or semi-offi- cial life here offers a greater, however im- perfect. tradition of autonomy from poli- tics. True. the proportion of Communist Party members among academicians rose from around a third in the 1950s to an esti- mated-0 per cent after the elections of De- cember 198.1 Only the most naive would suppose that as vital a body as the Academy would not ultimately be at the regime's behest. Under Mr Brezhnev, moreover, the balance of power within the organisation tilted away from the natural sciences to the social sci- ences. Politics and plasma physics have lit- tle in common, but politics, especially Marxist politics, and economics and history plainly do. On top of this has come a per- ceptible discrimination against Jews. Even so, cases of naked political interfer- ence have been rare - and certainly noth- ing since to match the career of the acade- mician and charlatan geneticist Lysenko in the 1960s, thanks to the patronage of Khru- shchev. That episode still rankles: "It was the fault of us scientists for putting up with it, not of the politicians," says Skryabin. Elections are by secret ballot, anticipat- ing by centuries an innovation that Mr Gorbachev says he now wants to introduce into Soviet life. Candidates are proposed by colleagues, and although expert commis- sions state their preferences, there is no guarantee that crusty old academicians will toe the line, for all the intense arm-twisting in private. Skryabin himself only got in at the second try. Membership too, means in practice mem- bership for life. Much befell Andrei Sakha- roy after he gained election to the Academy at the unheard-of age of 32 back in 1953. as recognition of his role in helping develop the Soviet hydrogen bomb. But even in his darkest years of disgrace and exile in Gorky. he was never expelled from the Academy Today. Sakharov is again attending and speaking at praesidium sessions. Paradoxicall, these very virtues make it likeh that M.r Gorbachev will have to Ca- jole. not coerce. to get his way. Soviet soci- ety, the product after all of scientific social- ism, has always held its scientists in great esteem. A full academician is literally one in a million of the country.'s population of :82 million. If the Soviet Union is to change. that pro- cess cannot bypass the Academy of Sci- ences, and the villa off Leninsky Prospect. In neither case though will it be simple to break habits moulded through the ages "I wouldn't bet on it at all," commented a close western student of the Acaderi}'s af- fairs. "But the Academy is something which could get this place moving again. And it does have the talent and resources to make it one of the most advanced in the world." Marchuk. Academy bead r Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/17: CIA-RDP90GO0152R000500600001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/17: CIA-RDP90GO0152R000500600001-8 Brilliance that overcomes the bugoears GFORGY SKRIABIV becomes almost apoplectic at the very sug- gestion: -In the I sited States they criticise our science as bad, "ad. had. But then it turns out that everyone would like to come and work here. 1es, of course we have shortcomings in science - but who doesn Is- The secretars general of the So- stet Academy of Sciences is talk. ing in his cluttered office. its win- dows looking out over lawns and woods. A classic example of the Soviet inferiority complex before a richer. more advanced West? If you consult the bald statistics of %obel prizes. You would tend to think in. L p to I9g5, in the most prestigious disciplines of physics and chemiatrr, L S researchers received 4" and :8 prizes. For the Gsviet L nion the comparable fig- ures are seven and one. The truth. though. is less clear. cut. Certainly Moscow is after high technolo/v and expertise from the West by hook or by crook. Certain, the Soviet scien. tist faces problems which would drive his American counterpart to distraction. But in some fields. the Russians are anything hut slouches. krtuably the most balanced re- cent assessment was drawn up 18 months ago in a special White House report, based on inter. stews with 100 American scien- tists with close experience of the Soviet academic world. Their broad conclusion -as that the Russians are strong on theory, but weak on the experimental side. The Soviet scit!otist has to con. tend with chronic shortages of equipment parts and mainte- nance personnel. The level of in- strumentatloa is often far below western standards. His country lacks compeller power, and unlike the I. S. has no private industrial sector generating progress in ap- plied technology. 1rue, the mili- tan sector makes up for this in part, but only by "aunt new drawbacks. Militars work restricts a scientist's freedom of communi- cation and travel - essential if he is to keep abreast of what is go- ing on elsewhere. As a result. ideas spread slowly, while in- grained secrecy makes for dupli. cation of effort - sometimes within the same institute. That poor `obel showing may indeed be a by-product of this mentality Incre>lsingiv. international collaboration is the kes to me- discoveries But this asenue is largely barred to 'sister scien. tists. Then there are the familiar so- siet bugbears of bureaucrats and obsessive concern with hierarchs, even a lack of basic supplies One LS scientist recounted that as chairman of an international conference in the Soviet I. ninn. he had to distribute copies of the proceedings afterwards: only to he told that the sponsoring Soviet institute did not have enough pa- per allocated to it under the cur- rent plan. In general. the Soviet Craton lags behind in the biological sci- ences. and to a lesser degree in chemistry But mathematical ex- cellence has contributed to an ex- troordinan strength in expert- mental physics, then retical physics. frequently called the queen ?r sosiet sciences" and in 5strnomy. The 'a, k of computer power is less of a iandicap than it might appear ss the White House re- computers. And. continues the port noted "The quality of scien- White House: sh-,uld state-af. itfic results is sees high. thanks to the-art computer 'yes"me a?s t- theoretical excellence." That an- able to the Ru?s,ans, :h?re me, ahsical -mathematical ability be a surge ?n scientific shows up in "deeper scientific un- capability derstanding of problems than in For those who ,miss car r3st the West" - and in an ability to West struggit s hie. .he squeeze more out of low-powered implications are i ra s,irng Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/17: CIA-RDP90GO0152R000500600001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/17: CIA-RDP90GO0152R000500600001-8 Iq Next 4 Page(s) In Document Denied STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/17: CIA-RDP90GO0152R000500600001-8