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Publication Date: 
January 3, 1952
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CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Director of Central Intelligence. For the purpose of coordinating the intelligence activities of the several Government departments and agencies in the interest of national security, it is the duty of the Agency, under the direction of the National Security Council? ( 1) to advise the National Security Council in matters concern- ing such intelligence activities of the Government depart- ments and agencies as relate to national security; (2) to make recommendations to the National Security Council for the coordination of such intelligence activities of the departments and agencies of the Government as relate to the national security; (3) to correlate and evaluate intelligence relating to the na- tional security, and provide for the appropriate dissemina- tion of such intelligence within the Government using, where appropriate, existing agencies and facilities: Pro- vided, That the Agency shall havens police, subpena, law- enforcement powers, or internal security functions: Pro- vided further, That the departments and other agencies of the Government shall continue to collect, evaluate, corre- late, and dissiminate departmental intelligence: And pro- vided further, That the Director of Central Intelligence shall be responsible for protecting intelligence sources and methods from unauthorized disclosure; (4) to perform, for the benefit of the existing intelligence agencies, such additional services of common concern as the National Security Council determines can be more efficiently accomplished centrally; (5) to perform such other functions and duties related to in- telligence affecting the national security as the National Security Council may from time to time direct. , Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/01/15: CIA-RDP86T00268R000800120077-9 k INTELLIGENCE ADVISORY COMMITTEE Director of Central Intelligence Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation Special Assistant to the Secretary of State for Research and Intelligence Director of Intelligence, General Staff, U. S. Army Director of Naval Intelligence Director of Intelligence, Headquarters, U. S. Air Force Director of Intelligence, Atomic Energy Commission Deputy Director, Joint Intelligence Group, Joint Staff (The Director of Central Intelligence will invite the chid, or his representative, of any other intel- ligence Agency having functions related to the national security to sit with the Intelligence Ad- visory Committee whenever matters within the purview of his Agency are to be discussed.) The IAC eras established by the Council to maintain the relationship essential to coordination between the Central Intelligence Agency and the intel- ligence organizations of the Government, and to advise the Director of Central Intelligence. NSC REPORTING UNIT Pursuant to Presidential directive, a small reporting unit has been established as a part of the NSC stall, to keep currently informed on the status of all national security programs, and to ensure that such status reports as may be required are made available promptly to the President or to the Na- tional Security Council. This reporting unit works with representatives of the responsible de- partments and agencies to ensure that the various status reports made by these departments and agencies contain the necessary information and fit together without _gaps or unnecessary duplica- tion. THE PRESIDENT NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL The President The Vice President The Secretary of State The Secretaly of Defense The Director for Mutual Security The Chairman, Nritional Security Resources Board, and ORGANIZATION CHART OF THE NATIONAL So IT COUNCIL The Secretaries and Under Secretaries of other executive depart- ments, the Chairman of the Munitions Board, and the Chair- man of the Research,and Development Board, when appointed by the President by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to serve at his pleasure. At the direction of the President the Secretary of the Treasury and the Director of Defense Mobilization attend all Council meetings and participate in all Council actions; other officials of the Ex- ecutive Branch 1 in considerition o speci c ma -roof direct concern to them. The C a cliTers777MTVATratt rulrinreMs in connection with the responsibilities of the Joint Chiefs of Staff as the principal military advisers to the Council. The Council advises the President with respect to the integration of domestic, foreign, and military policies relating to the na- tional security so as to enable the military services and the other departments and agencies of the Government to cooperate more effectively in matters involving the national security. The Central Intelligence Agency is under the direction of the Council. Executive Secretary: A civilian, appointed by the President, to head the NSC Staff. SENIOR NSC STAFF Members are designated by the President as Chairman of the Council, based upon the nomination of one individual each by: fye Secretary of State, .. , he Secretary of Defense, The Director for Mutual Security, The Chairman, National Security Resources Board, The Secretary of the Treasury, The Director of Defense Mobilization, -1fhe Joint Chiefs of Staff, and oThe, Director of Central Intelligence. A representative of the Pisychological Strategy Board participates as an adviser in all meetings of the Senior NSC Staff. At the direction of the President, other officials of the Executive Branch designate representatives to participate with the Senior NSC Staff in consideration of specific matters of direct concern to them. The staff is headed by the Executive Secretary. The Senior NSC Staff assists the Council in the preparation of coordinated policy recommendations to the President and in the marshaling of departmental and agency resources for this purpose. NSC STAFF ASSISTANTS Officials designated by the respec- tive members of the Senior NSC Staff and headed by a Coordinator, to assist the Senior NSC Staff On a full-time basis. NSC AD HOC STAFF GROUPS Established by the Senior NBC Staff from time to time for special projects and studies. Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/01/15: CIA-RDP86T00268R000800120077-9 January 3, 1952 INTERDEPARTMENTAL INTELLIGENCE CONFERENCE Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation Director of Intelligence, General Staff, U. S. Army Director of Naval Intelligence Director of Special Investigations, Headquarters, U. S. Air Force The NSC Representative on Internal Security, as adviser to the Council on internal security matters, participates as an ob- server and adviser in all meetings of the 'IC.) (Non-member agency representatives are invited as ad hoc members when matters involving their responsiblities are under consideration.) The IIC is responsible for the coordination of the investigation of all domestic espionage, counter-espionage, sabotage, subversion and other related intelligence matters affecting internal security. ' INTERDEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE ON INTERNAL SECURITY Special Assistant to the Attorney General, Department of Justice Director, Office of Controls, Department of State Director, Continental U. S. Defense Planning Group, Department of Defense Chief Coordinator, Treasury Enforcement Agencies, Treasury Department (The NSC Representative on Internal Security, as adviser to the Council on internal security matters, participates as an ob- server and adviser in all meetings of the ICIS.) (Non-member agency representatives are invited as ad hoc members when matters involving their responsibilities are under consideration.) The ICIS is responsible for coordinating all phases of the internal security field other than the functions under the purview of the IIC. PSYCHOLOGICAI, STRATEGY BOARD The Under Secretary of State The Deputy Secretary of Defense The Director of Central Intelligence Representatives of the heads of other departments and agencies of the Government as may, from time to time, be determined by the Board. (A representative of the Joint Chiefs of Staff sits with the Board as its principal military adviser.) Director: Designated by the President to head the staff of the Board. The Psychological Strategy Board is responsible, within the pur- poses and terms of Presidential directive, for the formulation and promulgation, as guidance to the departments and agencies responsible for psychological operations, of over-all national, psychological objectives, policies and programs, and for the co- ordination and evaluation of the national psychological effort. The Board reports to the Council on the Board's activities and on its evaluation of the national psychological operations, in- cluding implementation of approved objectives, policies and programs by the departments and agencies concerned. SPECIAL ADVISERS Spgelasildceonntsouri tntso r Councils oarl sp e committeesproj projects odr"sTundai designated by the